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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

兩岸經濟互動: 保護主義下與中國南方形成整合體制的可行性 / Economic Interaction across the Strait: The Feasibility of an Integration Regime in Southern China Among Protectionist Trends

莫詹姆, Morris, James X. Unknown Date (has links)
The introduction of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) signed between China and Taiwan in 2010 has added a significantly important economic element to cross-strait relations. Little research has been done on cross-strait integration from an economic standpoint, and to analyze the potential for successful economic integration between the parties it is necessary to determine whether their political economies are compatible for integration. In this research comparative studies of the political economies of Taiwan and China are conducted with focuses on industrial orientation, market mechanisms, and the motivations driving major economic actors. This research focuses on Fujian and Guangdong, Taiwan’s closest economic partners on the mainland and the cornerstones of Beijing’s integration incentives, with a minor study conducted on Hong Kong-China integration due to similarities of economic integration mechanisms. This study uses models constructed by scholars on Chinese provincial protectionism and trade barriers to determine whether Taiwanese integration with the “Common China Market” will be mutually beneficial for the economies on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Economic indicators, trade trends, and economic policy incentives indicate that integration under ECFA is amplifying trade asymmetries and is stalling real economic growth in Taiwan. Findings also show that trade liberalization has allowed major trade barrier and protectionism-creating phenomena that were once limited to the mainland to contribute to cross-strait competition regime among the economies studied. This research contributes to the fledgling body of academic research on cross-strait economic integration and its impact on the parties directly impacted by it. Implications of this study show that it would be beneficial for the speed of ECFA integration to be reigned in, and for Taiwan to use the trade agreement as a counter to pursue bilateral regional trade that can ensure its competitiveness.

中型銀行之策略探討─以E銀行為例 / The corporate strategy of a local middle-size bank - E bank

張宏維 Unknown Date (has links)
政府在1991年核准十六家新銀行的申設,台灣的銀行自此進入戰國時代。長期管制下的銀行業,由於缺乏對於新種金融商品及業務的創新能力,最後只能以價格為競爭手段,且對於風險的控管與日下降,種種激烈競爭的結果,使個別銀行市佔率偏低,產業利潤每況日下,資產品質逐年惡化。 銀行業除追求利潤外,經營策略之差異化,與所負之社會責任和帶給社會大眾之觀感亦已成為顧客選擇銀行之重點與目標。本文以E銀行為例,E銀行強調企業文化與重視服務品質,並榮獲國家品質獎之殊榮。本研究探討E銀行經營策略之研擬,引述國內外文獻分析E銀行目前所處的總體與產業狀況,並解析E銀行競爭力之優劣勢分析產生之機會與威脅,探討如何運用自身競爭優勢來擬定競爭策略。 研究結論特別引述野村總合研究所(2008),「服務,決勝金融大未來:野村金融產業大趨勢」,其中提到未來金融業決勝之關鍵在服務。在銀行業激烈競爭下,因為商品大同小異,如何傾聽顧客的聲音,以顧客的需求為導向,再輔以優質的服務創造顧客之價值,並且重視公司治理與社會責任之品牌形象,以獲取顧客之信賴感與忠誠度。 在愈趨競爭之產業環境下,各銀行唯有不斷思考自身之經營特色,競爭優劣勢,在競爭環境下找到機會,增加獲利之穩定與成長性,方能在此環境下擁有競爭優勢並得以繼續生存。

兩岸簽署ECFA對我國國家發展之影響研究 / A study on the impact of Cross-Strait ECFA on ROC national development

陳麗雯, Chen, Li Wen Unknown Date (has links)
1990年代以來,區域貿易協定的數目呈現倍數成長,發展到今日,全世界已約有230個FTA。然而臺灣卻因政治因素被屏除在區域經濟整合之外,將為臺灣經濟帶來諸多挑戰,我國若欲走出困境、強化在國際間的競爭力,勢必要有所作為。因此馬英九總統在競選總統時就以「與世界連結,參與全球區域經濟整合」為經貿政策主軸,而充分利用中國大陸現有的資源與市場,與其簽署區域貿易協定更是最具關鍵性的一步。經過多次正式與非正式的溝通協調,2010年6月29日,兩岸正式在重慶簽署ECFA,並於同年9月12日正式實施。 但從ECFA議題拋出到簽署實施,各界的爭辯從未停止,究竟ECFA對臺灣是危機還是轉機?是幫助臺灣走向世界還是被鎖進中國?值得深入研究,因此本文藉由國內外相關文獻來探討簽署ECFA對我國政治、經濟社會以及國家安全層面的影響,以增加閱讀者對ECFA的了解,也能成為政府推動ECFA的參考。 / Since 1990s, the number of the region trade agreements has been doubling, and until now there has been a total of 230 FTAs around the world. However, due to political factors, Taiwan has been dismissed outside the regional economies conformity, which will bring many obstacles toward the economic development in Taiwan. If our country intends to walk away from the dilemma and raise our competiveness, some steps must be taken. Therefore, while running for the presidency, President Ma Yingjiu brought up, 〝Links with the world, participates in the whole world regional economies conformity〞 as his economics and trade policy. By fully making using at the mainland China’s existing resources and markets, it was a must for Taiwan to sign the region trade agreement with china. After several official and unofficial communication and coordinating, on June 29, 2010, the Cross-Strait ECFA was signed officially in Chongqing, and implemented in the same year on September 12. Nevertheless, since the ECFA was carried out and signed, the debates from all walks of life has never come to an end. Is ECFA a crisis or a turning point for Taiwan? Does it the help Taiwan to move toward the world or to be locked within China?It is worthwhile to conduct a research to clear out the doubts. This article dims to take a deeper look at how ECFA is influenced on Taiwan n terms of politics, economy, and national security. So that not only can the readers have a better understanding of the ECFA but also the government refers to it while the implementation of policy.

