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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Research on rising competences in technical education by implementing dual system´s elements under El Salvador conditions in the field of Mechatronic

Duran de Alvarado, Reina 04 November 2013 (has links)
Die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit ist einer der größten Anliegen in El Salvador, besonders für Jugendlichen (UNPD, 2008). Außerdem betont die Studie über die Herausforderungen des Bildungssystems in El Salvador die Notwendigkeit, eine Anknüpfung zwischen Akademie und Industrie zu haben (Barraza, 2008). In diesem Kontext begann El Salvador in 2008 die Umsetzung von einigen Elementen des Deutschen Dualsystems (neues System) im Bereich der technologischen Ausbildung, mit der Absicht, einen Versuch zu machen ob dieses System bessere Kompetenzen bei Studenten entwickelt, welche ihnen bessere Arbeitseinsatzmöglichkeiten anbietet. Im Dualsystem wird die Ausbildung von der Akademie und Industriesektor geleistet. Grundsätzliche Ziele waren: (1) Analyse der Einflüsse zur Ansteigung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit unter Gebrauch einer besseren Kombination von Theorie und Praxis während des Studiums – Möglichkeiten einer Dualerfahrung aus Deutschland unter den Bedingungen in El Salvador (2) Analyse der Möglichkeiten und Probleme unter Berücksichtigung des Kompetenzschwerpunktes für die Entwicklung und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studenten; (3) Festlegung, ob die Studenten mit Studienausgang in 2008-2010, die im Dualsystem teilgenommen haben, bessere berufliche Kompetenzen zur Einsetzung im Produktivprozess erlangt haben im Vergleich zu diejenigen aus dem traditionalem System (ohne Unternehmenserfahrung); (4) Festlegung der Einflussfaktoren die den Industriesektor an der Teilnahme am Dualsystem motivieren; und (5) Darstellung der Folgen aus der Umsetzung dieses Systems unter den salvadorianischen Gegebenheiten und Anregungen zu deren Anpassung zu entwickeln. Bei der Untersuchung ging es um die Erstellung eines Vergleichs zwischen Studenten der Studienrichtung Mechatronik mit Ausgang in 2008 – 2010; ein Student aus dem Dualsystem und einer aus dem traditionellen System. Die angewandte wissenschaftliche Methodologie war eine Verknüpfung von einer quantitativen und qualitativen Methode mit Fragebogen, Interviews und Messungen der Kompetenzen, nötige Zeit zum Erwerben einer Arbeitsstelle und Gehaltsbedingungen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung waren: (a) Beide Gruppen hatten ähnliche Kompetenzen laut ihrer akademischen Benotung, aber bessere Kompetenzen für die Duale Gruppe wenn Arbeitsbedingungen eingeschlossen sind. In Bezug auf die Motivation der Entscheidungsträgern hat die Untersuchung folgendes erwiesen: (1) Vorherige Kenntnis über das System (2) Personen sind mit bessere Kompetenzen bedarfsgerecht für die Industrie ausgebildet; (3) Minderung des Risikos, falsche Leute aufzunehmen; (4) Optimierung der Ausbildungskosten, (5) Innovation einer neuen Studienrichtung die vom Unternehmen benötigt wird; (6) Soziale Verantwortung; und (7) Verbesserung der Produktivität und Qualität. Schlussfolgerung ist, das Dualsystem könnte eine Möglichkeit für die Verbesserung der Kompetenzniveaus als auch für die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studenten in El Salvador sein, jedoch bringt es neue Herausforderungen für das technologische Ausbildungssystem. / Employability is one of the biggest concerns in El Salvador, especially for young people (UNPD, 2008). Besides, the study about challenges in the educative system in El Salvador, outlines the necessity to have a link between academy and industry (Barraza, 2008). Under this context 2008, El Salvador began the implementation of some elements of the German Dual System (New system) in technological education, with the purpose to experiment if this system developed better competences in students allowing them better job opportunities. In Dual System, the formation is developed between the academy and the enterprise. The main purposes were: (1) To analyze influences to rise employability under using of better combination of theory and practice in studies - possibilities of dual experiences from Germany for El Salvador`s conditions; (2) to analyze possibilities and problems using competences approach for student’s development and employability; (3) to determine if the students of cohort 2008-2010 who study under dual system acquire better professional competences to be inserted in the productive process that those from traditional system (without enterprise curriculum); (4) to determine the factors that motivates industrialists to participate in dual system; and (5) to show consequences of implement this system under the Salvadoran reality and develop suggestions its adaptation. The research was comparing students from cohort 2008 – 2010 in Mechatronic career; one in dual and other in traditional system. The scientific methodology to apply were a combination of quantitative and qualitative method with questionnaires, interviews and measurements about competences, time to get a job and the salary conditions. Results of the research are: (a) both groups had similar competences according academics grades, but better competences for Dual group when jobs conditions are included. About decision makers motivations, findings were: (1) Previous knowledge about the system; (2) People with better competences according the needs of the company; (3) to reduce the risk to hire wrong people; (4) Optimize training costs, (5) the innovation of a new career that enterprise needs; (6) social responsibility; and (7) to improve the productivity and quality. In conclusion, Dual system could be an opportunity in El Salvador for improving the level of competences, and the employability of the students, but it means new challenges in technological educational system.

