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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Restrained and Other Domination Parameters in Complementary Prisms.

DesOrmeaux, Wyatt Jules 13 December 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, we will study several domination parameters of a family of graphs known as complementary prisms. We will first present the basic terminology and definitions necessary to understand the topic. Then, we will examine the known results addressing the domination number and the total domination number of complementary prisms. After this, we will present our main results, namely, results on the restrained domination number of complementary prisms. Subsequently results on the distance - k domination number, 2-step domination number and stratification of complementary prisms will be presented. Then, we will characterize when a complementary prism is Eulerian or bipartite, and we will obtain bounds on the chromatic number of a complementary prism. We will finish the thesis with a section on possible future problems.

2-limited broadcast domination on grid graphs

Slobodin, Aaron 29 July 2021 (has links)
Suppose there is a transmitter located at each vertex of a graph G. A k-limited broadcast on G is an assignment of the integers 0,1,...,k to the vertices of G. The integer assigned to the vertex x represents the strength of the broadcast from x, where strength 0 means the transmitter at x is not broadcasting. A broadcast of positive strength s from x is heard by all vertices at distance at most s from x. A k-limited broadcast is called dominating if every vertex assigned 0 is within distance d of a vertex whose transmitter is broadcasting with strength at least d. The k-limited broadcast domination number of G is the minimum possible value of the sum of the strengths of the broadcasts in a k-limited dominating broadcast of G. We establish upper and lower bounds for the 2-limited broadcast domination number of various grid graphs, in particular the Cartesian products of two paths, a path and a cycle, and two cycles. The upper bounds are derived by explicit broadcast constructions for these graphs. The lower bounds are obtained via linear programming duality by finding lower bounds for the fractional 2-limited multipacking number of these graphs. Finally, we present an algorithm to improve the lower bound for the 2-limited broadcast domination number of special sub-families of grids. We conclude this thesis with suggested open problems in broadcast domination and multipackings. / Graduate

Vertex-criticality of the domination parameters of graphs

Roux, Adriana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Mathematical Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Please refer to full text to view abstract.

Single-crossing orthogonal axial lines in orthogonal rectangles

Mengisteab, Berhane Semere 30 June 2008 (has links)
The axial map of a town is one of the key components of the space syntax method – a tool for analysing urban layout. It is derived by placing the longest and fewest lines, called axial lines, to cross the adjacencies between convex polygons in a convex map of a town. Previous research has shown that placing axial lines to cross the adjacencies between a collection of convex polygons is NP-complete, even when the convex polygons are restricted to rectangles and the axial lines to have orthogonal orientation. In this document, we show that placing orthogonal axial lines in orthogonal rectangles where the adjacencies between the rectangles are restricted to be crossed only once (ALPSC- OLOR) is NP-complete. As a result, we infer the single adjacency crossing version of the general axial line placement problem is NP-complete. The transformation of NPcompleteness of ALP-SC-OLOR is from vertex cover for biconnected planar graphs. A heuristic is then presented that gives a reasonable approximate solution to ALP-SC-OLOR based on a greedy method.

Dependência, desenvolvimento e dominância financeira: a economia brasileira e o capitalismo mundial\" / Dependency, development and financial domination: the Brazilian Economy and the capitalist world-system

