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(Non-)radicalization: Why do young Muslims in Europe reject Islamic Extremism?Weidemann, Henrike January 2024 (has links)
This study addresses the research gap concerning why some Muslims in Europe reject extremist Islam and do not radicalize, despite the growing prevalence and concern of radicalization within European societies. Through semi-structured interviews with Muslims living in Europe, this research explores their attitudes towards extremist Islam and the factors influencing their rejection of such ideologies. The findings highlight the critical role of religious education, personal reflection, and supportive social surroundings. Respondents emphasized understanding Islam as a peaceful religion, advocating for personal freedom, tolerance, and intercultural dialogue. The study also notes the protective influence of family guidance and the absence of close contact with extremists. These insights align with existing models differentiating moderate and extremist Islam and suggest that fostering religious literacy and critical thinking can be effective in countering radicalization. The study's limitations, including its sample composition and potential interviewer effects, suggest the need for further research across diverse demographic groups to fully understand the mechanisms behind non-radicalization.
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The Swedish Connection : Exploring the Social Network of Violent and Violence-Promoting Islamist Extremism in Sweden and its Connections to the Global JihadGustafsson, Linus January 2012 (has links)
This study examines who is part of the Swedish network of violent and violence-promoting Islamist extremism and whether the social network is a case of „new social movement‟. Through a social network analysis of violent and violence-promoting Islamist extremists in Sweden the results shows that there is a loose Swedish network with global nodes. The social network in Sweden is analyzed through the framework of New Social Movement theory and the connections between the global jihad and the Swedish network are examined. The result is that the network cannot be seen as a case of „new social movement‟. However, several individuals of the network can be seen as part of the global jihad and therefore a case of „new social movement‟. More academic research is needed on violent and violence-promoting Islamist extremism in Sweden, especially on why and how these actors are radicalized. In addition, more research is needed on how to prevent and counter violent and violence-promoting Islamist extremism.
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Nastolení politiky boje proti extremismu / Agenda-setting of the politics of fight against extremismCharvátová, Julie January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to find the process of agenda-setting the politics of fight against extremism in the year 2009. The whole problems are researched on the basis of the Multiple Stream Theory by American scientist J. W. Kingdon and its particular modification by Nikolaos Zahariadis. This theory is based on the existence of three streams with independent development. That is problem stream, politics stream and policy stream. Under specific circumstances the three streams clash and in this case a policy window is going to be opened. Opening of the policy window is a sign for policy entrepreneurs who can influence the agenda-setting of new politics. Agenda setting takes place in the Windows called Coupling. In the context of agenda setting of the politics of fight against extremism the Problem Window is the most important. This window is created by various right wing extremist groups and its activity. The Politics Stream is created by the ideology of political parties and National Mood. The ideology of relevant political parties doesn't play any significant roles. The right wing political parties are included in the Problem Window and others relevant political parties have collective concern about rejection the manifestation of right extremism and they also have a unified interest on its...
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Анализ взаимодействия органов государственной власти Свердловской области в сфере противодействия экстремизму и терроризму : магистерская диссертация / Analysis of interaction of state authorities of the Sverdlovsk region in the sphere of counteraction to extremism and terrorismКорпусова, М. В., Korpusova, M. V. January 2019 (has links)
Актуальность темы обусловлена угрозой экстремистских и террористических преступлений, как для отдельных государств, так и для мирового сообщества в целом. Экстремисты стремятся расколоть общество и погрузить его в гражданскую войну. Для того, чтобы обезопасить общество необходимо не только бороться с конкретными экстремистскими и террористическими группировками, но и с идеями, которыми они вдохновляют других. До тех пор, пока будут распространяться экстремистские настроения, смертники по всему миру будут вдохновляться на совершение новых преступлений. В связи с этим необходимо четко выяснить существующие меры противодействия этим явлениям и разработать недостающие методы для профилактики и преодоления возникающих угроз. / The relevance of the topic is due to the threat of extremist and terrorist crimes, both for individual States and for the world community as a whole. Extremists seek to split society and plunge it into civil war. In order to protect society, it is necessary not only to fight against specific extremist and terrorist groups, but also with the ideas that they inspire others. As long as extremist sentiments continue to spread, suicide bombers around the world will be inspired to commit new crimes. In this regard, it is necessary to clearly identify existing measures to counter these phenomena and develop the missing methods to prevent and overcome emerging threats.
