Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4store"" "subject:"2store""
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Konsumentattityder : En kvantitativ studie om två olika generationers attityd mot E-handeln / A quantitative research on two generations' attitudes towards E-commerceAndersson, Olivia, Jonsson, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
Den snabba tekniska utvecklingen som har skett under de senaste två årtionden har lett till nya innovativa möjligheter för dagens konsumenter. Idag är inköpen inte längre begränsad till öppettider eller till besök i fysiska butiker och en stor del av kläderna som konsumeras köps via E-handelsföretag. Inköpen, som idag sker genom datorer, surfplattor och smartphones, är globala och statistiken visar att E-handel fortsätter att öka och den tekniska utvecklingen fortskrider. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om ålder påverkar konsumenter attityd och benägenhet att handla kläder via E-handeln respektive i fysisk butik. Vi fokuserar på tre möjliga barriärer som vi valt att fördjupa oss i, trygghet, service och användarvänlighet. Resultatet visar ett signifikantsamband mellan konsumenters ålder och deras attityd mot och benägenhet att delta i E-handeln. Vår undersökning bekräftar att vår äldre målgrupp generellt har en mer negativ attityd mot E-handeln jämfört med vår yngre målgrupp. Vidare påvisar vårt resultat att det råder skillnader mellan våra två generationsgruppers syn på service, trygghet och användarvänlighet när det kommer till klädköp via E-handel. Ytterligare ämnar vår studie att bidra till en djupare förståelse av den pågående förändringen av konsumentbeteende som sker till följd av den tekniska utvecklingen och hur olika kundsegment anpassar sig till detta. / The rapid technological development that has taken place over the past two decades has led to new innovative opportunities for today's consumers. Purchases are no longer limited to opening hours or visits to physical stores and a large part of clothing is being purchased through e-commerce companies. The purchases, that are being made through computers, tablets and smartphones, are global and statistics shows that e-commerce will continues to grow as well as the technological progress will continue to develop. The purpose for this study is to investigate whether age affects consumers' attitude and willingness to shop clothes through E-commerce. Our study will be delimited to three selected barriers to E-commerce which are: safety, service and user-friendliness. Our results shows a significant correlation between consumer age and their attitude towards E-commerce. Our survey confirms that our older target group generally has a more negative attitude towards E-commerce compared to our younger target group. Furthermore, our results shows that there are differences between our target groups views on service, safety and user-friendliness when it comes to purchasing clothes through E-commerce. Additionally, our study intends to contribute to a deeper understanding of the ongoing change in consumer behavior that occurs as a result of digitalisation and how the various customer segments adapts.
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Les Marques de Distributeur de terroir comme outil de légitimation de la grande distribution / Using store-brand regional products to legitimate mass-marketing retailingBeylier, René Pierre 09 December 2016 (has links)
Pour s’imposer sur ce marché de consommation alimentaire fortement concurrentiel, les enseignes de la grande distribution se sont attelées au terroir et à ses produits. Aujourd’hui, les MDD de terroir, porteuses de différenciation, sont les seules à progresser confirmant l’intérêt croissant des consommateurs pour ce type de produit. Le terroir devient un enjeu à la fois en termes de pratique de consommation et de marché alimentaire. L’objectif de recherche est de montrer comment les MDD de terroir contribuent à construire la légitimité de l’enseigne de distribution lui permettant, d’une part, d’accéder aux meilleures ressources locales afin de disposer d’un avantage compétitif et, d’autre part, de créer des conditions nécessaires de conformité en réponse aux pressions de l’environnement qui brouillent et/ou menacent sa légitimité et le sens de ses actions. Pour répondre à la question de recherche le cadre théorique mobilise trois champs théoriques : les concepts image terroir et valeur de consommation, le marketing relationnel sur le comportement du consommateur expliqué notamment par la satisfaction et la confiance et la légitimité élément central de la sociologie néo-institutionnelle. La méthodologie mixte adoptée combine approches qualitative (20 interviews) et quantitative (631 répondants en deux enquêtes) et démontre l’effet positif significatif de l’interaction image terroir – valeur perçue de consommation de la MDD de terroir sur la légitimité territoriale perçue de l’enseigne. La légitimité territoriale perçue participe à la construction de la confiance et médiatise les effets de l’image de la MDD de terroir et de la valeur perçue sur la satisfaction, la confiance en la MDD et la confiance envers l’enseigne. / To impose themselves on the very competitive food consumption market, mass-marketing retailers have tackled the terroir and its regional food products. Today, store-brand regional products, which contribute to differentiation, are the only products whose market share continues to grow. This phenomenon reaffirms the consumers’ increasing interest for this type of products. Regional food products are becoming a new challenge not only in regards to consumption habits but also in regards to the food industry. The first goal of the research is to show how store-brand regional products contribute to building up the legitimacy of the brand by allowing it access to the best local/regional resources in order to obtain a competitive advantage. Its second goal is to create the necessary compliance requirements, in response to the pressure from the environment which confuses and/or threatens its legitimacy and the meaning of its actions. To answer the research question, the theoretical framework mobilizes three theoretical fields: terroir/regional image concepts and consumption value, as well as relationship marketing based on the consumer’s behavior and explained in particular by satisfaction, trust and the central legitimacy component of sociological institutionalism. The mixed methodology combines both a qualitative (20 interviews) and a quantitative approach (631 persons answered the two surveys). It also demonstrates the significant positive effect of the regional image interaction – how the store-brand regional consumption value and the territorial legitimacy of the brand are perceived. The territorial legitimacy contributes to building up confidence and gives media attention to the store-brand regional image and to the perceived value of the satisfaction and the confidence towards the brand.