Teixeira, Rodrigo Alves 24 January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho busca contribuir para o debate a respeito do desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil, em particular para a busca de explicações a respeito do crescimento baixo e instável apresentado pela economia brasileira desde a década de 90. Ao contrário das interpretações ?endogenistas?, em nossa interpretação é central a condição periférica e dependente da economia brasileira na economia mundial. Partimos da noção de que estamos diante de uma nova fase do capitalismo, caracterizada por um regime de acumulação com dominância financeira, tal como já apontado por outros autores, defendendo-a contra as críticas mais recentes que recebeu, no interior do marxismo: a crítica baseada na teoria das ondas longas do capitalismo, segundo a qual não há nenhuma novidade na atual expansão financeira, e outra baseada na idéia de que, com a pós-grande indústria, o próprio capital produtivo é que teria um caráter rentista, o que levaria à ilusão de estarmos diante de uma dominância financeira. Entretanto, buscamos mostrar que a noção de dominância financeira desenvolvida por Chesnais e outros não trata das relações centro-periferia com profundidade e, por outro lado, as teorias que trataram das relações centro-periferia e da noção de dependência não construíram uma análise adequada a respeito das mudanças do capitalismo desde a década de 70, em particular do regime de acumulação. Por isso, procuramos unir estas duas leituras, para investigar como as relações de dependência dos países periféricos mudaram em função da mudança do regime de acumulação em escala mundial. Nosso foco está numa particular versão da teoria da dependência, que postulava a possibilidade de um desenvolvimento capitalista da periferia, ainda que dependente-associado, e que chega ao poder no Brasil na década de 90. Argumenta-se que o ?ângulo cego? desta teoria, que é a não percepção da mudança do regime de acumulação do capitalismo, trouxe um otimismo infundado sobre os benefícios de uma inserção (feita apressadamente e sem cuidado) no mercado financeiro internacional que aumentou a vulnerabilidade externa da economia brasileira, conduzindo a uma armadilha que impede o desenvolvimento econômico. / This work try to contribute for the debate regarding the economic development in Brazil, in particular for the search of explanations regarding the low and unstable growth presented by the Brazilian economy since the decade of 90. In contrast with the interpretations that emphasize internal factors, in our interpretation the peripheral and dependent condition of the Brazilian economy in the world-wide economy is central. We leave from the notion that we are facing a new phase of capitalism, characterized by a regimen of accumulation with financial domination, such as already pointed by other authors. We defend this vision against the two most recent critics that it has received, within the Marxist view: the first based in the theory of the long waves of capitalism, according to which there is no news in the current financial expansion, and the second based on the idea of that, with the post-great industry, the productive capital assumes a rentist character, that leads to the illusion that there is a financial domination. However, we try to show that the notion of financial domination developed by Chesnais and other authors does not deal adequately with the center-periphery relations. On the other hand, the theories that look for the center-periphery and dependence relations have not taken into account the changes of capitalism since the decade of 70, in particular the change in the regimen of accumulation. Therefore, we try to join these two visions, to investigate how the dependence relations of the peripheral countries have moved together with the change in the regimen of accumulation in a world-wide scale. Our focus is in a particular version of dependence theory, that claimed the possibility of a capitalist development of the periphery, called dependent-associate development. This work argues that the limits of this theory, that is the unperception of the change in the regimen of accumulation of capitalism, led to a baseless optimism on the benefits of a brazilian insertion in the international financial market, which led to a trap that hinders the economic development.

Subjetividade & dominação :a crítica de Max Stirmer à alienação como elemento constitutivo da subjetividade moderna / Subjectivity & domination: the Max Stirmer\' s criticism to the alienation as a element of the process of constitution of modern subjectivity

