Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ttm"" "subject:"tetm""
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Mätosäkerhet vid digital terrängmodellering med handhållen laserskanner : Undersökning av den handhållna laserskannern ZEB-REVOGustafsson, Amanda, Wängborg, Olov January 2018 (has links)
En digital terrängmodell (DTM) är en representation av enbart själva markytan. Det finns flera metoder för att framställa DTM:er, där laserskanning har blivit en alltmer vanlig metod. Inom laserskanning är flygburen laserskanning (FLS) en flitigt använd metod, då metoden har fördelen av att kunna täcka stora områden på kort tid. Det finns dock nackdelar med FLS då datainsamlingen kan bli bristfällig i t.ex. skogsområden, där laserstrålar inte kan tränga igenom tät vegetation. Här kan handhållen laserskanning (HLS) vara ett bra alternativ då HLS går snabbt och inte behöver samma omfattande planering. Tidigare studier visar att HLS har många fördelar, men som dock inte kan hålla samma låga osäkerhet som terrester laserskanning (TLS). Det saknas däremot studier om hur HLS ställer sig mot mätningar med FLS. Syftet med studien är därför att utvärdera möjligheten att använda och tillämpa mätningar med HLS för framställning av DTM i skogsterräng gentemot FLS. Detta görs genom att jämföra respektive DTM:s lägesosäkerhet. I studien användes instrumentet ZEB-REVO för insamlingen av data för metoden HLS. Medan för FLS användes laserdata från Lantmäteriet. Från insamlad laserdata skapades därefter DTM:er. Dessa jämfördes mot ett antal kontrollprofiler som mättes in med totalstation. För respektive metod, HLS och FLS, beräknades medelvärde för höjdavvikelserna mot kontrollprofilerna där även standardavvikelse beräknades. Resultatet visar att DTM:en skapad av data från FLS beräknades ha en höjdavvikelse för hela området på 0,055 m som medelvärde gentemot inmätta kontrollprofiler. Standardavvikelsen för denna höjdavvikelse beräknades till 0,046 m för FLS. För DTM:en med data från HLS beräknades en höjdavvikelse på 0,043 m i medelvärde som bäst, där standardavvikelse beräknades till 0,034 m. Studien visar att metoderna HLS och FLS gav likvärdiga resultat gentemot de inmätta kontrollprofilerna, dock gav HLS generellt mindre standardavvikelse i jämförelse mot FLS. Vidare ansågs ZEB-REVO och dess tillhörande databearbetningsprogram GeoSLAM vara väldigt användarvänligt, där själva skanningen med instrumentet tog endast 10 minuter för studiens område på ca 2000 m2. Utifrån studiens resultat drogs slutsatsen att mätningar med HLS kan ge en likvärdig DTM, sett till osäkerheten, som FLS-mätningar. HLS kan därmed vara en kompletterande metod men att FLS är en fortsatt effektiv metod. / A digital terrain model (DTM) represent exclusively the earth surface. There are several methods which can be utilized to create DTMs, where laser scanning have become a common used method. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is often used since the method can cover a large area in a relatively short time. However a disadvantage with ALS is that the data collection, for a wooded area, can be inadequate due to penetration difficulties for some laser beams. For that reason a handheld laser scanner (HLS) can be an alternative since measurements can be done fast and does not need the same extensive planning. Earlier studies mention HLS to have several advantages but can still not yet be compared with terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) concerning the measurements uncertainty. There are, however, no studies that investigates how measurements with HLS stands against FLS. The purpose with the study is to evaluate the ability to use measurements from HLS to create a DTM for a wooded area in comparison with ALS. This is done by comparing the different uncertainties for each DTM. In the study the acquisition of HLS laser data was collected with the instrument ZEB-REVO and the ALS laser data was received from Lantmäteriet (cadastral mapping and surveying authority in Sweden). After the data acquisition a DTM were created from each data set (method). The DTMs were then compared to control profiles, which have been measured with total station. From the comparison with the control profiles average height deviation and standard deviation were calculated for each DTM. The result shows that the DTM created from ALS data received an average height deviation of 0,055 m for the whole area with a standard deviation of 0,046 m. Corresponding result for the DTM created from HLS data were calculated, at best, to 0,043 m in average height deviation and 0,034 m in standard deviation. The study shows that the methods HLS and ALS gave equivalent result regarding the comparison with the control profiles, however HLS gave a generally lower value for standard deviation. Furthermore ZEB-REVO with its processing program GeoSLAM was considered to be very easy and user friendly. The area (approx. 2000 m2) for the study was scanned within only 10 min. The conclusion which were drawn from the obtained result was that measurements with HLS can generate an equivalent DTM, concerning the uncertainty, as measurements with FLS. Thereby HLS can be a complementing method but still FLS is seen as an effective method.
