Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acheck"" "subject:"1check""
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Mecanismos de las políticas públicas para la gestión sostenible del agua: hacia un modelo eficiente en las Islas BalearesNavarro Sousa, Sergio 28 March 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El manejo sostenible del agua se ha convertido en una prioridad en todo el mundo, particularmente en aquellos territorios que sufren escasez. En el litoral mediterráneo, la proliferación del turismo y el desarrollo urbanístico, junto al resto de actividades económicas han contribuido a la sobreexplotación de los recursos hídricos naturales. Las Islas Baleares no están exentas de esta problemática. El incremento de la población flotante ha ocasionado que la máxima demanda se produzca en la época estival, coincidente con el periodo de menor recarga natural. Frente a este escenario es básico fijar acciones directas que favorezcan la recuperación y la conservación del agua. Más aún, en el actual contexto de cambio climático. La investigación aborda puntos fundamentales de la gobernanza del agua analizando el marco normativo, económico y social. Su objetivo principal es establecer el diagnóstico actual de los recursos hídricos en las Islas Baleares y, aportar medidas para avanzar hacia un buen estado ecológico, químico y cuantitativo de las masas de agua. Para ello, la tesis da respuesta a los siguientes objetivos específicos: -Analizar los mecanismos de la legislación vigente y la viabilidad de los objetivos planteados de inicio en la Directiva Marco del Agua. En segundo lugar, reflexionar sobre sus logros y carencias y, por último, determinar los retos futuros a los que se enfrenta. -Valorar el manejo y el estado de las masas de agua en la Demarcación Hidrográfica de las Islas Baleares. -Evaluar los resultados de la implementación de una acción concreta de gestión de la demanda. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las aspiraciones iniciales de la Directiva Marco del Agua no se han cumplido y su progreso ha sido lento. No obstante, se han producido grandes esfuerzos entre ciclos de planificación y la calidad de las masas de agua ha mejorado desde su puesta en vigor. En segundo lugar, se concluye que, el uso de indicadores causa-efecto se erige como un instrumento válido de ayuda a la planificación y la administración del agua. Los resultados del trabajo manifiestan que, en las estaciones desaladoras de agua marina de Palma e Ibiza se reduce la producción de desaladas en los años con una mayor recarga natural de los acuíferos. Dicha gestión del recurso no convencional obstaculiza la recuperación de las masas de agua naturales del entorno. Finalmente, en la investigación se evalúa la implementación de una medida directa de la gestión de la demanda. Se analiza la puesta en marcha de sistemas descentralizados de aprovechamiento de aguas pluviales y de reutilización de aguas grises tratadas, para usos no potables, en edificios a escala municipal. Los resultados confirman distintos valores de disminución de la demanda de agua potable en función del uso y de la tipología del edificio. En conclusión, la Directiva Marco del Agua debe adaptarse a la especificidad hídrica de cada territorio y, por otro lado, es importante dar continuidad a la senda inversionista iniciada asegurando el balance adecuado entre las políticas de la oferta y la demanda. Además, el sector del agua debe apostar por la mejora del conocimiento, el fomento de las nuevas tecnologías y la inserción de los recursos digitales disponibles. En definitiva, en las Islas Baleares a pesar de registrarse periodos de escasez, hasta la fecha se ha garantizado la seguridad hídrica. Ahora bien, es necesario que tanto la planificación territorial como el crecimiento económico se ajusten a la cantidad de recurso disponible. El manejo del agua ha de ser capaz de optimizar el nivel de extracción de las reservas hídricas naturales, priorizando el uso complementario con recurso no convencional, anticipándose a la sobreexplotación y procurando lograr un buen estado en las masas de agua. La tesis integra tres artículos científicos publicados. En cada publicación se analizan cuestiones particulares con el fin de dar respuesta al objetivo principal de la investigación. / [CA] El maneig sostenible de l'aigua ha esdevingut una prioritat a tot el món, particularment en aquells territoris que pateixen escassetat. Al litoral mediterrani, la proliferació del turisme i el desenvolupament urbanístic, juntament amb la resta d'activitats econòmiques han contribuït a la sobreexplotació dels recursos hídrics naturals. Les Illes Balears no estan exemptes d'aquesta problemàtica. L'increment de la població flotant ha ocasionat que la màxima demanda es produïsca a l'època estival, coincident amb el període de menor recàrrega