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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La société sherpa à l’ère du « Yak Donald’s » : lutte des places pour l’accès aux ressources dans la région touristique de l’Everest (Népal) / The Sherpa community in the “Yak Donald’s” era : Locational struggles for access to resources in Mount Everest touristic region (Nepal)

Jacquemet, Etienne 09 July 2018 (has links)
Au-delà des représentations et des pratiques des alpinistes et trekkeurs, toujours plus nombreux, les conditions du développement et de la pérennisation du système touristique associées à la région népalaise de l’Everest – le Khumbu – semblent de plus en plus reposer sur la valorisation de ressources comme l’eau, l’électricité et l’emplacement foncier. Source de revenus considérables pour les populations locales, et plus particulièrement pour les hébergeurs touristiques, l’accès à ces différentes ressources ne va pourtant pas de soi. Tous les acteurs n’occupent pas les mêmes positions, ni ne possèdent les mêmes moyens pour les valoriser. Cet accès aux ressources, et par extension à de nouvelles positions socio-spatiales, donne lieu à de multiples stratégies fondées sur les capitaux, compétences et intérêts de chacun. Dans cette petite région, néanmoins hautement symbolique, ces stratégies d’accès aboutissent à une lutte des places entre d’une part les membres de la communauté sherpa – qui revendiquent une position d’insiders mais se déploient à l’extérieur du Khumbu par des modes d’habiter très polytopiques –, et d’autre part, de nouvelles populations originaires des basses vallées, en position d’outsiders, qui cherchent à s’y implanter. Dans le contexte d’un espace de plus en plus ouvert sur le monde, en pleine recomposition sociodémographique et culturelle, ce qu’incarne le « Yak Donald’s » – l’un des nombreux nouveaux pubs implantés dans la région –, se pose ainsi la question du partage et de la gouvernance des ressources et des revenus de ce haut-lieu du tourisme. Loin d’être passifs, mais plutôt à l’origine de ces nouvelles dynamiques, cette thèse montre comment les manipulateurs de symboles sherpas contrôlent encore largement le territoire et l’économie du tourisme. / Beyond the representations and practices of mountaineers and trekkers, conditions for the development and functioning of the touristic system linked to the Nepalese Mount Everest area (the Khumbu region) seem to be increasingly based upon resources such as water, electricity and property. With the rise of tourism, these various resources are source of considerable incomes for local populations, especially for lodge owners. However, sharing these resources is not simple. First, the different actors do not occupy the same positions in relation to them. Second, they don’t have the same capacities (i.e., capital and skills) to exploit them. Eventually, they do not have the same interests depending on their social status, so their cooperation is not always guaranteed. In this small but highly symbolic region, local access to resources leads to “locational struggles” (Lussault, 2009). This struggle opposes members of the Sherpa community - who claim to be deeply rooted inhabitants, but whose ways of life are very polytopic – and on the other hand, new populations from the lower valleys, who seek to establish themselves within the Khumbu region. In the context of intense interrelations with the rest of the world, as well as wide socio-demographic and cultural changes, which is embodied in one of the many new pubs established in the region; the "Yak Donald's", this questions the good resources governance of this tourist hub. Far from being passive, but rather very proactive, this thesis shows how the Sherpas still control the territory and its touristic economy.

