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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les applications contemporaines du droit des contrats islamiques : la finance islamique à la lumière de l'analyse économique du droit et des institutions / The Modern Applications of Islamic Contract Law : Islamic Finance in Light of Economic Analysis of Law and Institutions

Maouchi, Youcef 14 December 2015 (has links)
L’une des causes de la richesse des nations, la coopération, repose sur un échange de promesses. Si le droit des contrats est considéré comme un outil efficace - bien qu’imparfait - pour garantir ces dernières, il n’est cependant pas le seul : un tissu entier d’institutions formelles et informelles est à l’œuvre pour faciliter la coopération entre les agents économiques. Ce travail examine cette problématique dans le cadre de la finance islamique, considérée comme l’application moderne du droit des contrats islamiques. Alors qu’elle est censée utiliser des instruments de financement participatifs, la pratique de la finance islamique est dominée par le financement par la dette. Les causes généralement avancées pour expliquer cet état de fait sont des problèmes informationnels, considérés comme des vecteurs d’influence sur le comportement des banques. Cette thèse montre que ces problèmes informationnels ne sont en réalité que la conséquence d’un problème sous-jacent. Par une analyse du rôle et de la raison d’être des institutions, ce travail montre que le droit des contrats islamiques a été conçu à l’origine avec un objectif clair: assurer l’équilibre des transactions et garantir la propriété. Le respect des promesses était pour sa part assuré par d’autres types de mécanismes, notamment à travers la réputation, complétant dans les faits le droit des contrats. Cette conclusion permet d’appréhender le débat « forme vs substance » dans la finance islamique à travers l’échec d'un « transplant institutionnel intertemporel », pour montrer que les contrats évités sont dépendants du contexte dans lequel ils ont vu le jour et s’adaptent mal au contexte moderne. / One of the main causes of the wealth of nations, cooperation, is based on exchanged promises. Contract law is viewed as an efficient, though imperfect, tool to ensure promise keeping. However, contract law is not the only mechanism playing that role. A whole body of formal and informal institutions is at work easing economic agents cooperation.This work considers this issue in the Islamic finance framework which is seen as a modern application of Islamic contracts law. Islamic finance is a fruitful object of study as it is facing a paradoxe. While this finance is supposed to rely on participatory financing tools, its practice is dominated by debt based financings. Informational problems are usually identified as a cause of such practices.This work shows that information problems are not a cause but a consequence of a deeper problem. Through an analysis of the role and the raison d’être of institutions, this work puts the development of Islamic contracts law into the perspective of an economic and social context. It shows that Islamic contracts law had originally been developed with a clear goal: ensure transactions equilibrium and protect property. The respect of promises, for its part, was made possible by other mechanisms, such as reputation, supplementing contract law. This conclusion allows us to view the debate “form vs. substance” in Islamic finance as an “intertemporal institutional transplantation” failure and to show that the avoided contracts are dependent of their original context and adapt poorly to the modern one.

Marktaustrittsverfahren in Litauens Übergang von der Befehls- zur Marktwirtschaft: eine Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung förmlicher Konkurs- und Sanierungsverfahren

