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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lågtempererade fjärrvärmeöar : Low-tempered district heating islands

Åsberg, John January 2023 (has links)
Sweden is a country that since long have prioritized the development of energy-smart solutions and the optimization of energy systems to reduce its energy consumption. Energy usage encompasses various needs, including heating buildings and premises, but most importantly, heating of residential properties. Today, nearly half of all heating is done through district heating, and the transition towards the idealization of this energy source is therefore crucial for future climate transitions. This development is now focused on a new generation of district heating technology called the fourth-generation district heating (4GDH). These technologies aim to reduce distribution temperatures from the current third-generation district heating technology (3GDH), which operates at 80-120°C in forward flow and 40-60°C in return flow, to 55-70°C in forward flow and 20-35°C in return flow.  The present report addresses what 4GDH may look like, with a focus on low-temperature district heating islands within an existing 3GDH network. The project is based on energy efficiency, competition from heat pumps, and recent customer demands, which necessitate the modernization of low-temperature networks to ensure the competitiveness of district heating. The objective of this work is therefore to gain an overview of the potential for improvement when establishing a low-temperature district heating network within an existing network, considering ecologic and economic perspectives. Using the programme NetSim, five different scenarios for conventional and low-temperature installations in Eskilstuna have been simulated. The results show that a low-temperature installation becomes significantly more expensive when only considering pipe prices, with economic losses amounting to approximately 1.05 million SEK in case 1 and around 0.91 million SEK in case 2. However, it was observed that the low-temperature networks in case 1 and 2 have significantly lower heat losses, primarily due to the material of the heat carrier but also the temperature difference in the pipes. An economic calculation was made, which revealed savings compared to the conventional network in each case, with profits of approximately 37 200 SEK and 24 400 SEK for each case, respectively. Regarding the assumed dimensioning, it is also evident that the hydraulic balance in the low-temperature networks is better than in the conventional one. In the lower temperature networks, temperature losses in the forward flow of up to 0.5°C and 0.6°C can be observed for case 1 and 2, respectively, while the conventional networks lose up to 6,4°C and 10,4°C. It can also be noted that there is a higher pressure drop in the low-temperature networks due to increased flow velocity to ensure power delivery. Furthermore, contact with Mälarenergi has confirmed that a hot water central system works well and should be utilized when switching from the primary network.

Integration of transition to the fourth generation of district heating and renovation practices in detached houses in Sweden

Hashempanah, Nikou January 2024 (has links)
Reducing energy consumption and transitioning to renewable energy are critical priorities today. As a major contributor to energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the building sector plays a crucial role in these efforts. In Sweden, district heating is the primary heat source for residential buildings, so this issue makes it essential to increase efficiency and the proportion of renewable energy in this sector to benefit both society and the environment. The 4th generation of district heating operates at lower supply and return temperatures than the current generation, soit can provide the opportunity to use more efficient technologies such as renewable energy sources. This transition requires significant infrastructure changes on both the distribution and supply sides. Additionally, certain practices on the demand side can facilitate integration with lower-temperature district heating systems. This study employs a PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technical) to evaluate the transition and integration of 4th generation district heating for detached houses in Sweden, which are major energy consumers in the country. A SWOT analysis is conducted based on the provided context following the PEST analysis. Finally, the resulting SWOT strategies offer recommendations for district heating providers, households, and regulators to simplify the transition to 4th generation district heating and its integration with renovation practices.

Creating Hot Incentives : The case of Luleå Energi's new price model for district heating