Multi-polarized sensing for cognitive radio

Panahandeh, Ali 09 October 2012 (has links)
In this thesis the multi-polarized Cognitive Radios are studied. Cognitive Radios are proposed as an interesting way to more efficiently use the frequency resources. A Cognitive Radio secondary user finds the frequency bands which are not utilized by primary users and communicates on them without interfering with the primary users. In order to achieve this goal the secondary user must be able to detect reliably and quickly the presence of a primary user in a frequency band. In this thesis, the impact of polarization on the spectrum sensing performances of cognitive radio systems is studied.<p><p>First the depolarization occurring in the wireless channel is studied for two cognitive radio scenarios. This is done through an extensive measurement campaign in two outdoor-to-indoor and indoor-to-indoor scenarios where the parameters characterizing the radiowaves polarization are characterized at three different spatial scales: small-scale variation, large-scale variation and distance variation. <p><p>Second, a new approach is proposed in modeling of multi-polarized channels. The polarization of received fields is characterized from an electromagnetic point of view by modeling the polarization ellipse. Theoretical formulations are proposed in order to obtain the parameters characterizing the polarization ellipse based on the signals received on three cross-polarized antennas. A system-based statistical model of the time-dynamics of polarization is proposed based on an indoor-to-indoor measurement campaign. The analytical formulations needed in order to project the polarization ellipse onto a polarized multi-antenna system are given and it is shown how the model can be generated. <p><p>Third, the impact of polarization on the spectrum sensing performances of energy detection method is presented and its importance is highlighted. The performance of spectrum sensing with multi-polarized antennas is compared with unipolar single and multi-antenna systems. This analysis is based on an analytical formulation applied to the results obtained from the multi-polarized measurement campaign. The detection probability as a function of distance between the primary transmitter and the secondary terminal and the inter-antenna correlation effect on the spectrum sensing performance are studied. <p><p>An important limitation of energy detector is its dependence on the knowledge of the noise variance. An uncertainty on the estimation of the noise variance considerably affects the performance of energy detector. This limitation is resolved by proposing new multi-polarized spectrum sensing methods which do not require any knowledge neither on the primary signal nor on the noise variance. These methods, referred to as “Blind spectrum sensing methods”, are based on the use of three cross-polarized antennas at the secondary terminal. Based on an analytical formulation and the results obtained from the measurement campaign, the performances of the proposed methods are compared with each-other and with the energy detection method. The effect of antenna orientation on the spectrum sensing performance of the proposed methods and the energy detection method is studied using the proposed elliptical polarization model. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Integration of photovoltaic sources and battery based storage systems – A DC analysis and distributed maximum power point tracking solution

Gonzalez, Ander 22 January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis the integration of photovolatic (PV) generation and energy storage into the electrical grid is discussed. Although the studied system is for grid tied applications, here the integration of the PV generation and the energy storage system (ESS) on the DC-side of the system is addressed. The work contained in this thesis focuses on the integration of the DC-working parts before interfacing them with the grid through the use of an inverter and seeks an increasing in the energy that the system can deliver.First, a study of classical systems that present well-differentiated parts is presented: PV generation, a lithium-ion battery based ESS, the utility grid and a residential electricity consumer. PV installations of 3 and 10kWp are considered together with storage capacities ranging from 1 to 9kWh. This yields interesting insights on how the system works based on the timing of the generation and consumption of energy. The results are used to highlight the weaknesses of the selected converter arrangement for the interfacing of the PV source and the ESS. Results show that the system is rather stiff and lacks from conversion efficiency when it needs to work in a wide range of powers, mainly due to low consumer power demand during battery discharge. In this first part of the thesis, three solutions to workaround the efficiency problem are proposed: reducing the difference between the ESS and the DC-bus voltages, using isolated converters to interface the ESS, or adopting a new arrangement of the parts of the system. One of the first two proposed solutions should be adopted if the same system topology is to be kept. These two solutions address the efficiency problem when the ESS is involved in the energy conversion. The third solution is proposed as alternative to the classical systems that use a DC-bus to exchange power with the different parts of the system. The new proposed arrangement features a distributed maximum power point (DMPPT) type system that includes storage at module level. DMPPT systems are able to track the maximum power point (MPPT) of each panel separately by connecting a small power electronic converter (PEC) to each PV panel. They are specially useful when the PV installation receives uneven irradiance, i.e. shadows are present in some of the panels, increasing the annual yield of PV energy from 7 to 30% as reported in the literature. Unfortunately, this kind of systems cannot always handle high irradiance mismatches, and fail to track the maximum power point (MPP) throughout the whole installation in some cases. Including batteries at module level instead of connecting them to the DC-bus, allows for increasing the MPPT range of the system, virtually to any severity of irradiance mismatch (depending on the state of charge (SoC) of the battery pack), as well as adding storage capability to the system. The novel proposed system is able to workaround the problems of using non-isolated converters, achieving PV energy conversion efficiencies from 86% (for at least 10% of the peak power) to 90% and storage charge/discharge efficiencies ranging from 86% to 95%. Besides, it brings the opportunity to exploit the synergies of having storage at module level in systems that combine renewable energies and storage. Moreover, DMPPT systems achieve superior PV generation under partially shaded conditions when compared to classical PV arrays increasing the PV generation when compared to classical or centralized PV installations up to 45% in power as reported in the literature.In the second part of the thesis, the proposed novel DMPPT topology is presented. The whole system is fully designed from scratch, including PECs, sizing of the different parts of the modules, embedded control loops of the modules and supervisory control of the whole system. Finally, the results obtained from running the proposed system are shown and discussed, and suggestions given on how to operate and protect the system. Experimental results are obtained using a 1.5kWp PV power and 1.5kWh capacity test bench built for that purpose.The proposed system is able to generate PV energy, store the energy coming from PV generation and inject the generated and stored energy into the grid. The proposed system extends the MPPT capability of storage-less series-connected DMPPT systems. This is achieved by using the batteries not only to store energy when required, but also to compensate the power mismatch across DMPPT modules of the same string when the output voltage of the modules becomes a limit. It also presents a modular and upgradable approach to PV systems including storage. This modularity also brings fault tolerance, and an ability to continue working after failure of one or more of the DMPPT modules by partially or completely isolating the faulty module (depending on the nature of the fault). Moreover, the addition of the DC-DC converters allows for the use of different PV panels in the system, i.e. from different manufacturers or technologies.In conclusion, the presented system is very flexible, can be designed for a wide range of power levels and energy storage sizes, and presents improved reliability when compared to other series-connected DMPPT systems. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Révélation des préférences individuelles et incitation au choix de l'électricité verte : une analyse de la décision du consommateur

