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Towards modelling of human relationships:nonlinear dynamical systems in relationshipsSafarov, I. (Ildar) 11 August 2009 (has links)
This study fills an urgent need for qualitative analyses of relationships resulting in human change. It is a result of sixteen years of independent study by the author. It combines postgraduate study of nonlinear methodology, applied research of children’s pretend play, experience in educational psychology and Gestalt-counselling, as well as the practical training of graduate students at the Karelian State Pedagogical University (Petrozavodsk, Russia), and the Kajaani Department of Teacher Education (Kajaani, Finland).
In this thesis, an attempt is made to reveal the fundamental reality of relationships between human beings. Using theories of helping relationships and data from developmental psychology, a qualitative nonlinear dynamical model of human relationships is elaborated. The scientific findings of Kurt Lewin and the Gestalt-therapy theory are widely used. To illustrate the explanatory potential of the proposed relationship model and the possibility of qualitative analyses, children’s pretend play is analyzed.
In the first chapter, the basic connectedness between humans is studied. The author is focused on theories of relationships and their application to the organizing of relationships’ flow. The second chapter is devoted to detailed analyses of dynamic features of these theories and Kurt Lewin’s conception of tension system. The ontological philosophy of relationships is briefly reviewed. This helps to formulate the main problem of the research – how is a nonlinear phenomenological model of human relationships possible? In the third chapter, a new nonlinear dynamic model of human relationships is elaborated. Several conceptions from Lewin’s dynamic psychology and Gestalt-therapy are further developed in the model. A number of examples are analyzed. Video-data on children’s pretend play is analyzed in the fourth chapter. In the subsequent discussions some advantages and shortcomings of the suggested dynamic nonlinear model are examined. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä tutkimus pyrkii vastaamaan kysymykseen miten inhimilliset suhteet voivat johtaa laadullisiin muutoksiin. Työssä paneudutaan ihmisten välisten suhteiden psykologisiin perusteisiin. Siinä kehitellään ihmisten välisten suhteiden ei-lineaarinen dynaaminen malli käyttäen kehityspsykologian ja auttamissuhteiden teorioita. Analyysi pohjautuu Kurt Lewinin ja hahmoterapian teoreettisiin oivalluksiin. Kehitellyn mallin selitysvoiman ja laadullisen analyysin mahdollisuuksien osoittamiseksi mallia sovelletaan lasten juonellisen roolileikin erittelyyn.
Ensimmäisessä luvussa pohditaan esimerkkien avulla ihmisten välisten kontaktien perusluonnetta. Erityisesti keskitytään suhteiden teorioihin ja niiden sovelluksiin suhteiden jatkumon rakentamiseksi. Toinen luku paneutuu näiden teorioiden kuvaamien suhteiden dynaamisten piirteiden yksityiskohtaiseen tarkasteluun ja Kurt Lewinin ”tension system” käsitteeseen. Siinä esitellään myöskin lyhyesti suhteiden yksilökehityksen filosofiaa. Tältä pohjalta muotoillaan tutkimuksen pääongelma: Kuinka inhimillisten suhteiden ei-lineaarinen fenomenologinen malli on mahdollinen? Kolmannessa luvussa kehitellään uusi ei-lineaarinen inhimillisten suhteiden malli. Mallissa on kehitelty ja annettu uusi tulkinta useille Lewinin dynaamisen psykologian ja hahmoterapian käsitteille. Kehittelyä on tuettu käytännön esimerkein. Neljännessä luvussa on analysoitu lasten juonellisen roolileikin videotallenteita mallia käyttäen. Pohdinta tuo esille joitakin uuden mallin etuja ja jatkokehittelyn tarpeita.
