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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mapeamento de competências docentes: estudo entre acadêmicos de administração / Mapping teaching competences: a study among students of business administration

Ramos, Márcio Sampedro 19 October 2011 (has links)
The changes coming out from the latest years have repercussion on all instances of living in society, generating new social, political and educational demands. Within this new context, it is extremely relevant to rethink the role of the educator, the academic and administrative procedures, as well as the importance of education for the job market (NASSIF; HANASHIRO, 2001). The present study had as general objective to map the teaching competences of the Business Administration course of UFSM in the perception of students and teachers. The research arose from a theoretical model by Alvarez and Diaz (2004) which mapped the following competences: content masterfulness, logical reasoning in the explanation, relationship, organization, evaluation methods, support to students, use of resources, motivation, professional duties, encouragement to classroom participation and theory-practice interaction. The methodology used was a quantitative research of descriptive characteristic. As to the technical procedures, a case study in the Business Administration course of a public higher education institution (IES) was carried out. By analyzing more than 1130 questionnaires, having a sample of the students (226 respondents) and another of the teachers (27 respondents), it was noticed that the teachers were well evaluated, getting means quite above the intermediary value in the scale (2.50). The results still showed that, within these competences, the most important and influential ones in the teaching performance according to the students perception were, in this order: content masterfulness, logical reasoning in the explanation and support to students. Concerning the teachers sample, the results also pointed out the content masterfulness as the most valued competence, followed by logical reasoning in the explanation and encouragement to classroom participation. Thus, it was demonstrated that there is a sort of alignment in the valuation of competences between teachers and students. Among the areas of knowledge in the course, the area of Human Sciences has stood out by presenting the higher means of the competences, within the 29 variables of the construct. The lower means registered were those of the Marketing area. / As mudanças decorrentes dos novos tempos têm repercussão em todas as instâncias da vida em sociedade, gerando novas demandas sociais, políticas e consequentemente educacionais. Em meio ao novo contexto, é de extrema relevância repensar o papel do educador, os procedimentos acadêmicos e administrativos, bem como a importância da educação para o mercado de trabalho (NASSIF; HANASHIRO, 2001). O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral realizar um mapeamento das competências docentes do curso de Administração da UFSM na percepção de alunos e professores. A pesquisa partiu de um modelo teórico de Alvarez e Diaz (2004) que mapeava as seguintes competências docentes: domínio de conteúdo, raciocínio lógico na explicação, relacionamento, organização, métodos de avaliação, suporte aos alunos, utilização de recursos, motivação, obrigações profissionais, incentivo à participação em aula e interação teoria-prática. A metodologia utilizada foi uma pesquisa quantitativa, de cunho descritivo. Quanto aos procedimentos técnicos, foi realizado um estudo de caso no curso de Administração de uma IES pública. Através da análise dos resultados de mais de 1130 questionários, contendo uma amostra discente (226 respondentes) e outra docente (27 respondentes), constatou-se que os professores foram bem avaliados, obtendo médias bem acima do valor intermediário da escala (2,50). Os resultados mostraram ainda que, dentre essas competências, as mais importantes e influentes no desempenho docente de acordo com a percepção dos discentes foram, nesta ordem: domínio de conteúdo, raciocínio lógico na explicação e suporte aos alunos. Quanto à amostra docente, os resultados também apontaram o domínio de conteúdo como a competência mais valorizada, seguida de raciocínio lógico na explicação e incentivo à participação em aula. Assim, foi demonstrado que existe certo alinhamento na valorização de competências entre docentes e discentes. Entre as áreas de conhecimento do curso, a área de Ciências Humanas destacou-se por apresentar as médias mais altas das competências, dentro das 29 varáveis do construto. As menores médias registradas foram as da área de Marketing.

