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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Luta pela terra dos quilombolas de Palmas: do quilombo aos direitos territoriais

Alves, Diorgenes de Moraes Correia 25 March 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por escopo analisar os fundamentos dos direitos territoriais quilombolas na localidade de Palmas-PR: as dificuldades e expectativas quanto à sua efetivação. Assim, inicia-se o estudo com uma incursão à historiografia tradicional para buscar os principais elementos da formação social brasileira, ao mesmo tempo em que procura insular-se da noção idealizada de quilombo pautada em elementos históricoarqueológicos. Já com o advento da Constituição de 1988, previsão dos direitos territoriais quilombolas, ocorre a evolução do conceito de quilombo a partir de elementos antropológicos capazes de abranger a sua dinamicidade como fenômeno social. A partir da demonstração do que pode significar a concretização de tais direitos para o quilombo de Palmas-PR, emergem as diferentes dimensões assumidas pela relação dos quilombolas com o seu território e com o trabalho tradicional, além dos obstáculos encontrados. Assim, os direitos territoriais são frutos do campo das disputas políticas que ao buscar reparar as injustiças da escravidão e da excludente sociedade do trabalho livre; trazem visibilidade para os quilombolas, reforçam a sua luta e criam possibilidades, seja na arena de disputas jurídicas, seja na arena de disputas políticas. / This research has as the main scope to study the fundamentals Maroons territorial rights in Palmas-PR: their issues and their expectations. The study begins through traditional Brazilian historiography elements and the Brazilian social formation, to avoid using the idealized concept of “quilombo”, based in historical and archaeological elements. In the Brazilian National Constitution of 1988, there is an evolution of the concept of “quilombo” with anthropological elements, to become able to comprehend its dynamics as a social phenomenon. After the meanings demonstration of these rights for the Maroons from Palmas- PR, emerge the differents dimensions by the Maroons with its territory and its traditional work. However the structural formation of Brazilian society; the territorial maroons rights are answering to the slavery injustices and social exclusion from the free work society. Theses rights bring visibility to the Maroons, strengthen their cause and create possibilities rather in the legal issues, rather in the political issues. / 5000

Cidade, poder e diferença: outros caminhos para a compreensão do direito à cidade sustentável em Henri Lefebvre

Silva, Diego Coimbra Barcelos da 04 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho monográfico tem por objeto a análise e a proposição de caminhos alternativos para a compreensão do direito à cidade sustentável, sob o prisma das relações de poder. Para tanto, busca esquadrinhar alguns pressupostos e conceitos centrais da obra de Henri Lefebvre, notadamente aqueles em que a proposta original do direito à cidade se alicerça, a fim de compatibilizá-los com as categorias de análise necessárias à condução da pesquisa. Nesse intento, esboça um quadro argumentativo sistemático que aponta para as direções da redistribuição do poder no espaço urbano, da plenitude do exercício da multiterritorialidade e dos múltiplos territórios e da participaçãointervenção na produção dos discursos ambiental e jurídico-urbanístico, este último através do pluralismo jurídico. Busca, ainda, analisar a viabilidade teórica dos sentidos propostos no escopo da teoria espacial lefebvriana. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES / This dissertation aims at analyzing and proposing alternative ways of understanding the right to a sustainable city, in the light of power relations. To do so, it seeks to explore some key assumptions and concepts of Henri Lefebvre's work, mostly those on which the original proposal of the right to the city was built, in order to match with the categories of analysis in the development of the research. In this attempt, outlines a systematic argumentative framework, that points to the redistribution of power in the urban space, the full exercise of multiterritoriality and multiple territories and the participationintervention in the production of environmental and legal-urban discourse, the latter through the legal pluralism. Also seeks to analyze the theoretical feasibility of the proposed meanings within the scope of Lefebvrian spatial theory.

