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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heat demand profiles of buildings' energy conservation measures and their impact on renewable and resource efficient district heating systems

Lundström, Lukas January 2016 (has links)
Increased energy performance of the building stock of European Union is seen as an important measure towards mitigating climate change, increasing resource utilisation efficiency and energy supply security. Whether to improve the supply-side, the demand-side or both is an open issue. This conflict is even more apparent in countries such as Sweden with a high penetration of district heating (DH). Many Swedish DH systems have high share of secondary energy resources such as forest industry residuals, waste material incineration and waste heat; and resource efficient cogeneration of electricity in combined heat and power (CHP) plants. When implementing an energy conservation measure (ECM) in a DH connected building stock, it will affect the operation of the whole DH system. If there are CHP plants and the cogeneration of electricity decreases due to an ECM, and this electricity is valued higher than the fuel savings, the consequences of the ECM would be negative.  These complex relationships are investigated by conducting a case study on the Eskilstuna DH system, a renewable energy supply system with relatively high share of cogenerated electricity. Heat demand profiles of ECMs are determined by building energy simulation, using recently deep energy retrofitted multifamily buildings of the “Million Programme”-era in Eskilstuna as model basis. How implementing ECMs impact on the DH system’s heat and electricity production under different electricity revenue scenarios has been computed and evaluated in terms of resource efficiency and CO2 emissions.  The results show that different ECMs in the buildings impact differently on the DH system. Measures such as improved insulation level of the building’s envelope, that decrease the heat demand’s dependence to outdoor temperature, increase the amount of cogenerated electricity. While measures such as thermal solar panels, which save heat during summer, affects the absolute amount of cogenerated electricity negatively. Revenues from cogenerated electricity influence the amount of cost-effectively produced electricity much more than the impact from ECMs. Environmental benefits of the ECMs, measured in CO2 emissions and primary energy consumption, are quite small in DH systems that have high share of forest residual fuels and electricity cogeneration. The consequences can even be negative if ECMs lead to increased need of imported electricity that is produced resource inefficiently or/and by fossil fuels. However, all studied ECMs increase the relative amount of cogenerated electricity, the ratio between amount of cogenerated electricity and the heat load. This implied that all ECMs increase the overall efficiency of the Eskilstuna DH system.

Sustainable production of bio-energy products in the sawmill industry

Vidlund, Anna January 2004 (has links)
<p>One of the great challenges facing society is to convert theglobal energy system to a sustainable process. Currently, 80%of the world´s energy is supplied through the combustionof fossil fuels. Not only are the fossil resources limited, theutilisation also increases the level of greenhouse gases in theatmosphere. The convertion to a sustainable energy system isproblematic since the technology needed to exploit mostnon-fossil energy sources is not yet fully developed, e.g.solar energy. Biofuel is an available renewable energy sourcewhich is already widely used in many countries. If an effectiveswitch-over from fossil fuels to biofuels is to be realised,biofuels must be viewed as a limited resource. Consequently, itis important that the handling, upgrading and utilisationprocesses involving biofuels are efficient so that itspotential can be fully exploited.</p><p>This thesis considers efficient biofuel utilisation andupgrading within the sawmill industry. The goal has been toanalyse not only the technical opportunities for energy savingsin the sawmill industry, but also to analyse the costeffectiveness and environmental impact of studied measures. Theheat demand of the sawmill industry is almost completelycovered by its own by-products; primarily bark, sawdust andwood chips. The increased demand and improved economic value ofwoody biofuels on the market is thus an incentive for thesawmill industry to place more focus on energy issues. Thesawmill industry also has a more or less constant heat loadover the year, which is a beneficial factor for integrationwith district heating networks, biofuel upgrading plants andcombined heat and power plants.</p><p>The conclusion of the study is that a variety of energyproducts such as heat, unrefined biofuel, pellets andelectricity can be efficiently produced in the sawmill industryand sold for profit to external customers. The payback periodsfor the proposed investments are moderate and both theemissions of volatile organic compounds and global CO2 aredecreased. Should the proposed measures be fully implemented atSwedish sawmills, about 2.8 TWh of biofuel could be savedannually, 0.5 TWh of waste heat could be sold as districtheating and 0.8 TWh of green electricity could be produced.Language: English</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Sawmill industry, energy efficiency, heatrecovery, integration, biofuel, upgrading, district heating,fuel pellets, CHP, VOC, CO2</p>