Advanced Real-Time Battery State Estimation for a Hybrid Aircraft

Hosseininejad, Reza January 2025 (has links)
Canada's aviation industry aims to reduce its carbon footprint while maintaining safety and operational standards. Hybrid and electric aircraft offer a promising solution to reducing the environmental impact of conventional aviation. However, current limitations in battery technology and the robustness of battery management systems in monitoring and estimating battery states cause significant challenges for their adoption in aviation applications. This research focuses on developing an advanced state of charge (SoC) estimation method for Li-ion batteries used in hybrid aircraft. A new approach is proposed that integrates a merged set of equivalent circuit models capable of simulating battery dynamics at both the cell and module levels. In addition, an innovative dual filter involved in interactive multiple model (IMM) frameworks is introduced, equipped with advanced filtering approaches such as smooth variable structure filter (SVSF). This framework ensures accurate SoC estimation even under varying and harsh operating conditions by testing all developed algorithms in real-time. The developed model is much more accurate than the existing SoC estimation algorithms in the aircraft battery management system. These findings increase the understanding of battery performance in specific aviation conditions and help develop safer and more advanced condition monitoring and estimation methods for hybrid and electric aircrafts. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Guidelines for the integration of the school and the world of work

Williams, Marcelle Patrick 06 1900 (has links)
This study, largely based on literature review supplemented with information from lectures and interviews, attempts to give guidelines and make recommendations on how the gap between the school and the working world can be narrowed in South Africa to improve the employability of school-leavers. Chapter One involves the identification of the problem to be investigated. Chapter Two defines the economic role and function of the school in society in the light of different theories and practices. The present state of education in South Africa, with specific focus on how it relates to the working world, is examined in Chapter Three. Chapter Four examines the relationship between schooling and the working world in selected countries. Chapter Five proposes some guidelines and recommendations for the closer integration of the school with the world of work in South Africa. Chapter Six deals with final conclusions, new perspectives and guidelines for future research. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.

Česká televize a Český rozhlas optikou modelu PSM: případová studie / Czech television and czech radio in the perspective of the PSM model: a case study

Obrovský, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis describes the development of Czech Television and Czech Radio be- tween 2005 and 2012, focusing on media policy, technology, content and attitude to the audience. It applies research output of the RIPE initiative as a theoretical basis for col- lection and interpretation of the data. RIPE, which links academia with media profes- sionals worldwide, aiming to redefine the public service remit for the 21st century, sug- gests that the political, economic, technological and social context has fundamentally changed in the last two or three decades. As a result, the original concept of public ser- vice broadcasting, established in Western Europe after the Second World War, has lost its legitimacy. It is therefore necessary for public service broadcasters (PSB) to trans- form into public service media (PSM). This means diversifying modes of distribution to new technologies besides traditional broadcasting, setting mechanisms of two-way and interactive communication with the audience, producing multimedia content exploitable on various platforms and clearly defining and justifying the value added of their offer- ings compared to those of commercial competitors. Using the method of case study, the thesis matches this conceptual framework with the situation in Czech Television and Czech...

