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Lighting the female fuse: group fusion, devoted actors, and female suicide bombersBonnin, Kayla 09 August 2019 (has links)
This thesis intends to revise and update devoted actor theory (DAT) by introducing a neglected dataset—female suicide bombers. DAT provides one such theoretical framework for understanding extremist group behavior and, to a lesser extent, suicidal bombing. DAT is largely satisfying: its claims and conclusions address relevant issues and provide compelling answers to critical questions. However, it is not without its analytical and empirical gaps. Crucially, DAT does not explicitly account for the narratives and characteristic motives of female suicide bombers—which often differ in logic, content, and tone from those of their male counterparts.
In addition, DAT assumes that people who are fused with extreme groups are willing to self-sacrifice for their group, but the theory does not account for how this fusion process transpires. Therefore, I propose two amendments to DAT that not only address theoretical issues, which arise partially from the lack of female terrorist accounts, but also creates a narrative that bridges the gap that would explain how an individual progresses from bonding to a group to making the decision to die for it. Accordingly, I also propose to theorize a psychosocial process that links the way in which individuals, specifically females, become fused to a group and edge closer to the most extreme of extremist decisions: to annihilate their bodies and selves, while at the same time annihilating or wreaking havoc upon the lives of others whom they have deemed enemies of themselves or their group.
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The Far-Right and the Use of History : Finnish fascism from the interwar period to the presentHussien, Jasmin January 2023 (has links)
The main research question of this thesis is how history is used for political gain by the far-right in Finland. The aim is to study not only the use of history but, rather, specifically, the patterns of that use. Two theories have been utilized. The first is the far-right as a milieu, as presented by Colin Campbell in the cultic milieu theory, which would shed light on the fragmentation of the milieu. And the second is the waves theory by David C. Rapoport, which would shed light on the persistence of far-right violence and militancy through time. I have utilized Pieter Geyl’s analysis of the use of history in identifying patterns of use even though it is not considered a theory per my knowledge. Methods applied are content analysis, netnography, comparative and discourse analysis. Through the utilization of these theories and methods applied to the source material, I have found that the Finnish far-right uses history in six different ways, which are centralized around both the use of national history and the predecessor’s history.
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Den mediala framställningen av Theodor Engström,Almedalsmördaren : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur Theodor Engström framställts i Aftonbladet, Expressen och Svenska DagbladetJansson, Mimmi, Olsson, Malin January 2023 (has links)
The threat of lone offenders is a growing problem in Sweden and the world. In this study, three major Swedish newspapers have been selected and analyzed based on their portrayal of a lone wolf perpetrator: Theodor Engström, the man behind the knife murder of the psychiatry coordinator Ing-Marie Wieselgren during the political week in Almedalen, 2022. Using critical discourse analysis, we found a discursive construction of Engström as an extremist, terror suspect and mentally ill. We also found that these constructions emerged at different times during the course of the reporting from the first day of the attack until the end of the trials. This contributed to a complex and diverse representation of Engström and an indication of a creative discursive practice in the media news discourse. The analysis also revealed the distribution of discourses in terms of who was allowed to speak and from which perspectives Engström is presented. The results showed that the majority of all statements and claims were made by authoritarian voices in society or presented as objective truths. Thus, we also found an assumption that unjust power structures and dominance relations are reproduced in the media news discourse. The analysis also showed that the articles predominantly focused on the specific event and the individual Engström and made little reference to other individuals, events or situations. This can be interpreted to mean that the media news discourse is dominated by one perspective and that societal problems are individualized rather than placed in a broader social context. In the analysis of the social practice, the relationship between the discursive practice and theories of stigma was examined. The results showed that the representations of Engström as responsible for the act can lead to stigmatization and that this in turn can also contribute to an individualization of social problems. The result also showed that the relationship between the text, the discursive practice and the social practice both shapes and is shaped by stigma and that this can have consequences in the form of perpetuating and reproducing stereotypical ideas about different individuals and groups. / Hotet från ensamagerande gärningspersoner är en växande problematik i Sverige och världen. I den här studien har tre stora svenska tidningar har valts ut och analyserats utifrån hur de framställt en enensamagerande gärningsman: Theodor Engström, mannen bakom knivmordet på psykiatrisamordnaren Ing-Marie Wieselgren under politikerveckan i Almedalen, 2022. Med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys fann vi en diskursiv konstruktion av Engström som extremist, terrormisstänkt och psykiskt sjuk. Vi fann också att dessa konstruktioner framkom vid olika tidpunkter under rapporteringens gång från dådets första dag fram till att rättegångarna avslutats. Detta bidrog till en komplex och mångsidig framställning av Engström och en indikation på en kreativ diskursivpraktik i den mediala nyhetsdiskursen. Av analysen framkom också hur fördelningen av diskurser sett ut i form av vilka som fått uttala sig och från vilka perspektiv som Engström framställs utifrån. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av alla yttringar och påståenden uttalats av auktoritära röster i samhället eller framställts som objektiva sanningar. Därmed fann vi också ett förmodande om att orättvisa maktordningar och dominansrelationer reproduceras i mediala nyhetsdiskursen. Analysen visade även att artiklarna övervägande fokuserade på den specifika händelsen och individen Engström och i låg grad refererade till andra individer, händelser eller situationer. Detta kan tolkas som att den mediala nyhetsdiskursen domineras av ett perspektiv samt att samhällsproblem individualiseras snarare än att sättas i en bredare social kontext. I analysen av den sociala praktiken undersöktes relationen mellan den diskursiva praktiken och teorier om stigma. Resultatet visade att framställningarna av Engström som ansvarig för dådet kan leda till stigmatisering och att detta i sin tur också är något som kan bidra till en individualisering av sociala problem. Resultatet visade även att förhållandet mellan texten, den diskursiva praktiken och den sociala praktiken både formar och formas av stigma och att detta kan få konsekvenser i form av att stereotypiska föreställningar om olika individer och grupper befästes och reproduceras.
