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Investigating the Nature of Active Sites in Heteroatom-doped Carbon Nanostructure Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction ReactionGustin, Vance A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Nitrogen Reduction Reaction: Deposition, Characterization and Selectivity of Transition Metal (V, Co and Ti) Oxynitrides as ElectrocatalystsChukwunenye, Precious O. 12 1900 (has links)
The electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) is of considerable interest due to its potential for less energy intensive and environmentally friendly ammonia production which is critical for agricultural and clean energy applications. However, the selectivity of NRR compared to the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) often poses challenges for various catalysts, including Earth-abundant transition metal oxynitrides like Ti, V, and Co. In this work, a comparative analysis of the selectivity of these three metal oxynitrides was conducted, each having different metal oxophilicities. A combination of electrochemical, surface characterizations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations were employed to directly assess NRR and HER activities under the same reaction conditions. Results show that cobalt oxynitrides exhibit NRR activity at pH 10, involving the electrochemical reduction of both lattice-bound nitrogen and dissolved N2, although more HER activity was observed. In contrast, vanadium oxynitride films displayed HER inactivity at pH 7 and 10 but demonstrated NRR activity at pH 7, while titanium oxynitrides were active at pH 3.2 but inactive under neutral and basic pH conditions. These comprehensive studies highlight substantial variations in HER and NRR selectivity based on transition metal oxophilicity/azaphilicity, indicating distinct mechanisms governing NRR and HER mechanisms.
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The O2 electrode performance in the Li-O2 batteryLiu, Jia January 2015 (has links)
Li-O2 batteries have been attracting increasing attention and R&D efforts as promising power sources for electric vehicles (EVs) due to their significantly higher theoretical energy densities compared to conventional Li-ion batteries. The research presented in this thesis covers the investigation of factors influencing the decomposition of Li2O2, the development of highly active electrocatalysts, and the design of low-cost and easy-operation binder-free O2 electrodes for Li-O2 batteries. Being the main technique, SR-PXD was used both as a continuous light source to advance the electrochemical decomposition of Li2O2 under the X-ray illumination and an operando tool that allowed us to probe the degradation of Li2O2. Since XRD was intensively used in my thesis work, the effect of X-ray irradiation on the stability of Li2O2 was studied. The accelerating effect of X-rays on the electrochemical decomposition of Li2O2 was, for the first time, explored. The electrochemical decomposition rate of Li2O2 was proportional to the X-ray intensity used. It is proposed that the decomposition might involve a three-step reaction with [Li2O2]x+ and Li2-xO2* as intermediates, which followed pseudo-zero-order kinetics. Then, three electrocatalysts (Pt/MNT, Ru/MNT and Li2C8H2O6) were developed, which exhibited good electrocatalytic performances during the OER. Their activities were evaluated by following the Li2O2 decomposition in electrodes during the charging processes. In addition, the time-resolved OER kinetics for the electrocatalyst-containing Li-O2 cells charged galvanostatically and potentiostatically was systematically investigated using operando SR-PXD. It was found that a small amount of Pt or Ru decoration on the MNTs enhanced the OER efficiency in a Li-O2 cell. The Li2O2 decomposition of an electrode with 5 wt% Pt/MNT, 2 wt% Ru/MNT or Li2C8H2O6 in a Li-O2 cell followed pseudo-zero-order kinetics. Finally, a novel binder-free NCPE for Li-O2 batteries was presented. It displayed a bird’s nest microstructure, which could provide the self-standing electrode with considerable mechanic durability, fast O2 diffusion and enough space for the discharge product deposition. The NCPE contained N-containing functional groups, which may promote the electrochemical reactions.
