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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finanças públicas de Goiás: comportamento da arrecadação e análise da causalidade entre receitas e despesas (2002/2011)

Seixas, Flávio Henrique de Sarmento 26 May 2012 (has links)
This present dissertation analyzes the performance of public accounts of Goiás during 2002/2011. There were two main problems treated: first, from the fact that the total tax revenue surpassed, in good measure, the significant economic growth in the region, it was investigated the causes for such performance. Additionally, was analyzed what kind of behavior occurred in the intertemporal Goiás revenue and expenditure relationship, so that such a relationship may or may not justify budgetary imbalances occurred during the period or that would compromise the ongoing fiscal adjustment. Such analysis allows to compare the results of Goiás with those obtained in other studies that, in general, fit the majority of Brazilian states as having performed fine adjustment, much as the volume of transfers from the Union that, properly, for their autonomous capacity to tax and collect. The results of Goiás indicated a relative strength of independent taxation, arising from the total revenue from its main tax (ICMS), but occurred much because of the tax effort reflected in the subgroups Debt and Fiscal Action, accompanied by an increasing transfers government volume and a greater proportion than 20% of total revenue in the period. Added to this set, the long cycle of the regional economy and positive force that provided the spontaneous collection of ICMS, however, the intensity lower than that cited in the subgroups. On the other hand, contributed to the fiscal results obtained for the answer the second research problem: the intertemporal relationship between revenues and expenditures for the state in the period indicated a strong tendency to fiscal synchronization, which allowed at least ease the fiscal situation worse when the state was in the recent past. / Este trabalho analisa o desempenho das contas públicas de Goiás no período 2002/2011. Foram dois os problemas principais tratados: primeiro, a partir da constatação de que a arrecadação total superou, em boa medida, o significativo crescimento econômico da região, investigaram-se as causas para tal desempenho. Adicionalmente, analisou-se que tipo de comportamento intertemporal ocorreu no relacionamento receitas e despesas goianas, de forma que tal relação possa, ou não, justificar desequilíbrios orçamentários ocorridos no período ou, ainda, que venha a comprometer o ajuste fiscal em curso. Tais análises permitiram confrontar os resultados do estado de Goiás com os obtidos em outros estudos que, de uma forma geral, enquadram a maioria dos estados brasileiros como tendo realizado tênue ajuste, muito mais em função do volume das transferências da União do que, propriamente, por sua capacidade autônoma de tributar e arrecadar. Os resultados de Goiás apontaram para uma relativa força de tributação autônoma advinda da arrecadação total de seu principal tributo (ICMS), mas que ocorreu muito em razão do esforço fiscal refletido nos subgrupos Dívida Ativa e Ação Fiscal, acompanhado de um volume de transferências governamentais crescentes e em proporção maior que 20% da arrecadação total em todo o período. Soma-se a este conjunto o ciclo longo e positivo da economia regional que proporcionou força na arrecadação espontânea de ICMS, porém em intensidade menor que a registrada nos subgrupos citados. Por outro lado, contribuiu para os resultados fiscais a resposta obtida para o segundo problema de pesquisa: a relação intertemporal entre receitas e despesas para o estado, no período, indicou forte tendência para sincronismo fiscal , o que permitiu, no mínimo, amenizar a situação fiscal bem pior em que o estado de Goiás se encontrava no passado recente. / Mestre em Economia

Indústria petrolífera e dinâmica capitalista: análise dos impactos do preço internacional do petróleo no mercado nacional / Oil Industry and Capitalist Dynamics: Analysis of oil prices impacts in Brazilian market

