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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frühe postoperative Vollbelastung nach Sprunggelenksfraktur

Reiche geb. Höde, Nora 07 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Frühe postoperative Vollbelastung nach Sprunggelenksfrakturen Höde N, Ahrberg A, Josten C Fragestellung: Laut Leitlinien der DGU soll es nach einer operativ versorgten Sprunggelenksfraktur zur Frühmobilisation kommen. In Literatur und Lehrbüchern wird jedoch häufig eine p.o. Ruhigstellung im Gips oder Cast bis zu 6 Wochen empfohlen. Bei den eigenen Patienten erfolgt nach Versorgung einer Malleolarfraktur (AO 44 B oder C) ab dem 1. p.o. Tag eine schmerzorientierte Vollbelastung mit AirCast®-Schiene. Kommt es unter dieser frühen Vollbelastung zu einer erhöhten Komplikationsrate wie Materialversagen? Oder überwiegen die Vorteile durch das Vermeiden immobilisationsbedingter Komplikationen wie Thrombosen? Methodik Im Rahmen einer retrospektiven Studie wurden 82 Patienten (w:m = 47:35, 20-84 Jahre, Median 51 Jahre) eingeschlossen. Der Nachuntersuchungszeitraum betrug 5 - 68 Monate (Median 34,5 Monate). Nach der AO-Klassifikation lagen 46 (56,1%) B1-Frakturen, 15 (18,3%) B2-Frakturen, 12 (14,6%) B3-Frakturen und 9 (11%) C-Frakturen vor. Ausschlusskriterien waren Einschränkungen der aktiven Mobilisation durch Vorerkrankungen oder weitere Verletzungen sowie die Versorgung mit einer Stellschraube. Die Patienten wurden klinisch anhand des AOFAS-Scores nachuntersucht, es erfolgte eine radiologische Kontrolle und die Erfassung peri- und postoperativer Komplikationen wie Thrombosen, Infekte, Materialversagen und verzögerte Frakturheilung/Pseudarthrosen. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung Der durchschnittliche Punktwert für den AOFAS Score beträgt für alle Patienten 89,38 Punkte (35-100, Median 98) und für den Score nach Olerud und Molander 85,24 Punkte (15-100, Median 95). Insgesamt traten neun (10,98%) Komplikationen auf: vier (4,88%) oberflächliche Wundheilungsstörung, vier Wundinfektionen (4,88%), darunter zwei Schraubenlockerungen (2,44%) und eine Redislokation nach erneutem Distorsionstrauma (1,22%). Weiteres Materialversagen oder Thrombosen traten nicht auf. Die frühe postoperative Vollbelastung führt nicht zu einer erhöhten Komplikationsrate, die beschriebenen Infekte sind mit der Vollbelastung zu assoziieren. Immobilisationsbedingte Komplikationen werden vermieden, der Patient kann schneller mobilisiert werden. Daher ist eine Ruhigstellung nach operativ versorgten Malleolarfrakturen nicht zu empfehlen.

Ensaio clínico randomizado de mobilização precoce no AVC isquêmico agudo comparado com fiosioterapia motora de rotina