O processo e o (des)controle da expansão urbana de São Carlos (1857-1977) / The process and the (un)control of the urban expansion in São Carlos (1857-1977)

Renata Priore Lima 13 November 2007 (has links)
Expansão urbana. Este trabalho consiste no estudo do processo de expansão urbana de São Carlos, entre 1857 e 1977, a partir dos loteamentos implantados e das formas de controle e de planejamento da expansão urbana. Foram analisadas as principais mudanças e continuidades no contexto socioeconômico nacional, estadual e municipal, nas formas de uso e ocupação do solo, na estrutura administrativa municipal de planejamento e no arcabouço legal urbanístico construído ao longo do período. Foram identificados três períodos bem definidos do processo de expansão da cidade. No primeiro período, de 1857 a 1929, durante o ciclo cafeeiro paulista, a expansão ocorreu de forma concentrada e contínua, e o controle era realizado pela Câmara, com a aplicação de códigos de posturas. O segundo, de 1930 a 1959, caracterizou-se pelo grande crescimento da área urbana rumo à rodovia, durante o surto industrial paulista dos anos 1950. Nesse momento, o controle da expansão era realizado pelo poder executivo, com parâmetros urbanísticos de incentivo à expansão urbana. E no terceiro, de 1960 a 1977, durante o regime militar, a expansão ocorreu de forma periférica e descontínua, sendo o controle realizado por meio de um conjunto de leis urbanísticas, as leis de loteamentos, zoneamento e edificações. Nesse período, aumentou o poder de ação dos loteadores. A atuação da estrutura municipal de planejamento, assim como a legislação, oscilou entre momentos de controle e descontrole, acompanhando os novos interesses e demandas sociais em curso. As fontes primárias de pesquisa consistiram em mapas, plantas e fotos aéreas da cidade de São Carlos; plantas dos projetos dos loteamentos implantados; legislação urbanística, como leis, decretos e códigos municipais, estaduais e federais; contratos de loteamentos; fichas de cadastro dos loteamentos implantados no município; e entrevistas com os funcionários municipais. A sistematização desse material resultou em mapas, gráficos e tabelas, que compuseram este trabalho. / Urban expansion. This work consists in the study of São Carlos, SP urban expansion process, between 1857 and 1977 years, from the implanted land divisions into lots and from the urban expansion instruments of control and planning. It is analyzed the main changes and continuities of the national, state and municipal socioeconomic context; of land use and occupation forms; of the municipal administrative structure of planning, and also of the urban legislation constructed throughout the period. There are three well defined periods in the studied process. In the first one, between 1857 the 1929, during the São Paulo coffee cycle, the expansion occurred in a continuous and concentrated way and the control was made by the municipal council through the application of \'código de posturas\' determinations. The second period, between 1930 and 1959, during the quick São Paulo industrial development process, is characterized by a rude expansion into the highway direction. At this moment, the expansion control in São Carlos was made by the executive power, by using urban parameters to incentive urban expansion. And the third period, between 1960 the 1977, during the military regimen, the expansion occurred in a peripheral and discontinuous way, being the control carried through a new set of urban laws, such as the law of land divisions into lots, the law of zoning and the law of buildings. In this period it also increased the immovable enterpriser action power. The performance of the municipal structure of planning, as well as the legislation, oscillated between controlled and uncontrolled moments, followed by new interests and social demands. The original documents used in this research are maps, plants and aerial photos from São Carlos city; projects of implanted land divisions; municipal, state and federal urban laws and codes; contracts and registration cards of the land divisions plans implanted in the city; and also interviews with the municipal employees. The systematization of this material resulted into maps, graphs and tables showed along this work.

Rôle de la Sémaphorine 3B dans l’orientation des divisions des progéniteurs au cours de la neurogenèse chez les vertébrés / Semaphorin 3B functions in progenitor cell division during neurogenesis in vertebrates

