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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du travail sur l'identité aux identités du travail : stratégies et types de négociation identitaire chez les éducateurs spécialisés d'Ille et Vilaine / From work on identity to identities at work : strategies and types of identity-based negotiation observed among the Special Education Teachers of Ille-et-Vilaine

Lecaplain, Patrick 18 June 2012 (has links)
L'éducation spécialisée est traversée, depuis une dizaine d'années, par de profondes mutations institutionnelles. Les éducateurs spécialisés, qui en sont des acteurs parmi d'autres, ont tendance à leur imputer les effets de la « crise identitaire » qui gagnerait leur profession. Nous démontrons, pour notre part, que celle-ci est surtout la résurgence d'une disjonction originelle entre leur identité pour soi et leur identité pour autrui. Plus qu'une déprofessionnalisation, nous soutenons la thèse selon laquelle les éducateurs spécialisés, sous l'effet des changements à l'œuvre, sont confrontés aux limites de leur professionnalisation historiquement inachevée. Nous montrons ainsi que nos enquêtés jouent de leur autonomie, se saisissant des opportunités offertes par ces mutations institutionnelles, pour réduire les brouillages originels de leur identité sociale et professionnelle. Il reste que l'enjeu identitaire n'est pas un objet de négociation ordinaire puisqu'il engage des conceptions professionnelles, la perception de son utilité sociale et, plus fondamentalement encore, l'image de soi. Présentant les caractéristiques majeures de l'éducation spécialisée et des mutations systémiques en cours, nous exposons, dans notre première partie, les fondements de notre problématique de recherche. Dans la seconde, nous dévoilons les dynamiques de négociation institutionnelles et organisationnelles dans lesquelles sont engagés nos interviewés au sein de leurs établissements ou services. Enfin, dans notre troisième partie, nous démontrons que les dynamiques identitaires de nos enquêtés participent de la recomposition des pratiques et de la profession d'éducateur spécialisé elle-même. / In the last ten years, the field of special education has undergone profound institutional changes. The special education teachers, who are among the actors of this field, would tend to attribute the effects of the « identity crisis » that could be encroaching on their profession to these changes. We shall demonstrate that this crisis is essentially the re-emergence of what is first a disjunction between their personal identity and their virtual identity. In our thesis, we shall defend the idea that, rather than a de-professionalization, special education teachers, under the influence of on-going changes, are confronted with the limitations of their historically incomplete professionalization. We shall thus show that our interviewees use their personal autonomy to seize opportunities proffered by these institutional changes, to reduce the gap between their personal and virtual identity. Nevertheless, identity is not a matter of ordinary negotiation as it involves professional conceptions, perception of one's social utility, and even more fundamentally, one's self-image. With an introduction to the main features of the field of special education and the on-going system changes, we shall outline the basis of our research analysis in the first part. In the second part, we shall reveal the dynamics of institutional and organisational negotiation that our interviewees are involved in, in their respective institutions or service centres. Finally in our third part, we shall show that the identity-based dynamics of our interviewees play a role in reconstructing practices and the job of special education teacher itself.

Gouvernance du transport urbain et mobilité durable dans le district d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) / Urban transportation governance and sustainable mobility in Abidjan urban district (Ivory Coast)

Meite, Youssouf 06 March 2014 (has links)
A Abidjan, l’offre de transport urbain, dominée par de petites unités artisanales aux côtés des modes de transports de masse de la société publique reste insuffisante pour une population urbaine sans cesse croissante. Le système de transport urbain se caractérise par des infrastructures peu adaptées et dégradées avec un niveau important de pollution de l’air. L’analyse des relations transactionnelles entre les parties prenantes met en lumière des conflits de compétences dans la gouvernance de la mobilité urbaine. Ces conflits, constituant des sources de blocage dans la régulation officielle, conduisent à une mauvaise coordination des actions et donnent lieu à la mise en place spontanée d’une régulation parallèle (menée par les syndicats de transporteurs) dans les gares urbaines. Malgré ces contraintes et limites, cette mobilité peut s’inscrire dans une logique de durabilité et répondre à un besoin social de déplacement de la population d’autant plus qu’elle présente des potentiels de développement que seule la volonté de l’ensemble des acteurs peut faire émerger. / In Abidjan, the supply of urban transport, dominated by small -scale units alongside modes of mass transit public company remains insufficient for a growing urban population. The urban transport system is characterized by low adapted and degraded infrastructure with a high level of air pollution. Analysis of transactional relationships among stakeholders highlights conflicts of jurisdiction in the governance of urban mobility. These conflicts, which constitute sources of blockage in the official regulation, lead to uncoordinated actions and give rise to the spontaneous creation of a parallel regulation (by the transport unions) in urban stations. Despite these constraints and limitations, this mobility can be part of a logic of sustainability and meet a social need for movement of people especially as it has development potential that only the willingness of all stakeholders can emerge

