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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Global TNCs And Local SMEs In Bangalore: Subcontracting, Innovation And Economic Performance

Sudhir Kumar, R 05 1900 (has links)
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are one of the principal driving forces in the development of an economy because of its significant contribution in terms of number of enterprises, employment, output and exports in most developing as well as developed countries. But SMEs, particularly in developing countries like India, face constraints in the functional areas of technology, finance, marketing and human resources. Moreover these SMEs have been exposed to intense international competition since early 1990s because of globalisation. However, globalisation, the process of continuing integration of the countries in the world has opened up new opportunities for SMEs of developing countries to cater to wider international markets which bring out the need for these SMEs to develop competitiveness for their survival as well as growth. Subcontracting relationship of SMEs with Large Enterprises (LEs) is an important source of access to technology and other infrastructural resources for SMEs of developing countries enabling them to develop their capabilities and become competitive. In the era of globalisation, Trans National Corporations (TNCs) are expanding their production facilities to developing countries for availing the advantages of productivity and distribution more than ever and India is no exception. These TNCs which concentrate on core operations and outsource non core activities offer better scope for local SMEs to have subcontracting relationship with them. Superior work culture of these TNCs would be reflected in their subcontracting relationships with local SME suppliers since TNCs place much emphasis on their value chain to be organised according to international standards. The key issue is whether Indian SMEs have entered into subcontracting relationship with TNCs and if so what is the nature of these subcontracting relationships? Does this relationship with the TNCs offer more scope for receiving assistance of various kinds for subcontracting SMEs? What is the extent and diversity of this TNC assistance? Given the quantum of assistance, does it facilitate the innovations and economic performance of SMEs? These questions have been addressed in the study with reference to subcontracting SMEs of three major TNCs in the Indian automobile industrya Japanese TNC, a German TNC and a Swedish TNCall the three being located in Bangalore, India. A theoretical framework for subcontracting relationship between TNCs and SMEs is proposed focusing on TNC assistance, SME innovations and economic performance, based on literature review. The study is based on an Ex Post Facto Exploratory research using primary data collected from a sample of 81 SME subcontractors selected from the list of first level suppliers provided by the three TNCs. The relevant data were collected using a structured questionnaire by visiting the firms and having personal interviews with entrepreneurs/senior managers of the firms. An assessment of nature of the SME subcontractors and their subcontracting relationships with TNCs revealed that these SME subcontractors of the three TNCs are in different stages of TNCSME subcontracting relationship. The Swedish TNCSME subcontracting relationships are in the initial stage, the Japanese TNCSME subcontracting relationships are in the growing stage and German TNCSME subcontracting relationships are in an enduring stage of the relationship. Therefore they are alternatively referred to as initial stage SME subcontractors, growing stage SME subcontractors and enduring stage SME subcontractors. The assistance a subcontracting SME received from its TNC customer was measured using 20 item variables under 7 dimensions of assistance related to product, production process, managerial know-how, marketing, human resource, financial and purchase process. A model to measure the degree of assistance was formulated with these 20 item variables for measuring the seven dimensions of assistance. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to establish the validity of the model. The degree of assistance was calculated as a single summated score for each case by summing up the composite scores of the seven dimensions of assistance calculated using weighted average method. The assistance provided to SME subcontractors was more in the case of German TNC than those of Japanese TNC and Swedish TNC. Even though there was evidence of assistance from TNCs to SME subcontractors, these SMEs received more of product related and purchase process assistance whereas assistance for their production process, managerial know-how, marketing, human resource, financial requirements was not very high. This implies that subcontracting relationship of Indian SMEs with TNCs is confined more to a mere purchase supply relationship where both the parties are concerned about the basic requirements of purchase supply relationship like detailed specifications, proper feedback on product performance, advance information about future orders, preferential pricing and proper payment. Innovation of the subcontracting SMEs was measured based on six dimensions of innovation, namely, new product developments, product modifications, process improvements, informal R&D/NPD expenditure, informal R&D/NPD employees and raw material selection. Firms were classified into two groups as high innovators and low innovators based on the innovation score calculated using the six dimensions. To probe the role of TNC assistance in the innovations of subcontracting SMEs, a logistic regression analysis was performed using the equation with degree of assistance, capital and labour as explanatory variables and innovation level as criterion variable. Our analysis revealed the positive role of assistance in the innovations of SMEs. However, the positive role of this assistance was found to be decreasing as focus of our analysis shifted from the initial stage SME subcontractors to the growing stage SME subcontractors and then to the enduring stage SME subcontractors even when the assistance they received increased from one stage to the other. SME subcontractors operating in the initial