Sundström, Kristoffer January 2019 (has links)
In September 2017, Luleå Energi introduced a new price model on district heating for their enterprise customers with the intention to create stronger incentives for energy efficiency measures, and provide price signals that better correspond to the underlying production costs. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the intentions of Luleå Energi has been fulfilled, not the least in the form of improved energy efficiency among the affected enterprises. This thesis also provides a theoretical assessment of the new price model through conducting a literature review. The empirical analysis builds on theories addressing issues such as bounded rationality, profit maximizing firms, uncertainty, and imperfect information. The results show that the new price model may have been hindered by bounded rationality amongst the enterprise customers, and the overall low price level of district heating services in Luleå. Results also show that even if the new price model is fairly good at creating incentives, it could probably become more effective if the effect price component were based on enterprise customers current effect usage rather than the enterprise customers effect usage during the previous winter season. / I september 2017 introducerade Luleå Energi en ny prismodell för deras fjärrvärme tjänster gentemot företagskunder med intentionen att skapa starkare incitament för energieffektiviseringsåtgärder och förse marknaden med prissignaler som motsvarar de underliggande produktionskostnaderna. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida Luleå Energi’s intentioner har blivit uppfyllda, inte minst i form av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Studien kommer också att, med hjälp av en litteraturstudie, genomföra en teoretisk bedömning av den nya prismodellen. Studien applicerar teorier som begränsad rationalitet, vinstmaximerande företag, osäkerhet och ofullständig information. Resultaten visar att den nya prismodellen eventuellt hindras av begränsad rationalitet hos kunderna, och den överlag låga prisnivån på fjärrvärme i Luleå kommun. Resultaten visar också att även om den nya prismodellen är någorlunda bra på att skapa incitament så skulle den troligen kunna bli effektivare genom att basera effektpriskomponenten på företagskundernas nuvarande effektanvändning istället för företagskundernas effektanvändning under den föregående vintersäsongen.

Lågtempererad fjärrvärme i bostadsområdet Tullkammarkajen

Palmer, Simon, Sjöberg Åkerlundh, Theodor, Lomander, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
District heating plays a major part of the energy system used for heat supply in Sweden. The starting point of this parameter study have been to investigate the possibilities to provide the area Tullkammarkajen with efficient district heating supply in help of low temperature residual heat and waste heat from a nearby industry. The area is located in the city center of Halmstad and is currently in its planning phase. Facilities and apartments are planned to be built.The study is based on three different parameters: type of system, system temperatures and energy demand. The different type of systems that is analyzed is conventional districtheating, low-temperature district heating with a heat pump as a complement as well as low-temperature district heating with the primary network’s feed line as a complement. Further comparison was made between these parameters, both from an energy wise perspective as well as from an economic perspective.The underlying idea to this study has been to obtain an energy efficient solution that at the same time suits the principle of sustainable development. However, it can clearly be seen in the presented results that it is more profitable to use more conventional methods that are not adapted to sustainable development, based on today’s market. Thus, the question becomes whether the future of innovative solutions or economical funds should be prioritized.

Optimering av framledningstemperaturen i ett fjärrvärmenät genom lastmodellering och simulering

