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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vårdpersonalens upplevelse av utmaningar för delaktighet i utvecklingen av vårdinformationssystem / Healthcare professionals' experience of challenges for participation in the development of healthcare information systems

Karlsson, Pernilla January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flera nordiska länder byter ut sina vårdinformationssystem då systemens livscykel är förbrukad. Detta leder till ett generationsskifte bland nordiska vårdinformationssystem. Inom hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationer finns en förväntan om och ett behov av moderna vårdinformationssystem som passar för hälso- och sjukvårdens arbetsprocesser. Vårdpersonalens delaktighet i utvecklingen av framtidens vårdinformationssystem är avgörande för om förväntningarna kan uppfyllas. Syfte: Studien huvudsyfte är att undersöka vårdpersonalens upplevelser av delaktighet i utvecklingen av vårdinformationssystem utifrån tekniskt, socialt/ mänskligt, organisatoriskt och samhälleligt område. Material och metod: Data insamlades genom ett webbaserat frågeformulär med öppna och slutna frågor. Insamlade data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en deduktiv ansats utifrån områdena i Technology, People, Organizations, and Macroenvironmental factors (TPOM) ramverket. Respondenter i studien var journalförande personal verksamma i en finländsk hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisation. Sammanlagt deltog 101 respondenter i studien. Resultat: Med stöd av TPOM ramverket identifierades 2 områden och 6 underkategorier som påvisar vårdpersonalens upplevelser av utmaningar för delaktighet i utvecklingen av vårdinformationssystem. Vårdpersonalens upplevelser visar att Arbetsbelastning, Engagemang, Attityder och förväntningar, Utbildning och stöd, Kommunikation och Vision påverkar delaktigheten. Slutsats: På ett övergripande plan bidrar studien till att erinra att vårdpersonalens delaktighet spelar en avgörande roll för att utveckla vårdinformationssystem som passar för hälso- och sjukvårdens arbetssätt. Med utgångspunkt i vårdpersonalens upplevelser gällande utmaningar för delaktighet i utvecklingen av vårdinformationssystem belyser studien omständigheter som kan påverka hur framtidens vårdinformationssystem ser ut samt informationssystemens nivå av användbarhet. Förslag till framtida forskning är bland annat att undersöka vilken utbildning som skulle främja vårdpersonalens delaktighet i utveckling av vårdinformationssystem samt om den utbildningen kan införlivas i vårdpersonalens kärnkompetenser. / Background: Several Nordic countries are replacing their healthcare information systems when the life cycle of the systems has been exhausted. This leads to a generational shift among Nordic healthcare information systems. Within healthcare organizations, there is an expectation and a need for modern healthcare information systems that are suitable for healthcare work processes. The participation of healthcare professionals in the development of the healthcare information system of the future is crucial for whether expectations can be met. Aim: The main purpose of the study is to investigate health care professionals' experiences of participation in the development of health care information systems based on technical, social/human, organizational and societal areas. Method: Data was collected through a web-based questionnaire with open and closed questions. The collected data was analyzed with qualitative content analysis with a deductive approach based on the areas of the Technology, People, Organizations, and Macroenvironmental factors (TPOM) framework. Respondents in the study were record-keeping staff working in a Finnish health care organization. A total of 101 respondents participated in the study. Results: With the support of the TPOM framework, 2 areas and 6 subcategories were identified that demonstrate healthcare professionals' experiences of challenges for participation in the development of healthcare information systems. Healthcare professionals' experiences show that Workload, Commitment, Attitudes and expectations, Education and support, Communication and Vision affect participation. Conclusion: On an overall level, the study contributes to recalling that the participation of health care professionals plays a crucial role in developing health care information systems that are suitable for the health care system. Based on healthcare professionals' experiences regarding challenges for participation in the development of healthcare information systems, the study highlights circumstances that may affect how the healthcare information system of the future looks like and the level of usability of the information systems. Suggestions for future research include investigating what education would promote the participation of health care professionals in the development of health care information systems and whether that education can be incorporated into the core competencies of health care professionals.

