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Measurement of surface tension in base metal sulphide mattes by an improved sessile drop methodHamuyuni, Joseph 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: See item for full text / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien item vir volteks
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Evaluation and performance prediction of cooling tower rain zonesPierce, Darren John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Cooling tower rain zone performance characteristics such as the loss coefficient
and the Merkel number are evaluated and simulated. To this end the influence of
drop diameter and drop deformation on the velocity, path length and cooling of
single water drops are investigated. Experimental drop size and pressure drop data
over a counterflow rain zone are presented and the effect of drop deformation on
the pressure drop is investigated using the experimental data and CFD. Using the
experimental drop size data and CFD, the performance uncertainty produced by
using the Rosin-Rammler drop distribution function as opposed to the discrete
drop distribution data is investigated. CFD models are developed to investigate
the feasibility of modelling rain zones by assuming a constant drop diameter and
to establish which diameter definition is the most representative of a particular
polydisperse drop distribution. These models were used to validate the
correlations for the rain zone performance characteristics proposed in literature.
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Cluster model analysis of exotic decay in actinide nucleiDu Toit, Erasmus Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The binary cluster model is used to investigate the properties of exotic
structures and decays in various nuclei. A simple method is described to choose
the possible clusters forming within the nucleus, by assuming the nucleus consists
of a mixture of up to four different core-cluster pairs. A phenomenological
potential is then used, with optimized parameters, to describe the even-even
222-232Th nuclei within the binary cluster model, by calculating exotic decay
half-lives, reduced electromagnetic transition probabilities, and energy spectra.
After finding that all experimentally observed heavy ion emissions are
predicted with the model and calculated structure observables are reproduced
within good agreement of the experimentally measured values, the model was
extended to include the even-even 230-234U, 236-240Pu and 222-224Ra nuclei.
We found that almost all experimentally observed heavy ion emissions are
predicted within the model with reasonable accuracy in the calculated halflives,
and found good agreement in the other calculated structure observables. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die binêre bondel model is gebruik om die eienskappe van eksotiese strukture
en verval in verskeie nukliedes te ondersoek. ’n Eenvoudige metode is
gebruik om die moontlike bondels wat binne die nuklied vorm te kies, deur
die aanname te maak dat die nuklied uit ’n mengsel van tot vier verskillende
kern-bondel pare bestaan. ’n Fenomenologiese potensiaal is dan gebruik, met
optimale parameters, om die ewe-ewe 222-232Th nukliedes met die binêre bondel
model te beskryf, deur eksotiese verval halfleeftye, verminderde elektromagnetiese
oorgangswaarskynlikhede, en energie spektra te bereken. Nadat
daar gevind is dat alle vrygestelde swaar ione wat eksperimenteel waargeneem
is deur die model voorspel word, en berekende struktuur waarneembares tot
goeie ooreenstemming met die eksperimentele waardes produseer is, is die model
uitgebrei om die ewe-ewe 230-234U, 236-240Pu en 222-224Ra nukliedes in te
sluit. Daar is gevind dat byna alle vrygestelde swaar ione wat eksperimenteel
waargeneem is deur die model voorspel word met redelike akkuraathied in die
berekening van hul halfleeftye, asook dat daar goeie ooreenstemming tussen
die berekende en eksperimentele waardes van ander struktuur waarneembares was.
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"Jag ser dig och jag bryr mig om dig" : En fenomenologisk studie av förskollärares omsorgskunskaper vid lämningarAlmlöf, Sophie, Thongsong, Mari January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att söka kunskap om omsorg genom att prata med förskollärare om lämningssituationer. Vi kartlägger, utforskar och fördjupar deras omsorgskunskap, var den kommer ifrån och var de placerar den i förskollärarprofessionen. Genom att ha fenomenologi som teoretisk utgångspunkt, söker vi essensen av deras kunskap genom att ta del av hela deras livsvärld. Vi använder oss också av Aristoteles kunskapsbegrepp fronesis, för att analysera vårt material. Syftet med det är att vidga normer för kunskap och professionalitet. Vårt resultat visar att essensen i förskollärares kunskaper vid lämningssituationer består av inkännande och lyhördhet eftersom varje situation och barn kräver olika bemötanden utifrån de behov som uppstår. Vi har upptäckt att dethär är en kunskapsform som har en inneboende logik som baseras på ett omsorgsetiskt förhållningssätt. Detta ser vi som vårt viktigaste resultat. Vår slutsats blir därför att omsorg är en kunskapsform som tillhör förskollärarprofessionen som bör inkluderas i förskolans kunskapsbank. Förskolans pedagogik består av omsorg, lärande och fostran och ska samtidigt vila på vetenskaplig grund och därför blir det viktigt att alla dessa delar undersöks och formuleras på ett vetenskapligt vis. / The purpose of this study is to seek knowledge about care by interviewing preschool teachers regarding daily drop-offs. We have explored what this knowledge consists of, where it comes from and how they apply it in their profession at large. By using phenomenology as our theoretical approach, we seek the essence of their knowledge by including their whole lived experience. We also use Aristotle’s concept fronesis, to analyze our material. By doing this we aim to broaden standards of knowledge and professionality. Our results show that the essence of the preschool teachers´ knowledge in the situation of daily drop-offs, comes down to the their empathetic and responsive ability, since every child and situation requires a different approach, depending on the childs different needs. We discovered that this is a form of knowledge owning its’ own logic, based on ethics of care, which we see as our most important result. Our conclusion is therefore, that caring is a form of knowledge that is a part of the preschool teacher profession and should also be included as one. Pedagogy in Swedish preschools integrates an educational and caregiving practice and should also be based on scientific methods and evidence-based practices. It is important that the educational aswell as the caregiving element become subjects of scientific research.
