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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The need for change : Influencing factors on battery electric vehicles (BEVs) adoption among generation Y within the European market.

Winkler, Martin, Armasu, Alexandru January 2020 (has links)
Background:    Climate change has been becoming a major topic of interest, for research as well as for society. Transport caused emissions are constantly growing which forced the European Union to set the goal to decrease transport related emissions by 60% until 2050. A heavily discussed and promising tool seems to be being found in battery electric (BEV) vehicle adoption. However, BEV adoption seems to be underachieved which raises questions about potential influencing factors on BEV adoption. Additionally, latest research elaborated perception to be one of the key topics of interest for consumers adopting fully electric vehicles. Purpose:           The purpose of this thesis was to examine influencing factors affecting BEV adoption and the perception of those factors among generation Y consumers.  Method:            To attain the purpose, a qualitative research was conducted. After collecting secondary data to evaluate existing factors influencing consumer’s willingness to adopt BEVs, 16 participants accountable to generation Y have been interviewed using semi-structured interviews. Using a qualitative research approach valuable data and in-depth insights which are essential for markets such as the automotive industry. Conclusion:      The results show that there is a generally positive attitude towards BEV adoption among generation Y. However, there have been five influencing factors affecting consumer’s willingness to adopt BEVs. Analysis of the perception of each factor allowed the research team to get in-depth insights and to elaborate the importance of each factor and how the factors interrelate. Based on the gathered data relationships between influencing factors have been highlighted and based on TAM and TRI models a new model for further research has been developed.

Total cost of ownership of electric cars as a tool for the public

Ahlgren, Lucas January 2020 (has links)
Sustainability and the role of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in the shift to more sustainable transportation are gaining more and more attention in society today. However, only 4.3% of new passenger car registrations in Sweden were BEVs in 2019. High purchase prices are considered a major barrier to BEV purchases. But the purchase price alone does not reflect what the consumer pays for owning a vehicle. Previous research shows that BEVs could be cheaper compared to conventional vehicles such as internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) from a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) perspective. Lack of knowledge about TCO can lead to uneconomical purchase decisions. Moreover, lower adoption rates of BEVs, although BEVs can be more cost-effective and better for the environment in the long run. This paper reports on an exploratory research process including the development and user study of a TCO tool aimed for the public. The purpose is to better understand how a TCO tool influences peoples’ inclination towards purchasing a BEV. Based on an iterative design process, a web application was developed to help car consumers calculate and visualize TCO of new passenger cars. The web application was then used in a user study consisting of think-aloud evaluations and semi-structured interviews with car consumers about the prototype. The conclusion point towards an interesting direction for a TCO tool moving forward. This study suggests that a TCO tool can make users aware of the cost benefits of owning a BEV. However, more research is needed to understand if this realisation is enough to have an effect on BEV purchases. / Hållbarhet och elbilens roll i skiftet till mer hållbara transporter är två områden som får allt mer uppmärksamhet i samhället idag. Trots det var det endast 4.3% av alla nyregistrerade personbilar som var elbilar i Sverige under 2019. Höga inköpspriser anses vara ett stort hinder som begränsar försäljningen av elbilar. Dock reflekterar inte inköpspriset vad konsumenten faktiskt betalar för att äga en bil. Tidigare forskning visar att elbilar kan vara billigare i jämförelse med konventionella fordon såsom förbränningsbilar baserat på den totala ägandekostnaden (TCO). Brist på kunskap om TCO kan leda till oekonomiska inköpsbeslut. Men också lägre försäljning av elbilar, trots att elbilen kan vara mer kostnadseffektiv och bättre för miljön i längden. Denna uppsats beskriver en undersökande forskningsprocess med målet att utveckla ett TCO-verktyg för allmänheten. Därtill genomfördes en användarstudie för att studera hur verktyget påverkar människors benägenhet att köpa en elbil. Utifrån en iterativ designprocess, utvecklandes en webbapplikation. Detta med syftet att hjälpa bilkonsumenter beräkna samt visualisera TCO för nyproducerade personbilar. Webbapplikationen användes sedan i en användarstudie bestående av think-aloud utvärderingar samt efterföljande intervjuer med bilkonsumenter kring prototypen. Slutsatsen tyder på en intressant riktning för användandet av ett TCO-verktyg i framtiden. Denna studie pekar på att ett TCO-verktyg kan hjälpa användarna att förstå kostnadsfördelarna med att äga en elbil. Dock behövs mer forskning för att svara på om denna insikten är tillräckligt för att ha en effekt på elbilsköp.