Gobbato, Simone Rosa Poletto January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A reabilitação é um componente importante do tratamento interdisciplinar em uma Unidade de AVC, especialmente a mobilização precoce com retirada do paciente do leito. Diretrizes recomendam o início da fisioterapia motora o mais precoce possível, mas os resultados dos estudos já publicados são inconclusivos quanto ao benefício desta intervenção. Objetivos: Para avaliar o benefício da mobilização precoce no AVC isquêmico foi iniciado um ensaio clinico randomizado (ECR) comparando este tratamento, iniciado dentro das primeiras 48 horas do AVC, com a fisioterapia motora de rotina do hospital. No estudo piloto, nosso objetivo foi estabelecer a exequibilidade e segurança da mobilização precoce nos pacientes com AVC isquêmico agudo atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Métodos: Foram incluídos pacientes com AVC isquêmico agudo até 48 horas do início dos sintomas e alocados randomicamente em dois grupos: Grupo Tratamento (GT), que realizou o programa de mobilização precoce iniciando nas primeiras 24 a 48h após o AVC, e Grupo Controle (GC), que seguiu com as rotinas do hospital. Os desfechos primários do ensaio clinico são independência funcional (escore da Escala de Rankin modificada entre 0 e 2) e mortalidade em três meses. Os desfechos primários do estudo piloto foram tempo até a primeira mobilização, tempo total de fisioterapia motora, complicações ocorridas durante a mobilização precoce, quedas durante o período de hospitalização, complicações médicas relacionadas à imobilidade e morte em 90 dias. Resultados: Trinta e sete pacientes foram incluídos, sendo 18 no GT (idade média de 64 anos) e 19 no GC (idade média de 66 anos). O GT recebeu mobilização mais precoce e em maior quantidade do que o GC. A mediana do tempo entre o ictus e a primeira mobilização foi de 43h (AIQ 28-48h) comparada com 72h no GC (AIQ 61-108h; p=0.001) e o tempo total de mobilização durante o período de hospitalização no GT foi de 135 min (AIQ 85-213 min) comparado com 0 min no GC (AIQ 0-50 min). Não houve complicações associadas à mobilização precoce dos pacientes, bem como não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos quanto à proporção de complicações, mortalidade e resultados funcionais, exceto pela tendência a melhor recuperação funcional em 90 dias no GT quando excluídos da análise os pacientes com sequelas prévias. Conclusão: Embora este ensaio clínico randomizado não tenha poder para comprovar a efetividade da intervenção, ele se mostrou seguro e exequível. Apesar das dificuldades encontradas, foi possível iniciar a mobilização precocemente, ainda no serviço de emergência, em qualquer grau de severidade do AVC, sem complicações. Mais estudos 8 randomizados controlados são necessários com maior número de indivíduos a fim de verificar o efeito da mobilização precoce em até 48h do início dos sintomas do AVC. / Background: The rehabilitation is an important component of the interdisciplinary treatment in a stroke unit, especially early mobilization with out of bed activities. Guidelines recommend the initiation of physical therapy as early as possible, but the results of published studies are inconclusive regarding the benefit of this intervention. Objectives: To evaluate the benefit of early mobilization in ischemic stroke has started a randomized clinical trial (RCT) comparing this treatment, initiated within 48h of stroke, with the motor physical therapy routine hospital. In the pilot study, our aim was to establish the feasibility and safety of early mobilization in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre. Methods: Patients with acute ischemic stroke within 48h of symptoms onset and randomly allocated into two groups: Treatment Group (TG), which carried out the program of early mobilization beginning in the first 24 to 48h after stroke, and Control Group (CG), which followed with the routines of the hospital. The primary outcomes of the clinical trial are functional independence (modified Rankin Scale score between 0 and 2) and mortality within three months. The primary outcomes of the pilot study were time to first mobilization, total duration of physical therapy, complications during early mobilization, falls during hospitalization, medical complications related to immobility and death within 90 days. Results: Thirty-seven patients were included, 18 in TG (average age 64 years) and 19 in the CG (mean age 66 years). The TG received mobilization earlier and in greater quantity than the CG. The median time between the stroke and the first mobilization was 43h in the TG (IQR 28-48h) and 72h in the CG (IQR 61-108h, p = 0.001) and the total mobilization during the period of hospitalization in TG was 135 min (IQR 85-213 min) compared with 0 min in the GC (IQR 0-50 min). There were no complications associated with early mobilization and there was no statistically significant difference between groups in the proportion of complications, mortality and functional outcomes, except for the tendency to better functional recovery at 90 days in TG when the analysis excluded patients with previous sequels. Conclusion: Although this randomized clinical trial has no power to prove the effectiveness of the intervention, it proved to be safe and feasible. Despite the difficulties, it was possible to start early mobilization, even in the emergency room, in any degree of severity of stroke, without complications. More randomized controlled trials are needed with larger numbers of subjects to verify the effect of early mobilization within 48h of onset of stroke symptoms.

