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Självskattad hälsa och vardagliga aktiviteter före och efter multidisciplinär dagvård för personer med Parkinson.Kasseberg, Mimi, Gisler Josefsson, Christina January 2018 (has links)
För personer med diagnosen Parkinson, en progredierande sjukdom där både motoriska och icke-motoriska symtom påverkar vardagen, är det viktigt att stödja den enskilde individen att få uppleva hälsa. Dagrehabiliteringen på berörd klinik, har varit ett inarbetat multidisciplinärt arbetssätt, och erbjudit deltagarna träning vid två tillfällen i veckan under en fem veckorsperiod. En kvantitativ studie genomfördes utifrån enkäten, SF-12, som samlats in på kliniken för att få underlag för utvärdering av det kliniska arbetet. Syftet med examensarbetet var att beskriva självskattad hälsa och vardagliga aktiviteter hos personer med Parkinson, före och efter multidisciplinär dagrehabilitering. Resultatet visade att deltagande i dagrehabiliteringen innebar att deltagarna i lägre omfattning begränsades i att utföra aktiviteter till följd av känslomässiga problem. Deltagarna upplevde även mindre problem i utförandet av arbetsuppgifter eller aktiviteter, relaterat till sitt kroppsliga tillstånd, efter genomförd dagrehabilitering. Diskussion I nationella riktlinjer för Parkinson lyfts vikten av det multidisciplinära teamet fram som en framgångsfaktor för att personer med Parkinson. Nyare studier visar vikten av att Parkinsonpatienten behöver intensiv rehabilitering med en individuell behandlingsplan, integrerat i ett multiprofessionellt team. I studien tydliggörs arbetsterapeutens behov av validerade bedömningsinstrument, exempelvis COPM, för att kunna utvärdera de arbetsterapeutiska insatserna som ges och för att möjliggöra ett personcentrerat arbetssätt.
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Impact of Work-Life Balance on Health-Related Quality of Life Among College StudentsVernet, Emily 01 January 2019 (has links)
Work-life balance involves the management of work and social responsibilities. Specifically, it describes the ability to meet the demands of multiple roles involving academics, social, personal, and professional life. Literature has shown that there is an increasing number of students who are working while taking classes at a university. Previous research has described how young adults balance working and going to school and how work hours influence student's mental, physical, and health behaviors. The purpose of this study is to examine the association between a student's ability to balance work demands, student and life responsibilities, and health outcomes. Using a cross-sectional design, differences between quality of life and work-life management among college students was measured with the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12) and the Work-Life Balance survey. The survey questions were built in the online survey system, Qualtrics, and distributed to students through a campus-wide email. Collected data was downloaded into SPSS, and statistical significance between quality of life, work-life balance, and student demographics was analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Results of this study showed a significant difference in work-life balance and quality of life scores between working and non-working students as well as among students' age, gender, class status, major, work hours, work location, and sleep.
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Fatores associados à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de idosos residentes no município de São Paulo - Estudo SABE: Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento / Health related quality of Life and associated factors in elderly residents in the city of São Paulo SABE Project: Health, Well-Being and AgeingRibeiro, Karen Tokuhashi 07 December 2011 (has links)
Introdução: O envelhecimento populacional, decorrente do aumento da expectativa de vida, foi, sem dúvida, uma importante conquista em nível global. Contudo, discute-se atualmente a necessidade premente de agregar qualidade aos anos de vida ganhos. Objetivo: Identificar fatores associados à Qualidade de Vida Relacionada à Saúde (QVRS) de idosos não institucionalizados do Município de São Paulo, em 2006. Método: Este estudo faz parte do Estudo Longitudinal SABE Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento. Os dados foram coletados em 2006, de uma amostra representativa composta por 1.160 idosos (idade 60 anos) que responderam ao Short-Form 12 (SF-12), questionário genérico que avalia QVRS. As variáveis dependentes foram os Componentes Físico (PCS) e Mental (MCS) do SF-12 e as análises foram conduzidas separadamente segundo sexo. Buscou-se a associação com variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, estado de saúde, incapacidade funcional, estilo de vida e relacionamento social, utilizando o método de regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: Entre as idosas, estiveram associados a baixos escores no PCS: idade 80 anos, multimorbidade, internação, ter incontinência