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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Research on Electronic-Coupon based Advertising Performance - Groupon

Wang, Hsin-Hua 21 October 2011 (has links)
Recently, there is a new advertising model created by Groupon. Its major attractions include high discount and e-coupon as transaction object. In addition, it is presented as an online group-buying business model and usually has a limit on transaction volume. Due to the prosperous growth of Groupon advertising model, this study explores what factors affect the performance of Groupon advertising model based on the empirical data and literature review. Based on the literature review and preliminary analysis of the collected empirical data, we proposed seven factors which may affect the performance of Groupon advertising model. They are discount, price, limit on transaction volume, urban income, population density, threshold of transaction and product category. These factors were included as independent variables in the regression model. The results indicated that discount, urban income, population density and threshold of transaction have significant effects on advertising performance. Among them, the threshold of transaction has the most significant impact. It indicates that setting a threshold of transaction will facilitate the transaction volume. In addition, the results also indicated that different product categories result in different performance. However, the population density has no significant impact on the advertising performance.

Nominal Interest Rate Targeting and Endogenous Growth

Liang, Chia-Wei 23 August 2006 (has links)
Beginning with the paper of Zhang (2000), we develop a pecuniary transactions cost (TC) approach to build up a monetary endogenous growth model and examine the principal relationships and results concerning nominal interest rate targeting and growth. Meanwhile, according to Hahn (1991) and Eriksson (1995) pointed out there has been a trend decline in labor supply, we introduce the labor-leisure choice of Turnovsky (2000) to amend the utility function and the production function. In the comparison of two macro-models, we can conclude: 1. Under the inelastic labor supply endogenous growth model, if the central bank raises the nominal interest rate targeting will damage to the growth rate. 2. Under the elastic labor supply endogenous growth model, if the central bank raise the nominal interest rate targeting will induce ambiguous effect of the growth rate depending on the labor-leisure choice reaction of nominal interest rate, the bigger reaction may get the higher growth rate.

Une démarche à granularité extrêmement fine pour la construction de canevas intergiciels hautement adaptables : application aux services de transactions

Rouvoy, Romain 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse adresse la problématique de la construction des intergiciels hautement adaptables. Ces intergiciels se caractérisent par une grande diversité des fonctionnalités fournies. Dans le domaine du transactionnel, cette diversité concerne non seulement les modèles de transactions, les protocoles de contrôle de concurrence et de reprise après défaillance, mais aussi les normes et les standards d'intégration. Notre proposition consiste à définir un canevas intergiciel capitalisant la diversité du domaine transactionnel, et permettant de construire des services de transactions hautement adaptables. Ce type de services requiert la mise en place d'une démarche de construction à granularité extrêmement fine afin de pouvoir adapter les nombreuses caractéristiques de l'intergiciel.<br /><br />Nous proposons donc de compléter l'approche issue des exogiciels avec quatre nouveaux éléments. Ainsi, nous définissons le modèle de programmation Fraclet à base d'annotations pour favoriser la programmation des abstractions fonctionnelles de l'intergiciel. Nous proposons ensuite un langage de description et de vérification de motifs d'architecture pour fiabiliser la modélisation des abstractions architecturales. Ces deux premiers éléments servent à la conception d'un canevas intergiciel à base de composants utilisant les motifs de conception comme structure architecturale extensible. Enfin, nous décrivons les configurations possibles en utilisant différents modèles de haut niveau dédiés aux caractéristiques de l'intergiciel. Nous illustrons ces concepts en présentant GoTM, un canevas intergiciel à composants pour la construction de services de transactions hautement adaptables.<br /><br />Notre approche est validée au travers de trois expériences originales. Tout d'abord, nous proposons de faciliter l'intégration des services de transactions dans les plates-formes intergicielles par la définition de politiques de démarcation transactionnelle indépendantes de la plate-forme et du type de service intégré. Ensuite, nous définissons un service de transactions composant plusieurs personnalités simultanément pour faciliter l'interopérabilité transactionnelle d'applications hétérogènes. Enfin, nous sommes en mesure de sélectionner différents protocoles de validation à deux phases pour optimiser le temps d'exécution des transactions face aux changements des conditions d'exécution de l'application.

