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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur kan väghållningen utformas för att främja hållbart resande vintertid? : En undersökning av sopsaltning som metod för att öka cykling vintertid i Avesta / How can road maintenance be designed to promote sustainable travel in winter? : A study of sweep-salting as a method to increase cycling in winter in Avesta

Rabb, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Sverige behöver öka andelen hållbara resor för att minska den negativa påverkan på miljön. Två positiva effekterna med cykling är den förbättrade folkhälsan och att det är mer energieffektivt än att resa med bil. Idag är omkring 40% av alla bilresor kortare än 5km. Antalet cykelresor är färre under vintern och därför är potentialen som störst att ersätta kortare bilresor vintertid. Cyklister har en högre risk än bilister att skadas eller dödas och därför är det viktigt, i arbetet mot ökad cykling att även förbättrad säkerhet för cyklister. Studier av Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI) visar att fler väljer att cykla vintertid om vinterunderhållet är bra. I den traditionella vinterväg-hållningen används plogning och sand. Sopsaltmetoden har ökat i popularitet. Metoden använder en borste för att sopa bort snön och saltlösning, torrt eller befuktat salt för halkbekämpning. Det leder till barmarksförhållanden vintertid (utan sand som ökar risken för halkolyckor) ökad tillgänglighet och bättre komfort för cyklister. Metoden är dock mer resurskrävande och sprider salt till miljön. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vinterväghållningen kan utformas i Avesta kommun för att öka det hållbara resandet och få fler att cykla på vintern. Förutsättningarna för att implementera metoden i mindre kommuner diskuteras. Rekommendationerna specifika för Avesta kommun kan användas av andra kommuner som funderar på att implementera sopsaltmetoden. Genom en litteraturstudie sammanställs tillgänglig forskning och erfarenheter från kommuner som använt sopsaltmetoden. För att samla in mer erfarenhet inbjöds kommunerna att delta i en enkätstudie. Även en fallstudie genomförde där Avestas förutsättningar att implementera metoden analyserades. Tre intervjuer hölls, en med Avesta kommun, en med Katrineholms kommun som tidigare använt metoden och en med två av de ledande forskarna inom sopsaltmetoden Anna Niska och Göran Blomqvist från VTI.   19 av de 27 inbjudna kommunerna deltog i enkäten som bland annat visade att 74% av kommunerna valt att förlänga längden på de sopsaltade stråken. Främst till följd av den stora efterfrågan från kommuninvånare och den politiska viljan att prioritera cykling i kommunen. Den empiriska evidensen som samlats in via de använda metoderna användes för att besvara studiens syfte. Trots att flödesmätningar inte kunnat bevisa det i siffror till följd av det begränsade underlaget, anses implementering av sopsaltmetoden öka andelen cykelresor vintertid. Metodens största fördel är den ökade komforten och tillgängligheten som skapas för cyklister. Den högre kostnaden ska sättas i relation till samhällets kostnader för halkolyckor och vinsten i en förbättrad folkhälsa. I kombination med det förändrade klimatet som kräver mer halkbekämpning rekommenderas Avesta kommun att implementera sopsaltmetoden. Huvudcykelstråken som definieras i cykelplanen ska prioriteras i vinterväghållningen. Med de stora investeringar som planeras för Kyrkbron i åtanke, är det lämpligt att implementera sopsaltmetoden på angränsande stråk. Tanken att inkludera värme och kombinera med sopning är intressant och Avesta rekommenderas att ta med det i projekteringen av bron. Med rådande ekonomiska läget kan det förståeligt vara svårt att prioritera implementeringen av en ny, dyrare metod. Då bör metoden ses som en möjlig metod för att prioritera det hållbara resandet i framtiden. En mindre kommun har sina specifika styrkor och svagheter, bland annat är besluts- och kontaktvägar kortare. Den största svagheten är resursutmaningarna som finns i en