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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Freitas, Ana Paula Meneghetti de 19 May 2006 (has links)
In the urban centers there is occurrence of significant sound pollution that it occurs of several origins, such as: noise of traffic, noise of night atmospheres, industries, among others. ihe leisure activities, such as, bars, nightclubs, convenience stores in gas stations, among other, when they saw n points n they bring with itself a great flow of vehicles and of people in yours spill generating, consequently, an increase of the sound poiiution in your suburbs in public zona. To verify and to measure that pollution increment consists of the objective principal of that work. For the accomplishment of the research they were chosen 08 points, with base in the data of accusations and of complaints, relative to the sound pollution, on the part of the population. Measurements of levei of sound pressure were accomplished in days ot littie movement and in busy days, when the establishments, close the those points were open and closed, being measured Leq (A) for 20 minutes in every hour of 22:00 h to 05;00 h. it was ended that is happening a same environmental impact that the establishments possess project of acoustic isoiation for it they trame in the levels aiiowed by the effective legislation or, still, when they OOn't emit high music in your interior due to the occurrence of people's extemal noises and cars in residential area. Another fact that should be observed is that in ali those analyzed points, in the schedule of operation of the establishments, there is a superior sound ievei to the iimits stipuiated by NBR 10151 and tor the Code ot Postures of the Municipal district of Santa Maria and, also, it happens a sound infraction classified as serious in those places. / Nos centros urbanos, há ocorrência de significativa poluição sonora, que advém de diversas origens, tais como: ruído de trânsito, ruído de ambientes noturnos, indústrias, entre outros. As atividades de lazer, como bares, boates, lojas de conveniência em postos de gasolina, entre outros, em dias de funcionamento, trazem consigo um grande fluxo de veículos e de pessoas no entorno, gerando, conseqüentemente, um aumento da poluição sonora em suas circunvizinhanças em zona pública. Constatar e medir esse acréscimo de poluição consiste no objetivo principal desse trabalho. Para a realização da pesquisa, escolheram-se 08 pontos, com base nos dados de denúncias e de reclamações, relativas à poluição sonora, por parte da população. Foram realizadas medições de nível de pressão sonora em dias de pouco movimento, com os estabelecimentos fechados e em dias movimentados, quando os estabelecimentos encontravam-se abertos, medindo-se o Leq (A) para 20 minutos em cada hora das 22 h às 5 h. Também, pesquisaram-se dados de denúncias dos moradores próximos dos locais analisados, aos órgãos competentes. Concluiu-se que está acontecendo um impacto ambiental, mesmo que os estabelecimentos possuam projeto de isolamento acústico para se enquadrarem aos níveis permitidos pela legislação vigente ou, ainda, quando não emitem música alta em seu interior, devido à ocorrência de ruídos externos de pessoas e carros em área residencial. Além disso, no decorrer da análise da percepção das pessoas com relação a esse acréscimo de poluição, verifica-se que em todos os pontos já ocorreram várias denúncias e abaixo-assinados às autoridades competentes. Outro fato que deve ser observado é que em todos esses pontos analisados, no horário de funcionamento dos estabelecimentos, há um nível sonoro superior aos limites estipulados pela NBR 10151 e pelo Código de Posturas do Município de Santa Maria.

L'évaluation environnementale des plans et programmes : Vers l'ouverture d'un cadre stratégique au pilier procédural du droit de l'environnement / The environmental assessment of plans and programes : Towards the opening of a strategic framework to the procedural pillar of environmental law