stage of the relationships, who in general lack technological competence, rely more and make more use of the assistance, even when the assistance itself is low, for their innovative performance. As the relationship gets older, the SMEs may be able to enhance their inhouse competence using the assistance from the TNC and may make more use of their own resources for innovations along with the assistance from TNCs. Therefore, as SME firms begin to use more of their inhouse resources for their innovations, it is likely that the role of TNC assistance for SME innovations would decrease. Increasing positive role of labour for SME innovations as the relationship shifted from initial to enduring stages substantiate the argument of increasing utilisation of inhouse resources for innovations as relationship prolongs over a period of time. A comparative analysis of the economic performance of SME subcontractors revealed that the German subcontractors were having more labour productivity and value added to value of output and low capital productivity whereas Swedish subcontractors were having high capital productivity and low labour productivity and value of added to value of output compared to other two. In order to probe the role of degree of assistance on the economic performance of SMEs, a regression analysis was performed using the equation with degree of assistance, capital and labour as explanatory variables and value addition as criterion variable. The results revealed the contributory role of TNC assistance in the economic performance of subcontracting SMEs but this contributory role of assistance was found to be decreasing even when the assistance itself is increasing whereas the contribution of labour increased, as our analysis shifted from the initial stage to the growing and then to the enduring stage of relationships. The extent of assistance might be low at the initial stage of the relationship but the small and young SME subcontractors who in general, lack technological competence might be able to make more use of this assistance since the assistance from TNCs would be one of their major sources for technical upgradation and growth. As the relationship prolongs both contracting and subcontracting firms may rely on trust and build up close relationship which would enable the SMEs to enhance their sales to the TNC and receive more assistance. At the same time, some of the SMEs might even strengthen their inhouse resources due to TNC assistance which in turn could be further used for their economic performance. This could be the reason for the decreasing contributory role of assistance and increasing contributory role of labour for the economic performance of subcontracting SMEs as our analysis moved to more enduring relationships. Further analysis using other regression models revealed that the firms, which received more assistance from the TNC customers utilised labour more efficiently than firms which received lesser assistance. TNC assistance was found to be an important factor for the enhancement of labour productivity of subcontracting SMEs, especially for young and small firms operating in the initial stage of the relationship. The subcontracting SMEs were able to make use of the innovations which they could carry out with TNC assistance for their economic performance. Quantile regression analysis, performed to have a more comprehensive picture of the effect of degree of assistance on economic performance, revealed that that for SMEs having average factor productivities, the assistance from TNCs contributed less to their economic performance relative to those SMEs which had low and high factor productivities, respectively. Moreover, SMEs which had high factor productivities were able to make more use of their innovations for their economic performance. These findings clearly show that the TNC assistance enables subcontracting SMEs to enhance their innovations and economic performance. Initially, the SME subcontractors might receive less assistance but these SMEs who in general, have limited resources may make more use of this assistance for better performance and enhancing their internal capabilities. As the subcontracting relationship endures over a period of time, subcontracting SMEs would be able to enhance their performance and develop their internal resources which in turn could be further used for their performance. If that is so, even when the SMEs are able to receive more assistance from TNCs and deliver higher performance, the contribution of this assistance for their performance would decrease. Thus this diminishing role of assistance from TNCs in the economic performance of subcontracting SMEs supports the fact that SME subcontractors are able to improve their internal capabilities and competitiveness through long term subcontracting relationships with TNCs. An assessment of the relative importance of SME factors which encourage subcontracting of the SMEs with TNCs indicated that inhouse R&D efforts and technological capability, frequent and proper communication, financial stability, skilled manpower, reputation of the subcontracting firm etc. are the most important factors, indicating the importance of inhouse/internal resources of the subcontracting firms. An assessment of the factors with respect to improvement needed for these SMEs revealed that the entrepreneurs/managers of the SMEs had realised the need to improve their inhouse resources and develop their technological capabilities with enhanced skilled manpower and better machinery. Given the importance of internal resources of SMEs for forging subcontracting relationships with TNCs, Indian SMEs need to place utmost priority for enhancing their own technical and manpower resources. Results of our study underlines the need for a policy thrust to expand the coverage of subcontracting involving local SMEs with domestic economy based global TNCs. The promotion of linkages of SMEs with TNCs depends on two factors: (i) the availability of local SMEs who have the prerequisite capabilities in terms of quality, delivery and cost and (ii) availability of information of such SMEs and their capabilities for TNCs. This context calls for the simultaneous strategy of competitiveness enhancement of local SMEs to the required level and providing information about the available capabilities of SMEs to TNCs.

