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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Upplevelser vid förändring" : En studie som belyser barn- och ungdomars upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ 1. / Experiences during change : A study that highlights the experiences of children and adolescents with diabetes type 1.

Bramer, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
Diabetes typ 1 kännetecknas av kroppens oförmåga att framställa insulin. Cellerna förstörs gradvis och insulinproduktionen avtar. SYmtom vid uppkomst av diabetes är törst, trötthet, dimsyn, viktnedgång, förhöjda plasmaglukosvärden samt glukoskoncentration i urinen. Forskningen om barns upplevelser vid diabetes typ 1 är begränsad därför behövs det kunskap om barnens upplevelser när de bemöts inom hälso- och sjukvård och i samhället. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa barn och ungdomars upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ 1. Litteraturstudien bestod av totalt elva resultatartiklar. Databearbetningen genererade kategorier; oro och rädsla, Känsla av utanförskap, Upplevelser vid förändring av kost, Upplevelser av sociala aspekter samt Upplevelser vid specialiserad egenvård. Resultatet visade att barn i olika åldrar har olika upplevelser vid diabetes typ 1. Känslor som rädsla och oro uppkom ofta vid egenvård. Undervsining kring diabetes typ 1 behövs i olika omgångar vid flera tillfällen med några års mellanrum. För att kunna bemöta barnens behov krävs fortsatt foskning som ger fördjupad kunskap kring barnens upplevelser. Sjuksköterskan bör ta hänsyn till barnets upplevelser och på så sätt ge barnet de stöd somk han/hon behöver. / Diabetes type 1 is characterized by the body´s inability to produce insulin. The cells are gradually destroyed and the insulin production is decreased. Initial symptoms of diabetes are thirst, fatigue, blurred vision, weightloss, elevated plasma glucose levels and glucose concentration in urine. Research on children´s experiences in type 1 diabetes is limited therefore require knowledge of children´s experiences when they are treated in healthcare and in community. The purpose of this study was to examine children and young people´s experiences of living with type 1 diabetes. Literature consisted of a total of eleven performance articles. Data processing generated categories: Worry and fear, Feelings of alienation, Experiences the change of diet, Experienced of social aspects and Experiences in a specialized self-care. The results showed that children of different ages have different experiences with diabetes type 1. Feelings of fear and anxiety appeared frequently in self-care. Education is needed several times every few years. Further research that provides deeper knowledge about children and adolescents experiences is needed. Nurses should consider the child´s experiences and give the child the support he/she needs.

Vuxnas upplevelser av att leva med hemodialys : En litteraturöversikt / Adults experiences of living with hemodialysis : A literature review

Jakobsson, Malin, Ström, Liza January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: När en person drabbats av kronisk njursvikt är dialysbehandling eller njurtransplantation de enda alternativen för överlevnad. Välbefinnandet kan komma att påverkas av den livsomställning som krävs för vårdsökande personen. Behandling med hemodialys är tidskrävande och påfrestande då den innebär begränsningar i det dagliga livet.Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser av att leva med och hemodialys. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med en integrerad analys utifrån 10 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Resultatet beskrivs genom två underkategorier; Välbefinnande som beskriver de positiva aspekterna vårdsökande upplevde i det dagliga livet samt vikten av stöd från familj och vänner. Illabefinnande som beskriver vilka begränsningar och restriktioner som vårdsökande upplevde i det dagliga livet samt påverkan på dagliga aktiviteter som uppstod i samband med behandlingen. Välbefinnande innehar två underkategorier och illabefinnande innehar fyra underkategorier. Slutsatser: Välbefinnandet påverkades hos vårdsökande personer. Stöd från familj och vänner samt vårdpersonal ansågs som värdefullt. Återkommande faktorer som ansågs påfrestande var känslan av konstant törst samt svårigheten att leva som önskat / Background: For a person who’s suffering from chronic renal failure, are dialysis or kidney transplant the only option for survival. The well-being can be affected by the life adjustment that is required of the patient. Treatment with hemodialysis is time-consuming and stressful as it involves limitations in daily life. Aim: To describe the experiences of living with hemodialysis. Method: Literature review with an integrated analysis based on 10 scientific articles. Results: The results are described in two categories; Well-being that describe the positive aspects which patients experienced in daily life and the importance of support from family and friends. Malaise that describes the limitations and restrictions that patients experienced in daily life and the impact on daily activities that arose in connection with the treatment. Well-being contains two subcategories and malaise contains four subcategories. Conclusions: The well-being impacted the patients. Support from family and friends as well as from health professionals were considered as valuable. Recurring factors considered stressful was the feeling of constant thirst and difficulty of living as desired.

