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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvärdering av noggrannhet i digitala terrängmodeller framtagna med totalstation, NRTK, UAV och NH / Accuracy evaluation in digital terrain models produced with total station, NRTK, UAV and NH

Jansson, Wilma January 2020 (has links)
Det finns flertal användningsområden för digitala höjdmodeller där det krävs hög noggrannhet för att problematik och ekonomiska konsekvenser inte ska uppstå. Digitala höjdmodeller kan användas till volymberäkning, projektering och geografiska analyser. Digitala höjdmodeller kan kategoriseras som antingen digital ytmodell eller digital terräng-modell. Då hög noggrannhet eftersträvas i digitala terrängmodeller har SIS framställt en standard benämnd SIS-TS 21144:2016 som beskriver hur inmätning och kontroll av data till digitala terrängmodeller ska hanteras. För insamling av höjdinformation till en digital terrängmodell finns olika terrestra och flygburna mätmetoder. Vanliga terrestra mätmetoder är totalstation, GNSS och terrester laserskanning medan flygburna mätmetoder är flygburen laserskanning eller olika metoder med digital fotogrammetri. Syftet med studien är att undersöka noggrannheten hos höjdmodeller kategoriserade som digitala terräng-modeller. Insamling av höjdinformation skedde med totalstation, GNSS-metoden NRTK och UAV samt inhämtning av LAS-data från NH för tre olika karaktäristiska grönområden inom Karlstad med omnejd. SIS-TS 21144:2016 har klassificerat terrängmodeller beroende på användningsområde och terräng. Klassificeringen går mellan klass 1–10 och varje klass har en maximal tolerans i höjd. För studien har tre studieområden som går under klassificeringarna klass 2, klass 3 och klass 5 valts ut för undersökning. Samtliga studieområden är avgränsade till 40 x 40 meter. Innan insamling av data markerades och mättes bakåtobjekt och avvägning genomfördes. Samtlig insamlad data bearbetades i programvaran SBG Geo och UAV data bearbetades även i programvaran Agisoft PhotoScan Professional. För kontroll av samtliga terrängmodeller genomfördes inmätning av tre kontrollprofiler med totalstation enligt SIS-TS 21144:2016. Resultatet visade att UAV är inom tolerans för samtliga studieområden medan NH-data resulterade i enstaka kontrollpunkter utanför klassningens tolerans för samtliga studie-områden. De två terrestra mätmetoderna är båda inom tolerans för klass 2 och varsin kontrollpunkt utanför tolerans för klass 5. Vid studieområde klass 3 är fem kontrollpunkter för totalstation utanför tolerans respektive åtta för NRTK. Vid analys av vilken mätmetod som resulterar i noggrannast terrängmodell inom samtliga studieområden krävs beaktning av antal inmätningspunkter och trianglar som terrängmodellen är uppbyggd av. För klass 2 ger de flygburna mätmetoderna flest antal inmätningspunkter och trianglar medan UAV resulterar i betydligt högre värden för de två resterande studieområdena. Antal inmätnings-punkter för de terrestra mätmetoderna har operatör beslutat om under mätning, vilket har kunnat ökas för att generera terrängmodeller som består av fler trianglar. Resultatet från studien visar att UAV resulterar i terrängmodeller som klarar toleranser inom undersökta studieområden och SIS-TS 21144:2016 klassificeringar. / There are previous research about digital terrain models and how different methods of producing digital terrain models varies in accuracy and there are several different methods to produce a digital terrain models.  In this study the following methods, tools and data are used to produce digital terrain models over three different characteristic study areas: total station, GNSS, UAV and NH. Previous work has failed to address the accuracy given by these four methods over the same three characteristic study areas thus preventing the understanding of most suitable methods for different areas. In this study three different green areas have been studied and the different digital terrain models has been produced and controlled with SIS standard SIS-TS 21144:2016. Data in form of height information were collected by the aforementioned methods and processed to generate results over the accuracy of each methods. The results shows that UAV provide most accurately digital terrains models in least time spent in field but also total station and GNSS generate digital terrain models that are accurate.

