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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vilkaviškio rajono 8 klasių mokinių mitybos kompetencijų turinio analizė / Content analysis of nutrition competences of Vilkaviškis district 8th-formers

Abraitytė, Rūta 29 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo tema: „Vilkaviškio rajono mokyklų 8 klasių mokinių mitybos kompetencijų turinio analizė“. Temos aktualumas. Europos Sąjungos dokumentuose pabrėžiama, kad spartūs pasikeitimai ekonomikoje, politiniame ir socialiniame gyvenime priklauso nuo aukštos kokybės žinių, gebėjimų ir kompetencijų raidos individualiame, lokaliame ir nacionaliniame lygmenyse. Tad keičiasi ir akcentai ugdymo sistemoje, pereinama nuo žinių įsigijimo svarbos akcentavimo prie kompetencijų ugdymo; t.y. svarbu ne tik tai, ką žino kiekvienas asmuo, bet taip pat kaip ir kada jie panaudoja turimas žinias, t.y. ugdoma kompetentinga asmenybė. Tikslas – atlikti 8 klasių mokinių mitybos kompetencijų turinio analizę. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė. 2. Anketinė mokinių ir mokytojų apklausa. 3. Statistinių duomenų analizė. 4. Kokybinio tyrimo duomenų analizė. Tyrimo rezultatai. Siekiant išsiaiškinti Vilkaviškio rajono 8 klasių mokinių turimas kompetencijas mitybos srityje, buvo atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, bei kokybinis tyrimas, kuriuo siekta išsiaiškinti mokytojų nuomonę apie ugdomas mokinių kompetencijas mitybos srityje, taikant anketinę apklausą. Kiekybinio tyrimo duomenų analizė atskleidė, kad mokiniai mano jog labiausiai turi išsiugdę mokymosi mokytis, sveikatos ir gyvenimo įgūdžių ir komunikavimo kompetencijas. Kokybiniu metodu ištyrus mokytojų nuomonę apie ugdomas mokinių kompetencijas mitybos srityje, išryškėjo jog daugiausiai mokytojų mano... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of this master paper is “Content analysis of nutrition competences of Vilkaviškis district 8th-formers.” Relevance of the topic. European Union documents emphasize that rapid changes in economic, political and social life depend on the development of high quality knowledge, abilities and competences on personal, local and national levels. Therefore the foci in educational system have also changed: there is transition from stressing the importance of knowledge acquisition to competence development, i.e. it is important not only what a person knows but also how and when he/she applies his/her knowledge; thus a competent personality is to be developed. The aim of the research is to perform content analysis of 8th-formers’ nutrition competences. The following research methods were applied: 1. Analysis of scientific literature and documents; 2. Pupils’ and teachers’ questionnaire survey; 3. Statistical data analysis; 4. Qualitative data analysis. Results of the research. To learn about nutrition competences of Vilkaviškis district 8th-formers a quantitative and qualitative research was carried out. A questionnaire survey aimed at finding out teachers’ opinion about their pupils’ nutrition competences being developed. Quantitative data analysis has revealed that in pupils’ opinion they have developed the Learning to Learn, health and life skills, as well as communication competences best. Qualitative research method was used to survey teachers’ opinion about... [to full text]

Regioninių pedagogų tęstinio mokymo centrų (švietimo centrų) darbuotojų funkcijos ir reikalavimai jų kompetencijoms / The functions and requests for the competences of the workers of regional pedagogues continuing teaching centres