natural. Davant d'aquest escenari és bàsic fixar accions directes que afavorisquen la recuperació i la conservació de l'aigua. Encara més, a l'actual context de canvi climàtic. La investigació aborda punts fonamentals de la governança de l'aigua analitzant el marc normatiu, econòmic i social. El seu objectiu principal és establir el diagnòstic actual dels recursos hídrics a les Illes Balears i aportar mesures per avançar cap a un bon estat ecològic, químic i quantitatiu de les masses d'aigua. Per això, la tesi dona resposta als següents objectius específics: -Analitzar els mecanismes de la legislació vigent i la viabilitat dels objectius plantejats d'inici a la Directiva Marc de l'Aigua. En segon lloc, reflexionar sobre els seus èxits i mancances i, finalment, determinar els reptes futurs als quals s'enfronta. -Valorar el maneig i l'estat de les masses d'aigua a la Demarcació Hidrogràfica de les Illes Balears. -Avaluar els resultats de la implementació d'una acció concreta de gestió de la demanda. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que les aspiracions inicials de la Directiva Marc de l'Aigua no s'han complert i el seu progrés ha estat lent. Tot i això, s'han produït grans esforços entre cicles de planificació i la qualitat de les masses d'aigua ha millorat des de la seua posada en vigor. En segon lloc, es conclou que l'ús d'indicadors causa-efecte s'erigeix com un instrument vàlid d'ajuda a la planificació i l'administració de l'aigua. Els resultats del treball manifesten que, a les estacions dessalinitzadores d'aigua marina de Palma i Eivissa es redueix la producció de dessalades als anys amb una major recàrrega natural dels aqüífers. Aquesta gestió del recurs no convencional obstaculitza la recuperació de les masses d'aigua naturals de l'entorn. Finalment, a la investigació s'avalua la implementació d'una mesura directa de la gestió de la demanda. S'analitza la posada en marxa de sistemes descentralitzats d'aprofitament d'aigües pluvials i de reutilització d'aigües grises tractades per a usos no potables, en edificis a escala municipal. Els resultats confirmen diferents valors de disminució de la demanda d'aigua potable en funció de l'ús i de la tipologia de l'edifici. En conclusió, la Directiva Marc de l'Aigua s'ha d'adaptar a l'especificitat hídrica de cada territori i, per altra banda, és important donar continuïtat al camí inversor iniciat assegurant el balanç adequat entre les polítiques de l'oferta i la demanda. A més, el sector de l'aigua ha d'apostar per la millora del coneixement, el foment de les noves tecnologies i la inserció dels recursos digitals disponibles. En definitiva, a les Illes Balears tot i registrar-se períodes d'escassetat, fins ara s'ha garantit la seguretat hídrica. Ara bé, cal que tant la planificació territorial com el creixement econòmic s'ajusten a la quantitat de recurs disponible. El maneig de l'aigua ha de ser capaç d'optimitzar el nivell d'extracció de les reserves hídriques naturals, prioritzant l'ús complementari amb recurs no convencional, anticipant-se a la sobreexplotació i procurant aconseguir un bon estat a les masses d'aigua. La tesi integra tres articles científics publicats. A cada publicació s'analitzen qüestions particulars per tal de donar resposta a l'objectiu principal de la investigació. / [EN] The sustainable management of water has become a priority throughout the world, particularly in those territories that suffer from scarcity. On the Mediterranean coast, the proliferation of tourism and urban development, along with other economic activities have contributed to the overexploitation of natural water resources. The Balearic Islands are not exempt from this problem. The increase in the floating population has caused the maximum demand to occur in the summer season, coinciding with the period of least natural recharge. Faced with this scenario, it is essential to establish direct actions that favor the recovery and conservation of water. Even more so, in the current context of climate change. The research addresses fundamental points of water governance by analyzing the regulatory, economic and social framework. Its main objective is to establish the current diagnosis of water resources in the Balearic Islands and provide measures to move towards a good ecological, chemical and quantitative status of the water bodies. To do this, this thesis responds to the following specific objectives: -Analyze the mechanisms of current legislation and the feasibility of the objectives set forth in the Water Framework Directive. Secondly, reflect on its achievements and shortcomings and, finally, determine the future challenges faces. -Assess the management and status of the water bodies in the Hydrographic Demarcation of the Balearic Islands. -Evaluate the results of the implementation of a specific action to manage the demand. The results