Utveckling av metoder för att säkerställa kvaliteten på höjddata insamlad med UAV : Fastställande av tillvägagångssätt vid luftburen datainsamling / Development of methods to ensure the quality elevation data collected with UAV : Establishment of procedures for airborne data collection

Lindström, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Företaget Team Exact levererar mätningstekniska tjänster, där den främsta verksamheten är riktad mot byggnads- och markindustrin. Företaget använder UAS och levererar tjänster till kunder med ortofoto och DEM som kan användas till kartläggning, volymberäkningar och planering. Team Exact använder konsultföretagets SkyMap’s webbaserade plattform i fotogrammetrisk bearbetning av UAV genererade flygbilder. DEM behöver uppnå HMK-standardnivå 3 för att användas som underlag till bygghandlingar. För att uppnå HMK-standardnivå 3 så krävs det en lägesosäkerhet på 0,02–0,05 m/ 0,03–0,07 m (plan/höjd). Team Exact uppnår god lägesosäkerhet i plan men har varierande resultat i höjdåtergivningen. Studien har således en målsättning att hitta metoder för att säkerställa höjden inom ett studieområde med varierande topografi, terräng och markytor. Faktorer som ska undersökas är markstödspunkter, RTK-data, flygstråk, kamerainställningar och tänkvärda åtgärder i skiftande topografi samt att se tendenser hur höjdåtergivningen varierar på olika markytor.  Ett stomnät etablerades över studieområdet med tre fastställda koordinatsatta stompunkter, punkterna var inmätta med statisk NRTK mätning under 1 minut. Nätet jämnades ut med totalstation och därefter blev kontrollpunkter, profiler, ytor och markstödspunkter inmätta. Studien utredde lägesosäkerheten med 0, 5, 9 och 12 markstödspunkter. Den UAV som användes i studien är försedd med en RTK-modul och förväntades därav tillhandahålla positioneringsdata som var av värde att utreda. Markstödspunkternas utplacering planerades med fyra konstanta i studieområdets yttrehörn och en femte konstant på studieområdets högsta höjd. Resterande punkter placerades ut i en jämnfördelning över områdets toppar och dalar.  Flygmetoderna som utvärderades var förankrade i tidigare studier. Gemensamma inställningar över samtliga metoder var studieområdets avgränsning, en flyghöjd på 40 m samt flyghastigheten på 3 m/s. Resterande var flytande parametrar som var av värde att utreda. Studien justerade parametrarna gällande flygstråk, övertäckning, kameravinkel och kamerainställningar. Totalt blev det tre flygmetoder där de fyra olika markstödskombinationerna undersöktes vilket gav 12 processer att utvärdera. Utvärderingen utfördes mot 77 kontrollpunkter där RMSE-värde för höjd och plan undersöktes. Kontrollpunkterna var jämnt fördelade över ytan och marktyperna. En ytterligare analys utfördes med volymberäkningar mellan referens terrängmodeller och de genererade terrängmodellerna.  Flygmetod 3 gav bästa resultat där fotogrammetriinställningen Double Grid användes och överlappningen var 80/60 % samt att kameran tiltades till -70°. Sensorkänsligheten var inställd på ISO100, bländaren ett öppningsvärde f/5 och slutartiden var inställd på 1/500s. Studiens resultat visar att flygmetod 3 som blockutjämnats med 12 markstödspunkter genererade bästa resultat på en lägesosäkerhet i plan på 0,015 m samt 0,035 m i höjd. / The company Team Exact delivers measurement technical services, and the main business is aimed at the construction and land industry. The company uses UAS and offers services to customers and delivers products such as orthophotos and DEMs that can be used for mapping, volume calculations and planning. Team Exact uses the consulting company SkyMap’s web-based platform for photogrammetric processing of UAV-generated aerial images. DEM needs to achieve good positional uncertainty, to achieve HMK standard level 3, it is required that the basis for construction documents has a positional uncertainty of 0.02–0.05 m / 0.03–0.07 m (level / height). Team Exact achieves good positional uncertainty in horizontal coordinates but has varying results in height reproduction. The study thus aims to find methods to ensure the height within a study area with varying topography, terrain and ground surfaces. Factors to be investigated are ground control points, RTK data, flight paths, camera settings and conceivable measures in varying topography, as well as seeing trends in how the height representation differs on different ground surfaces. A coordinate network was established over the study area with three established coordinate reference points, the points were measured with static NRTK measurement 1 minute. The network was levelled with the total station and then control points, profiles, surfaces, and ground control points were measured. The study investigated the location uncertainty with 0, 5, 9 and 12 ground control points. The UAV used in the study is equipped with an RTK module and was therefore expected to provide positioning data that was worth investigating. The placement of the ground support points was planned with four constants in the outer corner of the study area and a fifth constant at the highest level of the study area. The remaining points were placed in an even distribution over the area’s peaks and valleys. The evaluated flight methods were rooted in previous studies. Common settings across all methods were the study area delimitation, 40 m flight altitude and the flight speed of 3 m/s. Remaining were floating parameters that were of value to investigate. The study adjusted the parameters regarding flight path, coverage, camera angle and camera settings. In total, there were three flight methods where the four different ground support combinations were examined, which gave 12 processes to evaluate. The evaluation was performed against 77 control points where the RMSE value for height and plane was examined. The control points were evenly distributed over the surface and soil types. A further analysis was performed with volume calculations between the reference terrain models and the generated terrain models. Flight method 3 gave the best results where the photogrammetry setting Double Grid was used and the overlap was 80/60 % and the camera was tilted to -70 °. The sensor sensitivity was set to ISO100, the shutter had an aperture value of f/5 and the shutter speed was set to 1/500s. The results of the study indicate that flight method 3, which was levelled with 12 ground support points, generated the best results on a positional uncertainty in horizontal coordinates of 0,015 m and 0,035 m in height.