Diego Fernandes Emiliano Silva 18 August 2009 (has links)
Os combustíveis fósseis, dentre eles o petróleo, são e continuarão sendo durante mais algumas décadas a principal fonte energética para a produção industrial, transporte, petroquímica e mesmo para o uso doméstico. Dentre suas características principais podemos citar o fato do petróleo ser um recurso natural exaurível, além de apresentar uma distribuição geológica bastante desigual, gerando diversos conflitos geopolíticos. Sua exploração sustenta-se em uma estrutura de mercado imperfeita, onde diversos players manipulam seus preços, objetivando maiores lucros, sem se preocupar com um desenvolvimento sustentável. Dada à importância do petróleo, se observa que sua precificação tem diversos impactos na atividade econômica. Busca-se nesse trabalho entender as relações existentes entre a indústria petrolífera e a dinâmica capitalista, especificadamente os impactos do preço internacional do petróleo na atividade econômica, nacional e internacional. / The fossil fuels, among them the petroleum, are and will remain during some decades more the main energy source for the industrial production, transport, petroquimic sector and even for the domestic use. Among your main characteristics we can mention the fact that petroleum is exhaustible resources, besides presenting an unequal geological distribution, generating several geopolitics conflicts. Your exploration is sustained in an imperfect market structure, where several players manipulate your prices, aiming at larger profits, without worrying with a maintainable development. Given the importance of petroleum, it is observed that your price has several impacts in the economical activity. In that work, is looked for understand the existent relationships between oil industry and economic dynamics, especially the impacts of the international oil price in Brazilian and world economical activity.

O livre exercício da atividade econômica, proteção do meio ambiente e instrumentos da política nacional

Montipó, Cristina Dias 25 March 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objeto o conflito existente entre o exercício da atividade econômica e a proteção do ambiente, emergindo o questionamento de como conciliar tais valores em busca da melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas. Tem-se como objetivo geral analisar a tensão entre a atividade econômica, fundada na livre iniciativa, e o direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, buscando adotar uma concepção integrada dos artigos 170 e 225 da Constituição Federal brasileira em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável. Para tanto, utilizam-se a análise e a interpretação como instrumentos específicos do saber jurídico, do material existente nas fontes do direito, na literatura especializada e também em acórdãos relevantes do Poder Judiciário, em especial do Supremo Tribunal Federal. A exposição estrutura-se em três capítulos e parte do estudo da ordem econômica para, em seguida, tratar da colisão entre valores constitucionalmente tutelados como a proteção do meio ambiente e a saúde pública versus livre iniciativa e desenvolvimento econômico. Assim, a ponderação de valores é exigida no caso concreto, cabendo ao Poder Judiciário resolver conflitos de interesses trazidos a sua apreciação. Após, o exame recai sobre a política ambiental o que permitiu identificar os instrumentos de compatibilização do desenvolvimento econômicosocial com a preservação ambiental, destacando-se de modo especial o estudo de impacto ambiental e o relatório de impacto sobre o meio ambiente (EIA/RIMA), bem como o procedimento administrativo de licenciamento ambiental. A partir da análise conjunta das normas da ordem econômica e do meio ambiente, pôde-se verificar que ambos os ramos são amparados pela mesma base principiológica e estão ligados pelos mesmos objetivos, uma vez que se preocupam com a qualidade de vida e bem-estar das pessoas, buscando assegurar a todos uma existência digna e a realização da justiça social. Constatou-se, como principal resultado, que os direitos fundamentais, previstos respectivamente nos artigos 170 e 225 da Constituição Federal, evidenciam a garantia do princípio da dignidade humana, motivo pelo qual a livre iniciativa e o direito ao meio ambiente devem coexistir. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this research is the existing conflict between the exercise of economic activity and environment protection, emerging from the questioning of how to reconcile such values in the search for an improvement in people’s lives. The general objective is to analyse the tension between economic activity, grounded in free initiative, and the right for an ecologically balanced environment, aiming at adopting an integrated conception of articles 170 and 225 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution towards sustainable development. Thus, analysis and interpretation are used as specific tools for juridical knowledge, of pertinent material in the sources of law, in specialized literature and also in relevant judgments by the judiciary, especially in the Supreme Federal Court. The exposition and section of the study of economical order are structured in three chapters, followed by the collision between values constitutionally safeguarded, such as environment protection and public health versus free initiative and economic development. Thus, consideration of the values is demanded in concrete cases, with the Judicial Power responsible for settling conflicts and interests brought about. Afterwards, the test falls on environment policies, which allows for identifying compatibilization tools of social-economic development with environment preservation, highlighting the study of environmental impact and the impact report on the environment (EIA/RIMA), as well as administrative procedures of environmental licenses. From the combined analysis of economic rules and the environment, it was possible to observe that both segments are supported by the same principal basis and are linked to the same objectives, since they are concerned with the quality of life and well-being of the individual, aimed at assuring all of a worthy life and social justice fulfilment. It could be observed that, as a main result, the fundamental rights, provided in articles 170 and 225 of the Federal Constitution, evidence the guarantee of the principals of human dignity, reason which free initiative and the right for the environment should co-exist.

