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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Akademinio jaunimo karjeros planavimas: Studentų požiūris / Carrer planning by academic youth: students standpoint

Pipiraitė, Eglė 09 April 2009 (has links)
Nagrinėjami akademinio jaunimo karjeros planavimo ypatumai skirtingų studijų krypčių studentų požiūriu, išryškinamos vyraujančios tendencijos. Aptariama karjeros samprata ir ją įtakojančių veiksnių reikšmingumas; išryškinami ugdymo karjerai tikslai ir aktualumas, karjeros planavimo galimybės studijų metu. / There are looked into career planning peculiarity by academic youth in different direction of studies on student’s standpoint. There is seeking to reveal prevalent tendencies. Discuss career's conception and what has the influence for factor's importance; to reveal purposes and topicality of education for career.

Pedagogų karjeros pokyčiai nuolatinio mokymosi kontekste: pedagogų požiūris / Educators career's changes on lifelong learning basis: educators viewpoint

Janulytė, Simona 27 February 2014 (has links)
Globalizacija, kintančios ekonominės, socialinės ir politinės sąlygos, informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų plėtra, didėjantis visuomenės poreikis, reikalavimai švietimui ir besikeičiantis mokytojo vaidmuo reformuotoje mokykloje – veiksniai, kurie pedagogo profesiją šiame postmodernizmo amžiuje veikia labiausiai. Mokytojo darbas darosi vis sudėtingesnis, jis privalo reaguoti į įvairialypius pokyčius, mokinių poreikius, į sparčią technikos pažangą ir tenkinti visuomenės keliamus tobulumo reikalavimus. Todėl visiškai natūralu, jog šiame kontekste vis labiau akcentuojamas mokymosi visą gyvenimą principo įgyvendinimas, kuris yra pagrindinis sėkmingo perėjimo į žiniomis grįstą visuomenę garantas. / Globalization, the changing economic, social and political conditions, information and communication technology development, constantly increasing public demand, the requirements for education and the changing role of the teacher in the reformed school - factors affecting the teachers profession in the postmodern age the most. Teacher's work becomes more advanced, it must respond to the diverse changes to students' needs, the rapid technological progress and meet the public's need for perfection requirements. So it is absolutely natural that in the context of the growing emphasis on lifelong learning implementation, which is central to the successful transition to a knowledge-based society guarantee.

La mobilité du salarié / The mobility of employees

De brier, Henrik 14 December 2015 (has links)
Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une volonté s’exprime de construire la paix sur une mise en commun des intérêts économiques. La paix entre les nations a donc pour conséquence une internationalisation des échanges économiques. Nous sommes alors passés d’une volonté politique à une réalité économique. Les entreprises se sont développées en même temps qu’elles ont dû faire face à une nouvelle concurrence. Les travailleurs salariés sont devenus des maillons indispensables, mais aussi, quelque part, des pions, sur ce nouvel échiquier économique. Les entreprises sont donc, de plus en plus, à la recherche de souplesse dans la gestion de leurs effectifs. Face à la prétendue rigidité du contrat de travail, l’on assiste, notamment, à une montée en puissance de l’accord collectif, dans le but de flexibiliser la relation de travail ; la mobilité s’entend, alors, de plus en plus, comme une mobilité sur le marché du travail, et non plus seulement dans l’entreprise. Ainsi, naît un besoin indispensable de sécuriser la mobilité de ces salariés, notamment à travers le contrôle des trajectoires professionnelles, en créant, notamment, un véritable droit de la formation professionnelle. / After the Second World War, a desire to build peace based on common economic interests is formulated. Consequently, this shared wish of peace influences economic exchanges by making them international. We reach now a new step: passing from a political willpower to an economic reality. The companies had to manage their own development facing new competitors at the same time. Workers became essential links, but also, paws on this new economic chess game. Hence, the companies look progressively for more flexibility to manage their human resources. In response to the alleged rigidity of the employment contract, the society is witnessing an important and increasing spread of collective agreement, providing flexibility in the relationship between employer and employee at work. In this way, the mobility is more and more thought as mobility of labor market, and not just as a mobility within individual establishments. Thus, ensuring the safety of employee’s mobility becomes an essential need, particularly through the control of career paths, creating a genuine right of vocational training.

In Zukunft werden Journalisten Alleskönner sein

Sattler, Sebastian, Bigl, Benjamin 14 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Leipziger Journalistik führte im Projekt „Zukunft des Journalismus“ (ZdJ) am Lehrstuhl Journalistik des Instituts für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft der Universität Leipzig unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Michael Haller 2005 die bislang umfangreichste Online-Befragung unter Deutschlands Journalisten durch. Sie liefert erste Befunde über die Zukunft einer bedrohten Profession.