Improving Early Mobilization in Acute Stroke Patients Through Best Practice Education

Middleton, Angela Christine 01 January 2019 (has links)
Nonadherence to best practice guidelines in early mobilization in acute stroke increases the time from admission to mobilization and may increase residual long-term stroke effects. Early mobilization following an acute stroke is known to decrease long-term and secondary disability. The purpose of this project was to decrease the time from admission to mobilization in the acute stroke patient population by improving knowledge of best-practice guidelines in early mobility using an educational intervention for advanced practice nurse practitioners, physicians, and registered nurses. The practice-focused question for this project asked whether a staff educational program based on best-practice guidelines would decrease the time from admission to early mobilization in the acute stroke patient within the first 48 hours of admission. Rosswurm and Larrabee 6-step model was used for this staff education project. A review of the literature indicated sources of evidence from peer-reviewed journals, which were used to support the staff education project and establish best practices in mobilization for the acute stroke patient. A before-and-after design was used to evaluate time from admission to mobilization within the first 48 hours in 40 acute ischemic stroke adult patients following educational intervention for 35 acute stroke staff. Data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed a decrease in time from admission to mobilization by 18.59%. Findings may be used to promote best practices in other units within the hospital and may be used to decrease the residual long-term effects of a stroke, improve activities of daily living, decrease the length of hospital stay, and decrease the long-term cost and burden of stroke.

Ensaio clínico randomizado de mobilização precoce no AVC isquêmico agudo comparado com fiosioterapia motora de rotina