La maîtrise de la langue française dans et par les disciplines scolaires : les pratiques langagières et le rapport à l'écrit dans les disciplines scolaires au collège en français, histoire-géographie, sciences de la vie et de la terre et éducation physique et sportive : approche comparative / French language proficiency in and by school subjects

Hussain-Carnus, Patrick 10 March 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objet l'étude de la contribution des disciplines à l'évolution des collégiens dans leur maîtrise de la langue française. La position de la France dans les évaluations PISA et les nouvelles préoccupations de l'Union Européenne en matière d'égalité des chances amènent notre système scolaire à reconsidérer la place du langage dans les enseignements. Par ailleurs, l'omniprésence du terme « langage » dans la nouvelle version du socle et la place que lui accordent les nouveaux programmes du collège depuis la rentrée 2016, confirment cette tendance. Mais tous les élèves ne développent pas les mêmes capacités ni le même rythme d’apprentissage : certains rencontrent des difficultés scolaires, d'autres, des difficultés linguistiques. Qu'entend-t-on par « maîtrise de la langue » au collège ? Quelle est la nature des obstacles rencontrés par certains collégiens ? La relation didactique qui s'établit entre élèves et enseignants dans le cadre d'activités langagières visant la maîtrise de la langue est-elle strictement spécifique à une discipline et un type de classe ou bien tisse-t-elle des formes d'ordre générique qui relèveraient du didactique ordinaire ? Nous avons analysé et comparé les interactions verbales d'un corpus de dix sept séances afin d'observer les difficultés des élèves, en situation de classe. Nous pensons que l'enseignement de la maîtrise de la langue française exige de l'élève une compréhension, à la fois, de la langue de scolarisation et du langage des disciplines. Nous pensons, par ailleurs, que l'élève doit être considéré de manière spécifique et non générique de manière à ce que les pistes proposées soient adaptées à tous. / This research deals with the way learning different school subjects is likely to help middle-school students with their proficiency in the French language. The place of France in PISA rankings and the new concerns of the European Union regarding equal opportunities have lead our school system to reconsider the position of language in the learning process. The numerous occurrences of the word “language” in the newest set of common core skills defined by the French Ministry of Education, along with its prominence in the new middle school curriculum, show how deep that concern is at the present time.But all students do not display equivalent skills, nor an ability to learn at the same pace – some of them will face difficulties, others will deal with language-related problems.What is meant by “Language proficiency” at a middle school level? What type of hurdles will be met by students in their middle school years? Is the educational relationship established between teachers and students in language activities aimed at improving language proficiency strictly relevant for a specific type of subject and school level, or does it induce generic forms common to every educational approach?We analysed and compared verbal interactions in a study pool of seventeen classroom sessions in order to examine the difficulties met by the students. We argue that teaching French language proficiency requires the students to understand both a schooling language and a subject language. We also argue that students must be considered in a specific, non-generic manner, so that the results of our research may be adapted to each and every one of them.