Reynaud, Florie 12 December 2016 (has links)
Au cours de la mitose, la ségrégation des chromatides, la partition du matériel cytoplasmique entre cellules filles et leur position relative se fait selon un plan qui est préfiguré par la plaque métaphasique. Ainsi, l'orientation de ce plan est un processus crucial pour le contrôle du destin des cellules, pour la morphogenèse durant l'embryogenèse et pour l'homéostasie tissulaire. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, les mécanismes intrinsèques impliqués dans le positionnement du plan de division ont reçu beaucoup d'attention. En revanche, peu d'études ont exploré l'implication de signaux extracellulaires dans l'orientation du plan de division. Pourtant, l'axe des divisions cellulaires dont la position est souvent stéréotypée est largement associé aux axes de polarités du tissu. Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis demandé si des signaux extracellulaires capables de délivrer des informations de position spatiale aux cellules dans le cadre de leur migration, de leur différenciation morphologique, ou de leur polarisation, pouvaient influencer l'orientation des divisions cellulaires. En particulier, je me suis intéressée aux facteurs impliqués dans le guidage axonal à travers l'étude des mitoses des progéniteurs neuraux chez l'embryon de souris. Dans la moelle épinière en développement, les progéniteurs neuraux effectuent leur division au contact du canal central, lequel renferme le liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR), une source de nombreux facteurs extracellulaires comme les morphogènes. Nous avons montré que la présence de molécules du LCR était nécessaire pour une orientation appropriée du plan de divisions des progéniteurs neuraux localisés au contact du canal central. Priver les progéniteurs neuraux de LCR par l'ouverture du tube neural ou provoquer génétiquement l'obstruction du canal central affecte les proportions de divisions planaires et obliques. Nous avons identifié la protéine Sémaphorine 3B, secrétée par les cellules de la plaque du plancher et les plexus choroïdes, comme un signal extrinsèque contrôlant l'orientation des divisions des progéniteurs neuraux dans la moelle épinière. L'invalidation génétique de Sema3B chez la souris phénocopie la perte d'accès au LCR des progéniteurs. Une application exogène de Sema3B sur des embryons dont le tube neural a été ouvert compense la déficience de LCR. Nous avons pu montrer que Sema3B se lie à ses récepteurs Neuropilines à la surface apicale des progéniteurs mitotiques et agit sur l'architecture des microtubules via l'activation de la voie GSK3/CRMP2, voie initialement mise en évidence dans le contexte du guidage axonal. Afin d'identifier de nouveaux facteurs influençant le positionnement du fuseau mitotique en réponse à ce facteur de guidage, une analyse transcriptomique des progéniteurs neuraux des mutants Sema3B-/- a été réalisée et des gènes candidats dérégulés en contexte d'invalidation de Sema3B ont été considérés. Durant la seconde partie de ma thèse, j'ai exploré l'implication du gène Norbin/Neurochondrin. De manière intéressante, le knock- down de Norbin dans les cellules HeLa altère l'orientation du fuseau mitotique. L'ensemble de ces travaux révèle donc la contribution d'une large famille de signaux topographiques jusqu'à présent inexplorée, dans l'orientation des divisions cellulaires et ouvre un large champ d'investigation passionnant concernant leur action moléculaire et cellulaire dans la neurogenèse et la morphogenèse / During development, the orientation of cell division is crucial to correctly organize andshape tissues and organs and also to generate cellular diversity. As cell mitosis proceeds, thesegregation of chromatids and cytoplasmic material occurs along a division axis. Itsorientation largely determines the relative position of daughter cells and the partition ofmother cell subcellular domain between them. The orientation of the cell division isprefigured by the position of a complex microtubule-based scaffold, the mitotic spindle.Until now, the intrinsic molecular machinery positioning the mitotic spindle and its couplingto cell polarities have been study in details. In contrast, the contribution of extracellularsignals to cell division orientation is less characterised. My research shows that these signalsin the CSF contribute to the orientation of cell division in neural progenitors. Removal theCSF cues by opening the neural tube or by genetic engineering affects the proportion ofplanar and oblique divisions. We identified Semaphorin 3B (Sema3B), released from thefloor plate and the nascent choroid plexus, as an important actor in this extrinsic control ofprogenitor division. Knockout of Sema3B phenocopies the loss of progenitor access to CSF.Delivery of exogenous Sema3B to progenitors in living embryos compensates this deficiency.We showed that Sema3B binds to Neuropilin receptors at the apical surface of mitoticprogenitors and exerts its effect through GSK3b activation and subsequent inhibition of themicrotubule stabilizer CRMP2. Thus extrinsic signaling mediated by Semaphorins directs theorientation of progenitor division in neurogenic zones.In order to identify new factors implicated in Sema3B-dependant mitotic spindleposition, we performed a transcriptomic analysis of Sema3B -/- neural progenitors. Severalderegulated candidate genes were considered. In the second part of my thesis, I focus onone of this, Norbin/Neurochondrin. Interestingly, the invalidation of Norbin/Neurochondrinalters the orientation of the mitotic spindle in HeLa cells.My PhD work reveals the contribution of a large family of topographic cues known tofunction in axon guidance has a novel role in the orientation of cell division

La remise en question du département et de la région dans un contexte de bouleversement territorial en France / The research of French territorial communities : territorial and administrative divisions and territories

