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Bachelor ThesisHailou, Chanel January 2019 (has links)
With the increase and popularity of the use of internet, hate speech has reached wider dimensions in societies. This thesis will provide empirical examples to show the relation between speech and actions. This paper will use speech-act theory and social movement theory to portray the relation between hate speech on social media and domestic terrorism inspired by far right extremist. Even though, there has been a lot of work for counter terrorism, domestic terrorism is still overlooked. Empirical sources say that domestic terrorism poses a threat as much as international terrorism. This thesis will bring light over the connections of hate speech and domestic terrorism inspired by far right extremists. It will conclude that there is an evident relation that hate speech on social media is contributing to domestic terrorism actions encouraged by far right extremism.
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Le soutien social dans les trajectoires de désengagement de l’extrémisme : parcours et points de vue d’anciens membres de groupes d’extrême droite au CanadaMartel-Perron, Roxane 04 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, les groupes d’extrême droite ont gagné une visibilité grandissante dans l’espace public au Canada comme ailleurs. Alors que chercheurs comme journalistes tentent de mieux comprendre cette mouvance diverse et évolutive, la littérature scientifique disponible demeure avant tout axé sur les groupes et les tendances plus que les mécanismes et les trajectoires individuelles. Ainsi peu de recherches sont venues s’intéresser aux processus dynamiques qui amènent les individus à rejoindre ou à quitter ces groupes. La présente recherche appréhende les trajectoires de désengagement de treize anciens membres de groupes extrémistes de droite canadiens et met en lumière leur point de vue sur ce vécu. À partir d’une méthodologie de récits de vie, nous mettons en perspective l’engagement et le désengagement de ces individus hors de différents groupes d’extrême droite et explorons le rôle du soutien social dans leurs parcours.
Alors que les chercheurs tentent de comprendre le désengagement de l’extrémisme en puisant dans les connaissances sur les thématiques de désistance et désaffiliation de groupes criminels, ou encore le désengagement de groupes marginaux, les thèmes abordés par nos sondés nous ont amenés à prendre un pas de côté et mobiliser plutôt la littérature sur le soutien social l’autodéveloppement (mutual aid and self-help). Développée autour des groupes d’entraide entre pairs de type Alcoolique Anonymes (AA), cette littérature nous permet de toucher du doigt des éléments jusqu’à présent peu explorés des trajectoires de désengagement, c’est-à-dire les différentes composantes du soutien social : le soutien affectif, l’intégration sociale (ou le soutien du réseau), le soutien à l’estime de soi, l’aide tangible, le soutien informatif et l’opportunité d’aider les autres (Cutrona & Russel, 1990).
Bien que largement idiosyncrasiques, les résultats de cette recherche démontrent que les trajectoires de sorties de l’extrémisme de droite sont parsemées de points de convergence. L’importance du soutien apporté par les proches (parents, conjointes, ami-e-s), la mise en valeur du savoir expérientiel via l’utilisation du modelage et l’opportunité d’aider les autres comme une façon de s’aider soi-même, sont quelques facteurs facilitant le désengagement qui sont explorés dans ce mémoire. / In recent years, far-right groups have gained increased visibility in Canada and elsewhere. While researchers and journalists alike are trying to better understand this diverse and evolving movement, scientific literature remains primarily focused on groups and trends rather than individual mechanisms and trajectories. As a result, little research has been done on the dynamic processes that lead individuals to join or leave these groups. This research examines the disengagement trajectories of former members of right-wing extremist groups in Canada and highlights their perspectives on this experience. Based on the life stories of thirteen former members, our paper will put into perspective their engagement and disengagement out of different far-right groups, and will explore the role of social support in their journeys.
While researchers are trying to understand disengagement from extremism by drawing on knowledge about disengagement and disaffiliation from criminal groups, or disengagement from marginal groups, the themes addressed by our respondents led us to take a step aside and instead mobilize the literature on mutual aid and self-help. Developed around peer support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), this literature allows us to highlight elements of disengagement trajectories that have so far been little explored, that is to say social support components: emotional support, social integration, self-esteem support, tangible aid, informative support and opportunity for nurturance (Cutrona & Russel, 1990).
Although largely idiosyncratic, the results of this research show that exit trajectories from extremism are dotted with points of convergence. The importance of support from close ones (parents, spouses, friends), the value of experiential knowledge through the use of modelling and the opportunity to help others as a way of helping oneself, are some of the facilitating factors explored in this thesis.