HIV - det drabbar inte mig : - En innehållsanalys baserad på biografier / HIV - it will not happen to me : - A content analysis based on biographies

Andrén, Cecilia, Hugo, Beatrice, Petersson, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hiv är ett kroniskt virus som angriper immunförsvaret. Det råder stor okunskap kring hiv samt en hel del fördomar och stigmatisering i samhället gällande de som är hiv-positiva. En diagnos medför en stor livsomställning och en transition genomgås. Det ligger i sjuksköterskans profession att bemöta varje person och hjälpa dem i den övergång som sker samt ge information angående hälso- och smittorisker. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevelsen av att få ett positivt hiv-besked och hur diagnosen hanteras. Metod: Innehållsanalys av biografier används för att belysa personernas subjektiva upplevelser. Resultat: I resultatet framkommer tre teman.  Att få döden som följeslagare; där det framkommer att beskedet är sammankopplat med olika känslor och är unikt för varje person, döden står i centrum.  Att stänga dörren eller komma ut; valet att leva öppet med sin sjukdom eller hålla den hemlig är kopplat till stigmatisering.  Slutet på livet eller början på något nytt; hur personerna hanterar och accepterar situationen så en transition kan genomgås. Slutsats: Med arbetet kan en ökad förståelse för hiv-smittade personer uppnås. Genom att öka kunskapen kring hiv bland vårdpersonal kan en mer individuell vård ges till dessa personer. / Background: Hiv is a chronic illness which attacks the immune system. There is an ignorance around hiv and prejudices and stigmatisation in the community regarding the hiv-positives. A diagnosis brings a life adjustment and the person goes through a transition. The nursing profession contains the meeting with individuals and helps them through the transition and give information about risks of health and infection. Aim: Describe the experience of knowledge about a positive hiv-diagnosis and the management of the diagnosis. Method: A content analysis of biographies uses to illustrate the individuals subjective experiences. Results: Three themes arrives in the result. Death as follower; it reveals that the announcement of the hiv-diagnosis is linked to different feelings and it’s unique for each person, death is crucial. Close the door or come out; the choice to live openly with the disease or keep it as a secret is connected to stigmatization. The end of life or the beginning of something new; how to deal with and accept the situation so a transition can lives through. Conclusion: This study can contribute to an increased comprehension forpeople who lives with hiv.  The knowledge about the diagnosis could contribute to a more individual medical care.