Impact of Dominant Academic Culture on Employee Assistance and Organizational Development Programs in Institutions of Higher Education in the United States

Kinross, Kelly Marie January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Retention factors and employee organisational commitment at a higher education institution in South Africa

Muleya, Dasy 18 September 2017 (has links)
MCOM / Department of Human Resource Management and Labour Relations / This study sought to determine the influence of retention factors on employee organisational commitment at a higher education institution in South Africa. The study follows a quantitative methodology in which self- administered questionnaires were used to collect data from a stratified random sample of 274 participants. The strata were grouped as academic and nonacademic staff. Participants were then randomly selected from each stratum. Using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23, both descriptive and inferential statistics including correlation and regression analyses were conducted to determine relationships between retention factors and employee organisational commitment variables. The Retention Factor Scale was used to collect data on retention factors and Organisational Commitment Questionnaire was used to collect data on employee organisational commitment. The findings indicated that job characteristics, supervisor support, career development and work-life balance are significantly related to employee organisational commitment. Furthermore, the results revealed that of the six retention factors, career development was the most significant factor which had an impact on employee organisational commitment. The study concludes that retention factors and their impact may differ based on different institutions, therefore, it is recommended that every institution should figure out the retention factors which have the most impact on their employees and find ways to improve employee organisational commitment.

Prediktorer för högskolelärares avsteg från regler och intention till regelefterlevnad / Predicting rule-breaking and intention for rule abidance among Swedish university teachers