Aoustin, Tristan 16 December 2015 (has links)
L’étude d’impact des projets d’ouvrages et de travaux a fait ses preuves en tant qu’outil de prévention des atteintes à l’environnement et qu’instrument d’information du public et de démocratie participative. Toutefois, l’expérience acquise dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la directive européenne EIE du 27 juin 1985 et de la Convention d’Espoo du 25 février 1991, a très tôt mis en évidence que, bien souvent, l’évaluation environnementale intervenait trop tardivement dans le processus décisionnel, à un stade où les possibilités de changements significatifs sont limitées, alors qu’il est possible de mettre en doute l'existence d'une autorisation administrative impartiale tenant pleinement compte d'une évaluation des incidences sur l'environnement et des observations du public dès lors que les instances politiques responsables se sont déjà clairement prononcées en faveur d’un projet. Il fallait aller plus loin, car c’est en fait au niveau des options stratégiques que les choix structurants, souvent irréversibles, sont effectués, autrement dit, au niveau de documents tels que les plans locaux d’urbanisme pour n’évoquer que les plus courants. C’est la raison pour laquelle ont été adoptés la directive ESE du 27 juin 2001 relative à l’évaluation de certains plans et programmes sur l’environnement, ainsi que le Protocole de Kiev de mai 2003 sur l’« évaluation stratégique environnementale », deux textes très ambitieux qui concernent un vaste pan de la prise de décision dans le secteur public. Aussi, ce n’est qu’après avoir pris soin de déterminer le champ de la procédure et les nombreuses difficultés que ce dernier soulève, qu’il sera ensuite possible d’apprécier de façon plus circonspecte les apports « stratégiques » de l’exigence, les dix années d’expérience française, et une transposition à tâtons, révélant à cet égard que le chemin pourrait encore être long à parcourir avant de satisfaire pleinement aux nouvelles sujétions européennes et onusiennes. / The Environmental Impact Assessment has proven itself as a tool for prevention of environmental damage and as a tool for public information and participatory democracy. However, experience gained in the implementation of the Directive EIA of 27 June 1985 and of the Espoo Convention of 25 February 1991, has quickly highlighted that in many cases, environmental assessment intervened too late in the decision making process, at a stage where the possibilities for significant changes are limited, so that it is possible to doubt the existence of an impartial administrative authorization taking full account of any impact assessment on the environment and public comments since the responsible political authorities have already decided clearly in favor of a project. You had to go further, because it is in fact at the level of strategic options that structural choices, often irreversible, are carried out, in other words at the level of documents such as town and country planning, to mention only the most current. That's why were adopted Directive SEA of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of certain plans and programs on the environment, as well as the Kiev Protocol of May 2003 on "Strategic Environmental Assessment", two very ambitious texts concerning a large pan of decision making in the public sector. It is also, only after having carefully determined the scope of the procedure and many difficulties it raises, it will then be possible to appreciate, in a more circumspect way, the "strategic" contributions or legal perspectives of the new requirement, the French ten years experience and a groping transposition, revealing in this regard that the path could still be long to go before full compliance with European and UN constraints.

Traitement des eaux grises par réacteur à lit fluidisé et dangers liés à leur utilisation pour l'irrigation d'espaces verts urbains / Greywater treatment by a fluidized bed reactor and impacts related to their use for irrigation of urban green spaces