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Blood Right: Racial Protectionism and the Problem of Christianity in American White NationalismBerry, Damon T. 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Catch Them Young: The Game Changer in the Fight Against Religious Extremism in NigeriaChukwuma, Bernard Tochukwu January 2023 (has links)
This study examined the "Catch Them Young" approach as a game-changer in the fight against religious extremism in Nigeria with the aim of fashioning a Virtue Ethics-based framework for tackling and erasing religious extremism from Nigeria, especially in its violent forms. The study utilized the qualitative methodology, designed with the Almajiri Islamic system of education practiced in Northern Nigeria as case study. In data collection, the study utilized archival research and secondary data collection, using existing datasets from paperback and electronic books, academic journals, other academic works, newspapers, websites, electronic magazines, and other available media sources. The method of analysis was thematic. The study explored the theoretical frameworks through which the question of religious extremism has been studied. The study probed the approaches which the Nigerian goverenment has applied in its response to violent religious extremism and terrorism in Nigeria. The key findings of the study showed that political interest, unemployment, poverty, deprivation, ignorance and inadequate education are the major factors contributing to religious extremism in Nigeria. The existing approaches of military means (hard power) in combating religious extremism have not worked, and a feasible, proactive, non-military (soft power) means is needed. Results equally showed the Almajiri system in it's present state as counterproductive. Based on the success of youth programs with nearly the same goals as the catch them young strategy in other fields and/or in other places, the success of the "Catch Them Young" approach in virtue or character education of the Nigerian child is a feasible game-changing stratey to pursue in fighting religious exteremism in Nigeria. One limitation of the study is the small sample size, the Almajiri of norther Nigeria, which may not be representative of the entire population of Nigeria. This study serves as a reference for creating virtue ethics-based frameworks in the fight against religious extremism in Nigeria. More research is needed to give traction to the formulation and utilization of virtue ethics-based frameworks in the fight against religious extremism, and in every other field of human endeavor in Nigeria. This makes available more material to researchers, professionals and policymakers. / Thesis (STL) — Boston College, 2023. / Submitted to: Boston College. School of Theology and Ministry. / Discipline: Sacred Theology.
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Taking the Red Pill: : A Netnographical Analysis of Neutralization Techniques within the Red Pill CommunityMilona, Evagelia January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to understand the Red Pill movement as displayed on YouTube, by exploring mechanisms used to convey these ideologies, and the extent to which these, if at all, legitimize and encourage violent acts. Netnography along with observation and transcription was used for visual and oral data collection. Thematic analysis was utilized for the analysis which was based on Sykes and Matza’s together with Cohen’s neutralization techniques. Although these techniques were found in the data, they could not effectively link to violence. Instead, three new neutralization techniques, denial of agency, appeal to biology, and appeal to greatness could be linked to violence. While the connection between cause and effect is far more complex, this study provides an insight of the neutralization techniques used within this community. The use of these techniques may weaken individual’s social controls, radicalize them, and effectively lead them to legitimize violence specifically against women.