Enrichment of Archetypes with Domain Knowledge to Enhance the Consistency of Electronic Health Records

Giménez Solano, Vicente Miguel 21 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La consistencia de los datos de la HCE, como dimensión de la calidad, se considera un requisito esencial para la mejora de la prestación de la asistencia sanitaria, los procesos de toma de decisiones clínicas y la promoción de la investigación clínica. En este contexto, la cooperación entre la información y los modelos de dominio se considera esencial en la literatura, pero la comunidad científica no la ha abordado adecuadamente hasta la fecha. La contribución principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de métodos y herramientas para la inclusión de expresiones de enlaces terminológicos en reglas de consistencia. Las contribuciones específicas son: - Definición de un método para ejecutar ECs sobre una base de datos de SNOMED CT orientada a grafos. - Definición de métodos para simplificar ECs antes y después de su ejecución, y su validación semántica conforme al Machine Readable Concept Model de SNOMED CT (MRCM). - Definición de un método para visualizar, explorar dinámicamente, comprender y validar subconjuntos de SNOMED CT. - Desarrollo de SNQuery, una plataforma que ejecuta, simplifica y valida ECs y visualiza los subconjuntos resultantes. - Definición de EHRules, un lenguaje de expresiones basado en el openEHR Expression Language para la especificación de reglas de consistencia en arquetipos, incluido el enlace terminológico de contenido, con el fin de enriquecer los arquetipos con conocimiento del dominio. - Definición de un método para ejecutar las expresiones de EHRules con el fin de validar la consistencia de los datos de la HCE mediante la ejecución de dichas expresiones sobre instancias de datos de pacientes. Nuestro objetivo es que estas contribuciones ayuden a mejorar la calidad de la HCE, ya que proporcionan métodos y herramientas para la validación y mejora de la consistencia de los datos de la HCE. Pretendemos, además, mediante la definición de enlaces de contenido entre modelos de información y terminologías clínicas, elevar el nivel de interoperabilidad semántica, para lo cual la definición de enlaces terminológicos es crucial. / [CA] La consistència de les dades de la HCE, com a dimensió de la qualitat, es considera un requisit essencial per a la millora de la prestació de l'assistència sanitària, els processos de presa de decisions clíniques i la promoció de la investigació clínica. En aquest context, la cooperació entre la informació i els models de domini es considera essencial en la literatura, però la comunitat científica no l'ha abordada adequadament fins hui. La contribució principal d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de mètodes i ferramentes per a la inclusió d'expressions d'enllaços terminològics en regles de consistència. Les contribucions específiques són: - Definició d'un mètode per a executar ECs sobre una base de dades de SNOMED CT orientada a grafs. - Definició de mètodes per a simplificar ECs abans i després de la seua execució, i la seua validació semàntica conforme al Machine Readable Concept Model de SNOMED CT (MRCM). - Definició d'un mètode per a visualitzar, explorar dinàmicament, comprendre i validar subconjunts de SNOMED CT. - Desenvolupament de SNQuery, una plataforma que executa, simplifica i valida ECs i visualitza els subconjunts resultants. - Definició de EHRules, un llenguatge d'expressions basat en l'openEHR Expression Language per a l'especificació de regles de consistència en arquetips, inclòs l'enllaç terminològic de contingut, amb la finalitat d'enriquir els arquetips amb coneixement del domini. - Definició d'un mètode per a executar les expressions de EHRules amb la finalitat de validar la consistència de les dades de la HCE mitjançant l'execució d'aquestes expressions sobre instàncies de dades de pacients. El nostre objectiu és que aquestes contribucions ajuden a millorar la qualitat de la HCE, ja que proporcionen mètodes i ferramentes per a la validació i millora de la consistència de les dades de la HCE. Pretenem, a més, mitjançant la definició d'enllaços de contingut entre models d'informació i terminologies clíniques, elevar el nivell d'interoperabilitat semàntica, per a la qual cosa la definició d'enllaços terminològics és crucial. / [EN] Consistency of EHR data, as a dimension of quality, is considered an essential requirement to the improvement of healthcare delivery, clinical decision-making processes, and the promotion of clinical research. In this context, cooperation between information and domain models has been considered essential in the literature, but it has not been adequately addressed by the scientific community to date. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of methods and tools for the inclusion of terminology binding expressions in consistency rules. Specific contributions are: - Definition of a method to execute ECs over a SNOMED CT graph-oriented database. - Definition of methods to simplify ECs before and after its execution and semantic validation according to the SNOMED CT Machine Readable Concept Model (MRCM). - Definition of a method to visualize, dynamically explore, understand and validate SNOMED CT subsets. - Development of SNQuery, an execution platform that executes, simplifies and validates ECs, and visualizes the resulting subsets. - Definition of EHRules, an expression language based on the openEHR Expression Language for the specification of consistency expressions in archetypes, including value set bindings, in order to enrich archetypes with domain knowledge. - Definition of a method to execute EHRules expressions in order to validate the consistency of EHR data by executing such rules over patient data instances. Our objective is that these contributions help to enhance the quality of EHR, as they provide methods and tools for the validation and enhancement of the EHR data consistency. We also intend, by defining value set bindings between information models and clinical terminologies, to raise the level of semantic interoperability, for which the definition of terminological bindings is crucial. / This thesis was partially funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, “Doctorados Industriales”, grant DIN2018-009951, and by Universitat Politècnica de València, “Formación de Personal Investigador” (FPI-UPV). / Giménez Solano, VM. (2021). Enrichment of Archetypes with Domain Knowledge to Enhance the Consistency of Electronic Health Records [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180082