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Analys av lägesosäkerheter hos fotogrammetriskt framställda DTM - en jämförelse mellan två programvarorSköld, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
Idag blir användningen av drönare allt mer vanlig för dokumentation av markytor. Det är ett billigare alternativ för att dokumentera små och otillgängliga områden. Genom tekniken går det bland annat att framställa olika digitala modeller som representerar jordens yta. En sådan modell kan vara en terrängmodell (DTM) som är en modell av markytan exklusive vegetation, hus eller annat som befinner sig på marken. Modeller kan framställas genom flygdata såsom laserskannad (LiDAR-data) eller flygfotograferade data (flygbilder). För att framställa en digital modell från rådata används olika programvaror. Den här studien utvärderar två olika programvarors förmåga att framställa digitala terrängmodeller från flygbilder. Främst undersöks levererade osäkerheter och användarvänligheten i programmen. Referensdata som användes i denna studie tillhandahölls av Norconsult och samlades in vid ett projekt över Hammarbyhöjdsskogen i Stockholm, hösten 2018. Den data som erhölls från projektet till denna studie var flygbilder samt terrestra detaljmätningar. Programmen som studien utvärderar är UAS Master som både använder datorseende och fotogrammetriska metoder och SURE Aerial som använder datorseende. Genom studien visade det sig att fler än de ursprungliga programvarorna behövdes för att framställa de digitala terrängmodellerna och vidare jämföra dessa. En orsak var att UAS Master saknade förmågor att redigera och visa punktmoln i 3D-vy och vidare skapa en DTM. Detta resulterade i att använda Trimble Business Center för slutarbetet. En annan orsak var att SURE Aerial visade sig vara avsett för framställning av digitala ytmodeller (representation av den faktiska, synliga ytan). För att framställa en DTM av punktmolnet användes både Cloud Compare och Agisoft Photoscan (numera Metashape). Geo användes sedan för att ta ut höjdavvikelserna från modellen. Två slutsatser som kunde dras utifrån denna studie var: 1) trots de olika tillvägagångssätten erhölls snarlika resultat för marktypernas lägesosäkerheter för respektive programvara (asfalt: 0,039 m; grus: ca 0,040 m; gräs: ca 0,048 m), varpå alla blev godkända enligt HMK – Flygfotografering 2017; 2) SURE Aerial är ett enklare och snabbbare program men med UAS Master har man som användare bättre förståelse över processerna och erhåller bättre dokumentation. / Drones have become a more and more frequent tool to document the surface of the ground, especially in smaller areas that otherwise are too expensive to observe by other means. This technology makes it possible to create digital terrain models (DTM) that represents the surface of the ground excluding vegetation, houses or other objects on the ground. These models can be created by laser scanned data (LiDAR-data) or aerial photogrammetry (aerial photos). In order to create a digital model from raw data are various software needed. This study aims to test two software’s ability to create digital terrain models from UAS photos. The software were evaluated by the uncertainties of the models, as well as the user-friendliness of each software. All data used in this study was collected by Norconsult for another project in 2018 and consist of UAS photos and data from terrestrial measurements. The softwares used in this study for comparison are UAS Master (using both computer vision and photogrammetric methods) and SURE Aerial (using computer vision). It turned out that additional use of software were needed to create DTMs that were comparable. UAS Master could not show or edit point clouds in 3D, because of this the software Trimble Business Centre had to be used. This program was also used to obtain height deviations. SURE Aerial on the other hand turned out to only be able to create digital surface models (models of the visible ground). The software Cloud Compare and Agisoft Photoscan (nowadays Metashape) were therefore used to create the DTM from the point cloud. The height deviations from the ladder DTM were obtained from the software Geo. Two conclusions could be drawn from this study: 1) the uncertainties of the different surface types were similar in the software despite the different ways to create the DTMs (asphalt: 0.039 m; gravel: 0.040 m; grass: 0.048 m). All of which meet the requirements according to HMK – Flygfotografering 2017; 2) SURE Aerial is a lot easier and quicker to work with but UAS Master give the user a lot more feedback in the way of documentation throughout the different processes.