obtained show that the initial aspirations of the Water Framework Directive have not been fulfilled and its progress has been slow. However, there have been great efforts between planning cycles and the quality of the water bodies has improved since their implementation. Secondly, it is concluded that the use of cause-effect indicators stands as a valid tool to help planning and water management. The results of the work show that, in the seawater desalination plants of Palma and Ibiza, there is a reduction in the production of desalinated water in the years with a greater natural recharge of the aquifers. Said non-conventional resource management hinders the recovery of the natural water bodies of the environment. Finally, the research evaluates the implementation of a direct measure of demand management. The implementation of decentralized systems for the use of rainwater and the reuse of treated gray water, for non-potable uses, in buildings at the municipal level is analysed. The results confirm different values of decrease in the demand for drinking water depending on the use and the type of building. In conclusion, the Water Framework Directive must be adapted to the water specificity of each territory and, on the other hand, it is important to continue the investor path started, ensuring the proper balance between supply and demand policies. In addition, the water sector must commit to improving knowledge, promoting new technologies and inserting the digital resources available. In short, in the Balearic Islands, despite registering periods of scarcity, to date water security has been guaranteed. However, it is necessary that both territorial planning and economic growth adjust to the amount of available resources. Water management must be capable of optimizing the level of extraction from natural water reserves, prioritizing complementary use with unconventional resources, anticipating overexploitation and trying to achieve a good status in the water bodies. The thesis integrates three published scientific articles. In each publication, particular issues are analyzed in order to answer the main objective of the research. / Navarro Sousa, S. (2024). Mecanismos de las políticas públicas para la gestión sostenible del agua: hacia un modelo eficiente en las Islas Baleares [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203170 / Compendio
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Bewegungssteuerungen auf Basis des Hybriden FunktionsplanesGeitner, Gert-Helge 18 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Für ereignisgesteuerte Systeme mit mehrdimensionalen Bewegungsabläufen wurde im Fachausschuss 4.12 "Bewegungssteuerungen für Be- und Verarbeitungsmaschinen" der VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) die VDI/VDE-Richtlinie 3684 "Beschreibung ereignisgesteuerter Bewegungsabläufe mit Funktionsplänen" als interdisziplinär verständliches und anschauliches Dokumentationsmittel und Entwurfswerkzeug erarbeitet. Mit der Blockbibliothek Funktionsplan auf Grundlage der in der Richtlinie 3684 vorgeschlagenen Systembeschreibung ist ein durchgängiger Entwurfsweg bis zur Überprüfung des Systemverhaltens ereignisgesteuerter Systeme mittels Simulation einschließlich frühzeitiger Erkennung von Fehlern im Entwurfsprozess und Kodegenerierung möglich. Die FUP Blockbibliothek liegt als Erweiterungs-Blockbibliothek für SIMULINK vor und wurde hinsichtlich ihrer wesentlichen Eigenschaften zur Simulation von ereignisgesteuerten Prozessen speziell in mechatronischen Systemen entwickelt. Die Blockikonen gewährleisten schon nach kurzer Einarbeitungszeit einen sicheren Einsatz der Blöcke, damit kann auf Blockkürzel im Sinne der Richtlinie zwecks besserer Übersichtlichkeit verzichtet werden. Zweisprachige Blockhilfen sind in Version 3.1 für alle Blöcke on-line verfügbar. Graphisch programmierte Funktionspläne können mittels Toolbox Funktionsplanprüfung vorzugsweise über GUI, bei Bedarf auch durch MATLAB Skripte, auf Eingabe- und Programmierfehler geprüft werden. Die Prüfung kann wahlweise vollständig oder auf ausgewählte Fehler erfolgen. Ergebnisausgaben sind entweder in gestraffter Form oder ausführlich einschließlich von Hinweisen möglich. Überprüft werden können Parameter (z.B. Zustands- u. FUP-Nummern, Variablen, Fehlerbehandlung), Syntax (vgl. Richtlinie), Sackgassen (erste/alle) und Rückführschleifen (Entkopplung). Hybride Funktionspläne sind in Echtzeitkode für eine Zielhardware übersetzbar. Voraussetzung ist ein Standard ANSI C Compiler. Die Blockbibliothek Funktionsplan ist eine kostengünstige, richtliniennahe Alternative und ermöglicht eine vom Normalablauf separate, graphisch programmierte Fehlerbehandlung ohne Verlust an Übersichtlichkeit. Die Anwendung der Blöcke wird durch 11 Beispiele veranschaulicht. / The department committee 4.12 "Motion control of machine tools