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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elnätsplanering i framtida bostadsområden : Med påverkan från solceller och elbilsladdare

Åkerlind, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur mikroproduktion med solceller och laddning av elbilar i våra hushåll kommer att se ut i framtiden och om elkvalitén, kapaciteten i distributionsnätet, utlösningsvillkoren och elnätsdimensioneringen i nya bostadsområden påverkas av detta. Två olika scenarier har tagits fram, där det som skiljer dem åt är hur många procent av hushållen som har elbilsladdare och solcellsproduktion. De två scenarierna jämförs sedan med hur det ser ut i dagsläget för att få en uppfattning om vad som krävs vid fram-tidens elnätsdimensioneringar. Två extremfall används där maximal produktion och minimal konsumtion sommartid jämförs med maximal konsumtion och ingen produktion vintertid. Arbetet visar att den totala effektförbrukningen ökar med procentökningen av elbilsladdare och solcellsanläggningar vilket leder till att nya bostadsområden måste dimensionernas för högre belastningsström-mar. Detta resulterar i att större transformatorer och att kablar med grövre ledarareor måste användas för att klara av den ökade belastningsströmmen. Spänningsvariationerna ökar vilket gör att acceptans-gränserna i vissa fall inte kan hållas. Vid simulering och beräkningar visade det sig att utlösningsvillkoren för alla sammankopplingspunkter och anslutningspunkter mot bostäder låg inom gränsvärdet fem sekunder samt att selektiviteten var god i de delsträckor som testades. / The goal with this work was to study how micro-production with solar cells and charging of electric cars in our households will look like in the future and whether the electricity quality, the capacity of the distribution network, the release conditions and the electricity grid dimensioning in new residential areas are affected by this. Two different scenarios have been developed, where what distinguishes them is how many percent of households have electric car chargers and solar cell production. The two scenarios are then compared with how it currently looks to get an idea of what is needed in future electricity grid dimensioning. Two extreme cases are used where maximum production and minimal consumption in summer are compared with maximum consumption and no production in winter. The work shows that the total power consumption increases with the percentage increase of electric car chargers and solar cell installations, which means that new residential areas must be dimensioned for higher load currents. This results in larger transformers and that cables with larger conductor areas must be used to cope with the increased power. The voltage variations increase, which means that the acceptance limits in some cases cannot be kept. During simulation and calculations, it was found that the triggering conditions for all inter-connection points and connection points against housing were within the limit value of five seconds and that the selectivity was good in the sub-sections that were tested.

Využití solární energie pro elektromobilitu / Use of solar energy for electromobility

Harant, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use of solar energy for electromobility. First, the potential of electromobility on the current market is theoretically discussed. This issue includes mainly the producers of electrically powered vehicles, the issue of electric energy storage and the real applications of fast charging and photovoltaic charging stations. In the next part, electric cars are analyzed, which use solar energy for their function and their efficiency is compared with the effiency of combustion engines. The main part of this thesis is the design of photovoltaic charging station for electric vehicles. The final part deals with the economic evaluation of the proposed charging station.

Využití solární energie pro elektromobilitu / Use of solar energy for electromobility

Harant, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use of solar energy for electromobility. First, the potential of electromobility on the current market is theoretically discussed. This issue includes mainly the producers of electrically powered vehicles, the issue of electric energy storage and the real applications of fast charging and photovoltaic charging stations. The second part of the diploma thesis deals with the measurement of electric car consumption and the evaluation of measurement results. In the next part, electric cars are analyzed, which use solar energy for their function and their efficiency is compared with the effiency of combustion engines. The main part of this thesis is the design of photovoltaic charging station for electric vehicles. The final part deals with the economic evaluation of the proposed charging station.

The Dawn of a New Era : A Case Study of an Incumbent Car Manufacturer’s Transition to Electric Cars

Modiri, Yashar, Olsson, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
How do firms tend to their current viability while remaining competitive in the long-term? This question lays out the basis for this thesis by highlighting their conflicting logics through the concept of organizational ambidexterity. Literature makes a distinction between competing in mature markets and existing technologies (exploitation) versus new markets and new technologies (exploration). The preponderance of studies shows that, as firms grow larger, they tend to form core rigidities in their culture, structure and processes that hamper their efforts to adapt to the changing environment. By overemphasizing exploitative activities, future challenges or opportunities remain unexplored which can have a devastating effect in the event of radical, external changes. The cases of Nokia and Kodak should serve as cautionary tales in this regard. The automotive industry is currently undergoing a transition to electric cars. We conduct a case study at Volvo Cars from a senior leadership perspective, to illustrate the importance of exploration and how it can be legitimized during an industry transformation. Our work points to three major findings. First, communicating the importance of the transformation with the rest of the organization is imperative to creating goal alignment. Secondly, interorganizational collaboration in R&D helps Volvo to tap into knowledge that resides outside the organization and thereby increasing the chances of a successful transition to electric cars. Thirdly, agile management contributes to knowledge diffusion and is a powerful tool to counter organizational inertia by adding to firms’ speed and responsiveness, making them act more similarly to smaller, entrepreneurial firms.

