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Dynamo / DynamoSaveby, Arvid January 2022 (has links)
This project is based on the studies we made of Eskilstuna's countryside. Engines and mechanics are a recurring interest among the population in Eskilstuna. At the same time, petrol prices are becoming more expensive and the transition to electric power is starting to pick up speed, which is positive in many ways. Working with machines and vehicles is a part of the culture in the countryside. Today, however, this phenomenon is not seen as frequently as before. This is partly because today's cars and tools look different. Frankly, today's mechanics look different and use completely different tools. You do not need forearms that look like logs, or a plethora of different keys and tools, nor do you need to have that extreme habit of mechanics. Today it is also about computer skills and being technically savvy. We have an extremely high level of technology in our things. Computerisation has struck with full force. For better or worse. Our things have become safer and friendlier to our surroundings, but also more complicated. About a 15-minute drive west of Eskilstuna along road 230 is what in the 1960s was a farmhouse but which has been transformed into what today looks like a dump site for scrap. A group of innovative car enthusiasts from Eskilstuna's countryside see here an opportunity to create a modern workshop to be able to build, repair and maintain electric cars and tools. At the same time, the building also contributes with premises that will support the local population in their everyday lives. The idea is that the building will function as an accelerator to handle the challenges that the transition to electric power entails with a focus on re-use and community, which will also be reflected in the building's simple but flexible structure. / Det här projektet är baserat på de analyser vi gjort av Eskilstunas landsbygd. Motorer och mekanik är ett återkommande intresse bland befolkningen i Eskilstuna. Samtidigt blir bensinpriserna dyrare och övergången till eldrivet börjar ta fart vilket på många sätt är positivt. Att meka med maskiner och fordon är en del av kulturen på landsbygden. Idag så ser man dock inte detta fenomen lika frekvent som förr. Det handlar dels om att dagens bilar och verktyg ser annorlunda ut. Vill man hårdra det så ser dagens mekaniker annorlunda ut och använder sig av helt andra verktyg. Det behövs inte underarmar som ser ut som stockar, eller en uppsjö av olika nycklar och verktyg och man behöver heller inte ha den där extrema vanan av mekanik. Idag handlar det också om datavana och att vara tekniskt insatt. Vi har extremt mycket teknik i våra saker. Datoriseringen har slagit med full kraft. På gott och ont. Våra saker har blivit säkrare och vänligare mot vår omgivning, men även mer komplicerade. Ungefär 15 minuters bilresa väster om Eskilstuna längs med väg 230 ligger vad som på 60-talet var en bondgård men som förvandlats till vad som idag liknar en dump-plats för gammalt skrot. En grupp nytänkande bil-entusiaster från Eskilstunas landsbygd ser här en möjlighet till att skapa en modern verkstad för att kunna bygga, reparera och underhålla elektriska bilar och verktyg. Samtidigt bidrar också byggnaden med lokaler som ska stödja lokalbefolkningen i sin vardag. Tanken är att byggnaden ska fungera som en accelerator för att hantera dem utmaningar som övergången till el-drivet för med sig med fokus på återbruk och gemenskap vilket också ska speglas i byggnadens simpla men flexibla struktur.
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Is Biogas a resource-efficient vehicle fuel forBollnäs Kommun fleet? : An emission-based comparison between the current Bollnäs Kommun fleet with aNatural Gas Vehicle based fleet.De Bortoli, Harry Ernesto January 2021 (has links)
Sweden has recently increased its efforts to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2045.The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility for Bollnäs municipality to meet itsenvironmental goals through the conversion of its current fleet to a Natural Gas Vehicle basedfleet. A CO2 emission-based comparison has been used to estimate from an environmentalstandpoint the viability of biogas as the main fuel for the Bollnäs municipality fleet. Theresults have shown how a compressed natural gas (CNG) based fleet would lower by morethan five times the estimated CO2 emission of the current fleet. The viability of a biogas fleethas been proven and further results have shown how if the CNG fuel was produced from100% renewable resources the environmental impact would be even lower. The results havealso shown how Electric Vehicles (EV) and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) from 100%renewable resources could be viable environmental alternatives but it requires furtherinvestigation from an infrastructure and economic standpoint. / <p>2021-06-04</p>
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Look under the Hood: Green Cars - Red Batteries : A human rights approach on the expanded demand of Electric Cars in the run for carbon neutrality and renewable transportationPalmgren, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
The climate crisis is an urgent threat towards people and planet, and rapid changes are needed to decarbonize the planet. The energy sector is in a current transition to renewable-based energy, which also includes a shift to electric cars. Electric cars are motivated to be the future, which will be beneficial for the economy and the environment. The industry has also received criticism, several human rights violations occur in the supply chains of the electric cars and that it is an industry that risk increasing global inequalities. This study explores the complexity of the car industry’s transition to renewable energy, based on case studies of Volvo, Mercedes, and Volkswagen, and their sustainability work related to the supply chains of electric vehicles batteries. The purpose is to show the relation between companies and power structures, as an exemplification of the possibilities for a just energy transition from fossil fuel-based energy to renewable-based energy. The findings shows that the transition is shaped by economical values, which risks broaden the gap between Global South and Global North. It emphasized that it is an issue that needs a collective effort to change the Status Quo, to create sustainable solutions based on the three pillars of sustainable development beneficial for all, not only the Global North.