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Роль молодежных организаций в гармонизации межэтнических отношений и профилактике экстремизма в молодежной среде на примере Североуральского городского округа Свердловской области : магистерская диссертация / The role of youth organizations in the harmonization of interethnic relations and the prevention of extremism among young people on the example of the North Ural City District of the Sverdlovsk regionФоменко, М. А., Fomenko, M. A. January 2022 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация «Роль молодежных организаций в гармонизации межэтнических отношений и профилактике экстремизма в молодежной среде на примере Североуральского городского округа Свердловской области» состоит из введения, двух частей, заключения, библиографического списка, приложений. В теоретической части представлены особенности роли молодежных организаций в профилактике экстремизма в молодежной среде: основные понятия, теоретические подходы, проанализированы межэтнические отношения в молодежной среде: основные понятия и пути их гармонизации посредством молодежных организаций. В практической части описывается разработка программы по профилактике экстремизма и гармонизации межнациональных отношений с привлечением потенциала молодежных организаций Североуральского городского округа, обозначены особенности реализации и анализ программы по профилактике экстремизма и гармонизации межнациональных отношений в учреждении по работе с молодежью на примере Муниципального казенного учреждения «Объединение молодёжно-подростковых клубов Североуральского городского округа. В заключении подведены итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. Цель исследования – разработка программы по профилактике экстремизма и гармонизации межнациональных отношений с привлечением потенциала молодежных организаций Североуральского городского округа Свердловской области. Объем работы составил 94 страницы. В работе содержатся 4 таблицы, 8 рисунков, 1 приложение. В библиографическом списке представлен 61 источник. / The master's thesis "The role of youth organizations in the harmonization of interethnic relations and the prevention of extremism among young people on the example of the North Ural City District of the Sverdlovsk region" consists of an introduction, two parts, conclusion, bibliography, appendices. In the theoretical part, the features of the role of youth organizations in the prevention of extremism in the youth environment are presented: basic concepts, theoretical approaches, interethnic relations in the youth environment are analyzed: basic concepts and ways of their harmonization through youth organizations. The practical part describes the development of a program for the prevention of extremism and the harmonization of interethnic relations with the involvement of the potential of youth organizations of the North Ural city district, outlines the specifics of the implementation and analysis of the program for the prevention of extremism and the harmonization of interethnic relations in the institution for youth work on the example of the Municipal state Institution "Association of Youth and Adolescent clubs of the North Ural City District. In conclusion, the results are summed up in accordance with the tasks set. The purpose of the study is to develop a program for the prevention of extremism and the harmonization of interethnic relations with the involvement of the potential of youth organizations of the North Ural City District of the Sverdlovsk region. The volume of work was 94 pages. The work contains 4 tables, 8 figures, 1 appendix. The bibliographic list contains 61 sources.
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Al-Wasatiyya - medelvägen som teologiskt program i sydeuropeisk (bosnisk) och sydostasiatisk (malaysisk) kontextCajlakovic, Zekerijah January 2015 (has links)
Al-Wasatiyya - The Middle Path as theological program in Southern European (Bosnian) and Southeast Asian (Malaysian) contexts. This study examines the neglected phenomenon of al-wasitiyyah and how it relates to an Islamic theological context. This study focuses on the religious aspect of al-wasatiyyah, specifically in beliefs, actions, rituals and ethics perspective, social and interpersonal relationships. The main purpose of this study is to describe, clarify and critically examine the phenomenon of al-wasatiyya as a theological program, and practices in Europe, namely in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeast Asia, Malaysia. The material for the investigation consists of some relevant literature, scientific articles, and open-ended interviews with prominent researchers in al-wasatiyya from the chosen countries of research. The methodology used in the study is a qualitative textual analysis of the open individual interviews. The analysis and its results provide us with specific answers to the following question: how the concept of al-wasatiyya can be understood in an Islamic theological context, and then displays its scale, interpretations and practices. There are similarities as well as differences between the Southern European and Southeast Asian perspectives on the field of al-wasatiyya. Lastly, the critical objections against al-wasatiyya are examined, and ultimately the results of the study are compared to previous research on the field. The results show that the neglected phenomenon of al-wasatiyya returned back to the Islamic discourse in the early 2000s, especially after the tragic events of 9/11 in the US. Thus, the result of the study indicates that al-wasatiyya occurs as a reaction to extremism and radicalism in Islam. Finally, the results of the study demonstrate that the concept of al-wasatiyya, except for religious purposes, can be used as well in other areas and socio-political systems in the contemporary world.