Saupe, Simone 09 December 2012 (has links)
Marktaustrittsprozesse und förmliche Konkurs- und Sanierungsverfahren gelten als grundlegende Elemente funktionsfähiger Marktwirtschaften und können in diesem Sinne als Indikatoren eines erfolgreichen Transformationsprozesses interpretiert werden. Diese Arbeit untersucht, unter welchen Bedingungen sie sich im litauischen Übergang von der Befehls- zur Marktwirtschaft herausbildeten. Es wird gezeigt, dass bereits die frühen Reformen der Liberalisierung und makroökonomischen Stabilisierung Marktaustritte hervorriefen. Diese waren fast ausschließlich informeller Natur. Angesicht seiner mangelhaften institutionellen Voraussetzungen war das Konkursrecht in der Frühphase der litauischen Transformation nicht in der Lage die Funktionen zu erfüllen, die ihm in reifen Marktwirtschaften zukommt. Seine strikte Anwendung hätte daher die wirtschaftliche Krise verstärken können. Erst als diese überwunden schien und sich zunehmend alle Elemente einer Wettbewerbsordnung etablierten, konnte und musste auch das Insolvenzsystem an Bedeutung und Funktionalität gewinnen.:TABELLENVERZEICHNIS IV KAPITEL 1 - EINLEITUNG 1 KAPITEL 2 – THEORETISCHE GRUNDLAGEN 6 2.1 DIE SYSTEMTRANSFORMATION AUS SICHT DER NEUEN INSTITUTIONENÖKONOMIK 6 2.2 EINE THEORIE DER TRANSFORMATION 9 2.2.1 Das Dilemma der Gleichzeitigkeit 10 2.2.2 Die Etablierung von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Demokratie 12 2.2.3 Die Reform der Wirtschaftsordnung 12 Makroökonomische Stabilisierung und Liberalisierung 13 Privatisierung und institutionelle Reformen 14 2.3 MARKTAUSTRITTSVERFAHREN IN DER MARKTWIRTSCHAFT 17 2.3.1 Begriffsabgrenzung 17 2.3.2 Marktaustritte und Wirtschaftswachstum 20 2.3.3 Marktaustrittshindernisse 21 2.3.4 Marktaustritte aus Sicht der institutionenökonomischen Unternehmenstheorie 24 2.3.5 Förmliche Marktaustrittsverfahren 28 Die Notwendigkeit eines Insolvenzrechts 29 Die ökonomischen Ziele eines Insolvenzsystems 32 Grundzüge von Insolvenzverfahren 35 2.4 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 42 KAPITEL 3 – DER ÜBERGANG DER LITAUISCHEN REPUBLIK VON DER BEFEHLS- ZUR MARKTWIRTSCHAFT 45 3.1 DIE SOZIALISTISCHE REPUBLIK LITAUEN UND DER WEG IN IHRE UNABHÄNGIGKEIT 45 3.1.1 Litauen vor der kommunistischen Machtübernahme 45 3.1.2 Die Befehlswirtschaft in Litauen 48 3.1.3 Grundzüge der Befehlswirtschaft in der UdSSR 49 3.1.4 Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Litauen und der Sowjetunion 54 3.1.5 Glasnost und Perestroika 58 3.1.6 Der litauische Unabhängigkeitskampf 63 3.2 Der litauische Übergang von der Befehls- zur Marktwirtschaft 67 3.2.1 Die Postimperiale Krise 67 3.2.2 Die Transformation der politischen Ordnung 72 Etablierung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit 72 Die politische Landschaft 74 Konsolidierung der Demokratie 75 3.2.3 Die wirtschaftliche Transformation – Grundlegende Reformen 79 Liberalisierung 79 Makroökonomische Stabilisierung 84 Privatisierung und Eigentümerstruktur 90 3.3 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 105 KAPITEL 4 – MARKTAUSTRITTE IN DER LITAUISCHEN TRANSFORMATION 106 4.1 STRUKTURWANDEL 106 4.2 MARKTAUSTRITTSWEGE IN DER FRÜHPHASE DER LITAUISCHEN TRANSFORMATION 110 4.2.1 Wettbewerb und Harte Budgetrestriktion 110 Die Auswirkungen der Liberalisierung 111 Die Auswirkung der makroökonomischen Stabilisierung 113 4.2.2 Empirische Bestandsaufnahme zu Markaustrittsverfahren bis 1997 118 Downsizing 119 Förmliche Konkurs- und Sanierungsverfahren 123 4.3 MARKTAUSTRITTE VON 1997 BIS 2001 126 4.3.1 Der Einfluss der Privatisierung auf Marktaustrittsentscheidungen 127 Die Wirtschaftlichkeit litauischer Staatsunternehmen 127 Die Restrukturierung litauischer Privatunternehmen 136 a) Mitarbeiterbeteiligung 136 b) Managementbeteiligung 140 c) Outsiderprivatisierung 141 d) Ausländische Beteiligungen 145 4.3.2 Förmliche Konkurs- und Sanierungsverfahren 147 4.3.3 Einfluss der Banken auf litauische Marktaustrittsprozesse 150 Entwicklung des litauischen Bankensektors 151 Litauische Banken und Marktaustritte 154 4.4 MARKTAUSTRITTSVERFAHREN NACH 2001 162 4.4.1 Gesamtüberblick 162 4.4.2 Förmliche Sanierungsverfahren 164 4.4.3 Förmliche Konkursverfahren 165 4.5 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 174 KAPITEL 5 – EINE ÖKONOMISCHE ANALYSE DES LITAUISCHEN INSOLVENZRECHTS 177 5.1 DAS LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS ĮMONIŲ BANKROTO ĮSTATYMAS VON 1992 177 5.1.1 Grundzüge des Konkursgesetzes 177 a) Fortführungsoptionen 178 b) Liquidationsverfahren 180 c) Rangfolge der Gläubiger 180 d) Rolle des Insolvenzverwalters 182 e) Einfluss der Gerichte 185 f) Rechte der Gläubiger 185 g) Insolvenztatbestände 186 5.1.2 Gesamtbeurteilung 188 5.2 DAS LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS ĮMONIŲ BANKROTO ĮSTATYMAS VON 1997 189 5.3 DIE RAHMENBEDINGUNGEN DES LITAUISCHEN INSOLVENZSYSTEMS 192 5.3.1 Zivil- und Handelsrechts 193 Die Reform des litauischen Zivil- und Handelsrechts 193 Grundzüge des litauischen Zivilgesetzbuches 198 Überblick über das Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 200 a) Allgemeine Vorschriften 200 b) Aktiengesellschaftsrecht 202 5.3.2 Funktionsfähigkeit des litauischen Rechtssystems 207 Grundzüge der Zivilprozessordnung 208 Zwangsvollstreckungsverfahren 209 Justizsystem 211 a) Ordentliche Gerichtsbarkeit 211 b) Schiedsgerichte 212 c) Funktionsfähigkeit des Gerichtssystems 213 d) Die Unabhängigkeit der litauischen Justiz 217 Gesamtbeurteilung 220 5.3.3 Zivilrechtliche Regelungen der Kreditsicherheiten 220 5.3.4 Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze 223 5.3.5 Insolvenzstrafrecht 225 5.4 ZWISCHENFAZIT 226 5.5 DAS AKTUELLE LITAUISCHE INSOLVENZRECHT 228 5.5.1 Grundzüge der litauischen Insolvenzgesetzgebung 228 a) Restrukturierungsverfahren 228 b) Vereinfachte Verfahren 229 c) Fristen und Beteiligung der Gerichte 230 d) Insolvenztatbestände 231 e) Rolle des Insolvenzverwalters 232 f) Rechte der Gläubiger 235 5.5.2 Gesamtbeurteilung 238 5.5 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 242 KAPITEL 6 - FAZIT 244 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 250