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Employee Theft: The Relationship of Shrinkage Rates to Job Satisfaction, Store Security, and Employee ReliabilityLaFosse, W. Greg 08 1900 (has links)
The correlation between employee theft and various employee attitudes is investigated with 489 subjects from a large discount store chain located in the southeastern United States. Subjects completed two tests: Personnel Decisions, Inc. 's Employment Inventory/Customer Service Inventory which measures employee reliability and orientation toward providing customer service; and the Organization Responsiveness Questionnaire which measures satisfaction and perceived store security. Individual scores on the tests were correlated with a performance rating form completed by the subject's supervisor. Scores were computed for each store and correlated with inventory shrinkage rates. Results revealed relatively weak correlations for some variables. The multiple regression analysis was unable to significantly predict any of the
criterion variables.
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Årsredovisningslagens påverkan på företags hållbarhetsrapporter inom dagligvaruhandeln - En studie om effekterna av den nya hållbarhetsredovisningslagenAndersson, Marcus, Rikardsson, Joel January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga vilka effekter lagen om hållbarhetsredovisning (SFS 1995:1554, 6 kap. 10-14 §§) har haft på Icas, Coops, Axfoods och Lidls hållbarhetsrapporter samt vilka andra faktorer som påverkat hållbarhetsrapporternas utveckling mellan åren 2016 och 2018. Den teoretiska referensramen som har använts i studien är legitimitetsteorin och isomorfismens tre grenar – tvingande, härmande och normativ. Tidigare forskning kring hållbarhetsredovisning har även bidragit till bakgrunden i denna studie. Den metod som har använts i studien för att samla in data är dokumentanalys där en systematisk granskning av företagens hållbarhetsrapporer har gjorts. Själva analysen av insamlad data grundar sig i en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där den insamlade datan delats upp i de kategorier som beskrivs i 6 kap. 12§ i Årsredovisningslagen (SFS 1995:1554). Dessa kategorier är miljö, personalfrågor, sociala frågor, mänskliga rättigheter och korruption. Resultatet i studien visar att företagens rapporter i mångt och mycket liknar varandra. Alla företag i studien har som övergripandemål att bli branschledande inom hållbarhet. Företagen vill erbjuda sina kunder fler hållbara alternativ och öka försäljningen av dessa produkter. Samtliga företag nämner mångfalden som något centralt både inom organisationen och för samhället i stort. Alla företag i studien beskriver också sitt samhällsengagemang där de stöttar olika organisationers arbete för utsatta grupper i samhället. För att motverka mutor och korruption har alla företag i studien infört en visselblåsartjänst där de anställda kan anmäla eventuella missförhållanden anonymt. Slutsatsen i studien är att ingen av dessa fyra företags hållbarhetsrapporter har förändrats i någon större utsträckning mellan åren 2016 och 2018. Lagen (SFS 1995:1554, 6 kap. 10-14 §§) i sig har inte haft någon större effekt på företagens hållbarhetsrapporter och den marginella utveckling som kan ses i rapporterna kopplas till andra grenar inom isomorfismen och legitimitetsteorin utöver den formella press som lagen innebär. Studien anses kunna bidra till den fortsatta diskussionen kring huruvida regleringar är rätt väg att gå för att skapa en hållbarare utveckling bland företag samt vilka effekter den nuvarande regleringen har på hållbarhetsrapporter. / The purpose of this study is to evaluate which effects the swedish law about sustainability reporting (SFS 1995:1554, 6 kap. 10-14 §§) has had on the sustainability reports of companies in the swedish grocery store industry between the years of 2016 and 2018. The study also evaluates which other factors have affected the development of the sustainability reports. The theories that have been used in the study are mainly the legitimacy theory and the three branches of isomorphism – coercive, mimetic and normative. Earlier research has also contributed to the background of this study. The methodology of the study is qualitive. A document analysis with a systematic examination on the sustainability reports has been done. The analysis of the data has been done with a content analysis where the data has been categorized according to the formulation of the law (SFS 1995:1554, 6 kap. 12§). The categories are environment, personnel questions, social questions, human rights and corruption. The results of the study show that the companies sustainability reports look similar. Every company in the study has the objective