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Quantitative Investment Strategies on the Swedish Stock MarketKnutsson, Jonatan, Telešova, Gabija January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the implementation of three quantitative investment strategies – the dividend yield strategy, the EV/EBITDA strategy, and the momentum strategy – within the Swedish stock market using Equal-Weighted Portfolios (EWP) and Value-Weighted Portfolios(VWP). The analysis is based on backtesting during the periods 2009 − 2022, 2001 − 2022, and 1992 − 2022, for each strategy respectively. The research aims to assess the risk-adjusted returns of these strategies and compare the performance of the EWP and the VWP. The results indicate that all the tested quantitative investment strategies beat the market. Moreover, the VWP achieve higher annual returns compared to the EWP. However, when considering risk-adjusted returns, the EWP generally demonstrate superior performance. Specifically, the EWP incorporating momentum monthly rebalancing exhibit the largest risk-adjusted returns.
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Möjligheter till energigemenskap för ett fritidshusområde : En utvärdering av förutsättningar till effektdelning och energilagring vid ett framtida mikronät i HärnösandOlars, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Planer finns till att bygga ett mikronät på Hemsön, i Härnösand. Denna studie syftar till att utreda möjligheter till detta och om möjligt identifiera var kostnadsbesparingar kan göras inför byggnationen och implementeringen av denna energigemenskap. Mikronätet kommer innefatta 18 tomter varvid sommarstugor förväntas byggas och enligt kontrakt även ska inkludera en produktionsanläggning för egenproducerad el, vilka förväntas bli solceller. En utredning har även gjorts för att finna svar på om energilagring via elfordon kan utnyttjas i stället för ett batterilager. Studien har funnit att denna typ av energilagring har potential att eliminera behovet av inköpt el under sommarmånader då solel produceras. Vidare har studien tydliggjort att implementering av detta mikronät ej tillåter en högre total produktion än 44,1 kW, vilket är betydligt lägre än först var väntat. Studiens resultat visar på att kabelskåpets impedans bör reduceras om högre produktion är önskat. Detta kräver vidare dialog med elnätsföretaget och en fortsatt utredning för detta är rekommenderat i framtiden. / Plans have arisen to build a micro grid in Hemsön, Härnösand. The purpose of this study is to evaluate possibilities for solutions and identify ways to save on costs during the building and implementation of the micro grid. The grid will contain 18 building plots where vacation homes may be built, which by contract shall include energy production assumingly solar panels. An investigation has also been conducted regarding if electric vehicles can be used for energy storage instead of batteries. During the study it has been found that energy storage through electric vehicles has the potential to eliminate the need to buy electricity during the summer months when solar power is produced. Furthermore, the study has shown that the maximum total production of solar power for the micro grid is 44,1 kW which is less than first expected. It has been found that the impedance needs to be reduced if a higher production is wanted. To resolute this, a dialogue needs to be held with the power supplier which is recommended going forward.