Relationship between firm’s sustainability strategic behaviour and performance: a meta-analytic review and theoretical integration

Gabriel, Amir 17 August 2012 (has links)
Most theories that attempt to describe the relationship between corporate sustainability strategies and a company’s triple bottom line also make the assumption that there is insufficient evidence to produce generalizable conclusions. This study contributes to the overall body of knowledge, as there is a lack of significant generalizable knowledge on corporate sustainability strategies and a company’s triple bottom line. To provide a methodologically more rigorous review, we performed a meta-analysis on 18 scholarly articles from top-tier academic journals containing 64 experimental treatments that measured an observed (not self-reported) behavioural outcome, which yielded a sample size of 23,871 observations. Most studies combined multiple treatments, which preclude definitive conclusions on the most effective treatments. The findings suggest that there is a positive medium to strong relationship between sustainability-oriented strategies, for both reactive and proactive behaviours (Dyllick et al., 1997; Gminder et al., 2002), and a company’s “triple bottom line.” Furthermore, regardless of the firm type (e.g., multinational corporation or local establishment, emerging economy firm or developed nation business), proactive sustainability-oriented strategies tend to have a higher payoff than firms that adopt reactive sustainability-oriented strategies. This meta-analysis establishes a greater degree of certainty with respect to corporate sustainability strategies and a firm’s triple bottom line relationship than currently assumed by many business scholars. To conclude, the sustainability concept has significantly expanded the scope of measuring organizational performance according to economic, social, and environmental components (Robins, 2006), which are collectively described as the “triple bottom line.” Organizations have determined that specific products and processes can have serious environmental and social implications beyond providing typical economic benefits (Sarkis, 2001). Based on the results of this study, companies should develop more diversified sustainability strategies that will help them to identify and capture value (McMullen, 2001). The results demonstrate that sustainability can provide companies with a strategic advantage, which is vital for the organization’s long-term viability and success (Orlitzky et al., 2003). This study also examines the balance between reasonable return on investment and long-term organizational viability, which greatly impacts organizational decision-makers that contend with numerous stakeholder issues, pressure from environmental agencies, and increased social consciousness that affects workers, consumers, and communities. It supports the conclusion that being proactive in responding to these conflicting pressures and barriers helps organizations to achieve higher levels of performance.

Le management stratégique de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises / The strategic management of Corporate Social Reponsability

Bouyoud, Floriane 12 April 2010 (has links)
La Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises peut aujourd’hui être considérée comme un thème de gestion qui prend tout son sens dans le management opérationnel des entreprises et des organisations. C’est pourquoi, il semble nécessaire d’éclairer le concept de Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises, notamment parce qu’il ne concerne pas uniquement le volet social des organisations et qu’il ne s’applique pas qu’aux entreprises stricto sensu. Il s’agit de commencer par traduire ce concept dans les décisions et les pratiques de management stratégique, mais également de proposer une ingénierie stratégique pour sa mise en œuvre. Enfin, il faut évaluer les effets sur la performance globale de l’entreprise ou de l’organisation, c'est-à-dire sur les trois performances : environnementale, sociale et économique, de manière à en mesurer l’efficacité et l’efficience dans le temps. Nous proposons une modélisation pour faciliter la mise en place de la Responsabilité Sociale dans les Entreprises à travers une ingénierie tridimensionnelle qui comprend les trois axes du processus d’implantation, les trois volets de la RSE et les trois étapes de mise en œuvre. Nos recherches ont débuté par une approche auprès de neuf terrains dits préliminaires qui nous ont permis d’obtenir les éléments nécessaires à la construction de notre modèle de management stratégique de la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises. Nous avons ensuite testé notre modèle auprès de deux organisations en menant une étude longitudinale de près de trois ans. / Today the Corporate Social Responsibility can be considered as particularly relevant as far as the operational management of companies and organisations are concerned. It is indeed necessary to clarify the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility because this notion does not only concern the social aspects of organisations, and it does not apply only to companies. First of all, this concept should be applied in the decisions and practice of Strategic Management and be set up thanks to strategic engineering. Eventually, the impacts on the general performance of companies or on organisations will be assessed at three different levels: environmental, social and economical in order to measure the efficiency and the efficacy along the periods of time. We suggest a model to facilitate the implementation of Social Responsibility in the companies through a three dimensional engineering. It consists of the three main lines of the Corporate Social Responsibility and its implementation process which includes three different stages. We drew on our research on nine different preliminary fields from which we have obtained the necessary elements to develop our model of Corporate Social Responsibility strategic management. Then we have tested this model on two organisations and we carried out a three year longitudinal analysis.

