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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

EV-Charging Stations : Feasibility study of including solar PV canopyon the roof of car parking for charging EV

Barakat, Einas January 2024 (has links)
The growing global awareness of the problems associated with the use offossil fuels has reached unprecedented levels that include documentednegative impacts on the environment, namely the emission of carbondioxide and greenhouse gases, leading to global warming and climatechange. In response to these challenges, the electric vehicle (EV) isemerging as a new frontrunner, aiming to change the reliance on fossil fuelsfor the automotive operation. This master thesis uses MATLAB simulationto determine the feasibility of installing a charging station for thirty electricvehicles (EVs) in designated parking areas. This station has fifteen chargers,each with two sockets. The primary source of energy is solar panelsstrategically located over the parking lot, supplemented by grid electricity asneeded. Where the electricity produced by the solar panels exceeds thecharging requirement, the excess is easily diverted to the grid and viceversa, if additional electricity is needed, it is easily obtained from the grid.Consequently, the profits of the stations come from both the charging ofEVs and the sale of excess electricity. This study investigates how thedesign of the solar system affects the overall gain of the charging station. Itdelineates worst-case scenarios and best-case scenarios, emphasizing thecomplexity of gains in different scenarios. / لقد وصل الوعي العالمي المتزايد بالمشاكل المرتبطة باستخدام الوقود الأحفوري إلى مستويات غير مسبوقة، تشمل الآثار السلبية الموثقة على البيئة، والتي تتمثل في انبعاث ثاني أكسيد الكربون والغازات الدفيئة، مما يؤدي إلى ظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري وتغير المناخ. واستجابة لهذه التحديات، تبرز السيارة الكهربائية (EV) كمرشح جديد، بهدف تغيير الاعتماد على الوقود الأحفوري لتشغيل السيارات. تستخدم هذه الأطروحة محاكاة MATLAB لتحديد جدوى تركيب محطة شحن لثلاثين مركبة كهربائية (EVs) في مناطق وقوف السيارات المخصصة. تحتوي هذه المحطة على خمسة عشر شاحنًا، كل منها مزود بمقبسين. المصدر الرئيسي للطاقة هو الألواح الشمسية الموجودة في موقع استراتيجي فوق ساحة انتظار السيارات، بالإضافة إلى شبكة الكهرباء حسب الحاجة. حيث أن الكهرباء التي تنتجها الألواح الشمسية تتجاوز متطلبات الشحن، يتم تحويل الفائض بسهولة إلى الشبكة والعكس صحيح، إذا كانت هناك حاجة إلى كهرباء إضافية، يتم الحصول عليها بسهولة من الشبكة.وبالتالي، تأتي أرباح المحطات من شحن المركبات الكهربائية وبيع الكهرباء الفائضة. تبحث هذه الدراسة في كيفية تأثير تصميم النظام الشمسي على الكسب الإجمالي لمحطة الشحن. وهو يحدد السيناريوهات الأسوأ والسيناريوهات الأفضل، مع التركيز على مدى تعقيد المكاسب في السيناريوهات المختلفة. / Den växande globala medvetenheten om problemen förknippade med användningen av fossila bränslen har nått oöverträffade nivåer som inkluderar dokumenterade negativa effekter på miljön, nämligen utsläpp av koldioxid och växthusgaser, vilket leder till global uppvärmning och klimatförändringar. Som svar på dessa utmaningar framträder elfordonet (EV) som en ny föregångare, som syftar till att förändra beroendet av fossila bränslen för fordonsdrift. Detta examensarbete använder MATLAB-simulering för att fastställa genomförbarheten av att installera en laddstation för trettio elfordon (EV) på anvisade parkeringsområden. Denna station har femton laddare, var och en med två uttag. Den primära energikällan är solpaneler strategiskt placerade över parkeringsplatsen, kompletterade med elnät efter behov. Där elen som produceras av solpanelerna överstiger laddningskravet, avleds överskottet lätt till nätet och vice versa, om det behövs ytterligare el så hämtas det enkelt från nätet.Följaktligen kommer vinsterna från stationerna från både laddning av elbilar och försäljning av överskottsel. Denna studie undersöker hur utformningen av solsystemet påverkar laddstationens totala vinst. Den avgränsar värsta scenarier och bästa tänkbara scenarier, och betonar komplexiteten i vinster i olika scenarier.