mindre kommun. / Sweden needs to increase the proportion of sustainable travels to decrease the negative impact on the environment. Among the great effects of cycling are the positive effects on the public health and that it is more energy efficient compared to travelling by car. Today about 40% of all car journeys are shorter than 5km. Bicycle travels decrease during winter and therefor the potential in increasing sustainable travel by replacing shorter car travels is highest during winter. Since cyclists have a higher risk to get injured or killed compared to motorists it is important when working for more bicycle travels to also improve the safety for cyclists. Studies by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) shows that more people choose to cycle during winter if the winter maintenance is good. The traditional method is to clear the snow by ploughing and skid control by using grit. The method sweepsalting has increased in popularity. A machine uses a power broom to clear the snow and spreads saline solution or pre-wetted salt for skid control. It leads to bare ground conditions during winter, with no grit that increases risk for accidents, an increased accessibility and it is more comfortable for cyclists. The method is however more resource demanding and salt is spread to the environment. The aim of this study is to investigate how winter maintenance can be designed in Avesta municipality to increase sustainable travel and get more people to cycle in the winter. A discussion of the prerequisites for implementation of the sweepsalting method in smaller municipalities is conducted. The resulting recommendations specific to Avesta can be used by other municipalities thinking of implementing the sweepsalting method. Through a literature review, available research on the sweepsalting method and experiences from other municipalities was compiled. To gather more experience municipalities were invited to participate in a survey study. A case study to analyse the possibility to include sweepsalting in Avesta was also conducted. Three interviews were held, one with Avesta municipality, one Katrineholms municipality which previously used the method and one with two of the leading researchers in sweepsalting Anna Niska and Göran Blomqvist at VTI.  19 of the 27 municipalities invited participated in the survey. For example, the survey showed that 74% of the municipalities have chosen to increase the length of the sweepsalted cycleways mainly due to the high demand from the public and from politicians wanting to prioritize cycling. The empirical evidence gathered by the methods was used to answer the aim of the study. Implementing the sweepsalting method increases bicycle travels during winter, this even though flow measurements have not been able to clearly prove this in numbers due to the insufficient basis. The biggest advantage is the increased comfort and accessibility created for cyclists. The higher cost must be placed in relation to the costs for accidents and to increased public health. This, combined with the changing climate, demanding more slip control, the implementation of sweepsalting is recommended in Avesta. The main cycle routes defined in the cycle plan should be prioritized in the winter maintenance. With the major investments planned for Kyrkbron in mind, it is suitable to combine it with implementing of the sweepsalting method on connecting cycleways. The idea of heating the bridge surface when rebuilding the bridge and combining it with sweeping of the surface is interesting and Avesta is recommended to include it in the planning. With the current economic situation, it can understandably be difficult to prioritize implementing a new, more expensive method. If so, the method should be seen as a possible future method prioritizing and facilitating sustainable travels. A smaller municipality has its strengths and its weaknesses, the decision paths and contact paths are often shorter than in bigger municipalities. The biggest drawback is the resource challenges in smaller municipalities.

