Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elektroteknik, elektronik ocho fotonik"" "subject:"elektroteknik, elektronik och3 fotonik""
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SPC and DOE in production of organic electronicsNilsson, Marcus, Ruth, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>At Acreo AB located in Norrköping, Sweden, research and development in the field of organic electronics have been conducted since 1998. Several electronic devices and systems have been realized. In late 2003 a commercial printing press was installed to test large scale production of these devices. Prior to the summer of 2005 the project made significant progress. As a step towards industrialisation, the variability and yield of the printing process needed to bee studied. A decision to implement Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Design of Experiments (DOE) to evaluate and improve the process was taken.</p><p>SPC has been implemented on the EC-patterning step in the process. A total of 26 Samples were taken during the period October-December 2005. An - and s-chart were constructed from these samples. The charts clearly show that the process is not in statistical control. Investigations of what causes the variation in the process have been performed. The following root causes to variation has been found: </p><p>PEDOT:PSS-substrate sheet resistance and poorly cleaned screen printing drums. </p><p>After removing points affected by root causes, the process is still not in control. Further investigations are needed to get the process in control. Examples of where to go next is presented in the report. In the DOE part a four factor full factorial experiment was performed. The goal with the experiment was to find how different factors affects switch time and life length of an electrochromic display. The four factors investigated were: Electrolyte, Additive, Web speed and Encapsulation. All statistical analysis was performed using Minitab 14. The analysis of measurements from one day and seven days after printing showed that:</p><p>- Changing Electrolyte from E230 to E235 has small effect on the switch time</p><p>- Adding additives Add1 and Add2 decreases the switch time after 1 and 7 days</p><p>- Increasing web speed decreases the switch time after 1 and 7 days </p><p>- Encapsulation before UV-step decreases the switch time after 7 days</p>
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Football on mobile phones : algorithms, architectures and quality of experience in streaming videoSun, Jiong January 2006 (has links)
<p>In this thesis we study algorithms and architectures that can provide a better Quality of Experience (QoE) for streaming video systems and services. With cases and examples taken from the application scenarios of football on mobile phones, we address the fundamental problems behind streaming video services. Thus, our research results can be applied and extended to other networks, to other sports and to other cultural activities.</p><p>In algorithm development, we propose five different schemes. We suggest a blind motion estimation and a trellis based motion estimation with dynamic programming algorithms for Wyner-Ziv coding. We develop a trans-media technology, vibrotactile coding of visual signals for mobile phones. We propose a new bandwidth prediction scheme for real-time video conference. We also provide an effective method based on dynamic programming to select optimal services and maximize QoE.</p><p>In architecture design, we offer three architectures for real-time interactive video and two for streaming live football information. The former three are: a structure of motion estimation in Wyner-Ziv coding for real-time video; a variable bit rate Wyner-Ziv video coding structure based on multi-view camera array; and a dynamic resource allocation structure based on 3-D object motion. The latter two are: a vibrotactile signal rendering system for live information; and a Universal Multimedia Access architecture for streaming live football video.</p><p>In QoE exploration, we give a detailed and deep discussion of QoE and the enabling techniques. We also develop a conceptual model for QoE. Moreover we place streaming video services in a framework of QoE. The new general framework of streaming video services allows for the interaction between the user, content and technology.</p><p>We demonstrate that it is possible to develop algorithms and architectures that take into account the user's perspective. Quality of Experience in video mobile services is within our reach.</p>
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Football on mobile phones : algorithms, architectures and quality of experience in streaming videoSun, Jiong January 2006 (has links)
In this thesis we study algorithms and architectures that can provide a better Quality of Experience (QoE) for streaming video systems and services. With cases and examples taken from the application scenarios of football on mobile phones, we address the fundamental problems behind streaming video services. Thus, our research results can be applied and extended to other networks, to other sports and to other cultural activities. In algorithm development, we propose five different schemes. We suggest a blind motion estimation and a trellis based motion estimation with dynamic programming algorithms for Wyner-Ziv coding. We develop a trans-media technology, vibrotactile coding of visual signals for mobile phones. We propose a new bandwidth prediction scheme for real-time video conference. We also provide an effective method based on dynamic programming to select optimal services and maximize QoE. In architecture design, we offer three architectures for real-time interactive video and two for streaming live football information. The former three are: a structure of motion estimation in Wyner-Ziv coding for real-time video; a variable bit rate Wyner-Ziv video coding structure based on multi-view camera array; and a dynamic resource allocation structure based on 3-D object motion. The latter two are: a vibrotactile signal rendering system for live information; and a Universal Multimedia Access architecture for streaming live football video. In QoE exploration, we give a detailed and deep discussion of QoE and the enabling techniques. We also develop a conceptual model for QoE. Moreover we place streaming video services in a framework of QoE. The new general framework of streaming video services allows for the interaction between the user, content and technology. We demonstrate that it is possible to develop algorithms and architectures that take into account the user's perspective. Quality of Experience in video mobile services is within our reach.