Johansson, Nils January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund Som statsanställda ska lärare vid Sveriges statliga universitet och högskolor lojalt följa de regler som gäller för verksamheten. Mer kunskap behövs dock kring de faktorer som predicerar högskolelärares förhållningssätt till och arbete i enlighet med det regelverk som gäller i kontakten med studenterna och vid bedömning av studentprestationer. Metod En webbenkätundersökning (n = 3625 svar) genomfördes med syfte att genom bivariat korrelation och multipel regressionsanalys predicera svenska universitets- och högskolelärares (1) rapporterade a-steg från det nationella regelverket i förvaltningslagen och högskoleförordningen respektive (2) intention att följa regelverket. Följande prediktorer ingick i analysen: Upplevda konsekvenser för (3) läraren själv respektive (4) andra om regelverket inte följdes; (5) kollegornas regelefterlevnad; (6) upplevd förmåga och möjlighet att följa regelverket; (7) upplevelse att regelverket är betungande, onödigt och ineffektivt (överbyråkratisering); utbildning i (8) juridik respektive (9) statsvetenskap; (10) organisatorisk rättvisa; (11) studenternas bemötande av läraren; (12) negativ attityd till studenternas rättigheter och ställning. Därutöver ingick de demografiska variablerna (13) kön, (14) ålder och (15) anställningstid. Resultat De erhållna multipla regressionsmodellerna förklarade 25 % av variansen i intention att följa regelverket (ej signifikant bidrag från prediktorerna 8 och 11) respektive 11 % av variansen i avsteg från regelverket (endast signifikant bidrag från prediktorerna 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11 och 14). Intention att följa regelverket förklarade ensamt 5 % av variansen i avsteg från regelverket. Slutsats Intention att följa regelverket och avsteg från regelverket kan i viss utsträckning förklaras av studiens prediktorer. Stor andel varians förblir dock oförklarad och effektstorlekarna var genomgående små. Mer preciserade beteenden förmodas ge högre förklaringsvärde i fortsatta studier. / Background According to the Swedish Instrument of Government (regeringsformen), “public power is exercised under the law” (chap. 1, art. 1, sec. 3). This states that, being public servants, teachers at Sweden’s public-sector universities and university colleges must loyally abide by the rules that are applicable to their sector. Despite the higher education sector being the largest public service sector in Sweden (with 76 000 employees and 350 000 students), and a very great deal of discretion is given to the teachers – when giving grades, for instance, as the student is not allowed to appeal against the grading decision to a higher institution – there is an apparent lack of research dealing with university teachers’ relation to the regulations. The aim of this study is to investigate variables that predict university teachers’ intention to comply with the regulations and act in accordance with the national rules that apply in the meeting with students and when assessing student performances. Method A web survey (n = 3625 received responses; response rate: 14.8 %; 1822 females, 1775 males, 28 other; age M = 51.1 years, SD = 9.3 years) was conducted in April of 2020 with the aim of predicting Swedish university and university-college teachers’ (1) self-reported breach of national regulations found in the Swedish Administrative Procedure Act (förvaltningslag) and Higher Education Ordinance (högskoleförordning) and their (2) intention to comply with the regulations. The following predictors were included in the analysis: Perceived consequences for (3) the teacher and for (4) others (i.e. students, the higher education institution itself and society) if regulations were not followed; (5) the extent of rule abidance among the teacher’s colleagues (descriptive norms); (6) perceived ability and possibility to abide by the rules (behavioral control); (7) perception of the rules being burdensome, unnecessary and ineffective (level of red tape); education in (8) law or (9) political science (“1” coded as having an education in the field); (10) organizational justice; (11) how the students treat the teacher (interpersonal justice); (12) negative attitude towards the students’ rights and position.In addition, the demographic variables (13) gender (“1” coded as female), (14) age and (15) years of employment were included as control variables. Results Breach of national regulations The ten most common rule-breaking behaviors performed by the teachers included Assessing a student without being able to distinguish the student’s performance from that of other students, for instance in group exams (39.3 %) Using derogative expressions (e.g. made fun of, using foul language) about a student internally in the organization towards a colleague (30.0 %) Refraining from responding to a student’s questions, e.g. in an e-mail or in a conversation (17.8 %) Taking other factors into consideration than the student’s expressed knowledge when deciding to pass a student. For instance, considering lack of time and resources; the student’s need for student financial aid to make a living, which depends on the student’s completed courses; your department’s need of state funding based on the student’s completed education (12.0 %) Giving different supplementary assignments based on the reason for the student’s missing attendance (11.4 %) Giving a single student the possibility for a retake, without offering the same opportunity to the other students in the course being in a similar situation (10.4 %) Refraining from notifying the vice-chancellor of there being grounds for suspecting that a student has attempted to deceive during an examination (9.6 %) Using a different examination format from the one/those stipulated in the course syllabus (9.2 %) In the document containing the grading decision, refraining from stating the names of all teachers that have helped with the assessment of a test (8.9 %; 10.4 % of the examiners) With the purpose of easing your workload, informing a student that a supplementary assignment will be more laborious than the ordinary assignment (7.0 %) Predicting intention to comply with the regulations All variables had a significant bivariate correlation with intention to comply with the regulations, having directions of the relationships that were in accordance with those hypothesized. However, some relations changed when combining all variables using a linear multiple regression. The linear multiple regression model explained 25 % of the variance in intention to comply with the regulations. The following predictors had a significant negative association with intention: (3) Consequences for the teacher if regulations were not followed (β = −0.05) (4) Consequences for others if regulations were not followed (β = −0.23) (7) Red tape (β = −0.08) (9) Education in political science (β = −0.03) – contrary to what was expected (12) Negative attitude towards the students’ rights and position (β = −0.04) (14) Age (β = −0.04) (15) Time of employment (β = −0.04) The following predictors had a significant positive association with intention: (5) The extent of rule abidance among colleagues (β = 0.08) (6) Perceived ability and possibility to abide by the rules (β = 0.15) (10) Organizational justice (β = 0.04) (13) Gender (β = 0.14) Contrary to expectation, these predictors did not have any significant contribution: (8) Education in law (11) How the students treat the teacher Predicting breach of regulations All variables, except (9) education in political science, had a significant bivariate correlation with breach of regulations, having directions that were expected from the hypotheses. However, many variables were found to have a non-significant contribution when combining all variables using a linear multiple regression. Intention to comply with regulations, by itself using bivariate correlation, explained 5 % of the variance in breach of regulations (r = −0.23). The linear multiple regression model explained 11 % of the variance in breach of regulations. The following predictors had a significant positive association with breach of regulations: (3) Consequences for the teacher if regulations were not followed (β = 0.06) (8) Education in law (β = 0.04) – contrary to what was expected The following predictors had a significant negative association with intention: (2) Intention to comply with the regulations (β = −0.15) (5) The extent of rule abidance among colleagues (β = −0.05) (6) Perceived ability and possibility to abide by the rules (β = −0.10) (11) How the students treat the teacher (β = −0.11) (14) Age (β = −0.08) Contrary to what was expected, these predictors did not have any significant contribution: (4) Consequences for others if regulations were not followed (7) Red tape (9) Education in political science (10) Organizational justice (12) Negative attitude towards the students’ rights and position (13) Gender (15) Time of employment Limitations The following limitations should be considered and accounted for in future research: Due to assumed response bias and socially desirable responding, the reported level of intention to comply with the regulations is probably inflated while the reported number of rules broken is probably deflated. Differing specificity levels of the behaviors have been studied, resulting in a difference in compatibility. Variables 2–7 included more general questions about the regulations, while actual breach of regulations (variable 1) have included more specific rule-breaking behaviors. Some rule-breaking behaviors included in this survey fall within a gray area. Some respondents, for instance, report it being difficult to determine when criticism towards a student could be perceived as offensive. Thus, there is room for improvement regarding the wording of the items in the developed instrument. What constitutes a violation of the rules is ultimately decided by a legal institution (e.g. a court of law). The assumptions for the linear multiple regressions were not met in terms of homoscedasticity and normality of the residuals due to extreme skewness of the data. This affects the reliability of the multiple-regression models. The internal consistency of the measure of negative attitude towards students’ rights and position was low (Cronbach’s α = −0.60) and the items should be improved to increase the reliability. Conclusion The intention to comply with the regulations and the breaches of the regulations can to some extent be explained by the predictors included in this study. However, a large portion of the variance remains unaccounted for and the general effect sizes were small. More specific behaviors are assumed to contribute to better reliability in future studies.

