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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A teoria da justiça de Adam Smith: a confusão histórica entre justiça distributiva e caridade / Adam Smiths theory of justice: the historical misidentification between distributive justice and charity

Sanches, Almir Teubl 19 June 2013 (has links)
A presente tese trata da teoria da justiça de Adam Smith, especialmente das operações de linguagem realizadas por ela no conceito de justiça distributiva, contribuindo para o processo histórico de deslizamento deste conceito, a resultar na inexigibilidade jurídica dos temas distributivos e sua confusão com o conceito de caridade. Para isso, valemo-nos da metodologia proposta por Quentin Skinner e J.G.A. Pocock, de acordo com a qual é necessária a contextualização do texto, para se identificarem as linguagens da teoria política com as quais o autor teve que dialogar. Assim, a tese é divida em duas partes. Na primeira, buscando se tal contextualização, foram estudados autores que antecederam ou conviveram com Adam Smith, para se identificarem os problemas filosóficos por ele enfrentados e a maneira como buscaram resolvê-los. No primeiro capítulo foram vistas as instituições tradicionais escocesas, especialmente a jurisprudênciade Lord Stair (1619-1695). No seguinte, examinou-se o movimento de transição dos filósofos escoceses, buscando reformular tais instituições, a fim de adaptá-las à sociedade comercial inglesa, tendo em vista o Ato de União de 1707. Assim, trata-se da teoria da justiça de Gershom Carmichael (1672-1729), Francis Hutcheson (1694-1746) e Lord Kames (1696-1782). Desta primeira parte, notou-se que, na transição filosófica moral escocesa, foi dedicada especial atenção à concepção de virtude. Na segunda parte, no terceiro capítulo se fez uma contextualização histórica e notou-se que o conceito de virtude desempenhou um papel fundamental nos debates políticos ingleses dos séculos. XVII e XVIII. No quarto, tratou-se do papel da imaginação na teoria do conhecimento de Smith, falando-se sobre a imaginação simpatética (da filosofia moral), mas especialmente da imaginação teorética (das ciências naturais). Constatando-se a pretensão de Smith em aplicar o método da ciência especulativa a todas as áreas do conhecimento, conclui-se por sua necessidade de naturalizar as instituições sociais, a fim de que houvesse um objeto a ser espelhado (speculum) pelas ciências especulativas. Assim, no quinto, se viu como Smith procurou naturalizar a instituição social da linguagem. No sexto, como, através de sua história conjectural, buscou naturalizar a própria sociedade. No sétimo, como, apropriando-se de diversas tradições filosóficas, e operando deslizes em seus conceitos de virtude, Smith naturaliza sua concepção geral de virtude, decorrente da naturalização de suas quatro virtudes particulares (prudência, benevolência, justiça e autodomínio), fazendo com que ela não mais dependa de uma perspectiva de racionalidade prática. No oitavo, como a virtude particular da justiça foi restrita ao campo da justiça comutativa, que seria a única exigível, e como a justiça distributiva se tornou objeto da benevolência (caridade). No nono, como os temas distributivos foram relegados à política econômica. Ao final, concluiu-se que, com a naturalização da virtude e a restrição da exigibilidade da justiça ao campo comutativo, a possibilidade de distribuição deixou de ser matéria deontológica e passou a depender ontologicamente da eficiência produtiva, deixando a lógica distributiva a se referir a um critério racional deontológico de igualdade, passando sua causa a se submeter à lógica econômica de eficiência, e a maneira da distribuição, ao sentimentalismo moral da caridade. / The present thesis concerns Adam Smiths theory of justice, in particular the operations of language realized by it in the concept of distributive justice, contributing to the historical process of erosion of this concept and resulting in the judicial uncoerciveness of the distributive themes and their confusion with the concept of charity. For that, we make use of the methodology proposed by Quentin Skinner and J. G. A. Pocock, according to which the text must be contenxtualized, in order that the political theory language with which the author had to hold a dialogue with can be identified. In that manner, the thesis is split into two parts. In the first, aiming for such a contextualization, we study the authors that either preceded Adam Smith or were his contemporaries, so that the philosophical problems by him faced and the manners in which resolutions were attempted can be identified. In the first chapter the traditional Scottish institutions are seen, in particular the jurisprudence of Lord Stair (1619 -1695). In the following, we examined the movement of transition of the Scottish philosophers, which aimed to reformulate such institutions with the goal of adapting them to the commercial English society, in the light of the Union Act of 1707. Thus, the treatment is of the theories of justice of Gershom Carmichael (1672 -1729), Francis Hutcheson (1694 -1746) and Lord Kames (1696 -1782). From this first part, it was noted that in the transition of the Scottish moral philosophy special attention was given to the concept of virtue. In the second part, in the third chapter, after performing a historical contextualization, it is noted that the concept of virtue played a fundamental role in the English political debates of the XVII e XVIII centuries. In the fourth, the role of imagination in Smith\'s theory of knowledge is treated, discussing sympathetic imagination (of moral philosophy), but particularly the theoretical imagination (of the natural sciences). Having established Smith\'s intention in applying the speculative science method to all areas of knowledge, his necessity in naturalizing the social institutions in ascertained, in order that there is an object to be mirrored by (speculum) the speculative sciences. Hence, in the fifth, it is seen how Smith aimed to naturalize the social institution of language. In the sixth, how, through his conjectural history, he aimed to naturalize society itself. In the seventh, appropriating himself of various philosophical traditions and operating shifts in his concepts of virtue, Smith naturalizes his general conception of virtue, itself derived from the naturalization of his four particular virtues (prudence, benevolence, justice and self-command), so that it no longer depends on a practical rationality perspective. In the eighth, it is seen how the particular virtue of justice was restricted to the field of commutative justice, which would be the only claimable one, one, and how distributive justice became the object of benevolence (charity). In the ninth, we see how distributives themes were relegated to economic policy. Finally, it is concluded that with the naturalization of virtue and the restriction of the liability of justice to the commutative field, the possibility of distribution ceased to be a deontological matter and became ontologically dependent on productivec efficiency, leaving distributional logic to refer to a criterium of deontological equality, its cause submitted to economic\'s logic of efficiency, and the manner of distribution, to the moral moral sentimentalism of charity.