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Melt flow singularity in linear polyethylene : influence of molar mass, molar mass distribution and carbon-based fillersXu, Han January 2010 (has links)
In the recent past it has been found that a considerable pressure drop occurred during the extrusion of linear polyethylene in the course of capillary flow. The pressure drop resides within a narrow temperature window of one to two degrees Celsius. In this research the hydrodynamic condition and molecular origin of the extrusion window of linear polymer were investigated further. The advantage of the extrusion window, viz. smooth extrudate with less die swell ratio attained at low extrusion pressure and temperature, has potential in industrial applications. However, the extrusion window, corresponding to linear polyethylene (PE) with relatively low polydispersity (<7), has a narrow window temperature interval, circa 1~2°C, thus it could not be applied to industrial scale processing at the industrial scale. To have a fundamental insight and make the process industrially viable, research in this thesis was devoted to broaden the extrusion window to tolerate the thermal fluctuations in conventional processing. To achieve this goal molecular weight dependence of window temperature and flow criticalities is revealed. The hydrodynamic conditions of the extrusion window observed in a rate-controlled rheometer and stick-slip flow studied in a stress-controlled rheometer could be traced back to the same origin, viz. slip flow arises due to the disentanglement of adsorbed chains on capillary wall from free chains in the bulk. Secondly, a dual window effect was uncovered in the course of capillary flow of a bimodal PE, which is consistent with the window temperature dependence on molecular weight. Moreover, it was found that flow induced orientation within the window effect is even less than that observed in steady state flow at a relatively low shear rate. This implies that in the window region only relaxed free chains are extruded through the capillary die and most of the adsorbed chains, which could be disengaged from the entangled melt, remain sticking to the inner capillary wall. This observation is consistent with the hydrodynamic origin of high-surface-energy-die slip flow. Finally, a unimodal linear PE with extremely broad molecular weight distribution, i.e. polydispersity (PDI) is 27, showed a broad window effect, circa 8°C, at an appropriate apparent shear rate. The molecular origin of such a broad window effect is due to its broad molecular weight distribution. These results have further implications for energy efficient processing.
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Gender Mainstreaming in Kisumu County High Schools : A Study of Gender Mainstreaming Policy Implementation on the Local Level in KenyaYounis Forssman, Joulin, Jacobsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Att hoppa av; plugga annat eller flytta. : En beskrivande studie av avhoppade studenter på fem samhällsvetenskapliga program vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet / To drop-out; study other subjects or move away. : A descriptive study of student drop-outs from five programs within social science at Luleå University of TechnologyKarlsson, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats försöker jag att fylla ett tomrum inom forskningen om studenter som väljer att hoppa sina programutbildningar inom samhällsvetenskapliga program riktade mot en kandidatexamen. Syftet med detta arbete är att presentera en bild av avhoppade studenter inom kandidatprogram, och därmed utgöra en beskrivande studie för fortsatt forskning och fördjupning inom området. Jag har samlat in och analyserat statistik om avhoppade studenter från fem samhällsvetenskapliga program vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Med hjälp av statistisk analys ger jag en detaljerad bild av studenterna som väljer att hoppa av sin samhällsvetenskapliga universitetsutbildning. Resultaten visar på en skillnad mellan könen, där männen generellt är underrepresenterade inom de flesta program men har samtidigt högst sannolikhet att lämna programmen. För båda könen är det inte ovanligt att de fortsätter studera ett annat program eller kurser vid samma universitet efter att de har hoppat av. Denna sannolikhet ökar ännu mer ifall de ursprungligen kommer från närliggande orter till universitetet. För avhoppade studenterna som kommer från andra delar av Sverige råder det omvända förhållandet, om dessa individer fortsätter att studera sker det oftast vid ett annat universitet eller högskola. Med de tillgängliga data som använts går det dock ej utläsa ifall de avhoppade studenterna väljer att studera liknande program eller kurser vid nya utbildningsorter. Det finns även en skillnad mellan könen när man gör en åldersindelning, där äldre kvinnor oftare forsätter att studera än män. Jag diskuterar mina resultat med hjälp av etablerad forskning inom utbildningssociologi, där man studerat hur kulturellt kapital, habitus, könsskillnader påverkar engagemang gentemot skolan och hur väl man lyckas prestera inom skolväsendet. Genom att koppla resultaten mot teorier inom utbildningssociologi kan detta arbete vara en utgångspunkt för att utveckla nya frågeställningar och hypoteser om avhoppade kandidatprogram studenter. Och därmed bidra till fortsatt forskning inom området. / In this paper I try to fill a gap in the studies of students who drop out of higher education in Sweden. The gap consists of students who choose to drop out of educational programs aimed towards bachelor degrees in the social sciences. The aim of this study is to present the reader with a picture of students who drops out of bachelor programs and by doing so I hope to provide a stepping stone for further research in this area. I collect and analyze