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Exploring the Potential of Crowdfunding for EV-Charging Infrastructure Development : A Strategy for Collaborative Financing of EV Charging Points in Sweden / Studie på potentialen för crowdfunding för utveckling av elbil-laddningsinfrastruktur : En strategi för samfinansiering av elbil-laddningsstationer i SverigeBrew, Anton, Zetterberg, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
All over the world, raising concerns about energy conservation and the environmental impacts of greenhouse gas emissions has promoted the development of a sustainable mobility transition. Successful electric vehicle (EV) deployment plays a vital role in this manner but is still facing obstacles, where public charging infrastructure is one of them. Additionally, digitization is transforming and introducing new industries worldwide, contributing with new constructs to be used in the evolving transition. Simultaneously, technology is surpassing the competition, and is one of the most potent transformational force affecting customer relations in the energy sector, leading to customers anticipating more from the power utility companies. To attain a long-termsustainable competitive advantage, firms have to retain, sustain, and nurture their customer base. To do so, corporations have comprehended the value of embracing customer-centric incentives, enabling them to capture more indirect business values. Furthermore, this thesis was done in collaboration with a power utility company, referred to as ‘Org X’ or ‘the CPO’. Influenced by the reasoning above, it investigated the opportunity to create indirect business values through a demand-driven roll-out of the national charging infrastructure with the use of crowdfunding. This was achieved by adopting an exploratory methodology approach, where a mixed inductive-deductive design was used. A multi-method qualitative data collection was made; consisting mainly of semi-structured-, and unstructured interviews with experts in the field. Thus, a profound perspective of the EV-charging market landscape was attained, which enabled adequate reasoning when proposing a strategy approach for the cause. Additionally, quantitative secondary data was used to develop a tool for an initial location evaluation, that is part of the recommended approach. This tool was also used to enhance the understanding of the national EV-charging market landscape, the customer segments, as well the potential market for a co-creating platform. The findings suggest that the perceived readiness level of crowdfunding charging infrastructure varies depending on what aspect that is being accommodated. A platform that connects stakeholders is encouraged by actors in the field, but crowdfunding through solely end-users is questioned as close proximity to the end-user’s location is a key-factor regarding motivation to fund a charging point. A ‘Tier based framework’, that facilitates this transition was therefore developed and evaluated. Additionally, the framework was considered in the market analysis case study, which further included a recommended implementation and communication approach. If used accordingly, this framework could bring both indirect- and direct business values to the power utility company in question, as well as the involved stakeholders. / Oro över energieffektiviseringar och miljökonsekvenser från utsläpp av växthusgaser världen över har främjat utvecklingen av ett hållbart energisystem. En framgångsrik marknadspenetration av elbilar (EVs) har en viktig roll i denna aspekt, men står fortfarande inför hinder där publik laddningsinfrastruktur är en del av problemet. Digitaliseringen leder till transformation och nya industrier vilket bidrar med ytterligare konstruktioner som används i övergången till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Samtidigt driver teknikutvecklingen till ökad konkurrens och har en kraftfull påverkan på vad kunderna förväntar sig från företagen. För att uppnå mer långsiktigt hållbara konkurrensfördelar måste företag sträva efter att behålla, upprätthålla och ta hand sin kundbas. Företag börjar förstå det ökade värde som finns i att utöva mer kundcentrerade incitament och strategier, vilket potentiellt bidrar till mer indirekta affärsvärden. Denna uppsats är i samarbete med ett Svenskt energiföretag, följaktligen refererat till som 'Org X' eller 'CPO'. Baserat på resonemanget ovan, har möjligheten att skapa indirekta affärsvärden genom verkställandet av en mer efterfrågedriven utveckling av den nationella elbilsladdning infrastruktur med hjälp av crowdfunding undersökts. Detta uppnåddes genom att använda ett utforskat tillvägagångssätt, där en blandad induktiv-deduktiv design användes. En kvalitativ datainsamling gjordes på flera sätt; huvudsakligen bestående av semistrukturerade och ostrukturerade intervjuer med experter inom området. Således uppnåddes ett djupgående perspektiv på av elbilsladdning marknaden vilket möjliggjorde sakliga resonemang kring den presenterade och rekommenderade strategin. Ytterligare användes kvantitativ sekundärdata för att utveckla ett verktyg för en initial plats bedömning, vilket är en del av den rekommenderade strategin. Detta verktyg användes dessutom för att öka förståelsen för den nationella elbilsladdning marknaden, kundsegmenten, liksom den potentiella marknaden för en samskapande plattform. Resultaten tyder på att den upplevda beredskapsnivån att crowdfunda laddningsinfrastruktur varierar beroende på plats och kundgrupp. En plattform som ansluter intressenter uppmuntras av aktörer på marknaden, men crowdfunding genom enbart slutanvändare ifrågasätts då närhet till slutanvändarens läge är en nyckelfaktor när det gäller motivationen att medverka i finansieringen. Därav har ett tier based framework utvecklats och presenterats, som bör underlätta transformationen mot en mer kunddriven affärsmöjlighet. Dessutom beaktades ramverket i fallstudien för marknadsanalysen, som ytterligare inkluderade en rekommenderad strategi för implementering och kommunikation. Om den används i enlighet bör ramverket ge både indirekta och direkta affärsvärden till det aktuella energi företaget, liksom till berörda intressenter.