Výber a implementácia open source nástroja pre riadenie a správu portfólia projektov v neziskovej organizácií / Selection and implementation of open source tool for management and administration of project portfolio in nonprofit organizations

Šimunský, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The work deals with the choice and implementation of an open source tool for managing a project portfolio management in the organization of o.s. Prostor. The first part of the work aims at theory description including examination of trends in project management tools and open source software. Project management and project portfolio management is increasingly important and increasingly used by companies and organizations in recent years. According to a new study made by Gartner, the use of open source software continues to grow and becomes competitive differently. The main aim of the work was to successfully implement one selected open source tool to the organization that I have found at an early stage. After finding the suitable company, I started to do the main part of my work i.e. the implementation of a selected open source tool for managing projects and its portfolio in this company. This phase started from the choice of the most suitable instrument, by means of analysis of the selected organization, o.s. Prostor, to the final design and implementation itself. I made analysis of the organization and on its basis I chose suitable criteria and their weights for the later selection of a suitable tool. I performed the choice based on multi-criteria analysis in order to maximum objectively select a suitable open source tool for implementation. None of the existing instruments fully met the requirements of the organization o.s. Prostor. Therefore, I assessed finally selected web2project tool in detail and made a proposal for additional programming of missing functionality. After completion of the missing functionality additional programming, I made a proposal of a web2project tool implementation procedure. I suggested four stages of the implementation procedure, which consists of the preparation for the installation environment, the way how to install the tool on the server, planning necessary capacity, and finally training including creation of a demonstration project. Finally, based on this proposal, I installed the tool web2project on the server and run testing and validation of the tool. When performing this work, I gained a lot of valuable experience in all relevant phases of the project cycle management from management to the implementation itself. The organization intends to fully operate the tool early next year, 2012, when they can begin to enter new projects.

Design of lightweigh electric vehicles

de Fluiter, Travis January 2008 (has links)
The design and manufacture of lightweight electric vehicles is becoming increasingly important with the rising cost of petrol, and the effects emissions from petrol powered vehicles are having on our environment. The University of Waikato and HybridAuto's Ultracommuter electric vehicle was designed, manufactured, and tested. The vehicle has been driven over 1800km with only a small reliability issue, indicating that the Ultracommuter was well designed and could potentially be manufactured as a solution to ongoing transportation issues. The use of titanium aluminide components in the automotive industry was researched. While it only has half the density of alloy steel, titanium aluminides have the same strength and stiffness as steel, along with good corrosion resistance, making them suitable as a lightweight replacement for steel components. Automotive applications identified that could benefit from the use of TiAl include brake callipers, brake rotors and electric motor components.

政府在電動車產業發展過程中的角色與定位 / The role of government in the development of electric vehicle industry