David, Pierre-Luc 26 November 2013 (has links)
Les eaux grises (EG) peuvent être considérées comme une ressource alternative à l’eau potable et peuvent donc être réutilisées, par exemple, pour l'arrosage d'espaces verts pour lequel une qualité ''eau destinée à la consommation humaine'' ne semble pas nécessaire. Toutefois la présence de microorganismes pathogènes et de composés organiques peut entraîner des risques sanitaires et environnementaux. Il est donc nécessaire de traiter ces EG avant de les réutiliser et caractériser les risques liés à leur recyclage, jusqu'à présent peu connus. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, la démarche a consisté à caractériser les EG afin de choisir un traitement adapté. Le procédé biologique retenu est un réacteur à lit fluidisé aérobie. Son optimisation a été basée sur l’étude de son comportement hydrodynamique et sur la cinétique de biodégradation des EG. Ses performances épuratoires ont également été déterminées. La qualité des EG traitées produites atteint les objectifs attendus par la réglementation française pour l'irrigation d'espaces verts avec des eaux usées traitées. En effet, la DCO et les MES obtenues dans l'effluent traité sont respectivement de 26 mg O2.L-1 et 5,6 mg.L-1. Le réacteur a permis de traiter 144 L.j-1 d'EG durant 16 mois. Trois parcelles de pelouse ont été irriguées respectivement par des EG brutes, des EG traitées et par de l’eau potable. Contrairement à la parcelle irriguée par les EG brutes, l'analyse de risques n'a montré aucune différence significative entre celle irriguée par les EG traitées et celle irriguée par l'eau potable. Ces travaux démontrent que les EG traitées produites dans cette étude peuvent être employées pour l’irrigation d’espaces verts. / A level of water quality intended for human consumption does not seem necessary for domestic uses such as irrigation of green spaces. Alternative water supplies like the use of greywater (GW) can thus be considered. However, GW contains pathogenic microorganisms and organic compounds which can cause environmental and health risks. As the risks related to recycling are unknown, GW treatment is necessary before reusing. To describe the risks related to GW reuses, the scientific approach performed in this study was to characterize domestic GW in order to select an appropriate treatment. The biological process chosen is an aerobic fluidized bed reactor. As this process has never been developed for GW, an optimization step based on the study of its hydrodynamic behavior and the kinetics of biodegradation of GW was performed. The treatment performances were then determined. The treated GW produced in this study reached the threshold values expected by the French regulation for irrigation of green spaces with treated wastewater. Indeed, the COD and the TSS obtained in treated GW were respectively 26 mg O2.L-1 and 5.6 mg.L-1. The fluidized bed reactor has been used to treat 144 L.d-1 of GW for 16 months. Three lawn plots were irrigated respectively with raw GW, treated GW and tap water asa reference. Contrary to the lawn plot irrigated with raw GW, the risk analysis performed in this study has shown no significant difference between the law plot irrigated with treated GW and the one irrigated with tap water. This study shows that treated GW produced from the fluidized bed reactor developed in this experiment can be used for irrigation of green spaces.

Hållbart byggande : Hur nyproduktion i trä och betong i Sverige påverkar miljön samt beslutsfattares beslutsgrunder gällande materialanvändning

Johansson, Stina January 2018 (has links)
Environmental changes are great challenges that humanity must face. This has spurred a flurry of activities aimed to lower our impact on our environment. This essay focuses on the aspects that influence decision makers when choosing construction materials as well as a look into whether wood has a lower impact on the environment compared to concrete when building houses. The materials have been assembled through surveys, interviews and literary studies. The primary factor that was given most weight among entrepreneurs and architects were robustness and safety, and concrete was in that regard favoured over wood. It is also possible that already established economical structures support the use of concrete instead of wood. Environmental aspects are not reflected among entrepreneurs as very important factors when it comes to choosing materials and for change to occur there needs to be more information supporting that wood can be as robust as concrete in structures for it to be similarly prioritised. Concerning wood’s impact on the climate and the environment compared to concrete there is a significant difference in woods favour if only the construction and production phase of the house’s life cycle is examined. However, there are studies that show that depending on the material used and the time the house is expected to remain there are instances where wood has a higher environmental impact than concrete. Conclusively, wood is not always more environmentally friendly. The environmental impact of a material in construction depends heavily on the life span of the house.

Biomassa microbiana e atividade enzimática em solos do Estado de São Paulo sob vegetação nativa e cultivados /