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A Discrete Choice Mean Variance (EV) Cost Model to Measure Impact of Household Risk from Drinking Water Pipe CorrosionSarver, Eric Andrew 08 June 2017 (has links)
In traditional investment decision making, one tool commonly used is the mean variance model, also known as an expected-value variance (EV) model, which evaluates the anticipated payout of different assets with respect to uncertainty where portfolios with higher risk demand higher expected returns from an individual. This thesis adapts this framework to a cost setting where decision makers are evaluating alternative physical assets that carry lifetime cost uncertainty for maintenance. Specifically, this paper examines homeowner choices for their home plumbing systems in the event of a pinhole leak, a tiny pin-sized hole that forms in copper, drinking-water pipes. These leaks can cause substantial damage and cost homeowners thousands of dollars in repairs. Since pinhole leaks are not related to the age of pipe material, a homeowner is subject to the risk of additional costs if a pinhole leak occurs again despite their repair efforts.
The EV cost model in this paper defines two discrete choices for the homeowner in the event of a leak; to apply a simple repair at lower cost and higher future cost uncertainty, or to replace their plumbing with new pipe material, usually made of plastic, at a higher upfront cost but lower likelihood of future expenses. The risk preference of homeowners are demonstrated by their repair strategy selection, as well as the level of cost they incur to reduce uncertainty. Risk neutral individuals will select the repair strategy with the lowest lifetime expected cost and high variance, while risk averse homeowners will prefer to replace their plumbing with higher cost but lower variance. Risk averse individuals are also exposed to indirect costs, which is an additional unobserved cost in the form of a risk premium the homeowner is willing to pay to remove all uncertainty of future pinhole leak expense.
Expected costs and variances are also higher for regions in the U.S. that experience elevated leak incident rates, known as hotspots. Using this mean variance cost framework, indirect cost can be quantified for homeowners in hotspot regions and compared to the rest of the U.S. to evaluate the magnitude of pinhole leak risk. The EV cost model estimates risk premiums on pinhole leaks to be $442 for homeowners in hotspots and $305 for those in the rest of the U.S. Finally, this paper examines the impact of pinhole leak cost uncertainty on the U.S. economy. Of an estimated $692 million in annual pinhole leak costs to homeowners, this study estimates a lower bound cost of $54 million per year (7.8% of estimated national annual cost) in risk premium that homeowners would be willing to pay to avoid pinhole leak cost uncertainty.
Information in this study on the role of risk in home plumbing decisions and indirect costs would be helpful to policymakers and water utility managers as they deal with infrastructure management decisions. Furthermore, the EV cost methodology established in this paper demonstrates an effective use of mean variance modeling under cost uncertainty. / Master of Science / This paper examines homeowner choices for their home plumbing systems in the event of a pinhole leak, a tiny pin-sized hole that forms in copper, drinking-water pipes. These leaks can cause substantial damage and cost homeowners thousands of dollars in repairs. Since pinhole leaks are not related to the age of pipe material, a homeowner is subject to the risk of additional costs if a pinhole leak occurs again despite their repair efforts. This paper also examined costs in regions of the U.S. that experience elevated leak incident rates, known as hotspots.
There were two primary choices assessed in this study for homeowners facing pinhole leaks: to either apply a simple repair today at lower cost but take on a higher chance of more pinhole leaks; or to replace their plumbing with new pipe material, usually made of plastic, at a higher overall cost but lower risk of another leak.
Using a cost focused investment analysis, it was estimated that homeowners selecting the ‘safer’ replacement strategy would be willing to pay a minimum of $305 in additional cost if able to eliminate all possibility of another leak compared to those who opted for the more ‘riskier’ repair choice. Additionally, homeowners who live in hotspot regions who selected the replacement strategy were estimated to be willing to pay a minimum of $442 in additional cost to avoid pinhole leaks. At a national level, these pinhole leak-avoiding premiums equate to $54 million, about 7.8% of the estimated $692 million in costs spent on fixing pinhole leaks by U.S. homeowners each year.
Information in this study on homeowner preferences and pinhole leak would be helpful to policymakers and water utility managers as they deal with infrastructure management decisions.
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Development of a Series Parallel Energy Management Strategy for Charge Sustaining PHEV OperationManning, Peter Christopher 09 July 2014 (has links)
The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team of Virginia Tech (HEVT) is participating in the 2012-2014 EcoCAR 2: Plugging in to the Future Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition series organized by Argonne National Lab (ANL), and sponsored by General Motors Corporation (GM) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The goals of the competition are to reduce well-to-wheel (WTW) petroleum energy consumption (PEU), WTW greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria emissions while maintaining vehicle performance, consumer acceptability and safety. Following the EcoCAR 2 Vehicle Development Process (VDP) of designing, building, and refining an advanced technology vehicle over the course of the three year competition using a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu donated by GM as a base vehicle, the selected powertrain is a Series-Parallel Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) with P2 (between engine and transmission) and P4 (rear axle) motors, a lithium-ion battery pack, an internal combustion engine, and an automatic transmission.