Eriksson, Stina January 2020 (has links)
I Sverige är fjärrvärme den vanligaste uppvärmningsformen. Vatten värms upp i en fjärrvärmeanläggning och distribueras genom nedgrävda rör i marken, också kallat fjärrvärmenätet. En tillförlitlig energimodell anses vara ett bra och viktigt hjälpmedel för analyser av värmeförluster som uppstår i ett fjärrvärmenät vid distribueringen av det heta vattnet. Sandviken Energis styrning av framledningstemperaturen sker idag utifrån en inställd styrkurva som tar hänsyn till vad det är för utetemperatur. Det var av intresse för studien att jämföra denna styrning med en simulerad framledningstemperatur och identifiera övertemperaturer i Sandviken Energis fjärrvärmenät i Sandviken. Detta gjordes utifrån att undersöka hur olika faktorer påverkade värmebehovet. De påverkande faktorer som studerats i detta examensarbete var följande: utetemperatur, månad, tid på dygnet och vindhastighet. Mätdata gällande valda påverkande faktorer hämtades för perioderna 2015 till och med 2019, analyserades och indelades för att se deras påverkan på värmelasten. Utifrån indelningen av faktorerna utvanns ekvationer från deras effektkurvors trendlinjer. Ekvationerna användes för att skapa en simuleringsmatris för styrningen. En egenskapad masterekvation simulerade den ideala styrningen utifrån simuleringsmatrisen och de krav på påverkande faktorer som ställs av ett exempel-år. Den ideala styrningen beräknades om till en ideal framledningstemperatur och jämfördes därefter med den verkliga framledningstemperaturen. Tillsammans med en värmeförlustsimulering i NetSim, som resulterade i vad sparad energi per grad är värd, kunde besparingspotentialen beräknas. Resultatet visar på att en besparingspotential på 261 MWh är möjlig att uppnå vid en sänkning av framledningstemperaturen för att utesluta övertemperaturer i fjärrvärmenätet, vilket är en minskning med ca 1,8 % jämfört med det verkliga året. Detta skulle motsvara en besparing på ca 70 000 SEK genom en förändring av styrningen. En minskad framledningstemperatur kommer påverka resten av systemet positivt, bland annat för att returtemperaturen kommer minska, rökgaskondenseringens och pannornas effektivitet öka samt minskade utsläpp i form av bland annat CO2, för att nämna några exempel. / In Sweden district heating is the most common form of heating. Water is heated in a district heating plant and distributed through buried pipelines in the ground, also called the district heating network. A reliable energy model is considered to be a good and important tool for analysis of heat losses that occur in a district heating network when the hot water is distributed. Sandviken Energi’s control of the supply temperature is based today on a set control curve that takes into account what the outdoor temperature is. It was of interest to this study to compare this control with a simulated supply temperature and identify overtemperatures in Sandviken Energi’s district heating network in Sandviken. This was done on the basis of examining how different factors affected the heat demand. The influencing factors studied in the thesis were the following: outdoor temperature, month, time of day and wind speed. Measurement data on selected influencing factors were collected for the periods 2015 through 2019, analyzed and subdivided to see their effect on the heat load. From the subdivision of the factors, equations were extracted from the trend lines of their effect curves. The equations were used to create a simulations matrix for the control. A custom master equation simulated the ideal control based on the simulation matrix and the demands on influencing factors set by an example year. The ideal control was recalculated to an ideal supply temperature and then compared with the actual supply temperature. Together with a heat loss simulation in NetSim, which resulted in what energy saved per degree is worth, the savings potential could be calculated. The result shows that a saving potential of 261 MWh is possible to achieve by lowering the supply temperature to exclude excess temperatures in the district heating network, which is a decrease of about 1.8 % compared to the real year. This would correspond to a savings of about 70 000 SEK through a change in control. A reduced supply temperature will have a positive impact on the rest of the system, including reducing the return temperature, increasing the efficiency of flue gas condensation and boilers, and reducing emissions such as CO2, to name a few examples.

Effektivisering av Visbys fjärrvärmesystem : Lönsamhet av returtemperatursänkande kundcentralsåtgärder / Increasing the efficiency of Visby’s district heating system : Profitability of lowered return temperatures from district heating substations

Olsson, Emil, Lövin, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Europeiska kommissionen pekar ut fjärrvärme som ett viktigt verktyg för att möjliggöra användandet av bränslen och värme som annars skulle gått till spillo. Primärenergianvändningen kan därigenom minskas vilket leder till minskade koldioxidutsläpp och ett mer uthålligt energisystem. För att kunna konkurrera i pris med värmepumpar och privata värmepannor behöver dock energiförlusterna i fjärrvärmesystemen hållas nere och ett ständigt energieffektiviseringsarbete behöver därför bedrivas. Förhöjda returtemperaturer från fjärrvärmesystemets kundcentraler är ett vanligt problem som indikerar onödigt höga hetvattenflöden och leder till ökade värme- och pumpförluster. I detta arbete har en beräkningsmodell konstruerats för att uppskatta hur mycket energi som sparas om satsningar görs för att sänka returtemperaturen ifrån felande kundcentraler. Modellen applicerades på Visbys fjärrvärmesystem och visade att systemets värmeförluster kunde sänkas med 10 procent och dess pumpförluster halveras om 62 procent av kundcentralerna åtgärdades. Detta resulterar i en årlig besparing på över 1 000 000 SEK för fjärrvärmebolaget vilket, tillsammans med den initiala kostanden för åtgärderna och fjärrvärmebolagets investeringskalkylsränta, ger att satsningen genererar en vinst på 4 300 000 SEK sett över tio år. Dessa kundcentralsåtgärder kommer också leda till förbättrad värmeleveransförmåga till Visbys innerstad då flödesminskningen är omfattande i den delen av nätet. / The European Commission view district heating as an important technology for facilitating the use of fuels and heat that would have otherwise gone to waste. In this way the primary energy usage can be reduced which leads to reduced carbon dioxide emissions and a more resilient energy system. To be cost competitive compared to private heat pumps and boilers the energy losses in the district heating network needs to be constantly reduced. Elevated return temperatures from district heating substations is a common problem that indicates unnecessarily high flow of water through the heat exchangers, which leads to increased heat- and pressure losses in the network. In this study a framework of calculations has been constructed to estimate how much energy can be saved if measures are taken to reduce the return temperatures of underperforming district heating substations. The calculations are applied on the district heating network of the historical Swedish city of Visby on the island of Gotland. It is shown that the distribution heat losses could be reduced by 10 percent and the pumping power could be halved if 62 percent of all substations were to be fixed. This will result in annual savings of over 1 000 000 SEK for the district heating company which, together with the initial investment in substation maintenance and the company’s discount rate for investments, results in a total profit of 4 300 000 SEK over a ten-year period. Improved heat delivery capability to the medieval city center is also expected as the mass-flow reductions in that area are considerable.