and processing machines" of the VDI/VDE Society for Measurement and Automatic Control (GMA) has established a manufacturer-neutral guideline No. 3684 for event-driven systems with multi-dimensional motion sequences. This guide-line is entitled "Description of event-driven motion processes by function charts" and constitutes a graphically clear design and documentation tool that is well-suited for interdisciplinary application. The block library Function Chart has been defined based on system descriptions suggested in guideline 3684. This library makes available a uniform design procedure. It covers the documentation, the behaviour test of event-driven systems by means of simulation including the early detection of design process faults, the test of realization variants as well as the code generation. Block library Function Chart is an add-on library for SIMULINK. With regard to its essential features it has been developed for the design, simulation, code generation and the description of event-driven systems especially for mechatronics, mechanical and electrical engineering. The created block icons make it possible to get familiar with add-on library Function Chart within a short period of time whereupon block mnemonics may be hidden in order to get a high graphical clearness and to fulfil the requirements of the guideline. Versions 3.1 bilingual on-line block help is available for all blocks. Graphically programmed function charts may be checked for input and programming errors preferably with help of Toolbox "Function Chart Check" by means of GUI's and if necessary also by MATLAB scripts. The check may be done completely or alternatively for selected errors. Output of result is possible either in detail inclusively eventual hints or in shortened form. A function chart may be checked for parameter errors (e.g. state and FUP numbers, variables, error handling), syntax errors (see guideline), dead ends (first or all) and uncoupled loops (arithmetic loops). Standard ANSI C compiler availability stands for a precondition for real time code generation. The block library Function Chart offers a reasonable alternative and allows separate motion error handling sequences which are separated from normal motion sequences without any loss of a well-ordered graphical arrangement. Currently 11 examples demonstrate the application of the blocks.
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Vliv zákaznické spokojenosti a dalších ukazatelů na tržní podíl společnosti / Impact of the customer satisfaction and other indicators on company`s market shareDvořáková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
In the present hypercompetitive market environment of car producers established especially at the developed west european markets is very difficult to gain new customers and increase the market share. The car producing companies have to build and increase customer loyalty to ensure the sustainable growth of market share in the future. One possibility how to improve customer's loyality to brand is to provide the highest standard at both sales and service department and carefully monitor the customer satisfaction. From the satisfaction and performance indicators of the car producing company is possible to construct a mathematical model producing the market share in a given country as an output. Key indikators of customer satisfaction, sales and service and also the macroeconomical data has been used as the inputs for the model. As a target market for my analysis has been chosen Germany. This thesis presents a set of recommendations and proposals, whose implementation should ensure the improvement of the market share of the given brand on german market. The recommendation does not include only the tips for improvement of the key indicators but it also gives the overview of how to make the marketing strategy more efficient using Customer relationship management.
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Stavebně technologický projekt výjezdové základny zdravotnické záchranné služby v Zábřehu na Moravě / CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROJECT OF THE BASE OF THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE IN ZABREH NA MORAVETůma, František January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the construction project of the outbound base of the emergency medical service in Zabreh na Morave. More specifically, this thesis deals with the study of the development of the building, the technological regulation for the flat roof, and the subsequent chapters - design and assessment of the lifting mechanism, optimal design of the building site, timetable, itemized budget, control and test plan, etc. An interesting point is the simulation of the construction, where a 3D model and a video are created. The thesis is based on a borrowed documentation of the project.