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Partial Discharges Studied with Variable Frequency of the Applied VoltageEdin, Hans January 2001 (has links)
This thesis concerns partial discharge (PD) diagnostics withvariable frequency of applied voltage in the frequency range 1mHz - 400 Hz. The exploration of a new type of spectroscopythat combines partial discharge analysis and dielectricresponse is demonstrated. A question addressed is if and howthe PD activity varies with the frequency of the appliedvoltage. The nature of an existing frequency dependence couldbe useful in the classification of different defects and tojudge the degree of progressive ageing. A Variable-Frequency Phase Resolved Partial DischargeAnalysis (VF-PRPDA) technique is developed for the appliedvoltage frequency range 1 mHz - 400 Hz. The VF-PRPDA techniqueis combined with a system for high voltage dielectricspectroscopy that allows simultaneous measurements. TheVF-PRPDA technique is used for studying the frequencydependence of PD. The PD activity is for example measured byintegrated measures like total charge per cycle and totalnumber of discharges per cycle. Statistical measures like mean,standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis etc. are applied tomeasure the frequency dependence of the phasedistributions. High voltage dielectric spectroscopy is supplemented withharmonic analysis for studying non-linear dielectric responsecurrents. The VF-PRPDA technique is demonstrated on defined objectslike point-plane gaps and artificial voids, but also on aninsulated stator bar and a paper insulated cable. Surfacedischarges on insulating surfaces are studied in an environmentwith a controlled relative humidity and temperature. Theadsorption of moisture on the insulating surface alters thesurface conductivity of the surface and the frequencydependence of the PD activity. The influence of temperature upon the PD activity is studiedfor a oil paper insulated cable. The results of the measurements show that the partialdischarge activity in general is frequency dependent over thefrequency range 1 mHz - 400 Hz. The reasons behind thefrequency dependence are linked to surface- and bulk-conducting mechanisms, frequency dependent field distributionsand statistical effects of the supply of start electrons. An algorithm is developed that relates the phase resolved PDcurrent measured with the PRPDA technique to the non-linearcurrent measured with dielectric spectroscopy. The algorithm isexperimentally verified by simultaneous measurements of PRPDAand dielectric spectroscopy on defined objects. The resultsexplain the contribution of PD to the apparent capacitance andloss. Moreover, the harmonics of the fundamental currentcomponent yield information about, for example, polaritydependent discharge sources. Keywords:diagnostic methods, partial discharges, phaseresolved, variable frequency, dielectric spectroscopy,dielectric response, harmonics, insulation / QC 20100527
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Computational methods for the analysis and design of photonic bandgap structuresQiu, Min January 2000 (has links)
In the present thesis, computational methods for theanalysis and design of photonic bandgap structure areconsidered. Many numerical methods have been used to study suchstructures. Among them, the plane wave expansion method is veryoften used. Using this method, we show that inclusions ofelliptic air holes can be used effectively to obtain a largercomplete band gap for two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystals.An optimal design of a 2D photonic crystal is also consideredin the thesis using a combination of the plane wave expansionmethod and the conjugate gradient method. We find that amaximum complete 2D band gap can be obtained by connectingdielectric rods with veins for a photonic crystal with a squarelattice of air holes in GaAs. For some problems, such as defect modes, the plane waveexpansion method is extremely time-consuming. It seems that thefinite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is promising, sincethe computational time is proportional to the number of thediscretization points in the computation domain (i.e., it is oforderN). A FDTD scheme in a nonorthogonal coordinate systemis presented in the thesis to calculate the band