Meritocracia e responsabilidade individual no igualitarismo de John Rawls e Ronald Dworkin / Meritocracy and individual responsibility at John Rawls and Ronald Dworkins egalitarism

Oliveira, Mariana Ferrari de 17 October 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca realizar uma discussão pormenorizada de dois grandes teóricos da justiça distributiva: John Rawls e Ronald Dworkin. O objetivo é verificar como a meritocracia e a responsabilidade individual são acomodadas, de forma normativamente apropriada, nessas diferentes interpretações do igualitarismo, ressaltando suas justificativas para a existência de desigualdades socioeconômicas, isto é, sob que condições estas poderiam ser consideradas legítimas. Além disso, verificar-se-á que tipo de políticas públicas o Estado estaria autorizado a adotar, se levar em consideração as implicações de cada uma dessas concepções de justiça. / This dissertation seeks to accomplish a detailed discussion of two major theorists of distributive justice: John Rawls and Ronald Dworkin. The aim is to check how meritocracy and individual responsibility are accommodated, in normatively appropriate way, in these different interpretations of egalitarianism, highlighting the justifications for the existence of socioeconomic inequalities, that is, under what conditions these could be considered legitimate. Furthermore, this study will verify what kind of policies the state would be authorized to adopt, taking into account the implications of each of these conceptions of justice.