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Mise au point d'une source mixte couplée à un piège linéaire et simulations d'injection axiale et radiale des ions : applications à l'analyse d'agents chimiques / Development of a dual-ion source coupled to a linear ion trap and simulations of axial and radial ion injection : application to the analysis of chemical warfare agentsVitcher, Sarah 25 June 2014 (has links)
Les menaces constantes de terrorisme nécessitent le développement d'instruments permettant de détecter efficacement des agents chimiques de guerre. L'objectif de ce travail était la réalisation d'un spectromètre de masse devant effectuer des analyses de type : LC/ESI-MS et GC/EI-MS, sur des échantillons sous tous les états : solide, liquide, gazeux et qui soit rapide. Une première partie de ce travail a consisté à étudier le fonctionnement du spectromètre de masse LTQ Velos, puis de faire une étude des modes d'injection axiale et radiale des ions par simulation à l'aide du logiciel SIMION. L'étude de l'injection radiale, nous a démontré la faisabilité de ce mode d'injection dans un piège linéaire. Ainsi, lors d'applications spécifiques dans lesquelles l'axe central doit être libéré, le mode d'activation par IRMPD peut être envisagé. Une deuxième partie de ce travail a consisté à modifier la source CI du module ETD en source EI. Trois sources EI (la Thermo, la NERMAG et la source trappe) ont été étudiées afin de déterminer celle qui serait la plus efficace et offrirait un bon compromis en terme de coût et de temps de développement. La source Thermo a été retenue et a ensuite été implémentée dans le module ETD du LTQ Velos qui a été couplé à un GC rapide pour effectuer des tests préliminaires de faisabilité de ce couplage. Ainsi, ces tests ont permis de caractériser le GC/EI-LTQ Velos comme étant capable d'effectuer des analyses en GC/MS rapide (de l'ordre de ? 5 min). Ce GC/MS rapide a ensuite été intégré dans le démonstrateur ainsi que le collecteur aérien chimique et le détecteur TIC et POC. Des essais préliminaires concluants ont été réalisés sur ce démonstrateur. / Constant threats of terrorism require the development of tools to effectively detect chemical warfare agents. The aim of this work was to develop a mass spectrometer capable of performing rapid LC/ESI-MS and GC/EI-MS analyses on samples from all states: solid, liquid and gaseous. The first part of this work was to study the principle of operation of the linear ion trap LTQ Velos, then to study axial and radial ion injection in the linear ion trap by means of computer simulation using SIMION. The feasibility of performing radial ion injection has been demonstrated, thus in specific applications in which the central axis needs to be released, the IRMPD activation mode may be considered. A second part of this work was to adapt the existing ETD module to accommodate EI. Three EI sources (the Thermo, the NERMAG and the trap source) were studied to determine which one would be the most effective and offer a good compromise in terms of cost and development time. The Thermo source has been selected and modified to conduct EI within the ETD module of the LTQ Velos which was interfaced to a fast GC (Heracles II). Preliminary tests characterized the dual pressure ion trap as a mass analyzer for performing rapid GC/MS analyses. The results showed that the GC-LIT with its high scanning speed was able to provide sufficient scans across chromatographic peaks when working in both the conventional and the fast GC modes, and further offered good EI spectral information. This GC/MS was then implemented into the demonstrator as well as the air sampler and the TIC/POC detector. Conclusive preliminary tests have been made on this demonstrator.
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Genetic structure of the brown bears (<em>Ursus arctos</em>) in Northern EuropeKopatz, A. (Alexander) 15 April 2014 (has links)
Wild populations of large carnivores in Europe were almost wiped out during the last centuries. Nowadays, the number of brown bears in North and Eastern Europe has increased, and the current situation suggests that these populations have recovered or are in the process of recovery. Knowledge of the population genetic consequences of demographic recovery in large carnivores, especially across national borders and on broader geographical scales, is still limited. In this study, we collected 3,757 fecal and hair samples as well as 881 tissue samples from brown bears across Northern Europe, with a focus on the Finnish population and neighboring areas, to investigate the population structure, connectivity, and genetic diversity on a spatial as well as a temporal scale. Bayesian clustering analysis of the population structure suggested the division of brown bears in Northern Europe into several genetic clusters, and the subdivision of the Finnish population into a northern and southern subpopulation. The estimation of gene flow pointed to better connectivity of the bears between Southern Finland and Western Russia, while migration between Scandinavia and Northern Finland as well as between Scandinavia and Southern Finland/Western Russia appeared to be restricted. Genetic clusters identified in Finland, Russia and Northern Norway displayed high genetic diversity, which was among the highest reported in wild brown bears. Recovery of the Finnish population has been accompanied by a detected range expansion towards the north, while genetic differentiation between clusters has decreased and genetic diversity has increased in the southern population, suggesting expansion from the south. Our results demonstrated that the immigration of bears from Russia still plays a major role in the Finnish bear population; however, connectivity between the Finnish-Russian population and Scandinavian bears appears to be restricted and should be improved, as well as regularly monitored. / Tiivistelmä