Feasibility study of a district heating system in the Spanish city of Gijón

Sánchez García, Luis January 2017 (has links)
The current energy context is characterized by the absolute necessity to reduce carbon emissions in order to tackle climate change and avoid its bleakest consequences. Furthermore, the overall energy supply system presents plentiful inefficiencies that lead to outrageous waste of energy.                 Spain's energy outlook is also marked by its astonishingly high energy dependence, which has contributed to its secular deficit in the trade balance.                 District heating systems permit to cover the heat demand from the residential, service and some components of the industrial sector utilizing excess heat that otherwise would be wasted, thus, reducing the total primary energy demand. In addition, they ease the development of renewables and enable a a reduction of greenhouse emissions and other hazardous gases.                 Despite its their advantages towards the fulfilment of climate change goals and the improvement of the country's economic situation,  they they only represent an insignificant contribution to Spain's heat demand. The main target of this dissertation has been to determine the economic feasibility of regarding the development of a district heating system in the Spanish city of Gijón.                 The city of Gijón counts on several parameters that allow the development of a centralized supply, such as several sources of excess heat and a high population density with little urban sprawl. However, other circumstances such as the low specific heat demands endanger the success of these systems.                 The first step towards the determination of the economic feasibility has been to assess the heat demands of the different subsectors that comprise the building stock. Particular care has been taken in order to attain the most realistic figures to supplement lack of official statistics with other sources. Furthermore, the final results have been compared to other independent evaluations, allowing to determine its accuracy.                 Following the calculation of heat demands, the attention is focussed on the estimation of the costs of the different elements that entail the construction and operation of a district heating system; the construction and maintenance of the distribution network, the heat supply, and the interface between the distribution network and the customer's systems, the substations. The assessment of these expenses has endeavoured to be rather conservative.                 The estimation of the specific cost of heat for the district heating system and its contrast with current forms of heat supply has allowed drawing the conclusion that the new network would be economically competitive despite the conservative assumptions taken. In addition, the system would practically eliminate the emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the building stock.                 Finally, the viability of the system to changes in certain key parameters has been evaluated. Overall, the system's economic performance is not jeopardized by different configurations and solely two factors, the cost of capital and the connection rate could put at risk the success of the undertaking.

Analysis and improvements of outdoor hot benches in Gävle

Arcos Usero, Lucía January 2017 (has links)
Five exterior hot benches have been installed in Gävle, in Kyrkogatan street by the company Gävle Energi with the aim of achieving the wellnes of people that sit on them. This system uses the residual heat from the district heating, representing consequently a non-polluting system. However, the temperature desired on the surface, 35°C is not always achieved before different exterior conditions. For this reason, Gävle Energi is interested in carrying out a study about enhancements that could be made in the system in order to take them into account for future projects of this kind of technology.   The aim of this project is analysing if it would be possible to achieve the requirements established by Gävle Energi, changing with this objective all the necessary system parameters of the current system such as diameter of the pipes, materials, number of turns... These requirements consist of working with a supply temperature of 40, 45 and 50°C when the exterior conditions are 0, -5 and -10°C respectively, accomplishing always 35°C on the surface. Moreover, in case that it was not possible, providing the company with the characteristics of the system that would make the system as efficient as possible, specifying for different exterior temperatures the mass flow, pressure drop, velocity and needed power.   The study has been developed by different simulations with the software COMSOL, whose use requires a high knowledge on heat transfer. After several simulations, it has been checked that it is not possible to accomplish the requirements established by the company. However, a new more efficient design has been designed because the supply temperatures of the system to accomplish an average temperature of around 35°C on the surface have been minimised. For that, several changes have been carried out. The number of pipes turns have been increased from 12 to 17, their total diameter from 20mm to 30mm and the distance between the centres of the pipes from 5.5cm to 4cm. The 2mm of outer plastic thickness of the pipes has been replaced by copper and the height of the pipes has been moved 2cm upwards.   With all these changes, the final length of the pipes inner the stones has a value of 40.6m and the supply temperatures reach 46, 47 and 49°C for the 0,-5 and -10°C exterior conditions respectively. Apart from the supply temperatures for the study cases, the ones necessary to accomplish always the temperature desired on the surface for other exterior temperatures have been provided together with the amount of power necessary, velocity flow, volumetric flow and pressure drop for all the different cases. These values would allow the company to work always at the optimum point as well as to design the heat pump for the system.