Mejora de proceso de planificar el año escolar de una Institución de Educación Básica de Lima / Improvement of the School Year Planning Process of a Basic Education Institution in Lima

Cabrera Luna, Sara Belen, Montañez Cárdenas, Melissa Verónica 14 May 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, el uso de tecnología ha crecido en las instituciones de educación básica; a causa de la pandemia estas instituciones se han visto en el deber de brindar sus servicios lo más parecido posible como si fuera en la modalidad presencial. Por ello, para dar el paso a la transformación digital que se ha estado dando en nuestro país en el ámbito educativo de manera progresiva, se ha reformulado la manera de ejecutar los procesos mas importantes y claves de esta entidad de educación básica. Por lo mencionado anteriormente, la propuesta de este proyecto es brindar una solución tecnológica que contribuya en la ejecución en el proceso de planificación del año escolar, con la finalidad de que se optimicen los tiempos y el resultado supere las expectativas de toda la comunidad educativa. Ello llevará a que los estándares de calidad educativa de esta institución sean un referente para la mejora continua de la educación en nuestra comunidad. En el capítulo 1, se plantea el problema, se plantean los objetivos del proyecto, asimismo, cuáles son los indicadores de éxito y el impacto en la institución, por último, se realiza el análisis de factibilidad tanto económica como técnica. En el capítulo 2, se analiza y se evidencia en que parte del proyecto se ha aplicado los Student Outcomes. En el capítulo 3, se da a conocer la situación actual de la institución de educación básica y se establece el Marco Teórico a desarrollar en el presente proyecto de tesis. En el capítulo 4, se desarrolla la propuesta de solución del proyecto donde se propone un sistema de gestión educativa. En el capítulo 5, se evidencia los resultados de las etapas del presente proyecto de tesis. En el capítulo 6, donde se muestra la estructura la gestión de proyecto, el cual nos brinda lineamientos para el desarrollo de este. / Nowadays, the use of technology has been growing in the basic education institutions; because to the pandemic this institutions had have seen themselves into the duty of giving their services most posible equal like it’s been the presencial modalilty. For that reason, in order to give the first step into the digital transformation which it has been openned in the educational environment in our country in a progressive way. Accordingly, the proposal in this project is give a tecnological solutions and also contribute in the execution of the school year planning process, for the purpose to optimize the time and the result overcome the expectation of all the education comunity. This will led that the educational quality standars of this institution became a referent for the education continuous improvement in our comunity. In the first chapter, it proposed the project problem and targets, also, which are the success indicators and the impact of the institution, at last, it is made the tehnical and economic viability. In the second chapter, it is made known in which part of the project it has applied the Student Outcomes. In the third chapter, it is made known the current situation of the basic education institution and it established the theoretical framework to develope in this thesis project. In the fourth chapter, it develope the project solution proposal where is proposed an educational management system. In the fifth chapter, it is made known the Outcomes from the stages of the thesis project. In the sixth chapter, where it is shown the management project structure, which it gives us the guidelines for its develpment. / Tesis