Kvantifiering av förändrad grundvattennivå vid simulerad dikesrensning / Quantifying change of water table when simulating ditch network maintenance

Fastrup, Elsa January 2024 (has links)
Dikesrensning är en etablerad åtgärd inom skogproduktion i Sverige för att bevara dikenas förmåga att leda vatten, och den sänkta grundvattennivån som ökat trädens tillväxt. I denna studie skapades och testades ett verktyg för att prognostisera förändringen av grundvattennivån vid simulerad dikesrensning för att förstå dikesrensningens påverkan på trädens tillväxt och negativa miljöeffekter. Verktyget applicerar Depth-to-Water (DTW) metoden för att skatta grundvattendjupet som lägsta summerade höjdskillnad till härlett ytvattensystem, med topografin från en digital markmodell. För att skatta grundvattennivån efter dikesrensning, så applicerades DTW på en markmodell med simulerad dikesrensning. Den simulerade dikesrensningen redigerade höjdvärdet längs dikesbotten i markmodellen till att representera dikesdjupet bättre men inte tillräckligt för att efterlikna en dikesrensning. DTW-metoden testades med olika hydrologiska bearbetningsmetoder av markmodellen för härledning av ytvattensystem och med höjdskillnaden beräknad från markmodellen respektive den hydrologiskt bearbetade markmodellen. Hydrologiska bearbetningsmetoden med samtliga funktioner, fylla och gräva kopplingar mellan sänkor, och utjämna markytan, härledde det mest realistiska ytvattensystemet och skattade grundvattennivån med generellt lägst medelavvikelsejämfört med fältmätningar och andra hydrologiska bearbetningsmetoder. När höjdskillnaden beräknades från den hydrologiskt bearbetade markmodellen skattades grundvattennivån markant bättre. Verktygets metod för skattade grundvattennivå med lägst medelavvikelse var på 0,28 m och bias på 0,10 m, vilket inte är tillräckligt för att använda verktyget för beslutsunderlag. Fortsatta studier skulle behövas för en bättre skattad grundvattennivå och med utvecklad metod för att kunna använda verktyget som beslutsunderlag vid dikesrensning. / Ditch network maintenance (DNM) is an established forestry practice in Sweden to keep ditches ability to convey water, which lower the water table to increase tree growth. In this study, a tool was created and tested to forecast the change in groundwater table during DNM to understand the impact from DNM on tree growth and negative environmental effects. The tool applied the Depth-to-Water (DTW) method to estimate groundwater table depth as the lowest summed elevation difference to surface flow channels, with respect to the topography in a digital terrain model (DTM). To estimate the groundwater table after DNM, DTW was applied to a DTM with simulated DNM. Compared to field measures the DTM with simulated DNM had an improved representation of ditch depth than the DTM without, but not sufficiently to mimic a DNM. The DTW method was tested with different hydrological processing on the DTM for derivation of surface flow channels and with the elevation difference calculated from the DTM versus hydrologically processed DTM. The hydrological preprocessing method with all functions, filling and breaching sinks, and smoothing the ground surface, derived the most realistic surface flow channels and estimated the groundwater table with generally the lowest root mean standard deviation (RMSE) compared to field measurements and other hydrological processing methods. When the elevation difference is calculated from the hydrologically processed DTM it improved the estimated groundwater table. The tool's estimated groundwater table had the lowest RMSE of 0.28 m and a bias of 0.10 m, which is not enough to use the tool for decision support. Further studies would be needed for better estimated groundwater table and developed methods to be able to use the tool as decision support for DNM.