李淑冠, Lee, Vicki Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,全球氣候暖化問題嚴重,造成地球環境的變遷,加上能源安全威脅與經濟、環境永續發展的考量,世界各國對於節能減碳的議題日漸重視。車輛電動化即在減少溫室氣體排放、改善生活環境、加強能源安全及掌握產業發展轉型契機等因素驅動下,成為全球車輛發展的重要趨勢,全球電動車產業結構與產業網絡正在逐漸成形中。 本研究係針對全球主要國家政府在面對電動車這個新興產業發展時,所採取的政策進行分析與探討,並且以日本、美國、中國、德國政府政策為探討目標,從文獻回顧及專業機構報告中整理分析各國政府的產業政策,試圖探討政府的角色與定位,進一步描繪出台灣政府應該扮演的角色,並且提出建議,作為政府於制定產業政策時之參考,期能對電動車產業做出貢獻,讓台灣電動車產業在此波革命浪潮中,創造出更高的價值及競爭力。 本研究發現,電動車新興產業在發展過程中充滿許多經濟面、市場面、環境面以及技術面的發展限制,本研究在羅列出的十六項發展限制中,有高達十一項限制與政府的政策息息相關。汽車百年產業革命成功與否,業界對於政府是否能創造具有競爭優勢的發展環境要求殷切,於是在電池研發技術未臻成熟、產業各項標準尚未建立之際,各國政府紛紛伸出<看得見的那隻手>,從產業研究發展獎勵、消費市場購車、用車以及充電基礎建設普及的促成與補助,配合業者在關鍵技術發展的努力、商業模式的發展、產業群聚的形成、充電基礎建設的普及、維修體系的建置、社會大眾對於環境品質的需求、用車習慣的改變、電動車節能形象的認同……等種種助力,形成產業能量面的推升力量以及市場需求的拉力,形塑出電動車未來發展的良性循環,試圖在此領域內創造出比較優勢,促使這一波新的汽車產業革命形成。   值此關鍵時期,台灣政府如何提供本國產業一臂之力,期於未來世界汽車產業佔有一席之地?這是許多業者關心的議題。目前,各國政府紛紛制訂獎勵政策協助業者以及消費者對於電動車發展與使用的認同;尤其德國政府作法積極,從保持人民生活品質、解決石油倚賴問題、強化經濟傳統命脈的汽車工業,從環境結構、基礎設施到社會大眾的消費習慣宣導著手,具體規劃國家新經濟遠景,將德國塑造成世界電動車大國,這是非常值得台灣政府參考的典範。 本研究建議,電動車產業處發展初階段,眾家車廠以及各國政府皆在摸索前行中,台灣政府應參考各國政府政策後,了解台灣產業的優勢與機會,從基礎設施到新能源政策、基本軟硬體投資環境的建置著手,協助業者發展創造出友善的投資環境並且積極發展國內電動車運行,累積出屬於台灣自己的<台灣EV經驗>,協助業者強化電動車相關技術,除藉由電動車的普及來降低國內對於石油的依賴外,倘若能成功推行電動車成為國際典範,讓世界看到台灣先進的科技與環保觀念,提升國際形象,在時機成熟時,提供關鍵零件技術,利用中國的潛在市場,參與國際標準制定,創造出台灣電動車產業的發展空間。 / The worsening problem of global warming in recent years has led to the environmental changes on Earth. This fact, along with the emerging threats to energy security and the call for sustainable economic and environmental development, has drawn increasing worldwide attention on the issues of energy saving and carbon reduction. As a result, the EV (Electric Vehicle) industry is gaining increasing importance in the global automobile market, driven by various motives including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving living environment, safeguarding energy security and seizing the opportunities of industrial transformation. The industrial structure and network of the global EV market is gradually taking shape. The purpose of this research is to explore and analyze the policies adopted by the governments of the world’s leading countries on the emerging EV industry, focusing on Japan, the USA, China and Germany. By reviewing historical documents and professional reports, the author has probed the industrial policies of these countries, endeavoring to identify the roles of the governments in this process and, furthermore, to depict the roles and positions of the government of Taiwan. The author has also provided recommendations to the government for developing industrial policies, with the hope that the research results will contribute to the growth of the EV industry in Taiwan and the creation of higher value and competitive advantages in this revolutionary process. It is discovered in this research that a great deal of development restrictions are involved in the growing process of the emerging EV industry, respectively in the economic, market, environmental and technological fields. Among the sixteen development restrictions outlined in this research, there are as many as eleven items which are closely bound up with government policies. The success of this unprecedented industrial revolution, therefore, relies on whether the government can create a development environment with sufficient competitive advantages, which is anxiously longed for by the EV industry. Given the facts that the R&D technologies for the battery industry are not fully mature and various industrial benchmarks are yet to be established, the “visible hands” are offered by governments, one after another, to support the industry. These government initiatives include: providing incentives for industrial R&D, stimulating the consumer market, as well as facilitating and subsidizing the EV car use and recharging infrastructure. Other supportive policies include assisting the EV industry in developing key technologies, building up business models, shaping industrial clusters, expanding recharging infrastructure, establishing the maintenance/repair systems, accommodating to the public demand on environmental quality and the changes in car-using habits, promoting the identification with the energy-saving image of EV’s, etc. All these measures have turned into a pushing force that gives momentum to the industry, as well as a pulling force that booms the market. They contribute to forming a virtuous development cycle for the EV industry in future; help to create comparative advantages in this specific field; and make impossible this new wave of industrial revolution for automobiles. At this critical stage, how would the Taiwan government lend a helping hand so that the local EV industry could gain a stake in the international automobile market in future? This is an issue widely concerned by the industry. Now, many countries are offering incentive policies to help with the development of the industry and build up consumer identification with the electric cars. The German government, particularly, has taken aggressive actions. Apart from the efforts in maintaining/improving the life quality of its people, the government also endeavors to reduce the dependency on imported oil and strengthen the competitiveness of its automobile industry, which is vital to the economic growth of the country. To realize the new economic vision of the country, the German government has developed specific plans, covering various initiatives including environmental structure, infrastructure construction and consumer education, etc. The purpose is to make Germany a leading country for the EV industry. These we believe are the “best practices” to be considered by the Taiwan government. The EV industry is yet at its preliminary stage of development. Governments, as well as EV manufacturers around the world, are all endeavoring to find the right path ahead. It is recommended, therefore, that the government of Taiwan should firstly study the policies of other countries and understand the strengths and weakness of local industries. The initial efforts should be focused on constructing infrastructures, setting up new energy policies and installing the fundamental software/hardware for a friendly investment environment, so as to support the growth of the industry. The government should, in the meantime, actively promote the electric vehicles in the domestic market, build up the unique “EV Experience of Taiwan” to help improving the relevant EV technology for the local industry. Apart from reducing the country’s dependency on imported oil, the successful popularization of EV in Taiwan will also become one of the best practices in the world and contribute to the elevation of Taiwan’s international image, having showcased its advanced technologies and strong environmental awareness. With increasing sophistication, Taiwan’s EV industry also has the capabilities to provide critical spare parts technologies and to play a role, through the potential China market, in the international standard-setting process, thereby creating further expanding possibilities for the industry.