Peixoto, Fabiana Gomes Teixeira. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: A derrubada da vegetação nativa e o uso do solo para atividades agropecuárias podem causar alterações nos atributos do solo que variam de intensidade, em função do tipo de manejo adotado. É importante o acompanhamento na variação dos atributos do solo no sentido de detectar alterações que venham em detrimento do potencial produtivo, as propriedades biológicas são as que primeiro se alteram, sendo de grande validade na detecção de impactos negativos no solo pelo uso. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar alterações em atributos biológicos, comparando áreas sob vegetação nativa com áreas cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar, milho, pastagem e citros. A partir de um ponto georreferenciado, cada área amostrada foi dividida em três sub áreas com 100 m2 (10 x 10 m), sendo coletadas 20 amostras simples em cada uma delas na profundidade 0-0,20 m, que foram misturadas para formar uma amostra composta. As áreas em estudo incluíram onze Latossolos, seis Argissolos, três Neossolos, dois Nitossolos, um Gleissolo, um Organossolo, um Cambissolo e um Chernossolo, solos estes situados em diferentes municípios do Estado de São Paulo. Nas amostras de solo foram avaliados: carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana, respiração basal, quociente metabólico (qCO2) e atividade das enzimas amilase, arilsulfatase, celulase, desidrogenase, fosfatase ácida, protease e o potencial de hidrólise do diacetato de fluoresceína (FDA). As atividades de arilsulfatases e desidrogenases foram as que melhor refletiram alterações antrópicas sofridas pelos solos em estudo. A matéria orgânica e a capacidade de troca catiônica foram às propriedades químicas do solo que melhor se correlacionaram com os atributos biológicos e bioquímicos avaliados. / Abstract: The removal of the natural vegetation and the use of the soil for agricultural purposes may cause deep alterations in the soil properties depending on the management applied. It is important periodic evaluations of soil properties in order to detect alterations that can degrade the soil. Among soil properties, soil biological activities are those that first indicate soil modifications. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in soil biological attributes, comparing areas under native forests with areas with the same soils and cultivated with sugarcane or maize. From a georeferenced point, each selected area was divided into three plots with 100 m2 (10 x 10 m), and 20 simple samples were collected in the 0-0.20 m depth, which were mixed to form a composed sample. The studied areas included the eleven different Oxisols, Ultisols six, three Neossolos two Alfisols, an Ultisol, a Organosol a Cambisol and a Chernosol, these soils located in different districts all in São Paulo State. The following soil attributes were evaluated in the soil samples: carbon and nitrogen in the soil microbial biomass, basal respiration, metabolic quotient (qCO2), the activity of the enzymes amylases, arylsulphatase, cellulose, dehydrogenases, phosphatase acid, proteases and the hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate (FDA). The activities of arylsulfatase and dehydrogenase were the ones that best reflected changes undergone by anthropogenic soils in the study. Organic matter associated and cation exchange capacity were the soil properties that best correlated with the biological and biochemical attributes evaluated. / Orientador: Wanderley José de Melo / Coorientador: Gabriel Maurício Peruca de Melo / Banca: José Frederico Centurion / Banca: Marcus Vinícius Vieitas Ramos / Mestre

A Study of the Impact of Tourism on the Environment and Jeddah Citizen’s Perceptions toward Tourism in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Aljohani, Mona 21 May 2018 (has links)
This study examined the impact of tourism on the environment and Jeddah citizens’ perceptions toward tourism in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The sample consisted of citizens who reside in the city of Jeddah. The variables analyzed included the following: cleanliness of the city, crowding, access to facilities, availability of water, and the quality of air and sea. An explanatory research design was utilized to generate the study, and purposive sampling was employed to gather the analysis. A total of 115 participants participated in the study. The study results suggested that cleanliness of the city, crowding, access to facilities, availability of water, and the quality of air and sea affect the perception of Jeddah citizens toward tourism. Particularly, both crowding and quality of air and sea were significant predictors of perceptions toward tourism.