Otenio, Erinson Cardoso 29 February 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por propósito analisar os textos de Max Stirner - em particular a primeira parte de seu livro intitulado O Único e a sua Propriedade -, assumindo a perspectiva de que neles é elaborado um diagnóstico de como a subjetividade moderna, no processo de sua constituição, forma-se comprometida com a dominação. Para isso, é preciso refazer com o filósofo o caminho dialético do eu, da Antiguidade até a sua manifestação moderna, identificando nesse percurso as razões que o fizeram alienar-se de si, sem se esquecer do papel da arte e da religião na criação, no rejuvenescimento e na manutenção da alienação. Além disso, encontrará também tratamento neste trabalho a forma de racionalidade, de moral e de educação modernas, elementos importantes da subjetividade, uma vez que esses elementos perfazem com ela um todo sistemático onde o que só encontra espaço são as exigências do \"espírito\", e isso em detrimento do que quer que seja da ordem da individualidade. Portanto, para uma abordagem apropriada desse tema, requer-se a compreensão do processo de formação da Modernidade e da sua subjetividade correlata, identificando a maneira pela qual, nesse processo, a dominação inscreve-se de forma imanente no eu. Isso significa dizer que, na interpretação que aqui se oferece da filosofia stirneriana, o processo de formação da subjetividade moderna e a dominação não são fenômenos independentes, mas sim resultantes de um e mesmo processo de engendramento da Modernidade. / This paper intends to examine the texts of Max Stirner - specially those related to the first part of his major work, The Ego and its Own - by assuming the perspective that through these texts, the author articulates a diagnosis of how the modern subjectivity, in the process of its constitution, forms itself compromised with domination. For this, we will need to remake with the philosopher the dialectical path of the self, from Antiquity to its modern manifestation, identifying in this way the reasons that made this ego to alienate from itself - without obliterating the role of art and religion in the creation, rejuvenation and maintenance of this alienation. Moreover, it will also be found in this paper a discussion about the forms of modern rationality, moral and education - important elements of the subjectivity, that compose with it a systematic whole where nothing but the claims of the \"spirit\" find place, in despite of everything that originates from individuality. Therefore, for an appropriate approach of these questions, one must comprehend the constitution of Modernity and its correlated subjectivity, identifying the way by which, within this process, domination engraves itself immanently in the self. In other words, this means that in the interpretation we are offering of Stirner\'s philosophy, the process of constitution of modern subjectivity and the domination are not independent phenomena, but rather are both resultants of one and the same process of engendering of Modernity.

Análise do neocolonialismo presente em aquisições de empresas brasileiras por empresas estrangeiras

Silva, Luciano Messina Pereira da January 2017 (has links)
A pesquisa nacional sobre internacionalização de empresas brasileiras, via aquisições por empresas estrangeiras desde a abertura do mercado ocorrida a partir de 1990, trata este assunto sob o aspecto comportamental ou então sob o aspecto econômico, e eventuais dificuldades durante a integração entre as empresas são analisadas sob o aspecto da cultura organizacional e nacional. Entretanto, é possível observar que as empresas brasileiras, visando competir no mercado internacional e globalizado, são direcionadas a se associarem a empresas de países mais desenvolvidos economicamente, via processos de aliança, que muitas vezes evoluem para uma fusão ou aquisição, em que a empresa brasileira é a adquirida, salvo algumas exceções. A aceitação desta posição de submissão em uma relação comercial vem do conceito generalizado de que o estrangeiro, por ser mais bem sucedido internacionalmente, é superior, e esta situação pode revelar a presença de relações de poder características de uma dominação neocolonialista, onde as empresas estrangeiras assumem o papel de metrópole, e as empresas brasileiras o papel de colônia, e eventuais conflitos são gerenciados ou mesmo mascarados através de uma explicação reducionista que evoca diferenças culturais e institucionais. O objetivo desta tese é analisar a presença a dominação neocolonialista no processo de aquisição de empresas brasileiras por empresas estrangeiras estudando o desenvolvimento do processo de aquisição de duas empresas adquiridas por multinacionais europeia e norte-americana, assim compreender como os conflitos existentes são gerenciados e como este processo de dominação pode ser normalizado pelo uso do discurso da globalização. / The national research on the internationalization of Brazilian companies, through acquisitions by foreign companies since the opening of Brazilian market in the 1990’s, approach this issue considering behavioral or economic aspects, and possible difficulties during the integration stage of the companies involved are analyzed under the aspect of organizational culture and national. However, it is possible to observe that Brazilian companies, desiring to compete in the international and globalized market, are inclined to form alliances with companies belonging to more economically developed countries, a movement that often evolves into a merger or acquisition, in which the Brazilian company is the acquired one, with some exceptions. The acceptance of a position of submission in a commercial relationship comes from the generalized concept that the foreign company, being internationally successful, has superior knowledge, and this situation can reveal the presence of power relations characteristic of a neocolonialist domination, where foreign companies assume the role of a metropolis, and Brazilian companies play the role of a cologne, and possible conflicts are managed or even disguised using a reductionist explanation that evokes cultural and institutional differences. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the presence of neocolonialist domination in the acquisition process of Brazilian companies by foreign companies, studying the development of the acquisition process of two companies acquired by European e North American multinational companies, seeking to understand how existing conflicts are managed and how this domination process can be normalized by using the globalization discourse.