Evolution du rôle du contrôleur de gestion dans un contexte de contrôle de gestion / Evolution of the management controller's role in a decentralized management control context

Ennajem, Cécile 10 June 2011 (has links)
Dans le cadre d’un contrôle de gestion décentralisé, nous étudions l’évolution du rôle du contrôleur de gestion sous trois angles, celui de l’utilisation et la conception d’outils de contrôle de gestion utilisés pour le pilotage des activités et intégrant la dimension humaine, celui de sa contribution à la mise en place d’un contrôle de gestion plus proche des opérationnels et celui de l’étude de ses relations interpersonnelles avec les opérationnels. Nos recherches ont débuté dans notre propre service dans un organisme de Recherche-développement, en tant que contrôleur de gestion où nous avons observé et fait évoluer nos propres pratiques durant neuf ans. Ces premiers résultats ont été complétés par ceux d’une recherche-intervention menée dans un grand organisme public belge qui a implanté le contrôle de gestion socio-économique, puis nous avons complété notre recherche par l’observation d’outils de contrôle de gestion socio-économique et de leurs incidences sur le rôle du contrôleur de gestion, dans cinq entreprises de secteurs et de tailles différents. / Within the framework of a decentralized management control, we study the evolution of the management controller role from three angles, the one of the use and conception of management control tools used for the activity piloting and integrating the human dimension, the one of its contribution to the implementation of a management control closer to operational staff and the one of the study of its interpersonal relations with the operational staff.Our researches began as management controller in our own service in a Research and development organization, where we have been observing and developing our own practices for nine years.These first results were completed by those of an intervention-research led in a big Belgian public organization which implanted the socioeconomic management control, then we completed our research by observing socioeconomic management control tools and their impacts on the management controller role, in five companies from different sectors and sizes.

O efeito da aglomeração industrial no desempenho econômico das firmas: uma análise exploratória aplicada ao setor de confecções do estado de São Paulo