Suurpetojen luonnonpopulaatiot hävisivät Euroopasta melkein kokonaan viimeisten vuosisatojen aikana. Ruskeakarhujen määrä on viime aikoina kasvanut Pohjois- ja Itä-Euroopassa, ja karhupopulaatiot ovat toipuneet tai toipumassa. Tieto demografisen toipumisen geneettisistä seurauksista populaatioissa on varsin rajoittunutta etenkin laajemmassa maantieteellisessä mittakaavassa, yli valtiorajojen. Keräsimme tätä tutkimusta varten 3757 uloste- ja karvanäytettä ja 881 kudosnäytettä Suomesta ja sen lähialueilta. Tarkoituksenamme oli kartoittaa Pohjois-Euroopan karhupopulaatioiden geneettistä rakennetta ja monimuotoisuutta, sekä populaatioiden välisiä yhteyksiä huomioiden ajallinen ja maantieteellinen ulottuvuus. Bayesiläisen ryhmittelyanalyysin perusteella Pohjois-Euroopan karhut jakaantuvat useaan geneettiseen ryhmään. Suomen populaatiossa erottuivat eteläinen ja pohjoinen alapopulaatio. Analyysit geenivirran määrästä osoittivat, että Etelä-Suomen ja Länsi-Venäjän karhupopulaatiot ovat yhteneväisemmät, kun taas migraatio Skandinavian ja Pohjois-Suomen sekä Etelä-Suomen ja Länsi-Venäjän välillä vaikuttaisi olevan rajoittunutta. Suomesta, Venäjältä ja Pohjois-Norjasta tunnistetut alaryhmät olivat geneettisesti hyvin monimuotoisia, ja muuntelu oli korkeampaa kuin koskaan aiemmin karhuilla havaittu. Suomen karhupopulaation toipuessa ja levitessä pohjoiseen, geneettinen erilaistuminen maan sisällä on vähentynyt ja eteläisen alapopulaation monimuotoisuus kasvanut. Tämä viittaa populaation laajentumiseen etelästä käsin. Tulosten perusteella karhujen tulomuutto Venäjältä on yhä tärkeää Suomen populaatiolle. Suomen ja Venäjän karhupopulaatioiden yhteyttä Skandinavian karhupopulaatioihin tulisi seurata ja parantaa.
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L’influence de l’apprentissage des arts sur le développement de l’intelligence émotionnelle d’élèves du primaireLauzon La Rue, Émilie 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Oral Proficiency Assessment of French Using an Elicited Imitation Test and Automatic Speech RecognitionMillard, Benjamin J. 27 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Testing oral proficiency is an important, but often neglected part of the foreign language classroom. Currently accepted methods in testing oral proficiency are timely and expensive. Some work has been done to test and implement new assessment methods, but have focused primarily on English or Spanish (Graham et al. 2008). In this thesis, I demonstrate that the processes established for English and Spanish elicited imitation (EI) testing are relevant to French EI testing. First, I document the development, implementation and evaluation of an EI test to assess French oral proficiency. I also detail the incorporation of the use of automatic speech recognition to score French EI items. Last, I substantiate with statistical analyses that carefully engineered, automatically scored French EI items correlate to a high degree with French OPI scores.
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Eine vergleichende Analyse von Scrambling im Deutschen und KoreanischenSong, Seok-Hee 24 April 2003 (has links)
Das Thema ist der Versuch einer vergleichenden Analyse von Scrambling im Deutschen und Koreanischen. Die Arbeit stellt hauptsächlich die Frage, ob Topik und Fokus als morphosyntaktische Merkmale der lexikalischen Elemente betrachtet werden können. Allgemein werden beide aus pragmatischer Sicht als kontext- bzw. informationsstrukturelle Merkmale angesehen. In Bezug auf Scrambling im Deutschen und Koreanischen wird - der lexikalischen Sicht (Bierwisch 1970, 86, 96, 97) folgend - diese Frage so beantwortet, dass die nominalen Merkmale der Satzglieder Topik und Fokus darstellen. Scrambling wird als eine Beschreibung der Dimensionierung des Paarbegriffes "Topik und Fokus" mit nominalen Elementen definiert. Das Scrambling wird von den morphosyntaktischen Merkmalen als Ausformung der kontinuierlichen Relativierungs-Merkmale "Topik und Fokus" bei dem nominalen funktionalen Kopf Determinator verursacht. Unter Scrambling werden die voneinander abhängigen Begriffe "Topik und Fokus" synta! ktisch aktualisiert. In dieser Arbeit werden "Topik und Fokus" durch die Entfernung der nominalen Elemente vom Prädikat graduell definiert. Das topikalste Element steht in der vom Prädikat entferntesten Position; das fokalste in der dem Prädikat nächsten. Im Satz erscheinen nominale Ausdrücke als Topik- und/oder Fokusträger. Diese nominalen Ausdrücke, z.B. die Nomina mit dem Artikel im Deutschen und mit dem Kasusmorphem im Koreanischen, bilden die Scramblingobjekte. Die deutschen Kasusträger (z.B. Artike l) kennzeichnen aber keine Topik- und/oder Fokusfunktion. In der gemischtköpfigen deutschen Sprache erscheinen links und rechts die nicht-nominalen Einheiten, z.B. Konjunktionen, finite Verben. Sie verkörpern eine Grenze für die Topik-Fokus-Graduierung in nominalen Satzgliedern. Im Deutschen ist daher langes und Multi-Scrambling nicht möglich. Im Gegensatz dazu treten in der