Komparace koncepcí elektromobility v České republice, Francii a USA / Comparison of electromobility conceptions in the Czech republic, France and USA

Kovalová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
A quarter of CO2 emissions in the European Union currently comes from transport, which causes a significant deterioration of air quality. Therefore, it contributes to the deterioration of the health of people living in these areas. The number of cars on the roads continues to increase globally, and with them the increase in CO2 emissions. Alternative fuel in various forms began appearing on the market. Electric cars, with their emission-free operation, are trying to find their place here. Their wider use, especially in densely populated cities, could help people to a cleaner environment. Currently, there are some technical and economic problems with a wider introduction of electric vehicles. Technology and an associated high cost of storage of the necessary power are the main challenges. Nonetheless, experts believe that electric cars have future. Each country approaches the development of electromobility in a different manner.

LANDSBYGDENS ÖDESDIGRA TID : En kvalitativ studie av konsekvenserna för de boende på landsbygden till följd av de ökade drivmedelspriserna

Frohm, Petra, Sabel, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to investigate possible consequences for rural residents and the political legitimacy for the state. In Sweden, environmental policy is widespread, and the state aims to be the first climate-neutral welfare state. Previous research and the results from our study indicate that Swedish citizens do not like carbon dioxide taxes. Many rural residents have expressed dissatisfaction in the media with the rise in fuel prices. Therefore, we were interested in what the target group has had for consequences and what they think of the measure. The results show that the consequences have not been devastating, while the rural residents do not believe that they have the right conditions to be a part of the green transition. Surprisingly many of our interviewees have considered switching to an electric gar given the rising fuel prices. For more people to be able to switch to an electric car, targeted investments from the state are required. Our results indicate that the current green transition is not possible and fair for the people in rural areas.