Mulheres e maternidade tardia: por que agora? / Women and late motherhood: why now?

Lima, Marina Simas de 15 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:38:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marina Simas de Lima.pdf: 1861296 bytes, checksum: 6d955e87b8ee1235f2274645abe20ab7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-15 / The aim of this study was to understand late motherhood experienced by contemporary women aged over 40 years, its biological time, its meanings and its implications from a systemic perspective. The methodology chosen was the qualitative research with case study design. The two participants were 40 to 45 year-old working women with college degree. The instruments used were, among others: timeline, genogram and interview focused on maternity as a means to deepen the investigation. The study was based on the material produced to try to understand what is common or specific among these women on the threshold of their biological time to reach the goal of maternity. The research results were interpreted in light of the systemic view, in which both the observer and the observed take part in the process. According to this approach, any observer includes himself/herself in the observation he or she makes. The following thematic categories emerged: influence of the family of origin, parental and maternal models, beliefs in the family s traditions and the woman s position, importance given to living conditions to get pregnant, chronological time, chronological age versus maturity, profit obtained through maternity, network obtained through maternity, career, financial support, abortion, mother s role, paradoxical needs, remarriage and role balance. In the last considerations, important issues are found such as the women s need to be aware of their own wishes and values in order to make their choice by creating strategies in search of their goals, according to their priorities and biological time, and better understanding the dilemmas of today s women / Este trabalho tem por objetivo compreender a maternidade tardia vivenciada por mulheres na contemporaneidade com idades acima dos 40 anos. São analisados aqui o seu tempo biológico, os significados atribuídos a esta experiência e suas implicações em uma perspectiva sistêmica. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, com delineamento de estudo de caso. Duas mulheres na faixa etária dos 40 a 45 anos, com nível superior completo e que atuam no mercado de trabalho participaram do estudo. Foram utilizados três instrumentos para a produção dos dados: linha do tempo, Genograma e entrevista focada na maternidade como instrumentos de investigação. Busquei compreender o que existe em comum ou específico entre essas mulheres que se encontram no limite do tempo biológico para atingir o objetivo da maternidade. Os resultados da pesquisa foram interpretados segundo a visão sistêmica, em que observador e observado participam no processo. Segundo essa abordagem, qualquer observador inclui a si mesmo na observação que faz. Foram levantadas as categorias temáticas: Influência da Família de Origem (Modelo intergeracional), modelo de pai e mãe, crenças nas tradições da família e posição da mulher, importância dada à condição de vida para engravidar, tempo cronológico, idade cronológica versus maturidade, lucro obtido pela maternidade, rede frente à maternidade, carreira, apoio financeiro, aborto, papel de mãe, necessidades antagônicas e recasamento. Nas considerações finais encontramos questões importantes como a necessidade das mulheres estarem atentas aos seus desejos e valores para fazerem escolhas e criarem estratégia de busca de seus objetivos de acordo com suas prioridades e tempo biológico, compreendendo os dilemas da mulher na atualidade

Sportinę karjerą baigusių sportininkų socialinės adaptacijos ypatumai / Pecularities of social adaptation of former athletes

Račkauskas, Martynas 20 May 2005 (has links)
The master thesis examine the features of sport career transition in Lithuania. The aim of work was to define main components influencing social adaptation of former athletes. Data was compared with data from “Social Adaptation of Lithuanian Former Athletes” survey made in 1985. Results show that the main factor influencing social adaptation of former athletes is work satisfaction. Data showed that this feature on the other hand is influenced by success of athlete during his career. Comparison of two surveys showed that athletes in Lithuania tend to finish their career being older (31 – 35). The main reasons for career transition stand injuries and age. The main obstacles that athletes are facing during career transition are related to finding new activity and self – realization in it.

Mehr Schein als Sein? – Eine Analyse der Selbstdarstellung von Studierenden im Karrierenetzwerk Xing