Development of a charge sustaining control strategy for this vehicle involves coordination of controls for each of the main powertrain components through a distributed control strategy. This distributed control strategy includes component controllers for each individual component and a single supervisory controller responsible for interpreting driver demand and determining component commands to meet the driver demand safely and efficiently. For example, the algorithm accounts for a variety of system operating points and will penalize or reward certain operating points for other conditions. These conditions include but are not limited to rewards for discharging the battery when the state of charge (SOC) is above the target value or penalties for operating points with excessive emissions. Development of diagnostics and remedial actions is an important part of controlling the powertrain safely. In order to validate the control strategy prior to in-vehicle operation, simulations are run against a plant model of the vehicle systems. This plant model can be run in both controller Software- and controller Hardware-In-the-Loop (SIL and HIL) simulations.
This paper details the development of the controls for diagnostics, major selection algorithms, and execution of commands and its integration into the Series-Parallel PHEV through the supervisory controller. This paper also covers the plant model development and testing of the control algorithms using controller SIL and HIL methods. This paper details reasons for any changes to the control system, and describes improvements or tradeoffs that had to be made to the control system architecture for the vehicle to run reliably and meet its target specifications. Test results illustrate how changes to the plant model and control code properly affect operation of the control system in the actual vehicle. The VT Malibu is operational and projected to perform well at the final competition. / Master of Science
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Powering the Future : Electric Vehicle Charging Needs and Infrastructure in Uppsala’s Southeast DistrictLundin, Hanna, af Ekenstam, Sofia, Stensvad, Louise, Sterner, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Uppsala Municipality is planning to build the southeast city district (SÖS), aiming to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 and climate positivity by 2050. In this thesis, the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) and charging infrastructure was investigated. It also examined the power demand, and the potential of photovoltaic (PV) production in combination with a battery storage system in SÖS, and its ability to reduce power peaks. The study was delimited to only incorporating charging demand in mobility houses, not from the private parking spots, as well as excluding alternative fossil-free vehicle options. Utilizing a stochastic model and data from Copenhagen and Stockholm, using trends for car pools and EV ratio, two scenarios were designed to forecast the spread of EVs and their impact on the power grid in SÖS by 2050. Since SÖS consists of both residential housing and workplaces, three different simulations were created to take their differences in mobility pattern into account. The two scenarios generated a different number of EVs, which resulted in a varied amount of charging points. Furthermore, the difference in EVs and mobility patterns showed different values of power demands and power peaks. PV panels combined with a battery storage system were able to both reduce the daily power demand, as well as the power peaks. For the sensitivity analysis, different sizes of the battery storage were examined. Finally, this report presents guidance for how to manage the challenges with an increased power demand from the more extensive use of EVs.
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Sustainable Tourism Mobility on Gotland with the Main Focus on Electric VehiclesLiu, Zhaoyi January 2022 (has links)
This paper explores Gotland’s sustainable tourism mobility from a qualitative perspective in order to better understand how tourists choose their mode of transport in a sustainable way. Tourism transport accounts for the majority of tourism-related CO2 emissions compared to other tourism-related activities. There three types of tourists, real tourist, second-home owner, and residents of Gotland s are chosen to be the target groups investigated in this paper. Both private and public transport were included in order to get a more holistic view within sustainable tourism mobility in Gotland. Sustainable private transport mainly refers to driving in an electric vehicle (EV) or a biogas vehicle (BGV). Public transport refers to bus transport in Gotland. Behavioral change and effective policies are the two possible ways to make positive contribution to reduce those emissions. However, both positive and negative signs have shown that instigating behavioral change and formulating an effective policy within tourism industry can be taken longer time than expected to achieve the goal made by the municipality of Gotland, known as Region Gotland. For this paper, 4 interviews were conducted by interviewing 5 local experts all of whom are working in the field of sustainable tourism mobility. Their insightful thoughts could make this study more reliable and discerning. When it comes to process of data collection and data analysis, data were coded and analyzed using thematic approach. The study result reveals the need of forming the personal identity of tourist leaning toward sustainability and that identity plays a crucial role in travel planning and tourist-government communication. Therefore, the suggestions are made based on tourist behaviors and communications between various stakeholders. The result shows three most-likely happened events which are social campaigns, resource allocation with the support of tourism industry, and smart public charging networks planning
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