Restructured district heating price models and their impact on district heating users

Song, Jingjing January 2017 (has links)
District heating (DH) is considered to be an efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective method for providing heat to buildings, since electricity is usually co-generated in biomass fuelled combined heat and power (CHP) plants. This gives it an important role in the mitigation of climate change. Swedish district heating companies are currently facing multiple challenges, and are in urgent need of new price models to increase transparency and maintain their competitiveness. This thesis describes a survey carried out to understand the structure of the present price models and subsequently proposes and compares two restructured price models with the most commonly used price model. This work also investigates the impact of restructured price models on users who would encounter a significant cost increase if the restructured price models were to be introduced. The district heating costs of different price models are compared with three alternative technical solutions. The results show that price models based on the consumption pattern of users can reflect district heating companies’ cost structure. Meanwhile, adopting a pricing strategy based on users’ consumption patterns increased the incentives to reduce the peak load. Consequently, users with high load factor (flat consecutive load curve) were able to reduce costs whereas users with low load factor (steep consecutive load curve) faced possible cost increases, when the load demand cost was changed to daily or hourly peak demand based methods. Further, the most economically preferable option for the invested district heating user was to combine district heating with direct electrical heating or with a ground source heat pump. / Fjärrvärme anses som ett effektivt, miljövänligt och kostnadseffektivt sätt för att leverera värme eftersom kraftvärme blir vanligare i fjärrvärmesystem, där elektricitet produceras tillsammans med värme. Den spelar en viktig roll i att begränsa klimatförändringen. Svenska fjärrvärme företag står inför flera utmaningar nu för tiden, och är i akut behov av nya prismodeller för att öka öppenheten och behålla konkurrenskraften. I denna avhandling, genomfördes en undersökning för att ta reda på strukturen av de nuvarande prismodellerna. Därefter föreslogs två omstrukturerade prismodeller, vars påverkan på kostnaden av fjärrvärme konsument analyserades jämför med den nuvarande modellen. Detta arbete undersökte också effekten av omstrukturerade prismodeller på konsument som skulle drabbas på signifikant kostnadsökning i samband med införande prismodeller. Kostnaden av fjärrvärme under olika prismodeller har också jämförts med tre olika tekniska lösningar. Resultatet visade att prismodeller som baserar sig på konsuments förbrukningsprofil kunde återspegla fjärrvärme företagens kostnadsstruktur; Samtidigt medförde prissättningsstrategi baserad på användarens förbrukningsprofil högre incitament för att minska spetseffekt. Följaktligen kommer att konsumenter med stabila konsumtionsprofiler att spara kostnader, medan konsumenter med spetsiga konsumtionsprofiler kommer att drabbas av kostnadsökning. Och för den investerade fjärrvärme konsument, den ekonomiska bättre val var att kombinera fjärrvärme med elpanna eller bergvärmepump.