ALOISIO DA SILVA LOPES JUNIOR 21 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] Richard Posner, adepto do critério analítico econômico do direito, parametrizou o desenvolvimento de sua Teoria do Direito na construção das decisões judiciais, elaborando, para tanto, um estudo eivado de elementos interdisciplinares descritos nas ciências jurídica e da economia, buscando, com isso, apresentar um cenário estável e seguro para aplicação do direito. Desta forma, a presente dissertação apresentará, em seu primeiro capítulo os elementos fundamentais das ciências econômicas, em especial seu conceito de eficiência, cujo escopo será essencial para o desenvolvimento do trabalho de Richard Posner. Já em seu segundo capítulo, o trabalho voltará seu olhar para o desenvolvimento e desdobramento do pensamento do autor americano, demonstrando o início de seu processo investigativo até seu giro pragmático, provocado, sobretudo, pelas intervenções e críticas de Ronald Dworkin, chegando, por fim, ao terceiro capítulo no qual o objeto de investigação será o processo de metrificação do pensamento jurídico, demonstrando a teoria da maximização da riqueza desenvolvida por Posner e evidenciando as razões pelas quais o autor renegou o trabalho de Pareto e de Kaldor-Hicks. Em sua conclusão, esta dissertação demonstrará o processo evolutivo do pensamento de Richard Posner, em especial o processo de metrificação da eficiência baseada na maximização da riqueza, que embasará o processo decisório dos Juízes e promoverá, segundo sua visão, a construção da Teoria do Direito. / [en] Richard Posner, adept of the economic analytical criterion of law, parameterized the development of his Theory of Law in the construction of judicial decisions, developing, for that purpose, a study full of interdisciplinary elements described in the legal and economic sciences, seeking, with this, describe a stable and safe scenario for the application of the law. In this way, the present dissertation will present, in its first chapter, the fundamental elements of economic sciences, especially its concept of efficiency, whose scope will be essential for the development of Richard Posner s work, in the second chapter the work will turn its gaze to the development and unfolding of the American author s thought, demonstrating the beginning of his investigative process until its pragmatic turn, provoked, above all, by Ronald Dworkin s interventions and criticisms, reaching, finally, the third chapter where the object of investigation will be the process of metrification of legal thought, demonstrating the theory of maximization of wealth developed by Posner and evidencing the reasons why the author disowned the work of Pareto and Kaldor-Hicks. In its conclusion, this dissertation will demonstrate the evolutionary process of Richard Posner s thought, in particular the process of metrification of efficiency based on the maximization of wealth, which will base the decision-making process of the Judges and will promote, according to his vision, the construction of the Theory of Law.