Diseño, construcción y evaluación de repositorios estandarizados con calidad de datos asegurada para la monitorización de la atención a la alimentación infantil

García de León Chocano, Ricardo 20 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] El establecimiento de la Historia Clínica Electrónica (HCE) como fuente de conocimiento en el ámbito clínico es una cuestión clave para las organizaciones sanitarias para el desarrollo de la investigación, docencia y la mejora de la calidad asistencial. El actual despliegue de los sistemas de información sanitarios supone que los datos de HCE sean una excelente fuente de datos candidata con la que generar repositorios para estos propósitos, debido a su cobertura poblacional y continuidad en el tiempo. Para garantizar la validez y fiabilidad de la reutilización de datos de HCE para investigación y monitorización de la asistencia sanitaria, es necesario evaluar y asegurar su calidad de datos. Así como utilizar estándares de información sanitaria para dar soporte a la continuidad asistencial. Esta tesis tiene como propósito diseñar un proceso de construcción de repositorios, estandarizados y con calidad de datos asegurada, con el que construir un repositorio de datos integrados (IDR) de alimentación infantil a partir de datos multi-fuente de HCE. El objetivo de este IDR es habilitar el re-uso de datos para la monitorización de la atención a la alimentación infantil hasta los dos años, centrado en la lactancia materna como uno de los principales determinantes de la salud materno-infantil. Para la gestión de la calidad de datos se ha utilizado un marco conceptual basado en dimensiones de calidad de datos para una gestión de calidad de datos total del proceso. Como estándares de información sanitaria se han utilizado UNE-EN-ISO 13940 (Contsys) y UNE-EN-ISO 13606. Para la monitorización se han utilizado los indicadores definidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud para la evaluación de estrategias internacionales de alimentación infantil como la Iniciativa para la Humanización de la Asistencia al Nacimiento y la Lactancia (IHAN). El proceso de construcción de repositorios ha estado estrechamente relacionado con la estrategia "Hasta Que Tú Quieras (HQTQ)", desarrollada en el Área de Salud V-Altiplano del Servicio Murciano de Salud para mejorar la calidad de la atención a la alimentación al lactante. Las especificaciones y requerimientos del proceso asistencial de atención a la alimentación del lactante guiaron la definición de los modelos de información. El proceso de construcción ha sido aplicado sobre real world data multi-fuente proveniente de la HCE del Área V-Altiplano. En concreto del sistema de información hospitalario de su hospital de referencia, Hospital Virgen del Castillo y del sistema de información de Atención Primaria de los 3 centros de salud del área, durante el periodo 2009-2018. La aplicación de dimensiones de calidad de datos sobre procedimientos de evaluación y aseguramiento de calidad de datos, junto con el uso de conceptos de la norma Constys, han contribuido al diseño del proceso de construcción de repositorios estandarizados con calidad de datos asegurada. La aplicación de los métodos del proceso de construcción de repositorios sobre los datos de la HCE perinatal del hospital y del seguimiento de alimentación de los centros de atención primaria han contribuido a la creación del IDR, con calidad de datos asegurada y estandarizado según la norma Contsys; así como a la estimación robusta de indicadores de alimentación infantil y la habilitación de un sistema de monitorización poblacional y continuo a partir de datos de HCE. La experiencia de integración de los repositorios materno-infantiles del Hospital Virgen del Castillo y el Hospital 12 de Octubre de Madrid ha contribuido a la creación de un IDR estandarizado conforme a la norma UNE-EN-ISO 13606 y a una propuesta de arquetipos para integración de repositorios materno-infantiles a nivel nacional. La información de calidad obtenida del IDR ha