Den ultimata förlusten : Att förlora ett barn i cancer

Lidman, Nathalie, Sjölund, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Varje år drabbas cirka 300 familjer i Sverige av någonting ingen familj bör få uppleva; att ett barn får en cancerdiagnos. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva mödrars upplevelser efter att förlorat ett barn i cancer. En kvalitativ design valdes och textmaterialet samlades in utifrån fem bloggar. Studien utgick från en deduktiv ansats med Antonovskys salutogena modell, känsla av sammanhang (KASAM), som teoretisk utgångspunkt. För att komma år den underliggande innebörden användes latent tolkning. Resultatet delades in i tre huvudkategorier; upplevelsen av begriplighet, upplevelsen av hanterbarhet och upplevelsen av meningsfullhet. I resultatet framkom bland annat att bloggskrivandet och kvarlevande syskon stärkte graden av KASAM. Bristande KASAM upptäcktes hos mödrarna då de hade oförståelse om varför deras barn avlidit, vilket ledde till negativa känslor. Författarna anser att mödrarna i bloggstudien upplever en god KASAM med en ovanlig kombination av komponenterna. För att sjuksköterskan ska kunna göra det möjligt att hjälpa närstående att hantera, vad som kan vara en svår och förödande tid, krävs vidare utbildningar kring sorghantering. / Every year, about 300 families in Sweden faces something no family should have to experience; that a child is diagnosed with cancer. The purpose of this study was to describe mother’s experiences after having lost a child to cancer. A qualitative design was chosen and the text material was acquired from five different blogs. The study proceeded from a deductive approach, using Antonovsky´s salutogenic theory; Sense Of Coherence (SOC) as the theoretical base. Latent interpretation is used to access the underlying meaning. The results were divided into the three main categories; the experience of comprehensibility, the experience of manageability and the experience of meaningfulness. For instance, it was found that blog writing and surviving siblings strengthened the degree of SOC. Insufficient SOC was discovered amongst mothers who couldn’t comprehend why their child had died, which led to negative feelings. The authors believe that the mothers in the blog study experienced a good SOC with an unusual combination of components. Additional training for nurses regarding grief management is required, to be able to help families through this difficult and devastating period of their lives.

Patienters upplevelser av att vårdas på en akutmottagning : -en litteraturöversikt / Patients experiences of being cared for in an emergency department.

Brisenheim, Therese, Hagsköld, Ylva January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdpersonalen på en akutmottagning har stora krav på sig, ansvar för många patienter och måste fatta många egna beslut, ibland med mycket kort betänketid. Vårdpersonalen möter många olika patienter med olika problem och personligheter, och måste bemöta varje patient så att denne känner sig bekräftad och sedd. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att undersöka patienters upplevelse av att vårdas på en akutmottagning. Metod: Artiklar till arbetet har söks i olika databaser. Aktuella artiklar har lästs och relevanta fynd har markerats, för att analyseras och sammanställa ett resultat. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre underrubriker: Information, Bemötande och Vårdmiljö, med uppdelning av positiva och negativa upplevelser. Många patienter var nöjda med vården, men hade låga förväntningar från början. Patienterna har förstående för personalens tuffa arbetsmiljö, men önskade att få bättre information om väntetid och undersökningar. De tyckte att väntetiden var för lång, och kände sig ofta ensamma och övergivna. Slutsats: Mycket behöver förändras för att patienterna ska få en mer positiv upplevelse av akuten. Detta arbeta kan hjälpa till att belysa vilka punkter som vården måste arbeta extra mycket med för att patienterna ska känna sig trygga, exempelvis bättre information om väntetider och ett bemötande där sjusköterskan ser hela patienten. / Background: The demands and expectations on a nurse in the emergency room are high. They are responsible for many patients and have to make many decisions on their own, sometimes with very short reflection time. They face a wide variety of patients with different problems and personalities, each requiring their own method of approach and interaction in order for him or her to feel acknowledged. Aim: The aim of the literature review is to examine patient's experiences of being cared for in an emergency room. Method: Articles for the work has been searched in different databases. Articles in-question has been read and the relevant finding has been highlighted, to analyze and compile the results. Results: The analysis resulted in three subheadings: Information, Treatment and Care environment, with sectioning of positive and negative experiences. Many patients were satisfied with the care, but had low expectations from the start. Conclusion: There is much that needs to be changed to allow patients to have a more positive experience of the emergency room. Care units must work harder with to ensure that patients will feel secure and safe, for example, better information on waiting times and a treatment where the nurse sees the whole patient.