Hybrid solar district heating: combinations of high and low temperature solar technologies : A case study of Swedish DH system

Giorgio, Lucrezia January 2021 (has links)
In Sweden, the residential and industrial energy demand is provided by a significant part of district heating. In a decarbonization plan to reduce the CO2 emissions, the integration of a large-scale solar system in the district heating can be a suitable option. The most used types of collectors are flat plate collectors (FPC), for which efficiency drops at high temperature levels. Parabolic through collectors (PTC) have seen increased interest in later years, due to their higher efficiency at higher temperature levels, which could improve system performance both energetically and economically. A hybrid concept using a combination of FPC and PTC for a solar thermal system has previously been studied for a solar district heating system in Denmark, with the aim to maximize the solar production by operating the solar collectors in the temperature ranges where they excel. The first aim of this thesis was to adapt the hybrid solar system in a district heating system for a Swedish case study and to evaluate if the hybrid optimization studied has similar positive effects in the overall thermal production of the system in Sweden, as it did in Denmark. The second aim of this thesis was to investigate the use of photovoltaic thermal collectors (PVT) instead of FPC for parts of the solar thermal system. With PVT, a single solar collector module allows for simultaneous production of heat and electricity and integration of photovoltaic thermal collectors in the solar assisted district heating could improve the overall performance of the system, both in terms of energy production and economical gain.The study was performed using the simulation tool TRNSYS based on a model developed in a danish case study. It was performed a parametric analysis on the percentage of share of the different types of solar collectors in the total area. The results given from the simulations have been used to carry out an economic evaluation based on the levelized cost of substituted energy, the annual operation and maintenance costs, and the marginal operational cost difference between a conventional district heating system supplied by a boiler only and a solar assisted district heating system. Based on the results found, it has been proved that a greater proportion of parabolic trough collectors in the solar field contribute to a greater production of thermal energy but also to higher expenses in the economy of the project. The best configuration which balanced these two factors was composed by 70 % of flat plate collectors and 30 % of parabolic trough collectors, based on the total area. The integration of photovoltaic thermal has been demonstrated to be not cost-effective for the studied location compared to the optimized ratio of FPC to PTC, mainly due to the high and uncertain price of the new technology. The use of photovoltaic thermal system is not yet widely developed in projects and there are only a few existing projects in operation today. In the future, the development of photovoltaic thermal in solar assisted district heating projects might have a higher realizable economic potential due to the industry learning curve, but more studies will need to be performed on this.

Reducerande ventiler i fjärrvärmenätet : Reducerande ventilers påverkan på framtidens fjärrvärmenät