Dynamique de transfert des fondants routiers dans un bassin de rétention des eaux de ruissellement routières : vers une solution d’assainissement par phytoremédiation / Transfer dynamics of deicing salts in a road runoff retention pond : towards a phytoremediation treatment solution

Suaire, Rémi 09 October 2015 (has links)
En période hivernale, des fondants routiers sont épandus sur les chaussées afin de préserver la sécurité des usagers. Sous l'influence de divers paramètres, ces produits se retrouvent en partie dans l'environnement, le reste étant collecté par des systèmes de rétention des eaux de ruissellement routières. Or, les bassins de rétention ne sont pas conçus pour traiter ces fondants, et jouent uniquement un rôle de régulation des flux rejetés dans l’environnement. L’effet du NaCl sur l’environnement est néfaste, en raison de sa toxicité directe envers certains organismes et, indirectement parce qu’il contribue à augmenter la mobilité des ETM (Éléments Traces Métalliques), eux-mêmes toxiques. Ceci démontre un besoin d'assainissement particulier pour ces produits. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier les transferts de NaCl par un bassin de rétention, mais également d'investiguer la possibilité d'utiliser la phytoremédiation comme base d'une solution d'assainissement des eaux de ruissellement routières. Le bassin de rétention choisi comme modèle est un bassin récent situé à Chenevières (Lorraine, France), en bordure d’une route nationale. La première partie du travail a porté sur la mesure et la caractérisation des transferts de NaCl dans ce bassin. L’eau a été collectée en entrée/sortie chaque semaine pendant 3 ans, et les concentrations en NaCl et ETM mesurées. Les conditions météorologiques et les données d’épandage de sel ont été suivies pour évaluer la proportion de sel effectivement transférée vers le réseau de collecte des eaux de ruissellement routières. Les résultats montrent que 25 à 50 % du sel épandu est effectivement collecté. De plus, les résultats sur la dynamique du NaCl prouvent que le bassin joue uniquement un rôle de rétention temporaire et de dilution avant rejet vers l’environnement. Ensuite, des mesures et analyses des sédiments du bassin et des sols de bord de route ont été conduites pour caractériser la spéciation et la mobilité des ETM dans ce contexte routier particulier. Dans ce cas précis, le NaCl n’a pas eu d’effet significatif sur la mobilisation des ETM, hormis le zinc (Zn). En revanche, il a provoqué la mobilisation d’autres ions majeurs. Concernant le traitement, les procédés conventionnels de dessalement d’eau sont trop coûteux et inadaptés. C’est pourquoi les potentialités d’une solution d’assainissement par phytoremédiation ont été explorées. Trois plantes halophytes ont été sélectionnées selon des critères permettant leur utilisation en contexte routier, Armeria maritima, Atriplex halimus et Atriplex hortensis L. Des expériences de germination/croissance ont été effectuées dans différentes conditions de salinité et de concentration en Zn pour évaluer leur tolérance à la salinité, à la présence de Zn et leurs capacités d’accumulation. Ces plantes ont montré une tolérance au NaCl dans des conditions de salinité représentatives de celles mesurées dans les réseaux d’assainissement routiers à Chenevières. De plus, les trois espèces accumulent dans leurs parties aériennes des quantités significatives de NaCl, ainsi que du zinc. L'utilisation des halophytes pour la phytodésalinisation en domaine routier s'avère être une technologie prometteuse pour répondre à la problématique de l'impact environnemental des fondants routiers. / During winter, deicing salts are spread on roads in order to preserve road safety for users. Under the influence of different parameters, these compounds are partly transferred to the environment, the rest of it being collected by the road runoff retention systems. However, road runoff retention ponds have not been designed for deicing salt treatment; they only play a role in the regulation of fluxes before their rejection into the environment. Furthermore, NaCl has a harmful impact on the environment, because of its toxicity to certain aquatic organisms and because it contributes to the increase of trace metal (TM) mobility, which are toxic as well. This shows the need for a specific treatment for these compounds. The objective of this research is to bring better understanding of deicing salt dynamics in a retention pond, but also to investigate the potential use of phytoremediation as a treatment solution for road runoff. A model retention pond was selected; it is located along a highway in Chenevières (Lorraine region, France). The first part of the work focused on the monitoring and the characterization of NaCl transfers in this pond. Water was weekly sampled for 3 years at the pond input and output and NaCl and TM concentrations were measured. Meteorological conditions and salt spreading data were monitored to appraise the salt fraction actually collected by the pond. Results showed that only 25 to 50 % of the spread salt is effectively collected. Moreover, results on NaCl dynamics proved that the pond only plays a role on transient storage and salt dilution before rejection into the environment. Moreover, measurements and analyses of sampled basin sediments and roadside soils were performed to assess speciation and TM mobility in this particular context. In this case, no significant effect of NaCl was recorded except for zinc (Zn); but major ions were mobilized. When it comes to treatments, conventional desalination technologies are too expensive and inappropriate in this context. Then, potentialities of phytodesalination were explored. Three halophyte plants were selected on the basis of specific criteria, allowing their use in road runoff context: Armeria maritima, Atriplex halimus and Atriplex hortensis L. Germination and growth experiments were run in various salinity conditions and in the presence/absence of Zn, in order to assess their tolerance to salt and Zn, as well as their accumulation abilities. These plants showed a high tolerance for NaCl in salinities in the range of those encountered in road runoff existing treatment systems at Chenevières. The three species accumulated significant amounts of NaCl and zinc in their aerial parts. The use of halophytes for phytodesalination of road runoff is a promising technique to address the issue of environmental impact of deicing salts.