rechtsköpfigen koreanischen Sprache die nicht-nominalen bzw. verbalen Elemente uniform am Ende des Satz! es auf, und Kasusträger im Koreanischen (Kasusmorpheme) fungieren als Topik- und/oder Fokusmarker bei Scrambling, was langes und mehrfaches Scrambling ermöglicht. / This research is the study of the comparative analysis of scrambling in German and Korean. The main question of this study is whether topic and focus can be considered as morphosyntactic features of lexical items. Generally, the two are regarded as context- or information-structural features from pragmatic view. As far as scrambling in German and Korean goes, the question is, according to the lexical view (Bierwisch 1970, 86, 96, 97), answered as the nominal features of the sentence elements describe topi c and focus. Scrambling is defined as a description of the dimension of the pair concept "topic and focus" with nominal elements. It is caused by the morphosyntactic features as form of the relative features "topic and focus" in the nominal functional head determinator. Under scrambling, the interdependent notions "topic and focus" are syntactically actualized. In this work, "topic and focus" is gradually defined by the distance of the nominal elements from the predicate. The ! most topical element stands in the most remote position from the predicate; the most focal element in the nearest position. The nominal expressions, for example, the nouns with the article in German or with the case morpheme in Korean, therefore form the scrambling objects. But the cases in German don't mark lexically the topic and/or focus function. In the head-mixed language like German, the non-nominal units, namely, conjunctions, and finite verbs, appear left and right. They embody a boundary on the t opic-focus-graduation in nominal elements. As a result in German long and multiple scrambling is impossible. By contrast, the non-nominal or verbal elements occur uniformly at the end of a sentence in the head-right language like Korean and the cases in Korean function as lexical topic and focus markers in scrambling, which enables long and multiple scrambling to be possible.
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<b>Missing Factors in Alternative Jet Fuel Formulations: Role of Cycloalkanes, Model for Viscosity Prediction, and Quantitation of n-Alkanes, iso-Alkanes, Cycloalkanes, and Alkenes via GCxGC/(+)EI-TOF-MS</b>Louis Edwards Caceres Martinez (20835545) 06 March 2025 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The next generation of sustainable (alternative) aviation fuels (SAFs) must abide for simplified chemical compositions that will provide higher gravimetric and volumetric energies with a minimum aromatic content. The use of ethanol in the U.S represents a marvelous technical and economic opportunity to synthesize jet fuel range compounds, especially cycloalkanes, via an alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) process using alkenes (olefins) intermediates by employing existing infrastructure. Cycloalkanes stand out as promising compounds with the potential to achieve higher gravimetric and volumetric energy contents while still meeting fuel drop-in requirements, including the ability to swell O-rings. In this project, the influence of blending target cycloalkanes into Jet A on the energy content, density, and viscosity of Jet A was systematically explored (<i>Chapter 3</i>). Different alkyl-chain lengths, position of substituents, heavy atom connectivities (isomeric structures), molecular geometries, and number of rings provided key technical information to facilitate the control of the physical properties of jet fuels based on addition of cycloalkanes. Complementary, the kinematic viscosity of conventional jet fuels and alternative blending components at -20 °C was successfully predicted based on their chemical composition via GC×GC/FID by using a partial least squares (PLS) model and a Yeo-Johnson transformation offering lower prediction errors than other methods available in the literature (<i>Chapter 4</i>). Finally, a quantitation method for alkanes, branched alkanes, cycloalkanes, and alkenes was proposed by using GC×GC/(+)EI-TOF-MS data only (<i>Chapter 5</i>). This method uses experimental correction factors for the chromatographic peak area for each group of compounds based on their hydrocarbon group, number of carbon atoms, and degree of branching as factors influencing their different ionization efficiencies. This information broadens the understanding of missing factors in the ATJ process by providing insights regarding the role of cycloalkanes in alternative jet fuel formulations, improving the prediction capabilities to estimate the kinematic viscosity of jet fuels and alternative fuel blending components at low temperatures, and helping to facilitate the chemical characterization and quantitation of complex mixtures of hydrocarbons, including alkenes (olefins), without using GC×GC/FID or expensive model compounds.</p>
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Defining the boundaries between trait emotional intelligence and ability emotional intelligence : an assessment of the relationship between emotional intelligence and cognitive thinking styles within the occupational environmentMurphy, Angela 11 1900 (has links)