Interrogating need : on the role of need in matters of justice

Dineen, Christina January 2018 (has links)
Need is a concept that carries intuitive appeal in moral decision-making. As it stands, need is relatively under-theorised, given its currency not just in philosophical argumentation but in news coverage, charitable appeals, and political practice. Need claims carry compelling normative force, and they are amenable to widespread support as our most basic needs are some of the things we most transparently share with our fellow human beings. However, how should we understand that normative force? Is need best understood to compel us as a matter of justice? I begin my account by considering the kind of need relevant to the project. I build from an understanding of need as a three-place relation, which is by its nature needing for a purpose. I suggest that morally important needs are those which aim at the objective interests that all people have in virtue of what is good for each of us qua human beings ('non-arbitrary needs'). Further, I distinguish the existentially urgent subset of those non-arbitrary needs as 'basic needs.' Given this understanding, I consider how basic needs theory relates to its conceptual neighbours. I focus on capabilities as the nearest neighbours, but also comment on wants, interests, and rights. I judge that the theories developed by Martha Nussbaum (capabilities) and Len Doyal and Ian Gough (needs) benefit from a complementary reading, with each supplementing the other. I then draw from Amartya Sen's early writings on capabilities to ultimately see capabilities and needs as two sides of the same coin. This helps to situate needs theory in relation to a mainstream branch of political theory more generally, and indicates that we can recognise the special significance of needs without eschewing other morally important categories. I then move to establish a scope of justice that allows us to distinguish between duties of justice and other moral duties. If we think that duties of beneficence are weak and optional, whereas duties of justice are binding and enforceable, a great deal rides on how we characterise our duties to the global poor. I offer a 'moral enforceability' account, claiming that duties of justice are those which are, in principle, morally enforceable. It is the in-principle enforceability of justice duties which gives them teeth. Returning to need, I then ask how another's need comes to give me a moral reason for action. I canvas a range of existing accounts, many of which furnish important insights. I then propose that it is the morally relevant capacities of the being in need which gives them moral status such that their needing is morally significant. We are morally required to answer this need with responsiveness, as a demonstration of appropriate respect for the sort of being that the human in need is. If this is right, we are morally required to be responsive to need, even if we are not always required to reduce it. Finally, I bring the diverse strands of the foregoing argument together to return to the relationship between need and justice. I consider what a duty of responsiveness might amount to in practice, and suggest that our duties of responsiveness are best thought of as collective duties, grounded in the capacity of the global well-off to contribute. Further, I argue that duties of responsiveness are a matter of justice, as they are the sort of duties that are, in principle, morally enforceable. A wide range of threats to the necessary conditions for human flourishing, and even human life, are on the horizon, and many of these are uniquely collective challenges. The seriousness of those challenges, and the extent to which we have treated our responsibilities to those in need as discretionary in the past, means collective action and problem solving are called for when there are no easy answers.

Integrating Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Justice: Why Justice Depends on Relationship Quality

Jackson, Erin M 27 March 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to integrate research on Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and organizational justice by proposing and evaluating plausible interactions between LMX and the various dimensions of organizational justice. In addition, this study contributes to the sparse literature on antecedents to LMX by including three previously unexamined antecedents, which consist of basic intra- and interpersonal motivations (i.e., attachment, identity, and regulatory focus), that are under-researched compared to personality and demographic variables. Data were collected from 150 supervisor-subordinate dyads. Results revealed several significant LMX by justice interactions and indicated that interdependent identity levels (relational and collective) and promotion regulatory focus are positively related to LMX quality. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.


Carrasco, Heather 01 June 2019 (has links)
The primary objective of this study is to foster career outcomes such as job satisfaction and turnover intentions in early childhood educators (ECEs). ECEs are defined as individuals teaching children from the age range of birth to 5 years old and work in child care programs. The focus on ECEs population was due to the fact they work in demanding environments with little wage incentives, and as a result, they experience high levels of job dissatisfaction, which in turn leads to turnover. Research has demonstrated that most ECEs are intrinsically motivated, but previous research has not quantitatively tested this construct in a model. A third objective is to explore the role of person-organization fit (P-O fit) and person-job fit (P-J fit) as mediators. Prior research has examined fit a mediator for the K-12 teacher population but it has not been explored in ECEs. The last objective of this study is to investigate distributive justice on career outcomes through P-O fit and P-J fit. Data for the study were collected from a community-based sample. The participants were teachers that worked in the field of early childhood education. Our findings show educators’ motivation and perceptions of organizational justice have a considerable impact on their career outcomes. Our results provide support for the mediation model that we hypothesized. This study can also assist in the selection of early childhood educators by utilizing the intrinsic motivation to work with children to identify which educators are intrinsically motivated and assess their fit as it relates to a specific organization.