Gestão ambiental e planejamento municipal: articulações e critérios necessários para a produção de cidades sustentáveis / Environmental management and local planning: articulation and criteria to the production of sustainable cities

Tatiana e Silva Bottari 12 August 2005 (has links)
A prática atual em planejamento urbano, bem como os elementos de sua política, não têm garantido a viabilidade ambiental das ações tomadas no processo de ocupação e modificação do território, limitando as ações propostas à mitigação de problemas que muitas vezes não atentam para suas raízes, e distanciando-se de uma abordagem pró-ativa de intervenção na realidade, ao aceitar as relações estabelecidas. A legislação brasileira têm atribuído ao planejamento local grande papel na definição destas ações, com grande parte desta responsabilidade atribuída aos municípios. O processo de gestão ambiental deve fornecer subsídios e avaliar a viabilidade de planos de desenvolvimento urbano, por serem estes guias de ações potencialmente impactantes. O presente trabalho parte da colocação de critérios ambientais a serem considerados no planejamento municipal, e da proposição da integração de instrumentos ambientais e urbanos visando atingir tais critérios. Em um segundo momento, analisa de que forma são ou não considerados critérios ambientais no estudo de caso do projeto de lei do plano diretor de São Carlos. Uma ilustração de como deveria ser balizado o planejamento municipal através de critérios e instrumentos ambientais é colocada no exemplo prático apresentado. Chega-se à conclusão de que podem existir grandes riscos ambientais às cidades pois não se garante a viabilidade ambiental através da implantação dos instrumentos colocados pelo estatuto da cidade, o que pôde ser observado no plano tido como estudo de caso, que em muito se assemelha a objetivos e propostas de outros planos diretores desenvolvidos para as cidades médias. / Urban planning and politics nowadays have not assured the environmental viability of occupation and transformation of territory process, limiting the proposals to problem mitigation, not attempting to its real causes, and not taking a pro-active approach in these interventions, accepting the existing relations. Brazilian laws give local planning an important role in the definition of these actions, with great part of this responsability lied on the cities. The environmental management process should provide information to the analysis of the viability of urban development plans, cause they are important guides to environmental impacts. The present work shows some environmental criteria to be considered in urban planning, and propose an articulation of environmental and urban planning instruments to reach these criteria. The case study analyses the environmental viability of the master city plan project to São Carlos city, attempting to these criteria and instruments. An illustration to environmental urban planning is shown in a project as an example. The conclusion shows that there are several environmental risks to cities because the existing laws and instruments do not guarantee environmental viability of cities. This could be analysed in the São Carlos master city plan, and can be recognized in other master city plans to medium cities.