DISTRICT HEAT PRICE MODEL ANALYSIS : A risk assesment of Mälarenergi's new district heat price model

Landelius, Erik, Åström, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
Energy efficiency measures in buildings and alternative heating methods have led to a decreased demand for district heating (DH). Furthermore, due to a recent increase in extreme weather events, it is harder for DH providers to maintain a steady production leading to increased costs. These issues have led DH companies to change their price models. This thesis investigated such a price model change, made by Mälarenergi (ME) on the 1st of August 2018. The aim was to compare the old price model (PM1) with the new price model (PM2) by investigating the choice of base and peak loads a customer can make for the upcoming year, and/or if they should let ME choose for them. A prediction method, based on predicting the hourly DH demand, was chosen after a literature study and several method comparisons were made from using weather parameters as independent variables. Consumption data from Mälarenergi for nine customers of different sizes were gathered, and eight weather parameters from 2014 to 2018 were implemented to build up the prediction model. The method comparison results from Unscrambler showed that multilinear regression was the most accurate statistical modelling method, which was later used for all predictions. These predictions from Unscrambler were then used in MATLAB to estimate the total annual cost for each customer and outcome. For PM1, the results showed that the flexible cost for the nine customers stands for 76 to 85 % of the total cost, with the remaining cost as fixed fees. For PM2, the flexible cost for the nine customers stands for 46 to 61 % of the total cost, with the remaining as fixed cost. Regarding the total cost, PM2 is on average 7.5 % cheaper than PM1 for smaller customer, 8.6 % cheaper for medium customers and 15.9 % cheaper for larger customers. By finding the lowest cost case for each customer their optimal base and peaks loads were found and with the use of a statistical inference method (Bootstrapping) a 95 % confidence interval for the base load and the total yearly cost with could be established. The conclusion regarding choices is that the customer should always choose their own base load within the recommended confidence interval, with ME’s choice seen as a recommendation. Moreover, ME should always make the peak load choice because they are willing to pay for an excess fee that the customer themselves must pay otherwise.

Fault Detection of Hourly Measurements in District Heat and Electricity Consumption / Feldetektion av Timinsamlade Mätvärden i Fjärrvärme- och Elförbrukning

Johansson, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
<p>Within the next years, the amount of consumption data will increase rapidly as old meters will be exchanged in favor of meters with hourly remote reading. A new refined supervision system must be developed. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate mathematical methods that can be used to find incorrect hourly measurements in district heat and electricity consumption, for each consumer. </p><p>A simulation model and a statistical model have been derived. The model parameters in the simulation model are estimated by using historical data of consumption and outdoor temperature. By using the outdoor temperature as input, the consumption can be simulated and compared to the actual consumption. Faults are detected by using a residual with a sliding window. The second model uses the fact that consumers with similar consumption patterns can be grouped into a collective. By studying the correlation between the consumers, incorrect measurements can be found. </p><p>The performed simulations show that the simulation model is best suited for consumers whose consumption is mostly affected by the outdoor temperature. These consumers are district heat consumers and electricity consumers that use electricity for space heating. The fault detection performance of the statistical model is highly dependent on finding a collective that is well correlated. If these collectives can be found, the model can be used on district heat consumers as well as electricity consumers.</p>

Det tvetydiga beslutsfattandet i styrelsearbete. : En problematiserande studie i beslut rörande energiförluster i värmenät / The equivocal decision making in a boards work : Decision concerning lost of energy in heat circuit line