Öhman, Felix January 2023 (has links)
Fjärrvärmen utgör omkring hälften av all uppvärmning som sker i Sverige idag och har utöver det en viktig roll då den tar vara på mycket energi som annars hade gått till spillo. Att kunna vara ekonomiskt konkurrenskraftig gentemot andra uppvärmningsalternativ är en viktig del för fjärrvärmens fortsatta utveckling. Det finns flera alternativ och möjligheter att göra detta, ett av dem är att hålla nere driftkostnaderna. Det kan bland annat göras genom att minska tryckfallen i näten, som även kan ge en ökad expansionsmöjlighet. Idag används främst avstängningsventiler med reducerande genomlopp i näten, främst på grund av den billigare investeringen. Trots detta saknas en kunskap om hur dessa ventiler påverkar näten sett till tryckfall, drift- och investeringskostnader jämfört med ventiler med fullt genomlopp. För att undersöka detta har två metoder använts för att komplettera varandra och öka förståelsen för ventilerna. Den första metoden beräknade det generella fallet teoretiskt för att se vid vilka flöden som ventiler med fullt genomlopp är mer gynnsamma. Den andra metoden beräknade ett specifikt fall med simuleringar i ett verkligt nät med de olika ventilerna och beräkna vilken som är den mest ekonomiskt gynnsamma. Resultaten av det generella fallet visar att ventiler med fullt genomlopp blir mer gynnsamma när flödeshastigheten överstiger omkring 1 m/s, oavsett dimension, beräknat på under 30 år med ett elpris på 1,50 kr/kWh. Vid dimensionering av nät är det vanligt att använda 1,5 - 2,0 m/s, detta utgör ofta en liten del av nätets drifttid och är ofta lägre. Beräkning av det specifika fallet visade att ventiler med reducerande genomlopp är det ekonomiska alternativet då återbetalningstiden för ventiler med fullt genomlopp var över 600 år vid 1,50 kr/kWh. Utifrån detta kan slutsatsen dras att ventiler med fullt genomlopp inte bör ersätta reducerande genomlopp, utan att det i stället handlar om att identifiera de delar i nätet som utgör, eller kan komma att utgöra, en strypning eller förträngning i nätet där höga flödeshastigheter kan förekomma och möjligtvis byta till fullt genomlopp. / District heating makes up about half of all heating that takes place in Sweden today and, in addition to that, has an important role as it makes use of a lot of energy that would otherwise have been wasted. Being able to be economically competitive against other heating alternatives is an important part of the continued development of district heating. There are several options to do this, one of which is to keep operating costs down. This can be done by reducing the pressure drops in the networks, which can also provide an increased possibility of expansion. Today, shut-off valves with reducing throughput are mainly used in networks, often because of the cheaper investment. Despite this, there is a lack of knowledge about how these valves affect the networks, which is attributed to pressure drop, operating and investment costs compared to valves with full flow. To investigate this, two methods have been used to complement each other and increase the understanding of the valves. In the first method, the general case is calculated theoretically to see at which flows valves with full flow are advantageous. The second method calculates a specific case with simulations in a real network with the different valves and calculates which one is the most economically advantageous. The results of the general case show that valves with full flow become more advantageous when the flow rate exceeds about 1 m/s, regardless of dimension, calculated over 30 years with an electricity price of SEK 1.50 /kWh. When dimensioning networks, 1.5 - 2.0 m/s is a common value, this often constitutes a small part of the network's operating time and is often lower. Calculation of the specific case showed that valves with reducing throughput are the economic alternative as the payback period for valves with full throughput was over 600 years at SEK 1.50/kWh. Based on this, the conclusion can be drawn that valves with full throughput should not replace reducing throughput, but that it is instead a question of identifying the parts of the network that constitute a throttling or constriction in the network where high flow rates can occur and possibly switch to valves with full throughput.

Värmeförluster i fjärrvärmerör : En granskning av värmeförluster i fjärrvärmerör / Heat losses in district heating pipes : A study of heat losses in district heating pipes

Behnam, Majd, Karlsson, Axel January 2017 (has links)
Den här examensarbete är en utredning av värmeförluster och ekonmiska besparingar av olika fjärrvärmerör. En fiktiv fjärrvärmeförläggning på 100m, för respektive dimension av fjärrvärmerör, har legat till grund för beräkningarna. Syftet är att få en klar bild på hur lönsamt det är att använda sig utav isoleringsserie 3 istället för isoleringsserie 2 alternativt dubbelrör med isoleringsserie 2 när förutsättningar tillåter detta.Resultaten visar att dubbelrör i mindre dimensioner har en lägreinvesteringskostnad, har lägre värmeförluster och ger en större vinst än vad enkelrör serie 2 och serie 3. För dubbelrör i större dimensioner så är investeringskostnaderna något högre men värmeförlusterna mycket lägre.I jämförelsen mellan serie 2 och serie 3 så är serie 3 lönsamt i båda fallen.Dessa resultat visar att det gynnar fjärrvärmenätägare i längden att använda sig utav en högre isoleringsserie alternativt dubbelrör.Examensarbetet har ej utrett miljöpåverkan av respektive rör, ej heller har kontirör undersökts. / This thesis is an evaluation of heat losses and economical savings for different types of district heating pipes. Calculations have been based on a fictional district heating system with the length 100m, for each district heating pipe dimension. The cause is to get a clear image of how profitable it is to use a higher series of insulation alternatively using twin pipes when it’s possible.The results show that twin pipes in lower dimensions has a lower investment cost, less heat losses and is more profitable than insulation series 2 and series 3. When it comes to twin pipes with a higher dimension the investment cost is slightly higher than single pipe insulation series 3, though the heat losses are much lower.The comparison between series 2 and series 3 show that series 3 is more profitable in both cases.These results show that it’s profitable for the network owners in the long-term to use either a higher insulation series or twin pipes.No evaluation of neither the impact on the environment or district heating pipes with diffusion barrier, has been done.