Mačionienė, Eglė 29 June 2006 (has links)
The author of the paper is Eglė Mačionienė. The supervisor is Dr. Rita Dukynaitė. The title of the paper is “The functions and requests for the competences of the workers of regional pedagogues continuing teaching centres”. In the nowadays society the competence of workers is one of the most important things which have influence on the effectiveness of the organisation activity. Each ordanisation which seeks for the effectiveness should take care about the workers competence training. The workers, who are improving their knowledge and skills, have real opportunities to help their organisation to readjust to the volatile surroundings, be capable to work effectivelly and remain competitive. The object of research – the functions and competences of the workers of Lithuania’s regional pedagogues continuing teaching centres. The purpose of research – to investigate what competences are needed for the the workers of regional pedagogues continuing teaching centres, at the same time make certain the effective accomplishment of their functions. The main tasks of research: - with the help of scientific pedagogical literature and documents analyse the functions and the ascription of these functions to the workers of continuing teaching centres and define what competences are needed for the development of effective activity. - to investigate the workers activities of Lithuania pedagogues continuing teaching centres. - to analyse the clients viewpoint of pedagogues continuing... [to full text]

Kolegijų pedagogų informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymo kompetencijos turinys ir struktūra / Competences of college pedagogues in application of information and communication technologies

Montrimienė, Gražina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darnios informacinės visuomenės klestėjimo periode, vykstant mokslo bei technologijų pažangai, kiekvienam asmeniui būtina tobulinti socialinius, komunikacinius, problemų sprendimo, veiklos bei kitus bendruosius gebėjimus ir kartu išsiugdyti svarbiausius įgūdžius, būtinus norint sėkmingai konkuruoti šiuolaikinėje darbo rinkoje. Aktuali tyrimo problema, atsakant į klausimą: koks pedagogų IKT taikymo kompetencijos turinys ir struktūra, nes nuo jų priklauso profesinio mokymo ir mokymosi proceso kokybė, pedagogų ir jų ugdytinių gebėjimas sėkmingai integruotis į pasaulinę ir šalies darbo rinką.Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama kolegijų pedagogų informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymo (IKT) kompetencija, kaip profesinės kompetencijos komponentas. Informacinės visuomenės ir kultūros kaita bei pedagogų standarto reikalavimai ES ir Lietuvoje pedagogų IKT kompetencijai keičiasi, kintant mokymo ir mokymosi procesui ir nacionaliniams ugdymo tikslams, įtakojant socialiniams-demografiniams veiksniams. Anketiniu tyrimu nustatyta, kad šalies aukštųjų neuniversitetinių mokyklų (kolegijų) pedagogai sistemingai tobulina informacinio raštingumo kompetencijas įvairiomis formomis, dalyvaudami ES projektuose ir programose, savarankiškai mokydamiesi nuotoliniu būdu, norėdami kokybiškai ir sistemingai dirbti edukaciniame procese. Pristatomas pedagogų IKT taikymo kompetencijos turinio ir struktūros empirinis pagrindimas. Analizuojamos kolegijų pedagogų IKT elgsenos, pridedamosios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During the period of prosperity of harmonic informational society, as the economy globalyzes and the science and technology development increases, it is necessary for everyone to develop social, communicational, problem-solving, practical and other common skills as well as to bring up the most important habits in order to be able to compete in today’s employment market. The urgent problem, when solving the problem of what the application volume and structure of competence of pedagogue’s information and communication technology (ICT) would be, since the value of professional teaching and learning and pedagogues’ their apprentices abilities to successfully integrate to national and international job market depend on it.The work analyzes competence, as a part of professional competence, of college pedagogues in application of information and communication technologies (ICT). The informational society and culture as well as the requirements for the pedagogues’ ICT competence changes as changes the learning and teachning process for national training goals influenced by social and demografic factors. The questionaire research has showed that the pedagogues of national universities and colleges, in order to perform a quality educational work, systematically increase their competences of informational capabilities in various ways. This work also presents the volume and structure empirical substantiation of pedagogues’ ICT competences. Moreover, this article analyzes the ICT... [to full text]

Pedagogo asmenybės savybių ir profesinių kompetencijų svarba pradiniame muzikiniame ugdyme / The importance of personal characteristic and Professional competences of the teacher at the primary school of teaching music