Ferreira, Fernando Coelho Martins 21 February 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:52:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 142099.PDF.jpg: 20928 bytes, checksum: 63bc27794a77bef56ae640e0cc7ff9d9 (MD5) 142099.PDF: 1098317 bytes, checksum: 0ff5e208e40dfa2ede2dc61bafa0e018 (MD5) 142099.PDF.txt: 360667 bytes, checksum: 2813a5acef6f6ca2c147734b1edfb795 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-21T00:00:00Z / Verifica-se hoje, no Brasil, a emergência de uma série de estudos, tanto no lado acadêmico quanto no lado governamental e empresarial, relacionados às aglomerações industriais, mais notadamente clusters e Arranjos Produtivos Locais (APLs). Contudo, a maioria destes se direciona a abordagens metodológicas qualitativas, deixando o aspecto quantitativo ainda pouco explorado. Outro fato também constatado sobre estes estudos é que poucos são aqueles que se direcionam a avaliar o desempenho das firmas localizadas em aglomerações industriais, em comparação com as não aglomeradas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo preencher parcialmente esta lacuna. Marcado por uma abordagem quantitativa, buscou-se avaliar como as firmas aglomeradas se desempenham economicamente em relação às não aglomeradas. Dado o aparente ganho de competitividade do setor de confecções brasileiro e a importância relativa na economia que este voltou a adquirir após décadas de decadência, as firmas deste setor localizadas no estado de São Paulo foram as escolhidas para a análise. Para alcançarmos este objetivo, foi utilizada uma base de dados secundários que, conjugada com informações relativas às aglomerações industriais existentes no estado de São Paulo, permitiu avaliar o desempenho das firmas de confecções através de medidas relacionadas ao conceito de Valor Adicionado. Contrariando as expectativas geradas pela revisão de literatura, foi constatada a ausência de evidências que confirmem que as firmas localizadas em aglomerações industriais se desempenhem melhor do que as firmas não aglomeradas. Opondo-se de forma mais intensa às expectativas, foi constatado que as firmas localizadas na cidade de São Paulo, região com a maior aglomeração de firmas do setor de confecções, possuem seu desempenho econômico prejudicado. Todavia, dado o caráter exploratório do estudo, os resultados não devem ser generalizados, ficando estes restritos às empresas componentes da amostra. / Nowadays in Brazil, a set of studies are emerging, as much from the academic side as from the governmental and corporative side, concerning to the industrial agglomeration, mainly clusters and Local Productive Arrangements (LPAs). However, the majority of those studies are conducted trough approaches of qualitative methodology. Another evidence about such studies is that they seldom develop research towards the performance of the firms located in industrial agglomerations compared to other firms not agglomerated. This work had as objective to partially fulfill that gap. Determined by a quantitative approach, it aimed to evaluate how the agglomerated firms perform economically when compared with the ones that are not. Considering the apparent competitive advantage of the Brazilian textile sector and the relative economic relevance that it rebuilt after decades of decadence, firms from this sector located in São Paulo state were selected for analysis. To reach this goal, a secondary data base was used, together with information concerning the industrial agglomerations existing in São Paulo state, which has allowed evaluating the firms’ performance trough measures related to the concept of Added Value. Contrary to all expectations raised by the bibliographic review and preparatory research, no evidence that confirms that firms located in industrial agglomerations have better performance than the not agglomerated firms was found. Moreover, the research revealed that the firms located in São Paulo city, the region with the biggest agglomeration of firms of the textile sector, have their performance jeopardized Nevertheless, taking into account the exploratory nature of this study, the results should not be generalized to all the textile industry sector, remaining such results strictly adequate to the firms of the sample.

An analysis of the economic performance of the Johannesburg's small internet service providers from 2002 - 2006

Tenene, Sime Gabriel 03 1900 (has links)
The following study about the economic performance of the Johannesburg’s small Internet service providers investigates the economic performance of the small Internet providers against the backdrop of regulatory conditions. The study departs from the view point that reports about previous studies have not given particular attention to the economic performance of the small Internet service providers and other impacting factors. The study employed the qualitative research approach with an aim of obtaining deeper understanding and internal view as reiterated by the respondents. The analysis presented follows a guide by Neuman (2006) which departs from the premises of themes or concepts. The results of this study provide a perspective of respondents and the conclusions drawn by the researcher. The study ends by providing suggestions and recommendations for future studies. Suggestions and recommendations provided at the end have been prompted by the results and experiences encountered during the study. / M.A. (Communication Science)

Les modalités de mobilisation d'une compétence improvisationnelle au sein d'une équipe projet / Detailed rules for the mobilization of improvisational competences within a project team