Litvine, Dorian 14 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'ouverture à la concurrence du secteur électrique offre à un nombre croissant de ménages l'opportunité de soutenir volontairement la production d'énergies renouvelables, par le biais d'offres directes d'électricité verte. Malgré un certain engouement pour les actions éthiques dans d'autres secteurs, le taux de souscription à l'électricité verte reste très largement en deçà des déclarations d'intérêt et de disposition à payer des consommateurs, sauf en cas d'incitation publique par les prix. Cette thèse étudie les déterminants de la souscription à l'électricité verte : comment motiver un individu sensible et plutôt favorable à l'électricité verte à passer à l'action ? Peut-on favoriser la révélation des préférences pour ce bien ? Pour répondre à ces questions, notre travail propose un rapprochement entre réflexion économique et outils psychologiques, notamment la théorie du comportement planifié. Ce modèle de Psychologie sociale permet d'articuler la réflexion théorique et l'empirisme de la thèse, constituant le fondement de l'étude que nous avons menée à St Gallen (Suisse). Dans cette étude à caractère expérimental de terrain, nous testons l'ensemble de nos hypothèses et mettons également en oeuvre une méthode permettant d'intervenir sur les croyances des individus afin de consolider l'intention de souscrire ; puis d'inciter la concrétisation de cette dernière. Nous montrons que si la surprime est un obstacle majeur à la souscription, il existe d'autres facteurs comportementaux subtils intervenant dans la formation des préférences, de l'intention et de l'action. En définissant les différentes motivations de la demande d'EV et en spécifiant la nature de l'offre, nous introduisons la notion de « certitude du bénéfice à souscrire » : plus l'agent a une perception claire de son bénéfice individuel, moins le prix constitue un obstacle dans l'arbitrage. Au final, notre travail s'efforce de donner aux décideurs, d'une part, des éléments de réflexion sur les sources de la contribution volontaire à un bien public, et d'autre part, des outils pour mettre en oeuvre des actions de révélation des préférences pour l'électricité verte. Ce type d'analyse est important pour soutenir la croissance des marchés existants et pour stimuler l'essor des nouveaux marchés, comme celui de la France depuis le 1er juillet 2007.

L’avenir des services publics passe-t-il par les entreprises privées? Etude comparée des méthodes et enjeux du partenariat public-privé en France, en Italie et au Royaume-Uni / Are private companies in the future of public services? Comparative study of methods and stakes of the public-private partnership in France, in Italy and in the United-Kingdom

Vague, Pierre-Marie 05 May 2011 (has links)
Le partenariat public-privé dans les services publics consiste en l’exploitation par des entreprises privées de services publics, pour le compte d’autorités publiques. En France, en Italie et au Royaume-Uni, le droit du service public et les valeurs morales et politiques ont dessiné des modèles opposés d’action. Le fait de rapprocher logique publique et privée peut cependant être profitable pour la qualité des services, les finances publiques et la pertinence de la mission de protection de l’intérêt général par les pouvoirs publics. / Public-private partnership in public services means the provision of public services by private companies on behalf public authorities. In France, in Italy and in the United-Kingdom, the law of public services and moral and political values have drawn models of action that are opposed. However, making closer public and private logic may be valuable for the quality of public services as well as for public funds and enhances public powers’ mission of protection of the general interest.