Modélisation du mélange de polymères chargés et de la casse de fibres rigides en extrusion bivis / Modelling filled polymers mixing and rigid fibres break-up in twin-screw extruders

Durin, Audrey 04 April 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons voulu exploiter et étendre les outils de simulation à notre disposition pour proposer des méthodes de caractérisation et de prédiction du mélange à différentes échelles. À l'échelle locale d'écoulements macroscopiques, nous avons voulu exploiter les possibilités offertes par le logiciel de simulation 3D éléments finis XimeX® et y apporter des améliorations dans le but d'obtenir un outil d'étude du mélange distributif de particules dans un polymère par extrusion bivis. Nous avons ainsi enrichi la méthode éléments finis existante à l'aide de la bibliothèque éléments finis CimLib© du Cemef pour atteindre une plus grande précision de calcul, puis nous avons testé plusieurs méthodes de lâchers de particules afin de simuler le déplacement de charges dans la matrice polymère au cours du mélange. Nous avons ensuite appliqué quelques méthodes de caractérisations du mélange, dont une inédite, à ces lâchers de particules, et ce dans le cas de plusieurs géométries de vis. À l'échelle de la particule, on s'est intéressé aux mécanismes conduisant à la casse de fibres rigides, telles que les fibres de verre, lors du mélange avec un polymère en extrusion bivis. Nous avons choisi de faire des hypothèses assez importantes afin de simplifier ce problème extrêmement complexe et nous avons proposé une méthode de simulation de l'évolution de la distribution des longueurs de fibres le long de l'écoulement basée sur la conservation de la masse des fibres. Nous avons utilisé comme paramètres de cette simulation les résultats de calcul 1D obtenus par le logiciel Ludovic® qui repose sur des approches de type ALH. Nous avons ensuite comparé quelques résultats de calcul à des distributions de longueurs mesurées sur des échantillons prélevés le long d'une extrudeuse bivis. / In this thesis, we have attempted to use and to extend previously developed simulation tools to propose characterisation and mixing prediction methods at different scales. At a local macroscopic flow scale, we attempted to use the possibilities given by the 3D finite element software XimeX® and to improve it in order to obtain a tool for mixing simulation of filled polymers in twin-screw extruders. Thus we have enriched the existing finite element method using the Cemef finite element library CimLib© in order to achieve a greater computation accuracy. Then we have tested several particle tracking methods to predict the fillers displacement into the matrix during mixing. Furthermore, we have applied several characterisation methods to these particles tracking results for different screw geometries. At the particle scale, we have focused on the mechanisms leading to rigid fibres (such as glass fibres) breakage during mixing with polymer in twin-screw extruders. We have some assumptions in order to simplify this extremely complex problem. We then have proposed a simulation method of the evolution of the fibres length distribution along the flow. This method is based on the fibres mass conservation. We have used the results of the Ludovic® software 1D computations based on lubrication theory as impute parameters for this simulation. Then we have compared some computational results to length distributions measured on experimental samples taken along a twin-screw extruder.

Interpersonal society : essays on shared beliefs, trust, mnemonic oppression, distributive fairness, and value creation

Hedberg, Per Henrik January 2012 (has links)
<p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2012. Sammanfattning jämte 4 uppsatser.</p>

The Political Economy of Federal Assistance: Demand-Side Determinants of New Awards in the 110th Congress

Lenard, Matthew A 01 December 2010 (has links)
An extensive literature examines how distributive (i.e., “pork barrel”) spending is allocated among congressional districts. Much of this research finds evidence that intra-chamber factors like ideology, party, and committee membership are the primary determinants of various forms of distributive spending. However, we know much less about how extra-chamber factors such as district-level demand and the economy impact the distribution of federal outlays. In this study, I find that district-level demand and variation in economic factors, in particular, income and unemployment, significantly predict the distribution of new bureaucratic awards in the 110th Congress. The results support the contention that districts get what they need, and this raises questions about the ability of members of powerful committees to steer awards selectively to their districts. It also provides evidence for the economic “law of increasing state activity,” by which districts with higher income levels receive a larger share of federal assistance.