Transactional memory concurrency : new models and systems

Ramadan, Hany E. 21 March 2011 (has links)
Transactional memory (TM) aims to bring the benefits of ACID transactions to the volatile world of program synchronization. Architectural trends are making software transactions more appealing, as more programmers struggle with the problems of locks as they exploit multi-core processors. This thesis applies TM, which until recently has been restricted to small benchmarks, to a large, real-life system: the Linux operating system kernel. I describe TxLinux, a version of Linux, which is the first OS to use transactional memory for synchronization. TxLinux runs on MetaTM, a simulator co-designed with TxLinux, which models an x86-based Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM) system. The TxLinux/MetaTM effort yields a characterization of real-life OS transactions, exposes previously unconsidered complications (including interaction with interrupts and stack memory) and allows sensitivity studies of various TM microarchitectural parameters. It also provides a flexible platform for future OS, TM and architecture research. Next, I examine ways to increase concurrency by investigating the factors that inhibit concurrency in existing TM models and systems. These include avoidable implementation limitations, overly restrictive serialization models, and inexpressive APIs. After examining the nature of each limitation, I propose a solution for each one. I postulate that the conventional wisdom that every transaction is "for itself" and primarily relates to other transactions by conflicting with them, is a pervasive misperception. This thesis aims to demonstrate that there are other ways of thinking about the relation of one transaction to another. I present three different transaction models to show how (i) co-existence, (ii) cooperation, and (iii) coordination, can each solve important problems facing TM programmers today. Co-existence of multiple transactions on the same processor is enabled using the suspended transactions model. This model, used by TxLinux, can reduce aborts and removes transaction length limitations imposed by interrupts. Cooperation of transactions that access the same data, using the dependence-aware transactions model, can transparently turn transaction aborts into commits. Drawing on serializability theory and notions of spheres of control (which predate ACID transactions), this model is able to accept more execution schedules than any existing TM design. Lastly, the coordination of multiple transactions in the coordinated sibling transactions model, provides programmers a simple and unified way of expressing intratransaction parallelism. This helps move transactions beyond being a drop-in replacement for locks (SLE-style) to instead helping programmers find more parallel work within their programs (both in speculative and non-speculative forms). All three models aim at increasing concurrency, while shifting complexity away from the programmer and into the TM system. I evaluate all three models, using either the MetaTM HTM, or one of the several software (STM) systems this thesis also develops. / text

Exploring Causal Factors of DBMS Thrashing

Suh, Youngkyoon January 2015 (has links)
Modern DBMSes are designed to support many transactions running simultaneously. DBMS thrashing is indicated by the existence of a sharp drop in transaction throughput. The thrashing behavior in DBMSes is a serious concern to DBAs engaged in on-line transaction processing (OLTP) and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) systems, as well as to DBMS implementors developing technologies related to concurrency control. If thrashing is prevalent in a DBMS, thousands of transactions may be aborted, resulting in little progress in transaction throughput over time. From an engineering perspective, therefore, it is of critical importance to understand the factors of DBMS thrashing. However, understanding the origin of modern DBMSes' thrashing is challenging, due to many factors that may interact. The existing literature on thrashing exhibits the following weaknesses: (i) methodologies have been based on simulation and analytical studies, rather than on empirical analysis on real DBMSes, (ii) scant attention has been paid to the associations between factors, and (iii) studies have been restricted to one specific DBMS rather than across multiple DBMSes. This dissertation aims at better understanding the thrashing phenomenon across multiple DBMSes. We identify the underlying causes and propose a novel structural causal model to explicate the relationships between various factors contributing to DBMS thrashing. Our model derives a number of specific hypotheses to be subsequently tested across DBMSes, providing empirical support for this model as well as engineering implications for fundamental improvements in transaction processing. Our model also guides database researchers to refine this causal model, by looking into other unknown factors.

Elektroniniai pinigai. Teisinis reglamentavimas Lietuvoje ir ES / Electronic money. Legal regulation in the EU and Lithuania