Steuerung von Hochschulen in den DACH-Ländern: Erste empirische Ergebnisse

Günther, Thomas W., Heinicke, Xaver 12 February 2019 (has links)
Die Einführung des Neuen Steuerungsmodells stellt den öffentlichen Sektor und damit insbesondere die Hochschulen vor eine große Herausforderung. Ziel ist es, finanzielle Probleme und Ineffizienzen zu beheben. Unsere Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Fragestellung: Wie steuern sich Hochschulen und was sind die größten Treiber für den Erfolg in der Steuerung? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, wurden als Grundgesamtheit alle staatlich anerkannten privaten und öffentlichen Hochschulen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (DACH-Region) befragt. Der vorliegende Auswertungsbericht fasst erste deskriptive Ergebnisse dieser Studie zusammen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung und Problemstellung 2 Zielsetzung 2.1 Levers of Control von Simons (1995) 2.2 Objects of Control von Merchant und Van der Stede (2012) 3 Datenerhebung 3.1 Methode der Datenerhebung 3.2 Charakterisierung der Grundgesamtheit 3.3 Ablauf der Datenerhebung 3.4 Rücklauf 4 Empirische Ergebnisse zur Hochschulsteuerung 4.1 Hochschulleistung 4.2 Umfeld der Hochschule 4.3 Autonomie 4.4 Strategie der Hochschule 4.4.1 Strategie im Bereich Lehre 4.4.2 Strategie im Bereich Forschung 4.5 Steuerung von Maßnahmen und Aktivitäten 4.6 Verhaltensregeln der Hochschule 4.7 Wertesystem der Hochschule 4.8 Mitarbeiterführung 4.9 Einschätzung von Steuerungsmechanismen 4.10 Steuerungssystem der Hochschule 4.11 Controllinginstrumente 4.11.1 Planungs-, Berichts- und Steuerungsinstrumente 4.11.2 Qualitätsmanagementsysteme 4.11.3 Qualitätsinstrumente 4.11.4 Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung Literaturverzeichnis

Proposal of a set of Key Performance Indicators for the environmental assessment of Higher Education Institutions