中國服務業對外開放的戰略與開放程度分析 / China's opening-up strategy and the degree of openness in its service industry

林佑龍, Lin, Yu Lung Unknown Date (has links)
中國服務業近年來成長迅速,服務貿易額占世界比重亦愈來愈高,且截至2012年10月為止,中國已與香港、澳門、東協、新加坡、紐西蘭、智利、巴基斯坦、秘魯及哥斯大黎加等國家和地區簽署雙邊服務貿易協定,積極對外開放服務業市場。目前臺灣正與中國進行ECFA服務貿易協定的協商談判,因此深化研究中國服務業對外開放的戰略,以及分析中國至今已簽署之所有服務貿易協定的承諾內容與開放程度,是臺灣當前重要經貿課題之一。 本文使用文獻分析法探究中國服務業對外開放的戰略與政策,同時採用Marchetti and Roy(2008)的量化分析法,計算中國目前所有服務貿易協定之開放程度,並探討中國各大部門之開放情形,得到許多重要結論。首先,本文認為中國在服務業對外開放的戰略面和政策面實為相互呼應,於2001年加入WTO之後即全面擴大服務業的對外開放,並且日益重視服務貿易的發展,特別是新興服務貿易。其次,儘管中國於雙邊簽署許多服務貿易協定,但除了對香港(和澳門)新增約10.7%的開放程度之外,其餘國家平均僅新增2.6%的開放程度,可見中國實質開放程度並不高。另外,本文亦發現中國在採礦相關、醫院和旅遊等服務部門,會視部門類型之不同,決定不同之開放對象。最後,文末整理臺灣應於ECFA服務貿易談判盡力爭取開放之部門,並提出若干談判策略建議。 / In recent years, China has made remarkable progress in developing its service industry, and its proportion of trade in services in the world has risen significantly. Until October 2012, China has already signed nine bilateral agreements on trade in services with Hong Kong, Macao, ASEAN, Singapore, New Zealand, Chile, Pakistan, Peru and Costa Rica, showing its activeness and resolution to open up the services market. Taiwan is also negotiating with China about the negotiation of trade in services. Therefore, to understand China’s opening-up strategy and analyze both the content of commitments and the degree of openness in all agreements on trade in services China have signed, have become one of the major economic issues for Taiwan’s government. This thesis used literature analysis method to explore China’s opening-up strategies and policies in its service industry, and applied the quantitative method based on Marchetti and Roy(2008) to calculate the degree of openness in all agreements on trade in services China have signed. Meanwhile, the current situation of China’s service sectors was examined separately. There are three principal findings. First of all, China’s opening-up strategy in service industry is very consistent to its policies. Since China joined the WTO in 2001, it has not only significantly opened up its services market, but also made more efforts into the development of trade in services, especially the emerging sectors. Second, although China has signed many bilateral agreements on trade in services, the real degree of openness is not high. Except Hong Kong (and Macau), which gets approximately 10.7 percentages more in the degree of openness stipulated in the WTO agreement, the rest of countries only get 2.6 percentages more degree of the openness in average. Third, for particular purposes, China would give different treatment to different countries in service industries like services incidental to mining, hospital services, and touristic services. Finally, this thesis lists some service sectors, which Taiwan should strive for China’s opening-up on the negotiation of Trade in Services, and provides some suggestions for negotiation strategy.

海峽兩岸銀行業績效之比較研究 / The comparison of banking performance between China and Taiwan

李采儒, Lee, Tsai Ju Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自西元1979年開始實行經濟改革政策,銀行體系同時經歷了三十年的改革發展,依據中國加入世界貿易組織之承諾,其必須於2006年12月11日全面開放外資銀行登陸投資。為了面對外資銀行業可能帶來的激烈競爭與挑戰,中國政府大力支持與協助國有商業銀行進行一連串的體制改造及上市計畫,近年來中國銀行業整體的表現十分亮眼。 兩岸政府於2010年6月29日簽署之兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),正式地為台灣的銀行業開啟通往大陸投資的一扇門,此篇論文藉由全面的研究分析中國銀行業的發展,並透過比較中國、美國及台灣具代表性的銀行在獲利能力、資產品質、流動性風險管理及新巴賽爾資本協議規定指標遵循情形等四個面向的表現,以期提供有意赴中國大陸投資之銀行業者對於當地情況有更多的概念與了解。 / After thirty years of economic and financial reforms, banking system in China has transformed from rigidly controlled to marketization nowadays with a variety of banking institutions coexist in the financial market. Among different kinds of banking institutions, large state-owned commercial banks dominate over half of total banking assets, their huge scale allow themselves to have leading positions and monopoly power in China’s banking industry. Under WTO regulations China must fully open markets for foreign banks’ investment started on December 11, 2006, before that most large state-owned commercial banks have restructured into joint-stock companies and went public sequentially in order to enhance competition for fierce challenges brought from foreign banks. Attributing to China government’s effort and support, the overall domestic banking performance has made a lot of progress in the past few years. By comparing banking performance with USA and Taiwan in four aspects of profitability, assets quality, liquidity risk management and capital adequacy ability, the study results demonstrate that general performance of banking sector and large state-owned commercial banks in China have improved greatly and even better than advanced countries in some respects. The signing of ECFA between cross-strait governments on June 29, 2010 starts a new page of Taiwan banks’ development in China, the study suggests that in the initial stage banks from Taiwan can explore markets of corporate banking by using their expertise in loans for small and medium enterprises which are always neglected by banks in China, and by providing services to Taiwan business people in China to explore markets of consumer banking, and then gradually expand market share.

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