Gobbato, Simone Rosa Poletto January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A reabilitação é um componente importante do tratamento interdisciplinar em uma Unidade de AVC, especialmente a mobilização precoce com retirada do paciente do leito. Diretrizes recomendam o início da fisioterapia motora o mais precoce possível, mas os resultados dos estudos já publicados são inconclusivos quanto ao benefício desta intervenção. Objetivos: Para avaliar o benefício da mobilização precoce no AVC isquêmico foi iniciado um ensaio clinico randomizado (ECR) comparando este tratamento, iniciado dentro das primeiras 48 horas do AVC, com a fisioterapia motora de rotina do hospital. No estudo piloto, nosso objetivo foi estabelecer a exequibilidade e segurança da mobilização precoce nos pacientes com AVC isquêmico agudo atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Métodos: Foram incluídos pacientes com AVC isquêmico agudo até 48 horas do início dos sintomas e alocados randomicamente em dois grupos: Grupo Tratamento (GT), que realizou o programa de mobilização precoce iniciando nas primeiras 24 a 48h após o AVC, e Grupo Controle (GC), que seguiu com as rotinas do hospital. Os desfechos primários do ensaio clinico são independência funcional (escore da Escala de Rankin modificada entre 0 e 2) e mortalidade em três meses. Os desfechos primários do estudo piloto foram tempo até a primeira mobilização, tempo total de fisioterapia motora, complicações ocorridas durante a mobilização precoce, quedas durante o período de hospitalização, complicações médicas relacionadas à imobilidade e morte em 90 dias. Resultados: Trinta e sete pacientes foram incluídos, sendo 18 no GT (idade média de 64 anos) e 19 no GC (idade média de 66 anos). O GT recebeu mobilização mais precoce e em maior quantidade do que o GC. A mediana do tempo entre o ictus e a primeira mobilização foi de 43h (AIQ 28-48h) comparada com 72h no GC (AIQ 61-108h; p=0.001) e o tempo total de mobilização durante o período de hospitalização no GT foi de 135 min (AIQ 85-213 min) comparado com 0 min no GC (AIQ 0-50 min). Não houve complicações associadas à mobilização precoce dos pacientes, bem como não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos quanto à proporção de complicações, mortalidade e resultados funcionais, exceto pela tendência a melhor recuperação funcional em 90 dias no GT quando excluídos da análise os pacientes com sequelas prévias. Conclusão: Embora este ensaio clínico randomizado não tenha poder para comprovar a efetividade da intervenção, ele se mostrou seguro e exequível. Apesar das dificuldades encontradas, foi possível iniciar a mobilização precocemente, ainda no serviço de emergência, em qualquer grau de severidade do AVC, sem complicações. Mais estudos 8 randomizados controlados são necessários com maior número de indivíduos a fim de verificar o efeito da mobilização precoce em até 48h do início dos sintomas do AVC. / Background: The rehabilitation is an important component of the interdisciplinary treatment in a stroke unit, especially early mobilization with out of bed activities. Guidelines recommend the initiation of physical therapy as early as possible, but the results of published studies are inconclusive regarding the benefit of this intervention. Objectives: To evaluate the benefit of early mobilization in ischemic stroke has started a randomized clinical trial (RCT) comparing this treatment, initiated within 48h of stroke, with the motor physical therapy routine hospital. In the pilot study, our aim was to establish the feasibility and safety of early mobilization in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre. Methods: Patients with acute ischemic stroke within 48h of symptoms onset and randomly allocated into two groups: Treatment Group (TG), which carried out the program of early mobilization beginning in the first 24 to 48h after stroke, and Control Group (CG), which followed with the routines of the hospital. The primary outcomes of the clinical trial are functional independence (modified Rankin Scale score between 0 and 2) and mortality within three months. The primary outcomes of the pilot study were time to first mobilization, total duration of physical therapy, complications during early mobilization, falls during hospitalization, medical complications related to immobility and death within 90 days. Results: Thirty-seven patients were included, 18 in TG (average age 64 years) and 19 in the CG (mean age 66 years). The TG received mobilization earlier and in greater quantity than the CG. The median time between the stroke and the first mobilization was 43h in the TG (IQR 28-48h) and 72h in the CG (IQR 61-108h, p = 0.001) and the total mobilization during the period of hospitalization in TG was 135 min (IQR 85-213 min) compared with 0 min in the GC (IQR 0-50 min). There were no complications associated with early mobilization and there was no statistically significant difference between groups in the proportion of complications, mortality and functional outcomes, except for the tendency to better functional recovery at 90 days in TG when the analysis excluded patients with previous sequels. Conclusion: Although this randomized clinical trial has no power to prove the effectiveness of the intervention, it proved to be safe and feasible. Despite the difficulties, it was possible to start early mobilization, even in the emergency room, in any degree of severity of stroke, without complications. More randomized controlled trials are needed with larger numbers of subjects to verify the effect of early mobilization within 48h of onset of stroke symptoms.

Ensaio clínico randomizado de mobilização precoce no AVC isquêmico agudo comparado com fiosioterapia motora de rotina