Simultaneous Plant/Controller Optimization of Traction Control for Electric Vehicle

Tong, Kuo-Feng January 2007 (has links)
Development of electric vehicles is motivated by global concerns over the need for environmental protection. In addition to its zero-emission characteristics, an electric propulsion system enables high performance torque control that may be used to maximize vehicle performance obtained from energy-efficient, low rolling resistance tires typically associated with degraded road-holding ability. A simultaneous plant/controller optimization is performed on an electric vehicle traction control system with respect to conflicting energy use and performance objectives. Due to system nonlinearities, an iterative simulation-based optimization approach is proposed using a system model and a genetic algorithm (GA) to guide search space exploration. The system model consists of: a drive cycle with a constant driver torque request and a step change in coefficient of friction, a single-wheel longitudinal vehicle model, a tire model described using the Magic Formula and a constant rolling resistance, and an adhesion gradient fuzzy logic traction controller. Optimization is defined in terms of the all at once variable selection of: either a performance oriented or low rolling resistance tire, the shape of a fuzzy logic controller membership function, and a set of fuzzy logic controller rule base conclusions. A mixed encoding, multi-chromosomal GA is implemented to represent the variables, respectively, as a binary string, a real-valued number, and a novel rule base encoding based on the definition of a partially ordered set (poset) by delta inclusion. Simultaneous optimization results indicate that, under straight-line acceleration and unless energy concerns are completely neglected, low rolling resistance tires should be incorporated in a traction control system design since the energy saving benefits outweigh the associated degradation in road-holding ability. The results also indicate that the proposed novel encoding enables the efficient representation of a fix-sized fuzzy logic rule base within a GA.