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Disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) : impacto do relaxamento sobre ansiedade e estresse /Esgalha, Luciana Ruas. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Sandra Leal Calais / Banca: Maria Cristina de Oliveira Miyazaki / Banca: Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues / Resumo: Estudos sobre a Disfunção da Articulação Temporomandibular (DTM) e dores orofaciais têm apontado uma associação entre seu diagnóstico e sintomas psicológicos como estresse e ansiedade. No entando, pouco se referem ao tratamento com técnica de relaxamento. Esse projeto teve por objetivo verificar o efeito da Técnica de Relaxamento Progressivo em disfunções temporomandibulares e nas possíveis variáveis ansiedade e estresse contribuintes nas DTMs. Os participantes foram 46 pacientes, divididos em dois grupos com 25 e 21 (controle experimental), respectivamente, com DTM e queixa muscular, que procuraram um serviço especializado de Odontologia de uma universidade pública. Foram aplicados o Inventário de Ansiedade - BAI (CUNHA, 2001), o Inventário de Stress - ISSL (LIPP, 2002) e o Research Diagnostic Criterion-adaptado (RDC, 2007). Esses dois grupos estavam fazendo uso de placa miorelaxante, que faz parte do tratamento odontológico. O grupo experimental foi submetido a oito sessões da técnica de Relaxamento Progressivo. Após a intervenção, foi feita nova avaliação por mieo dos inventários para análise do efeito da aprendizagem em relaxamento nos dois grupos. Ao grupo controle foi oferecida a oportunidade de também participarem das sessões, após o término da intervenção com o grupo experimental. Os dados foram analisados com a estatística não paramétrica para comparação inter-grupos e intra-grupos. A partir destes resultados pode-se afirmar, com 99% de confiança, que para a amostra estudada, tanto no grupo experimental quanto no controle, existe uma correlação positiva moderada entre os níveis de ansiedade e estresse e entre o nível de ansiedade e estresse e entre o nível de ansiedade e o grau da dor crônica e, com 95% de confiança, que existe correlação positiva moderada entre o nível de estresse e o grau da dor crônica. O fato destas variáveis... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Study Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) and orofacial pain have shown an association between diagnosis and psychological sumptoms such as stress amd anxiety. However, few refer to treatment with relaxation techniques. This project aimed to verify the effect of progressive relaxion technique in temporomandibular disorders and the possible variables anxiety and stress taxpayers in TMD. Participants were 46 patients divided into two groups with 25 and 21 (control and experimental), respectively, with TMD and muscle complaint, which sought a specialized dentistry at a public university. Were applied Anxiety Inventory - BAI (CUNHA, 2001), the Inventory of Stress - (SSI LIPP, 2002) and Research Diagnostic Criterion-adapted (DRC, 2007). These two groups were making use of miorelaxant place, with is part of dental treatment. The experimental group underwent eight sessions of progressive relaxion techique. After the intervention, was reassessed by means of inventories to analyze the effect of learning in relaxation in both groups. In the control group was offered the opportunity to also participate in mneeting after the end of the intervention with the experimental group. The data were analyzed with nonparametric statistics to compare inter-group and intra-groups. From these results, we can say with 99% condidence that the sample studied, both in the experimental group and in control, there is a moderate positive correlation between levels of anxiety and stress and between anxiety levels and the degree chronic pain, with 95% confidence that there is moderate positive correlation between stress level and degree of chronic pain. The fact that these variables are related to each other suggests that a change in the level of anxiety and/or level of stress may reflect changes in the degree of chronic pain patients. This condition possibly account for the data obtained with 95% confidence... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Tvorba digitálního modelu terénu pro povodí Jenínského toku a analýza drah soustředěného odtoku vod. / Cration of digital terrain model for the Jeninsky stream catchment and analysis of valley lines.JURÁNEK, Stanislav January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is localization and interpretation of paths of concentration runoff in digital terrain model. Digital terrain model(DTM) is processed for the catchment of the Jenín stream, where The Faculty of Agriculture has held the research since the year 2004. For creation of DTM following software programs were used for comparison: Erdas and ArcGIS. Digitalized maps of contour lines for this catchment were the backgrounds for creation of the DTM. Localization of paths of concentration runoff and natural thalwegs was made on created DTM. Then was the comparison of models and the real topography of the catchment realized. Possible reasons of differences were discussed in discussion. Different (in colours and resolution) variations of DTM with localized paths of concentration runoff are the result, with the view of better legibility and more truly representation of real topography of the landscape.
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Caracterização orofacial e avaliação funcional do sistema mastigatório em portadores de Charcot-Marie-Tooth 2Rezende, Rejane Lenier Santos 20 August 2012 (has links)
A doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) é uma neuropatia hereditária que se caracteriza por comprometimento progressivo de nervos periféricos, sensitivos e motores, acometendo principalmente segmentos distais dos membros inferiores. Apresenta curso clínico bastante variável e segmentos proximais, mesmos de membros superiores, também podem ser acometidos. Nenhum estudo abrangente foi publicado anteriormente sobre a caracterização orofacial e função mastigatória em indivíduos com a doença CMT2. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma avaliação global da saúde bucal e da função mastigatória dos indivíduos com CMT2, pertencentes a uma família multigeracional do interior do estado de Sergipe, e comparar os achados com indivíduos controle. Comparou-se vinte e um indivíduos do grupo controle (dez homens e onze mulheres, 10-38 anos de idade) e dezoito do grupo com a doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo 2 (nove homens e nove mulheres, 12-55 anos de idade) através de questionário sócio-demográfico e de saúde oral, caracterizando a população. Também realizou-se exame físico intra oral e prenchimento da ficha clínica, para determinação do Índice de dentes cariados perdidos e obturados (CPOD). Coletou-se saliva para determinação do fluxo salivar, do pH e da capacidade tampão salivar. O impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida foi investigado através do questiónario Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). Os sinais e sintomas de DTM foram avaliados através do programa Eixo I RDC/DTM, do Questionário de bruxismo e do Questionário DTM de Conti. Ainda, a eficiência mastigatória foi avaliada pela mastigação do alimento-teste optocal (versão brasileira) por 20 ciclos mastigatórios, cujo material mastigado foi submetido a um sistema de tamises, seguido da determinação do peso das partículas em cada peneira. Em relação à autopercepção de saúde bucal, índice CPOD, testes salivares, impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida, sinais e sintomas de DTM e eficiência mastigatória não foi encontrado diferença estastistica entre os grupos.