Johansson, Hans, Horn, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syfte: Bakgrunden till detta arbete är att samfälligheten Långbacka där en av författarna bor har haft betydliga problem med värmeförluster. Vår uppsats bygger på att hjälpa styrelsen att lösa denna problematik. Till denna praktiska frågeställning har vi lagt en vetenskapsteoretisk aspekt genom att problematisera beslutsfattande i styrelsearbete.</p><p>I denna uppsats har vi haft som syfte att ikläda oss styrelsens roll och genom att själva vara en del i processen få känna på den komplexitet som uppstår kring beslut.</p><p>Metod: Vår teori är insamlad utifrån tre olika synvinklar. Dessa är rationell, icke rationell och en ekonomisk beräkningsmodell. Till dessa teorier har vi empiriskt samlat in information dels genom strukturerade intervjuer men även öppna samtal. Vi har i denna uppsats haft ett hermeneutisk förhållningssätt och ett deduktivt arbetssätt.</p><p>Resultat & slutsats: I denna del har vi utifrån ekonomiteknisk synvinkel kommit fram till tre praktiska svar till styrelsen. Den rationella modellen visar att Gävle Energi borde bli ny förvaltare av fjärrvärmenätet. I den icke rationella modellen är huvudbudskapet att använda sig av den tekniska utredningen och sedan gå vidare utifrån den. Den ekonomiska modell- beräkningen uppskattar huvudalternativets investeringskostnad till 503 kr/månad per hushåll. Nästa del är den vetenskapsteoretiska löpande texten där vi i korthet kommer fram till att beslutsfattande inte är antingen helt rationellt eller icke rationellt utan en blandning av båda.</p><p>Förslag till fortsatt forskning: I den ekonomitekniska delen av uppsatsen har vi hittat ett förslag på fortsatt forskning. Detta förslag bygger på problemet med tidsbristen hos Gävle Energi som gav att vi inte fick tillgång till något jämförelsematerial. Avsaknaden av detta material ledde till att vi inte kunde ställa deras kostnad i jämförelse mot investeringskostnaden. Det vore dock intressant att fortsätta arbeta med denna punkt efter färdigställandet av uppsatsen för att kunna presentera en sådan kalkyl för samfällighetens styrelse. I den vetenskapsteoretiska delen så skulle vi gärna se att man vidare utreder konkreta förslag på mixade modeller av ickerationell och rationellt tänkande.</p><p>Uppsatsens bidrag: Vi anser att vår uppsats på ett bra sätt belyser de bakomliggande processerna när ett beslut tas. Vi belyser det rationella och det icke rationella sambandet vilket ger läsaren en god uppfattning om vad man bör ta i beaktning när man till exempel blir tilldelad ekonomiska rapporter.</p> / <p>Aim: The background for this work is that the community Långbacka, where one of the authors is living, has had considerable problems with heat loss. Our thesis is based on helping the board to solve this problem. At this practical issue, we have a scientific aspect to problematize the decision-making in the Board. In this paper, we have intended to take upon ourselves the Board's role and be a part of the process and get to know the complexities that arise around the decision.</p><p>Method: Our theory is gathered on the basis of three different angles: the rational, non-rational and an economic calculation. To these theories, we have empirical information gathered through interviews but also open conversations. We have in this paper had a hermeneutic approach and have worked deductive.</p><p>Result & Conclusions: In this part, which is based on a economic technological point of view, come to the three pieces of practical answers to the Board. One, according to the rational model, gives that Gävle Energi becomes the new manager of district heating network. In the non-rational model is the main message the use of the technical investigation and then proceed on the basis of it. The economic model suggests that the alternative investment cost is estimated at 503 sek / months per household. The next part is the current scientific text in which we briefly come to that decision making is not either totally rational or non-rational, but a mixture of both.</p><p>Suggestions for future research: In the economic technological part of the paper, we have found a proposal for further research. This proposal is based on the problem of shortage of time at Gävle Energi, which gave that we have not had access to any comparison material. The absence of this material led to that we could not make their cost in comparison to the investment cost. However, it would be interesting to continue working with this point after the completion of the paper to be able to present such a calculation for the community board. In the scientific part, we would like to see that it is investigating further concrete proposals in mixed models of non-rational and rational thinking.</p><p>Contribution of the thesis: We believe that our thesis highlights the underlying processes when a decision is taken in a good way. We highlight the rational and the non-rational relationship which gives the reader a good idea of what one should take into consideration when one for example, is assigned financial reports.</p>