Stockholm som elbilsstad 2030 / Stockholm 2030 - A  City of Electric Cars

Bernhardsson, Fredrik, Grill, Peter January 2011 (has links)
I Sverige används det idag cirka 5,4% förnybara drivmedel inom transportsektorn, att jämföra med under 0,5% år 2000. Av de ickefossila drivmedlen är el något som ofta benämns som en permanent och realistisk framtida lösning. Visionen ”Stockholm – Elbilsstad 2030” drivs av Stockholms Stad i samarbete med Fortum AB i syfte att ersätta den fossilbränsleslukande fordonsflottan. I den här studien undersöks de tekniska förutsättningarna och de eventuella vinsterna av ett storskaligt införande av elbilar. Studien har gjorts genom en modellering där parametrar som elbilens prestanda, elpris, bilens inköpspris och totala utsläpp använts. Resultatet skall presentera ett mikro- och ett makroresultat. Vinsterna beräknas dels för den enskilde individen, men också för samhället i stort. Vinsterna beräknas med en känslighetsanalys baserad på reella framtida scenarier. Resultaten visar tydligt att för den genomsnittlige Stockholmaren är elbilen det mest ekonomiskt lönsamma valet på sikt. På tio års sikt beräknas bensinbilen kosta individen 65,93% mer än elbilen om bensinpriset fortsätter med samma utveckling. En känslighetsanalys visar att även om bensinpriset skulle sjunka med 5% årligen in i framtiden skulle bensinbilen ändå vara 31,3% dyrare på tio års sikt. Resultaten visar också att samhällets kostnader för bilflottans utsläpp förväntas sjunka med 98% eller 92% beroende på om den svenska elproduktionen är tillräcklig eller om man måste importera el från övriga Norden. Samtidigt som kostnaderna för utsläppen sjunker för samhället, sjunker även skatteintäkterna till följd av minskad bensinanvändning. Om elpriset på sikt skulle stiga till följd av en ökad användning skulle detta dock kunna leda till att förlusten reduceras. Klart är att storskaligt införande av elbilar kräver ett engagemang från staten där den ekonomiska förlusten får ses som en investering i miljön och framtiden. / In Sweden there are currently about 5.4% renewable fuel vehicles within the transport sector, compared to less than 0.5% in 2000. Amongst the non-fossil fuel alternatives electricity is something which has often been referred to as a permanent and realistic future solution. The vision “Stockholm – A City of Electric Cars in 2030" is run by the City of Stockholm in cooperation with Fortum AB in order to replace the fossil-fuel-guzzling fleet. This report examines the technical conditions and possible gains of a large scale introduction of electric cars. The study was conducted through a modelling in which parameters such as electric car performance, tariff and total emissions are used. The conclusion will reveal a micro- and macro result. Economic gains are calculated both for the individual, but also for society at large. The profits are calculated by a sensitivity analysis based on realistic future scenarios. The results clearly show that for the average Stockholm resident, the electric car is the most economical choice. In ten years time the gasoline car is expected to cost the individual 65.93% more than the electrical car based on that the price of gasoline continues its current growth. A sensitivity analysis shows that even if gasoline prices were to drop by 5% annually into the future, gasoline car would still be 31.3% more expensive than the electric car in ten years time. The results also show that the societal costs of the car fleet’s emissions are expected to fall by 98% or 92% depending on whether the Swedish electricity production is sufficient, or whether imported electricity from other Nordic countries is necessary. While the cost of emissions decreases for the society, so are tax revenues due to reduced gasoline use. However, if the electricity price in the long run would rise due to increased use, this could however lead to a reduction of the loss. It is clear that for a large-scale introduction of electric cars to be successful it requires a committed government which will have to see the economic loss as a means to investment in the future and the environment.

Effekttoppsreducering via elbilsbatterier : Dess potential vid vinterförhållanden i Halmstad år 2030 / Power peak reduction via electric car batteries : Its potential during winter conditions in Halmstad year 2030

Holmblad, Oskar, Olsson, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
A transition phase is taking place in Sweden, where the goal is to become a completely climate neutral country by 2045. The transport sector currently accounts for a third of fossil emissions in Sweden, while the transport sector also has the greatest potential to become fossil-free through, forexample, a comprehensive electrification. Bottlenecks in the grid is a challenge that Sweden faces where the existing ability to send powerthrough the country is already highly utilized. Battery storage can partly be the solution to this problem and also support the future needs that a further electrification of the transport sector may cause. Battery storage can, however, be both expensive and require a lot of space. To avoid this, the mobile battery storage that is available in electric cars can be used to convey power to the grid based on need. The technology that performs this bidirectional charging is called V2G (vehicle-to-grid) and has enormous theoretical potential. The number of electric cars in Sweden has increased by 82% duringthe year 2020, which provides good conditions for continuing to investigate the potential for V2G. Previous studies have shown challenges with the technology. The main issues pointed out have been profitability, winter conditions and battery wear, all of which are taken into account in this study. As in all of Sweden, Halmstad needs to plan for its electrification of the transport sector and load consequences on the grid. This study carries out a combined qualitative and quantitative case study that examines how a future electric car fleet can affect Halmstad's local grid. With data from HEM Nät from a winter week that will correspond to extreme conditions for the grid, a model has been developed in Excel to test different proposed scenarios. What is analyzed is how V2G can work in practice depending on where and when charging takes place, and whether power regulation can be profitable for both private individuals and network operator. Results show that some form of power regulation will be needed in the future to deal with the consequences of uncontrolled electric car charging with an ever-larger electric car fleet, and that V2G may be an option. Despite the winter climate and consideration for battery wear, a significant power peak reduction can be achieved if sufficient participation is attained and a good control strategy is found. Financial analysis shows a negative outcome for private individuals who use V2G. The utility services that is provided can on the other hand reduce costs for the network operator through load balancing incentives and reduced subscriptions to overlying networks. This in turn can enable an interest in network operators to introduce local incentives for private individuals' involvement.