不純正不作為犯之作為義務研究 / Research of obligation to act from derivative omission offences

魏國晉, Wei, Kuo-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
不純正不作為犯與作為其核心架構的「保證人地位」與刑法作為義務,長久以來是困擾德國與我國刑事法研究的深度議題,並是諸多學界重要見解發揮其精微論理的場域。然而,直至本文撰寫的今日而言,對於不純正不作為犯的研究雖已累積近百年的光陰,卻仍然難以跳脫循環論證、缺乏法理基礎的懷疑。 本文立基於我國與德國學說見解長久以來的偉大基礎,先行確認至今為止的所有議題討論都無法達到成功解決問題的高度後,嘗試以最直接的方式給予不純正不作為犯的刑法作為義務最為實際、具有共識的法理基礎,並借用於刑事法較少受到討論的「法律經濟分析」,將刑法作為義務作為一種社會制度的經濟特徵逐一抽出,並建構適合該種制度創造與存在的社會模型,最終就不純正不作為犯的刑法作為義務為何存在、如何存在得出基本假設,並就該種制度給予特定人民積極保護法益的義務,提出具有實際意義、成本合理分配的假設。 為檢驗本文透過個人與社會實際需求所進行之假設是否符合現代社會之實際需求,本文假設刑事法學界所承認之刑法作為義務與保證人地位,若多數吸納原屬於其他社會制度之人際關係,則多數刑法作為義務態樣之原型,應全部得透過本文回溯社會群體、個人需求的最初假設,而得出符合本文觀察之解釋。最後,於本文第四章之結論中,確實得出與本文理想圖像相契合之論證結論。申言之,當代諸多被刑法作為義務吸納之保證人地位,多數均存在本文所稱作為義務人得自履行救助義務直接得利之特徵,而使本文第三章所提之觀察與假設,有其實際論證基礎。至於無法透過本文假設所詮釋之保證人地位,如「危險前行為」、「自願承擔義務」,本文亦指出其法理基礎乃源自於第二章已提及不可論證之先驗性思考,而有斟酌其適當性之必要。 / Germany and Taiwan’s criminal law researching have long troubled derivative Omission Offences with its core “Criminal duty of care”. Until today, the study of derivative Omission Offences has been a hundred years, yet it is still difficult to solve the problem of circular argument and lacking of basis. Based on the great foundation of our country and the German doctrine, this paper has confirmed that the all the discussion so far has failed to achieve the goal of solving the problem successfully. This article tries to give the “Criminal duty of care” the most practical and consistent legal basis through the most direct way, by using “Economic Analysis of law” as Legal method. When we regard criminal law as an obligation as a social system, there are several economic features that can be used to answer our questions. Finally, we have the assumption that why Derivative Omission Offences exists and how it works, and this is a hypothesis that is of practical significance and takes into account cost allocation. In order to test whether our hypothesis is consistent with the current situation, this article one by one to dismantle the existing “state of protection”, and confirm that all “state of protection” are in line with our assumptions. In other words, all the obligors who choose through “Criminal duty of care” are to allocate the cost of fulfilling the obligation to protect. As for the “Criminal duty of care” does not meet the assumptions of this hypothesis, such as the creation of dangerous pre-behavior, voluntary commitment, this article also successfully demonstrated why they can not fit, and they are a lack of basic theory.