Proměny půdního krytu a reliefu v důsledku zvýšené dynamiky erozně akumulačních procesu na vybraných lokalitách. / Soil and terrain changes as a result of increased erosion and accumulation processes in selected locations

Votýpka, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Soil and terrain changes as a result of increased erosion and accumulation processes in selected locations Abstract Colluvial soils are formed in areas with increased intensity of soil erosion. Colluvial soils originate as a result of their position in terrain, they are usually found in places where has accumulated erosion material. Very often they are to be found at the around of slopes. Their accumulation horizon is deeper than 25 cm with a great amount of organic carbon buried in it. In my diploma thesis I will attempt to take a closer look at three locations, each having different types of dominant soils. The aim of this diploma thesis is to rebuild the original shape of the terrain before the beginning of the soil erosion process. Keywords: colluvial soil, soil erosion, soil accumulation, land use, digital terrain model (DTM)

Estudo in vitro das marcas de desgaste na resina acrílica em relação à força de mordida / In vitro study of the wear marks on the acrylic resin in relation to the bite force

Oliveira, André Camilo de 27 November 2018 (has links)
Dentre os fatores etiológicos das Disfunções Temporomandibulares (DTMs) merecem destaque os hábitos parafuncionais, que muitas vezes são responsáveis pela manutenção da dor, perda de estrutura dental, como as facetas de desgaste, abfrações e por alterações na mucosa jugal e língua. Uma das terapêuticas mais utilizadas para o tratamento da DTM, está relacionada ao uso da placa estabilizadora oclusal (PEO). Apesar de seu uso ser estudado em vários artigos, não são encontrados relatos sobre as marcas encontradas nesse dispositivo devido ao atrito sofrido pelos dentes tampouco quais são os parâmetros e variáveis que poderiam estar relacionados à estas marcas. O presente estudo procurou reproduzir as marcas observadas na PEO, em 36 corpos de prova de resina acrílica ativada quimicamente, em ambiente controlado e analisou os parâmetros e variáveis para avaliação entre marcas fracas e fortes. Para reprodução das marcas nas amostras, foram utilizadas esferas de aço com diâmetros de 3 mm, 4 mm e 5 mm. Para cada diâmetro de esfera foram utilizados os seguintes parâmetros: carga de 2 kgf e 65 kgf e ciclos de repetições de 600 e 1200 vezes. As amostras foram randomizadas com números aleatórios e estabelecido padrão entre marcas fracas e fortes para cada diâmetro de esfera, com apenas uma amostra de cada triplicata. Na sequência, 3 observadores cegos fizeram suas classificações para correlação do padrão. Para correlação do padrão vs. observadores e observadores entre observadores, foi realizado o teste kappa de Fleiss. Foram obtidos níveis excelentes em todos os testes, quando não havia mistura de diâmetro de esfera, e nível razoável quando os observadores avaliaram as amostras com os diâmetros de esferas misturados. Relacionado aos resultados, as variáveis consideradas foram, diâmetro da calota impressa e profundidade calculada da calota com a fórmula da dureza Brinell. As variáveis, dureza e diâmetro de calota impressa, não demostraram robustez para estabelecer critério na avalição entre marca forte e fraca. Já a variável \"profundidade calculada de calota\" demostrou que ao passo que aumentava a profundidade calculada da calota, a marca tinha maior tendência a ser classificada como forte. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que o parâmetro carga foi o fator de maior relevância na classificação entre as marcas fracas e fortes. A variável profundidade calculada da calota mostrou relevância na classificação das marcas fortes e fracas e os diâmetros de esferas diferentes, com mesma carga e quantidade de ciclos geraram marcas diferentes. / Among the etiological factors of TMDs is the parafunctional habits, which are often responsible for the loss of dental structure, such as the wear facets and abfraction and changes in the oral mucosa, such as cheeks and tongue. One of the most used therapies for the treatment of TMD is related to the use of the occlusal splint (OS). Although its use is reported in several articles, no reports are found on the marks found in this device due to the friction suffered by the teeth, nor are the parameters and variables that are related to these marks. The present study reproduced the observed marks in the OS in 36 chemically activated acrylic resin samples in a controlled environment and analyzed the parameters and variables for evaluation between weak and strong marks. For the reproduction of the marks in the samples, stainless steel sphere with different diameters of 3 mm, 4 mm and 5 mm were used. For each sphere diameter the following parameters were used: load of 2 kgf and 65 kgf and repetition cycles of 600 and 1200 times. Samples were randomized with random numbers and established pattern between weak and strong marks for each sphere diameter, with only one sample from each triplicate. Subsequently, 3 observers made their classifications for pattern correlation. For correlation of the Standard vs. Observers and Between Observers, the Fleiss kappa test was performed. Excellent levels were obtained in all tests, when there was no sphere diameter crossing, and fair level when observers evaluated the samples with the sphere diameters crossed. Regarding the results, the variables considered were Brinell hardness, diameter of the printed cap and depth of the cap. The variables, hardness and diameter of printed cap, did not demonstrate the robustness to establish standard in the evaluation between weak and Strong marks. The variable depth of printed cap proves that while the depth of the printed cap increased, the mark had a more tendency to be classified as strong. In this way, we can conclude that the load parameter is the factor of greater relevance in the classification between the weak and strong marks. The variable depth of the printed cap demonstrated relevance in the classification of the weak and strong marks, and finally the diameters of different spheres with the same load and number of cycles created different marks.