Commande avancée de convertisseurs de puissance : application aux réseaux électriques embarqués / Advanced control of power converters : application to the embedded electric networks

Ghita, Ion 01 October 2018 (has links)
Dans les dernières années, le respect de l’environnement est devenu une des grandes préoccupations des clients du secteur automobile. Les constructeurs cherchent à réduire les émissions carbones de ses produits et les véhicules hybrides ou purement électriques apparaissent comme une alternative viable aux véhicules thermiques. Un des éléments importants de la réussite de la commercialisation des véhicules électriques est la recharge de la batterie qui peut être effectuée par différents moyens, avec des chargeurs embarqués/débarqués, à domicile ou sur la voie-publique. Dans ce domaine un système de charge performant doit notamment être robuste vis-à-vis des contraintes extérieures( perturbations réseaux, impédances de ligne, charges de plusieurs véhicules en même temps), avoir un bon rendement entre la puissance puisée à la prise et celle délivrée à la batterie, maitriser les courants harmoniques rejetés sur le réseau électrique (respect des différentes contraintes réglementaires liées aux perturbations émises). Pour répondre à ces exigences les travaux de cette thèse proposent des commandes innovantes des convertisseurs de puissance contenus dans les chargeurs électriques. Dans un premier temps, la modélisation des convertisseurs de puissance est réalisée en moyenne à la période de commutation et en moyenne généralisée pour d´écrire le processus de génération des harmoniques des courants et tensions des convertisseurs. Des lois de commande non-linéaire fondées sur la théorie de stabilité au sens de Lyapunov sont proposées de fac¸on à induire un comportement en boucle fermée satisfaisant les exigences souhaitées pour les convertisseurs de puissance. La partie commande est complétée par une partie d’observation nécessaire pour l’estimation des signaux non-mesurés et pour l’extraction harmonique. Enfin dans la dernière partie de la thèse, les différentes stratégies de commande sont validées par rapport aux exigences via une co-simulation en reproduisant l’architecture de logiciel model in the loop utilisée dans l’industrie / In the last few years the question of respecting the environment became a central concern of car users. The electric cars respond to the public trend of reducing the toxic emissions of conventional cars. The success of electric cars depends on the charging of the batteries, charging done either at home or on the public domain.The charging system has to respond to the following performance criteria:-robustness to exterior constraints: network perturbations, line impedance, multiple simultaneous charging of vehicles.-a good efficiency for the power transfer between the received power and the power delivered to the battery.-respecting the power distributer constrains for network harmonic pollution.These three points impose the need for efficient control laws for the battery charger. In this context, the power converters (AC / DC - DC / DC) are key components in electrical chargers , an improved control law of these elements can provide a better level of performance for the charger.This work is a continuation of previous work that resulted in several theses with CIFRE funding, in collaboration with Renault in the context of the electric car (but not only):- From an industrial viewpoint, the doctoral student will draw on the expertise, experience and Renault's test facilities in the field of electric traction in the automotive transport.- From an academic point of view the work will benefit from the skills of the working group 'System control’ within the L2S laboratory, in the field of multi-physics modelling, design of control laws and optimization.Supervision will be provided by:- Emmanuel Godoy (Professor, HDR, advisor) and Dominique Beauvois (professor, co-director) of the academic point of view.- Pedro Kvieska (Engineer, Doctor, Ecole Centrale de Nantes) for industrial management within Renault.Objectives of the thesisThe first two years of thesis work will focus on methodological studies of dedicated control laws. During the third year the work will be focused on the implementation of the proposed architectures and control strategies by: implementing of the new control strategies as prototypes on test bench and on the transferability of the proposed control approaches.A big part of the last year will naturally be devoted to the writing of the doctoral thesis and the preparation of the defence.