Lo Iacono Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys 28 July 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) should be lighthouses for society. Therefore, they must have an exemplary behavior in all sustainability areas: economy, social and environment. The environmental awareness of the educational community - student, professors, researchers, staff and managers - has increased considerably in the first decades of this century. The Environmental Management Systems (EMS), either ISO certified or EMAS verified, have gained popularity in HEIs seeking for a better disclosure of their environmental behavior and the improvement of their environmental performance. Due to the structure of HEIs, the EMS has difficulties when being incorporated into the overall management system. To respond in real time to the changes that occur as a result of the environmental performance of the HEI, a better integration of the environmental assessment in the overall management system is needed. In this research, several methodologies and tools have been tested trying to improve the interaction between the environmental behavior and the general management system of the HEI. Reporting tools like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System¿ (STARS®) have proven to be useful to report sustainable behavior to specialize stakeholder. However, their intricacy make them difficult to used directly in the everyday management or as a disclosure tool. The aggregated indicators like the ecological footprint have proven to be useful to communicate the environmental performance on a comprehensive way although with restrictions in the assessment. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and its recently launched adaptation of the LCA for Organizations (O-LCA) also allows to describe and evaluate the environmental impact of these institutions. However, the complexity of performing this type of assessment and the high requirements of quality data not always available have become a handicap. This research analyzes the complexity of HEIs and the particularities of these tools and methodologies to propose a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the environmental assessment of these organizations. The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), specially one of its environmental units (EPSA), is used as a case study. As a result, a methodology to define the most suitable environmental KPIs for a HEI is presented. The methodology considers a life cycle approach with an operational control as a consolidation method. The environmental management system is used as the main data provider. The information managed by the accounting system has been explored and a classification method has been proposed to use the accounting system as a complementary source of quality data. The methodology has been applied to the case study defining 7 environmental KPIs that assess the most significant environmental impacts of EPSA UPV and can be easily integrated in the current general management system of a HEI. / Las instituciones de educación superior (IES) deben ser faros para la sociedad. Deben tener un comportamiento ejemplar en todas las áreas de sostenibilidad: economía, sociedad y medio ambiente. La conciencia ambiental de la comunidad educativa - estudiantes, profesores, investigadores, personal y gestores - ha aumentado considerablemente en las primeras décadas de este siglo. Los sistemas de gestión ambiental (SGA), ya sea certificados por ISO o por EMAS, han ganado popularidad en las IES buscando la divulgación de su comportamiento y la mejora de su rendimiento medioambiental. Debido a la estructura de las IES, el SGA tiene dificultades para incorporarse en su sistema de gestión general. Para responder en tiempo real a los cambios que se produzcan como resultado del desempeño ambiental de la IES, se necesita una mejor integración de la evaluación ambiental en el sistema de gestión general. En esta investigación se han evaluado varías metodologías y herramientas buscando la mejora de la interacción entre el desempeño ambiental, la sociedad y el sistema de gestión de la IES. Las herramientas de información como la Iniciativa de Informes Globales (GRI, Global Reporting Initiatives) y el Sistema de Seguimiento, Evaluación y Calificación de Sostenibilidad (STARS®) han demostrado ser útiles para reportar un comportamiento sostenible a los actores e interesados especializados. Sin embargo, su complejidad hace que sea difícil de utilizar directamente en la gestión cotidiana y como herramienta de divulgación. Los indicadores agregados, como la huella ecológica, han demostrado ser útiles para comunicar el desempeño ambiental, aunque presentan restricciones. El Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) y su adaptación recientemente lanzada del ACV para Organizaciones también permite describir y evaluar el impacto ambiental de estas instituciones salvando las restricciones. Sin embargo, la complejidad de realizar este tipo de estudios se ha convertido en una desventaja. Los Indicadores Clave de Desempeño (KPI, Key Performance Indicators) surgen como alternativa aunando precisión con flexibilidad para informar sobre la situación ambiental de la organización y servir como herramienta en la toma de decisiones. El objetivo de este trabajo es definir un conjunto de Indicadores Clave de Desempeño (KPI) que permitan optimizar el desempeño ambiental de las IES. Esta tesis analiza la complejidad de las IES y las particularidades de los indicadores, las herramientas y las metodologías aplicadas en IES. La Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), en particular una de sus unidades medioambientales, la Escuela Politècnica Superior de Alcoy (EPSA), ha sido utiliza como caso de estudio. Como resultado, se propone una metodología para definir los KPI ambientales más adecuados para una IES. La metodología considera un enfoque de ciclo de vida con un control operativo como método de consolidación o agregación de la información. El SGA se utiliza como principal proveedor de datos. Se explora también la información gestionada por el sistema contable. Se propone una clasificación y un método para utilizar el sistema contable como fuente complementaria de datos de calidad para la evaluación del comportamiento ambiental. La metodología propuesta se ha aplicado al caso de estudio proporcionando siete KPI ambientales que evalúan los impactos ambientales más significativos de la EPSA UPV y que pueden integrarse fácilmente en el actual sistema de gestión general de una IES. / Les institucions d'educació superior (IES) han de ser fars per a la societat. Han de tindre un comportament exemplar en totes les àrees de sostenibilitat: economia, societat i medi ambient. La consciència ambiental de la comunitat educativa -estudiants, professors, investigadors, personal i gestors- han augmentat considerablement en les primeres dècades d'aquest segle. Els sistemes de gestió ambiental (SGA), ja siguen certificats per ISO o per EMAS, han guanyat popularitat en les IES buscant la divulgació del seu comportament i la millora del seu rendiment mediambiental. A causa de l'estructura de les IES, el SGA té dificultats per a incorporar-se al seu sistema de gestió general. Per tal de respondre en temps real als canvis que es produïsquen com a resultat de l'acompliment ambiental de l'IES, es necessita una millor integració de l'avaluació ambiental en el sistema de gestió general. En aquesta recerca s'han avaluat diverses metodologies i eines cercant la millora de la interacció entre l'acompliment ambiental, la societat i el sistema de gestió de l'IES. Les eines d'informació, com ara la Iniciativa d'Informes Globals (GRI, Global Reporting Initiatives) i el Sistema de Seguiment, Avaluació i Qualificació de la sostenibilitat (STARS®) han demostrat ser útils per a reportar un comportament sostenible als actors i interessats especialitzats. No obstant això, la seua complexitat fa que siga difícil d'utilitzar directament en la gestió quotidiana i com a eina de divulgació. Els indicadors agregats, com l'empremta ecològica, han demostrat ser útils per a comunicar l'acompliment ambiental, encara que presenten restriccions. L'Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV) i la seua adaptació llançada recentment de l'ACV per a Organitzacions també permet descriure i avaluar l'impacte ambiental d'aquestes institucions salvant les restriccions. No obstant això, la complexitat de realitzar aquesta mena d'estudis s'ha convertit en un desavantatge. Els indicadors clau d'acompliment (KPI, Key Performance Indicators) sorgeixen com a alternativa conjuminant precisió amb flexibilitat per a informar sobre la situació ambiental de l'organització i servir com a eina en la presa de decisions. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és definir un conjunt d'indicadors clau d'acompliment (KPI) que possibiliten optimitzar l'acompliment ambiental de les IES. Aquesta tesi analitza la complexitat de les IES i les particularitats dels indicadors, les eines i les metodologies aplicades en IES. La Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), particularment una de les seues unitats mediambientals, l'Escola Politècnica Superior d'Alcoi (EPSA), ha estat utilitzada com a cas d'estudi. Com a resultat, es proposa una metodologia per a de definir els KPI ambientals més adequats per a una IES. La metodologia considera un enfocament de cicle de vida amb un control operatiu com a mètode de consolidació o agregació de la informació. El SGA s'utilitza com a principal proveïdor de dades. S'explora també la informació gestionada pel sistema comptable. Es proposa una classificació i un mètode per a utilitzar el sistema comptable com a font complementària de dades de qualitat per a l'avaluació del comportament ambiental. La metodologia proposada s'ha aplicat al cas d'estudi proporcionant set KPI ambientals que avaluen els impactes ambientals més significatius de l'EPSA UPV i que poden integrar-se fàcilment en l'actual sistema de gestió general d'una IES. / Lo Iacono Ferreira, VG. (2017). Proposal of a set of Key Performance Indicators for the environmental assessment of Higher Education Institutions [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/88907 / Compendio