Mitčenko, Julija 01 August 2013 (has links)
Dėl socialinės bei kultūrinės kaitos sąlygojamų uždavinių, visuomenėje įsitvirtina nauji paradigminiai požiūriai: mokymasis visą gyvenimą, novatoriškos mokymosi aplinkos ir kt. Tokiomis sąlygomis mokytojas, rūpindamasis jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaiko kompetencijų ugdymu kaip autonomiškumo pagrindu B. Bitino teigimu (2005) turėtų suprasti, kad asmenybės raidą lemia ne tik visuomenė ir nuo jos nepriklausančios jėgos, bet ir ugdytinio vidinių galių skatinimas ir plėtojimas, grindžiamas pedagogo profesinėmis kompetencijomis. / Due to the tasks influenced by the social and cultural change in the society, new paradigmatic view such as life long learning, innovative teaching and learning environment , etc. are becomig stronger. As s result, the teacher taking care of the development of the primary school pupil`s skills as autonomuos basic (according to B. Bitinas statement (2005)) has to understand that the maturity of a person is determined not only by the society or independed powers but also by encouragement and broadening person`s inner stregth, which is based on the teacher`s personal competences.

Critical success factors : An evaluation to identify strategic capabilities

Cöster, Fredrik, Engdahl, Marcus, Svensson, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Background: Strategic capabilities are vital components for organisations to include in their business. Another essential elements in a strategy that can affect the performance of an organisation in both a negative and positive direction are critical success factors. This research will study if it possible to evaluate organisations CSFs in order to see whether a well performed CSF also can be identified as a strategic capability. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate organisations CSF in order to identify strategic capabilities Research question: What CSFs can be identified? Which CSFs are identified as strategic capabilities? Methodology: This thesis involved a qualitative pre-study consistent of a content analysis and semi-structured interview that were used to provide measurements to the quantitative survey. Conclusion: The findings indicate that it is possible to identify strategic capabilities by evaluating CSFs. In this study transportation, number of stores and the atmosphere were considered as strategic capabilities.

Behavioral Competences of Agile Project Managers : A Case Study of R&D Projects in the Swedish Biotechnology Sector

Mehmeti, Betim, Sanchez Molina, Edgar Fernando January 2014 (has links)
Projects that work in complex, uncertain, and dynamic environments, such as research and development (R&D) projects, require a different approach to project management. New approaches have been developed in the last decades as a response to traditional project management to address the uniqueness of the project characteristics. In the mid-1990s, Agile Project Management (APM) was introduced which aimed to address projects that face high levels of complexity and uncertainty. APM aims to develop innovative and complex products that face a constant changing environment.   APM enables a project manager to cope with the challenges presented by R&D projects by delivering customer value through innovative products and a leadership-collaboration management style, which would require certain competences. Traditional PM has focused on the importance of technical competences for successful PM. However, in the last decades two more set of competences have gained importance, contextual and behavioral competences. Several studies have demonstrated the importance of behavioral competences for project managers dealing with highly complex and uncertain projects. Competences such as leadership, communication, flexibility, and creativity have been identified as essential behavioral competences for project managers in turbulent project environments.   This study aims to show what behavioral competences are needed for an agile project manager engaged in R&D projects in the Swedish biotechnology sector. In this way, the research will extend the existing evidence of APM and behavioral competences to a new industry, due to the limited focus of the current research on software development agile projects. The methodology of the study follows a qualitative strategy and a case study design that focuses on the biotechnology sector in the Umeå region. The study achieves an intensive examination of the behavioral competences through a semi-structured interviews method with respondents from five organizations, which represent different segments of the sector.   The findings of the research study show that organizations in the biotechnology sector in Sweden use APM to deliver R&D projects. These organizations follow the APM characteristics to address complexity, uncertainty, and dynamism in R&D projects. In addition, the findings present evidence that behavioral competences are highly important for agile project managers in the biotechnology sector, and considered as the most important competences. Furthermore, the biotechnology sector acknowledges the importance of four competences: creativity, communication, flexibility, and leadership. The four identified behavioral competences allow an agile project manager to enable APM characteristics such as iterative and adaptive life cycles, change management, flexible planning, people orientation, collaborative leadership style, small and self-organized teams, tacit knowledge, and informal communication. The findings suggest that by enabling these characteristics, an agile project manager is able to deliver customer value through innovation and leadership-collaboration management style, hence, successfully addressing the characteristics of a biotechnology R&D project in Sweden.