Socio-economic factors influencing the electric vehicle buying process in Iceland

Gobczyński, Karol, Leroux, Maxime January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this research is the analysis of socio-economic factors that wouldinfluence consumer buying process of electric vehicles in Iceland. The purpose of the researchis to detect the most crucial factors influencing Icelanders decisions for and againstpurchasing an electric vehicle, instead of car with internal combustion engine. This researchverified people‟s opinions and can bring companies closer to real mindsets of Icelandicpotential buyers. Moreover, this paper might give a possibility to eliminate wrong thinkingand barriers by better adjusted marketing. Additionally, analyzed advantages might showwhat the main reason of shifting to this alternative technology is. Moreover, it shows whatmight be the customer acceptance price range.

Simultaneous Plant/Controller Optimization of Traction Control for Electric Vehicle

Tong, Kuo-Feng January 2007 (has links)
Development of electric vehicles is motivated by global concerns over the need for environmental protection. In addition to its zero-emission characteristics, an electric propulsion system enables high performance torque control that may be used to maximize vehicle performance obtained from energy-efficient, low rolling resistance tires typically associated with degraded road-holding ability. A simultaneous plant/controller optimization is performed on an electric vehicle traction control system with respect to conflicting energy use and performance objectives. Due to system nonlinearities, an iterative simulation-based optimization approach is proposed using a system model and a genetic algorithm (GA) to guide search space exploration. The system model consists of: a drive cycle with a constant driver torque request and a step change in coefficient of friction, a single-wheel longitudinal vehicle model, a tire model described using the Magic Formula and a constant rolling resistance, and an adhesion gradient fuzzy logic traction controller. Optimization is defined in terms of the all at once variable selection of: either a performance oriented or low rolling resistance tire, the shape of a fuzzy logic controller membership function, and a set of fuzzy logic controller rule base conclusions. A mixed encoding, multi-chromosomal GA is implemented to represent the variables, respectively, as a binary string, a real-valued number, and a novel rule base encoding based on the definition of a partially ordered set (poset) by delta inclusion. Simultaneous optimization results indicate that, under straight-line acceleration and unless energy concerns are completely neglected, low rolling resistance tires should be incorporated in a traction control system design since the energy saving benefits outweigh the associated degradation in road-holding ability. The results also indicate that the proposed novel encoding enables the efficient representation of a fix-sized fuzzy logic rule base within a GA.

Sistema de carregamento rápido de veículo elétrico puro /

Suarez Buitrago, Camilo Alexey January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Alberto Canesin / Resumo: Uma das principais dificuldades para a adoção dos veículos elétricos (VE) é o tempo de abastecimento (carregamento elétrico), considerado elevado quando comparado com o tempo requerido para abastecer um veículo com motor a combustão interna. O carregamento do VE típico de passageiros é geralmente realizado na residência do proprietário, ligando o carregador interno do VE em uma tomada convencional monofásica. Este método de carregamento é conhecido como de Corrente Alternada (CA), requer, tipicamente pelo menos 7 horas para fornecer uma carga completa. Por outro lado, o método de carregamento por Corrente Continua (CC) oferece tempos de carregamento entre 10 e 80 minutos. Contudo, para obter este nível de desempenho, são empregados carregadores externos de alta potência ligados de forma direta ao banco de baterias do VE. Devido ao custo e aos requerimentos de alimentação, estes carregadores rápidos são usados principalmente em aplicações públicas e comerciais. As pesquisas pelas melhores topologias a serem empregadas nos carregadores rápidos ainda são, neste ano de 2017 objeto de estudos em escala mundial. Neste contexto, este trabalho descreve a análise e implementação de um protótipo de carregador externo rápido para VE, o qual é composto por um retificador híbrido trifásico com correção ativa do fator de potência (Etapa CA-CC), seguido de um conversor tipo Buck entrelaçado (Etapa CC-CC). Na etapa CA-CC são impostas correntes de entrada senoidais, obtendo desta forma uma r... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