Miljöeffekterna av den svenska flygskatten? : En analys av olika styrmedels miljöeffekter på flygmarknaden

Hultman, Erik, Olsson, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
I april 2018 realiserade den svenska regeringen förslaget om skatt på flygresor. Den empiriska undersökningen som samlat material från andra länder inom EU med liknande flygskatter visar på varierande effekter på miljön. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilket styrmedel mellan en flygskatt och en kvotplikt som medför störst klimatreducering för den svenska flygmarknadens koldioxidutsläpp. Studien tillämpar efterfrågeelasticiteter, korspriselasticiteter och sekundärdata från internationella och nationella institutioner för att estimera flygskattens samt en kvotplikts miljöeffekter på det svenska flyget. Resultatet visar på att en kvotplikt reducerar koldioxidutsläppen till en högre grad än dagens flygskatt. Flygskattens komparerade miljöeffekt härleds till resenärernas förutsättningar gällande substitut, geografiskt läge och överflyttningseffekt på den internationella flygmarknaden. / In april 2018, the Swedish government realize the proposal for tax on air passenger travel in Sweden. The aggregate empirical investigation from other EU countries with similar flight tax application, the investigation concludes inconclusive effects on the environment. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which control measure of an aviation tax and a quota that result in the greatest climate reduction for the Swedish airline carbon dioxide emission. The thesis applies demand elasticities, cross-price elasticities, and secondary data from international and national institutions to estimate the environmental impact of the airline tax and a quota obligation on the Swedish airline. The result shows that a quota obligation reduces carbon dioxide emissions to a greater extent than today's air tax. The comparative environmental impact of the aviation tax is derived from travelers' conditions regarding substitutes, geographical location and transfer effect on the international airline market.

Gerenciamento de resíduos como instrumentos de gestão ambiental em laboratórios de análises e pesquisa da área química. -

Penatti, Fábio Eduardo. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Solange Terezinha de Lima Guimarães / Banca: Paulo Roberto Teixeira de Godoy / Banca: Valdir Schalch / Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como estudo de caso o sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos implantado nos laboratórios da Divisão de Química da empresa Bioagri Laboratórios como um procedimento de gestão ambiental. A pesquisa mostrou que o sistema pode ser utilizado por demais laboratórios desta área, não somente com objetivo de organizar o controle dos seus aspectos ambientais significativos, mas também para obter indicadores que promovam uma maior prevenção diante dos impactos ambientais negativos relacionados à utilização de insumos e geração de resíduos, assim como propiciem aspectos referentes à conservação do meio ambiente e de seus recursos naturais, e comportamentos pró-ambientais. Para a Geografia estas atividades contribuem para o desenvolvimento dos conceitos inter e multidisciplinares, como a química e as ciências ambientais, e mostram que a Gestão e a Educação Ambiental, mais o desenvolvimento tecnológico e procedimentos eficientes relativos à produção mais limpa são fatores importantes, tendo em vista a continuidade e melhoria do sistema estudado, assim como para a mudança dos hábitos de trabalho dos funcionários, no sentido de atitudes próambientais. / Abstract: The present work is a case study of a system for waste management. The system assessed forms part of the environmental management procedures in place in the laboratories of the Chemistry Division of Bioagri Laboratórios Ltda. The research has shown that the system could be used in other laboratories. The objectives of the system are not only to organize the control of the environmental impact of wastes, but also to provide indicators through which to raise awareness of the negative consequences on the environment of the generation and disposal of waste materials. Greater awareness will bring to the fore concepts such as the conservation of the natural environment, the appropriate use of natural resources, and environmentallyfriendly behaviour. From a Geographic point of view, focusing on these issues is contributing to the development of concepts which can be explored in both inter- and multi-disciplinary projects, for instance between chemistry and the environmental sciences. This work has shown the importance of Management and Environmental Education, plus technological development and more efficient procedures regarding a cleaner production, as a means to change the working habits of the staff in a laboratory towards environment-friendly practices, always keeping in mind the continuity and improvement of the work place. / Mestre

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