How Does Skid Design Affect Transportability and Handling of Heavy Machinery? / Hur påverkar designen av en ram, transport och hantering av tunga maskiner?

Eldensjö, Eric, Söderman-Lundqvist, Isidor January 2022 (has links)
At request of the company Climeon, this study was made regarding transportability of skid mounted heavy machinery. The study aimed to investigate what constraining dimensions there might be when transporting by road and sea as well as necessary features that would accommo date lifting, handling, lashing and securing. A literature study was done on the topic of common load carriers and logistics with heavy transports. An interview study was conducted with employees at Climeon to learn how transports are done currently, as well as input on how transports and handling of the machinery could be of higher quality. A conceptual design was made where lifting was simulated with aid of the FEA tool in SolidWorks. An analysis of necessary lashing points was done in Matlab to verify safe transports on road and sea. A dimensional constraint study was made where dimensional breaking points were identified. Price inquiries for these were sent to a forwarding agent to attempt to quantify the cost for transporting skids of various sizes. Trucking is a good mean for transporting within Europe. Roll on-Roll off or flat rack shipping are viable options for transporting large and sensitive machinery when transport by sea is necessary. Lashing the skid could be done mainly with direct lashes in combination with rubber mats for increased friction. A machinery in this order of magnitude can be lifted with a single hook if the structural elements and the lifting eyes are placed positioned in a proper way. / På uppdrag av företaget Climeon gjordes denna studie gällande transporterbarhet av rammonterade maskiner. Studiens mål var bland annat att hitta brytpunkter för dimensionering baserat på väg- och sjötransporter, samt att ta reda på vilka funktioner som behövs för att tillgodose lyft, hantering, surrning och säkring. En literaturstudie utfördes, med fokus på olika lastbärare och logistik kring tunga transporter. För att få djupare insikt i hur transportkvaliteten kan ökas, samt samla in information kring den nuvarande transporthanteringen, utfördes en intervjustudie med anställda från företaget. En konceptuell design togs fram där lyft simulerades med hjälp av FEM-analys i SolidWorks. En analys gjordes i Matlab där nödvändiga surrningspunkter undersöktes för att verifiera säkra transporter på väg och till sjöss. En studie där dimensionella begränsningars inverkan på transportpris gjordes, prisförfrågningar skickades då till en speditör och ett försök gjordes till att kvantiera priset för olika dimensioner på ramen. Lastbil är ett bra sätt att transportera tungt maskineri inom Europa. Roll on-Roll off och flat rack de bästa sättet för transport till sjöss, för stora och ömtåliga maskiner. Maskinen kan säkras i surrningsöglor med spännband eller kedja i direkt surrning i kombination med gummimatta för ökad friktion. En rammonterad maskin i denna storleksordning kan lyftas via ett enkrokslyft om lyftöglor och ramelement är placerade på ett lämpligt vis.

Architecture et contrôle du patinage d'un véhicule mono et multi-source de puissance / Architecture and slipping control of a mono and multi-source vehicle

Chapuis, Cédric 13 November 2012 (has links)
Les progrès techniques faits ces dernières années dans le domaine des batteries ainsi que le durcissement des normes écologiques entraînent un regain d'intérêt pour les véhicules hybrides et électriques. La possibilité d'utiliser plusieurs sources de puissance à l'intérieur d'un même véhicule conduit à remettre en question les architectures traditionnelles des véhicules et à étudier des architectures multi-sources. Après un état de l'art des architectures et des systèmes de transmission de couple, le véhicule prototype du projet VELROUE, utilisé par la suite comme moyen d'essai, est présenté. Puis, le contrôle du patinage des roues arrière du véhicule VELROUE équipé d'un moteur thermique sur le train avant et de deux moteurs électriques reliés aux roues arrière est étudié. Ensuite, différents modèles véhicules sont détaillés en vue d'analyser les transferts d'énergie au sein du système à l'aide de l'outil Bond Graph, de synthétiser des lois de commande de contrôle du patinage et de simuler le comportement du véhicule pour valider les fonctions d'anti-patinage (ASR). Une première commande de type PID qui servira de référence est dans un premier temps introduite. La contribution principale de ce travail de thèse concerne la synthèse et la mise en oeuvre de commandes non linéaires soit par retour linéarisant, soit basée sur la théorie de la platitude. Les modèles de synthèses de commande sont issus d'hypothèses classiques retenues lors des situations de vie considérées : dynamique longitudinale, pompage et tangage sur un double modèle bicyclette. Une stratégie de commande est également développée afin d'assurer la sécurité du conducteur, de réduire les besoins matériels et d'améliorer l'agrément conducteur. Enfin, les commandes non linéaires développées sont testées en simulation puis validées expérimentalement sur le véhicule VELROUE. Une comparaison de ces commandes est effectuée selon des critères énergétiques, de performances, de complexité et de coût. Ces techniques développées pour l'ASR sont étendues pour des phases de freinage récupératif (MSR), qui constitue également une originalité de ces travaux. / The technical progress made during last years in the battery field and the environmental standards hardening lead to an increased interest in hybrid and electric vehicles. The possibility to use several power sources inside a vehicle leads to question the traditional vehicle architectures and to study multi-power sources architectures. After a state of the art on architectures and torque transmission systems, the VELROUE project's prototype is presented. This prototype is later used as a validation platform. Then, the rear wheels slipping control of the VELROUE vehicle which is equipped with an internal combustion engine on the front axle and with two electric motors connected to the rear wheels is studied. Next, different vehicle models are described to analyze energy transfers inside the system using Bond Graph, to synthesize anti-slipping control laws and to simulate the vehicle behavior in order to validate the anti-slipping functions (ASR). A first PID-like controller is initially introduced to serve as reference. The main contribution of this thesis deals with the synthesis and implementation of nonlinear controls either using linearizing feedback, or based on the flatness theory. The synthesis controls models come from classical hypothesis: longitudinal and vertical dynamics and pitch on a double bicycle model. A control strategy is also developed to assure driver's security, to reduce material needs and to enhance the driver approval. Finally, the nonlinear controls developed here are simulated and then experimentally validated on the VELROUE vehicle. A comparison of these commands is performed according to energy, performance, complexity and cost criteria. These control laws developed for ASR are extended to regenerative braking phases (MSR), which is also an originality of this work.