Practices that are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement

Carlson, Dawn Michelle 09 February 2011 (has links)
African American students are disproportionately underachieving in public elementary schools (National Center for Education Statistics, 2003). School staff and school leaders need to understand why an achievement gap still exists between the White and the African American students on their campuses (Kafele, 2009; Noguera, 2003; Denbo, 2002; Ferguson, 2001). A few schools have made a significant difference in school achievement for students of color and researchers and educators need to identify what these schools are doing differently to promote student success, especially for African American students (Chenoweth, 2009; Carter, 2000; Reyes, Scribner, & Scribner, 1999). The purpose of this study was to identify the practices that are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement. The study took a holistic look at one diverse elementary school in order to highlight the practices that assisted in the school’s success with African American students and their achievement. The research questions for this study are: 1. What practices are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement? 2. What policies are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement? The framework for the study is based on Samuel Casey Carter’s Study of 21 High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools. The methodology for this study used qualitative research guidelines, was ethnographic in nature, and used a single-case study approach. The data was gathered through observations, interviews, focus groups, and analysis of documental data. The findings for effective practices include: Supportive Leadership, Implementing Change, Staff Development, Distributive Leadership, Departmentalization, School-Wide Programs, Student Resources, Teacher Resources, Communication, and Planning and Teaming. The findings for effective policies include: Open Door Policy, Student Placement, Site-Based Decision Making Committee, Parent-Teacher Organization, and Grading. The conclusions are that policies and practices must be in place for schools to run effectively and increase achievement. The specific practices and policies that appear to support African American students may be beneficial to campuses with similar backgrounds or demographics. Schools that embrace practices and policies, such as these are in a better position to enhance the achievement for all African American students. / text

Lyderystės kaip inovatyvios strategijos įgyvendinimo švietimo organizacijose vertinimas: vadovų ir pedagogų požiūris / Evaluation of implementation of Leadership as an Innovative Strategy in Educational Organizations in Managers' and Educators' point of view

Žvingelytė, Monika 17 July 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Šiuolaikinės švietimo organizacijos, siekiančios prisitaikyti prie nuolatinės kaitos procesų, kintančių vartotojų poreikių, privalo pačios inicijuoti pokyčius, skatinti inovacijas ir naujoves. Lyderystės, kaip inovatyvios švietimo strategijos vystymas, didina švietimo organizacijų konkurencingumą, veiklos efektyvumą, veiksmingumą, yra aukštos ugdymo kokybės bei organizacinės kultūros kaitos prielaida, užtikrina atsakomybės pasidalijimą. Magistro darbe analizuota lyderystės samprata, tipologijos pavyzdžiai, aptartas lyderystės reikšmingumas, atskleistas inovatyvių strategijų vystymo švietime reikšmingumas bei pasidalytosios lyderystės vystymo švietimo organizacijose prielaidos. Tyrimo objektas: lyderystės kaip inovatyvios strategijos įgyvendinimo švietimo organizacijose vertinimas skirtingose švietimo subjektų grupėse. Tyrimo tikslas: teoriškai pagrįsti lyderystės kaip inovatyvios strategijos įgyvendinimo švietimo organizacijose reikšmingumą ir atskleisti šios strategijos vertinimus švietimo organizacijų vadovų bei pedagogų grupėse. Taikyti šie tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė, anketinė apklausa (su atvirais ir uždarais klausimais), aprašomoji statistika. Tyrime dalyvavo Šiaulių miesto švietimo įstaigų pedagogai ir vadovai. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais daromos išvados, kad inovatyvios strategijos, susijusios su lyderyste, yra vertinamos palankiai, respondentai supranta jų įgyvendinimo reikšmę, tačiau jos įgyvendinamos ne itin aktyviai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the theme. As modern educational organizations seek to adapt to constantly changing processes and consumer needs, they have to initiate changes and stimulate innovations their selves. Leadership, as development of strategy of innovative education, increases competitiveness, efficiency and effectiveness. It is also an assumption for high quality of education and changes in culture of organization as well as assured sharing of responsibilities. Concept of leadership and examples of its typology are analyzed in the Master‘s thesis. Importance of leadership is discussed and relevance of development of innovative strategies in education as well as assumptions of development of distributed leadership in educational organizations is revealed. Object of the research: Evaluation of leadership as innovative strategy implementation in educational organizations in different groups of educational subjects. Purpose of the research: To theoretically motivate importance of leadership as implementation of innovative strategy in educational organizations and reveal evaluation of this strategy in groups of educators and managers of educational organizations. The following research methods have been applied: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires (including both open and closed questions) and descriptive statistics. Participants of the research were educators and managers of Šiauliai educational organizations. According to the results of the research the following... [to full text]

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