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D?ficits de mem?ria induzidos por baixas doses de reserpina em ratos: poss?vel rela??o com preju?zos no processamento emocional na Doen?a de ParkinsonSouza, Val?ria Fernandes de 03 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-03 / We have recently verified that the monoamine depleting drug reserpine at doses that do not modify motor function - impairs memory in a rodent model of aversive discrimination. In this study, the effects of reserpine (0.1-0.5 mg/kg) on the performance of rats in object recognition, spatial working memory (spontaneous alternation) and emotional memory (contextual freezing conditioning) tasks were investigated. While object recognition and spontaneous alternation behavior were not affected by reserpine treatment, contextual fear conditioning was impaired. Together with previous studies,
these results suggest that mild monoamine depletion would preferentially induce deficits in tasks involved with emotional contexts. Possible relationships with cognitive and emotional processing deficits in Parkinson disease are discussed / Recentemente verificamos que a administra??o de reserpina (que causa deple??o de monoaminas) em doses que n?o afetam a fun??o motora, levou a preju?zos na mem?ria em roedores submetidos ? tarefa de esquiva discriminativa. Em
conjunto com dados da literatura, esses resultados sugerem que o efeito amn?sico da reserpina em ratos pode ser uma abordagem adequada para o estudo dos sintomas cognitivos da doen?a de Parkinson. No presente estudo, foram investigados os efeitos da reserpina (0,1 - 0,5 mg/Kg)
no desempenho de ratos no reconhecimento de objetos, na mem?ria operacional espacial (alterna??o espont?nea) e na mem?ria emocional (condicionamento contextual de medo). O reconhecimento de objetos e a alterna??o espont?nea n?o foram afetados pelo tratamento com reserpina, ao contr?rio do condicionamento contextual de medo, que foi prejudicado. Associados a estudos pr?vios, esses resultados sugerem que uma deple??o moderada de monoaminas pode eferencialmente induzir d?ficits em tarefas que envolvem contextos emocionais. Dessa forma, ? poss?vel que haja uma rela??o
entre d?ficits cognitivos e processamento emocional na doen?a de Parkinson
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Controller Tuning by Means of Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: a Holistic Multiobjective Optimization Design ProcedureReynoso Meza, Gilberto 23 June 2014 (has links)
This thesis is devoted toMultiobjective Optimization Design (MOOD) procedures
for controller tuning applications, by means of EvolutionaryMultiobjective
Optimization (EMO).With such purpose, developments on tools, procedures
and guidelines to facilitate this process have been realized.
This thesis is divided in four parts. The first part, namely Fundamentals,
is devoted on the one hand, to cover the theorical background required for
this Thesis; on the other hand, it provides a state of the art review on current
applications of MOOD for controller tuning.
The second part, Preliminary contributions on controller tuning, states early
contributions using the MOOD procedure for controller tuning, identifying
gaps on methodologies and tools used in this procedure. The contribution
within this part is to identify the gaps between the three fundamental steps of
theMOOD procedure: problemdefinition, search and decisionmaking. These
gaps are the basis for the developments presented in parts III and IV.
The third part, Contributions on MOOD tools, is devoted to improve the
tools used in Part II. Although applications on the scope of this thesis are related
to controller tuning, such improvements can also be used in other engineering
fields. The first contribution regards the decision making process,
where tools and guidelines for design concepts comparison in m-dimensional
Pareto fronts are stated. The second contribution focuses on amending the gap
between search process and decisionmaking. With this in mind, a mechanism
for preference inclusion within the evolutionary process is developed. With
this it is possible to calculate pertinent approximations of the Pareto front;
furthermore, it allows to deal efficiently with many-objective and constrained
optimization instances.