structure of a2D photonic crystal consisting of askew lattice. The algorithmcan easily be used for any complicated inclusion configuration,which can have both the dielectric and metallic constituents.The FDTD method is also applied to calculate the off-plane bandstructures of 2D photonic crystals in the present thesis. Wealso propose a numerical method for computing defect modes in2D crystals (with dielectric or metallic inclusions). Comparedto the FDTD transmission spectra method, our method reduces thecomputation time and memory significantly, and finds as manydefect modes as possible, including those that are not excitedby an incident plane wave in the FDTD transmission spectramethod. The FDTD method has also been applied to calculateguided modes and surface modes in 2D photonic crystals using acombination of the periodic boundary condition and theperfectly matched layer for the boundary treatment. Anefficient FDTD method, in which only real variables are used,is also proposed for the full-wave analysis of guided modes inphotonic crystal fibers. / QC 20100629
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Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Carbide Power Bipolar Junction TransistorsLee, Hyung-Seok January 2008 (has links)
Silicon carbide bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are attractive power switching devices because of the unique material properties of SiC with high breakdown electric field, high thermal conductivity and high saturated drift velocity of electrons. The SiC BJT has potential for very low specific on-resistances and this together with high temperature operation makes it very suitable for applications with high power densities. For SiC BJTs the common emitter current gain (β), the specific on-resistance (RSP_ON), and the breakdown voltage are important to optimize for competition with silicon based power devices. In this thesis, power SiC BJTs with high current gain β ≈ 60 , low on-resistance RSP_ON ≈ 5 mΩcm2, and high breakdown voltage BVCEO ≈ 1200 V have been demonstrated. The 1200 V SiC BJT that has been demonstrated has about 80 % lower on-state power losses compared to a typical 1200 V Si IGBT chip. A continuous epitaxial growth of the base-emitter layers has been used to reduce interface defects and thus improve the current gain. A significant influence of surface recombination on the current gain was identified by comparing the experiments with device simulations. In order to reduce the surface recombination, different passivation layers were investigated in SiC BJTs, and thermal oxidation in N2O ambient was identified as an efficient passivation method to increase the current gain. To obtain a low contact resistance, especially to the p-type base contact, is one critical issue to fabricate SiC power BJTs with low on-resistance. Low temperature anneal (~ 800 oC) of a p-type Ni/Ti/Al contact on 4H-SiC has been demonstrated. The contact resistivity on the ion implanted base region of the BJT was 1.3 × 10-4 Ωcm2 after annealing. The Ni/Ti/Al p-type ohmic contact was adapted to 4H-SiC BJTs fabrication indicating that the base contact plays a role for achieving a low on-resistance of SiC BJTs. To achieve a high breakdown voltage, optimized junction termination is important in a power device. A guard ring assisted Junction Termination Extension (JTE) structure was used to improve the breakdown voltage of the SiC BJTs. The highest breakdown voltage of the fabricated SiC BJTs was obtained for devices with guard ring assisted JTE using the base contact implant step for a simultaneous formation of guard rings. As a new approach to fabricate SiC BJTs, epitaxial regrowth of an extrinsic base layer was demonstrated. SiC BJTs without any ion implantation were successfully demonstrated using epitaxial regrowth of a highly doped p-type region and an etched JTE using the epitaxial base. A maximum current gain of 42 was measured for a 1.8 mm × 1.8 mm BJT with a stable and reproducible open base breakdown voltage of 1800 V. / QC 20100819