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Apports de l'imagerie et des SIG pour une étude morphostructurale de la jeffara tunisienne : implications géodynamiques et intérêts pétroliers / GIS and imagery contribution in the morphostructural study of Jeffara (south east of tunisia) : geodynamic implications and petroleum interestsGhedhoui, Rim 27 November 2014 (has links)
L’étude morphostructurale de la Jeffara orientale a été basée sur l’analyse des anomalies du réseau de drainage et l’analyse structurale du modèle numérique de terrain (MNT, SRTM), comparées aux interprétations de lignes sismiques réflexion 2D onshore et offshore, de données structurales et lithologiques de terrain et la relecture et ré-interpretation de travaux préexistants. La présente étude a, notamment, mis en évidence de nouveaux indices structuraux qui plaident en faveur de la présence d’un mouvement décrochant dextre : (1) des fentes de tension en échelon et des fentes de tension sigmoïdes (en S), caractéristiques d’un mouvement décrochant dextre de direction NW-SE pour l’île de Jerba, associées à des failles de directions prédominantes N120 °E à N130 °E décrivant un mouvement transtensif décrochant dextre. Ces failles décrochantes à composante normale sont structurées en « couloirs de décrochements transtensifs » bien visibles sur les profils de sismique réflexion 2D, par le pendage régional des réflecteurs sismiques vers le NE (mer Méditerranée), par les zones transparentes et les décalages verticaux des faciès sismiques ; (2) des plis parallèles, de direction N070 °E (au SE de Jerba, au Nord de la ville de Zarzis et au NW de Bahiret el Bibane), des axes de plis décalés en dextre (au SE de l’ile de Jerba et au Nord de la ville de Zarzis), des plis dissymétriques et (3) des diapirs NW-SE et NE-SW, qui s’étalent suivant les directions préférentielles de fractures en offshore. Sur le plan géodynamique, la présente étude pluridisciplinaire permet de simplifier l’histoire tectonique de la Jeffara maritime, depuis la limite Crétacé Inférieur – Crétacé Supérieur, par (1) un relatif continuum de régime tectonique compressif/décrochant avec σ1 globalement NNW-SSE à N-S entrainant un raccourcissement presque N-S et un échappement local du « plancher » du golf de Gabès vers l’Est, liée à la bordure libre méditerranéenne. Chaque déplacement transtensif engendrerait une remontée diapirique et une extension halocinétique pluri à multidirectionnelle. En plus, l’étude morphostructurale associée à l’interprétation d’un maillage serré de lignes de sismique réflexion 2D couvrant une partie SE de la Jeffara, a permis de souligner les directions de failles majeures E –W du craâton africain avant le rifting téthysien et leur faible ré-activation postérieure et de mettre en place un modèle structural silurien de la région de Ksar Haddada. Ce dernier est caractérisé par une structuration en horsts et grabens, orientés E – W, qui se trouvent entrecoupés par des failles normales majeures de même direction. L’analyse des linéaments morphostructuraux met en avant une possible relation entre la structuration profonde E – W, décelée sur les cartes isobathes au toits des formations siluriennes (Accacus d’âge Silurien Supérieur et Tannezuft d’âge Silurien Inférieur) et les alignements morphostructuraux de surface, qui ont montré une direction majeure caractéristique E-W.En conclusion, les répercussions pétrolières de la structuration de la Jeffara apparaissent intéressantes. Le bassin pull apart que forment l’île de Jerba et les péninsules de Jorf et Zarzis, dont le cœur est occupé par Bahiret Boughrara permet la mise en place d’un complexe diapirique à fort intérêt pétrolier, favorisant le piégeage des hydrocarbures par les remontées salifères / The morphostructurale study of oriental Jeffara was based on the analysis of the anomalies of the network of drainage and the structural analysis of the digital terrain model (MNT, SRTM), compared with the interpretations(performances) of seismic lines onshore and offshore 2D reflection, of structural data and lithologiques by ground and the review(proofreading) and the ré-interpretation(ré-performance) of pre-existent works. The present study highlighted, in particular, new structural indications which advocate for the presence of a movement dropping out dexter: (1) of the cracks of tension in level and cracks of tension sigmoïdes (in S), characteristics of a movement picking up(taking down) right hand of direction(management) NW-SE for the island of Jerba, associated with weaknesses(faults) of dominant directions(managements) N120 °E to N130 °E describing a transtensif movement
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A Generalized Adaptive Mathematical Morphological Filter for LIDAR DataCui, Zheng 14 November 2013 (has links)
Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technology has become the primary method to derive high-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), which are essential for studying Earth’s surface processes, such as flooding and landslides. The critical step in generating a DTM is to separate ground and non-ground measurements in a voluminous point LIDAR dataset, using a filter, because the DTM is created by interpolating ground points. As one of widely used filtering methods, the progressive morphological (PM) filter has the advantages of classifying the LIDAR data at the point level, a linear computational complexity, and preserving the geometric shapes of terrain features. The filter works well in an urban setting with a gentle slope and a mixture of vegetation and buildings. However, the PM filter often removes ground measurements incorrectly at the topographic high area, along with large sizes of non-ground objects, because it uses a constant threshold slope, resulting in “cut-off” errors. A novel cluster analysis method was developed in this study and incorporated into the PM filter to prevent the removal of the ground measurements at topographic highs.