Finally, in the fourth part, Final contributions on controller tuning, a stochastic
sampling procedure for proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers
is proposed, to guarantee that (1) any sampled controller will stabilize the
closed loop and (2) any stabilizing controller could be sampled. Afterwards,
two control engineering benchmarks are solved using this sampling strategy,
the MOOD guidelines highlighted trough this Thesis for multivariable controller
tuning and the tools developed in Part III. / Reynoso Meza, G. (2014). Controller Tuning by Means of Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: a Holistic Multiobjective
Optimization Design Procedure [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/38248
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Professoras do 3? ano do Ensino Fundamental frente ?s dificuldades de aprendizagem em Matem?tica e ?s decis?es de encaminhamento para apoio psicol?gico e ou refor?o escolar / Teachers of the 3rd year of Elementary School against the learning difficulties in Mathematics and the referral decisions to psychological and/or tutoringSilva, Silvia Helena Ferr?o 03 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-03 / This paper presents a study on the actions taken by teachers of the 3rd year of Elementary School, related to the decisions and referrals regarding the students indicated as having learning gap in Mathematics. Our question at issue is: How and why do referrals of students in the 3rd year of Elementary School with Mathematics difficulties occur in the teachers view? The main goal was to analyze, based on pieces of information from teachers of the 3rd year of Elementary School regular and special education classes the conceptions related to the Mathematics concepts learning difficulties found by students and the need for psychological referral or pedagogical remedial help. The research development brought indications with reference to the issue of children learning difficulties in Mathematics, their emotions during the learning process and the aspects regarding Mathematics teaching and learning in school. The data arose from semi-structured interviews with three teachers of the 3rd year two from the classrooms and the resource room teacher in two different moments: in the beginning of 2013 school year and in November of the same year; and also the documentation for the student referral to remedial classes and psychological support. During the interviews the participants pointed out that the initial training course didn`t offer them enough theoretical subsidies to perform in the teaching discipline of Mathematics to the initial years of Elementary School. It was also pointed that a lot of the learning difficulties of these students is generally related to Mathematics concepts that weren`t understood by them. Teachers considerations about the referrals of students with learning difficulties were analyzed, as well as their conceptions about how and why these referrals should happen. In addition, the documentation of a 3rd year student who attended the resource class and the psychological assistance for two years was analyzed. It has been concluded that the services of resource class and psychological assistance, both offered by the city council, do not become linked, then bringing little contribution to students progress. The considerations to evaluate the student`s development are evasive, advancing little to identify their difficulties and to show alternatives to those people who will keep working with children, what provides little contribution to cognitive and psychological development. / O trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as a??es de professoras do 3? ano do Ensino Fundamental, relacionadas ?s decis?es e encaminhamentos referentes aos alunos indicados como portadores de defasagem de aprendizagem em Matem?tica. Nossa quest?o problema assim se configura: Como e por que ocorrem os encaminhamentos de alunos com dificuldades relacionadas ? Matem?tica em sala de 3? ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma rede p?blica municipal na vis?o das professoras? Teve por objetivo analisar, a partir das informa??es de professoras do 3? ano do Ensino Fundamental da sala regular e de educa??o especial as concep??es relacionadas ?s dificuldades encontradas pelos alunos ao aprender conceitos matem?ticos e a necessidade de encaminhamento psicol?gico ou de refor?o pedag?gico. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa trouxemos apontamentos relativos ?s quest?es das dificuldades de aprendizagem das crian?as em Matem?tica, das suas emo??es no percurso da aprendizagem e de aspectos relacionados ao ensino e ? aprendizagem de Matem?tica na escola. Os dados originaram-se das entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com tr?s professoras de 3? ano duas de sala de aula e a professora da sala de recurso em dois momentos diferentes: no in?cio do ano letivo de 2013 e no m?s de novembro do mesmo ano. Ainda, de documenta??o relativa ao encaminhamento do aluno para sala de refor?o e de atendimento psicol?gico. Nas entrevistas as participantes indicaram que o curso de forma??o inicial n?o lhes ofereceu subs?dios te?ricos suficientes para a atua??o na doc?ncia na disciplina de Matem?tica para os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Tamb?m que muitas das dificuldades de aprendizagem destes alunos, de maneira geral est?o relacionadas com os conceitos matem?ticos n?o compreendidos por eles. Analisamos as considera??es das professoras referentes ao encaminhamento de alunos com defasagem de aprendizagem, suas concep??es sobre como e por que esses encaminhamentos devam se dar. Ainda, a documenta??o de um aluno de 3? ano, que freq?entou por dois anos a sala de recurso e o atendimento psicol?gico. Conclu?mos que os servi?os de sala de recurso e atendimento psicol?gico, ambos oferecidos pela prefeitura, n?o se articulam, trazendo pouca contribui??o para os avan?os dos alunos. As considera??es para avaliar o desenvolvimento do aluno se fazem evasivas, pouco avan?ando no sentido de identificar suas dificuldades e de apresentar alternativas para o trabalho daqueles que com a crian?a v?o continuar atuando, o que proporciona pouca contribui??o para os avan?os cognitivos e psicol?gicos.