Kognitivní chyby v procesu masové komunikace / Cognitive errors in mass media communication

Zíka, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This work is based on an assumption that human decision-making process is following several approximate rules (heuristics) that causes predictable and systematic errors in judgement (cognitive biases). Although this stand point is typical for fields like behavioural economics or behavioural law and economics, there is no reason to not apply this logic also on other discipline like a mass media communication studies. This work offers an analysis of the information market where supply side is represented by producers of information (e.g. media organizations) and demand side is represented by consumers of those information (audience). The analysis is focused on factors that cause perceived description of a particular event can vastly differ from this event. One of those cognitive biases which cause different perception of the same media content is called hostile media effect. In respect to this effect, sympathizers with a socially controversial topic tend to perceive information in the mass media as hostile to their own opinion. Previous research concluded that hostile perception is mainly caused by a reach of information which is explained by the selective categorization - although individuals with different worldview can see the same content, they perceive it with a different valence. The valence of the...

Research on rising competences in technical education by implementing dual system´s elements under El Salvador conditions in the field of Mechatronic

Duran de Alvarado, Reina 25 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit ist einer der größten Anliegen in El Salvador, besonders für Jugendlichen (UNPD, 2008). Außerdem betont die Studie über die Herausforderungen des Bildungssystems in El Salvador die Notwendigkeit, eine Anknüpfung zwischen Akademie und Industrie zu haben (Barraza, 2008). In diesem Kontext begann El Salvador in 2008 die Umsetzung von einigen Elementen des Deutschen Dualsystems (neues System) im Bereich der technologischen Ausbildung, mit der Absicht, einen Versuch zu machen ob dieses System bessere Kompetenzen bei Studenten entwickelt, welche ihnen bessere Arbeitseinsatzmöglichkeiten anbietet. Im Dualsystem wird die Ausbildung von der Akademie und Industriesektor geleistet. Grundsätzliche Ziele waren: (1) Analyse der Einflüsse zur Ansteigung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit unter Gebrauch einer besseren Kombination von Theorie und Praxis während des Studiums – Möglichkeiten einer Dualerfahrung aus Deutschland unter den Bedingungen in El Salvador (2) Analyse der Möglichkeiten und Probleme unter Berücksichtigung des Kompetenzschwerpunktes für die Entwicklung und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studenten; (3) Festlegung, ob die Studenten mit Studienausgang in 2008-2010, die im Dualsystem teilgenommen haben, bessere berufliche Kompetenzen zur Einsetzung im Produktivprozess erlangt haben im Vergleich zu diejenigen aus dem traditionalem System (ohne Unternehmenserfahrung); (4) Festlegung der Einflussfaktoren die den Industriesektor an der Teilnahme am Dualsystem motivieren; und (5) Darstellung der Folgen aus der Umsetzung dieses Systems unter den salvadorianischen Gegebenheiten und Anregungen zu deren Anpassung zu entwickeln. Bei der Untersuchung ging es um die Erstellung eines Vergleichs zwischen Studenten der Studienrichtung Mechatronik mit Ausgang in 2008 – 2010; ein Student aus dem Dualsystem und einer aus dem traditionellen System. Die angewandte wissenschaftliche Methodologie war