La corporation sert-elle bien ses stakeholders?

Charron Geadah, Nicolas 05 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit Option recherche (LL.M)" / La corporation est une institution à multiples facettes. Elle est d'abord un outil juridique au service de l'entreprise mais aussi une entité où se rencontrent les intérêts de nombreuses personnes. On nomme de façon générale stakeholders, ces personnes qui ont un intérêt dans la corporation. Plusieurs facteurs ont une influence sur les relations entre une corporation et ses stakeholders; le mode de gouvernance de l'entreprise, les attributs de la corporation ainsi que le contenu du droit corporatif applicable déterminent les échanges entre les stakeholders ct la corporation. Le modèle traditionnel de la corporation, quoique justifiable sur la base de l'efficience, peut être contesté de différentes façons. Pour évaluer la pertinemce de ce modèle, il faut l'analyser du point de vue économique pour chaque type de stakeholders. En isolant chacune des relations impliquant la corporation et l'une des catégories de stakeholders, nous sommes en mesure d'identifier les risques d'externalités et les solutions possibles. De plus, cette analyse permet de prévoir l'effet d'une intervention législative et de mieux comprendre la corporation dans sa dynamique économique. Cet exercice tend à démontrer que la position de chaque stakeholder est dépendante de nombreuses variables sur lesquelles les législations ont parfois peu d'effet. Le contrôle des corporations est essentiellement établi par un processus d'ajustement automatique des intérêts où chacun y trouve son compte. / The corporation is a multifaceted institution. It is first of all a legal tool available to the enterprise but also the junction of the interests of numerous persons. We call stakeholders the people who have interests in the corporation. Many factors play a role in the relation between the corporation and the stakeholders; the corporate governance, the attributes of the corporation as weil as the corporate law applicable will affect the relation between the corporation and the stakeholders. The conventional model of corporation is often criticized although it is arguably the most efficient model from an economic standpoint. To understand the critics and the raison d'ètre of this model, we need ta analyze it under economic terms from the different points of view of the stakeholders. Analyzing one by one the relations between the corporation and each type of stakeholders, we are able to identify the problems related to externalities and possible solutions. Furthermore, this analysis will allow us to foresce the potential effects of a new legislation and understand better the corporation in its economic context. As a result of this analysis, it seems to be that the situation of each stakeholder depends on many variables on which legislation has little impact. The ultimate control of corporations is tinally settled by an automatic process of adjustment where everyone satisfies its own interests.

Le principe d'efficience dans la jurisprudence européenne / The principle of economic efficiency of the ECJ case-law