Storch, Fabian, Nitsche, Julia, Keysers, Pia, Staar, Henning 06 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ein altes griechisches Sprichwort lautet „Zeig mir Deine Freunde, und ich sage Dir, wer Dubist.“ Angelehnt an dieses Sprichwort würde man heutzutage wohl eher sagen: „Zeig mir Dein Internetprofil, und ich sage Dir, wer Du bist.“ Die Nutzung von computerunterstützten sozialen Interaktionen ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem wesentlichen Merkmal der Kommunikation zwischen Individuen geworden, somit hat das Internet einen großen Einfluss auf das soziale Leben. Soziale Netzwerke bieten die Möglichkeit, weltweit soziale und berufliche Kontakte zu knüpfen und selbst zum aktiven Gestalter zu werden. Das Web 2.0 gibt Internetnutzern den Raum, miteinander zu kommunizieren und sich zu präsentieren. Die Möglichkeiten dafür sind zahllos. Webbasierte Plattformen sind eine davon. Das Netzwerk Xing ist eine Karriereplattform, in der mehr als 14 Mio. Mitglieder berufliche und soziale Kontakte verwalten und neue knüpfen können. In Deutschland sind Unternehmen und einzelne Nutzer, wie z.B. Studenten, dort mit insgesamt sieben Millionen Mitgliedern vertreten. Innerhalb dieses Karrierenetzwerkes kann der Nutzer Kontakt zu anderen Usern aufnehmen und sich gleichzeitig durch sein Profil präsentieren. Er ist so für potentielle Arbeitgeber verfügbar und hat die Möglichkeit, Personalverantwortliche auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Selbstdarstellung von Studentinnen und Studenten innerhalb des Karrierenetzwerkes Xing.

Evasão e comportamento vocacional de universitários : estudo sobre desenvolvimento de carreira na graduação / Dropout and university students’ vocational behavior : undergraduation career development studies

Bardagi, Marúcia Patta January 2007 (has links)
As preocupações com a escolha profissional e a satisfação de carreira ultrapassaram a barreira da adolescência e configuram questões importantes para o indivíduo em diferentes pontos do desenvolvimento. Esta tese investigou o desenvolvimento de carreira no período da graduação. No primeiro estudo, entrevistas com oito estudantes evadidos apontaram, entre outras coisas, uma fragilidade da escolha inicial, pouca atividade exploratória e expectativas irrealistas sobre a carreira, mostrando ser a evasão uma decisão impulsiva, decorrente de insatisfação de longo prazo e sem relação com novas escolhas de carreira. O segundo estudo investigou características vocacionais de 939 universitários regularmente matriculados nas diferentes áreas de formação, detectando a importância de aspectos como a participação em atividades acadêmicas, a exploração de carreira, o desempenho acadêmico, as percepções sobre o mercado de trabalho e a percepção de estressores para os níveis de comprometimento com a carreira, a satisfação de vida e a probabilidade de evasão. Ambos os estudos apontaram o papel fundamental do professor universitário para a decisão de carreira do estudante e a demanda por intervenções de orientação de carreira na graduação. Estes resultados confirmam a heterogeneidade da experiência universitária e salientam que estratégias favorecedoras do comportamento exploratório e atividades que permitam reflexão sobre a relação desempenho-mercado-profissão contribuiriam para satisfação acadêmica e de vida. Ainda, estratégias de apoio ao universitário devem considerar dificuldades percebidas e características vocacionais segundo área e período do curso. / Concerns about professional choice and carreer satisfaction went beyond adolescence and are now important questions for individuals in different developmentals phases. This dissertation is comprised by two studies that investigated undergraduate career development. In the first study, eight students who dropped out were interviewed. The results showed that the first choice was fragile, they had low exploratory activity and non realistic expectations about their career. The decision to drop out was impulsive, related to long term dissatisfaction and not based in a new career choice. The second study investigated vocational characteristics of 939 undergraduates in different fields of study. The results showed positive correlations among career/course satisfaction and life satisfaction, career commitment, academic performance and activities, labor market evaluation and environmental exploration. Negative correlations were found between career/course satisfaction and dropout probability and stressors. Both studies point to the very important role of the university professor for the carrer decision of the student and the demand for career orientation intervention at the undergraduate level. These results confirmed the heterogeneity of undergraduate experience and highlighted that strategies focused on exploratory behavior and on careerperformance- market connection could contribute to a better life and career satisfaction. Also, the choice of support strategies for students must take into account perceived difficulties and vocational characteristics of the period and of the field of study.

O itinerário de duas uspianas na UFPB - Joana Neves e Rosa Maria Godoy Silveira: trajetórias que se cruzam a partir da História ensinada