On Optimizing Transactional Memory: Transaction Splitting, Scheduling, Fine-grained Fallback, and NUMA Optimization

Mohamedin, Mohamed Ahmed Mahmoud 01 September 2015 (has links)
The industrial shift from single core processors to multi-core ones introduced many challenges. Among them, a program cannot get a free performance boost by just upgrading to a new hardware because new chips include more processing units but at the same (or comparable) clock speed as the previous generation. In order to effectively exploit the new available hardware and thus gain performance, a program should maximize parallelism. Unfortunately, parallel programming poses several challenges, especially when synchronization is involved because parallel threads need to access the same shared data. Locks are the standard synchronization mechanism but gaining performance using locks is difficult for a non-expert programmers and without deeply knowing the application logic. A new, easier, synchronization abstraction is therefore required and Transactional Memory (TM) is the concrete candidate. TM is a new programming paradigm that simplifies the implementation of synchronization. The programmer just defines atomic parts of the code and the underlying TM system handles the required synchronization, optimistically. In the past decade, TM researchers worked extensively to improve TM-based systems. Most of the work has been dedicated to Software TM (or STM) as it does not requires special transactional hardware supports. Very recently (in the past two years), those hardware supports have become commercially available as commodity processors, thus a large number of customers can finally take advantage of them. Hardware TM (or HTM) provides the potential to obtain the best performance of any TM-based systems, but current HTM systems are best-effort, thus transactions are not guaranteed to commit in any case. In fact, HTM transactions are limited in size and time as well as prone to livelock at high contention levels. Another challenge posed by the current multi-core hardware platforms is their internal architecture used for interfacing with the main memory. Specifically, when the common computer deployment changed from having a single processor to having multiple multi-core processors, the architects redesigned also the hardware subsystem that manages the memory access from the one providing a Uniform Memory Access (UMA), where the latency needed to fetch a memory location is the same independently from the specific core where the thread executes on, to the current one with a Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), where such a latency differs according to the core used and the memory socket accessed. This switch in technology has an implication on the performance of concurrent applications. In fact, the building blocks commonly used for designing concurrent algorithms under the assumptions of UMA (e.g., relying on centralized meta-data) may not provide the same high performance and scalability when deployed on NUMA-based architectures. In this dissertation, we tackle the performance and scalability challenges of multi-core architectures by providing three solutions for increasing performance using HTM (i.e., Part-HTM, Octonauts, and Precise-TM), and one solution for solving the scalability issues provided by NUMA-architectures (i.e., Nemo). • Part-HTM is the first hybrid transactional memory protocol that solves the problem of transactions aborted due to the resource limitations (space/time) of current best-effort HTM. The basic idea of Part-HTM is to partition those transactions into multiple sub-transactions, which can likely be committed in hardware. Due to the eager nature of HTM, we designed a low-overhead software framework to preserve transaction's correctness (with and without opacity) and isolation. Part-HTM is efficient: our evaluation study confirms that its performance is the best in all tested cases, except for those where HTM cannot be outperformed. However, in such a workload, Part-HTM still performs better than all other software and hybrid competitors. • Octonauts tackles the live-lock problem of HTM at high contention level. HTM lacks of advanced contention management (CM) policies. Octonauts is an HTM-aware scheduler that orchestrates conflicting transactions. It uses a priori knowledge of transactions' working-set to prevent the activation of conflicting transactions, simultaneously. Octonauts also accommodates both HTM and STM with minimal overhead by exploiting adaptivity. Based on the transaction's size, time, and irrevocable calls (e.g., system call) Octonauts selects the best path among HTM, STM, or global locking. Results show a performance improvement up to 60% when Octonauts is deployed in comparison with pure HTM with falling back to global locking. • Precise-TM is a unique approach to solve the granularity of the software fallback path of best-efforts HTM. It provide an efficient and precise technique for HTM-STM communication such that HTM is not interfered by concurrent STM transactions. In addition, the added overhead is marginal in terms of space or execution time. Precise-TM uses address-embedded locks (pointers bit-stealing) for a precise communication between STM and HTM. Results show that our precise fine-grained locking pays off as it allows more concurrency between hardware and software transactions. Specifically, it gains up to 5x over the default HTM implementation with a single global lock as fallback path. • Nemo is a new STM algorithm that ensures high and scalable performance when an application workload with a data locality property is deployed. Existing STM algorithms rely on centralized shared meta-data (e.g., a global timestamp) to synchronize concurrent accesses, but in such a workload, this scheme may hamper the achievement of scalable performance given the high latency introduced by NUMA architectures for updating those centralized meta-data. Nemo overcomes these limitations by allowing only those transactions that actually conflict with each other to perform inter-socket communication. As a result, if two transactions are non-conflicting, they cannot interact with each other through any meta-data. Such a policy does not apply for application threads running in the same socket. In fact, they are allowed to share any meta-data even if they execute non-conflicting operations because, supported by our evaluation study, we found that the local processing happening inside one socket does not interfere with the work done by parallel threads executing on other sockets. Nemo's evaluation study shows improvement over state-of-the-art TM algorithms by as much as 65%. / Ph. D.