Caracterização da pesca artesanal em São Caetano de Odivelas (PA)

Raymunda Nonata Silva da Silva 29 November 2010 (has links)
A pesca artesanal desenvolvida na região amazônica ainda necessita ser descrita e desvendada por completo, mesmo considerando esforços depreendidos por reconhecidos pesquisadores há mais de duas décadas, a grandiosidade, a diversidade e a complexidade das populações amazônicas está por se traduzir. Este estudo confere o empenho de produzir uma caracterização da pesca artesanal desenvolvido em uma cidade amazônida. O objetivo geral deste estudo é, portanto descrever como vem sendo desenvolvida a pesca artesanal no município de São Caetano de Odivelas, tendo como objetivos específicos identificar as práticas de pesca utilizadas, as embarcações e o pescado próprio da região. A estratégia metodológica desta pesquisa pautou-se em pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo, nas abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas. Foram entrevistados 147 pescadores e os representantes da categoria profissional. Observou-se que a pesca artesanal no universo estudado é a principal atividade econômica da localidade e reflete-se na vida social e cultural das populações que dela dependem. / Small-scale fisheries developed in the amazônica region has yet been described and that full, even considering depreendidos efforts by recognized researchers for over two decades, the grandeur, diversity and complexity of Amazônia populations is translate. This study gives the commitment to produce a characterization of small-scale fishing developed in a town amazônida. The general objective of this study is to describe how is being developed to artisanal fishing in the municipality of São Caetano de Odivelas, having as specific goals identify fishing practices used vessels and fish of the region. The methodological strategy this survey took into bibliographic research and field research, qualitative and quantitative approaches. N 147 fishermen were interviewed and the representatives of the Professional category. It was noted that the artisanal fishing in the universe studied is the main economic activity of the city and is reflected in social and cultural life of the populations that depend on it.

Contribution à l'analyse des pratiques de coopération inter-organisationnelle territorialisée : le cas de l'Insertion par l'activité économique / Contribution to the analysis of the practices of territorialized inter-organizational cooperation : a case study of Inclusion by Economic Activity