eine Verknüpfung von einer quantitativen und qualitativen Methode mit Fragebogen, Interviews und Messungen der Kompetenzen, nötige Zeit zum Erwerben einer Arbeitsstelle und Gehaltsbedingungen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung waren: (a) Beide Gruppen hatten ähnliche Kompetenzen laut ihrer akademischen Benotung, aber bessere Kompetenzen für die Duale Gruppe wenn Arbeitsbedingungen eingeschlossen sind. In Bezug auf die Motivation der Entscheidungsträgern hat die Untersuchung folgendes erwiesen: (1) Vorherige Kenntnis über das System (2) Personen sind mit bessere Kompetenzen bedarfsgerecht für die Industrie ausgebildet; (3) Minderung des Risikos, falsche Leute aufzunehmen; (4) Optimierung der Ausbildungskosten, (5) Innovation einer neuen Studienrichtung die vom Unternehmen benötigt wird; (6) Soziale Verantwortung; und (7) Verbesserung der Produktivität und Qualität. Schlussfolgerung ist, das Dualsystem könnte eine Möglichkeit für die Verbesserung der Kompetenzniveaus als auch für die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studenten in El Salvador sein, jedoch bringt es neue Herausforderungen für das technologische Ausbildungssystem. / Employability is one of the biggest concerns in El Salvador, especially for young people (UNPD, 2008). Besides, the study about challenges in the educative system in El Salvador, outlines the necessity to have a link between academy and industry (Barraza, 2008). Under this context 2008, El Salvador began the implementation of some elements of the German Dual System (New system) in technological education, with the purpose to experiment if this system developed better competences in students allowing them better job opportunities. In Dual System, the formation is developed between the academy and the enterprise. The main purposes were: (1) To analyze influences to rise employability under using of better combination of theory and practice in studies - possibilities of dual experiences from Germany for El Salvador`s conditions; (2) to analyze possibilities and problems using competences approach for student’s development and employability; (3) to determine if the students of cohort 2008-2010 who study under dual system acquire better professional competences to be inserted in the productive process that those from traditional system (without enterprise curriculum); (4) to determine the factors that motivates industrialists to participate in dual system; and (5) to show consequences of implement this system under the Salvadoran reality and develop suggestions its adaptation. The research was comparing students from cohort 2008 – 2010 in Mechatronic career; one in dual and other in traditional system. The scientific methodology to apply were a combination of quantitative and qualitative method with questionnaires, interviews and measurements about competences, time to get a job and the salary conditions. Results of the research are: (a) both groups had similar competences according academics grades, but better competences for Dual group when jobs conditions are included. About decision makers motivations, findings were: (1) Previous knowledge about the system; (2) People with better competences according the needs of the company; (3) to reduce the risk to hire wrong people; (4) Optimize training costs, (5) the innovation of a new career that enterprise needs; (6) social responsibility; and (7) to improve the productivity and quality. In conclusion, Dual system could be an opportunity in El Salvador for improving the level of competences, and the employability of the students, but it means new challenges in technological educational system.