urinária, ter depressão, ter dificuldades para executar atividades instrumentais e básicas da vida diária (AIVD e ABVD) e não praticar atividades físicas. Baixos escores no PCS dos homens associaram-se a idade 80 anos, renda insuficiente, multimorbidade, tomar dois ou mais medicamentos, ter dificuldades para ABVD e não praticar atividades físicas. Baixos escores no MCS das mulheres estiveram associados a ser fumante, auto-percepção negativa de saúde geral e saúde bucal, ocorrência de queda no último ano e ter depressão. Baixos escores no MCS entre os homens idosos associaram-se à auto-percepção negativa de saúde, ter incontinência urinária e ter depressão. Homens mais velhos (idade 70 anos) apresentaram melhores escores no MCS em relação aos mais jovens (60-69 anos). Discussão: No PCS, as únicas variáveis coincidentes entre homens e mulheres foram idade, prática de atividades físicas, multimorbidade e dificuldade para ABVD; enquanto no MCS foram auto-percepção de saúde e depressão. A análise separada por sexo possibilitou a identificação de modelos distintos de determinantes da QVRS de idosos. Conclusão: Os fatores que se associaram significativamente ao PCS-SF12 de idosos de ambos os sexos foram: auto-percepção de saúde, multimorbidade, dificuldades para desempenhar ABVD e prática de atividades físicas. Enquanto suficiência de renda e número de medicamentos associaram-se apenas para o sexo masculino e internação, incontinência urinária, depressão e dificuldades para desempenhar AIVD, apenas para o sexo feminino. Ao MCS-SF12 de ambos os sexos associaram-se apenas auto-percepção de saúde e depressão; enquanto para o sexo masculino associaram-se também faixa etária e incontinência urinária. Já para as mulheres também apresentaram associação significativa o tabagismo, a auto-percepção de saúde bucal e quedas / Background: The world had experienced a high increased in life expectancy during the last decades, which has been undoubtedly considered as a major achievement. Because the increase of elderly population, that presents highest prevalence of chronic conditions, besides other single characteristics, several researches have been developed due to determine ways to add quality to the gained years of life. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with elderly health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL), in São Paulo. Methods: This study is part of the Longitudinal Study SABE - Health, Welfare and Ageing (from Portuguese: Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento). Data were collected in 2006. The sample consisted of 1,160 elderly (age 60 years) who answered the Short-Form 12 (SF-12), a generic HRQoL questionnaire. Dependent variables were Physical (PCS) and Mental Components (MCS) of SF-12. All analysis were separated by sex and the independent variables approached demographic, socioeconomic, health status, functional disability, lifestyle and social networking conditions, using the multiple logistic regression. Results: Among old women, lower PCS scores were associated with age 80 years, multimorbidity, hospitalization, urinary incontinence, depression, difficulty to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily living (BADL and IADL) and lack of physical activities. Among old men, lower PCS scores were associated with age 80 years, insufficient income, multimorbidity, taking two or more medications, difficulty to perform BADL and the lack of physical activities. Among the women, lower MCS scores were associated with being a smoker, negative self-perception of general health and oral health, occurrence of falls in the last year and depression. Among the men, lower MCS scores were associated with negative self-perception of health, urinary incontinence and depression. Older men ( 70 years) had better MCS scores than younger (60-69 years). Conclusion: Significantly associated factors with the PCS-SF12 for both male and female elderly were: self-perceived health status, multimorbidity, incapacity for BADL and physical activity; while income and number of drugs were associated only for males. Hospitalization, urinary incontinence, depression and incapacity for IADL were associated only for females. To the MCS-SF12 of both sexes were associated only self-perceived health and depression, while age and urinary incontinence were associated for males. Females MCS-SF12 also had significant association with tobacco, self-perception of oral health and falls
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Lebensqualität pflegender Angehöriger in der Sterbephase von Krebspatienten: Vergleich zwischen einer Palliativstation und häuslicher Versorgung / Health-related quality of life in family caregivers of dying cancer patients: a comparison between a specialist palliative care unit and a home care settingSchulze, Dirk 10 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Fatores associados à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de idosos residentes no município de São Paulo - Estudo SABE: Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento / Health related quality of Life and associated factors in elderly residents in the city of São Paulo SABE Project: Health, Well-Being and AgeingKaren Tokuhashi Ribeiro 07 December 2011 (has links)