Pedagogų karjeros pokyčiai nuolatinio mokymosi kontekste: pedagogų požiūris / Educators career's changes on lifelong learning basis: educators viewpoint

Janulytė, Simona 27 February 2014 (has links)
Globalizacija, kintančios ekonominės, socialinės ir politinės sąlygos, informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų plėtra, didėjantis visuomenės poreikis, reikalavimai švietimui ir besikeičiantis mokytojo vaidmuo reformuotoje mokykloje – veiksniai, kurie pedagogo profesiją šiame postmodernizmo amžiuje veikia labiausiai. Mokytojo darbas darosi vis sudėtingesnis, jis privalo reaguoti į įvairialypius pokyčius, mokinių poreikius, į sparčią technikos pažangą ir tenkinti visuomenės keliamus tobulumo reikalavimus. Todėl visiškai natūralu, jog šiame kontekste vis labiau akcentuojamas mokymosi visą gyvenimą principo įgyvendinimas, kuris yra pagrindinis sėkmingo perėjimo į žiniomis grįstą visuomenę garantas. / Globalization, the changing economic, social and political conditions, information and communication technology development, constantly increasing public demand, the requirements for education and the changing role of the teacher in the reformed school - factors affecting the teachers profession in the postmodern age the most. Teacher's work becomes more advanced, it must respond to the diverse changes to students' needs, the rapid technological progress and meet the public's need for perfection requirements. So it is absolutely natural that in the context of the growing emphasis on lifelong learning implementation, which is central to the successful transition to a knowledge-based society guarantee.

Initial Screening : A talent's qualities within the matching process between employer and talent in the Business Sector

Lodewijk, Niels, Mastenbroek, Roselique January 2008 (has links)
<p>The importance of human capital is rising tremendously since the last few decades. Human capital is now rewarded as the most important factor in an organization on the way to success. Nowadays in the Netherlands talents need to be able to show employers that they possess certain qualities and employers need to be able to show that they offer something worthwhile for talents. The match is:</p><p>You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you must win their hearts to have them work with you. —Tiorio</p><p>This research project is primarily about the initial screening within the matching process, where both parties (employer & talent) need to express themselves to each other without having live contact. The strategic question throughout this research is: How can we explain problems between employer and talent during the initial screening phase in the matching process, in terms of measuring, explicating and expressing qualities?</p><p>Within this question perspectives of both parties are included: to understand the position, requirements and expectations of qualities. The objective of this research is to explore, get insight in and elaborate on the process taking place in the initial meeting. This is researched through qualitative research in the form of a mix of interviews, experiments and text analyses.</p><p>The result of this research conducts of several tips based on the analyses of this research. The tips are for talents as well as employers. Even though the results of this research were very diverse from the talent‘s perspective, some patterns could be seen. From the employers’ perspective the answers were less diverse and more clear patterns emerged. Altogether many interesting aspects are highlighted in this research.</p>

Ressources, compétences et stratégies de croissance des entreprises innovantes : l'industrie des logiciels. / Resources and Competences and growth strategies for innovative firms : the software industry

Postariu, Andreea-Elena 21 June 2011 (has links)
La croissance des PME innovantes est le fruit des ressources et compétences, mises en oeuvre par des dirigeants, à l'aide des stratégies de croissance. Les ressources et les compétences existantes dans l'entreprise, ou qui peuvent être obtenues par l'entreprise, désignent la croissance de l'entreprise et les voies d'action privilégiées pour atteindre ces objectifs. Il existe plusieurs typologies d'entreprises en croissance, dictées par leurs ressources et leurs compétences, ainsi que les stratégies de croissance poursuivies. / SME growth is the result of innovative resources and skills, implemented by managers, using strategies for growth. Resources and existing expertise in the enterprise, or those that can be obtained by the company, refer to the company's growth and ways of action for reaching those goals. There are several types of growth companies, driven by their resources and skills, and strategies for continuing growth.