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Homogeneity and elemental distribution in self-assembled bimetallic Pd–Pt aerogels prepared by a spontaneous one-step gelation processSchmidt, Thomas Justus, Oezaslan, Methap, Liu, W., Nachtegaal, Maarten, Frenkel, Anatoly I., Rutkowski, B., Werheid, Matthias, Herrmann, Anne-Kristin, Laugier-Bonnaud, C., Yilmaz, H.-C., Gaponik, Nikolai, Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A., Eychmüller, Alexander 06 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Multi-metallic aerogels have recently emerged as a novel and promising class of unsupported electrocatalyst materials due to their high catalytic activity and improved durability for various electrochemical reactions. Aerogels can be prepared by a spontaneous one-step gelation process, where the chemical co-reduction of metal precursors and the prompt formation of nanochain-containing hydrogels, as a preliminary stage for the preparation of aerogels, take place. However, detailed knowledge about the homogeneity and chemical distribution of these three-dimensional Pd–Pt aerogels at the nano-scale as well as at the macro-scale is still unclear. Therefore, we used a combination of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques to obtain a better insight into the structure and elemental distribution of the various Pd-rich Pd–Pt aerogels prepared by the spontaneous one-step gelation process. Synchrotron-based extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) in combination with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were employed in this work to uncover the structural architecture and chemical composition of the various Pd-rich Pd–Pt aerogels over a broad length range. The Pd80Pt20, Pd60Pt40 and Pd50Pt50 aerogels showed heterogeneity in the chemical distribution of the Pt and Pd atoms inside the macroscopic nanochain-network. The features of mono-metallic clusters were not detected by EXAFS or STEM-EDX, indicating alloyed nanoparticles. However, the local chemical composition of the Pd–Pt alloys strongly varied along the nanochains and thus within a single aerogel. To determine the electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) of the Pd–Pt aerogels for application in electrocatalysis, we used the electrochemical CO stripping method. Due to their high porosity and extended network structure, the resulting values of the ECSA for the Pd–Pt aerogels were higher than that for a commercially available unsupported Pt black catalyst. We show that the Pd–Pt aerogels possess a high utilization of catalytically active centers for electrocatalytic applications based on the nanostructured bimetallic framework. Knowledge about the homogeneity and chemical distribution of the bimetallic aerogels can help to further optimize their preparation by the spontaneous one-step gelation process and to tune their electrocatalytic reactivity.
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Tolerância ao CO da reação de oxidação de hidrogênio por mecanismos de oxidação: efeitos do substrato do eletrocatalisador / CO tolerance of the hydrogen oxidation reaction by oxidation mechanisms: effects of electrocatalyst substrateIezzi, Renato Caio 14 October 2016 (has links)
O alto custo da produção de hidrogênio puro para ser usado como combustível para uma reação de oxidação de hidrogênio (ROH) em células a combustível faz com que seja atrativo o uso de hidrogênio gerado através da reforma de combustíveis fóssil. Entretanto, o hidrogênio gerado por reforma de outros combustíveis possui contaminantes como CO, que por se adsorver fortemente sobre a superfície do eletrodo de platina, prejudica em muito o processo de oxidação do hidrogênio. Assim o estudo de novos catalisadores mais resistentes a essa contaminação e de outros mecanismos que contribuam para um melhor desempenha de uma célula a combustível do tipo PEMFC, se faz necessário. Esse presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo dos catalisadores PtMo/C - 80:20, PtMoO2/C, PtMoO3/C, que foram sintetizados, e PtMoPtRu/C, PtMoPt3Fe/C e PtMoPt3FePtRu/C que foram obtidos através da mistura do PtMo/C - 80:20 sintetizado com os PtRu/C e PtFe/C que são comerciais, através da realização de curvas de polarização no estado estacionário, voltametrias cíclicas e degradação eletroquímica acelerada. Também foi avaliada a eficiência da membrana de Aquivion®, com relação ao cruzamento de subprodutos da degradação dos eletrodos, através de curvas de polarização no estado estacionário, voltametrias cíclicas e variação de temperatura de operação da célula PEMFC. O método usado para a síntese dos eletrocatalisadores se mostrou eficiente na obtenção dos catalisadores, obtendo-se os catalisadores com proporção bem próxima da desejada. Os resultados mostraram uma grande estabilidade química dos catalisadores mistos sendo o PtMoPt3FePtRu/C o mais estável e o PtMoPtRu/C o catalisador mais ativo para uma ROH. Os experimentos com a membrana de Aquivion® mostraram que essa é capaz de diminuir o cruzamento de subprodutos da degradação dos eletrodos. / The high cost of pure hydrogen production to be used as fuel for a hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) in fuel cells makes it attractive to use hydrogen generated by reforming of fossil fuels. However, the hydrogen generated by reforming other fuels has contaminants such as CO, which adsorb strongly on the surface of the platinum electrode, affect much the hydrogen oxidation process. Thus the study of new catalysts more resistant to such contamination and other mechanisms that contribute to a better performs of a fuel cell of the PEMFC type, it is necessary. This present study aims to study of catalysts PtMo/C - 80:20 PtMoO2/C, PtMoO3/C, which were synthesized and PtMoPtRu/C, PtMoPt3Fe/C and PtMoPt3FePtRu/C which were obtained by mixing the PtMo/C - 80:20 synthesized with PtRu/C and PtFe/C which are commercial, by performing polarization curves at steady state, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical degradation accelerated. It also evaluated the efficiency of Aquivion® membrane with respect to the cross-products of degradation of the electrodes by means of polarization curves at steady state, cyclic voltammetry and operating temperature range of the cell PEMFC. The method used for the synthesis of electrocatalysts proved efficient in obtaining the catalysts, the catalysts obtaining very near to the desired proportion. The results showed a great chemical stability of the mixed catalyst being PtMoPt3FePtRu/C more stable and PtMoPtRu/C as catalyst more active for HOR. Experiments with Aquivion® membrane have shown that this can reduce the cross-products of degradation of the electrodes.