Energy-aware encryption mechanism for m-commerce devices

Hamad, F. M. January 2010 (has links)
With the wide spread of mobile phones, PDAs, and Smartphones, M-Commerce has become a major application domain for mobile devices, unlike conventional wired networks, mobile devices allow the user to conduct online transactions regardless of the time and the place as long as there is mobile network coverage. However, online transactions require adequate level of security to insure the confidentiality, the integrity, and the availability of the user’s information. Security measures consume a considerable amount of energy and require more time in processing. The aim of this thesis is to optimise the energy and the resources consumption of mobile phones when applying variant symmetric and asymmetric schemes. This aim can be achieved through developing A System State Security Management Framework, SSSM, which will implement encryption schemes, symmetric and asymmetric, and will provide different options to enable the user to choose the type of encryption, the key size, and number of rounds of computation to optimise the energy consumption level of the mobile phone. This thesis compares the power and the resources consumed by the most commonly used encryption algorithms such as CAST, IDEA, Triple-DES, RSA, and AlGamal. This comparison helps to draw the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm scheme used in reference to the security level it provides and the power it consumes. Implementing this mechanism will enhance the performance of mobile phones by increasing the security levelsprovided by the encryption schemes and utilising the limited power and resources efficiency. Therefore, confidentiality will be presented in mobile phones and variant encryption schemes, symmetric and asymmetric, and changeable key sizes and rounds, will ensure the authenticity of both senders and recipients depending on their needs as well as resources available. This research makes contributions in two major areas; the first area consists of the novel Energy Aware Encryption polices generated by this work, the second area of contribution is the energy measurements and experimental results which validate the approach presented in the research.

Penningtvätt : Revisorns utbildning och möjligheter / Money laundering : The accountant's training and possibilities