Méthodes de calcul et économies réalisables dans la construction des fondations de lignes à haute tension et des lignes d'électrification des réseaux ferrés

Sariban, Alexandre January 1950 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences appliquées / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Distributed spectrum sensing and interference management for cognitive radios with low capacity control channels

Van Den Biggelaar, Olivier 05 October 2012 (has links)
Cognitive radios have been proposed as a new technology to counteract the spectrum scarcity issue and increase the spectral efficiency. In cognitive radios, the sparse assigned frequency bands are opened to secondary users, provided that interference induced on the primary licensees is negligible. Cognitive radios are established in two steps: the radios firstly sense the available frequency bands by detecting the presence of primary users and secondly communicate using the bands that have been identified as not in use by the primary users.<p><p>In this thesis we investigate how to improve the efficiency of cognitive radio networks when multiple cognitive radios cooperate to sense the spectrum or control their interferences. A major challenge in the design of cooperating devices lays in the need for exchange of information between these devices. Therefore, in this thesis we identify three specific types of control information exchange whose efficiency can be improved. Specifically, we first study how cognitive radios can efficiently exchange sensing information with a coordinator node when the reporting channels are noisy. Then, we propose distributed learning algorithms allowing to allocate the primary network sensing times and the secondary transmission powers within the secondary network. Both distributed allocation algorithms minimize the need for information exchange compared to centralized allocation algorithms. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Sensor fault diagnosis for wind-driven doubly-fed induction generators

Galvez Carrillo, Manuel Ricardo 05 January 2011 (has links)
Among the renewable energies, wind energy presents the highest growth in installed capacity and penetration in modern power systems. This is why reliability of wind turbines becomes an important topic in research and industry. To this end, condition monitoring (or health monitoring) systems are needed for wind turbines. The core of any condition monitoring system (CMS) are fault diagnosis algorithms whose task is to provide early warnings upon the occurrence of incipient (small magnitude) faults. Thanks to the use of CMS we can avoid premature breakdowns and reduce significatively maintenance costs.<p><p>The present thesis deals with fault diagnosis in sensors of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) for wind turbine (WT) applications. In particular we are interested in performing fault detection and isolation (FDI) of incipient faults affecting the measurements of the three-phase signals (currents and voltages) in a controlled DFIG. Although different authors have dealt with FDI for sensors in induction machines and in DFIGs, most of them rely on the machine model with<p>constant parameters. However, the parameter uncertainties due to changes in the operating conditions will produce degradation in the performance of such FDI systems.<p><p>In this work we propose a systematic methodology for the design of sensor FDI systems with the following characteristics: i) capable of detecting and isolating incipient additive (bias, drifts) and multiplicative (changes in the sensor<p>gain) faults, ii) robust against changes in the references/disturbances affecting the controlled DFIG as well as modelling/parametric uncertainties, iii) residual generation system based on a multi-observer strategy to enhance the isolation process, iv) decision system based on statistical-change detection algorithms to treat the entire residual and perform fault detection and isolation at once.<p><p>Three novel sensor FDI approaches are proposed. The first is a signal-based approach, that uses the model of the balanced three-phase signals (currents or voltages) for residual generation purposes. The second is a model-based approach<p>that accounts for variation in the parameters. Finally, a third approach that combines the benefits of both the signal- and the model-based approaches is proposed. The designed sensor FDI systems have been validated using measured voltages, as well as simulated data from a controlled DFIG and a speed-controlled induction<p>motor. <p><p>In addition, in this work we propose a discrete-time multiple input multiple output (MIMO) regulator for each power converter, namely for the rotor side converter (RSC) and for the grid side converter (GSC). In particular, for RSC<p>control, we propose a modified feedback linearization technique to obtain a linear time invariant (LTI) model dynamics for the compensated DFIG. The novelty of this approach is that the compensation does not depend on highly uncertain parameters such as the rotor resistance. For GSC control, a LTI model dynamics<p>is derived using the ideas behind feedback linearization. The obtained LTI model dynamics are used to design Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) regulators. A single design is needed for all the possible operating conditions. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Study of the interaction between a gas flow and a liquid film entrained by a moving surface