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Pravicový extremismus a radikalismus v České republice - ústavněprávní aspekty / Rightist extremism and radicalism in the Czech Republic - constitutional law aspektsKlimešová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
1 Rightlist extremism and radicalism in the Czech Republic constitutional law aspects Keywords Rightlist extremism, radicalism, constitutional law, human dignity, democracy, neonazists Abstract The subject of this thesis is description of activities of selected Czechoslovak and Czech political parties and movements with elements of right-wing extremism since the establishment of Czechoslovakia until 1945 and from 1989 to the present. More over I analyze the possibility of intrusion of democratic stability by activities of these subjects and examine legal instruments held by the society, to defend democracy. Reading my work, the reader should have complete view on this issue and clear comparison of right-wing extremism and its consequences in the past and present. Source of my work is the constitutional order of the Czech Republic, in particular the Czech Constitution and the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, laws and jurisprudence. A valuable source was also historical and legal literature, manuals and guidelines of the public administration. Describing of some right-wing extremist entities, I have used their own publishing activities, primarily Internet resources. The work is divided into two parts, of which the first mainly deals with the history of right-wing extremism in Czechoslovakia and the...
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Feindbild Jude, Feindbild Großstadt. Antisemitismus und Großstadtfeindschaft im völkischen Denken / Antisemitism and Antiurbanism in Voelkish ThoughtKahmann, Bodo 01 November 2016 (has links)
Auf Grundlage einer qualitativen Text- und Inhaltsanalyse, die sich auf zentrale Schriften des völkischen Nationalismus stützt, untersucht die Studie die antisemitische Großstadtwahrnehmung der völkischen Bewegung in den Jahren zwischen 1902 und 1940. Im empirischen Material werden drei zentrale Topoi identifiziert: Eine Personifizierung des Verstädterungsprozesses in den Juden, die rassentheoretische Annahme einer unterschiedlichen Anpassungsfähigkeit von Juden und Deutschen an das moderne Großstadtleben und die Darstellung der Großstädte als ein System der Verführung und sexuellen Pervertierung, für das Juden verantwortlich gemacht werden. Die Studie kann zeigen, dass Juden und Jüdinnen einerseits eine besondere Eignung für das Großstadtleben zugeschrieben wird und dass die modernen Großstädte andererseits als Versinnbildlichung von als „jüdisch“ apostrophierter Ideen gesehen werden (Geldwirtschaft, Kosmopolitismus, „Genusssucht“ etc.). Die Untersuchung leistet zudem einen Beitrag zur anhaltenden Diskussion über das Verhältnis des völkischen Antisemitismus zur Moderne, in dem sie nachweist, dass der völkische Nationalismus durch eine disparate Großstadt- und Technikrezeption geprägt ist: Die technisch-wissenschaftliche Rationalität der Moderne ist mit völkischem Denken vereinbar, das moderne Großstadtleben hingegen nicht.
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Forschendes Lehren und Lernen gestalten: ein standortübergreifendes Projektseminar zu "Rechtsextremismus und Zivilgesellschaft"Schulze Wessel, Julia, Behrens, Rico, Pates, Rebecca, Schmidt, Daniel, Thümmler, Ellen, Schale, Frank 02 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Wie kann "Forschendes Lernen" noch besser in die politikwissenschaftliche Lehre integriert werden? Dieser Frage gingen sechs Lehrende an den sächsischen Universitäten Dresden, Leipzig und Chemnitz im Wintersemester 2015/2016 mit einem gemeinsam
entworfenen Projektseminar unter dem Titel "Rechtsextremismus und Zivilgesellschaft" nach. Im Interview berichten die Beteiligten von ihren Konzeptionen und deren Umsetzung.
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Solidaritet som grundfundament : En studie om tillit i den autonoma vänsternÅstrand Melin, Frida January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate what underlying causes drive people to take part in the Swedish autonomous left-wing movement. The autonomous left-wing movement is an extraparliamentary mob, in Sweden often attributed in negative terms, considered as extremists. Interviewing six activists has given me the chance to better understand the movement in terms of ideology as well as understanding their lack of reliability in the Swedish government and other social structures. The study also shows a complexity in the relationship between the interviewees and fascists, as well as in the Swedish police and the Swedish migration office, which is based on a combination of ideological values as well as a lack of trust to the Swedish system as a whole.
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