Laurinaitis, Marius 18 May 2005 (has links)
Šiuolaikinis pasaulis sukuria vartotojams naujas priemones – galimybę gauti virtualiame pasaulyje visas įsivaizduojamas paslaugas. Siekiant tokias paslaugas padaryti prieinamesnes, supaprastinti pirkimo/pardavimo procedūras kuriamos įvairios elektroninių pinigų formos. „elektroniniai pinigai – tai pinigų vertė, išreikšta kaip pretenzija emitentui: kuri yra saugoma elektroninėse laikmenose; kuri leidžiama gavus lėšas, kurių suma yra ne mažesnės vertės už išleistą pinigų vertę; kurią įmonės, kurios nėra emitentas, priima kaip mokėjimų priemonę“. Darytina svari prielaida, kad ši pinigų rūšis taps pagrindinėmis valiutomis ir atsiskaitymo priemonėmis. Valstybės jau dabar bando perimti elektroninių pinigų kontrolę, tačiau taikomi kontrolės režimai leidžia kompanijoms kurti iš esmės savo “virtualias valstybes“, siekiama savo vartotojus išlaikyti, pasiūlyti jiems geresnes sąlygas, o kartu užtikrinti jų lojalumą, pradedamos kurti savotiškos simbolines struktūras, taip įtvirtindamos naujas vertybes. Dabartiniame pasaulyje yra kompanijų siūlančių naudotis jų sukurtais elektroniniais pinigais, pirkti jų sukurtose virtualiuose parduotuvėse, baisiausia tai, kad kompanijos atstovauja skirtingas ideologijas, kuria savo stilius taip patraukdami vartotoją. Tokį pasaulį galima sutapatinti su į decentralizuotu pasauliu, kur atskiros kompanijos kaip valstybės turi savo pinigus, savo simbolika, kuria manipuliavimo modelius. Tai patraukia vartojimą į orientuotą kultūrą. / One technology that has been described at this work is "electronic money". E-money is a smart card that actually stores money rather than account information. Such a card could be loaded with cash at an ATM just like a traditional purse or wallet. The cardholder could spend the money just like cash at any shops with the appropriate reader. Electronic money technology holds promise to replace the last area where cash is dominant – small-value transactions. It is costly to the merchant to process transactions for only a few cents with checks or credit cards because of the fixed transaction costs they incur for processing. Because they would not require approval, electronic purse transactions would be as cheap to process as cash. In order for these new technologies to revolutionize how we pay, lots of obstacles must be overcome. New technologies usually mean costly new equipment for merchants to install. They will not be persuaded to undertake this investment unless they think many customers will use them or that they will save processing costs. With new technologies, there are usually several versions vying for dominance. However, payment systems work best if everyone is compatible with everyone else. Agreeing on which of these technologies is to become the standard and licensing its widespread use can impede adoption. Finally, we have to be confident that the new technology is beneficial, private, and safe. Only when all of these hurdles have been overcome can a new... [to full text]

Ar teismui nustačius tyčinį įmonės bankrotą jos sudaryti sandoriai galioja? / Whether in case of a culpable bankruptcy transactions formed by a company are valid?

Kossa, Irena 07 August 2008 (has links)
Darbe analizuojamas sandorių negaliojimo įmonės sudarytų sandorių klausimas tyčinio bankroto atveju. Darbo objektas – tai bankroto procesas bei bendri sandorių negaliojimo pagrindai, o taip pat sandorių negaliojimo kriterijai tyčinio bankroto atveju. Įmonė nuo pareiškimo dėl bankroto iškėlimo iki nutarties dėl bankroto bylos iškėlimo priėmimo yra sudėtingoje padėtyje, kadangi šiame pasirengimo laikotarpyje įvyksta daugiausiai sandorių pažeidžiančių įmonės interesus. Darbe keliama hipotezė, kad tyčinio bankroto atveju per parengiamąjį laikotarpį, t.y. nuo pareiškimo dėl bankroto bylos iškėlimo padavimo iki bankroto bylos iškėlimo įmonės sudaryti sandoriai galioja. Šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti ir nustatyti sandorių negaliojimo kriterijus (ribas) tyčinio bankroto atveju ir atsakyti į klausimą ar sandoriai sudaryti pasirengimo laikotarpiu negalioja. Siekiant darbo tikslo keliami šie uždaviniai: • apibrėžti tyčinio bankroto sampratą bei požymius, pagal kuriuos jis nustatomas; • aptarti bendrus sandorių negaliojimo pagrindus; • aptarti atsakomybę už veiksmus nulėmusius tyčinį bankrotą; • išanalizuoti sandorių sudarytų parengiamuoju laikotarpiu galiojimą • išanalizuoti kada galima laikyti sandorius esant negaliojančiais tyčinio bankroto atveju • pristatyti kada iškėlus bankroto bylą sandoriai yra ginčytini ar negaliojantys užsienio valstybių teisėje Apibendrinat išanalizuotą teisinę literatūrą bei teismų praktiką, galima teigti, jog, reikalavimo perleidimo sandoriai sudaryti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present thesis deals with a culpable bankruptcy and the issue of voidability of transactions of the company after qualifying its bankruptcy as a culpable under the Lithuanian law. The Bankruptcy Act of Lithuania neither provides explicit concept of the culpable bankruptcy, nor presents according to what features bankruptcy could be qualified as culpable one. Therefore it is a hard task for the courts of Lithuania to establish the culpable bankruptcy and to decide about the voidability of transaction in a culpable bankruptcy. The object of the present thesis is the law regulating bankruptcy procedure and the general grounds of voidability of transactions as well as voidability of contracts in a case of culpable bankruptcy. A company from the moment filing for a voluntary bankruptcy or from the moment when its creditors have filed for involuntary bankruptcy places itself into a vulnerable position till the court decides to start a bankruptcy procedure or to refuse to do that. This period is called a preparation period (a gap period), in which most fraudulent transactions take place and creditors’ interests are violated. The following hypothesis has been raised that transactions formed in the period of preparation to start a bankruptcy procedure are valid. The objective of the thesis is to answer to the question whether after qualifying bankruptcy as a culpable, transactions formed by the company are voidable. In order to achieve a defined objective, the following tasks have... [to full text]