Portuese, Aurélien 10 December 2012 (has links)
L’analyse de la jurisprudence de l’Union Européenne a trop longtemps fait l’objet de la seule attention des juristes. Mais, si des analyses jurisprudentielles successives ont jusqu’à présent appréhendé les principes structurant de cette jurisprudence et se sont tentés à des conceptualisations, il sera avancé que ces entreprises n’ont été que partielles. En effet, le principe principal, quoiqu’implicite, de l’évolution de la jurisprudence de l’Union Européenne est le principe d’efficience économique. Cette carence, ne rendant l’effort de conceptualisation de la jurisprudence européenne qu’imparfait, est due à l’absence d’analyse économique méthodique et systémique du droit européen et, plus particulièrement, de la jurisprudence européenne. Cette thèse entend combler cette lacune. Au-delà d’entreprendre une analyse économique approfondie de la jurisprudence européenne permettant une conceptualisation renouvelée et précisée de la figure du juge européen, notre étude permettra de s’inscrire dans le débat de la supériorité alléguée des systèmes de Common Law en termes d’efficience économique. De plus, notre thèse, par une grille d’analyse originale renouvelant l’analyse du droit (européen), mettra en exergue les points de convergence et de divergence entre lignes de jurisprudence. La systématisation de notre analyse jurisprudentielle par la perspective du principe d’efficience économique nous permettra, ainsi, d’élaborer une 10 véritable hypothèse scientifique falsifiable et falsifiée. Nous formulerons une hypothèse de l’efficience économique de la jurisprudence européenne. / For too long, lawyers were the only scholars scrutinizing the ECJ case-law. Consequently, numerous jurisprudential analyses have scarcely portrayed the complexity of the underpinning concepts beneath the ECJ case-law. These approaches to the ECJ case-law have only been partial, it will be argued, due to the neglect of the fundamental principle driving the ECJ case-law’s evolution – meaning, the principle of economic efficiency. This neglect can be explained from the absence of thoroughly in-depth economic analyses of European law, and especially of the ECJ case-law. This thesis aims at filling up this gap. Beyond the economic analysis of the ECJ case-law allowing for an original, updated and renewed perspective of the EU judicial reasoning, this thesis shall pave the way for a better grasping of the academic debate pertaining to the alleged economic efficiency of the Common law over civil law traditions. Moreover, this thesis, from this original viewpoint that is an overtly economic perspective of the EU judicial reasoning, shall draw new conclusions on some specific stances of the EU judges. The systemic approach undertaken here from the perspective of the principle of economic efficiency shall lead us to formulate the scientific hypothesis that is falsifiable and falsified. Indeed, the hypothesis of the economic efficiency of the ECJ case-law shall be advanced.

Mezinárodní právo společností / International Company Law

Lokajíček, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation deals with international company law, namely with piercing the corporate veil doctrine. The dissertation is divided, apart from introduction and conclusion, into 5 chapters. Chapter I deals with general definition of the doctrine. Chapter II explains that the complexity of the doctrine is caused by a fact that it actually consists of several related questions. This Chapter offers an answer to the most serious one - the predictability of use of the doctrine. Chapter III discusses current questions related to the piercing. Chapter IV brings an analysis of use of the piercing in chosen developed legal orders including a comparison summary. Finally, Chapter V is devoted to possibility of use of the doctrine in Czech law. Key words: International company law; piercing the corporate veil; breakthrough of the property independence; limited liability of shareholders; capital companies; economic analysis of law; closely held corporations; voluntary and involuntary creditors.

As normas de defesa do consumidor brasileiras e seus impactos nas redes de eletrodomésticos gaúchas

Baccin, Dirceu 19 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-07-20T14:40:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dirceu Baccin.pdf: 2171261 bytes, checksum: a40f5d6814fa1b064eb85b2e99dd578b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-20T14:40:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dirceu Baccin.pdf: 2171261 bytes, checksum: a40f5d6814fa1b064eb85b2e99dd578b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-19 / Nenhuma / O presente estudo examina os impactos das normas de defesa do consumidor brasileiras, com base na Análise Econômica do Direito, perante as redes varejistas de eletrodomésticos, fornecedores e consumidores. O estudo visa aproximar o enfoque econômico com as políticas públicas e analisa a necessidade das constantes intervenções do Estado no direito consumidor brasileiro. A abordagem do trabalho teve um enfoque qualitativo de natureza exploratória, que dará suporte para uma pesquisa mais aprofundada do tema, para aproximar ainda mais a Análise Econômica do Direito com o Direito do Consumidor brasileiro. Os principais resultados da pesquisa indicam que as normas de defesa do consumidor brasileiras trouxeram como impactos econômicos o aumento das vendas, conseqüentes da regulamentação do mercado e da segurança jurídica vislumbrada, juntamente com o aumento de burocracia interna e dos custos das empresas, que em parte são repassados aos consumidores e aos fabricantes. / This study examines the impacts of Brazilian consumer protection standards, based on Economic Analysis of Law, before the home appliance retailers, suppliers and consumers. The study aims to bring economic approach to public policies and examines the need for constant government intervention in the Brazilian consumer law. The labor approach had a qualitative focus exploratory in nature, which will provide support for further research theme, to further approach the Economic Analysis of Law with the Law of the Brazilian consumer. The main results of the research indicate that the Brazilian consumer protection standards brought as economic impacts increased sales, consequent regulation of the market and the envisaged legal certainty and increased internal bureaucracy and business costs, which in part are passed on to consumers and manufacturers.