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Recognising Moral Foundations in Online Extremist Discourse : A Cross-Domain Classification Studyvan Luenen, Anne Fleur January 2020 (has links)
So far, studies seeking to recognise moral foundations in texts have been relatively successful (Araque et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2018; Mooijman et al., 2017; Rezapouret al., 2019). There are, however, two issues with these studies: Firstly, it is an extensive process to gather and annotate sufficient material for training. Secondly, models are only trained and tested within the same domain. It is yet unexplored how these models for moral foundation prediction perform when tested in other domains, but from their experience with annotation, Hoover et al. (2017) describe how moral sentiments on one topic (e.g. black lives matter) might be completely different from moral sentiments on another (e.g. presidential elections). This study attempts to explore to what extent models generalise to other domains. More specifically, we focus on training on Twitter data from non-extremist sources, and testing on data from an extremist (white nationalist) forum. We conducted two experiments. In our first experiment we test whether it is possible to do cross domain classification of moral foundations. Additionally, we compare the performance of a model using the Word2Vec embeddings used in previous studies to a model using the newer BERT embeddings. We find that although the performance drops significantly on the extremist out-domain test sets, out-domain classification is not impossible. Furthermore, we find that the BERT model generalises marginally better to the out-domain test set, than the Word2Vec model. In our second experiment we attempt to improve the generalisation to extremist test data by providing contextual knowledge. Although this does not improve the model, it does show the model’s robustness against noise. Finally we suggest an alternative approach for accounting for contextual knowledge.
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Narrativ resistens : En kvalitativ studie om mot-narrativ som källa till resiliens mot våldsbejakande islamistisk extremismNygård Mirzaei, Samira January 2020 (has links)
På senare år har forskningen om radikalisering och våldsbejakande islamistisk extremism gått från att vara starkt präglat av en säkerhetsdiskurs med top down-perspektiv och fokus på riskfaktorer till att intressera sig alltmer för skyddsfaktorer och hur resiliens – motståndskraft – skapas. I kölvattnet av detta efterlyser forskare ett bottom up-perspektiv som riktar uppmärksamheten mot den lokala nivån och den stora massan muslimer som inte har anslutit sig till extremiströrelser. Likaså lyfts betydelsen av narrativ – porträtteringar – som en viktig kunskapslucka. Denna studie syftar till att med utgångspunkt i resiliensforskningens fokus på skyddsfaktorer undersöka mot-narrativ i lokal kontext bland muslimer. Studien är en beskrivande fallstudie och genomförs med hjälp av fokusgrupper. Urvalet bygger på bakvänd logik och består av muslimer från Gottsunda som är ett område med både gynnsamma och ogynnsamma förutsättningar vad gäller förekomsten av mot-narrativ. Till skillnad från i tidigare studier inkluderas både porträtteringar av islam, muslimer och extremistgrupperingar för att ge en mer heltäckande bild. Resultaten visar att det förekom tydliga mot-narrativ inom samtliga tre undersökta teman, att mot-narrativ från tidigare studier återkom samt att fokusgrupperna hade liknande mot-narrativ sinsemellan. Även om studien inte gör anspråk på generalisering väcker resultaten flera frågor för framtida studier, bland annat huruvida studiens resultat är frukten av ett framväxande master narrative, vad det är som gör att mot-narrativ uppstår trots ogynnsamma förutsättningar samt effekterna av olika typer av mot-narrativ.
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Cine y realidad en Gaspar Noé / Cinema and reality in Gaspar NoéGamarra Reyes, Kiandra 24 February 2021 (has links)
Gaspar Noé, a French-Argentine director, is known for the controversial themes and scenes in his filmography, where violence is the first thing that stands out. However, other elements can be identified that have equal relevance in the structure of his films. The human body is one of them. Noé presents the pleasure and suffering of his characters closely so that the viewer perceives them first-hand. He seeks to shock the viewer with scenes that are difficult to see and hear. The director exhibits things in a transgressive way to show the malaise that exists within France. This thesis offers a study on the construction of reality in cinema, the representation of French society, the New French Extremism and the social, political and economic context of France, which will allow a better understanding of its environment, the audiovisual language that uses and the references that have influenced his style. Likewise, these points will serve as the basis for analyzing the director's filmography.
The analysis carried out shows that Gaspar Noé, from the beginning, exhibits a pessimistic reality that is reinforcing it over the years by showing a society that is crumbling, unhappy people whose actions are irreversible and the inevitability of destiny. This study enriches realism in film, incorporating the unconventional reality of Gaspar Noé. / Gaspar Noé, director franco-argentino, es conocido por los temas y escenas controversiales de su filmografía, donde la violencia es lo primero que destaca. No obstante, se puede identificar otros elementos que tienen igual relevancia en la estructura de sus películas. El cuerpo humano es uno de ellos. Noé presenta de cerca el placer y el sufrimiento de sus personajes para que el espectador los perciba en carne propia. Busca conmocionar al espectador con escenas difíciles de ver y escuchar. El director exhibe las cosas de una manera transgresora para mostrar el malestar que existe dentro de Francia. La presente tesis ofrece un estudio sobre la construcción de la realidad en el cine, la representación de la sociedad francesa, el Nuevo Extremismo Francés y el contexto social, político y económico de Francia, los cuales permitirán conocer mejor su entorno, el lenguaje audiovisual que utiliza y los referentes que han influido en su estilo. Asimismo, estos puntos servirán de base para analizar la filmografía del director.