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Příprava realizace dostavby klinické hematologie FN Brno / Preparation of realization of completion of clinical hematology, University Hospital BrnoPrůcha, Aleš January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is a solution of the extension of clinical hematology of the Faculty Hospital Brno. The thesis deals with the technological regulation for steel construction, coupled ceiling concrete slab with other topics including an inspection-check plan, a time schedule for carcass, time and financial schedule for structures and an item budget. In addition, this work includes the coordination site-layout of the construction with wider transport relations, mechanical assembly, the principles of the organization of site equipment and occupational safety and health risks. Finally this thesis contains several assessments for cranes, scheme of principles of fixing steel columns into structure, scheme of laying building envelope, LEED, site equipment financial assessment.
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Stavebně technologický projekt skladovací haly / Construction technology project of storage hallPetrík, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
In this diploma thesis is processed build-up organization of logistics centre in Ostrava. The build-up organization covers the implementation of ground works, foundation constructions and precast concrete framework. Storage hall of logistics centre is based on drilled concrete piles and precast concrete framework makes up main structure. Construction technology project contains time-schedule and financial plan for whole project, time-schedule of construction works, budget, technological standard for precast concrete framework, design of building site accessories, design of machine group, safety plan, check and test plan.
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Sklad zemědělských hnojiv - stavebně technologická příprava / Warehouse of agricultural fertilizers - constructional and technological preparationKincl, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
In my master´s thesis i worked on construction and technological preparation of construction storage of agricultural fertilizers in Vilanec. This preparation includes summary expected work on construction, time and financial plan. Thesis in detail processes montage of prefabricate rod skelet and circumferential casing from PUR panels. Component of this thesis is proposal of needed mechanisation, control and probationary plan, plan of safety and protection of health upon work, proposal of building side, assessment of thermal proprties of structural construction, contract for work and EMS plan.
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Stavebně technologický projekt rozšíření chráněné dílny v Třinci / Construction technological expansion project of sheltered workshop in TrinecGwóźdź, Dariusz January 2016 (has links)
The subject of graduation thesis is a building-technological study of production and warehousing hall and headquarters of Ergon protected workshops in Třinec. The work is prepared on the basis of the project documentation. This consists of 8 building objects( 2 main building objects and 6 engineering objects). Building object SO 01-assembly and warehousing hall will be used for installation of assembly lines for simple mounting of imported parts and for semi automatic painting line equipment. Building object SO 02- headquarters building will be used for social activities of employees (WC. showers, social room , cloak rooms) and office premises. The main aims of graduation thesis are : project of construction site equipment including of time and economical evaluation, time schedule and financial plan for objects, study of main phases of project realisation for objects SO 01 and SO 02, project of main building machines including their radius( reach), time schedule of building object SO 02, technological prescript for steel construction preparation of object SO 01 with control and check plan.
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Statický návrh nosných konstrukcí bytového domu v Praze / Design of load-bearing structures of residential building in PragueCetkovský, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is aimed for design of load-bearing structures of residental building. The designed parts of building are reinforced concrete two way slab with lintels above 1th floor, reinforced concrete two way cantivelered slab above ground floor, reinforced concrete point-supported slab below ground floor, reinforced concrete columns in basement, reinforced concrete staircase in basement and static check of loadbearing walls in ground floor. The thesis contains static design, which is provided in calculated software RFEM Dlubal 5.07. The result of static design is drawing documentation of these calculated elements.
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Stavebně technologický projekt přípravy a realizace Domova pro seniory Žacléř / Construction project for implementation of Retirement home ŽacléřBonaventura, Pavel January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to prepare the construction of a Home for the Elderly in Žacléř. The work deals with technical regulations for the dismantling of asbestos roofing, demolition work and monolithic structures. For these regulations, a time plan for the implementation of monolithic structures, a control and test plan for monolithic structures, an itemized budget and a time and financial plan - object-oriented will be prepared. Furthermore, this work contains the coordination situation of the construction with broader transport relations, the design of the assembly machine, the report for the construction site equipment with drawings of the construction site equipment for individual technological regulations and last but not least the health and safety plan and assessment of construction noise. As part of the diploma thesis, several appendices were prepared for this stage, such as crane assessment, details of monolithic stair arms, noise wall scheme, budget for construction site equipment, environmental plan, ceiling and wall formwork scheme and staff balance for selected stages.
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