Affärsmodellsinnovation för använda elbilsbatterier : En studie kring hinder, utmaningar och möjliga utfall av implementering av affärsmodellsinnovation för återanvändning av elbilsbatterier

Alizade, Ali, Khoshnaw, Diar January 2023 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är tillägnad att undersöka hur affärsmodellsinnovation kan skapa förutsättningar för att underlätta återanvändandet av elbilsbatterier samt analysering av möjliga värdeskapande utfall. Arbetet fokuserar på att samla data från större aktörer som hanterar begagnade elbilsbatterier. Kartläggning av deras affärsmodeller genom kvalitativa intervjuer ger läsaren och författarna en större inblick kring hur cirkulära affärsmodeller fungerar och vart de behöver innovation.  Elbilar har det senaste decenniet en större andel av nybilsförsäljningen och med direktiv från både EU och den svenska staten, kommer det ebdast vara möjligt att köpa eldrivna samt vissa gasdrivna fordon från 2035. Detta medför en större batteriproduktion vilket även leder till en större grad av exploatering av nuvarande litium- och molybden reserver. Dessa reserver kommer att räcka i ca 70 år om inte nya tillgångar upptäcks och större fokus på att kunna återanvända blir aktuellt.  Denna omfattande gröna omställning av bilindustrin sätter även press på batteri producenter till en mer hållbar tillverkning som tar hänsyn till behovet av att kunna återvinna/återanvända. Denna eftertraktade designförslag är däremot något nytt hos många producenter och resterande verkar inte kunna nå en optimal grad av återvinningsberhet. Kvar blir alternativet att kunna återanvända batterierna från den befintliga elbilsmarknaden. Denna studie inspireras av cirkulär ekonomi och cirkulära affärsmodeller som kan effektivt handskas med problemen dem begagnade elbilsbatterierna för med sig. Studiens forskningsfrågor grundar sig först och främst hur befintliga affärsmodeller ser ut, vad för innovation det krävs samt hur denna innovation kan skapa förutsättningar för återanvändning.  Kartlägning av affärsmodeller från större återanvändning/återvinnings aktörer såsom Northvolts dotterföretag Revolt samt Stena Recycling, BatteryLoop, visar på ett behov av en mer intergrerad spårning och distrubering av själva elbilsbatterierna. Studien visar att affärsmodellsinnovation behövs inom uppsamling av begagande elbilsbatterier där en digital plattform möjliggör interaktion mellan köpare och säljare. Dessutom kontrolleras varje begagnat batteri innan den når marknaden vilket skapar fler förutsättningar för cirkularitet och främjar återvinning. / This thesis is dedicated to investigating how business model innovation can create the conditions to facilitate the reuse of electric car batteries as well as analyzing possible value-creating outcomes. The work focuses on gathering data from major players who handle used electric car batteries. Mapping their business models through qualitative interviews gives the reader and the authors a greater insight into how circular business models work.  In the last decade, electric cars have taken larger share of the new car sale och with directives from both the EU and the Swedish state, it will only be possible to buy electric-powered abd sin gas-powered vehicles from 2035. This entails a greater battery production, which also leads to a greater degree of exploitation of current lithium and molybdenum reserves. These reserves will last for about 70 years unless new assets are discovered and a greater focus on being able to reuse and recycle becomes relevant.  This comprehensive green transformation of the car industry also puts pressure on battery producers to a more sustainable production that considers the need to be able to be recycled/reused.However, this sought-after design proposal is something new for many producers and the rest do not seem to be able to reach an optimal degree of recyclability. What remains is the option of being able to reuse the batteriers from the existing electric car market. This study is inspired by circular economy and circular business models that can effectively deal with the problems that used electric car batteries bring with them. The study's resarch questions are first and foremost based on what existing business models look like, what kind of innovation is required and how this innovation can create conditions for reuse. Mapping of business models from major reuse/recycling actors such as North Volts's subsidiary Revolt and Stena Recycling, Battery Loop, shows a need for more intergrated tracking and distribution of the electric car batteriers themselves.  This study shows that business model innovation is needed in the collection of used electric car batteries where a digital plattform enables interaction between buyers and sellers. In addition, every used battery is checked before it reaches the market, which creates more conditions for circularity and promotes recycling.

Dynamic modeling and feedback control with mode-shifting of a two-mode electrically variable transmission

Katariya, Ashish Santosh 31 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis develops dynamic models for the two-mode FWD EVT, develops a control system based on those models that is capable of meeting driver torque demands and performing synchronous mode shifts between different EVT modes while also accommodating preferred engine operating points. The two-input two-output transmission controller proposed herein incorporates motor-generator dynamics, is based on a general state-space integral control structure, and has feedback gains determined using linear quadratic regulator (LQR) optimization. Dynamic modeling of the vehicle is categorized as dynamic modeling of the mechanical and electrical subsystems where the mechanical subsystem consists of the planetary gear sets, the transmission and the engine whereas the electrical subsystem consists of the motor-generator units and the battery pack. A discussion of load torque is also considered as part of the mechanical subsystem. With the help of these derived dynamic models, a distinction is made between dynamic output torque and steady-state output torque. The overall control system consisting of multiple subsystems such as the human driver, power management unit (PMU), friction brakes, combustion engine, transmission control unit (TCU) and motor-generator units is designed. The logic for synchronous mode shifts between different EVT modes is also detailed as part of the control system design. Finally, the thesis presents results for responses in individual operating modes, EVT mode shifting and a full UDDS drive cycle simulation.

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