Emotional intelligence has attracted a considerable amount of attention over the past few years specifically with regard to the nature of the underlying construct and the reliability and validity of the psychometric tools used to measure the construct. The present study explored the reliability and validity of a trait measure of EI in relation to an ability measure in order to determine whether the tools can be considered as measuring conceptually valid constructs within an occupational environment. The study also examined the overlap with a trait measure of cognitive thinking styles to determine the potential for separating the trait and ability EI into two unique and distinguishable constructs. Participants included 308 employees from four different workforces within a diverse South African consulting firm. The results of the study identified a number of psychometric concerns regarding the structural fidelity of the instruments as well as concerns about the cultural bias evident in both measurement instruments. Evidence for the discriminant and incremental validity of the two instruments was, however, provided and recommendations are made for the reconceptualisation of trait EI as an emotional competence and ability EI as an emotional intelligence. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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Defining the boundaries between trait emotional intelligence and ability emotional intelligence : an assessment of the relationship between emotional intelligence and cognitive thinking styles within the occupational environmentMurphy, Angela 11 1900 (has links)
Emotional intelligence has attracted a considerable amount of attention over the past few years specifically with regard to the nature of the underlying construct and the reliability and validity of the psychometric tools used to measure the construct. The present study explored the reliability and validity of a trait measure of EI in relation to an ability measure in order to determine whether the tools can be considered as measuring conceptually valid constructs within an occupational environment. The study also examined the overlap with a trait measure of cognitive thinking styles to determine the potential for separating the trait and ability EI into two unique and distinguishable constructs. Participants included 308 employees from four different workforces within a diverse South African consulting firm. The results of the study identified a number of psychometric concerns regarding the structural fidelity of the instruments as well as concerns about the cultural bias evident in both measurement instruments. Evidence for the discriminant and incremental validity of the two instruments was, however, provided and recommendations are made for the reconceptualisation of trait EI as an emotional competence and ability EI as an emotional intelligence. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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Estimation de la diffusion thermique et du terme source du modèle de transport de la chaleur dans les plasmas de tokamaks. / Joint Diffusion and source term estimation in tokamak plasma heat transport.Mechhoud, Sarah 17 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'estimation simultanée du coefficient de diffusion et du terme source régissant le modèle de transport de la température dans les plasmas chauds. Ce phénomène physique est décrit par une équation différentielle partielle (EDP) linéaire, parabolique du second-ordre et non-homogène, où le coefficient de diffusion est distribué et le coefficient de réaction est constant. Ce travail peut se présenter en deux parties. Dans la première, le problème d'estimation est traité en dimension finie ("Early lumping approach"). Dans la deuxième partie, le problème d'estimation est traité dans le cadre initial de la dimension infinie ("Late lumping approach"). Pour l'estimation en dimension finie, une fois le modèle établi, la formulation de Galerkin et la méthode d'approximation par projection sont choisies pour convertir l'EDP de transport en un système d'état linéaire, temps-variant et à entrées inconnues. Sur le modèle réduit, deux techniques dédiées à l'estimation des entrées inconnues sont choisies pour résoudre le problème. En dimension infinie, l'estimation en-ligne adaptative est adoptée pour apporter des éléments de réponse aux contraintes et limitations dues à la réduction du modèle. Des résultats de simulations sur des données réelles et simulées sont présentées dans ce mémoire. / This work deals with the diffusion and source term estimation in a heat transport model for tokamaks plasma . This phenomenon is described by a second-order linear parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) with distributed diffusion parameter and input. Both "Early lumping" and "Late lumping" approaches are considered in this thesis. First, once the heat model is chosen, the Galerkin formulation and the parameter projection method are combined to convert the PDE to a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Then, two estimation methods able to give optimal estimates of the inputs are applied on the reduced model to identify simultaneously the source term and the diffusion coefficient. In the infinite dimensional method, the adaptive estimation technique is chosen in order to reconstruct "freely" the unknown parameters without the constraints due to the model reduction method. Simulation results on both simulated and real data are provided to attest the performance of the proposed methodologies.
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