Composite thermal capacitors for transient thermal management of multicore microprocessors

Green, Craig Elkton 06 June 2012 (has links)
While 3D stacked multi-processor technology offers the potential for significant computing advantages, these architectures also face the significant challenge of small, localized hotspots with very large heat fluxes due to the placement of asymmetric cores, heterogeneous devices and performance driven layouts. In this thesis, a new thermal management solution is introduced that seeks to maximize the performance of microprocessors with dynamically managed power profiles. To mitigate the non-uniformities in chip temperature profiles resulting from the dynamic power maps, solid-liquid phase change materials (PCMs) with an embedded heat spreader network are strategically positioned near localized hotspots, resulting in a large increase in the local thermal capacitance in these problematic areas. Theoretical analysis shows that the increase in local thermal capacitance results in an almost twenty-fold increase in the time that a thermally constrained core can operate before a power gating or core migration event is required. Coupled to the PCMs are solid state coolers (SSCs) that serve as a means for fast regeneration of the PCMs during the cool down periods associated with throttling events. Using this combined PCM/SSC approach allows for devices that operate with the desirable combination of low throttling frequency and large overall core duty cycles, thus maximizing computational throughput. The impact of the thermophysical properties of the PCM on the device operating characteristics has been investigated from first principles in order to better inform the PCM selection or design process. Complementary to the theoretical characterization of the proposed thermal solution, a prototype device called a "Composite Thermal Capacitor (CTC)" that monolithically integrates micro heaters, PCMs and a spreader matrix into a Si test chip was fabricated and tested to validate the efficacy of the concept. A prototype CTC was shown to increase allowable device operating times by over 7X and address heat fluxes of up to ~395 W/cm2. Various methods for regenerating the CTC have been investigated, including air, liquid, and solid state cooling, and operational duty cycles of over 60% have been demonstrated.

Utvärdering av metoder för framställning och kontroll av digitala terrängmodeller