Laddning av framtiden : Hinder och drivkrafter för adoptionen av elbilar / Charging the future : Obstacles and possibilities towards the adoption of the electric vehicle

Lövgren, Johan, Ulmgren, Måns January 2020 (has links)
Personbilsflottan står för en stor andel av de globala CO2-utsläppen och genom vidare implementering av alternativa drivmedel kan transportsektorn i framtiden bli mer hållbar. Tekniken kring elbilar vad gäller bland annat batteriets kapacitet och bilens prestanda har under de senaste decenniet gjort stora framsteg där elbilen idag är direkt konkurrerande med en bil driven på fossila bränslen i många avseenden. Denna rapport kartlägger de drivande faktorer och hinder som elektrifieringen av personbilsflottan står inför utifrån tre perspektiv; elbilens batteri, laddningsinfrastrukturen och politiska styrmedel. Metoden för arbetet har varit en litteraturstudie samt en enkätstudie där resultatsammanställningen av varje perspektiv underströk vilka de kritiska faktorerna är. Vad gäller elbilsbatteriet visar resultaten att prisutvecklingen tillsammans med den tekniska utvecklingen av batterierna är en stor drivande kraft. Däremot är den begränsade körsträckan och batteriets känslighet vad gäller degradering av batterihälsa ett hinder. Fortsättningsvis visar resultaten att laddning som till stor andel kommer ske i hemmet är en stor drivande kraft som minimerar vikten av de hinder som består i höga investeringskostnader och påfrestningar på elnätet. Enkätstudiens resultat visar att individer ej uppfattar elbilens kortare körsträcka eller laddning som ett problem i lika stor utsträckning som litteraturstudien föreslog. Det framgick att en stor drivande kraft är politiska styrmedel då resultatet stödjer att en klar majoritet av enkätdeltagarna skulle köpt en elbil om köpkostnaden hade varit densamma som för en bensin-/dieseldriven bil. En diskussion om omställningen till el i utsläppstunga industrier inklusive transportsektorn visar att störst förändring kan ske i länder så som Sverige, Finland och Island där ländernas elmix till stor andel utgörs av renproducerad el. Avslutningsvis konstateras det att synergieffekter av utvecklingen bör tas till vara på och applicerar i andra industrier där en utökad elektrifiering är möjlig. / The passenger car fleet accounts for a large proportion of global CO2 emissions and through further implementation of alternative fuels, the transport sector can become more sustainable in the future. The technology of electric cars in terms of performance and battery capacity has, in the last decade, made great progress where the electric car today is directly competing with a car driven on fossil fuels in many respects. This report identifies the driving factors and obstacles that the electrification of the passenger car fleet faces from three perspectives; electric car battery, charging infrastructure and political instruments. The method for the work has been a literature study as well as a survey study where the results compilation of each perspective emphasized what the critical factors are. With regard to the electric car battery, the results show that the price trend together with the technical development of the batteries is a major driving force. However, the limited mileage and the sensitivity of the battery to degradation of battery health is an obstacle. Continuing, the results show that charging, which to a large extent will take place in the home, is a major driving force that minimizes the weight of the obstacles that consist in high investment costs and stress on the electricity grid. The results of the survey show that individuals do not perceive the shorter driving distance or charge of the electric car as a problem to the same extent as the literature study suggested. It turned out that a major driving force is political instruments as the result supports that a clear majority of the survey participants would have bought an electric car if the purchase cost had been the same as for a gasoline / diesel driven car. A discussion of the transition to electricity in emission-heavy industries, including the transport sector, shows that the greatest change can take place in countries such as Sweden, Finland and Iceland, where the countries' electricity mix is ​​largely made up of clean electricity. Finally, it is stated that synergy effects of the development should be exploited and applied in other industries where increased electrification is possible.