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Nanofilms de platine supportes sur des nanofibres de carbone et de nickel : nouveaux catalyseurs pour piles à combustible / Platinum Thin Films Supported on Carbon and Nickel Nanofibres as Catalyst for PEM Fuel CellsFarina, Filippo 26 November 2018 (has links)
De nouveaux électrocatalyseurs avec nanofilm de platine pour la réaction de réduction de l'oxygène avec application dans des piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons ont été développés. Ces catalyseurs comprennent des films minces de platine déposés sur des réseaux de nanofibres de carbone. Des supports de nanofibres de carbone et de nanobrosse ont été préparés par électrofilage suivi de traitements thermiques pour la stabilisation et la graphitisation. Une méthode innovante d’électrodéposition pulsée à surpotentiel élevé a été développée pour le dépôt de nanofilm de platine sur des supports de nanofibres de carbone et de nanobrosse, ainsi que sur du graphite pyrolytique hautement orienté dont la planéité permet de caractériser le dépôt avec microscopie à force et électronique. Ces approches ont conduit à des électrodes en nanofibres autosupportées avec une porosité qui a été accordée à un matériau de plus en plus dense d'un côté à l'autre, où le côté présentant la plus grande surface était utilisé pour déposer du platine. Les électrodes ont été caractérisées ex situ en utilisant voltampérométrie cyclique, en démontrant une activité plus élevée pour la réaction de réduction de l'oxygène et une durabilité contre des cycles de tension plus élevée que les catalyseurs classiques au platine sur carbone. Ces électrodes ont été assemblés directement avec une membrane et une anode et caractérisés in situ dans une pile à combustible. Des films minces de platine ont également été préparés à la surface des nanofibres de nickel en utilisant le nouvelle approche de l'échange galvanique assisté par micro-ondes ; divers paramètres expérimentaux ont été étudiés pour déterminer leur effet sur l'échange et la morphologie du platine. Les fibres de nickel@platine résultantes ont présenté une électroactivité élevée pour la réaction de réduction d'oxygène et ont été caractérisées comme des électrocatalyseurs non supportés à la cathode d'un assemblage d'électrodes à membrane; des travaux supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour les stabiliser contre la perte de nickel de l’électrocatalyseur vers l’électrolyte. / Novel platinum thin film electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction of proton exchange membrane fuel cells were developed. These catalysts comprise platinum thin films deposited on carbon nanofibrous webs. Carbon nanofibres and nanobrush supports were prepared by electrospinning followed by thermal treatments for stabilisation and graphitisation. An innovative pulsed high overpotential electrodeposition method was developed to deposit platinum thin films both on carbon nanofibre and nanobrush supports, and also on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, the planarity of which allowed detailed characterisation of the conformity, contiguity and thickness of the platinum films using atomic force and electron microscopy. These approaches led to self-standing nanofibre electrodes with porosity that was tuned to increasingly dense material from one side to the other, where the side presenting highest surface area was used to deposit platinum. The electrodes were characterised ex situ using cycling voltammetry where they demonstrated higher activity for the oxygen reduction reaction and greater durability on voltage cycling than conventional platinum on carbon catalysts. They were also assembled directly with a membrane and anode and characterised in situ in a single fuel cell. Thin platinum films were also prepared at the surface of nickel nanofibres using a novel approach to galvanic exchange assisted by microwaves, and a range of experimental parameters was investigated to determine their effect on the extent of exchange and the resulting platinum morphology. While the resulting nickel@platinum core@shell fibres demonstrated high electroactivity for the oxygen reduction reaction and were characterised as unsupported electrocatalysts at the cathode of a membrane electrode assembly, further work is required to stabilise them against nickel leaching from the catalyst to the electrolyte.