Persson, Erik, Sjöwall, Fredric January 2012 (has links)
Today there are many applications of digital terrain models (DTM) and the requirements of low uncertainty increases. Most of the DTM are produced with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), airborne laser scanning (ALS) and total stations. Guidelines for the preparation and verification of DTM are found in Swedish Standards Institute – Technical Specifications (SIS-TS) 21144:2007 and SIS-TS 21145:2007. These were defined in collaboration between Swedish National Rail Administration, Banverket, and Swedish Road Administration, Vägverket, to satisfy the needs of requirement formulations in the production of DTM planning, design and construction.   The purpose of this paper is to produce and control DTM over Åkermans kulle, located west of the University of Gävle, according to SIS TS 21144:2007 using GNSS with network-RTK, TLS and ALS. Control of these was then performed by profile surveying with total station in accordance with SIS-TS 21145:2007 and by comparing the models against each other. Based on these results the control methods were evaluated. The area is approximately 2 ha and consists of very rough grassland with some vegetation. The post processing of the data was done in software SBG Geo Professional School, Cyclone 7.3 and Microsoft Excel.   The profile-based verification showed that GNSS gives the smallest deviation from reality for this type of area, with a mean deviation of 0.048 m, while the TLS and ALS deviated 0.162 m and 0.255 m. For the surface based control the largest deviation was between ALS and GNSS with an average deviation of 0.270 m and the smallest between ALS-TLS with an average deviation of 0.099 m.  In the production of DTM aim, uncertainty requirements, area and type of terrain should be taken into account and carefully analyzed. Based on this analysis, the most suitable method should be selected. Profile measurement is the most suited method for control since it generates a veracious depiction of the reality. Our results show that for hilly vegetated areas GNSS are preferable while TLS and ALS are more suited to plane areas without vegetation. A single national standard for the production and control of the DTM should be developed as only technical specifications exist today. / Användningsområden för digitala terrängmodeller (DTM) är idag många och kraven på låg osäkerhet ökar. DTM kan framställas med Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), terrester laserskanning (TLS), flygburen laserskanning (FLS) eller totalstation. Riktlinjer för framställning och kontroll av DTM finns i Swedish Standards Institute - Tekniska specifikationer (SIS-TS) 21144:2007 och SIS 21145:2007. Dessa framtogs i ett samarbete mellan Banverket och Vägverket, idag Trafikverket, för att tillfredsställa behoven av kravformuleringar vid framställning av DTM för planering, projektering och byggande.   Syftet med detta examensarbete är att framställa DTM över Åkermans kulle, beläget väster om Högskolan i Gävle enligt SIS-TS 21144:2007. Detta med hjälp av GNSS med nätverks-RTK, TLS och FLS, samt kontroll genom profilinmätning med totalstation enligt SIS-TS 21145:2007 och ytbaserad kontroll av modellerna mot varandra. Utgående från dessa resultat utvärderades kontrollmetoderna. Området är ca 2 ha stort och består av mycket kuperad ängsmark med viss vegetation. Efterbearbetningen av inmätta data skedde i programvarorna SBG Geo Professional School 2012, Cyclone 7.3 samt Microsoft Excel.   Den profilbaserade kontrollen visade att GNSS är den metod som ger lägst osäkerhet för denna typ av område, med en medelavvikelse på 0,048 m, medan TLS och FLS avvek 0,162 m respektive 0,255 m. För den ytbaserade kontrollen var de största avvikelserna mellan FLS och GNSS, med en medelavvikelse på 0,270 m och den lägsta medelavvikelsen på 0,099 m mellan FLS och TLS. Vid framställning av terrängmodeller bör syfte, osäkerhetskrav, areal och typ av terräng tas i beaktande och analyseras noggrant. Utifrån denna analys bör den mest sanningsenliga metoden väljas. För kontroll är profilmätning med totalstation mest lämpat då det ger en sanningsenlig bild av verkligheten. Våra resultat visar att för kuperade vegetationsrika områden är GNSS att föredra medan TLS och FLS passar bättre för plana områden utan vegetation. En gemensam nationell standard för framställning och kontroll av DTM bör tas fram då det i dagsläget endast finns specifikationer.

Avaliação do padrão eletromiográfico dos músculos da mastigação em indivíduos com e sem DTM