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Návrh a optimalizace prostoru hydrostatické kapsy / Design and optimization of hydrostatic pocket spaceMinář, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an optimization of hydrostatic slide of the large-portal gantry machine FRU (TOS Kuřim). First part of the thesis concerns with an analysis of the current practice in hydrostatic guides in the field of heavy gantry machines, an usage of alternative materials for a construction of carrying parts of machines, and possibilities of current simulation methods. Aim of the second part of this thesis is a brief clarification of the principle of mathematical optimization, and creation of general methodology of construction optimization by means of system analysis. Optimization calculations were processed by ANSYS Workbench 11.0. There is achieved adjusted and optimized design of the hydrostatic slide as the result of the thesis. Moreover, the comparison of key deformations was added. Created methodology is applicable in both an area of construction of gantry machines, and a wide spectrum of construction fields.
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Coping bei Multipler Sklerose: Zusammenhänge von Selbstbild und Behinderung, subjektiver Symptomlast, Progredienzangst und Copingstrategien mit emotionalem Befinden und gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität / Coping with multiple sclerosis: Relationships between self-image and disability, subjective symptom burden, fear of disease progression and coping strategies with emotional well-being and health-related quality of lifeLudwig, Martina 29 May 2013 (has links)
Multiple Sklerose (MS) ist eine immunvermittelte, entzündliche Erkrankung des
zentralen Nervensystems, die zumeist in Schüben verläuft, aber auch chronisch-progredient auftreten kann. Die Bandbreite der Symptomatik ist hoch; häufige Symptome sind Gehstörungen, Sehstörungen und Blasenstörungen, weiterhin Fatigue (Erschöpfungssymptomatik), kognitive und affektive Störungen. Frauen sind ca. zwei- bis dreimal so oft von MS betroffen wie Männer; zumeist tritt die Erkrankung im Alter von zwanzig bis vierzig Jahren erstmals auf. Die körperlichen, psychischen und sozialen Belastungen der MS-Betroffenen sind hoch, ihre Lebensqualität ist vermindert. Zu den Anpassungsaufgaben gehört die Adaptation des Selbstbilds; erfolgreiche Anpassung wird unter anderem am emotionalen Befinden abgelesen. Das Rahmenmodell der vorliegenden Arbeit ist das Coping-Modell von Lazarus und Folkman (1984, 1987): Persönliche Ressourcen und situative Anforderungen werden gegeneinander abgewogen; übersteigen die Anforderungen die Ressourcen, wird ein Ereignis als stressrelevant eingeschätzt. Nach Bewertung der möglichen Alternativen werden Bemühungen zur Bewältigung des Ereignisses unternommen (Coping), die bestimmte – adaptive oder maladaptive – Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten die Daten von 236 MS-Betroffenen ausgewertet werden. Neben dem objektiven Behinderungsgrad (EDSS) und dem Selbstbild (QSB) wurden die subjektive Symptomlast (MSSS), die Angst vor dem Voranschreiten der Erkrankung (Progredienzangst, PA-F) und die Krankheitsverarbeitung (FKV) erfasst.
Als Maße der Anpassung wurden das emotionale Befinden (EMO) und die gesundheitsbezogene
Lebensqualität (SF-12) eingesetzt. Bei 84 der befragten Personen lagen außerdem Daten eines weiteren Erhebungszeitraums (t1: 12 Monate früher) vor; dabei sind EDSS, QSB, MSSS und FKV erhoben worden. Auf der Ebene der Mittelwerte ergaben sich von t1 zu t2 signifikante Veränderungen für den Behinderungsgrad, die subjektive Symptomlast, das Selbstbild und drei von fünf Coping-Skalen. Bei der Auswertung auf der Ebene der Einzelfälle hingegen zeigte sich ein hohes Maß an Stabilität. Signifikante Veränderungen beim Behinderungsgrad, beim Selbstbild und drei Coping-Skalen traten nur bei wenigen Personen auf. Dort wiesen die Veränderungen in Richtung einer Verschlechterung. Für ein inhaltliches Kriterium der EDSS-Veränderung nach Goodkin (1991)wurden weitergehende Analysen durchgeführt: Diejenigen, deren Behinderung sich im Laufe eines Jahres verschlechterte, wiesen zu t1 ein signifikant niedrigeres positives Selbstbild und zu t2 ein signifikant höheres Ausmaß subjektiver Symptomlast, ein signifikant weniger positives emotionales Befinden und eine signifikant niedrigere psychische gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität auf als Personen ohne EDSS-Verschlechterung.