Metodología práctica para evaluar la viabilidad de redes de frio y calor urbanas integrando energía solar y biomasa en la España cálida

Galvany Castillo, Francisco Jose 01 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] For more than a decade, the urban heat networks (District Heating, DH) combined with the use of renewable energies have been consolidated as a leading tool for energy efficiency and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Among the various possibilities of generation in the North and Central Europe, with little or no annual demand for comfort cooling, since the 80s a large number of facilities, that use solar energy with large seasonal accumulators capable to store surplus heat captured in the period of increased solar availability and minimum demand (summer) and hold until the time of heating demand (autumn), have been built. In this type of installation, the cost of seasonal storage represents a significant percentage of investment for DH. In warmer countries of southern Europe, as in the case of Spain, where in most of the territory the energy demand for cooling is more important or the same order as the heating demand, and taking into account the high costs incurred by the seasonal deposits, a more efficient solution would be using solar energy in summer to cover a percentage of the cooling by thermal chillers (absorption / adsorption). These systems today have little implementation compared to the previous ones, and design criteria do not allow a systematic approach regarding the possible configurations and sizing of the various teams. This Is the technical solution proposed in this thesis. In the present thesis, after a timely review of the state of the Solar District Heating art, SDHC, a technical solution is proposed, intended to be easily replicable, of generation for a solar installation of hot and cold coupled to an urban network to four tubes, District Heating & Cooling, DHC. In addition, practical aspects of the business model for the operation of the network are reviewed. Two TRNSYS dynamic simulation models are developed: One for the DHC and one prior to the study of demand. A practical methodology is also provided on a first initial study to evaluate the technical and economic viability of future projects based on the same technical solution. Finally, the discussion in the previous chapters is expressed in the development of a case study. The DHC studied supplied cold and heat to 2,228 new housing in a suburb of Valencia capital. In view of energy, economic and environmental results of the case study, it is concluded that the proposal for a DHC in Valencia, as the representative city of the warm Spain, technical solution is a viable option generation and energy supply in the residential sector (and associated tertiary). / [ES] Desde hace más de una década, las redes de calor urbanas (District Heating, DH) combinadas con el uso de energías renovables se han consolidado como una herramienta de primer orden para la eficiencia energética y la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Entre las distintas posibilidades de generación, en los países del Norte y Centro de Europa, con escasa o nula demanda anual de refrigeración en las viviendas, desde los años 80 se han construido un gran número de instalaciones que utilizan energía solar con grandes acumuladores estacionales capaces de almacenar el calor excedente captado en la época de mayor disponibilidad solar y mínima demanda (verano), y mantenerlo hasta la época de demanda de calefacción de otoño. En este tipo de instalaciones, el coste del acumulador estacional representa un porcentaje muy significativo dela inversión para el DH. En los países más cálidos de Sur de Europa, como el caso de España, donde en gran parte del territorio la demanda energética para refrigeración es más importante o del mismo orden que la demanda de calefacción, y teniendo en cuenta el alto coste que suponen los depósitos estacionales, una solución más eficiente podría ser la que utiliza la energía solar en época estival para cubrir un porcentaje de la demanda de frío mediante enfriadoras térmicas (absorción/adsorción). Estos sistemas tienen, a día de hoy, poca implantación en comparación con los anteriores, y no existen criterios de diseño consolidados que permitan una sistemática en cuanto a las posibles configuraciones y dimensionamiento de los distintos equipos. Esta última opción es la solución