Furthermore, to obtain the optimal filtering results for an area with undulating terrain, a trend analysis method was developed to adaptively estimate the slope-related thresholds of the PM filter based on changes of topographic slopes and the characteristics of non-terrain objects. The comparison of the PM and generalized adaptive PM (GAPM) filters for selected study areas indicates that the GAPM filter preserves the most “cut-off” points removed incorrectly by the PM filter. The application of the GAPM filter to seven ISPRS benchmark datasets shows that the GAPM filter reduces the filtering error by 20% on average, compared with the method used by the popular commercial software TerraScan. The combination of the cluster method, adaptive trend analysis, and the PM filter allows users without much experience in processing LIDAR data to effectively and efficiently identify ground measurements for the complex terrains in a large LIDAR data set. The GAPM filter is highly automatic and requires little human input. Therefore, it can significantly reduce the effort of manually processing voluminous LIDAR measurements.
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Utvärdering av reflektorlös vägmätning med totalstation, laserskanner och UAS / Evaluation of reflectorless road surveying with total station, laser scanner and UASGhanim, Danny, Holmström, Max January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker reflektorlös mätning av vägmitt med totalstation samt skapande av markmodeller av vägar genom terrester laserskanning (TLS) och unmanned aerial system (UAS). Målet är att utvärdera metoder som undviker traditionell mätning på väg med handhållen prisma eftersom detta innebär att den som mäter måste befinna sig på vägen, vilket medför risker för trafikrelaterade olyckor samt kostnader för skyddsåtgärder. Studieområdet är en asfaltsbelagd parkeringsyta med vita markeringar liknande väglinjer. Genom TLS och fotogrammetrisk bearbetning av UAS-bilder skapades punktmoln och sedan markmodeller över en 60x10 m yta. Toleransen för markmodeller av asfaltsytor beskrivs i SIS-TS 21144:2016, som anger att den maximalt tillåtna medelavvikelsen i höjd är 0,02 m. Markmodellerna från både TLS och UAS-fotogrammetri uppfyllde kraven och erhöll medelavvikelser på -0,001 m respektive 0,005 m. Reflektorlös mätning som utförs från marknivå och ned mot terrängen med totalstation eller TLS resulterar i stora infallsvinklar, vilket i sin tur orsakar en förlängd träffbild. Pga. stråldivergens ökar dessutom träffbildens storlek med avstånd. En ytterligare faktor som påverkar reflektorlös mätning är mätobjektets reflektans. Asfalt har en reflektans på knappt 20 %, medan reflektansen hos de vitmålade markeringarna är tre gånger så hög. När det gäller TLS minskar dessutom punkttätheten, som påverkar vilka detaljer som kan identifieras, i samband med ökande avstånd. Toleranserna för inmätning av kontrollpunkter har i denna studie satts till 0,05 m i plan och 0,02 m i höjd. Resultaten visar att reflektorlös totalstationsmätning mot väglinjer uppnår RMS under toleransgränsen på upp till 55 m från instrumentet. I plan syns en trend som visar att avvikelserna ökar i samband med avstånd/infallsvinkel. I höjd syns inte en lika tydlig trend men vid ett avstånd på 57,5 m ökar avvikelserna drastiskt i både plan och höjd, vilket får betraktas som ett överskridande av den maximala räckvidden. Med dessa mätmetoder behöver hänsyn tas till bl.a. fri sikt, vägens utformning och skick, faktorer i omgivningen, trafikbelastning samt det rådande vädret. För både punktmoln och bilder behöver dessutom georeferering göras och lämplig upplösning bestämmas. Slutsatsen är dock att samtliga metoder kompletterar varandra och kan användas för insamling, kontroll, inpassning och komplettering av markmodeller och undviker samtidigt riskerna som medföljer handhållen prismamätning på väg. / This study evaluates the potential of reflectorless total station (TS) measurements when surveying road centerlines and the creation of digital terrain models (DTM) of road surfaces based on terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and unmanned aerial system (UAS). The aim is to evaluate methods that avoid traditional surveying using a handheld prism since this means that the surveyor must