Introdução: O envelhecimento populacional, decorrente do aumento da expectativa de vida, foi, sem dúvida, uma importante conquista em nível global. Contudo, discute-se atualmente a necessidade premente de agregar qualidade aos anos de vida ganhos. Objetivo: Identificar fatores associados à Qualidade de Vida Relacionada à Saúde (QVRS) de idosos não institucionalizados do Município de São Paulo, em 2006. Método: Este estudo faz parte do Estudo Longitudinal SABE Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento. Os dados foram coletados em 2006, de uma amostra representativa composta por 1.160 idosos (idade 60 anos) que responderam ao Short-Form 12 (SF-12), questionário genérico que avalia QVRS. As variáveis dependentes foram os Componentes Físico (PCS) e Mental (MCS) do SF-12 e as análises foram conduzidas separadamente segundo sexo. Buscou-se a associação com variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, estado de saúde, incapacidade funcional, estilo de vida e relacionamento social, utilizando o método de regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: Entre as idosas, estiveram associados a baixos escores no PCS: idade 80 anos, multimorbidade, internação, ter incontinência urinária, ter depressão, ter dificuldades para executar atividades instrumentais e básicas da vida diária (AIVD e ABVD) e não praticar atividades físicas. Baixos escores no PCS dos homens associaram-se a idade 80 anos, renda insuficiente, multimorbidade, tomar dois ou mais medicamentos, ter dificuldades para ABVD e não praticar atividades físicas. Baixos escores no MCS das mulheres estiveram associados a ser fumante, auto-percepção negativa de saúde geral e saúde bucal, ocorrência de queda no último ano e ter depressão. Baixos escores no MCS entre os homens idosos associaram-se à auto-percepção negativa de saúde, ter incontinência urinária e ter depressão. Homens mais velhos (idade 70 anos) apresentaram melhores escores no MCS em relação aos mais jovens (60-69 anos). Discussão: No PCS, as únicas variáveis coincidentes entre homens e mulheres foram idade, prática de atividades físicas, multimorbidade e dificuldade para ABVD; enquanto no MCS foram auto-percepção de saúde e depressão. A análise separada por sexo possibilitou a identificação de modelos distintos de determinantes da QVRS de idosos. Conclusão: Os fatores que se associaram significativamente ao PCS-SF12 de idosos de ambos os sexos foram: auto-percepção de saúde, multimorbidade, dificuldades para desempenhar ABVD e prática de atividades físicas. Enquanto suficiência de renda e número de medicamentos associaram-se apenas para o sexo masculino e internação, incontinência urinária, depressão e dificuldades para desempenhar AIVD, apenas para o sexo feminino. Ao MCS-SF12 de ambos os sexos associaram-se apenas auto-percepção de saúde e depressão; enquanto para o sexo masculino associaram-se também faixa etária e incontinência urinária. Já para as mulheres também apresentaram associação significativa o tabagismo, a auto-percepção de saúde bucal e quedas / Background: The world had experienced a high increased in life expectancy during the last decades, which has been undoubtedly considered as a major achievement. Because the increase of elderly population, that presents highest prevalence of chronic conditions, besides other single characteristics, several researches have been developed due to determine ways to add quality to the gained years of life. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with elderly health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL), in São Paulo. Methods: This study is part of the Longitudinal Study SABE - Health, Welfare and Ageing (from Portuguese: Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento). Data were collected in 2006. The sample consisted of 1,160 elderly (age 60 years) who answered the Short-Form 12 (SF-12), a generic HRQoL questionnaire. Dependent variables were Physical (PCS) and Mental Components (MCS) of SF-12. All analysis were separated by sex and the independent variables approached demographic, socioeconomic, health status, functional disability, lifestyle and social networking conditions, using the multiple logistic regression. Results: Among old women, lower PCS scores were associated with age 80 years, multimorbidity, hospitalization, urinary incontinence, depression, difficulty to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily living (BADL and IADL) and lack of physical activities. Among old men, lower PCS scores were associated with age 80 years, insufficient income, multimorbidity, taking two or more medications, difficulty to perform BADL and the lack of physical activities. Among the women, lower MCS scores were associated with being a smoker, negative self-perception of general health and oral health, occurrence of falls in the last year and depression. Among the men, lower MCS scores were associated with negative self-perception of health, urinary incontinence and depression. Older men ( 70 years) had better MCS scores than younger (60-69 years). Conclusion: Significantly associated factors with the PCS-SF12 for both male and female elderly were: self-perceived health status, multimorbidity, incapacity for BADL and physical activity; while income and number of drugs were associated only for males. Hospitalization, urinary incontinence, depression and incapacity for IADL were associated only for females. To the MCS-SF12 of both sexes were associated only self-perceived health and depression, while age and urinary incontinence were associated for males. Females MCS-SF12 also had significant association with tobacco, self-perception of oral health and falls