contribuido a la obtención del Sello de Buenas de Prácticas del Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad y la ampliación a escala del modelo de información perinatal a todo el Servicio Murciano de Salu / [CA] L'establiment de la Història Clínica Electrònica (HCE) com a font de coneiximent a l'àmbit clínic és una qüestió clau per a les organitzacions sanitàries per al desenvolupament de la investigació, docència i la millora de la qualitat assistencial. L'actual desplegament dels sistemes de informació sanitaris suposa que les dades de HCE siguen una excel·lent font de informació amb la qual generar repositoris de dades per a aquests propòsits, a causa de la seua cobertura poblacional i continuïtat en el temps. Per garantir la validesa i fiabilitat de la reutilització de dades de HCE per a investigació i monitoratge de l'assistència sanitària, és necessari avaluar i assegurar la seua qualitat . Així com utilitzar diferents estàndards d'informació sanitària per donar suport a la continuïtat assistencial. Aquesta tesi té com a propòsit dissenyar un procés de construcció de repositoris, éstandaritzats i amb qualitat de dades assegurada, amb el qual construir un repositori de dades integrats (IDR) d'alimentació infantil a partir de dades multi-font de HCE. L'objectiu d'aquest IDR és habilitar la reutilització de dades per al monitoratge de l'atenció a l'alimentació infantil fins als dos anys, centrat en la lactància materna com un dels principals determinants de la salut matern-infantil. Per a la gestió de la qualitat de dades s'ha utilitzat un marc conceptual basat en dimensions de qualitat de dades per a una gestió de qualitat de dades total del procés. Com a estàndards d'informació sanitària s'han utilitzat UNE-EN-ISO 13940 (Contsys) i UNE-EN-ISO 13606. Per al monitoratge s'han empleat els indicadors definits per l'Organització Mundial de la Salut per a l'avaluació d'estratègies internacionals d'alimentació infantil com la Iniciativa per a la Humanització de la Asistencia al Naixement i la Lactància (IHAN). El procés de construcció de repositoris ha estat estretament relacionat amb l'estratègia "Hasta Que Tú Quieras (HQTQ)" desenvolupada a l'Àrea de Salut V - Altiplano del Servicio Murciano de Salud per a millorar la qualitat de l'atenció a l'alimentació al lactant. Les especificacions i requeriments del procés assistencial d'atenció a l'alimentació del lactant van guiar la definició dels models d'informació. El procés de construcció ha sigut aplicat sobre real world data multi-font provinent de la HCE de l'Àrea de Salut V-Altiplano del Servicio Murciano de Salud. En concret del sistema d'informació hospitalari del seu hospital de referència, Hospital Virgen del Castillo i del sistema d'informació d'Atenció Primària dels tres centres de salut de l'àrea, durant el període 2009-2018. L'aplicació de dimensions de qualitat de dades sobre procediments d'avaluació i assegurament de qualitat de dades, juntament amb l'ús de conceptes de la norma Contsys, han contribuït al disseny del procés de construcció de repositoris estandarditzats amb qualitat de dades assegurada. L'aplicació dels mètodes del procés de construcció de repositoris sobre les dades de la HCE perinatal de l'hospital i del seguiment de l'alimentació infantil d'atenció primària han contribuït a la creació del IDR, amb qualitat de dades assegurada i estandarditzat segons la norma Contsys. Així com a l'estimació robusta d'indicadors d'alimentació infantil i l'habilitació d'un sistema de monitoratge poblacional i continu a partir de dades de HCE. L'experiència d'integració dels repositoris matern-infantils de l'Hospital Virgen del Castillo i l'Hospital 12 d'Octubre de Madrid ha contribuït a la creació d'un IDR estandarditzat conforme a la norma UNE-EN ISO 13606 i a una proposta d'arquetips per a integració de repositoris matern-infantils a nivell nacional. La informació de qualitat obtinguda del IDR ha contribuït a l'obtenció del Segell de Bones de Pràctiques del Ministeri de Sanitat, Serveis Socials i Igualtat