Por uma tutela efetiva ao meio ambiente: a aplicação da law & economics para combater a tragédia dos bens comuns

Cardoso, Tatiana de Almeida Freitas Rodrigues January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-22T23:22:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 05d.pdf: 2537097 bytes, checksum: 56c8d8d8120beecf5693e98fb5f2dec4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T23:22:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 05d.pdf: 2537097 bytes, checksum: 56c8d8d8120beecf5693e98fb5f2dec4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / A proposta deste trabalho é estudar a problemática que envolve o meio ambiente, encontrando um meio de realmente atribuir eficácia social à esse direito comum a todos os indivíduos, posto que os problemas ambientais vislumbrados ao redor do globo hodiernamente fogem da normalidade, atingindo a todos os seres humanos no âmago do seu Direito Humano ao meio ambiente sadio e ecologicamente equilibrado. Nesse escopo, introduz-se a problemática ambiental, demonstrando a dificuldade atual enfrentada pelo homem referente aos baldios e exibindo a teoria por traz deste verídico drama ambiental que se vivencia, pensado por Garret Hardin – a Tragédia dos Bens Comuns. Ademais, faz-se uma construção acerca do que é esse novo Direito Humano, explicando o seu surgimento por meio da própria evolução histórica da sociedade e a sua consagração enquanto direito consuetudinário internacional de terceira dimensão. Na sequência, abordar-se-á a insuficiência da “positivação” desse Direito para contornar a Tragédia, sendo essa a principal problemática que se buscará responder no texto, partindo da crise paradigmática do positivismo até o surgimento de um novo paradigma, o qual observa a função desempenhada pelo sistema jurídico e, por causa disso, busca outros ferramentais para contornar o problema, como a Análise Econômica do Direito, oriunda do Direito e Economia. Logo, estudar-se-á os instrumentos originários das Ciências Econômicas, particularmente, as ideias edificadas por Arthur Pigou e Ronald Coase para controlar o problema, além de duas metodologias da microeconomia significativamente relevantes para o Direito, quais sejam, a Teoria da Escolha Racional e a Teoria dos Jogos. Por fim, analisar-se-á detalhadamente as contribuições geradas por esses inputs econômicos, desde a monetarização do meio ambiente à criação de incentivos positivos, os quais tendem a ser a “nova” solução para contornar não só o estruturalismo do sistema jurídico, como também o problema ambiental, vez que motiva os agentes sociais a agirem em prol das condutas esverdeadas. Desta feita, mostrar-se-á dois exemplos dessa aplicação, uma no panorama doméstico, envolvendo o tema dos tributos ambientais, e outra no panorama internacional, no que compete aos mercados transacionáveis como aquele elucubrado pelo Protocolo de Kyoto. Para tanto, traça-se um resgate teórico-qualitativo acerca do tema, com intuito de revisar a bibliografia existente, porém, sem o condão de querer esgotá-la. / This thesis aims at studying the problems arising from the environment, trying to establish a method of truly attaching social efficacy to this common right to all individuals, since the environmental problems that have emerged worldwide escape from normality, intrinsically affecting human beings in their human right to a healthy and balanced environment. In this scope, it will be primarily introduced the environmental problems, demonstrating the current difficulty faced by individuals concerning the commons and showing the theory behind this true problem mankind face as Garret Hardin exposed, called The Tragedy of the Commons. Moreover, a historical construction of what this novel human right is will be made, in order to explain its establishment as a customary rule of international law of third dimension. Furthermore, the insufficiency of such “positivation” to fight the Tragedy will be addressed, constituting the main quest of his text, departing from the positivism paradigmatic crisis until the erection of a new paradigm that observes the functional character of law. Due to such view, the necessity of finding in other sciences mechanisms to overcome this current issue, such as incorporating the Economic Analysis of Law methodology, originated form the Law and Economics School will be clarified. Thus, the Economic Science instruments will be studied; chiefly, the Pigouvean and Coasean concepts, and two significant theories for the Law field, which are the Rational Choice and Game Theory. Above and beyond, the detailed contributions generated by these economic inputs will be discussed from the monetization of the environment to the emergency of positive incentives, which tend to be the “new” key to solve both the structural view of the law system and the environmental problem, as it encourages the social agents to act greenly. In this sense, two examples of such application will be shown: one in the domestic system involving environmental taxes, and the other in the international arena, concerning the transactional markets (cap-and-trade) as the one established by the Kyoto Protocol. For such analysis, a theoretical-qualitative research on the matter will be made, intending to review the existing bibliography, but not expecting to exhaust it.