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<p>This thesis presents the results of a study exploring the health status and health determinants in two farming groups in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Old Order Mennonites (OOMs) and non-OOM farmers. Physical health and mental health are examined, and Canada’s 12 health determinants (excluding genetics) are included in the analysis. A survey was distributed to both groups in 2010 to obtain information on health status and determinants. Comparing the two groups reduces the likely impact of contextual features impacting both, such as local economic conditions. The mental component summary (MCS) and physical component summary (PCS) of the SF-12 were used to measure mental and physical health. The study compares health in the two populations, and uses ordinary least squares (multiple) regression to determine the relative importance of the determinants in shaping health. The study found that mental health is better in OOMs, mainly due to OOM women’s strong mental health. Physical health was worse in OOMs, and while true for both genders, OOM women appear to be particularly disadvantaged. There is overlap between the groups in the determinants shaping physical and mental health. In both groups, mental health is shaped by social interaction, stress and coping; and physical health by age, childhood disease history, coping and body mass index. This suggests these factors may be important across many populations facing different life circumstances, thus representing priorities for policy action. Interestingly, the key determinants shaping physical health in both groups do not include social factors such as social capital, although social factors do shape mental health (especially in OOMs). This may be due to the rural or farming status of the two groups, or differences between physical and mental health. Determining which is more likely requires reconciling the results of this study with others, an effort hampered by differences in models, methods and health outcomes employed.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Association of Dietary Intake and RBC Biomarkers of Omega-3 PUFAs with Psychological Wellbeing Among Homeless YouthRymut, Susan M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Coping bei Multipler Sklerose: Zusammenhänge von Selbstbild und Behinderung, subjektiver Symptomlast, Progredienzangst und Copingstrategien mit emotionalem Befinden und gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität / Coping with multiple sclerosis: Relationships between self-image and disability, subjective symptom burden, fear of disease progression and coping strategies with emotional well-being and health-related quality of lifeLudwig, Martina 29 May 2013 (has links)
Multiple Sklerose (MS) ist eine immunvermittelte, entzündliche Erkrankung des
zentralen Nervensystems, die zumeist in Schüben verläuft, aber auch chronisch-progredient auftreten kann. Die Bandbreite der Symptomatik ist hoch; häufige Symptome sind Gehstörungen, Sehstörungen und Blasenstörungen, weiterhin Fatigue (Erschöpfungssymptomatik), kognitive und affektive Störungen. Frauen sind ca. zwei- bis dreimal so oft von MS betroffen wie Männer; zumeist tritt die Erkrankung im Alter von zwanzig bis vierzig Jahren erstmals auf. Die körperlichen, psychischen und sozialen Belastungen der MS-Betroffenen sind hoch, ihre Lebensqualität ist vermindert. Zu den Anpassungsaufgaben gehört die Adaptation des Selbstbilds; erfolgreiche Anpassung wird unter anderem am emotionalen Befinden abgelesen. Das Rahmenmodell der vorliegenden Arbeit ist das Coping-Modell von Lazarus und Folkman (1984, 1987): Persönliche Ressourcen und situative Anforderungen werden gegeneinander abgewogen; übersteigen die Anforderungen die Ressourcen, wird ein Ereignis als stressrelevant eingeschätzt. Nach Bewertung der möglichen Alternativen werden Bemühungen zur Bewältigung des Ereignisses unternommen (Coping), die bestimmte – adaptive oder maladaptive – Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten die Daten von 236 MS-Betroffenen ausgewertet werden. Neben dem objektiven Behinderungsgrad (EDSS) und dem Selbstbild (QSB) wurden die subjektive Symptomlast (MSSS), die Angst vor dem Voranschreiten der Erkrankung (Progredienzangst, PA-F) und die Krankheitsverarbeitung (FKV) erfasst.