"Att man är närvarande så att dom känner att jag finns där för dom, att dom inte känner att det är någon som hela tiden säger att jag kommer snart" : Barnmorskors upplevelser och erfarenhet av vårdmötet med  förlossningsrädda kvinnor i aktiv förlossning / "That one is present, so that they know that I am there for them, that they do not feel that there is someone who constantly says that I come soon ” : Midwives experiences in the care meeting with tocophobic women in active labor

Vesterberg Östlund, Anna, Lindmark, Malin January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: att belysa barnmorskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av vårdmötet med förlossningsrädda kvinnor under aktiv förlossning. Design: kvalitativa intervjuer som analyserades med innehållsanalys. Lokalisation: studien utfördes på en mellanstor förlossningsklinik i Norra Sverige.  Deltagare: sex barnmorskor anställda och i aktiv tjänst på förlossningsavdelningen.  Resultat: tre beskrivande kategorier framkom; Att uppfatta och respektfullt bemöta rädsla; Att skapa en tillitsfull relation och Att utvecklas i professionen. Slutsats: Resultatet visade att barnmorskorna betraktade förlossningsrädsla som något normalt och uttryckte att de flesta kvinnor bar på någon form av oro och rädsla. Tillit och närvaro uttrycktes som viktiga grundförutsättningar för ett bra vårdmöte med en förlossningsrädd kvinna, och barnmorskorna efterfrågade forum i verksamheten som kunde främja deras professionella utveckling.  Praktiska implikationer: Resultatet tyder på att barnmorskor saknar regelbunden reflektion och handledning som en möjlighet att utvecklas och stärkas i vårdmötet med den förlossningsrädda kvinnan. / Objective: to highlight midwife's experience of care meeting with women with fear of childbirth. Design: qualitative interviews analyzed using content analysis.  Settings: the study was conducted on a medium sized childbirth clinic in Northern Sweden.  Participants: six midwives employees in active service at the delivery ward. Findings:Three descriptive categories emerged; To perceive and respectful response to fear; To create a trusting relationship and To develop in the profession.  Key conclusion: The results showed that midwives regarded the fear of childbirth as something normal and expressed that most women wore some form of fear. Presence and dialogue emerged as key prerequisites for a trusting relationship with the childbirth scared woman and midwives demanded forums in the business who could promote their professional development. Implications for practice:The results suggest that midwives have no regular reflection and tutoring as an opportunity to develop and strengthen the health care encounter with the woman with fear of childbirth

Improvisation through Dalcroze-inspired activities in beginner student jazz ensembles : a hermeneutic phenomenology / Dewald Hattingh Davel

Davel, Dewald Hattingh January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation investigated the meanings students from beginner jazz ensembles ascribe to learning jazz improvisation through Dalcroze-inspired activities. Over the course of ten weeks, students from three respective beginner jazz ensembles were exposed to Dalcroze-inspired activities as the medium for learning to improvise. The sessions were held on a weekly basis, facilitated by the researcher. Hermeneutic phenomenology guided the research procedures. In-depth interviews, personal reflections, participant reflection essays as well as video recordings were the methods of data collection. Through the use of Atlas.ti 7, the data were organized and analysed by means of coding and categorisation, which led to the identification of five themes. The five themes that emerged from the data analysis were: feeling the music in my body, supporting development as a jazz musician, building character, building relationships, and stimulating and motivating learning. This study provides an understanding of the connection between jazz improvisation and Dalcroze Eurhythmics as well as how students experience learning jazz improvisation through Dalcrozeinspired activities. Through this understanding this study proposes a more holistic approach to jazz improvisation teaching that can inform further research and application of Dalcroze Eurhythmics in jazz pedagogy. / MMus (Musicology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The lived experiences of adolescents with barriers to learning who participate in an alternative assessment programme / Karin Adriana Bursey

Bursey, Karin Adriana January 2015 (has links)
South Africa has adopted the international trend towards inclusive education. The result is an increasing number of learners with barriers to learning accommodated in mainstream schools. Alternative assessment programmes make provision to address the barriers to learning of these learners during formal assessments. Alternative assessment programmes are a good start to afford learners with barriers to learning a fair chance to impart their knowledge. However, the programmes are adult driven and, as the users of these programmes, we need to consider the learners’ views also. Knowledge of their experience will increase understanding of their needs, which in turn will help to refine the programmes and adjust the programmes to these needs. General aim of the study: to explore the lived experience of learners with barriers to learning, who participated in an alternative assessment programme in a mainstream high school in the Western Cape, in a qualitative way, through a phenomenological design. The phenomenological design provided a deeper understanding of the learners’ experience of the alternative assessment programme from the learners’ viewpoint. We held unstructured, individual interviews with the eight participants who consented to participate in the study. As requested, the participants made collages of their experiences of the alternative assessment programme in a group setting, prior to the interviews. Section B presents the findings of this qualitative study and relates the learners’ experience of the alternative assessment programme during test- and formal examination series. The findings highlight the importance of considering the opinions of learners with barriers, participating in an alternative assessment programme. / MSc (Master of Social Work), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Exploring experiences of active ageing among older residents in a retirement village / Ismat Tarr