statistical data on drop outs from five programs at the University of Technology in Luleå. With this I provide detailed presentation using statistical analysis of the students who choose to drop out of higher education in the social sciences. The analyzed data shows a discrepancy between the genders, where even though men are typically underrepresented at the programs at a whole, they are still the most likely to leave the programs. But even when they drop out of a program there is a high probability that they continue to study at the same university, this is true for both gender but slightly more so for women. This also increases greatly if you are from the surrounding area of the university to begin with. For students who drop out and originated from other parts of the country, they are more likely to continue their studies at a different university. With the current data available in this study, there is no way to know what type of programs or courses they choose to study at their new choice of university. There is also a difference between the genders when accounting for age, where older women have a slightly higher tendency to continue to study after they drop out. I discuss my results with established research in the field of sociology of education, on how culture capital, habitus, and differences in gender effect how students engage and perform in education. By using theories of sociology of education, this study can be used to further develop research questions and explore new premises within the subject area.
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Questa tesi è una raccolta di due capitoli che indagano due temi distinti di ricerca in economia del lavoro e dell'istruzione. Nel primo capitolo, si studiano gli effetti causali di una nuova politica di ammissione selettiva introdotta presso il Dipartimento di Economia di una importante università private situata nel nord d'Italia. Si trovano significativi miglioramenti nei risultati accademici degli studenti del primo anno che sono esposti alla nuova politica di ammissione in termini di una riduzione del tasso di abbandono scolastico e di un aumento dei crediti compiuti. Nel secondo capitolo di questa tesi, da un'altra parte, si fornisce un'evidenza recente sulla struttura dinamica e di autocovarianza del reddito di lavoro maschile italiano e si caratterizzano gli shock sul reddito del lavoro per tutto il ciclo di vita sfruttando dei dati amministrativa di grande scala provenienti dagli archivi dell'INPS. Osserviamo un aumento sostanziale della varianza del reddito degli individui di età compresa tra 50 e 60 anni. Tali risultati suggeriscono che questo aumento della varianza è guidato dall'aumento della varianza sia del componente transitorio che permanente della disuguaglianza di reddito. Tuttavia, l'accelerazione per gli individui sopra i 50 anni è causato dalla fluttuazione della varianza dei shock transitori. / This thesis is a collection of two chapters that investigate two different research topics in labor and education economics. In the first chapter, we study the causal effects of a new selective admission policy introduced in the Department of Economics at a leading private university located in the North of Italy. We find significant improvements in the academic outcomes of first year students who are exposed to this new admission policy in terms of reduction in the drop-out rate and increase in the average credits. In the second chapter of this thesis, on the other hand, we provide up-to-date evidence on the dynamic and autocovariance structures of Italian males' labor income and characterize labor income shocks over the life-cycle by exploiting a large-scale administrative data from the archives of Italian Social Security Administration (INPS). We observe a substantial increase in the variance of log-incomes of individuals between the ages of 50 and 60. Our results suggest that the latter increase in the variance is driven by the increases in the variances of both transitory and permanent components of income inequality. However, the accelerating pattern after age 50 is caused by the fluctuations in the variance of transitory shocks.
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國中補校學生中輟原因及其因應策略之研究 / A Study on the Causes of Drop - out and the Corresponding Tactics of Students in the Middle School蔡朝來 Unknown Date (has links)
六、在國中補校學生中輟的因應策略上,教師及學生的看法頗為一致。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the cause of dropouts among junior high school extention school (JHSES) students, their related variables and the coping strategies to such dropouts. Methology of research document analysis and questionnaires were performed in the 100-102 school year. Among 30 JHSES in New Taipei City, 17 enrolled in the questionnaire. Following important conclusions were obtained from data collected:
1. Factors influencing JHSES student dropout are diverse and complex, involving work, family, self-identity, physical, psychological and school, among others.
2. Most important factor of JHSES dropout is work and family.
3. School is least influential in the JHSES dropout.
4. JHSES dropout with different personal background is most effected by gender, age, marital status and residential areas.
5. Improvement of teacher instruction should be regarded as most important and immediate strategy, supplemented by strengthening student counseling, improving environment and equipment, adjusting curriculum content, etc.
6. Teacher and student views are consistent in the strategies to improve dropout in JHSES.
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Les relations avec les enseignants, la motivation à apprendre et le désir de décrocher : analyse contrastée en fonction du milieu socioéconomiqueBergeron, Julie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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