Gosset, Anne M.E. 27 February 2007 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the study of the interaction between a gas jet and a liquid film on a moving surface. This flow configuration corresponds to the gas-jet wiping technique, which is widely used in the coating industry to reduce and control the thickness of a liquid film dragged by a moving substrate. For that purpose, a turbulent slot jet impinges on the liquid surface, involving a runback flow and consequently a lower coating thickness downstream wiping. The different process parameters (nozzle pressure, nozzle to substrate standoff distance, slot width, substrate speed) allow controlling the final film thickness. This metering technique is very common in coating processes, such as the application of gelatin layers on photographic films.<p><p>The first part of this thesis deals with the prediction of the mean jet wiping flow, i.e. the film thickness distribution in the wiping region. A lubrication model is developed for that purpose, which is simplified to a zero-dimensional model giving directly the final thickness<p><p>In the second part, the prediction of splashing occurrence in jet wiping is addressed. The splashing phenomenon in jet wiping is featured by the ejection of droplets from the runback flow, and it constitutes a physical limit to the process. An experimental investigation is conducted on a water model facility, and based on a phenomenological description, a dimensionless correlation in terms of film Reynolds number and jet Weber number is derived for splashing occurrence. The latter is perfectly well validated with observations on industrial lines.<p><p>The last part of this thesis is dedicated to the study of the unsteady phenomena occurring on the free surface of the liquid film downstream wiping. This phenomenon has never been understood nor characterized up to now. In the present research, undulation is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Two model test facilities with dedicated measurement techniques have been designed and constructed. They allow performing parametric studies of the undulation characteristics (amplitude, wavelength, wave velocity), and analyzing the jet/film interaction.<p> / Doctorat en sciences appliquées / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Analysis of differential diffusion phenomena in high enthalpy flows, with application to thermal protection material testing in ICP facilities

Rini, Pietro 16 March 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents the derivation of the theory leading to the determination of the governing equations of chemically reacting flows under local thermodynamic equilibrium, which rigorously takes into account effects of elemental (de)mixing. As a result, new transport coefficients appear in the equations allowing a quantitative predictions and helping to gain deeper insight into the physics of chemically reacting flows at and near local equilibrium. These transport coefficients have been computed for both air and carbon dioxide mixtures allowing the application of this theory to both Earth and Mars entry problems in the framework of the methodology for the determination of the catalytic activity of Thermal Protections Systems (TPS) materials.<p>Firstly, we analyze the influence of elemental fraction variations on the computation of thermochemical equilibrium flows for both air and carbon dioxide mixtures. To this end, the equilibrium computations are compared with several chemical regimes to better analyze the influence of chemistry on wall heat flux and to observe the elemental fractions behavior along a stagnation line. The results of several computations are presented to highlight the effects of elemental demixing on the stagnation point heat flux and chemical equilibrium composition for air and carbon dioxide mixtures. Moreover, in the chemical nonequilibrium computations, the characteristic time of chemistry is artificially decreased and in the limit the chemical equilibrium regime, with variable elemental fractions, is achieved. Then, we apply the closed form of the equations governing the behavior of local thermodynamic equilibrium flows, accounting for the variation in local elemental concentrations in a rigorous manner, to simulate heat and mass transfer in CO2/N2 mixtures. This allows for the analysis of the boundary layer near the stagnation point of a hypersonic vehicle entering the true Martian atmosphere. The results obtained using this formulation are compared with those obtained using a previous form of the equations where the diffusive fluxes of elements are computed as a linear combination of the species diffusive fluxes. This not only validates the new formulation but also highlights its advantages with respect to the previous one :by using and analyzing the full set of equilibrium transport coefficients we arrive at a deep understanding of the mass and heat transfer for a CO2/N2 mixture.<p>Secondly, we present and analyze detailed numerical simulations of high-pressure inductively coupled air plasma flows both in the torch and in the test chamber using two different mathematical formulations: an extended chemical non-equilibrium formalism including finite rate chemistry and a form of the equations valid in the limit of local thermodynamic equilibrium and accounting for the demixing of chemical elements. Simulations at various operating pressures indicate that significant demixing of oxygen and nitrogen occurs, regardless of the degree of nonequilibrium in the plasma. As the operating pressure is increased, chemistry becomes increasingly fast and the nonequilibrium results correctly approach the results obtained assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium, supporting the validity of the proposed local equilibrium formulation. A similar analysis is conducted for CO2 plasma flows, showing the importance of elemental diffusion on the plasma behavior in the VKI plasmatron torch.<p>Thirdly, the extension of numerical tools developed at the von Karman Institute, required within the methodology for the determination of catalycity properties for thermal protection system materials, has been completed for CO2 flows. Non equilibrium stagnation line computations have been performed for several outer edge conditions in order to analyze the influence of the chemical models for bulk reactions. Moreover, wall surface reactions have been examined, and the importance of several recombination processes has been discussed. This analysis has revealed the limits of the model currently used, leading to the proposal of an alternative approach for the description of the flow-surface interaction. Finally the effects of outer edge elemental fractions on the heat flux map is analyzed, showing the need to add them to the list of parameters of the methodology currently used to determine catalycity properties of thermal protection materials. / Doctorat en sciences appliquées / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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