Design, Modeling, Guidance And Control Of A Vertical Launch Surface To Air Missile

Tekin, Raziye 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The recent interests in the necessity of high maneuverability and vertical launching triggered namely the unconventional control design techniques that are effective at high angle of attack flight regimes. For most of missile configurations, this interest required thrust vector control together with conventional aerodynamic control. In this study, nonlinear modeling and dynamical analysis of a surface to air missile with both aerodynamic and thrust vector control is investigated. Aerodynamic force and moment modeling of the presented missile includes the challenging high angle of attack aerodynamics behavior and the so called hybrid control, which utilizes both tail fins and jet vanes as control surfaces. Thrust vector and aerodynamic control effectiveness is examined during flight envelope. Different autopilot designs are accomplished with hybrid control. Midcourse and terminal guidance algorithms are implemented and performed on target sets including maneuverable targets. A different initial turnover strategy is suggested and compared with standard skid-to-turn maneuver. Comparisons of initial roll with aerodynamic and thrust vector control are examined. Afterwards, some critical maneuvers and hybrid control ratio is studied with a real coded genetic algorithm. Rapid turnover for low altitude targets, intercept maneuver analysis with hybrid control ratio and lastly, engagement initiation maneuver optimization is fulfilled.

Where worlds collide : social polarisation at the community level in Vancouver's Gastown/Downtown Eastside

Smith, Heather 05 1900 (has links)
Gastown, Vancouver's birthplace, is a small historic district embedded within the broader community of the Downtown Eastside. Over the past 25 years Gastown has been slowly upgrading; refashioning itself as a loft style residential neighbourhood and central tourist destination. Over the same period the Downtown Eastside's reputation as the city's "skid road" has become firmly entrenched. The pace of this community's upgrading and downgrading has quickened over the past five years and resulted in a current geography where we find loft-style condominiums, cappuccino bars and rising affluence interspersed with needle exchanges, homeless shelters and deepening disadvantage. What we see within the Gastown/Downtown Eastside community is a convergence of the spatial processes of social polarisation and the kinds of conflicts and negotiations that result. Polarisation, most broadly defined, describes a growing socio-economic and spatial divide between the "haves" and "have-nots" of Western societies and cities. While considerable attention has been paid to polarisation's conceptual meaning and empirical definition at the national and intra-urban levels, little focus has centered on how the process can be identified and analysed at the intra-community level. In the same way that polarisation at broader scales of analysis can be viewed as the sociotemporal coincidence of pauperisation and professionalisation, this dissertation defines intracommunity polarisation as the simultaneous occurrence of socio-spatial upgrading and downgrading. Using quantitative data from the census tract level, this dissertation investigates the empirical evidence of social polarisation within Gastown/Downtown Eastside. Using qualitative data the study explores the extent to which both revitalisation and deterioration are competing for the community's future and this polarisation is being experienced and negotiated by the varied residents and stakeholders of this urban community. Ultimately this dissertation sheds light on how the characteristics and causes of community based polarisation differ and parallel those at other scales of inquiry. It also outlines the truly local factors that affect polarisation's development, entrenchment and impact and illuminates the process' inconstant character and the time lag that exists between its qualitative experience and its quantitative identification.