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The Political Impact of the Rising Salafi-Wahhabi Influence in Bosnia-HerzegovinaPanos, Nicholas Christopher 14 May 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the political impact of Salafi-Wahhabism in contemporary Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) since the El Mujahed Brigade of mujahedeen introduced this puritanical Saudi form of Islam during the 1992-1995 War that broke apart the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFROY). This study employs tenets of the English School of International Relations and utilizes a historical analytic approach to identify durable features of Bosnian Muslim religious economic activity, Bosnian education, and Bosnian political processes to answer the research question: what kind of influence has Salafi-Wahhabism had on BiH society and government since the end of the 1992-1995 Balkan War? Emergent evidence captured by these variables suggests a momentum of Salafi-Wahhabism influence is developing that may undercut the sovereignty of BiH and possibly impede its European Union membership bid. As a result of this rising Wahhabi influence in several facets of Bosnian society, the aggregate level of Islamism in the country is also likely increasing. / Master of Arts
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Är polisutbildningen i Sverige samhällsrelevant? : En komparativ studie om utbildningsskillnaden kring diskriminering, extremism, fanatism, fundamentalism, hatbrott, hedersbrott, våldsbejakande grupper & terrorism vid polisutbildningarna i SverigeKaric, Dino January 2024 (has links)
Syfte med denna magisteruppsats är att överskådligt undersöka hur polisprogrammen förlagda vid de fem olika lärosäten och högskolorna/universiteten i Sverige: Högskolan i Borås, Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö, Malmöuniversitetet, Södertörns högskola samt Umeå universitet utbildar polisstuderande inom diskriminering, extremism, fanatism, fundamentalism, hatbrott, hedersbrott, våldsbejakande grupperingar och terrorism. Vidare syftar denna magisteruppsats till att utreda hur utbildningarna för polisprogrammen skiljer sig åt när det gäller det valda områden. En enkätundersökning sändes till lärarna vid respektive lärosäte. Resultaten visar på varierande svar bland lärosäten men huvudresultat är att utbildning inom diskriminering, extremism, fanatism, fundamentalism, hatbrott, hedersbrott, våldsbejakande grupperingar och terrorism är bristfällig, mer utbildning behövs inom området. / The purpose of this master's thesis is to clearly examine how the police educations located at the five different universities in Sweden: The University of Borås, Linnaeus University in Växjö, Malmö University, Södertörn University and Umeå University educate police students in discrimination, extremism, fanaticism, fundamentalism, hate crimes, honor crimes, violent groups and terrorism. Furthermore, this master's thesis aims to demonstrate how much the education for the police programs differs for the selected subject areas where a survey aimed at the teachers at the respective higher education institution was sent out and where it could be made visible to a large extent the varying answers together with the comparison of the course content from the respective higher education institution. The overall results of both my survey and also previous related research show that education in discrimination, extremism, fanaticism, fundamentalism, hate crimes, honor crimes, violent groups and terrorism is poor in the public sector in general and that more education is generally needed due to Sweden's changed demographics over time.
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Female Terrorism: A Scoping Review : Exploring the roles and motivations of women in far-right, and Islamist terrorismBrenner, Lea January 2024 (has links)
Terrorism poses a great threat for societies all over the globe. Research on the phenomenon of terrorism used to be predominantly focused on men, and if women's participation was recognized, they were oftentimes not seen as active agents of terrorism. Reasons for that are found in the stereotypical assumption that women are generally passive and/or nurturing. Not acknowleding the participation of women in terrorism is dangerous, as terrorist groups have become increasingly aware of the stereotypes and untilize them to their advantage. Therefore, this thesis aims to map the existing research on women in far-right, and Islamist terrorism, focusing on their roles and motivations. This is done by conduction a scoping review based on 19 English-language peer-reviewed articles, utilizing five online databases. The results show that even though women are holding a variety of active roles in both types of terrorism, the most prominent role is still that of the mother and wife. Research on women in Islamist terrorism illustrates a great variety of motivations, dividing between Western and non-Western women. Research on women in far-right terrorism, on the other hand, only offers indirect knowledge about their motivations. Nevertheless, the results illustrate that women are driven to participate in terrorist groups by shared ideologies and belifes, similar to men. Despite limitations, such as resorting to Western-centric research, or the challenging use of terminologies and definitions, the review holds interesting implications for future research and prevention of (female) terroism. The importance of recognizing women as valid agents of terrorism is emphasized.
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The Militancy Cycle: Exploring Violent Extremism Through The Italian Red BrigadesRicci, Erika 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation investigates the pathways leading to violent extremism, participation in violence, and judicial responses to terrorism. By comparing individuals who joined extremist groups with those who shared similar beliefs and backgrounds but did not engage in violence, the study identifies key differentiating factors. Interviews with former members of the Red Brigades and other major leftist extremist organizations active in 1970s Italy, as well as potential recruits, coupled with testimonies from sensitive archival documents, reveal that exposure to critical moments can trigger a reconsideration of normative values. When the perception of injustice is high and the fear of violence is low, this reconsideration can lead to extremism.
The research further proposes that militants' participation in violence is influenced by extra-group factors, such as isolation from family, and intra-group factors, such as violence committed by extremist organizations. Reviewing over 50,000 sensitive documents from various Italian State Archives enabled the creation of an original dataset and a Large-N analysis. The results indicate that density of social networks deter initial engagement in criminal activities and that there is a linear correlation between militants’ violence engagement and the violence inflicted by terrorist organizations across Italy, regardless of ideological stance.
Finally, judicial responses to terrorism are examined to understand how judges' evaluations of group violence and individual crimes influence sentences. Interviews with jurists and statistical analysis of original data support these findings. Jurists indirectly acknowledged that the period’s conditions affected their judicial behavior, and negative binomial models show that increased attacks and ambush injuries lead to substantially longer sentences for members of the attacking group.
The study highlights the need to understand violent extremism, noting that grievances in democratic countries can lead to violence. This is evident in the rise of right-wing extremism in North America and Europe, which can quickly escalate into violent actions.
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