Estratégias de preço na difusão de inovação: simulação baseada em agentes aplicado ao mercado brasileiro de carros elétricos / Pricing strategies at innovation diffusion process: Agent-based model simulation applied to Brazilians market of electric car

Cha, Paulo Yun 29 January 2016 (has links)
No contexto dos sistemas complexos, o presente trabalho investiga 3 estratégias de precificação:(1)desnatação,(2) penetração e (3)aprendizado, na difusão de carros elétricos em diferentes contextos.Por meio da modelagem baseada em agentes com 100.000 entidades autônomas, o primeiro modelo testa três situações relacionados à demanda energética:(1)desabastecimento,(2)estabilidade e (3)crescimento moderado da demanda.A forte escassez de energia estimulou a rápida migração dos agentes aos carros elétricos. As três estratégias de precificação exibiram resultados similares em termos de faturamento e % na participação do mercado, no entanto a estratégia de penetração foi capaz de capturar uma parcela maior do mercado em menor tempo.No segundo modelo,3 diferentes comportamentos sociais são aplicadas aos agentes: (1)conservador,(2)racional e (3) social,em diferentes proporções afim de avaliar a influência da composição social na dinâmica difusora.No que concerne ao faturamento e % na participação do mercado, o segundo modelo detectou diferenças estatisticamente significativas para cada estratégia de precificação.Em sociedades proeminentemente conservadoras, as três estratégias não apresentaram indícios de diferença significativa no tocante relação ao faturamento,% na participação final do mercado e taxa de adoção média.Sociedades compostas majoritariamente por agentes racionais, apresentaram a mais rápida convergência aos carros elétricos,sendo este, o veículo mais caro.Isto se deve à percepção positiva do custo/benefício ao longo prazo.O maior faturamento é proveniente das sociedades compostas preponderantemente por agentes com atitudes sociais dado à compra e troca mais recorrente entre diferentes veículos no decorrer das interações.A estratégia de desnatação demonstrou maior versatilidade ao exibir performance superior com maior regularidade no que tange em faturamento em todas as composições sociais testadas.A estratégia de penetração exibiu índices maiores em taxa de adoção e faturamento em redes compostas integralmente por agentes com comportamentos sociais iguais,mas não foi possível detectar este padrão em redes parciais. Por fim, a estratégia de aprendizado apresentou o menor faturamento em todos os cenários, no entanto, sua taxa de adoção similar à estratégia de penetração, pode ser a estratégia de precificação mais crível e eficiente para empresas iniciantes / In the context of complex systems,the following research investigated 3 pricing strategies:(1)skimming,(2)penetration and (3)learning, at electric car diffusion in several different scenarios. Through the agent-based modelling with 100.000 autonomous entities, the first model tested 3 situations related to energy demand:(1)severe shortage,(2)stability and (3)moderate growing of demand. The strong shortage of energy forced an fast-paced migration of agents towards the electric cars. The 3 strategies showed up similar results in terms revenues and market share, however the penetration strategy was able to capture a large part of the market faster than others. At the second model, 3 different social behaviors were implemented in each agent:(1)conservative,(2)rational and (3)social,in different proportions in order to assess social composition and its influence in the innovation diffusion process. Revenue and market share as concerned,the second model detected significant statistic difference for each pricing strategy. For societies predominantly conservative, all strategies did not show significant differences evidences regarding to revenue,market share and average adoption rate. Societies comprised mostly of rational agents presented the quickest convergence to electric cars, which it is the most expensive car. This is because a positive perception of benefits over cost in the long term.The largest revenue were derived from societies primarily composed of agents with social behaviors due to recurrent purchase and exchange between different vehicles over the interactions. Skimming strategy demonstrated greater versatility by displaying superior performance more regularly in terms of revenue in every social composition simulated. Penetration strategy exhibited highest rates of adoption and revenue in social networks composed entirely of agents with same social behavior, but it was not possible to detect such pattern at partial social networks. Finally, the learning strategy reported the lowest revenues at every scenario, none the less, its rate of adoption was equivalent to penetrations strategy rates, this strategy could be the most feasible and efficient to startups and small companies