Where worlds collide : social polarisation at the community level in Vancouver's Gastown/Downtown Eastside

Smith, Heather 05 1900 (has links)
Gastown, Vancouver's birthplace, is a small historic district embedded within the broader community of the Downtown Eastside. Over the past 25 years Gastown has been slowly upgrading; refashioning itself as a loft style residential neighbourhood and central tourist destination. Over the same period the Downtown Eastside's reputation as the city's "skid road" has become firmly entrenched. The pace of this community's upgrading and downgrading has quickened over the past five years and resulted in a current geography where we find loft-style condominiums, cappuccino bars and rising affluence interspersed with needle exchanges, homeless shelters and deepening disadvantage. What we see within the Gastown/Downtown Eastside community is a convergence of the spatial processes of social polarisation and the kinds of conflicts and negotiations that result. Polarisation, most broadly defined, describes a growing socio-economic and spatial divide between the "haves" and "have-nots" of Western societies and cities. While considerable attention has been paid to polarisation's conceptual meaning and empirical definition at the national and intra-urban levels, little focus has centered on how the process can be identified and analysed at the intra-community level. In the same way that polarisation at broader scales of analysis can be viewed as the sociotemporal coincidence of pauperisation and professionalisation, this dissertation defines intracommunity polarisation as the simultaneous occurrence of socio-spatial upgrading and downgrading. Using quantitative data from the census tract level, this dissertation investigates the empirical evidence of social polarisation within Gastown/Downtown Eastside. Using qualitative data the study explores the extent to which both revitalisation and deterioration are competing for the community's future and this polarisation is being experienced and negotiated by the varied residents and stakeholders of this urban community. Ultimately this dissertation sheds light on how the characteristics and causes of community based polarisation differ and parallel those at other scales of inquiry. It also outlines the truly local factors that affect polarisation's development, entrenchment and impact and illuminates the process' inconstant character and the time lag that exists between its qualitative experience and its quantitative identification. / Arts, Faculty of / Geography, Department of / Graduate

Železobetonová konstrukce / The reinforced concrete structure of elementary school

Benešová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the design and evaluation of the concrete monolithic ceiling slab in the shape of semicircular ring, ribs lining this plate and skylights. The result is static calculation and drawing documentation.

Součinitel tření povrchu vozovky a Skid Resistance Index / Pavement skid resistance and Skid Resistance Index

Nekulová, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the relation between the longitudinal friction coefficient dependence on measuring speed and the value of road surface macrotexture MPD. Results of longitudinal friction coefficient and value of MPD measurement on 73 sections are included in this thesis. The results were compared by regression analysis and its outcome was used for determination of formula that enable calculation of longitudinal friction coefficient for any operating speed when longitudinal friction coefficient for 60 km/h and value of macrotexture are known. The evaluation scale for skid resistance index (SRI) was also determined in this thesis. It could be used for evaluation of skid resistance independently of the type of device used for friction coefficient measurement.

Závislost protismykových vlastností povrchů vozovek na ohladitelnosti kameniva a dopravním zatížení / Dependance of pavement surface skid resistance on aggregate polishing and traffic loading

Dašková, Jaroslava January 2014 (has links)
Road safety is a complex problem. It is influenced mainly by the driver, the vehicle and the road surface. This thesis is focused on the road surface properties and especially skid resistance that directly affect the braking distance and keeping the vehicle in the horizontal curves and thus traffic accidents. The thesis deals with the durability of pavement surface skid resistance, the type of pavement layers and aggregate polishing used in wearing course. The aim of this thesis was to develop the methodology for improvement of road surfaces skid resistance durability and implementation of functional test for their assessment.

Protismykové vlastnosti asfaltových vrstev s R - materiálem / Skid resistance of asphalt layers with recycled materials

Bambulová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the problems of pavement surface skid resistence of wearing course of asphalt mixtures with R-material. Specifically, it is a mixture of type ACO 11 (asphalt concrete for wearing layers). In the theoretical part of the thesis there are dismantled the problems of Antiskid properties of the road surface and recycling of R-material. The practical part is dedicated to the design and laboratory production of the asphalt mixture ACO 11 without admixture of R-material and with content of 38 % R-material. In addition, the results of the measurement of friction coefficient after smoothed for these bitumen mixtures are shown in the work. The aim of the thesis was to determine the influence of the increased content of R-material on the anti-skid properties of the road surface as it is planned to update the standard ČSN EN 13108-1, which will allow the use of up to 40 % R-material into the mixtures of type ACO 11.

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