Gobbato, Simone Rosa Poletto January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A reabilitação é um componente importante do tratamento interdisciplinar em uma Unidade de AVC, especialmente a mobilização precoce com retirada do paciente do leito. Diretrizes recomendam o início da fisioterapia motora o mais precoce possível, mas os resultados dos estudos já publicados são inconclusivos quanto ao benefício desta intervenção. Objetivos: Para avaliar o benefício da mobilização precoce no AVC isquêmico foi iniciado um ensaio clinico randomizado (ECR) comparando este tratamento, iniciado dentro das primeiras 48 horas do AVC, com a fisioterapia motora de rotina do hospital. No estudo piloto, nosso objetivo foi estabelecer a exequibilidade e segurança da mobilização precoce nos pacientes com AVC isquêmico agudo atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Métodos: Foram incluídos pacientes com AVC isquêmico agudo até 48 horas do início dos sintomas e alocados randomicamente em dois grupos: Grupo Tratamento (GT), que realizou o programa de mobilização precoce iniciando nas primeiras 24 a 48h após o AVC, e Grupo Controle (GC), que seguiu com as rotinas do hospital. Os desfechos primários do ensaio clinico são independência funcional (escore da Escala de Rankin modificada entre 0 e 2) e mortalidade em três meses. Os desfechos primários do estudo piloto foram tempo até a primeira mobilização, tempo total de fisioterapia motora, complicações ocorridas durante a mobilização precoce, quedas durante o período de hospitalização, complicações médicas relacionadas à imobilidade e morte em 90 dias. Resultados: Trinta e sete pacientes foram incluídos, sendo 18 no GT (idade média de 64 anos) e 19 no GC (idade média de 66 anos). O GT recebeu mobilização mais precoce e em maior quantidade do que o GC. A mediana do tempo entre o ictus e a primeira mobilização foi de 43h (AIQ 28-48h) comparada com 72h no GC (AIQ 61-108h; p=0.001) e o tempo total de mobilização durante o período de hospitalização no GT foi de 135 min (AIQ 85-213 min) comparado com 0 min no GC (AIQ 0-50 min). Não houve complicações associadas à mobilização precoce dos pacientes, bem como não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos quanto à proporção de complicações, mortalidade e resultados funcionais, exceto pela tendência a melhor recuperação funcional em 90 dias no GT quando excluídos da análise os pacientes com sequelas prévias. Conclusão: Embora este ensaio clínico randomizado não tenha poder para comprovar a efetividade da intervenção, ele se mostrou seguro e exequível. Apesar das dificuldades encontradas, foi possível iniciar a mobilização precocemente, ainda no serviço de emergência, em qualquer grau de severidade do AVC, sem complicações. Mais estudos 8 randomizados controlados são necessários com maior número de indivíduos a fim de verificar o efeito da mobilização precoce em até 48h do início dos sintomas do AVC. / Background: The rehabilitation is an important component of the interdisciplinary treatment in a stroke unit, especially early mobilization with out of bed activities. Guidelines recommend the initiation of physical therapy as early as possible, but the results of published studies are inconclusive regarding the benefit of this intervention. Objectives: To evaluate the benefit of early mobilization in ischemic stroke has started a randomized clinical trial (RCT) comparing this treatment, initiated within 48h of stroke, with the motor physical therapy routine hospital. In the pilot study, our aim was to establish the feasibility and safety of early mobilization in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre. Methods: Patients with acute ischemic stroke within 48h of symptoms onset and randomly allocated into two groups: Treatment Group (TG), which carried out the program of early mobilization beginning in the first 24 to 48h after stroke, and Control Group (CG), which followed with the routines of the hospital. The primary outcomes of the clinical trial are functional independence (modified Rankin Scale score between 0 and 2) and mortality within three months. The primary outcomes of the pilot study were time to first mobilization, total duration of physical therapy, complications during early mobilization, falls during hospitalization, medical complications related to immobility and death within 90 days. Results: Thirty-seven patients were included, 18 in TG (average age 64 years) and 19 in the CG (mean age 66 years). The TG received mobilization earlier and in greater quantity than the CG. The median time between the stroke and the first mobilization was 43h in the TG (IQR 28-48h) and 72h in the CG (IQR 61-108h, p = 0.001) and the total mobilization during the period of hospitalization in TG was 135 min (IQR 85-213 min) compared with 0 min in the GC (IQR 0-50 min). There were no complications associated with early mobilization and there was no statistically significant difference between groups in the proportion of complications, mortality and functional outcomes, except for the tendency to better functional recovery at 90 days in TG when the analysis excluded patients with previous sequels. Conclusion: Although this randomized clinical trial has no power to prove the effectiveness of the intervention, it proved to be safe and feasible. Despite the difficulties, it was possible to start early mobilization, even in the emergency room, in any degree of severity of stroke, without complications. More randomized controlled trials are needed with larger numbers of subjects to verify the effect of early mobilization within 48h of onset of stroke symptoms.