Vignikin, Aristide Kohovi 03 December 2013 (has links)
De nombreux projets échouent du fait d’une gestion insuffisante des imprévus. Compte tenu de l’intérêt croissant que suscite ce sujet tant auprès des managers de projet que dans le monde de la recherche, notre objectif est de rechercher des solutions innovantes pour appréhender ces imprévus. Nous mobilisons les travaux sur la gestion de projet, sur l’improvisation organisationnelle et sur la qualité du travail en équipe, et nous posons la question de recherche suivante : quels sont les dispositifs managériaux à développer dans le cadre d’équipe projet pour gérer efficacement la capacité à improviser lors de projets innovants ? Cette question de départ se décline en deux sous-questions de recherche : Quelles sont les situations de management de projet favorisant une improvisation et quelle est leur évolution durant la vie d’un projet ? Quel est l’impact de la mobilisation des dispositifs improvisationnels par les membres d’équipes projet sur la performance du projet ? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous nous appuyons sur l’analyse quantitative d’une base de données internationale relative aux situations managériales de projet, pour répondre à la première question de recherche, et sur une enquête auprès d’équipe projet d’étudiants réalisant des projets tutorés, en réponse à la seconde question de recherche. Parmi les principaux résultats, cette thèse permet d’identifier et de caractériser les « situations improvisationnelles » dans le cadre d’équipe projet, mais aussi d’analyser comment elles évoluent en fonction des phases du projet. Elle se penche également sur le lien entre l’improvisation collective et la performance des équipes projet, et montre que la qualité du travail en équipe joue un rôle intermédiaire. Enfin, le rôle joué par plusieurs dispositifs managériaux est mis en évidence. En fonction du type de performance, économique ou sociale, deux modèles de gestion de l’improvisation dans les équipes projet sont proposés. Ces résultats font l’objet d’une discussion, puis les apports de notre recherche ainsi que ses limites et les perspectives de recherches sont développées en conclusion. / Many projects fail because of poor management of unpredictable situations. Given the growing interest in this subject among both project managers and researchers, our goal is to seek innovative solutions to capture the unexpected. The literature review is grounded on project management, and the concepts of organizational improvisation and quality teamwork. We ask the following research question : what are the managerial devices to develop within project teams in order to manage effectively the ability to improvise in innovative projects ? The initial question is divided into two sub-research questions : What are the project managament situations favoring improvisation and how do they evolve during the project life span ? What is the impact of the mobilization of improvidational devices by the project team members on project performance ? To answer these questions, we rely on quantitative analysis of an international database on managerial project situations to answer on the first research question, and on a survey of project teams of students achieving tutored projects, in response to the second research question. Among the main results, this thesis identifies and characterizes « improvisational situations » within project teams. It also analyzes how they evolve during the project life span. It also examines the relationship between collective improvisation and performance in project teams, and it shows that the teamwork quality plays an intermediary role. Finally, the role played by several managerial devices is highlighted. Depending on the type of performance, economic or social, two management models of improvisation in project trams are available. These results are discussed and the contributions of our research as well as its limitations and the perspectives of research are developed in conclusion.

Účetnictví v chovu ryb / ACCOUNTING IN ACQUACULTURE

TELECKÝ, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Accounting as a fundamental basis for reporting the property, resources, results of economic performance, as well as an indirect background material for monitoring parameters of the environment, evaluation of legislation changes and also political ambitions, represents an irreplaceable and, at the same time, complex activity. Accounting is based upon the basic standards and legislation, but it cannot grasp all. What is more, this industry is very specific and locally dependent.

A viabilidade da agricultura familiar: formas de organização produtiva no Oeste do Paraná / The viability of family agriculture: kinds of productive organizations in the west of Paraná

Stoffel, Jaime Antonio 05 November 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Jaime Antonio Stoffel.pdf: 324461 bytes, checksum: 1198667990c660d0c5824b945ba8dad1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-11-05 / The objective of this study is to comparatively analyse the socio-economic performance reached by different kinds of productive organizations of the small family agricultural production in the west of Paraná in order to determine which kinds present bigger or shorter viability to the development of the family agriculture in that region With the development of capitalism in the country there was a growing transformation in that region and a consequently diversity of the kinds of productive organizations with implications for the viability and the socio-economic performance of those kinds of small producers So at least four kinds of productive organizations of the small family agricultural production appeared and developed in the decades of 1970 and 1980 in that region and are still predominant: a) Productive organization with prevailing integrated production; b) Productive organization with prevailing farming diversification; c) Productive organization with production exclusively agricultural; and d) Productive organization with prevailing agricultural production This way in terms of work hypothesis we found out the socio-economic viability of the small family agricultural production is related to its kind of productive organization By studying primary and secondary data it could be concluded that the relationship exists but not in simple kind This study points out that each different kind of productive organization presents different potentialities and obstacles to its viability which is justified by the different combinations of activities performed in the small family production in that region determining bigger or shorter socio-economic performance This way we can?t suggest a single destiny to the small family production in that region since its destiny depends on its own inside production factors available in the small properties especially labor and natural resources and also outside factors which coerce into its behaviour / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar comparativamente o desempenho sócio-econômico alcançado por diferentes formas de organização produtiva da pequena produção agrícola familiar na Região Oeste do Paraná a fim de determinar quais as formas que apresentam maior ou menor viabilidade para o desenvolvimento da agricultura familiar na Região Com o desenvolvimento do capitalismo no campo houve na Região uma crescente transformação e uma conseqüente diversificação nas formas de organização produtiva com implicações sobre a viabilidade e o desempenho sócio-econômico desta categoria de pequenos produtores Assim pelo menos quatro formas de organização produtiva da pequena produção agrícola familiar surgiram e se desenvolveram a partir das décadas de 1970 e 1980 na Região e predominam até hoje: a) Forma de Organização Produtiva com predomínio da produção integrada; b) Forma de Organização Produtiva com predomínio da diversificação agropecuária; c) Forma de Organização Produtiva com produção exclusivamente agrícola; e d) Forma de Organização Produtiva com predomínio da produção agrícola Nesse sentido em termos de hipótese de trabalho verifica-se que a viabilidade sócio-econômica da pequena produção agrícola familiar está relacionada às suas formas de organização produtiva Constata-se através de uma análise feita com a utilização de dados primários e secundários que esta relação existe mas não de forma simples Ou seja o estudo aponta que cada uma das diferentes formas de organização produtiva analisadas apresentam potencialidades e obstáculos diferenciados à sua viabilidade Isto se explica pelas diferentes combinações de atividades desenvolvidas na pequena produção agrícola familiar na Região que determinam maior ou menor desempenho sócio-econômico Dessa forma não se pode sugerir um único destino para a pequena produção agrícola familiar na Região Mesmo porque este destino depende dos próprios fatores de produção internos disponíveis nas pequenas propriedades principalmente mão-de-obra e recursos naturais bem como dos fatores externos que a coagem em seu comportamento