be on the road, which creates risks of traffic related accidents as well as costs for protective measures. The study area is an asphalt-covered surface with white markings resembling roadlines. Through TLS and photogrammetric processing of UAS-images, pointclouds and subsequently DTM:s were created over a 60x10 m surface. The tolerance for DTM:s of asphalt-covered surfaces is specified in SIS-TS 21144:2016, which states a maximum average vertical deviation of 0,02 m. The DTM:s from the TLS and UAS-photogrammetry both fulfilled the requirements and obtained a quality of -0,001 m and 0,005 m respectively. Reflectorless measurements performed from ground level and down toward the terrain with TS or TLS result in large angles of inclination, which in turn causes an extended footprint of the laser beam. Because of beam divergence the footprint expands further with longer distances. Another factor that affects reflectorless measurements is the reflectance of the surface. Asphalt has a reflectance of barely 20 % while the reflectance of the white painted markings is three times as high. Additionaly when it comes to TLS, the point cloud density, which affects what details can be identified, diminishes with increasing distance. The tolerances for surveying of control points has in this study been set to 0,05 m horizontally and 0,02 m vertically. The results show that the reflectorless measurements of roadlines with TS achieves RMS below the tolerance limit up to 55 m from the instrument. The horizontal coordinates show a trend that the deviations increase with distance/angle of inclination. Vertically such a trend is not quite as clear, but at a distance of 57,5 m both the horizontal and vertical deviations increase drastically, which may be considered as exceeding the maximum range. With these methods adherences to some limitations need to be taken into consideration, such as line of sight, the road’s shape and condition, environmental factors, traffic and the weather. Furthermore, for both point clouds and images georeferencing needs to be done and a suitable resolution determined. The conclusion however, is that all methods complement each other and can be used for collecting, checking, fitting and completing DTM:s while avoiding the risks that traditional surveying methods using handheld prism creates.
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Tvorba digitálního modelu terénu zadané části lokality Jedovnice / Creation of Digital Terrain Model of the specified part of Jedovnice lokalityKlusák, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my master’s thesis was to createa digital terrain model (DTM). The assigned data were to be processed, updated, unified and subsequently used to create a purpose map on the scale of 1:500. The selected area issituated near the village of Jedovnice; to be more specific, the area includes a meadow located along the Podomský rivulet and the adjacent forest. To create the purpose map, the MicroStation software was used (version V8). Furthermore, the Atlas DTM software (version 4)was used to create the digital terrain model, colour hypsometry and an exposure map and finally, the AutoCAD software (student version 2013) was used for visualizing and matching objects with textures.
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Rozšíření řídicího systému modelu letadla Skydog o podporu vzdáleného a samočinného řízení Android aplikací / Expansion of Skydog Aircraft Model Control System by Remote and Autonomous Control by Android ApplicationBoček, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to design and implement an Android application with ability to control the autopilot of the Skydog aircraft model using the wireless telemetry. The application shall receive data from an aircraft model gathered from various installed sensors. These data shall be then processed and corresponding instructions for autopilot shall be sent back. When collision with terrain or obstacle is detected, the application shall send instructions to autopilot to avoid such collision. RRT algorithm is used to find collision-free flight trajectory. Database of known obstacles and digital terrain model are provided to application in formats XML and GeoTIFF respectively.
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