Tarr, Ismat January 2014 (has links)
The population of older persons has increased dramatically over the years in South Africa as well as internationally. As populations continue to age, the concept of active ageing has received increasing attention from researchers. Active ageing can be defined as the process of optimising older persons’ opportunities for health promotion, participation, and security in order to enhance their quality of life. In this definition, “health” refers to physical, mental, and social well-being. “Participation” refers to the optimisation of participation in activities such as employment, education, the arts, and religion, and “security” refers to ways in which the protection, dignity, and care of older persons can be maintained and improved. The distribution of older persons in South Africa by ethnic group is disproportionate with older white persons representing 21% of the total older population. Many of these white older persons reside in retirement villages resulting in their being populated by older white persons more so than by members of other ethnic groups. Retirement village policies and programmes generally incorporate an active ageing philosophy. However, most research on active ageing in retirement villages is conducted internationally, and, furthermore, it does not include the subjective experiences of older persons in these active environments. The aim of this research was therefore to explore the experiences of older residents in a retirement village with an active ageing approach. Barker’s behaviour setting theory and the continuity theory were applied in this study. The behaviour setting theory holds that the environment (retirement village) in which people function is important when explaining human behaviour and exploring the subjective experiences of older persons. The continuity theory rests on the premise that ageing is not a static process but rather an ongoing process and that continuity is a primary strategy used by people to deal with changes associated with ageing. According to this theory, people endeavour to continue with the psychological and social patterns they developed and adopted during their lifetimes. The study was conducted at a retirement village in Boksburg, Johannesburg (Gauteng, South Africa), that follows an active ageing approach, making it an ideal context for exploring the subjective experiences of older persons in an active ageing environment. The retirement village has a dedicated life style consultant who has developed specific programmes for every day of the week with time slots allocated for different activities in which older persons can participate. The programmes exclude frail people in the facility who cannot participate owing to their physical limitations. The director of the organisation that is responsible for many retirement villages, and this one in particular, contacted the researchers and asked them to explore the residents’ quality of life experiences so that the services provided to them could be adjusted if necessary. Ethical approval for the research was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee of the North-West University. The manager of the retirement village was also asked to distribute posters indicating the nature of the research. On the day of the data gathering, the participants were told about the research and that they would be required, if they wished to participate, to engage in individual interviews with the researchers and take part in the Mmogo-method®, a projective visual research method (Roos, 2008, 2012). The residents who agreed to participate gave their informed consent and confirmed that their participation was voluntary and they had been made aware that they could withdraw from the study at any time. Twenty participants were recruited for the study of whom 16 were women and four were men. The ages ranged between 65 and 80 years with an average age of 73. Two of the participants were English speaking, and the remainder were Afrikaans speaking. They were given the Mmogo-method® materials, which consisted of clay, straws, and colourful beads, and were invited to make visual representations of their lives and activities at the retirement village. The research request was, “Build something that describes your life here at the retirement village”. When all the participants had completed their visual representations, the representations were photographed and served as visual data. The researcher then asked each participant what he or she each had made and why he or she had made it. An informal group discussion was subsequently held with the 18 participants who had taken part in the Mmogo-method®. Individual in-depth interviews with two participants were conducted after the Mmogo-method® had been carried out. All the discussions were audiotaped and served as textual data. The visual data were analysed by getting the literal meanings of the visual representations from the participants in relation to the specific research request. The textual data were analysed thematically, which involved identifying, analysing, and reporting patterns or themes in the data. Different techniques, including crystallisation and member checking, were applied to ensure the trustworthiness of the research process and findings. The findings revealed that the participants were actively involved in a variety of activities on a daily basis. The activities included physical activities organised by the life style consultant or self-initiated activities such as playing tennis, doing line-dancing, going for brisk walks, working out in the gymnasium, and engaging in recreational activities such as fishing, reading, and scrapbooking. The objectives of these activities were to maintain joint flexibility, general health, and mental fitness. Some of the older residents had formalised roles in the retirement village, which they had previous experience of. The participants also took part in different social activities such as paying social visits and making friends. The spiritual activities of the participants were solitary as well as communal. The participants thus experienced the retirement village as a very busy environment with full schedules. In such an environment, people often engage in activities to distract themselves from dealing with difficult circumstances in their lives. Barker’s settings theory holds that older residents’ physical presence in an active environment influences their levels of activity and their subjective experiences. For some residents, an active environment fits into the continuation of the active life styles they developed during the course of their lives, but for others it may have implications for their psychological well-being if they do not have self-regulatory skills to navigate themselves and act merely on feeling obligated to do something. Using an active environment to deal with difficult circumstances can be either a constructive or a destructive coping strategy for older persons. The individual needs of residents should always be taken into account, and retirement villages with an active ageing approach should be aware that one size does not fit all. This study aimed to draw the attention of retirement village managers to the need to take cognisance of the experiences of older persons when implementing ageing policies in their facilities. It also shed new light on the experiences of active ageing among older residents. / MA (Clinical Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Secondary school teachers' experiences with learner teenage pregnancies and unexpected deliveries at school / Glory Duduzile Manyathi