i al "scaling-up" del model d'informació perinatal a tot el Servei Murcià de Salut. / [EN] The establishment of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) as a source of knowledge in the clinical setting is a key issue for healthcare organizations for the development of research, teaching and the improvement of healthcare quality. The current deployment of health information systems means that EHR data are an excellent candidate data source with which to generate repositories for these purposes, due to their population coverage and continuity over time. To ensure the validity and reliability of the reuse of EHR data for research and healthcare monitoring, it is necessary to assess and assure its data quality. As well as using health information standards to support continuity of care. The purpose of this thesis is to design a standardized and DQ assured repository construction process to build an Integrated Data Repository (IDR) for infant feeding from multi-source EHR data. The goal of this IDR is to enable the reuse of data for monitoring infant feeding care up to two years of age, focusing on breastfeeding as one of the main determinants of maternal and child health. For DQ management, a conceptual framework based on DQ dimensions has been used for a total data quality management of the process. UNE-EN-ISO 13940 (Contsys) and UNE-EN-ISO 13606 have been used as health information standards. The "Indicators for assessing infant and young child feeding practices" (IYCF), defined by the World Health Organization were used for monitoring. This set of indicators is the current reference for the evaluation of international infant feeding strategies such as the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI). The construction process of repositories has been closely related to the "Hasta Que Tú Quieras (HQTQ)" strategy, developed in the Health Area V-Altiplano of the Servicio Murciano de Salud to improve the quality of care for infant feeding. The specifications and requirements of the infant feeding care process guided the definition of information models. The construction process has been applied on real world multi-source data from the EHR of the Health Area V-Altiplano. Specifically, from the hospital information system of its reference hospital, Hospital Virgen del Castillo, and from the primary care information system of the 3 health centers of the area, during the period 2009-2018. The application of DQ dimensions on DQ assessment and assurance procedures, together with the use of concepts of the Contsys standard, have contributed to the design of the process of building standardized and DQ assured repositories. The application of the methods of the repository construction process on perinatal EHR data from the hospital along with the EHR data from the area's primary care information system for monitoring infant feeding has contributed to the creation of the IDR, with DQ assured and standardized according to the Contsys standard; As well as for the robust estimation of infant feeding indicators and the implementation of a population-based and continuous monitoring system based on EHR data. The experience of integrating the mother-child repositories of the Virgen del Castillo Hospital and the 12 de Octubre Hospital in Madrid has contributed to the creation of a standardized IDR in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 13606 standard and a proposal of archetypes for the integration of mother-child repositories at the national level. The quality information obtained from the IDR has contributed to obtaining the Seal of Good Practices of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality and to the scaling-up of the perinatal information model to the whole Servicio Murciano de Salud. / García De León Chocano, R. (2022). Diseño, construcción y evaluación de repositorios estandarizados con calidad de datos asegurada para la monitorización de la atención a la alimentación infantil [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188372

The impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on development : a case study of the influence of telecentres on the education of users

Lesame, Ntombizandile Carol 06 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the use of telecentres for educational purposes in telecommunications under-serviced regions of South Africa. The problem addressed by this research has both equity and efficiency aspects. In particular, the thesis examines the impact of telecentres on the formal and non-formal education outcomes of recipient communities - four telecentres, two in townships and two in rural areas. The urban telecentres are Siyabonga in Orange Farm near Johannesburg and Mamelodi Communication and Information Services (MACIS), in Mamelodi township, near Pretoria in Gauteng Province. The rural telecentres are Tombo near Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape Province and Hoxani near Bushbuckridge on the Mpumalanga-Limpopo Province border. The main aim of the research is to conduct a quantitative survey of the telecentre users’ use of telecentres in the above mentioned locations. On the basis of this, the thesis seeks to come to some conclusions about the use and effectiveness of the South African telecentre program. The quantitative analysis of users is supported by a qualitative report and analysis of data gathered through personal interviews of telecentre operators and employees. The thesis reports on the outputs of the centres, limitations in their function, inhibitors to their economic performance, and recommendations for improving their operations. Some of the findings are that telecentres established through public-private partnership (PPP) funding are more effective and successful, computer literacy is a major resource offered, Hoxani telecentre offers outcomes-based education management skills training for local teachers, while Tombo, MACIS and Siyabonga telecentres offer additional business and electronic courses. The thesis also reviews the South African telecentre program against the background of similar programs in selected Asian and Latin American countries, Australia, Canada, and Europe and against the background of an analysis of South African post-apartheid telecommunications sector reforms (1996 to 2007). Insights into the unique nature of challenges facing geographically located telecentres as well as a new model for understanding telecentre operations in South Africa are offered. / Communication Science / D.Litt. et Phil.(Communication Science)

Improving patient referral processes through electronic health record system : a case study of rural hospitals in Limpopo province

Nevhutalu, Ntsako Fikile 11 1900 (has links)
In the last decade, the deployment of Electronic Health Records has increased tremendously in many developed countries. This increasing trend intensifies the need for developing countries like South Africa to implement electronic health record systems in state owned hospitals to facilitate e-referral processes to improve health care delivery. The aim of this research was to investigate the current process of patient record keeping, management, and the referral process of patients within the same hospital and to other hospitals and based on the findings compile an Electronic Health Record (EHR) framework to facilitate e- referral processes. This research study was based on a qualitative case study approach. A multiple data collection technique was used which included group interviews, questionnaires, document analysis and informal discussions with the hospital workers. Data were analysed by categorization and thematic approach. The findings obtained from state hospitals indicated that there is no EHR system which accommodates patient health record systems to facilitate e-referral processes. These findings led to a compilation of the Limpopo Electronic Health Record System (LEHRS) to aid e-referral processes in state hospitals. The increasing need for accurate, reliable, available and accessible EHR will be addressed by the implementation of LEHRS as information will be stored in a central database in a useable format and will be easily accessed. / Computing / M. Tech. (Information Technology)

Understanding Perspectives of Risk Awareness

Park, Byunguk Randon 01 August 2014 (has links)
Research in risk awareness has been relatively neglected in the health informatics literature, which tends largely to examine project managers’ perspectives of risk awareness; very few studies explicitly address the perspectives held by senior executives such as directors. Another limitation evident in the current risk literature is that studies are often based on American data and/or they are restricted to American culture. Both factors highlight the need to examine how senior executives (i.e., directors) who oversee or direct eHealth projects in Canada perceive risk awareness. This research explores and discusses the perspectives of risk awareness (i.e., identification, analysis, and prioritization) held by directors and project managers who implement Canadian eHealth projects. Semi-structured interviews with nine directors and project managers uncovered six key distinctions in these two groups’ awareness of risk. First, all project managers valued transparency over anonymity, whereas directors believed that an anonymous reporting system for communicating risks had merit. Secondly, most directors emphasized the importance of evidence-based planning and decision making when balancing risks and opportunities, an aspect none of the project managers voiced. Thirdly, while project managers noted that the level of risk tolerance may evolve from being risk-averse to risk-neutral, directors believed that risk tolerance evolved toward risk-seeking. Directors also noted the importance of employing risk officers, a view that was not shared by project managers. Directors also believed the risk of too little end-user engagement and change management was the most important risk, whereas project managers ranked it as the least important. Finally, when directors and project managers were asked to identify and define the root cause(s) of eHealth risks, directors identified the complexity of health care industry, while project managers attributed it to political pressure and a lack of resources where eHealth projects are concerned. This research proposes that the varied perspectives of risk awareness held by directors and project managers must be considered and integrated to properly align expectations and build partnerships for successful eHealth project outcomes. Understanding risk awareness offers a means to systematically identify and analyze the complex nature of eHealth projects by embracing uncertainties, thereby enabling forward thinking (i.e., staying one step ahead of risks) and the ability to prevent avoidable risks and seize opportunities. / Graduate / 0723 / 0489 / 0454 / randbpark@gmail.com

The impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on development : a case study of the influence of telecentres on the education of users

Lesame, Ntombizandile Carol 06 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the use of telecentres for educational purposes in telecommunications under-serviced regions of South Africa. The problem addressed by this research has both equity and efficiency aspects. In particular, the thesis examines the impact of telecentres on the formal and non-formal education outcomes of recipient communities - four telecentres, two in townships and two in rural areas. The urban telecentres are Siyabonga in Orange Farm near Johannesburg and Mamelodi Communication and Information Services (MACIS), in Mamelodi township, near Pretoria in Gauteng Province. The rural telecentres are Tombo near Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape Province and Hoxani near Bushbuckridge on the Mpumalanga-Limpopo Province border. The main aim of the research is to conduct a quantitative survey of the telecentre users’ use of telecentres in the above mentioned locations. On the basis of this, the thesis seeks to come to some conclusions about the use and effectiveness of the South African telecentre program. The quantitative analysis of users is supported by a qualitative report and analysis of data gathered through personal interviews of telecentre operators and employees. The thesis reports on the outputs of the centres, limitations in their function, inhibitors to their economic performance, and recommendations for improving their operations. Some of the findings are that telecentres established through public-private partnership (PPP) funding are more effective and successful, computer literacy is a major resource offered, Hoxani telecentre offers outcomes-based education management skills training for local teachers, while Tombo, MACIS and Siyabonga telecentres offer additional business and electronic courses. The thesis also reviews the South African telecentre program against the background of similar programs in selected Asian and Latin American countries, Australia, Canada, and Europe and against the background of an analysis of South African post-apartheid telecommunications sector reforms (1996 to 2007). Insights into the unique nature of challenges facing geographically located telecentres as well as a new model for understanding telecentre operations in South Africa are offered. / Communication Science / D.Litt. et Phil.(Communication Science)

Desafios da gestão de uma base de dados de identificação unívoca de indivíduos: a experiência do Projeto Cartão Nacional de Saúde no SUS / Challenges of managing a database of unique identification of individuals: the experience of the National Health Card Project in SUS

Magalhães, Marcelo de Araujo January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010 / A Base de Dados de Identificação Unívoca de Indivíduos voltada para o SUS constitui uma base de informações relacionada ao processo de identificação unívoca dos indivíduos formando, juntamente com as bases de informações de Profissionais de Saúde e Estabelecimentos de Saúde o que podemos chamar de bases de dados estruturantes para os Sistemas de Atenção à Saúde. Estas bases de dados estruturantes contribuíram para aconstrução de um alicerce de informações para o SUS, tornando-se referência para os Sistemas de Atenção à Saúde no Brasil. Sua construção se deu para que fosse possível o desenvolvimento e implantação de uma solução informatizada contratada pelo Ministério da Saúde. O presente trabalho inicia-se com o estudo da história de desenvolvimento desta solução informatizada, denominada de Projeto do Cartão Nacional de Saúde, e seu contexto histórico de construção iniciado em 1999. Por meio de revisões bibliográficas, análise de documentos institucionais produzidos pelo Ministério da Saúde, e as principais escolas formadoras e produtoras de estudos sobre o tema, além da experiência profissional do autor, são discutidas as soluções encontradas para o projeto procurando dar ênfase aos aspectos de desenvolvimento e tecnologias empregadas, dentro do contexto político institucional e organizacional do seu processo histórico de criação. Realiza-se ainda exposição do panorama da situação atual (2008) do projeto e suas bases estruturantes, com destaque para a gestão da Base de Identificação Unívoca de Indivíduos do SUS. Por fim,procura-se contribuir com discussões e conclusões que permitam sua consolidação como uma base de dados de identificação unívoca de indivíduos para o SUS e, desta forma, ser capaz de atender às demandas dos Sistemas de Atenção à Saúde. / The Brazilian HealthCare System (SUS in portuguese) Database of Unique identification of Individuals is a database of information related to the process of unique identification of individuals, together with the Healthcare Individual Provider and Healthcare Provider Information Databases, form what we call the structuring databases for the health care information systems. These databases contributed to building a foundation of information for the SUS, becoming a reference for the Health Care Systems in Brazil. Its construction was done to make possible the development and implementation of a computerized solution contracted by the Ministry of Health. This work begins with the study of the history of development of this computerized solution, called Projeto do Cartão Nacional de Saúde (National Healthcare Card), which began in 1999, and its historical context. Through literature review, analysis of institutional documents produced by the Health Ministry and by the main schools on the subject, beyond the professional experience of the author, this study presents the solutions to the project, seeking to emphasize the development process and the technologies employed, taking into account the institutional and political context of its evolution. It also shows the current situation (2008) of the project and is structuring databases, with emphasis on the management of Database of Unique Identification of Individuals. Finally, we seek to contribute with discussions and conclusions that allow the consolidation of a database of unique identification of individuals for SUS and thus be able to meet the demands of the Brazilian health care information systems.