Gonzalez, Tabajara de Oliveira 29 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:18:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2571.pdf: 6456646 bytes, checksum: 4c0ff5231fb4f176eda1343dc405ba42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-29 / Eletromyographic evaluation of the chewing muscles is amply used in accompaniment of patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) with purpose of identifying EMG variations between symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. However, they re missing studies that deal with parameters of Eletromiographic sign which are able to differentiate individuals with TMD from asymptomatic ones. To contribute to the function of Eletromyographic sign at the differentiation of individuals that present TMD signs and symptoms and asymptomatic ones, two studies were developed. The first study had as objective to categorize individuals with or without TMD signs and symptoms through the Fonseca s Anamnesis Index and to relate this classification to the age, stature, corporal weight and to the RMS values of Eletromyographic sign of masseters and anterior temporalis muscles at rest. 33 female volunteers were selected with the age of 17 to 23 (20,73 ± 1,20), evaluated by Fonseca s Anamnesis Index and divided in two groups: one of them without TMD signs and symptoms (s/TMD) consisting of 16 volunteers and the other group classified as TMD by the referred questionnaire, consisting of 17 volunteers. All these volunteers were submitted to the Eletromyographic evaluation of masseter and anterior temporalis muscles in both sides during the postural position at rest. They were weighted, measured the statures and noted the ages. Among the volunteers of the TMD group, there is a higher prevalence of a light degree TMD, there isn t a relation between the RMS averages of EMG of the studied muscles and a classification of the individuals by the Fonseca Index, the volunteers of TMD group presented higher prevalence of pain, chewed muscles tiredness, articulate noise and habit of grind or press teeth; only the corporal weight presents positive relation with the TMD severity. The second study had as objective to analyze the variability of Eletromyographic signs collected at rest, in bilateral isotonic chewing and in isometric of masseter and anterior temporalis muscles, to evaluate the electric activity of the muscles studied by the Asymmetric Index proposed by literature and to suggest a rate calculation between temporal electric activity in relation to masseter one, in attempt to differentiate the TMD individuals from s/TMD. Eletromiographic signs were collected when jaws at rest, bilateral isometric and bilateral isotonic chewing of the same 33 volunteers that participated in the first study, divided in TMD and s/TMD groups. It was analyzed the variability of the collected signs and applied the Asymmetric Index proposed by literature, besides the rate between temporal muscles and masseter suggested by the authors, in both groups studied. Individuals of TMD group presented a higher variability at EMG of the muscles studied in three collects realized, but it was only observed a significant difference in a collect at the postural position at rest (p≤0,05); only the rate calculation between the RMS values of temporal muscles and masseters, proposed in this study, was able to differentiate individuals with TMD from the asymptomatic ones (p≤0,0001), so this could be a future alternative at differentiation of individuals with or without TMD. / A avaliação eletromiográfica dos músculos da mastigação é amplamente empregada no acompanhamento de pacientes portadores de Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM) com o intuito de identificar variações da EMG entre indivíduos sintomáticos e assintomáticos, no entanto faltam estudos que abordem os parâmetros do sinal eletromiográfico que sejam capazes de diferenciar portadores de DTM de indivíduos assintomáticos. Para contribuir com o papel do sinal eletromiografico na diferenciação de indivíduos com sinais e sintomas de DTM e assintomáticos, dois estudos foram delineados. O primeiro estudo teve por objetivo classificar indivíduos com e sem sinais e sintomas de DTM através do Índice Anamnésico de Fonseca e correlacionar esta classificação com idade, estatura, massa corporal e os valores de RMS do sinal eletromiográfico dos músculos masseteres e temporais anteriores em repouso. Foram selecionados 33 voluntários do gênero feminino com faixa etária de 17 à 23 anos (20,73±1,20), avaliados pelo Índice Anamnésico de Fonseca e divididos em dois grupos, sendo um sem sinais e sintomas de DTM (s/DTM) composto por 16 voluntárias e outro classificado como DTM pelo referido questionário, formado por 17 voluntárias. Estas voluntárias foram submetidas a avaliação eletromiográfica dos músculos Masseter e porção anterior do Temporal bilateralmente durante a posição postural de repouso, foram pesados, aferidas as estaturas e anotadas as idades. Entre as voluntárias do grupo DTM houve maior prevalência de DTM do grau leve, não houve relação entre as médias do RMS da EMG dos músculos estudados e a classificação dos indivíduos pelo Índice de Fonseca, as voluntárias do grupo DTM apresentaram maior prevalência de dor, cansaço na musculatura mastigatória, ruídos articulares e hábito de ranger ou apertar os dentes; apenas a massa corporal apresentou relação positiva com a severidade da DTM. O segundo estudo teve como objetivo analisar a variabilidade do sinal eletromiográfico coletado em repouso, na mastigação isotônica bilateral e na isometria dos músculos masseteres e temporais anteriores, avaliar a atividade elétrica dos músculos estudados pelos Índices de Assimetria propostos pela literatura e sugerir um cálculo de proporção entre a atividade elétrica dos temporais em relação aos masseteres, na tentativa de diferenciar os indivíduos com DTM dos s/DTM. Foram coletados os sinais eletromiográficos em repouso madibular, isometria bilateral e mastigação isotônica bilateral das mesmas 33 voluntárias do primeiro estudo, divididas nos grupos DTM e s/DTM, foi analisada a variância dos sinais coletados e aplicados os Índices de Assimetria propostos na literatura, além da proporção entre os músculos temporais e masseteres sugerido pelos autores, nos dois grupos estudados. Os indivíduos do grupo DTM apresentaram maior variabilidade na EMG dos músculos estudados nas três coletas realizadas, porém só observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante no coleta em posição postural de repouso (p≤0,05); apenas o cálculo da proporção entre os valores de RMS dos músculos temporais e masseteres, proposto neste estudo, foi capaz de diferenciar indivíduos com DTM dos assintomáticos (p≤0,0001), podendo ser uma alternativa futura na diferenciação de indivíduos com e sem DTM.