Mithilfe von Mediationsanalysen konnte darüber hinaus festgestellt werden, dass sich eine geringe Stabilität des Selbstkonzepts über die zwei Erhebungszeiträume ungünstig auf die subjektive Symptomlast und das Coping auswirkt, und diese maladaptiven vermittelnden Prozesse letztlich in einer schlechteren Anpassung resultieren. Auch in der Gesamtstichprobe wurden multiple Mediationsanalysen eingesetzt; hier, um zu überprüfen, ob das Selbstkonzept und der Behinderungsgrad als Antezedenzbedingungen
im Coping-Modell operationalisiert werden können. Es zeigte sich, dass Selbstkonzept und Behinderungsgrad signifikante Prädiktoren für das psychische Befinden und die körperliche gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität sind. Diese Zusammenhänge
werden partiell oder vollständig durch die subjektive Symptomlast und das emotionszentrierte Coping vermittelt. Im letzten Auswertungsschritt wurden auf der
Grundlage der Outcomes mit clusteranalytischen Verfahren Gruppen gebildet und auf Unterschiede in den übrigen Modellvariablen sowie soziodemografischen und krankheits(verlaufs)bezogenen Merkmalen überprüft. Hierbei konnten die Hypothesen über die Zusammenhänge der Variablen untereinander bestätigt werden: Eine schlechte Anpassung geht mit einem hohen Behinderungsgrad und einem ungünstigen Selbstbild, einer hohen subjektiven Symptomlast und Progredienzangst sowie dem Gebrauch emotionszentrierter Copingstrategien einher. In der Diskussion werden die Befunde kritisch reflektiert. Zur Sprache kommen dabei die „Repräsentativität“ der Stichprobe, die Stärken und Schwächen der eingesetzten Instrumente und die Angemessenheit der Auswertungsmethoden. Die Vor- und Nachteile der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden genannt; darüber hinaus wird auf die Implikationen aus den Befunden verwiesen und ein Ausblick vorgenommen.
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The relationship between genre choice of music and altruistic behaviorHippler, Christine 01 May 2011 (has links)
Extensive research has documented the relationship between listening to certain genres of music and negative effects on social behavior such as aggressive and antisocial behavior. The present study explored whether there are genres of music associated with altruism. Altruistic behavior is defined as behavior that is consistently more caring, helpful, considerate of other's feelings, and self- sacrificing. These behaviors promote our ability to thrive as a community. Yet, few studies have addressed the relationship between music and altruism. Data was collected from 608 college students who completed a self-report altruism scale, music preference measure, the Marlowe Crowne social desirability scale, and a demographic information form in order to see if there is a relationship between choice of music and altruism. A multiple hierarchal regression analysis found music genre choice accounted for 15.9 percent of variance in self-reported altruism. Significant, positive correlations emerged also between altruism and several music genres including alternative, country, classical, and emo.
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Understanding women’s lived experiences of intimate partner violence in a non-profit organisation in Johannesburg, South AfricaBam, Bongiwe 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, isiXhosa and isiZulu / Research about intimate partner violence (hereafter IPV) in South Africa indicate that there are high prevalence rates. The negative effects of this phenomenon create a wide range of physical, mental and emotional problems for those exposed to it. There have been various intervention programmes designed to address IPV. However, the high incidence indicates that these have been ineffective. Seeking to explore women’s lived experiences of IPV at a non-profit organisation, this study gathered data from women with experiences of IPV. Eight participants were selected based on purposive sampling technique from a non-profit organization in Johannesburg. Utilizing semi-structured interviews conducted in English for a duration of one hour, data was gathered from the participants. Using IPA and the ecological model as a theoretical framework to interpret the women’s lived experiences. The findings of the study indicated that individual factors such as childhood exposure to violence influenced the women’s lived experiences of IPV. Stereotypical gender roles and economic strains were found to be