Plantier, Julien 29 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude des collectivités territoriales françaises. Entre empilement des structures et enchevêtrement des compétences, le paysage local est très souvent critiqué. L'objectif est de s'interroger sur l'avenir de ces structures dans un contexte de bouleversement territorial. Deux collectivités sont particulièrement concernées par cette recherche : les départements et les régions. Le constat d'une dualité politique est avéré et les tentatives de rapprochements sont légion. Pour autant de nombreuses difficultés ne permettent pas de créer de véritables articulations entre ces deux entités. Face à ces éléments, il apparaît nécessaire de dresser un constat général de l'organisation territoriale actuelle dans un paysage local français complexe. Chacune des collectivités territoriales s'est insérée différemment au sein des territoires et les contours de chacune d'entre elles seront étudiés sous l'angle principal de leur statut juridique. Cependant, l'aspect politique des différentes collectivités territoriales permettra de donner une vision différente de ces structures. Avec l'influence des élus locaux, les collectivités territoriales se situent au coeur de l'action publique. Depuis plus de trente ans, par les différentes dispositions législatives intervenues en la matière, le paysage local n'a cessé de se transformer au point qu'il apparaît actuellement comme bouleversé. L'étude propose plusieurs pistes de réflexions en vue de faire évoluer les collectivités territoriales et de les doter d'outils juridiques leur permettant d'être mieux représentés au sein des territoires. / This thesis is about the research of French territorial communities. In between piled up stuctures and confused abilities, local landscape is often criticized. The main aim is to examine and question the future of these structures in a context of territorial diruption. Two communities are especially concerned : territorial and administrative divisions and territories. The report of a political duality is true and the attempts to come together are numerous. So far, multiple difficulties do not allow to create true articulations in between those two entities. Facing those elements, It's necessary to elaborate a general established fact in a complex French local territory. Each one of those French territorial communities are at the center of the public action thanks to the local elected représentatives. Within the different legislative arrangements which happened, the local landscape has been changing for more than thirty years and now seems to be upside down. Several tracks of thoughts are offered in order to change in a better way the territorial communities and to give to them legal Tools allowing them to be better represented among territories.

Přeměny společností - Rozdělení společnosti XY / Transformations of Companies - Division of a Company

Tabone, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The attached diploma thesis explains the transformations of companies. It shows the development of transformations in the Czech Republic and also explains the different types of transformations with emphasis on divisions. In the theoretical part it also states most common reasons for transformaitons. The practical part takes the reader through a division of the company XY. It shows all the steps that are required not only by law but also for practical reasons. The division is evaluated.

Organization closure a study of mobility versus satisfaction

Mattke, Roy N. 01 January 1977 (has links)
No description available.

Daňové dopady přeměn obchodních společností / Tax Implications of Company Transformations

Roubíčková, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the business combinations. The theoretical part is focused on individual types of business combinations and their legal, accounting and tax aspects. The analytical part contains practical examples of selected types of business combinations and their subsequent comparison. In the suggestion part, these specific business combinations are evaluated from a legal, accounting and especially tax point of view.

Le fédéralisme inachevé: réflexions sur le système institutionnel belge, issu des réformes de 1988-1989

Uyttendaele, Marc 01 January 1990 (has links)
Pas de résumé / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Unraveling the mechanisms responsible for the onset of catagen / Explorer les mécanismes responsables du déclenchement de la phase catagène