to become industry leading in sustainability. The companies want to offer more sustainable alternatives to the customers and sell more sustainable products. All the companies describe diversity as an important factor both in the organisation and in general in the society. All the companies in the study describe their society commitments where they support organisations who help vulnerable groups in the society. To counteract bribes and corruption all the companies have introduced a whistle-blower function where the employees can report sensitive cases anonymously. The conclusion of the study is that neither of the four examined companies have changed their sustainability reporting in any major way between the years of 2016 and 2018. Minor developments have happened in a few areas, but these are not necessarily connected to the new regulation. The regulation did not have noticeable effects on the sustainability reports in the grocery store industry. This study can contribute to the continuing discussion about whether regulations are the correct way to achieve a more sustainable development among the companies and also which effects the current regulation have on sustainability reports.
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Podnikatelský plán podniku nabízejícího službu pop-up store / The Business Plan of Enterprise Offering a Pop-Up Store servicePohančeník, Vladimír January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the creation of a real business plan for establishing a company offering a pop-up store service in the city center of Brno. The thesis is based on the theoretical background describing current forms of sales with focus on the main idea of the plan, creation of a business model, structure of a business plan, especially analytical-research methods, which are used in the following up analytical part of the thesis. The proposal part follows the results of the analyzes and describes the strategy of the start-up, its connection to the created business model, which is further elaborated into partial parts of the business plan.
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Vývoj grafických aplikací na iPhone a iPad platformě / Graphics Application Development on iPhone and iPad PlatformFiala, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The project deals with the creation of graphical applications for iOS system, describes the basics of OpenGL ES 2.0, development environment Xcode, Cocoa Touch Framework and Objective-C language. It focuses on the description of creation OpenGL game in the genre of "line drawing" games.
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SMS řešení pro e-komerce a jeho využití v praxi / SMS Solution for e-Commerce and Its Real DeploymentPiják, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is based around SMS module for free e-commerce solution. Because of big amount of e-commerce platforms, this dissertation focuses on creating generic solution of SMS module, which will be easily modifiable across individual platforms. The SMS module is used to notify administrators or customers about order changes. Module also contains effective SMS marketing tool, which allows, for a low price, targeting ads in a form of SMS. Including a whole lot of other functions, like statistics, history of outcoming messages, optional language mutation and other settings requested by customers.
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Návrh změn marketingového mixu internetového obchodu / Proposal of Change the Marketing Mix of the Online StoreZídek, Štěpán January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with marketing mix of the online store ESHOP TENNIS, s.r.o. The result of the thesis should be, due to theoretical knowledge and analysis of the current situation, proposals for changes of marketing mix for better marketing communication of the company, conversions growth, the number of customers and better company awareness as well. First part is focused to theoretical level of marketing and its communication, second part analyzes current situation of marketing activities and third part comes with proposals to improve current situation, the conditions of their implementation and evaluate the benefits.
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Plan de negocios para la implementación de una tienda de conveniencia en el Distrito de San IsidroChamorro Martínez, Jossi Lorena, Mc Lean Alcedán, Erica Patricia, Periche Amaya, Yuri Vladimir, Ramírez Aragón, Luz Maribel 17 June 2021 (has links)
La actual coyuntura social y sanitaria ha llevado al consumidor urbano de alimentos a tomar mayor consciencia sobre características saludables y condiciones sanitarias de los productos y compras con mínimo contacto.