XML duomenų srautų valdymas verslo komunikacinėse kilpose / XML data flow management in business communicative action loop

Pilypaitis, Karolis 05 June 2006 (has links)
In changing world of e-commerce and internet based communication, business transactions and data flows play a key role in successful business management. It is vital for companies’ information systems to implement business transactions. The purpose of this work is to propose a model for outside business process’ implementation. Basic models’ steps are: business transaction specification, data structure and architectural solution selection. Communicative action loop is proposed for modeling business processes and XML is suggested as the best method for data exchange in an internet based environment. Deploying three-tier architecture completes the models’ steps for successful business information system implementation. In this work we propose a multipurpose tool – DAO (Data Abstraction Object), based on PHP to control, manage and save XML document data. A PHP alternative way – Java Servlet technology is also discussed for using Java tools for XML processing and database connection. At the end of the work an example information system is implemented following the steps described above.

Paskolų Lietuvos namų ūkiams sandorių ekonometrinis modeliavimas / Econometric modelling of loan transactions for Lithuanian households

Švedas, Tomas 23 June 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe analizuojama paskolų Lietuvos namų ūkiams rinka. Atsižvelgiant į praktikoje paplitusius paskolų rinkų analizavimo metodus, vertinami ilgalaikiai ir trumpalaikiai ryšiai tarp paskolų Lietuvos namų ūkiams ir kitų ekonominių veiksnių. Taikant laiko eilučių metodus yra atliekamos paskolų sandorių prognoz÷s. Atsižvelgiant į spartų paskolų Lietuvos namų ūkiams rinkos augimą pastaraisiais metais, darbe vertinamas išorinių impulsų, ateinančių per paskolų rinką, poveikis šalies ekonomikai. Nagrin÷jami pagrindiniai paskolų namų ūkiams rinkai būdingi bruožai ir priežastingumo ryšiai. Analizei atlikti taikomi įvairūs ekonometriniai metodai ir modeliai: ne stacionarių laiko eilučių modelis (ARIMA), Johanseno kointegruotumo nustatymo procedūra, Grangerio priežastingumo tikrinimo procedūra, regresin÷ ir daugiamat÷ laiko eilučių analiz÷. Išnagrin÷jus gautus rezultatus, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, Lietuvos paskolų rinkos apžvalga, statistiniai rodikliai, taikomi modeliai ir metodai, duomenų analiz÷ ir prognozavimas, kointegruotumo tyrimas, regresin÷ ir daugiamat÷ laiko eilučių analiz÷, išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. / At this final master’s work the market of loans to Lithuanian households is analyzed. Given the methods applied to analyze credit markets in practice, the long-term and short-term relations between loans to Lithuanian households and other economic factors are evaluated. Non-stationary time series methods (ARIMA) are applied to perform forecasts of loan transactions. Given the rapid growth of loans to Lithuanian households in recent years, the effect of external impulses coming through the loan market to the economy of the country is evaluated. The main characteristics of loans to households and causality relations are analyzed. Various econometric methods and models are applied: non-stationary time series model (ARIMA), Johansen cointegration procedure, the Granger causality test, the regression and multivariate time series analysis. After the examination of the results obtained, the final conclusions and suggestions are presented. Structure: introduction, literature review, Lithuanian credit market overview, statistical indicators, models and methods applied, data analysis and forecasting, cointegration analysis, regression and multivariate time series analysis, conclusions and suggestions, references. Thesis consists of: 72 p. text without appendixes, 41 pictures, 41 tables, 9 bibliographical entries.

The pactum de non cedendo :a re-evaluation

Kelly Dawn Sunkel January 2009 (has links)
<p>Since the pactum de non cedendo is prohibitory by its nature and operation, our law should have proceeded with caution when determining its effect. This, unfortunately, is not what transpired in the locus classicus decision. Nor did subsequent cases correct this fatal ratio. The distressing truth is that the old authorities, upon whom the locus classicus judgment is based, were in all probability not writing about pacta de non cedendo. Strangely enough, when this was suggested by an academic in the field, it elicited no response. The lack of response evidences a lack of interest in the topic in general, partly due to the uncertain state of affairs in which the pactum de non cedendo operates, and partly due to the courts&rsquo / unwillingness to rectify the situation. Despite the waning interest, the pactum de non cedendo is prevalent and appears in many types of contracts, most recently in the powerhouse factoring industry, and cannot simply be swept under the rug. This dissertation breathes new life into the pactum de non cedendo and discusses its validity and effect from a fresh perspective: A commercial perspective with a strong influence from American law. Hopefully this re-evaluation of the pactum de non cedendo will re-capture the attention of academics and judges alike, so that those in the position to do so, will re-consider its validity and effect.</p>

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