Frühe postoperative Vollbelastung nach Sprunggelenksfraktur

Reiche geb. Höde, Nora 10 November 2015 (has links)
Frühe postoperative Vollbelastung nach Sprunggelenksfrakturen Höde N, Ahrberg A, Josten C Fragestellung: Laut Leitlinien der DGU soll es nach einer operativ versorgten Sprunggelenksfraktur zur Frühmobilisation kommen. In Literatur und Lehrbüchern wird jedoch häufig eine p.o. Ruhigstellung im Gips oder Cast bis zu 6 Wochen empfohlen. Bei den eigenen Patienten erfolgt nach Versorgung einer Malleolarfraktur (AO 44 B oder C) ab dem 1. p.o. Tag eine schmerzorientierte Vollbelastung mit AirCast®-Schiene. Kommt es unter dieser frühen Vollbelastung zu einer erhöhten Komplikationsrate wie Materialversagen? Oder überwiegen die Vorteile durch das Vermeiden immobilisationsbedingter Komplikationen wie Thrombosen? Methodik Im Rahmen einer retrospektiven Studie wurden 82 Patienten (w:m = 47:35, 20-84 Jahre, Median 51 Jahre) eingeschlossen. Der Nachuntersuchungszeitraum betrug 5 - 68 Monate (Median 34,5 Monate). Nach der AO-Klassifikation lagen 46 (56,1%) B1-Frakturen, 15 (18,3%) B2-Frakturen, 12 (14,6%) B3-Frakturen und 9 (11%) C-Frakturen vor. Ausschlusskriterien waren Einschränkungen der aktiven Mobilisation durch Vorerkrankungen oder weitere Verletzungen sowie die Versorgung mit einer Stellschraube. Die Patienten wurden klinisch anhand des AOFAS-Scores nachuntersucht, es erfolgte eine radiologische Kontrolle und die Erfassung peri- und postoperativer Komplikationen wie Thrombosen, Infekte, Materialversagen und verzögerte Frakturheilung/Pseudarthrosen. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung Der durchschnittliche Punktwert für den AOFAS Score beträgt für alle Patienten 89,38 Punkte (35-100, Median 98) und für den Score nach Olerud und Molander 85,24 Punkte (15-100, Median 95). Insgesamt traten neun (10,98%) Komplikationen auf: vier (4,88%) oberflächliche Wundheilungsstörung, vier Wundinfektionen (4,88%), darunter zwei Schraubenlockerungen (2,44%) und eine Redislokation nach erneutem Distorsionstrauma (1,22%). Weiteres Materialversagen oder Thrombosen traten nicht auf. Die frühe postoperative Vollbelastung führt nicht zu einer erhöhten Komplikationsrate, die beschriebenen Infekte sind mit der Vollbelastung zu assoziieren. Immobilisationsbedingte Komplikationen werden vermieden, der Patient kann schneller mobilisiert werden. Daher ist eine Ruhigstellung nach operativ versorgten Malleolarfrakturen nicht zu empfehlen.

Faktorer som påverkar tidig mobilisering efter en höftfraktur hos äldre patienter : En allmän litteraturstudie / Factors affecting early mobilization after a hip fracture inelderly patients : A general literature study