Nuestra investigación busca cubrir las necesidades identificadas a través de la implementación de una tienda de conveniencia, que englobe propuestas de alimentos predominantemente saludables, amigables con el medio ambiente, contribución a marcas solidarias, practicidad de compra y eficiente interacción digital. Se denominará Sentido Natural, frase que envuelve conceptos de valores sociales y medioambientales, que definen nuestra propuesta.
Para nuestra investigación empleamos metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas a través de encuestas y observaciones en campo, que concluye en una necesidad de mercado con potencial de crecimiento. El público objetivo está definido por personas con estilo de vida saludable cuyas edades oscilan entre los 18 a 55 años, pertenecientes al NSE A, B y C, que residen y visitan la zona 4 del distrito de San Isidro, donde se encuentra la mayor concentración de tráfico diario de público, residentes y flotantes. De acuerdo con nuestra en encuesta, el 84% considera que la alimentación saludable es importante o muy importante; y al 98% le gustaría encontrar alimentos saludables en una tienda de conveniencia.
Se emplearán canales digitales como redes sociales y páginas web para conectar con el segmento objetivo. Contará con 2 canales de venta: tienda física y tienda virtual (e-commerce).
Realizamos un estudio de factibilidad que demuestra que el proyecto es viable en los aspectos: comercial, operativo y financiero, con una inversión de S/ 286,472.00, financiado en un 71% de capital propio y un 29% financiado con un préstamo bancario con un plazo de 3 años, y una tasa de interés de 11.20%; obteniendo un VAN positivo y un TIR superior al costo de oportunidad de los socios. Asimismo, el payback de la inversión es en 3.6 años, el cual consideramos que es un tiempo razonable y refuerza la atractividad del negocio. / The current social and health situation has led urban food consumers to become more aware of the healthy characteristics and sanitary conditions of the products and purchases with minimal contact.
Our research seeks to cover the needs identified through the implementation of a convenience store, which encompasses predominantly healthy food proposals, friendly to the environment, contribution to solidarity brands, practicality of purchase and efficient digital interaction. It will be called Natural Sense, a phrase that involves concepts of social and environmental values, which define our proposal.
For our research we use qualitative and quantitative methodologies through surveys and observations in the field, which concludes in a market need with growth potential. The target audience is defined by people with a healthy lifestyle whose ages range from 18 to 55 years old, belonging to NSE A, B and C, who reside and visit zone 4 of the San Isidro district, where the highest concentration is found. daily traffic of public, residents and floating. According to our survey, 84% consider that healthy eating is important or very important; and 98% would like to find healthy food at a convenience store.
Digital channels such as social networks and web pages will be used to connect with the target segment. It will have 2 sales channels: physical store and virtual store (e-commerce).
We carried out a feasibility study that shows that the project is viable in the aspects: commercial, operational and financial, with an investment of S / 286,472.00, financed by 71% of its own capital and 29% financed with a bank loan with a term 3 years, and an interest rate of 11.20%; obtaining a positive NPV and an IRR higher than the opportunity cost of the partners. Likewise, the payback of the investment is in 3.6 years, which we consider to be a reasonable time and reinforces the attractiveness of the business. / Tesis
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SIMD-MIMD cocktail in a hybrid memory glass: shaken, not stirredZarubin, Mikhail, Damme, Patrick, Krause, Alexander, Habich, Dirk, Lehner, Wolfgang 23 November 2021 (has links)
Hybrid memory systems consisting of DRAM and NVRAM offer a great opportunity for column-oriented data systems to persistently store and to efficiently process columnar data completely in main memory. While vectorization (SIMD) of query operators is state-of-the-art to increase the single-thread performance, it has to be combined with thread-level parallelism (MIMD) to satisfy growing needs for higher performance and scalability. However, it is not well investigated how such a SIMD-MIMD interplay could be leveraged efficiently in hybrid memory systems. On the one hand, we deliver an extensive experimental evaluation of typical workloads on columnar data in this paper. We reveal that the choice of the most performant SIMD version differs greatly for both memory types. Moreover, we show that the throughput of concurrent queries can be boosted (up to 2x) when combining various SIMD flavors in a multi-threaded execution. On the other hand, to enable that optimization, we propose an adaptive SIMD-MIMD cocktail approach incurring only a negligible runtime overhead.
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