Virgulino, Maria Helena Cavalcanti 04 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Cavalcante (leo.ocavalcante@gmail.com) on 2018-05-15T14:14:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 3046182 bytes, checksum: 4be70b3c75763cc2cc965b0b2775ae5f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-15T14:14:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 3046182 bytes, checksum: 4be70b3c75763cc2cc965b0b2775ae5f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-04 / Our work has as study object the recomposition of professional trajectories of two historians of the Department of History of UFPB: Joana Neves (1978-1985) and Rosa Maria Godoy Silveira (1976- 2003), with regard to the history of education, what took us to focus our research on the period in which they taught at UFPB, while glimpsing their performances and productions in this field until today, which made us extrapolate the established time frame, as they remain involved with the issues related to education of history. We started on the assumption that the trajectories of the teachers Joana Neves and Rosa Maria Godoy Silveira were marked by a constant concern for the teaching of history, this concept resulting a close relationship between teaching and research. Other teachers who worked with them in the Department of History of UFPB were influenced by their work, like many other professionals in their trajectories, graduates of this course, which now operate in various institutions of higher and basic education. Education combined with research, resulting in a conception of the first as production of knowledge; history professional’s developement as a teacher and researcher; thematic education; working conditions, among other concerns, provided the basis and underpin the design of history teaching advocated and practiced by these two teachers. In the restoration of their trajectories, we started from specific moments of their lives that influenced the choice of teaching and specifically the history line, and then we used as sources their statements and their intellectual productions, crossing on the trajectory of each, the defense of history taught. / Nosso trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a recomposição das trajetórias profissionais de duas historiadoras do Departamento de História da UFPB: Joana Neves (1978-1985) e Rosa Maria Godoy Silveira (1976- 2003) no que diz respeito ao ensino de História. Inicialmente, centramos nossa investigação no período em que lecionaram na UFPB, contudo a intensa produção e atuação nesse campo nos levou ao extrapolamento do recorte temporal previamente estabelecido, já que continuam atuantes e envolvidas com essas discussões. Suas trajetórias, influenciaram o trabalho de outros docentes do Departamento de História da UFPB, como de muitos outros profissionais egressos desse curso, que hoje atuam nas mais diversas instituições de Ensino Superior e de Ensino Básico. Ensino aliado à pesquisa, resultando em uma concepção do primeiro como produção de conhecimento; formação do profissional de História enquanto professor e pesquisador; ensino temático; condições de trabalho, entre outras preocupações, embasaram e embasam a concepção de ensino defendida e praticada por essas duas docentes. Na recomposição de suas trajetórias, utilizamos os seus depoimentos para identificar momentos em suas vidas que influenciaram na escolha do curso de História, e, em seguida, partimos para a análise de suas produções intelectuais, cruzando, na trajetória de cada uma a defesa da História ensinada.

Evasão e comportamento vocacional de universitários : estudo sobre desenvolvimento de carreira na graduação / Dropout and university students’ vocational behavior : undergraduation career development studies

Bardagi, Marúcia Patta January 2007 (has links)
As preocupações com a escolha profissional e a satisfação de carreira ultrapassaram a barreira da adolescência e configuram questões importantes para o indivíduo em diferentes pontos do desenvolvimento. Esta tese investigou o desenvolvimento de carreira no período da graduação. No primeiro estudo, entrevistas com oito estudantes evadidos apontaram, entre outras coisas, uma fragilidade da escolha inicial, pouca atividade exploratória e expectativas irrealistas sobre a carreira, mostrando ser a evasão uma decisão impulsiva, decorrente de insatisfação de longo prazo e sem relação com novas escolhas de carreira. O segundo estudo investigou características vocacionais de 939 universitários regularmente matriculados nas diferentes áreas de formação, detectando a importância de aspectos como a participação em atividades acadêmicas, a exploração de carreira, o desempenho acadêmico, as percepções sobre o mercado de trabalho e a percepção de estressores para os níveis de comprometimento com a carreira, a satisfação de vida e a probabilidade de evasão. Ambos os estudos apontaram o papel fundamental do professor universitário para a decisão de carreira do estudante e a demanda por intervenções de orientação de carreira na graduação. Estes resultados confirmam a heterogeneidade da experiência universitária e salientam que estratégias favorecedoras do comportamento exploratório e atividades que permitam reflexão sobre a relação desempenho-mercado-profissão contribuiriam para satisfação acadêmica e de vida. Ainda, estratégias de apoio ao universitário devem considerar dificuldades percebidas e características vocacionais segundo área e período do curso. / Concerns about professional choice and carreer satisfaction went beyond adolescence and are now important questions for individuals in different developmentals phases. This dissertation is comprised by two studies that investigated undergraduate career development. In the first study, eight students who dropped out were interviewed. The results showed that the first choice was fragile, they had low exploratory activity and non realistic expectations about their career. The decision to drop out was impulsive, related to long term dissatisfaction and not based in a new career choice. The second study investigated vocational characteristics of 939 undergraduates in different fields of study. The results showed positive correlations among career/course satisfaction and life satisfaction, career commitment, academic performance and activities, labor market evaluation and environmental exploration. Negative correlations were found between career/course satisfaction and dropout probability and stressors. Both studies point to the very important role of the university professor for the carrer decision of the student and the demand for career orientation intervention at the undergraduate level. These results confirmed the heterogeneity of undergraduate experience and highlighted that strategies focused on exploratory behavior and on careerperformance- market connection could contribute to a better life and career satisfaction. Also, the choice of support strategies for students must take into account perceived difficulties and vocational characteristics of the period and of the field of study.

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