Girard, Stephen 07 December 2015 (has links)
La territorialisation des politiques publiques repose sur un grand nombre d’acteurs-relais, dont la coopération est considérée comme une donnée, rarement comme une variable à construire. Pourtant, les organisations ne sont pas des agents économiques désincarnés, mais des entités constituées d’individus, dont la mise en disponibilité relationnelle n’est pas garantie par la seule « proximité géographique ». Cette thèse traite des coopérations inter-organisationnelles territorialisées, dans le cadre d’un dispositif d’Insertion par l’Activité Économique (IAE), et mobilise trois études de cas.Elle montre que les coopérations inter-organisationnelles ne sont pas un processus naturel, qu’elles ont besoin d’un cadre favorable pour s’exprimer positivement. Mais aussi, que la pertinence du cadre ne garantit pas à lui seul leur efficacité/efficience et leur durabilité. La performance socio-économique globale du dispositif repose également sur la qualité de son pilotage, car le système IAE ne s’auto-organise pas. À ce titre, nous proposons l’implémentation d’un outil de contractualisation, comme levier de l’activation du pilotage des coopérations inter-organisationnelles territorialisées, entre les pouvoirs publics et les structures d’IAE, qui viendrait enrichir l’actuel dialogue de gestion. / The territorialization of public policy depends on a large number of “link-actors” whose cooperation is considered as a given and rarely as a variable to be constructed. However, the organizations are not disincarnated economic agents, but entities made up of individuals whose propensity to relationships is not guaranteed uniquely by “geographical proximity.” This thesis deals with the territorialized inter-organizational cooperation within the framework of an Active Inclusion through Economic Activity (AIEA) scheme and involves three case studies.It demonstrates that inter-organizational cooperation is not a natural process, that it requires favorable conditions in order to have a positive outcome. Furthermore, the pertinence of the framework does not in and of itself guarantee its efficiency/effectiveness and its sustainability. The global socio-economic performance of the scheme depends equally on the quality of its monitoring insofar as the AIEA system is not self-organized. With this in mind, we propose the implementation of a contract agreement tool, as a lever for the activation of the monitoring of territorialized inter-organizational cooperation, between the public authorities and the AIEA structures, which would enhance the current management dialog.

NEZAMĚSTNANOST MLADÝCH LIDÍ V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE / Unemployment of young people in Czech Republic

Zemanová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on unemployment of young people. Young people are among disadvantaged groups in the labor market, so they are given special attention. The main goal of this work is to analyze unemployment of young people in the Czech Republic, monitor its development and evaluate the changes. Attention is paid to the relationship between unemployment and education. The indicator of average length of education is used along with educational structure to evaluate the level of education. The work also focuses on the economic activity of young people, which has significantly reduced in recent years. At the end of this thesis is analyzed unemployment and education of young people in the regions of the Czech Republic.

Historicko-geografické příkladové studie o rozvoji oblasti a sídel při komunikaci Praha - Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav / Historical and geographical case studies on the development of the area and sites with road Prague - Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav

Mareš, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
- The goal of this study is to have a look on the historic path as an important factor, which supports socioeconomic nature of certain activities at different times in the neighborhood, and see how these activities modify or chase in terms of contemporary circumstances and local geography. Thus, how this path affected areas near the surrounding landscape, which brings together over two sites in the pre-industrial period, during the industrial revolution and also at the time of transformation - the present time. In each of the three chapters, an attention devoted within a defined period of specific activity. In pre-industrial period, special attention was devoted to the contemporary conditions and capabilities of inns and wholesalers of agricultural output. For the period of the industrial revolution a location of the food industry was anticipated and in the chapter of the present time the aim was to bring urban sprawl in terms of monitored communities. During the task all available information obtained from the cited sources and interviews to create a comprehensive picture of the phenomenon observed in a given period and formulate a conclusion on the proposed hypothesis were compared. Key words - socio-economic activity, geographical conditions, path, transport communications, suburbanization

The Agricultural Land Use Of Wallace Township

Gates, John William 04 1900 (has links)
No Abstract Provided / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Essays on commodity prices and economic activity in a resource rich country