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Synthèse et caractérisation de nanocomposites platine/nanofibres pour électrodes de pile à combustible à électrolyte polymère / SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERISATION OF NANOFIBRE SUPPORTS FOR PLATINUM AS ELECTRODES FOR POLYMER ELECTROLYTE FUEL CELLSSavych Maciejasz, Juliia 16 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte général des efforts de recherche pour développer des supports de catalyseur résistant à la corrosion qui peuvent potentiellement remplacer le carbone dans les piles à combustible à électrolyte polymère. Des nanofibres et des nanotubes à base de TiO2 et SnO2 dopés par Nb ont été préparés par filage électrostatique et caractérisés par diffraction des rayons X, spectroscopie des photoélectrons de rayons X, spectroscopie Raman, mesures de surface spécifique et de conductivité électronique. Les nanofibres de TiO2 et SnO2 dopées par Nb présentent une conductivité et une surface spécifique supérieure à celle des oxydes non dopés. Des nanoparticules de platine ont été préparées en utilisant une méthode polyol modifié par micro-ondes, et déposées sur les supports fibreux. La caractérisation électrochimique des électrocatalyseurs ainsi obtenus a été réalisée ex situ par voltamètre en utilisant une électrode à disque tournant. Le catalyseur supporté, Pt sur SnO2 dopé par Nb présenté une stabilité électrochimique supérieure à celle d'un catalyseur Pt sur carbone commercial (Vulcan XC-72R). Une cathode Pt/Nb-SnO2 préparée par pulvérisation a pu être intégrée dans un assemblage membrane-électrode (AME) et caractérisée in situ dans une cellule de pile à combustible à électrolyte polymère. L'AME a présenté une durée de vie plus élevée mais une densité de puissance plus faible qu'un AME contenant Pt/C. Les nanotubes de SnO2 dopés par Sb ont une conductivité plus élevée que celle des matériaux dopés par Nb et lorsqu'ils sont intégrés dans une cathode, fournissent une densité de puissance accrue par rapport à une cathode à base de Nb- SnO2. / The objective of this thesis is to develop corrosion resistant catalyst support materials that can potentially replace carbon in Polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Therefore, Nb doped TiO2 and SnO2 nanofibres and nanotubes were prepared by electrospinning and characterised by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, N2 adsorption/desorption analysis and electronic conductivity measurements. The obtained Nb doped TiO2 and SnO2 one dimensional structures demonstrated higher conductivity and surface area than non-doped oxides. Pt nanoparticles were prepared using a modified microwave-assisted polyol method and deposited on the electrospun supports. Electrochemical characterisation of the obtained electrocatalysts was performed ex situ using a rotating disc electrode, and compared with a commercial carbon support (Vulcan XC-72R). Pt supported on Nb doped SnO2 provided higher electrochemical stability in comparison to Pt on carbon. Thus, a cathode of Pt/Nb-SnO2 prepared by spray-coating was integrated into Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA) and characterised in situ in single Polymer electrolyte fuel cell. The MEA exhibited higher durability though lower power density compared to MEA with Pt/C based cathode. Sb doped SnO2 nanotubes have higher conductivity than Nb doped material and when integrated into a cathode, provided enhanced power density in comparison to Nb-SnO2 based cathode.
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Síntese e caracterização de eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C pelo método da redução via feixe de elétrons para oxidação direta de metanol e etanol / Síntese e caracterização de eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C pelo método da redução via feixe de elétrons para oxidação direta de metanol e etanolCARDOSO, ELISANGELA S. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:35:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:00:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Tolerância ao CO da reação de oxidação de hidrogênio por mecanismos de oxidação: efeitos do substrato do eletrocatalisador / CO tolerance of the hydrogen oxidation reaction by oxidation mechanisms: effects of electrocatalyst substrateRenato Caio Iezzi 14 October 2016 (has links)
O alto custo da produção de hidrogênio puro para ser usado como combustível para uma reação de oxidação de hidrogênio (ROH) em células a combustível faz com que seja atrativo o uso de hidrogênio gerado através da reforma de combustíveis fóssil. Entretanto, o hidrogênio gerado por reforma de outros combustíveis possui contaminantes como CO, que por se adsorver fortemente sobre a superfície do eletrodo de platina, prejudica em muito o processo de oxidação do hidrogênio. Assim o estudo de novos catalisadores mais resistentes a essa contaminação e de outros mecanismos que contribuam para um melhor desempenha de uma célula a combustível do tipo PEMFC, se faz necessário. Esse presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo dos catalisadores PtMo/C - 80:20, PtMoO2/C, PtMoO3/C, que foram sintetizados, e PtMoPtRu/C, PtMoPt3Fe/C e PtMoPt3FePtRu/C que foram obtidos através da mistura do PtMo/C - 80:20 sintetizado com os PtRu/C e PtFe/C que são comerciais, através da realização de curvas de polarização no estado estacionário, voltametrias cíclicas e degradação eletroquímica acelerada. Também foi avaliada a