Duchamp de Lageneste, Marine 12 June 2017 (has links)
Le follicule pileux est un micro-organe spécifique des mammifères responsable de la formation des poils. Au cours de la vie postnatale, le follicule pileux subit des phases récurrentes de croissance (anagène), régression (catagène) et repos (télogène). Les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires qui régulent le cycle pilaire rappellent certains des évènements qui ont lieu durant la morphogénèse. Bien qu’il y ait eu des avancées significatives dans la connaissance de la biologie du follicule pileux ; les mécanismes qui régulent le passage de la phase anagène à la phase catagène restent mystérieux. Fgf5, un membre de la famille des facteurs de croissance des fibroblastes, a été identifié comme un régulateur clé de la transition anagène-catagène. Les souris qui ne produisent pas de protéine Fgf5 active présentent un phénotype angora (go/go) caractérisé par une phase anagène plus longue et de longs poils. Cependant, les follicules pileux n’ayant pas Fgf5, entrent quand même dans la phase catagène, ce qui suggère que d’autres mécanismes contribuent au control du cycle pilaire. Des précédents résultats obtenus dans notre laboratoire ont établis une relation très proche entre le déclenchement de la phase catagène et le diamètre du poil. En utilisant le follicule de vibrisse comme modèle, nous avons confirmé ces résultats en démontrant, par in hybridation in situ, que l’expression du gène Fgf5 s’active dans les cellules de la gaine épithéliale externe localisées dans la région supra-bulbaire, progressivement l’expression de Fgf5 s’étend jusqu’à l’extrémité inférieur de la gaine épithéliale externe et s’éteint quelques jours avant le début de la phase catagène, de nouveau dans les cellules de la gaine épithéliale externe localisées dans la partie supra-bulbaire. Nous avons également démontré que le nombre de couche cellulaires dans la région du cortex du poil, augmente progressivement au cours du temps jusqu’à atteindre exactement le même nombre de couche, quelques jours avant la fin de la phase de croissance, chez la souris sauvage et la souris Fgf5LacZ/LacZ. Ces résultats confirment notre hypothèse établissant que Fgf5 ne déclenche pas de façon direct la phase catagène. Ensuite, nous avons démontré pour la première fois que les cellules progénitrices du cortex peuvent se diviser symétriquement. Ces divisions symétriques très rares se traduisent, quelques jours après, en la formation d’une nouvelle couche cellulaire dans le cortex du poil. Ces résultats appuient notre hypothèse qu’une boucle de régulation complexe impliquant, la gaine épithéliale externe, la papille dermique (qui exprime Fgfr1, le récepteur de Fgf5), la matrice et la région supra-bulbaire ; est indispensable au control du cycle pilaire. Nous avons ensuite démontré par qRT-PCR et des marquages immunologiques que plusieurs canaux mécano-sensitifs sont exprimés de façon spécifique dans ces régions d’intérêts. De plus, plusieurs gènes importants pour la signalisation, sont également exprimés dans ces régions. Tout cela mis ensemble nos résultats soutiennent l’hypothèse provocatrice que la croissance progressive de la largeur du poil induit une pression mécanique qui entraine l’activation de canaux mécano-sensitifs, qui vont à leur tour activer des voies de signalisation pour finalement contrôler l’expression de Fgf5 dans la région supra-bulbaire et ainsi contrôler le cycle pilaire. / The hair follicle is a skin micro-organ specific to mammals and responsible for the formation of the hair. During postnatal life, the hair follicle undergoes recurrent phases of growth (anagen), regression (catagen) and rest (telogen) termed the hair cycle. The cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the hair cycle recapitulate some of the events occurring during morphogenesis. Despite significant advances in the understanding of biology of the hair follicle, the mechanisms regulating the switch from anagen to catagen remain mysterious. Fgf5, a member of the fibroblast growth factor family, has been proposed as a key regulator of the transition between anagen and catagen. Mice that do not produce active Fgf5 have an angora (go/go) phenotype characterized by an extended anagen phase and long hairs. Nevertheless, Fgf5 null hair follicles still enter catagen, suggesting that other mechanisms contribute to the control of the hair cycle. Previous work in the laboratory using Fgf5Lacz/LacZ null mice has unraveled a close connection between the onset of catagen and the diameter of the hair. Using the whisker follicle as a model system, we have confirmed these results and demonstrated by in situ hybridization that the expression of the Fgf5 gene is switched-on in the supra-bulbar region of the outer root sheath, progressively extends towards the lower extremity of the outer root sheath and is switched-off in the supra-bulbar region of the outer root sheath several days before the onset of catagen. We have also demonstrated that the number of cell layers in the hair cortex progressively increases with time to reach the exact same number a few days before the end of anagen in both wild-type and Fgf5 null follicles confirming our working hypothesis that Fgf5 does not directly trigger catagen. Next, we have demonstrated for the first time that the basal cortex-forming cells could divide symmetrically. These rare symmetrical divisions result in the formation of additional cell layers in the cortex. These results support our working hypothesis that a complex regulatory loop involving the outer sheath, the dermal papilla (that express Fgfr1, the Fgf5 receptor), the cortical matrix and the supra bulbar region is critical in controlling whisker growth. We have then demonstrated by q-RTPCR and immunostaining that several mechanosensitive channels are specifically expressed in the regions of interest. Moreover, several genes important for signaling are also expressed in these regions. Altogether, our results support the provocative hypothesis that the progressive increase in the width of the hair induces a mechanical pressure that leads to the activation of mechanosensitive channels, which in turn activate specific signaling pathways and ultimately result in the control of the expression of the Fgf5 gene in the supra-bulbar region of the outer root sheath and then in the control of the hair cycle.

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