Paulo, Eugenio Maria January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Economics / Steven P. Cassou / The increase in commodity prices that has taken place in the past decade or so has resulted in renewed interest in the debate about the macroeconomic consequences of such price increase. Previous studies tend to assume that all commodity price shocks are alike and advocate a “one size fit all” policy response by monetary authorities, either by means of contractionary monetary policy to alleviate inflationary pressures or doing nothing, since these shocks are believed to have insignificant economic impact. This dissertation analyses the impact of fluctuations in commodity prices on the South African economy. The first chapter studies the impact of shocks to prices of four commodities on monetary policy variables. Results show that shocks to different commodity prices have different effects on the monetary policy variables, hence rejecting the “one size fits all” policy response by monetary authorities, as some researchers have suggested. Chapter two investigates the sectorial effects of commodity price shocks. The Dutch Disease hypothesis suggests that a boom in the natural resource sector shrinks the manufacturing sector through crowding out and appreciation of the real exchange rate. South Africa is a major exporter of a large number of commodities. Using a structural VAR framework this chapter analyzes the impact of shocks to different commodity prices on the production and employment levels in the manufacturing and mining sectors in South Africa. The results show that the commodity price boom has had a positive impact on both sectors, hence the manufacturing sector did not experience signs of the Dutch disease. Chapter three examines the volatility transmission between commodity prices and nominal exchange rate in South Africa. This chapter uses conditional and realized volatility models to estimate volatility in exchange rate, gold, platinum, oil, palladium and silver prices and then employs Granger-causality, Impulse Response analysis, Variance Decomposition and Ordinary Least Squares to analyze the volatility transmission from the commodity prices to the nominal exchange rate. The results show that there is volatility transmission from commodity prices to the nominal exchange rate, hence knowing the volatility in commodity prices would improve investor’s ability to manage risk in South Africa.

L'"insertion par l'activité économique" : entre vivre en commun et travail. : Analyse de l'"émergence" d'un dispositif / Insertion by economic activity : between "living in the community" and "working"

Crocco, Mariagrazia 14 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse propose une lecture de l’insertion qui s’inscrit dans le rapport entre vivre en commun et travail tel qu’il s’est historiquement construit et développé. Il s’agit d’un travail conduit dans le cadre d’une convention CIFRE avec une structure d’insertion par l’activité économique, l’association Acta Vista. L’hypothèse majeure consiste à considérer le secteur professionnel de l’insertion par l’activité économique comme un dispositif, c’est-à-dire un réseau d’éléments hétérogènes (normes, lois, comportements…) dans lequel s’entremêlent des stratégies de savoir et pouvoir. Ce secteur professionnel peut fonctionner en tant qu’hétérotopie et béquille du système social et économique dans lequel il opère. En tant que dispositif, il est aussi un espace dans lequel convergent des hommes, des femmes, des idées diverses ; un espace où se créée innovation et se tracent des lignes de fuites. Elles bousculent la structure du dispositif et révèlent une autre manière de penser et vivre l’insertion par l’activité économique et, globalement, le rapport entre vivre en commun et travail. Dans la thèse, le thème de l’insertion par l’activité économique se trouve à la jonction entre deux axes de travail qui apparaissent respectivement dans la première et la deuxième partie. L’un plus centré autour d’interrogations anthropologiques et historico-politiques concernant le rôle du travail dans le vivre en commun ; l’autre plus tourné vers une épistémologie de l’activité d’insérer, avec ses ambiguïtés, contradictions et possibilités. / The thesis undertakes a reading of « insertion » and also of the relationship that exists between 'living in the community' and 'working', and how this relationship has been constructed and developed from an historical perspective. More precisely, this work consists of a research project conducted within the terms of the CIFRE agreement made with the Acta Vista Association, which is a “work integration social enterprise”.The main hypothesis of the thesis considers the professional employment sector as a 'mechanism', that is a network of heterogenerous elements (norms, laws, behaviours...) in which power and knowledge strategies are intertwined.The employment sector can function as a 'heterotopia' and 'crutch' of the social system and economy in which it operates. Understood as a mechanism, is also a place where men, women and different ideas converge, where 'innovation' is created and which escape routes are traced. These shake off the structure of the mechanism and reveal another way to think and live the employment process, and, overall, the relationship between living in a community and working.In the body of the thesis, the theme of “insertion by economic activity” is considered as the meeting point of two axes of working which come together in the first and second parts. The first, which concentrates more on the anthropological and historical-political issues relating to the role of working in “living together”. The second, which is more focused on the epistemology of activity which highlights its ambiguities and contradictions and possibilities.

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