técnica que se propone en esta tesis. En la presente tesis, tras una oportuna revisión del estado del arte de los Solar District Heating, SDHC, se propone una solución técnica de generación, que se pretende fácilmente replicable, para una instalación solar de frío y calor acoplada a una red urbana a cuatro tubos, District Heating & Cooling ,DHC. Además, se revisan aspectos prácticos del modelo de negocio para la explotación de la red. Se desarrollan dos modelos de simulación dinámica TRNSYS: uno para el DHC y uno previo para el estudio de la demanda. También se proporciona una metodología práctica que permita, en un primer estudio inicial, evaluar la viabilidad técnico-económica de los futuros proyectos basados en la misma solución técnica. Por último, lo expuesto en los capítulos previos se concreta en el desarrollo de un caso práctico. El DHC estudiado suministra frío y calor a 2.228 viviendas de nueva construcción en barrio periférico de Valencia capital. A la vista de los resultados energéticos, económicos y medioambientales obtenidos en el estudio del caso, cabe concluir que la solución técnica propuesta para un DHC en Valencia, como ciudad representativa de la España cálida, constituye una opción viable de generación y suministro energético en el sector residencial (y terciario asociado). / [CA] Des de fa més d'una dècada, les xarxes de calor urbana (District Heating, DH) combinades amb l'ús d'energies renovables s'han consolidat com una ferramenta de primer orde per a l'eficiència energètica i la reducció d'emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle. Entre les distintes possibilitats de generació, en els països del Nord i Centre d'Europa, amb escassa o nul.la demanda anual de refrigeració en les vivendes, des dels anys 80 s'han construït un gran nombre d'instal·lacions que utilitzen energia solar amb grans acumuladors estacionals capaços d'emmagatzemar la calor excedent captat en l'època de major disponibilitat solar i mínima demanda (estiu) i mantindre-ho fins a l'època de demanda de calefacció. En este tipus d'instal·lacions, el cost de l'acumulador estacional representa un percentatge molt significatiu de la inversió per al DH. En els països més càlids de Sud d'Europa, com el cas d'Espanya, on en gran part del territori la demanda energètica per a refrigeració és més important o del mateix orde que la demanda de calefacció, i tenint en compte l'alt cost que suposen els depòsits estacionals, una solució més eficient podria ser la que utilitza l'energia solar en època estival per a cobrir un percentatge de la demanda de fred per mitjà de refrigeradors tèrmiques (absorció/adsorció). Estos sistemes tenen a hores d'ara poca implantació en comparació amb els anteriors, i els seus criteris de disseny tampoc permeten un criteri sistemàtic quant a les posibles configuracions i dimensionament dels distints equips. És la solució tècnica que es proposa en esta tesi. En la present tesi, després d'una oportuna revisió de l'estat de l'art dels Solar District Heating, SDHC, es proposa una solución tècnica, que es pretén fàcilment replicable, de generació per a una instal·lació solar de fred i calor acoblada a una xarxa urbana a quatre tubs, District Heating & Cooling, DHC. A més, es revisen aspectes pràctics del model de negoci per a l'explotació de la xarxa. Es desenrotlla dos models de simulació dinàmica TRNSYS: un per al DHC i un previ per a l'estudi de la demanda. També es proporciona una metodología pràctica que permeta, en un primer estudi inicial, avaluar la viabilitat tècnic-econòmica dels futurs projectes basats en la mateixa solució tècnica. Finalment, allò que s'ha exposat en els capítols previs es concreta en el desenrotllament d'un cas pràctic. El DHC estudiat subministra fred i calor a 2.228 vivendes de nova construcció en barri perifèric de València capital. A la vista dels resultats energètics, econòmics i mediambientals obtinguts en l'estudi del cas, cal concloure que la solució técnica proposta per a un DHC a València, com a ciutat representativa de l'Espanya càlida, constituïx una opció viable de generació i subministrament energètic en el sector residencial (i terciari associat). / Galvany Castillo, FJ. (2016). Metodología práctica para evaluar la viabilidad de redes de frio y calor urbanas integrando energía solar y biomasa en la España cálida [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61306

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