Bergqvist Pattihis, Ann January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revisorer omfattas av penningtvättslagstiftningens krav och ska rapportera misstänkta transaktioner som de upptäcker till Finanspolisen. Men revisorernas rapporteringar är väldigt få. Tidigare studier visar på att bristande utbildning och kunskaper hos revisorerna kan vara en orsak till det låga rapporteringstalet. Andra aspekter som framförts är att det är svårt att hitta oegentligheter under en revision eftersom det endast är ett urval av transaktioner som granskas, samt att penningtvätt lämnar få spår i en årsredovisning.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att ge en ökad förståelse för revisorers förutsättningar för rapportering av misstänkta transaktioner genom att undersöka hur revisorer utbildas inom penningtvättsområdet och hur revisorernas möjligheter att upptäcka penningtvätt kan se ut i verkligheten.  Metod: Jag har utfört min studie med abduktiv forskningsansats, där jag växlat mellan insamling och tolkning av både teori och empiri för att uppfylla studiens syfte. Jag har samlat min empiri genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med personer från revisionsfirmor och utredande myndigheter, samt att jag använt mig av ett penningtvättsfall med domar från tingsrätt och hovrätt samt årsredovisningar för de bolag som ingick i fallet. Slutsats: Den generella uppfattningen hos respondenterna från revisionsfirmor är att revisorernas utbildning inom penningtvätt är tillräcklig för att uppfylla penningtvättslagens krav. Samtidigt framkommer att det finns ett behov av mer praktisk utbildning för att ge revisorerna bättre förståelse för vad de ska leta efter för att hitta penningtvätt. Vidare framkommer att lagkravet om transaktionsgranskning bör ges mer emfas i revisorernas utbildning. Studiens rättsfallsanalys visar på att revisorernas möjligheter att upptäcka penningtvätt i det aktuella fallet var bättre avseende små bolag. Revisorns val av granskningsmetoder samt att vara observant på avvikande betalningsströmmar är viktiga faktorer som påverkar möjligheterna att upptäcka penningtvätt. / Background: Accountants are subject to money laundering legislation and has to report suspicious transactions they detect to the Financial Police. But accountants submit very few suspicious transactions reports. Previous studies indicate that this could be due to the accountants’ lacking training and knowledge. Other aspects that have been expressed are that it is difficult to find irregularities during an audit as only a selection of transactions are examined, and that money laundering leaves few traces in a financial statement.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the accountants’ conditions for reporting suspicious transactions by examining how the accountants are trained in the money laundering field and which possibilities the accountants might have to detect money laundering in reality.  Method: I have performed this study with an abductive research approach, where I have alternated between collecting and interpreting both theory and empirical data to fulfil the purpose of the study. I have gathered my empirical data through semi-structured qualitative interviews with persons from accounting firms and investigative authorities. I have also used a money laundering case with court decisions from Crown court and Court of Appeal together with the financial statements from the limited companies that were involved in the case. Conclusions: The general perception among the respondents from the accounting firms is that the accountants’ training in the money laundering field is sufficient to fulfil the legislative requirements. At the same time it appears that more practical training is required to give the accountants a better understanding of what they should be looking for to detect money laundering. Furthermore, it appears that the legislative requirement for examining transactions should be give more emphasis in the training. The study’s analysis of a court case indicates that the accountants’ possibilities to detect money laundering in the specific case were better regarding smaller sized companies. The accountant’s choice of audit procedures and to be observant of abnormal money flows are important factors that impacts the possibilities to detect money laundering.

B2B and the supplier : preventing repudiation of orders in an open account system

Butler, Rika, Boshoff, W. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAcc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.

Dutch-Indian Land Transactions, 1630-1664: A Legal Middle Ground of Land Tenures

Bassi, Daniella Franccesca 01 January 2017 (has links)
Living by a commercial ethic and resisting English encroachment from New England, the Dutch made at least 40 land purchases by written deed from their Indian neighbors from 1630 to 1664. In the past, scholars have seen only a European instrument of dispossession in the so-called "Indian deeds" that document land transfers from Indians to Europeans. In fact, they are colonial phenomena with uniquely Indian qualities. This is particularly true of the Dutch-Indian deeds signed or marked between 1630 and 1664. The Dutch-Indian deeds of the seventeenth century exhibit a middle ground of land tenures, in which the Dutch were compelled to yield to aspects of Indian land tenure and law in order to successfully purchase the land and retain it without facing retaliation. Indians, for their part, partook in the sale rituals of the literate world -- deed-signing -- but resisted European notions of land deals as fixed, permanent agreements. The Dutch-Indian deeds thus emerge as fluid agreements that were a compromise between Dutch and Indian land tenures and legal conventions.

Protocoles cryptographiques pour la bourse

Peika, Caroline January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Bankovní obchody a jejich právní úprava / Banking transactions and their legal regulation

Nevrlý, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
/ Banking transactions and their legal regulation The aim of my diploma thesis is to analyse banking transactions and to inform about their substential elements, legislation in the Czech legal order and business conditions used by banks. I did not explain all the kinds of banking transactions conducted by banks in this diploma thesis due to their extensive range, but I just focused on the most important transactions in my point of view. The thesis is composed of four chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of banking operations. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic facts about banks and legal conditions of their running activities. The chapter consists of three parts. Part One focuses on concept of banking transactions. Part Two investigates divisions of banking transactions and Part Three addresses the issues of bank as an entrepreneur. It also describes relevant legal regime necessary to obey to perform banking transactions and question of acquiring banking licence. Chapter Two is subdivided into two parts and provides explanation of active banking transactions. Part One illustrates single credits, which are subdivided into five parts focused on credit bureaus, residential and commercial mortgages, consumer credits, current account credits and discount credits. Part Two...

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