防制重大金融犯罪之研究-以犯罪所得剝奪為中心 / Prevention regulations on major financial fraud-discussing on deprivation proceeds of crime

林炤宏, LIN, Chao Hung Unknown Date (has links)
由於政經環境之變遷、公司治理的缺漏和外部監理機制之失調,常導致重大金融犯罪之發生,與其惡害卻由全民負擔之不公現象。於是除嚴刑峻罰外,奠基於任何人均不得從犯罪中獲利之犯罪所得剝奪理念與制度設計,遂於二OO四年金融七法修法時被廣泛納入。惟歷經一段期間之適用後,其法實效性如何?有無源於其他刑事法制無從配合,或囿於司法實務判解之困頓,所導致的扞格?部分國際公約與其他國家之相關法制設計及運作理念,有無值得比較、參研之處,均殊值探研。   本文嘗試先掌握金融犯罪之特性,與近來金融犯罪防制法規之演變。其次,再就我國犯罪所得剝奪法制沿革、犯罪所得之界定、計算為研析,並探索犯罪所得剝奪法制在預防、打擊與抗制金融犯罪等之必要性,以及其應通過之憲法基權保障檢驗。再者,則希能透過偵審案例,探究研現階段我國金融犯罪防制法規,在犯罪所得之暫時保全與終局剝奪上所面臨之實務困境及問題;並瞭解部分重要之國際公約與美、英、日等國家有關法制之設計。最後,則期能歸結相關問題與爭議,並融合法制建構、實務運作、外國法制借鏡等數個層面,提出可能之解決途徑或修法建議。 / Political and economic changes, incomplete of corporate governance, and imbalance of external supervision mechanism are all reasons for occurrence of major financial fraud. The losses and costs of major financial fraud, in general, are always enormous. Unfortunately, most people, instead of offenders, need to bear the huge losses. As a result, except the strategy of severe punishment, the idea and regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime were introduced to combat these problems in 2004. However, after a period of practicing, how about the application and practice of regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime is. Therefore, we are concerned about: are there any problems or difficulties resulting from criminal legal system and the practice of precedent itself? What we can learn from international conventions and other countries’ similar legal system? The thesis, first of all, attempts to figure out the feature of major financial fraud and the changes of financial regulations. Secondly, we try to explore the history of regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime, the definition and the calculation of proceeds of crime, and whether the regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime are essential for preventing and against major financial fraud or not. Meanwhile, in order to guarantee and protect the fundamental rights of people, we also hope to exam the regulations on deprivation proceeds of crime by the concepts of constitution. In additions, according to the case study, the thesis also longs for exploring what are the practical problems and dilemmas for current regulations on temporary seizure and final forfeiture procedures. At the same time, comparing with the international conventions and other countries’ similar legal system on laundering, search, freeze, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime is also important and useful for this study. Finally, after concluding the relative problems and debates about this topic, of course, the paper hopes to propose a possible approach or legal amendment by integrating legal system modification, legal practice, and foreign legal system.

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