Transition to Carbon-Neutral Campuses : Scenario Evaluation and Selection Including Human-Centric Perspective

Shi, Zhirong January 2024 (has links)
The urgent need to combat climate change is increasingly being recognized. The Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming, requires carbon neutrality to be achieved by the mid-21st century. Further, the energy crisis in Europe that started in 2021 highlights the importance of energy security. Universities play a crucial role in promoting the transition to neutrality. This study aims to increase universities' electricity independence to further facilitate their transition to carbon neutrality. To this end, a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method was adopted to select scenarios for increasing a campus building complex's electricity independence, considering various stakeholders' interests together with the scenarios' performances on technical, environmental, economic, and social criteria. The findings show that photovoltaic technology, despite its perceived environmental benefits, performs poorly in reducing carbon emissions when considering lifecycle emissions, particularly in countries with low-carbon electricity like Sweden. Conversely, energy conservation through behavioral changes emerges as the optimal scenario for Campus Gotland due to its economic and environmental advantages. These results challenge the common reliance on energy production technology for carbon neutrality, highlighting the greater effectiveness of demand-side measures. This work suggests that universities need a more human-centric approach to transitioning to carbon neutrality. In a broader context, this study provides universities with insights to make informed decisions to achieve carbon neutrality, emphasizing the need to consider all stakeholders. By offering a comprehensive assessment and analysis of various scenarios, this work enhances the understanding of best practices for universities aiming to lead in the global effort against climate change.

Transformational leadership at a higher education institution

Van Niekerk, Magdalena Maria 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study investigates transformational leadership at a higher education institution. The systems paradigm serves as the point of departure, while the construct `leadership', which forms the driving force of change in the organisation, and the concept `transformational leadership', are integrated to yield a mechanism for the optimal positioning of the organisation in the ambit of transformation. The results indicate that the leadership style at the higher institution in question is transformational in nature. From the literature review it became evident that although it is possible for transformational leaders to fail in the transformational strategy, the transformational leader may exhibit the most `ideal' leadership style for the higher education institution engaged in a turnaround strategy. Based on the results of the study, additional proposals are made regarding further study in the area of transformational leadership as well as possible decisions regarding human resource management for the higher education institution in question. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Baseline survey on the use and management of hazardous chemical substances at a chemistry department in a selected higher education institution in Gauteng province

Venter, Elana 02 1900 (has links)
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the use and management of hazardous chemical substances (HCS) at a chemistry department in a selected Higher Education Institution in Gauteng province. Method: A quantitative, baseline descriptive study was conducted using a structured survey checklist. The population consisted of the chemistry department. Other than purposive observation by the researcher, employees present during data collection were approached for further clarifying comment to survey questions. Results: It emerged that physical-, health- and environmental hazard classes of HCS were present; and that hazard types included flammable liquids, HCS with acute toxicity and carcinogenicity. Selected exposure control measures were lacking which created risks of fire and explosion. Conclusion: The study reflected the use and management of HCS, the actual and potential human exposure and the exposure control measures. Varying degrees of compliance were found, which, if attended to, should mitigate risks to health and safety. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

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