Democratic speech in divided times

Lepoutre, Maxime Charles January 2018 (has links)
Democratic theorists have influentially argued that inclusive deliberation, where citizens voice their concerns and exchange justifications, is crucial to democracy. However, this deliberative ideal has come under sustained attack for being excessively utopian. As a result, to make this ideal more relevant and action-guiding, the present thesis investigates what norms should govern deliberation in political settings marked by severe social divisions. After motivating this project (Chapter 1), I defend the following account of deliberation. Although the requirement that deliberators appeal to shared reasons is morally attractive, even the weakest variant of this norm risks excluding too many considerations from the public deliberation of divided societies. To offset these exclusionary tendencies, I argue that public deliberation should give a greater role to emotionally-charged forms of speech, such as narrative (Chapter 2). Now, this last suggestion might seem overly inclusive, by opening the door for intensely angry narratives and for narratives expressing degrading or disrespectful views. In response to this 'overinclusiveness' concern, I argue 1) that degrading or disrespectful public speech is best countered through state-backed counterspeech, rather than through coercive legal norms that forcibly eliminate it from public discourse (Chapter 3) and 2) that narratives expressing anger in fact have a crucial epistemic role to play in divided societies, by enhancing our understanding of persisting injustices (Chapter 4). The final two chapters address a pressing worry: that the deliberative norms I advance demand too much of actual citizens. One might think that if citizens distrust each other and are highly ignorant about politics, they will be unable to deliberate fruitfully. But these problems are not decisive against my account. Chapter 5 investigates how the kind of public dialogue I defend offers important resources for rebuilding trust and goodwill in divided societies. As for political ignorance, Chapter 6 demonstrates that it is equally problematic for other political systems, democratic and non-democratic. Since this ignorance threatens all accounts, the solution is not to abandon inclusive deliberation, but rather to tackle political ignorance itself.

General Bounds on the Downhill Domination Number in Graphs.

Jamieson, William 01 May 2013 (has links)
A path π = (v1, v2,...vk+1) in a graph G = (V,E) is a downhill path if for every i, 1 < i < k, deg(vi) > deg(vi+1), where deg(vi) denotes the degree of vertex vi ∊ V. The downhill domination number equals the minimum cardinality of a set S ⊂ V having the property that every vertex v ∊ V lies on a downhill path originating from some vertex in S. We investigate downhill domination numbers of graphs and give upper bounds. In particular, we show that the downhill domination number of a graph is at most half its order, and that the downhill domination number of a tree is at most one third its order. We characterize the graphs obtaining each of these bounds.

La isla bajo el mar de Isabel Allende. : Mecanismos de dominación y estrategias de resistencia desde una perspectiva feminista y poscolonial.

Nordeman, Anna-Therese January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I have searched for and analyzed possible mechanisms of domination and strategies for resistance in the novel La isla bajo el mar by Isabel Allende. This was done with a post-colonial and feminist perspective, focusing on the structural divisions that can be found within these frameworks and using binary oppositions to identify different unequal power relations. These oppositions showed me the unjust structures that are being present in the novel, and made it easier to identify the mechanisms used to oppress certain groups of people. After identifying the mechanisms of oppression, I could also point out the strategies of resistance used by Teté, the main character, and oppressed groups together to resist this domination and the power of the norms in society.

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