Sistema de carregamento rápido de veículo elétrico puro / Fast charger system for pure electric vehicule

Suarez Buitrago, Camilo Alexey [UNESP] 13 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by CAMILO ALEXEY SUAREZ BUITRAGO null (camiloalexey@gmail.com) on 2017-05-05T23:51:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CAMILO ALEXEY SUAREZ BUITRAGO.pdf: 4865572 bytes, checksum: e8593c9e425def26a441b4b919b9d371 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-05-08T16:36:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 suarezbuitrago_ca_me_ilha.pdf: 4865572 bytes, checksum: e8593c9e425def26a441b4b919b9d371 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-08T16:36:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 suarezbuitrago_ca_me_ilha.pdf: 4865572 bytes, checksum: e8593c9e425def26a441b4b919b9d371 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Uma das principais dificuldades para a adoção dos veículos elétricos (VE) é o tempo de abastecimento (carregamento elétrico), considerado elevado quando comparado com o tempo requerido para abastecer um veículo com motor a combustão interna. O carregamento do VE típico de passageiros é geralmente realizado na residência do proprietário, ligando o carregador interno do VE em uma tomada convencional monofásica. Este método de carregamento é conhecido como de Corrente Alternada (CA), requer, tipicamente pelo menos 7 horas para fornecer uma carga completa. Por outro lado, o método de carregamento por Corrente Continua (CC) oferece tempos de carregamento entre 10 e 80 minutos. Contudo, para obter este nível de desempenho, são empregados carregadores externos de alta potência ligados de forma direta ao banco de baterias do VE. Devido ao custo e aos requerimentos de alimentação, estes carregadores rápidos são usados principalmente em aplicações públicas e comerciais. As pesquisas pelas melhores topologias a serem empregadas nos carregadores rápidos ainda são, neste ano de 2017 objeto de estudos em escala mundial. Neste contexto, este trabalho descreve a análise e implementação de um protótipo de carregador externo rápido para VE, o qual é composto por um retificador híbrido trifásico com correção ativa do fator de potência (Etapa CA-CC), seguido de um conversor tipo Buck entrelaçado (Etapa CC-CC). Na etapa CA-CC são impostas correntes de entrada senoidais, obtendo desta forma uma reduzida distorção harmônica total (DHT). Nesta etapa são empregados retificadores SEPIC comutados sob corrente nula (Zero Current Switching, ZCS) controlados por uma simples modulação por histerese, em paralelo com um retificador trifásico a diodos de seis pulsos. O estágio SEPIC processa apenas uma fração da potência total entregue pelo retificador híbrido, reduzindo deste modo os esforços de corrente dos semicondutores empregados, permitindo o uso desta topologia em elevados níveis de potência. Na etapa CC-CC o conversor Buck entrelaçado é controlado por modulação de largura de pulso (Pulse-Width Modulation, PWM), permitindo assim a implantação da técnica de carregamento por corrente constante e tensão constante (Constant Current-Constant Voltage, CC-CV), comumente empregada em baterias de íons de lítio e supercapacitores (SC). Como principal resultado foi obtido o carregamento de um banco de supercapacitores de 2,54 F, com corrente constante de 20 A, variando sua tensão de 180 V a 270 V com uma duração de 40 s, obtendo uma distorção harmônica total de 3,52% na corrente de entrada, ajustando-se ao padrão IEEE 2030.1.1-2015. / One of the main barriers against electric vehicle (EV) adoption is related to the battery recharging time, which is relatively high when compared to the time required to fill up a gasoline/diesel internal combustion engine vehicle. EV charging generally is done at home, using the on-board EV charger tied to conventional single phase power inlet, this charging method is known as Alternating Current (AC) and takes at least 7 hours to provide a full charge. On the other hand, the Direct Current (DC) method offers charging times from 1.2 hours to 10 minutes. However, to reach this performance, high power off-board chargers also known as fast-chargers (FC), directly charge the EV battery bank. Due to its cost and power supply requirements FC are used only in public or commercial applications. The researches for the best FC topologies are an active area of studies over the world. This work describes the analysis and implementation of an off-board electric vehicle (EV) Fast Charger prototype. It is composed by a three-phase hybrid rectifier with power factor correction (AC/DC stage), followed by an interleaved buck converter (DC/DC stage). At AC/DC stage, sinusoidal input phase currents are imposed, and consequently low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is obtained by the use of Zero Current Switching (ZCS) SEPIC rectifiers, applying a simple hysteresis control technique, in parallel with a conventional three-phase six pulses diode rectifier. The SEPIC converters manage only a fraction of the total power delivered by the hybrid rectifier, reducing the semiconductors current stresses, and allowing the use of this topology for high power levels. At DC/DC stage, the interleaved buck converter is controlled by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), allowing Constant Current–Constant Voltage (CC-CV) charging technique, typically used for Lithium-ion (Li) batteries and Supercapacitors (SC). As main result of this implementation was obtained a charging process using constant a constant current of 20A over a supercapacitor bank of 2,54 F, raising its voltage from 180V to 270V in less than 40s, having a input phase current THD of 3,52%, fulfilling the requirements of IEEE 2030.1.1-2015 standard.