at the core of the women’s lived experiences of IPV. Furthermore, broader societal values and beliefs about violence proved to validate and normalise the violence women experienced. The findings broaden our understanding of intimate partner violence and offer an opportunity to add knowledge of intimate partner violence in the South African context. / Uphando malunga nobundlobongela obenziwa liqabane othandana nalo (apha okubizwa ngokuba yi-IPV) eMzantsi Afrika lubonakalisa ukuba bukwizinga eliphezulu. Iziphumo ezibi zesi senzeko zidala iingxaki ezahlukahlukeneyo ngokwasemzimbeni, ngokwasengqondweni nangokwasemphefumlweni kwabo basesichengeni sazo. Iinkqubo zongenelelo ezahlukahlukeneyo ziye zayilelwa ukuhlangabezana neIPV. Nangona kunjalo, izehlo eziphezulu zibonakalisa ukuba azikhange zisebenze. Ngokufuna ukuphonononga iimeko amabhinqa aphila phantsi kwazo zeIPV kwiqumrhu elingenzi nzuzo, olu phononongo luqokelele idatha kumabhinqa aphila phantsi kweemeko zeIPV. Abathabathinxaxheba abasibhozo bakhethwa kwiqumrhu elingenzi nzuzo eGoli ngokusekelwe kubuchule bokusampula okunenjongo. Kusetyenziswa udliwanondlebe olwakheke ngokwesiqingatha olwaqhutywa ngesiNgesi ngesithuba seyure enye, idatha yaye yaqokelelwa kubathabathinxaxheba. Uhlalutyo lwamava emo yesenzeko umntu aphila phantsi kwaso (i-IPA) kunye nemodeli yonxibelelwano phakathi koluntu nemekobume yalo zasetyenziswa njengenkqubosikhokelo sethiyori ukutolika iimeko amabhinqa aphila phantsi kwazo. Iziphumo zophononongo zabonakalisa ukuba iimeko ezizodwa ezinje ngokuba sesichengeni sobundlobongela ebuntwaneni ziphembelele iimeko amabhinqa aphila phantsi kwazo zeIPV. Iindima zobuni zeengcinga ezisoloko zisetyenziswa njalo kunye nengxaki yezoqoqosho zafumaniseka zingoyena ndoqo weemeko amabhinqa aphila phantsi kwazo ngokuphathelele kwi-IPV. Kwakhona, imikhwa esulungekileyo yoluntu ngokubanzi kunye neenkolelo malunga nobundlobongela zibonakalise ukwamkela nokubenza bube yinto eqhelekileyo ubundlobongela obuthe behlela amabhinqa.Iziphumo zenza siqonde ngokungaphaya ngeIPV kwaye zinika ithuba lokongeza ulwazi ngeIPV kwimeko yaseMzantsi Afrika. / Ucwaningo mayelana nodlame lwezithandani (emva kwalokhu oluzobizwa nge-IPV) eNingizimu Afrika lukhombisa ukuphakama okukhulu kwamazinga okwanda nokusabalala kwalolu hlobo lodlame kuleli. Imithelela engemihle neze yalolu dlame idala izinkinga eziningi impela kulabo abazithola bebhekene nalolu dlame, okungaba yizinkinga zomzimba, zengqondo kanye nezomphefumulo. Ziningi izinhlelo zokungenelela ezisunguliwe njengomzamo wokuqeda isihlava se-IPV. Kepha-ke, ukubhebhetheka nokusabalala kakhulu kwezigameko zalolu dlame kubonisa ukuthi azisebenzi neze kahle lezi zinhlelo zokungenelela. Lolu cwaningo lwaqoqa idatha kwabesifazane abake bahlangabezana ne-IPV, ngenhloso yokucubungula nokuhlaziya ngokujulile izigameko abadlule kuzona abesifazane abayizisulu ze-IPV abathola usizo enhlanganweni engenzi nzuzo. Ababambiqhaza abayisishiyagalombili abavela enhlanganweni engenzi nzuzo eGoli bakhethwa ngokulandela indlela yokukhetha ababambiqhaza ngokwezici-bunjalo zabo ezihambelana nezinhloso zocwaningo. Idatha yaqoqwa kubabambiqhaza ngokusebenzisa izingxoxo ezingama-semi-structured interviews ezabanjwa ngolimi lwesiNgisi isikhathi esiyihora. Kwasetshenziswa i-interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) kanye ne-ecological model njengohlaka lwethiyori yokuhumusha izigameko abadlule kuzona abesifazane ezimpilweni zabo.Imiphumela-ngqangi yocwaningo yakhombisa ukuthi izimo eziqondene nomuntu ngamunye, njengokuhlangabezana komuntu nodlame ngenkathi eseyingane, kwaba nomthelela kwindlela abesifazane abahlangabezana ngayo nezigameko ze-IPV nezinyathelo abazithathayo kanye nolwazi abaluzuzayo kulokhu. Amaqhaza kanye nemisebenzi ethathwa njengemisebenzi yabesifazane kuphela kanye nezimo zomnotho ezinzima ababhekene nazo abesifazane kwaba nomthelela kwindlela abahlangabezana ngayo nezigameko ze-IPV kanye nezinyathelo abazithathayo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, izimompilo kanye nezinkolelo zomphakathi wonkana eziphathelene nodlame zabonisa ukugunyazeka ngandlelathize kodlame abahlangabezane nalo abesifazane futhi ngokunjalo zalwenza lwaba yinto ethathwa njengejwayelekile. Imiphumela-ngqangi yocwaningo ikhulisa ukuqonda kwethu i-IPV futhi ihlinzeka ngethuba lokwengeza olwazini lwe-IPV oluqondene nesimo saseNingizimu Afrika. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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