El análisis realizado evidencia que Gaspar Noé, desde sus inicios, exhibe una realidad pesimista que va reforzándola con los años al mostrar una sociedad que se desmorona, personas infelices cuyas acciones son irreversibles y la inevitabilidad del destino. Este estudio enriquece el realismo en el cine, incorporando la realidad poco convencional de Gaspar Noé. / Tesis
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Perceptions of Women in the Far-Right : A Comparative Ideology Analysis of Far-Right Perceptions of Women.Eriksson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis aspires to contribute to the field of research concerning women and far-right extremism. Scholars have during recent years called attention to the surge of far-right extremism and female participation in jihadi terrorism. However, when these fields of research meet, various knowledge gaps are distinguishable. The explicit research gap that this thesis aims to fill concerns a lack of comparative research on how men and women in the extreme-right perceive women. To fill this gap, this thesis aspires to describe how women are perceived, on a sex-disaggregated basis, in the far-right extremist movement by answering the research question: How do the female far-right extremists in Proud Girls and the male far-right extremists in Proud Boys' perception of women differ? Using the gender-separated US extreme-right group Proud Boys/Proud Girls as a typical case, the study performs an ideology analysis to distinguish how the groups perceive women. Thus, this study contributes to the field by presenting a comparative analysis of how extreme right perceives women. The results of the study suggest a difference in how Proud Boys and Proud Girls perceive women as the former conveys a more misogynist perception whereas the latter adheres to a more empowering view of women.
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Pravicový extremismus v Sasku / The right extremism in SaxonyLisý, Marek January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the right-wing extremism in Federal Republic of Germany, particulary in the Free State of Saxony. The opening part presents the history of the right-wing extremism in the territory of former German Democratic Republic. The following part summarizes briefly the developement of rigth-wing extremism after the german unification. Main attention is focused on the currant course of events. One part is devoted to the strongest and most successfull extreme right-wing political party Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD), especially to its election results. The thesis further monitors the development of the NPDs political strategy and the enforcing of this strategy in to practice. A special attention is paid to the concept of National befreite Zone (nationally liberated zone). Next parts of the text describe the rapidly growing right-wing extremist subculture. The penetration of right- wing extremism into the areas of sport, music and fashion is proved on several concrete examples. There is a separate chapter devoted to the criminal activities commited by right-wing extremists. It also deals with the legislation which is aimed against the expressions of the right-wing extremism.
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Potenciál extremistických organizací v oslovování mladistvých v České republice / The extremist organisation's potential in addressing teenagers in Czech republicPapajiková, Miroslava January 2011 (has links)
THE EXTREMIST ORGANISATION'S POTENTIAL IN ADDRESSING TEENAGERS IN CZECH REPUBLIC Theses MIROSLAVA PAPAJIKOVÁ Abstract This paper is engaged in teenagers and their attitude towards the extremist organisation. The author sums up basic connotations of terms used in connection with the extremism. She acquaints readers with the best known extremist organisation in Czech republic and their methods how to address other people, namely teenagers. However, the text is focused especially on the real situation and that s why it contains an empirical part dedicated to research, where she submits and evaluates the dates obtained from questionnaires. The aim of this text is an analyse of the attitude of teenagers (without the right to vote) to the extremist organisation and vice versa the attitude of this organisation to the teenagers. The hypothesis is based on the notion that teenagers join the extremist organisation because of their dissatisfaction with the political situation and even as the absence of the right to vote.
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Islam and the Russian state : a poststructuralist approach to analysing identity and policy discourseFerrando, Paolo January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims at identifying and analysing the basic discourses constructed around Russian Islam by both the Kremlin and the three leading Muslim organisations. Starting out from the largely poststructuralist premise that identity and policy are ontologically co-constitutive, the link between the two is explored in relation to three basic discourses and their articulation into two specific policies. The Russian Muslim Self is revealed to be discursively embraced by the Kremlin as part of Russian identity by emphasising the multinational nature of the latter, the cooperation between state and Muslim organisations against the common threat of extremism and the need for religiously defined moral values to be conferred on the younger generations. The identity produced by these discourses both articulates and is legitimised by policy and points to a constant renegotiation of how Russian Islam fits into the broader identity of the Russian state.
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Narativní identita v biografických vyprávěních představitelů extremistické scény ve střední Evropě / Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central EuropeZelenda Kupcová, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe Mgr. Adéla Zelenda Kupcová Abstract: Dissertation Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe deals with analysis of biographical narratives of the extremist scene's prominent leaders in select Central European countries (the former German Democratic Republic, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary). It is based on the theory of social constructivism, and its aim is to analyze how and under what experience the leading representatives of the extremist scene construct their narrative identities, what life events have influenced their attitudes and worldviews, how they present themselves and how they understand themselves and their roles in life. It is focused mainly on the narrators' personal myths and life themes that they indicate as essential. Key words: political extremism, narrative, identity, personal myth, value, cultural pessimism
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