Als Maße der Anpassung wurden das emotionale Befinden (EMO) und die gesundheitsbezogene
Lebensqualität (SF-12) eingesetzt. Bei 84 der befragten Personen lagen außerdem Daten eines weiteren Erhebungszeitraums (t1: 12 Monate früher) vor; dabei sind EDSS, QSB, MSSS und FKV erhoben worden. Auf der Ebene der Mittelwerte ergaben sich von t1 zu t2 signifikante Veränderungen für den Behinderungsgrad, die subjektive Symptomlast, das Selbstbild und drei von fünf Coping-Skalen. Bei der Auswertung auf der Ebene der Einzelfälle hingegen zeigte sich ein hohes Maß an Stabilität. Signifikante Veränderungen beim Behinderungsgrad, beim Selbstbild und drei Coping-Skalen traten nur bei wenigen Personen auf. Dort wiesen die Veränderungen in Richtung einer Verschlechterung. Für ein inhaltliches Kriterium der EDSS-Veränderung nach Goodkin (1991)wurden weitergehende Analysen durchgeführt: Diejenigen, deren Behinderung sich im Laufe eines Jahres verschlechterte, wiesen zu t1 ein signifikant niedrigeres positives Selbstbild und zu t2 ein signifikant höheres Ausmaß subjektiver Symptomlast, ein signifikant weniger positives emotionales Befinden und eine signifikant niedrigere psychische gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität auf als Personen ohne EDSS-Verschlechterung.
Mithilfe von Mediationsanalysen konnte darüber hinaus festgestellt werden, dass sich eine geringe Stabilität des Selbstkonzepts über die zwei Erhebungszeiträume ungünstig auf die subjektive Symptomlast und das Coping auswirkt, und diese maladaptiven vermittelnden Prozesse letztlich in einer schlechteren Anpassung resultieren. Auch in der Gesamtstichprobe wurden multiple Mediationsanalysen eingesetzt; hier, um zu überprüfen, ob das Selbstkonzept und der Behinderungsgrad als Antezedenzbedingungen
im Coping-Modell operationalisiert werden können. Es zeigte sich, dass Selbstkonzept und Behinderungsgrad signifikante Prädiktoren für das psychische Befinden und die körperliche gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität sind. Diese Zusammenhänge
werden partiell oder vollständig durch die subjektive Symptomlast und das emotionszentrierte Coping vermittelt. Im letzten Auswertungsschritt wurden auf der
Grundlage der Outcomes mit clusteranalytischen Verfahren Gruppen gebildet und auf Unterschiede in den übrigen Modellvariablen sowie soziodemografischen und krankheits(verlaufs)bezogenen Merkmalen überprüft. Hierbei konnten die Hypothesen über die Zusammenhänge der Variablen untereinander bestätigt werden: Eine schlechte Anpassung geht mit einem hohen Behinderungsgrad und einem ungünstigen Selbstbild, einer hohen subjektiven Symptomlast und Progredienzangst sowie dem Gebrauch emotionszentrierter Copingstrategien einher. In der Diskussion werden die Befunde kritisch reflektiert. Zur Sprache kommen dabei die „Repräsentativität“ der Stichprobe, die Stärken und Schwächen der eingesetzten Instrumente und die Angemessenheit der Auswertungsmethoden. Die Vor- und Nachteile der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden genannt; darüber hinaus wird auf die Implikationen aus den Befunden verwiesen und ein Ausblick vorgenommen.
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No description available.
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