Estratégias de preço na difusão de inovação: simulação baseada em agentes aplicado ao mercado brasileiro de carros elétricos / Pricing strategies at innovation diffusion process: Agent-based model simulation applied to Brazilians market of electric car

Paulo Yun Cha 29 January 2016 (has links)
No contexto dos sistemas complexos, o presente trabalho investiga 3 estratégias de precificação:(1)desnatação,(2) penetração e (3)aprendizado, na difusão de carros elétricos em diferentes contextos.Por meio da modelagem baseada em agentes com 100.000 entidades autônomas, o primeiro modelo testa três situações relacionados à demanda energética:(1)desabastecimento,(2)estabilidade e (3)crescimento moderado da demanda.A forte escassez de energia estimulou a rápida migração dos agentes aos carros elétricos. As três estratégias de precificação exibiram resultados similares em termos de faturamento e % na participação do mercado, no entanto a estratégia de penetração foi capaz de capturar uma parcela maior do mercado em menor tempo.No segundo modelo,3 diferentes comportamentos sociais são aplicadas aos agentes: (1)conservador,(2)racional e (3) social,em diferentes proporções afim de avaliar a influência da composição social na dinâmica difusora.No que concerne ao faturamento e % na participação do mercado, o segundo modelo detectou diferenças estatisticamente significativas para cada estratégia de precificação.Em sociedades proeminentemente conservadoras, as três estratégias não apresentaram indícios de diferença significativa no tocante relação ao faturamento,% na participação final do mercado e taxa de adoção média.Sociedades compostas majoritariamente por agentes racionais, apresentaram a mais rápida convergência aos carros elétricos,sendo este, o veículo mais caro.Isto se deve à percepção positiva do custo/benefício ao longo prazo.O maior faturamento é proveniente das sociedades compostas preponderantemente por agentes com atitudes sociais dado à compra e troca mais recorrente entre diferentes veículos no decorrer das interações.A estratégia de desnatação demonstrou maior versatilidade ao exibir performance superior com maior regularidade no que tange em faturamento em todas as composições sociais testadas.A estratégia de penetração exibiu índices maiores em taxa de adoção e faturamento em redes compostas integralmente por agentes com comportamentos sociais iguais,mas não foi possível detectar este padrão em redes parciais. Por fim, a estratégia de aprendizado apresentou o menor faturamento em todos os cenários, no entanto, sua taxa de adoção similar à estratégia de penetração, pode ser a estratégia de precificação mais crível e eficiente para empresas iniciantes / In the context of complex systems,the following research investigated 3 pricing strategies:(1)skimming,(2)penetration and (3)learning, at electric car diffusion in several different scenarios. Through the agent-based modelling with 100.000 autonomous entities, the first model tested 3 situations related to energy demand:(1)severe shortage,(2)stability and (3)moderate growing of demand. The strong shortage of energy forced an fast-paced migration of agents towards the electric cars. The 3 strategies showed up similar results in terms revenues and market share, however the penetration strategy was able to capture a large part of the market faster than others. At the second model, 3 different social behaviors were implemented in each agent:(1)conservative,(2)rational and (3)social,in different proportions in order to assess social composition and its influence in the innovation diffusion process. Revenue and market share as concerned,the second model detected significant statistic difference for each pricing strategy. For societies predominantly conservative, all strategies did not show significant differences evidences regarding to revenue,market share and average adoption rate. Societies comprised mostly of rational agents presented the quickest convergence to electric cars, which it is the most expensive car. This is because a positive perception of benefits over cost in the long term.The largest revenue were derived from societies primarily composed of agents with social behaviors due to recurrent purchase and exchange between different vehicles over the interactions. Skimming strategy demonstrated greater versatility by displaying superior performance more regularly in terms of revenue in every social composition simulated. Penetration strategy exhibited highest rates of adoption and revenue in social networks composed entirely of agents with same social behavior, but it was not possible to detect such pattern at partial social networks. Finally, the learning strategy reported the lowest revenues at every scenario, none the less, its rate of adoption was equivalent to penetrations strategy rates, this strategy could be the most feasible and efficient to startups and small companies

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