Appendage development and early distal-less regulation in arthropods : a study of the chelicerate Tetranychus urticae (Acarida)

Cyrus-Kent, Chlo January 2007 (has links)
A major goal of evolutionary developmental biology is to explore mechanisms and events underlying evolution of the myriad body plan morphologies expressed both genetically and phenotypically within the animal kingdom. Arthropods exhibit an astounding array of morphological diversity both within and between representative sub-phyla, thus providing an ideal phylum through which to address questions of body plan innovation and diversification. Major arthropod groups are recognised and defined by the distinct form and number of articulated appendages present along the antero-posterior axis of their segmented bodies. A great deal is known about the developmental genetics of limb development in the model insect Drosophila melanogaster, added to which, much comparative gene expression data and a growing body of functional genetic data is emerging for other arthropod species. Arthropod limb primordia are consistently marked by expression of the homeobox gene Distal-less (Dll), and the focus of this thesis is to compare signalling mediated by early Dll regulatory genes activity along antero-posterior and dorso-ventral embryonic axes during limb specification in Drosophila, with the activity of their orthologs in the widely disparate chelicerate, the spider mite Tetranychus urticae - interpreting new data with that available for other arthropods. Having made a detailed study of spider mite embryonic (and post-embryonic) development, to provide a basis for understanding mRNA transcription and protein activity patterns, I confirmed typical expression of Tetranychus Dll in prosomal limb primordia. I obtained limited results for the candidate antero-posterior positioning genes wingless and engrailed, although one of the two engrailed paralogs I identified is reportedly expressed in posterior segmental compartments, consistent with possible conservation of Engrailed-Wingless interactions in metameric patterning and positive regulation of Dll in arthropod limb specification. In Drosophila, wingless-dependent Dll transcription is restricted along the dorso-ventral axis by dorsal Dpp-mediated and ventral EGFR-mediated signalling gradients. Based on data from Tetranychus and other arthropods, neither dorsal nor ventral signalling regimes appear conserved outside the Drosophila system. Dll suppression in fly abdominal segments occurs due to powerful Hox (Ubx/AbdA) repression of the early Dll cis-regulatory element; this is discussed in relation to the independently evolved limbless chelicerate opisthosoma, informed by hypothetical scenarios of cis (regulatory DNA) and trans (coding sequence) evolution. Given practical difficulties and limitations encountered while working with spider mites, I offer a final assessment of the place of Tetranychus urticae as a non-model, and yet still valuable chelicerate species to consider carrying into the exciting future of evolutionary developmental biology.

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