Improving patient referral processes through electronic health record system : a case study of rural hospitals in Limpopo province

Nevhutalu, Ntsako Fikile 11 1900 (has links)
In the last decade, the deployment of Electronic Health Records has increased tremendously in many developed countries. This increasing trend intensifies the need for developing countries like South Africa to implement electronic health record systems in state owned hospitals to facilitate e-referral processes to improve health care delivery. The aim of this research was to investigate the current process of patient record keeping, management, and the referral process of patients within the same hospital and to other hospitals and based on the findings compile an Electronic Health Record (EHR) framework to facilitate e- referral processes. This research study was based on a qualitative case study approach. A multiple data collection technique was used which included group interviews, questionnaires, document analysis and informal discussions with the hospital workers. Data were analysed by categorization and thematic approach. The findings obtained from state hospitals indicated that there is no EHR system which accommodates patient health record systems to facilitate e-referral processes. These findings led to a compilation of the Limpopo Electronic Health Record System (LEHRS) to aid e-referral processes in state hospitals. The increasing need for accurate, reliable, available and accessible EHR will be addressed by the implementation of LEHRS as information will be stored in a central database in a useable format and will be easily accessed. / Computing / M. Tech. (Information Technology)

Emergency physician documentation quality and cognitive load : comparison of paper charts to electronic physician documentation

Chisholm, Robin Lynn January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Reducing medical error remains in the forefront of healthcare reform. The use of health information technology, specifically the electronic health record (EHR) is one attempt to improve patient safety. The implementation of the EHR in the Emergency Department changes physician workflow, which can have negative, unintended consequences for patient safety. Inaccuracies in clinical documentation can contribute, for example, to medical error during transitions of care. In this quasi-experimental comparison study, we sought to determine whether there is a difference in document quality, error rate, error type, cognitive load and time when Emergency Medicine (EM) residents use paper charts versus the EHR to complete physician documentation of clinical encounters. Simulated patient encounters provided a unique and innovative environment to evaluate EM physician documentation. Analysis focused on examining documentation quality and real-time observation of the simulated encounter. Results demonstrate no change in document quality, no change in cognitive load, and no change in error rate between electronic and paper charts. There was a 46% increase in the time required to complete the charting task when using the EHR. Physician workflow changes from partial documentation during the patient encounter with paper charts to complete documentation after the encounter with electronic charts. Documentation quality overall was poor with an average of 36% of required elements missing which did not improve during residency training. The extra time required for the charting task using the EHR potentially increases patient waiting times as well as clinician dissatisfaction and burnout, yet it has little impact on the quality of physician documentation. Better strategies and support for documentation are needed as providers adopt and use EHR systems to change the practice of medicine.

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