eficiência da membrana de Aquivion®, com relação ao cruzamento de subprodutos da degradação dos eletrodos, através de curvas de polarização no estado estacionário, voltametrias cíclicas e variação de temperatura de operação da célula PEMFC. O método usado para a síntese dos eletrocatalisadores se mostrou eficiente na obtenção dos catalisadores, obtendo-se os catalisadores com proporção bem próxima da desejada. Os resultados mostraram uma grande estabilidade química dos catalisadores mistos sendo o PtMoPt3FePtRu/C o mais estável e o PtMoPtRu/C o catalisador mais ativo para uma ROH. Os experimentos com a membrana de Aquivion® mostraram que essa é capaz de diminuir o cruzamento de subprodutos da degradação dos eletrodos. / The high cost of pure hydrogen production to be used as fuel for a hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) in fuel cells makes it attractive to use hydrogen generated by reforming of fossil fuels. However, the hydrogen generated by reforming other fuels has contaminants such as CO, which adsorb strongly on the surface of the platinum electrode, affect much the hydrogen oxidation process. Thus the study of new catalysts more resistant to such contamination and other mechanisms that contribute to a better performs of a fuel cell of the PEMFC type, it is necessary. This present study aims to study of catalysts PtMo/C - 80:20 PtMoO2/C, PtMoO3/C, which were synthesized and PtMoPtRu/C, PtMoPt3Fe/C and PtMoPt3FePtRu/C which were obtained by mixing the PtMo/C - 80:20 synthesized with PtRu/C and PtFe/C which are commercial, by performing polarization curves at steady state, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical degradation accelerated. It also evaluated the efficiency of Aquivion® membrane with respect to the cross-products of degradation of the electrodes by means of polarization curves at steady state, cyclic voltammetry and operating temperature range of the cell PEMFC. The method used for the synthesis of electrocatalysts proved efficient in obtaining the catalysts, the catalysts obtaining very near to the desired proportion. The results showed a great chemical stability of the mixed catalyst being PtMoPt3FePtRu/C more stable and PtMoPtRu/C as catalyst more active for HOR. Experiments with Aquivion® membrane have shown that this can reduce the cross-products of degradation of the electrodes.
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Supports de Catalyseur Nanostructurés pour Pile à Combustible à Membrane Échangeuse de Protons / Novel Structured Catalyst Supports for PEM Fuel CellsNabil, Yannick 18 December 2015 (has links)
La durabilité des piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de proton (PEMFC) est un des verrous technologiques majeurs qui freinent leurs implantations sur le marché. Ces travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans ce contexte en proposant l’élaboration de matériaux en carbure de niobium comme support de catalyseur pour remplacer les supports carbonés actuellement utilisés dans les cathodes de PEMFC. Notre démarche est d’associer cette composition à différentes morphologies contrôlées pour développer des matériaux conducteurs, présentant une porosité adaptée et chimiquement plus stable que le carbone qui se corrode dans les conditions de fonctionnement des PEMFC. Ainsi trois voies de synthèse basées sur des techniques variées (filage électrostatique, synthèse hydrothermal avec agent structurant) ont été étudiées aboutissant à trois types de morphologie : des poudres nanostructurées, des tissus nanofibreux et des nanotubes aux parois poreuses. Après leurs caractérisations structurales et morphologiques approfondies, ces supports ont été catalysés avec des nanoparticules de platine synthétisées par une méthode polyol assisté par micro-onde. La finalité de ce projet est d’évaluer les performances électrochimiques relatives à la réaction de réduction de l’oxygène de ces supports catalysés pour mettre en avant leurs exceptionnelles stabilités comparées à un support catalysé de référence (Pt/C) sans perte significative d’activité catalytique. / One pivotal issue to be overcome for the widespread adoption of Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) is the stability overtime. In this context, This PhD project focuses on the elaboration of niobium carbide based electrocatalyst supports for the PEMFC cathode to replace the conventional carbon based supports that notoriously suffer from corrosion in fuel cell operating conditions. The approach is to associate this alternative chemical composition with controlled morphologies in order to design electronically conductive and chemically stable materials with the appropriate porosity. Three different syntheses involving hydrothermal template synthesis or electrospinning have been developed leading to three different morphologies: nanostructured powders with high surface area, self-standing nanofibrous mats, and nanotubes with porous walls. These various supports have been catalysed by deposition of platinum nanoparticles synthesised by a microwave-assisted polyol method, and they have been characterised for their chemical and structural composition, morphology, and electrochemical properties. This work demonstrates that the Pt loaded NbC supports feature a greater electrochemical stability than a commercial Pt/C reference and similar electrocatalytic activities towards the oxygen reduction reaction.
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