Lagerqvist, Hanna, Zander, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Höftfrakturer hos äldre är ett vanligt hälsoproblem i Sverige och runt om i världen, vilket i många fall kan resultera i svåra komplikationer som i sin tur innebär längre sjukhusvistelser. Tidig mobilisering efter höftfrakturkirurgi är viktigt för en förbättrad återhämtning samt för att förebygga komplikationer. Rehabilitering syftar till att återställa den tidigare rörelseförmågan, men många patienter uppnår inte samma fullständiga aktivitetsnivå som de hade innan frakturen. Tidig mobilisering är en nyckelfaktor för att förbättra rehabiliteringen hos äldre patienter med höftfrakturer. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa faktorer som påverkar tidig mobilisering efter en höftfraktur hos äldre patienter. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie, baserad på nio vetenskapliga artiklar som valdes ut och granskades. Resultat: Tre kategorier identifierades, Begränsningar hos patienten, Drivkraft och rädslor samt Personalrelaterade faktorer. De främsta faktorerna som hindrar den tidiga mobiliseringen är kognitiv funktionsnedsättning, samtidiga ohälsotillstånd, rädslor och personalens förutfattade meningar. Patientdrivkrafter såsom motivation samt stöd och uppmuntran från personalen är fynd som bidrar till en framgångsrik mobilisering. Konklusion: Personal inom vården behöver tydliga riktlinjer och kunskap om tidig mobilisering efter höftfraktur, mer forskning kring sjuksköterskans roll vid tidig mobilisering behövs. / Background: Hip fractures in the elderly are a common health problem in Sweden and around the world, which in many cases can result in severe complications, which mean more extended hospital stays. Early mobilization after hip fracture surgery is essential for improving recovery and preventing complications. Rehabilitation aims to restore the patient’s previous mobility, but many patients do not achieve their whole pre-fracture activity level. Mobilization is crucial to improving rehabilitation for elderly patients with hip fractures. Aim: The aim was to investigate factors that influencing early mobilization after a hip fracture in elderly patients. Method: The study was conducted as a general literature study and nine articles were selected and reviewed. Results: Three categories were identified, Patient limitations, Drive and fears and Staff-related factors. The main factors preventing early mobilization are cognitive impairment, co-existing health conditions, fears and staff preconceptions. Patients’ drive such as motivation and support and encouragement from staff, are findings that contribute to successful mobilization. Conclusion: Healthcare professionals need clear guidelines and knowledge about early mobilization after hip fracture, and more research on the role of nurses in early mobilization is needed.

Survey of Acute Rehabilitation in Canadian Intensive Care Units

Koo, KY Karen 10 1900 (has links)
<p><em>Background & Rationale</em>: Early mobilization (EM) can minimize intensive care unit aquired weakness (ICUAW) among survivors of critical illness. Clinician awareness of ICUAW, perceived barriers to EM, and acute rehabilitation in Canadian ICUs have not been well described.</p> <p><em>Objective:</em> To assess (1) awareness of ICUAW and EM, (2) perceived institutional, clinician, patient level barriers to EM, (3) stated practice of acute rehabilitation in Canadian ICUs.</p> <p><em>Design</em><strong>:</strong> A cross-sectional, self administered postal survey</p> <p><em>Setting:</em> Academic Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in Canada</p> <p>Subjects: 134 physiotherapists and 302 critical care physicians</p> <p><em>Interventions & Measurements:</em> Item generation followed a review of relevant literature and discussion with 26 content experts. We reduced the survey to 10 domains and 29 specific questions. The survey intrument was piloted and evaluated for clinical sensibility and intra-rater reliability. Up to 3 surveys were mailed to potential respondents. Descriptive statistics were reported as proportions, means (+/- SD) or mode, as appropriate. We used the chi-squared test to compare proportions and multi-variate logisitc regressions to test for association between independent and dependent variables. <em></em></p> <p><em>Main Results:</em> The survey instrument had excellent clinical sensibility and good intra-rater reliability (Cohen’s kappa > 0.4). The overall response rate was 71.3% (311/436) including 87.3% (117/134) of physiotherapists and 64.2% (194/302) of physicians. The incidence of ICUAW in the general medical-surgical population was under-recognized by 68.8% of clinicians and 59.8% of clinicians stated they were either insufficiently trained or informed to mobilize mechanically ventilated patients. Excessive sedation and medical instability were perceived as the most important patient barriers. Limited staffing, safety concerns (by nurses) and delayed clinician recognition to initiate EM were key provider barriers to EM. Important institutional barriers to EM included insufficient guidelines and equipment. Only 19.9% of clinicians stated that patients with suspected ICUAW were referred to an out-patient clinic after ICU discharge for long term rehabilitation.</p> <p><em>Conclusions</em>: Over 60% of respondents to this national survey underestimated the incidence of ICUAW and do not feel adequately trained to mobilize mechanically ventilated patients. Multiple patient, provider and institutional barriers may also contribute. Clinical leaders and administrators should consider these modifiable factors when designing EM programs in the ICU.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Implementation of an Early Progressive Mobility Program in the Intensive Care Units