Manyathi, Glory Duduzile January 2014 (has links)
The prevalence of learner teenage pregnancies is a winnable battle, provided the major stakeholders, namely the Departments of Education (DoE) and Health (DoH) provide joint positive efforts. The situation requires continuous effective support to the teachers that have to handle the situation of teenage pregnancies at secondary schools. In spite of the implementation of Life Orientation as a school subject, to deals with sexual behaviour, sexual health, decision making regarding sexuality, risk of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and Aids the prevalence of learner teenage pregnancies at secondary schools remains high. Health care professionals should become involved by promoting and implementing preventive measures to reduce the increase in learner teenage pregnancies in collaboration with the DoE. This will achieve a situation where there is assistance and support for vulnerable learners, and teachers that are daily exposed to learner pregnancies, as well as deliveries of babies on school premises. The intervention of health care professionals will provide quality care to learners and continuous support for teachers in all provinces, not only KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). The objective of this study is to explore and describe the teachers‟ experiences regarding learner teenage pregnancies in KZN. The study is explorative, descriptive and contextual in nature. An interpretative approach was suitable to address the research aim of this qualitative research design, namely to answer the research question: “How do secondary school teachers experience teenage pregnancies and unexpected deliveries at school?” Participants were selected by purposeful sampling strategy. Data were collected through individual interviews and the data analysis followed Tesch‟s (1990) method of systematic open coding. During the data analysis themes were identified, including for instance the overall experiences with learner teenage pregnancies, experiences related to unexpected deliveries at school and recommendations to cope with teenage pregnancies and unexpected deliveries at school. The participants were all aware of the negative consequences of learner teenage pregnancies, which include leaving school, the resulting unemployability of learners who left school early and subsequent poverty and low social economic status. Recommendations aimed at stakeholders such as the DoE and Health centre on jointly supporting secondary school teachers with respect to their experiences with learner teenage pregnancies and unexpected deliveries at school. Health professionals are requested to implement campaigns and school visits to supply contraceptive services, whereas the DoE has to emphasise and ensure that teachers understand the importance of contemporary approaches when implementing the Life Orientation curriculum that explicity deals with sexuality, sexual behaviour, sexual health, decision making regarding sexuality, risk of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections including HIV and Aids. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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