Mapeamento de competências : um foco no aluno da educação a distância

Silva, Kétia Kellen Araújo da January 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo realizar o mapeamento de competências necessárias aos alunos da Educação a Distância (EAD). O estudo se desenvolveu através dos seguintes eixos: EAD, o perfil do aluno da EAD e as competências. A seguir, foi estabelecida uma relação entre as competências e os alunos da modalidade a distância, buscando destacar, a partir de um levantamento bibliográfico, os conhecimentos, as habilidades e as atitudes vinculados a essa modalidade de ensino. A pesquisa teve uma abordagem quali-quanti, compreendendo como estudo de caso exploratório e único o modelo que melhor se adapta ao contexto e que melhor atende às características dos objetivos propostos. Portanto, constituiu-se do desenvolvimento de um Objeto de Aprendizagem e sua validação através de um curso de extensão. O curso foi uma das estratégias para a realização do mapeamento, que incluiu ainda entrevistas e questionários, sendo que os últimos foram realizados também com tutores e professores da EAD. A análise consistiu na avaliação dos dados e no mapeamento das competências. Objetivou- se, a partir deste estudo, gerar uma reflexão frente ao papel do aluno da EAD e às competências essenciais nesse processo de aprendizagem. Através da análise, foi possível desenhar o perfil daqueles alunos da EAD e realizar o mapeamento de competências. Observou-se que esse tipo de aluno está imerso em três contextos: o social/ familiar, o profissional e o acadêmico. Nesse caso, a tecnologia pode ser compreendida como um contexto transversal que permeia todos os outros. Entretanto, não é um recurso com o qual esse perfil de aluno esteja familiarizado. O mapeamento de competências final foi constituído pelos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, sendo composto por doze competências: fluência digital, autonomia, organização, planejamento, administração do tempo, comunicação, reflexão, presencialidade virtual, autoavaliação, automotivação, flexibilidade e trabalho em equipe. Por fim, espera-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para novas discussões acerca das competências, propondo práticas e novas estratégias de desenvolvimento. / The present master's dissertation aims at mapping the competences required for e-learning students. The study was developed through three axes: e-learning, the profile of e-learning students, and the competences. Next, a relationship between competences and students from the e-learning modality were established, with the purpose of distinguishing types of knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with this learning modality, based on bibliographical research. The study followed a qualitative and quantitative approach, in the understanding that the model that better fits the context and better meets the characteristics of the proposed objectives is the exploratory and single case study. Therefore, a Learning Object was developed, and then validated in an extension course. The course was one of the strategies to perform the mapping, which included also questionnaires and interviews, the latter being carried out with e-learning tutors and teachers as well. The analysis consisted of the evaluation of the data collected and of the competence mapping. The goal of this study was to encourage a reflection on the e-learning student's role and on the essential competences in this learning process. Through the analysis, it was possible to delineate the profile of those e-leaning students and to perform the competence mapping. It was observed that this kind of student is immersed in three contexts: social/familiar, professional, and academic. In this case, technology can be understood as a transversal context that permeates all the others. However, it is not a familiar resource for this student's profile. The final competence mapping was constituted by types of knowledge, skills and attitudes, and consisted of twelve competences: digital fluency, autonomy, organization, planning, time management, communication, reflection, virtual presence, self-evaluation, self motivation, flexibility, and teamwork. Finally, it is hoped that this research can contribute to new debates on competences, proposing practices and new development strategies.

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