外商私募股權基金在中國大陸的法律環境 / China Laws on Foreign Private Equity Funds

林宇聲 Unknown Date (has links)
在中國大陸的法律環境中,外商私募股權基金是較新的議題,它同時牽涉了「外商投資」與「私募股權投資」兩個領域。因此,就外商私募股權基金而言,其為中國大陸在國外法律繼受嬗變後,再於法律雙軌制下的二次嬗變。 外商私募股權基金,是指由外國投資者注資或者外國投資者管理的私募股權基金。因此,它的市場屬性為「外國直接投資」、「國際金融服務」。 由於中國大陸對外商採取「外資法群」進行規範,而並沒有一部外商法典做集中、統一的規定。因此,彼此間存在一定程度的分散、重複、衝突等問題。再加上中國大陸對外商、內資採取雙軌制立法,故法律規範雖有創新但也常有彼此扞格或不足之處。也因此造成運作上的幾個問題:外匯管制、投資待遇、雙軌制、地方政府隨意的政策、實務操作的衝突(投資協議、有限合夥)、及優先股的欠缺。 財經法律因應經濟市場而生,惟經濟市場逐年改變。外商私募股權基金既是經濟市場的產物,就無法透過行政力量加以限制,也無需透過偏頗政策揠苗助長。僅需創造一個平等的法治環境,讓市場自行運作。 本文探討中國大陸對外商私募股權基金相關法規的發展現狀、投資障礙與內外資衝突等議題。除對如何完善立法略盡棉薄之力外,並希冀能提供台灣投資者於前進中國大陸時有所參考。 / In the legal environment of China, the foreign private equity fund is a relatively new issue, it involves two areas of "foreign investment" and "private equity investment” simultaneously. Therefore, with respect to the foreign private equity fund, it is subject to transmutation of foreign laws and subsequently the second transmutation under the dual system of laws in China. The foreign private equity funds refer to the private equity funds injected by foreign investors or managed by foreign investors. Therefore, its market attribute to the "foreign direct investment", "international financial service." Although China has adopted a series of laws to regulate foreign enterprises, there is not one foreign investment code as centralized and unified regulation. Thus, there exists a certain degree of dispersion, overlap, conflict problems among them. Along with the duel system of legislation adopted for foreign enterprises and domestic investments, there are often discrepancies or deficiencies between the legal requirements, although they have been innovated. This resulted in several operational problems: foreign exchange controls, investment treatments, duel system, arbitrary policies of local governments, conflict in practices (investment agreement, limited partnership), and the lack of preference shares. Financial laws are established in response to the market economy, but the economic market changes every year. Since the foreign private equity funds are the production of the market economy, they cannot be restricted only by the administrative power, and they don’t need partial polices to pull up. They only require creating an equal legal environment to make the market operate under its own mechanism. This paper discovers the issues with respect to the current development status of related regulations on the foreign private equity funds, foreign investment barriers and conflicts between domestic and foreign investment in China. In addition to make a little contribution to improve the legislation, it’s also expected to provide reference to Taiwan investors for developing business in China.

Le 'Système de Dualité' de la formation vocationelle

Bank, Volker 14 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ce texte donne une compilation brève des traits fondamentaux du système d'éducation vocationnelle dans les pays germanophones. Tandis que d'autres essais de ce genre se limitent généralment dans la description des structures organisationnelles, ceci tente une phénomènologie essentielle de ce système bien particulier tout en considérant son historique et son présent.

Guidelines for the integration of the school and the world of work

Williams, Marcelle Patrick 06 1900 (has links)
This study, largely based on literature review supplemented with information from lectures and interviews, attempts to give guidelines and make recommendations on how the gap between the school and the working world can be narrowed in South Africa to improve the employability of school-leavers. Chapter One involves the identification of the problem to be investigated. Chapter Two defines the economic role and function of the school in society in the light of different theories and practices. The present state of education in South Africa, with specific focus on how it relates to the working world, is examined in Chapter Three. Chapter Four examines the relationship between schooling and the working world in selected countries. Chapter Five proposes some guidelines and recommendations for the closer integration of the school with the world of work in South Africa. Chapter Six deals with final conclusions, new perspectives and guidelines for future research. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.

Konnektivität im Dualen System

Bank, Volker, Asjoma, Gundela 02 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der beruflichen Bildung, so wie sie im Dualen System in den deutschsprachigen Ländern organisiert ist, ist ein zentraler, wenn nicht konstitutiver Aspekt darin zu sehen, wie die beiden prototypischen Lernorte, der Ausbil-dungsbetrieb und die Berufsschule, sich zueinander verhalten. Konkurrierend, vielleicht aber ergänzend sind dazu die Komplementaritätstheorie der beruflichen Bildung und die Konnektivitätstheorie als Erklärungsmodelle zuhanden. Was fehlt, ist eine empirische Überprüfung beider Konzepte. Hier wird ein erster Schritt unternommen, die vorhandenen Ordnungsmaterialien, die das Lernen in Schule und Betrieb in Form von Plänen (Ausbildungsplan, Lehrplan u. ä.) koordinieren sollen, in ausgewählten Berufen zu untersuchen. Es zeigt sich dabei, dass sich für beide Erklärungsmodelle Indizien finden lassen.

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