Le management stratégique des coopérations entre parties prenantes d'un projet de construction : cas d'entreprises de maitrise d'oeuvre du bâtiment / Strategic management of construction projects stakeholders’ cooperation : architectural and engineering firms’ perspective

Ruat, Thibault 28 June 2016 (has links)
La recherche s’attache à améliorer la compréhension d’un management stratégique des coopérations entre les parties prenantes d’un projet de construction. Cette thèse développe tout particulièrement le lien entre ce management des coopérations et la performance socio-économique des organisations de maîtrise d’œuvre. Ce lien est analysé à partir des deux principaux cadres théoriques que sont la théorie socio-économique et la théorie des parties prenantes. L’état des lieux du management stratégique des coopérations au sein des organisations de maîtrise d’œuvre, réalisé selon une approche dysfonctionnelle conforme à la méthodologie de recherche-intervention socio-économique, met en évidence les principales causes des défaillances de coopération et leurs impacts sur les parties prenantes. Puis, les expérimentations, menées dans 22 agences d’architecture et une PME de maîtrise d’œuvre, montrent que la synchronisation, le pilotage stratégique et le pilotage des compétences des parties prenantes constituent les trois principaux axes d’amélioration de ce management stratégique des coopérations. Des leviers et facteurs de développement de ces axes, mobilisables par les organisations de maîtrise d’œuvre pour améliorer la qualité des coopérations avec leurs parties prenantes internes et externes, sont développés. Les compétences et la confiance se révèlent deux facteurs significatifs de performance et de durabilité des coopérations. Leur articulation conduit au développement d’un concept de coopération-confiance performante et durable où le management stratégique des coopérations constitue l’activateur qui, par effet de levier, améliore la performance socio-économique de l’organisation ainsi que son pilotage. Un pilotage qui invite à un repositionnement de la fonction de maître d’œuvre vers celle de maître d’œuvre-pilote des coopérations. / This dissertation aims to enhance understanding of strategic management cooperation between the stakeholders of a construction project. Our work is particularly focused on the link between cooperation management and socio-economic performance of architectural and engineering firms. This link is analyzed through two main theoretical frameworks: socio-economic theory and stakeholder theory. An empirical analysis of strategic management cooperation within architectural and engineering organizations, through a dysfunctional approach according to the socio-economic intervention-research methodology, highlights the main causes of cooperation failures and their impacts on stakeholders. Then, experimentations, conducted in 22 architectural firms and in a SME engineering company, show that synchronization, strategic management and stakeholders’ skills management are three main improvement axes of cooperation strategic management. Those axes’ levers and development factors, mobilized by architectural and engineering firms to improve cooperation quality with internal and external stakeholders, are developed. Skills and trust appear as two significant cooperation performance and sustainability factors. Their combination leads to the development of a concept of efficient and sustainable cooperation-trust management in which strategic cooperation is the activator, by leverage effect, improves the organization’s socio-economic performance and its management. A management which calls for repositioning the architectural and engineering firms work to that of architectural and engineering firms as cooperation managers.

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