Alternatives to the replacement of an electrical heating system

Schumm, Robert, Maier, Christoph January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this master thesis project is to make an energy survey for a group</p><p>of apartments and suggestions to change the heating system from electricity to a more</p><p>efficient one. There are in total 73 flats in 21 buildings. All flats are separated in several</p><p>houses from two to five flats in one building. There are two different kinds of flats. One</p><p>with three rooms in one floor, in the following referred to as ‘flat A’ and the other one</p><p>with four rooms in two floors, in the following referred to as ‘flat B’. [1]</p><p>In the area there are also two buildings for the commonalty. In these buildings there are a</p><p>shelter and several common rooms like a storage and a laundry. In our work these two</p><p>buildings are not included because they are used by everyone inside the community and</p><p>we could not obtain exact values for the used electricity and the water consumption. So</p><p>our work is specialised only on the residential houses.</p><p>The first part of this thesis contains the energy balance for the different kinds of flats to</p><p>see how much energy they consume for heating and hot tap water. To get theses values</p><p>we have to analyse the total energy flow into one flat and compare it with the energy</p><p>which is used because of transmission losses, ventilation losses, hot tap water, electricity</p><p>for the household and natural ventilation and infiltration.</p><p>The total energy consumption for flat A is about 19000 kWh per year and in flat B about</p><p>23200 kWh per year. But the electricity which is used and has to be bought is about</p><p>15600 kWh per year in flat A flat and 17600 kWh in flat B. The rest of the energy is from</p><p>so called free heat caused by solar radiation and internal heat generation. [1]</p><p>These numbers for the electricity need in one year create annual costs of about</p><p>20000 SEK in flat A and 22500 SEK in flat B. To reduce these costs it is necessary to</p><p>know where this energy goes and for what it is used.</p><p>The important parts of the energy balance for this thesis are the transmission losses, the</p><p>losses caused by natural ventilation and infiltration and the used energy for hot tap water.</p><p>The losses caused by mechanical ventilation have also a significant value, but they would</p><p>only affect the new heating system if the ventilation system would be connected to the</p><p>new system. And the electricity used in the household for electrical devices can only be</p><p>changed by the consumer himself. The part which is affecting the energy costs for the</p><p>transmission and natural ventilation losses and the hot tap water sums up to 9240 kWh per</p><p>year in flat A and flat B. This causes costs of about 10000 SEK per year.</p><p>To reduce these costs it is necessary to change the actual heating system. In the following</p><p>we analyse the saving potentials with a change to an air-water heat pump or with a</p><p>connection to the local district heating network.</p><p>The costs which can be saved with the installation of a heat pump sum up to about</p><p>7000 SEK per year. The installation costs are about 100000 SEK to 125000 SEK</p><p>depending on the different proposed models. If you consider that the existing electrical</p><p>boiler has to be changed anyway in the next years the investment costs for the</p><p>combination with a heat pump decreases. The payback time is then between 9½ and</p><p>13½ years. With assumed increasing electricity prices of 5 % each year the payback time</p><p>decreases to 8½ to 11 years.</p><p>With a connection of each flat to the local district heating network the energy costs for</p><p>heating and hot tap water decreases to 3200 SEK per year. Although the price per kWh for</p><p>district heating is much lower than for electricity the costs are not decreasing a lot</p><p>because of a high annual fixed fee of 7100 SEK. The saved money per year sums up to</p><p>300 SEK and 1000 SEK depending on the electricity contract. The payback time for this</p><p>alternative is between 50 and up to 160 years.</p><p>An alternative to the exchange of the heating and hot water system is to change the actual</p><p>heat exchanger of the ventilation system. With this measure the energy consumption can</p><p>be reduced with less investment costs. The investment costs for a new heat exchanger are</p><p>about 35000 SEK, including a new exhaust hood from the kitchen outwards to reduce the</p><p>contamination of the filters in the heat exchanger. [1]</p><p>The payback time ranges from 13 years in flat A to 21 years in flat B.</p>