Morphodynamique des bancs alternés d'une rivière de montagne aménagée / Alternate-Bar morphodynamics in an engineered mountains river

Jaballah, Mohamed 28 November 2013 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la morphodynamique des bancs de galets alternés dans une rivière de montagne aménagée. Le site expérimental est un tronçon long de 8 km de la rivière Arc située dans les Alpes françaises. Une analyse des cartes historiques, des photos aériennes et des relevés topographiques montre que le lit de la rivière a évolué d’un style en tresse vers un lit rectiligne avec des bancs alternés contraints entre deux digues. Au milieu des années 1990, le lit de la rivière a été aplani pour former des profils trapézoïdaux. Cependant, les bancs alternés ont réapparu en moins de dixans. Une analyse des facteurs contrôlant leur formation est fournie. Les observations de terrain et l’analyse numérique 1D suggèrent que le motif de bancs alternés représente un état de quasi équilibre du tronçon. D’autre part, la topographie d’un sous-tronçon incluant un banc de galets aété mesurée 18 fois entre 2006 et 2012. Une méthodologie de construction des MNT basée sur leslignes directrices et incluant une estimation de l’erreur a été proposée pour une application aux litsde rivières. La technique de différenciation des MNT a été utilisée pour détecter les changements morphologiques du banc. Ainsi, la morphodynamique du sous-tronçon a été étudiée en la reliant aux principaux processus qui la contrôlent tels que l’hydrologie, les formes des hydrogrammes, la répartition des contraintes de cisaillement, les apports amont en sédiments et l’énergie du coursd’eau. La forme des hydrogrammes de crue ainsi que les apports en sédiments semblent être lesprincipaux facteurs influençant le bilan sédimentaire sur le site étudié. En outre, des modélisationsnumériques 2D hydro-sédimentaires ont été utilisées pour appréhender la dynamique du banc. Lessimulations ont révélé l’importance de l’interaction entre les sédiments fins et les galets sur ladynamique globale du banc. / The current research investigates the morphodynamics of gravel alternate bars in an engineeredmountainous river. The experimental site corresponds to an 8 km long reach of the Arc River, in the French Alps. An analysis of historical maps and recent aerial photographs and topographic campaigns shows that the original braided river bed has evolved to a straight bed with alternate bar system constrained within two embankments following two centuries of man-made engineeringprojects. In the mid 1990s the river bed was flattened to fit a trapezoidal cross-sectional design. However, alternate bars re-appeared in less than ten years. An analysis of the controlling factors of bar formation and evolution is provided. Field observation and 1D numerical analysis suggest that the alternate-bar pattern represents a quasi-equilibrium state of the river bed. A singlegravel bar within the reach was monitored 18 times from 2006 to 2012. A methodology of DTM construction based on breaklines is proposed for river beds and an error estimation is presented. DTM differencing technique was used to detect morphologic changes of the gravel bar. Therefore, the gravel bar and main channel dynamics were analyzed relative to main controlling processes suchas extreme hydrologic events, sediment supply, hydrograph shape, bed shear stress distribution andriver energy. Sediment supply and hydrograph shape appeared to be the main factors influencing the study site sediment budget. Moreover, 2D numerical modelling of water flow and sediment transport was performed. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to yield results in agreement with observations. Simulations revealed the relevance of the interaction between fine sediments and gravels on the bar dynamics.

A novel empirical model of the k-factor for radiowave propagation in Southern Africa for communication planning applications

Palmer, Andrew J 22 September 2004 (has links)
The objective of this study was to provide an adequate model of the k-factor for scientific radio planning in South Africa for terrestrial propagation. An extensive literature survey played an essential role in the research and provided verification and confirmation for the novelty of the research on historical grounds. The approach of the research was initially structured around theoretical analysis of existing data, which resulted from the work of J. W. Nel. The search for analytical models was extended further to empirical studies of primary data obtained from the South African Weather Service. The methodology of the research was based on software technology, which provided new tools and opportunities to process data effectively and to visualise the results in an innovative manner by a means of digital terrain maps (DTMs) and spreadsheet graphics. MINITAB / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

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