Rodriguez, Rene Merced 01 January 2017 (has links)
In the United States, adult ICU patient care consumes $90 billion annually, or 1% of the gross national product. In the ICU, about 40% of the patients are mechanically ventilated resulting in an 11% greater length of stay (LOS) that requires 35% more resources. And, an estimated 60% of these patients are adversely impacted for as long as five years following discharge. Patient immobility while ventilated contributes to poor quality and financial outcomes. The Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) reports on average early patient mobility (EPM) reduces a 4.5-day LOS by as much as 1.3 days; and reduces the risk for complications such as ventilator associated pneumonia, thromboembolisms, and pressure ulcers. The purpose of this evidence-based practice (EBP) quality improvement project was to evaluate an EPM program based to improve interdisciplinary collaboration and care coordination. The introduction, development, and evaluation of this project were guided by the Iowa Model and the Awakening and Breathing Coordination, Delirium Monitoring/Management, and Early Exercise/Mobility (ABCDE) bundle. The EPM program was implemented in a 20-bed ICU in a 400-bed hospital as the Mobilization Criteria / Algorithm for Critical Care Patients (MCACCP). Retrospective data was collected for six months from the electronic health record and evaluated with a web-based analytics tool. The project resulted in a 1.2-day decrease in ICU LOS and a 6.7% reduction in ventilator days. The average daily census decreased from 16.2 in 2015 to 14.7 through 2016. EBP research supports the benefit of early mobility of ICU patients to reduce complications, ventilator days, LOS, and the overall cost for care. This project demonstrates standardizing clinical practice based on EBP guidelines and protocols translates into improved teamwork, patient outcomes, and organization metrics.

Tidig mobilisering av patienter inom intensivvård : Intensivvårdspersonalens upplevelser av påverkande faktorer / Early mobilization of intensive care patients : Intensive care staff experiences of influencing factors

Rönnqvist, Elina, Berggren, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Betydelsen av tidig mobilisering har genom åren blivit allt mer uppmärksammat, då det visat sig ha positiva effekter både för patienten och samhället. Trots de många fördelarna med tidig mobilisering mobiliseras inte intensivvårdspatienter i den utsträckning de har möjlighet till. SYFTE: Att studera intensivvårdspersonalens upplevelser av faktorer som påverkar tidig mobilisering av intensivvårdspatienter. METOD: Denna studie är gjord med en kvalitativ ansats. Fokusgruppsintervjuer med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide har använts. Fokusgruppsintervjuerna har skett på ett sjukhus i Sverige vid två olika tillfällen och involverat totalt två läkare, fyra sjuksköterskor och fyra undersköterskor. Datainsamlingen har analyserats enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys beskriven av Bengtsson (2016). RESULTAT: Data resulterade i fem kategorier som innefattade; Definiera och initiera tidig mobilisering, Organisatoriska förutsättningar, Rädsla för komplikationer, Patientrelaterade förutsättningar och Teamsamverkan och ansvarsfördelningar. Resultatet visar på en progression av medvetenheten kring tidig mobilisering hos studiedeltagarna vilket belyser vikten av reflektion. SLUTSATS: Tidig mobilisering av intensivvårdspatienter är i dagsläget inte prioriterat i det dagliga omvårdnadsarbetet men ses ändå som en självklar del av omvårdnaden. Teamarbetet är bristande vilket delvis förklaras av otydlig ansvarsfördelning. Detta ansvar bör tas av specialistsjuksköterskan. Mer forskning behövs på området där definitionen av tidig mobilisering bör prioriteras för att få överförbara resultat och validerade hjälpmedel.

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