Småskalig elproduktion i Arvika

Pettersson, Niklas, Eriksson, Nils January 2006 (has links)
<p>Arvika Fjärrvärme AB, a district heating company from Arvika, today cover 74 % of their total energy production with biofuel wich runs a 16 MW bioler giving process water at saturated liquid state.</p><p>In recent years Vaporel AB has introduced a new tecnique that gives an external generation of steam after boilers. The concept is built on an adiabatic pressure drop of the saturated liquid in a so called Flashbox which makes a small part of the liquid to evaporate. The generated steam is lead into a turbine where electricity is in a conventional manner.</p><p>The purpose with this rapport was to do a basic study for the specific system at Arvika where it’s possible to see the potential production of electricity that follows an installation of a flasbox.</p><p>The final goal was to introduce an economic analysis of a flashox installation at given conditions.</p><p>To reach our goals we have created a model in Excel where we used the given conditions at Arvika Fjärrvärme to do our calculations. The model has been tested at three different states, of process water returning to potboiler, to be able to decide the optimal operation for the system at present.</p><p>The studies have resulted in a pressure of the processwater at 14,5 bar (at) and a pressuredrop to 9,5 bar (at) in the flashbox. The condenser pressure is set to 0,5 bar (at) what is equal to 81 ˚C. Energy to the district heating net is produced in the condenser and heat exchanger.</p><p>The result of our calculations clearly shows that to reach the highest turbine-efficiency as possible and gain the largest profit the highest process-waterflow possible should be used.</p><p>That means 70 kg/s after present conditions.</p><p>At the highest boiler efficiency the turbine will produce 694 kW. At this state the water that returns to the boiler will be at temperature 148 ˚C (14, 5 bar).</p><p>Totally during a year the production of electric energy could reach 2, 47 GWh/year. The energy used by the pumps will increase with 0,21 GWh over the year at that state.</p><p>Included all economic factors this will generate a profit of 0, 97 million (SEK)/year.</p><p>To make an installation of a flashbox system more profitable an increased generation of electricity have to be made. This could be done by an installation of new pumps to be able to run the process-water at a larger flow to increase the amount of steam made in the flashbox.</p> / <p>Arvika fjärrvärme producerar idag 74% av sitt värmeunderlag via en hetvattenpanna som drivs med biobränsle och har en maxeffekt på 16 MW.</p><p>På senare år har företaget Vaporel AB introducerat en ny teknik på marknaden som ger en extern ångproduktion efter hetvattenpannor.</p><p>Konceptet är byggt på en trycksänkning som medför att delar av det mättade vattnet förångas efter att ha letts in i en så kallad flashbox. Efter flashboxen äntrar ångan en turbin där el produceras på konventionellt vis.</p><p>Syftet med denna rapport har varit att ta fram en grundläggande studie för Arvikas specifika system där det är möjligt att se den potentiella elproduktionen vid en flashboxinstallation.</p><p>Det slutgiltiga målet med rapporten har varit att kunna presentera en lönsamhetsbedömning för en flashboxinstallation vid givna driftfall.</p><p>För att kunna uppfylla uppsatta mål har en Excelmodell konstruerats där beräkningar utförts efter givna förutsättningar, detta utefter tre olika driftfall för att kunna fastställa den mest optimala driften för systemet i dagsläget.</p><p>Studierna har lett fram till att vi har kunnat fastställa ett maximalt tryck efter pannan på 14,5 bar (at) samt en trycksänkning över flashboxen till 9,5 bar. Kondensortryck efter turbinen har satts till 0,5 bar(a) vilket ger en kondensations temperatur motsvarande 81 ˚C. Energi till att värma fjärrvärmevattnet tas via kondensorn samt en värmeväxlare.</p><p>Resultatet av våra beräkningar visar tydligt att vi för att nå en så hög turbineffekt som möjligt och därmed en större lönsamhet skall ha ett så högt processvattenflöde som tillåts, enligt dagens förutsättningar 70 l/s.</p><p>Vid högsta panneffekten kommer turbinen att ge 694 kW, enligt Excelmodellen, vid en returtemperatur till pannan satt till 148 ˚C.</p><p>Sammanlagt under året, med Arvikas varaktighetsdiagram som grund, kommer vi att kunna producera 2,47 GWh el/år varav pumparna kommer att kräva 0,21 GWh el extra per år.</p><p>Med alla ekonomiska faktorer inräknade så kommer detta att ge en vinstkalkyl på 0,97 miljoner /år.</p><p>För att kunna göra dessa installationer lönsamma krävs att vi ökar elproduktionen och därmed den årliga vinsten, detta skulle kunna göras i och med installation av nya pumpar för att uppnå ett större flöde i pannkretsen.</p><p>Vidare bör en studie göras för att bedöma lönsamheten gällande en ombyggnad av rökgaskondenseringen för att kunna klara en större effekt och därmed kunna använda högre returtemperaturer till biopannan. Detta skulle generera ett högre genomsnittligt flöde över året.</p>

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