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Propagation of some coherent and partially coherent laser beamsCai, Yangjian January 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate the propagation of some coherent and partially coherent laser beams, including a dark hollow beam (DHB), an elliptical Gaussian beam (EGB), a flat-topped beam and a twisted anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model (TAGSM) beam, through a paraxial optical system or a turbulent atmosphere. Several theoretical models are proposed to describe a DHB of circular or non-circular symmetry. Approximate analytical formulas for a DHB and a partially coherent TAGSM beam propagating through an apertured paraxial optical system are derived based on the generalized Collins formula. Analytical formulas for a DHB, an EGB, a flat-topped beam and a partially coherent TAGSM beam propagating in a turbulent atmosphere are derived in a tensor form based on the extended Huygens-Fresnel integral formula. It is found that after a long propagation distance these beams become circular Gaussian beams in a turbulent atmosphere, and this is quite different from their propagation properties in free space. The conversion of any of these beams to a circular Gaussian beam becomes quicker and the beam spot in the far field spreads more rapidly for a larger structure constant of the turbulent atmosphere, a shorter wavelength and a smaller waist size of the initial beam. Lower coherence and larger twist have a stronger effect of anti-circularization of the beam spot. Our analytical formulas provide a convenient way for studying the propagation of various laser beams through a paraxial optical system or a turbulent atmosphere. The concept of coincidence fractional Fourier transform (FRT) with an incoherent or partially coherent beam is introduced, and the optical system for its implementation is designed. The coincidence FRT is demonstrated experimentally with a partially coherent beam, and the experimental results are consistent with the theoretical results. / QC 20100831
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Processing and On-Wafer Test of Ferroelectric Film Microwave VaractorsKim, Jang-Yong January 2006 (has links)
Microwave materials have been widely used in a variety of applications ranging from communication devices to military satellite services, and the study of materials properties at microwave frequencies and the development of functional microwave materials have always been among the most active areas in solid-state physics, materials science, electrical and electronic engineering. In recent years, the increasing requirements for the development of high speed, high frequency circuits and systems require complete understanding of the properties of materials function at microwave frequencies. Ferroelectric materials usually have high dielectric constant, and their dielectric properties are temperature and electric field dependent. The change in permittivity as a function of electric field is the key to a wide range of applications. Ferroelectric materials can be used to fabricate capacitors for electronic industry because of their high dielectric constant, and this is important in the trend toward miniaturization and high functionality of electronic products. The simple tunable passive component based on ferroelectric films is a varactor which can be made as a planar structure and used for electrically tunable microwave integrated circuits. It is an important task to sinter highly tunable and low loss ferroelectrics, fabricate and test the properties of microwave ferroelectric components. This thesis shows experimental results on growth, crystalline and microwave properties of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 (NKN), AgTa0.5Nb0.5O3 (ATN), Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) as well as AgTaO3 (ATO), and AgNbO3 (ANO) thin films. The films were grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and rf-magnetron sputtering techniques from stoichiometric high density ceramic NKN, ATN, ATO, ANO and BST targets onto LaAlO3 (LAO), Al2O3 (r-cut sapphire), Nd:YAlO3 single crystals and amorphous glass substrates. Advanced X-ray diffraction examinations showed NKN, ATN, BST films on LAO substrates grow epitaxially, whereas films on r-cut sapphire were found to be preferentially (00l) oriented. Coplanar waveguide 2 µm finger gap interdigital capacitor (CPWIDC) structures were fabricated by photolithography process and metal lift-off technique. On-wafer tests up to 40 GHz were performed to characterize microwave properties of the ferromagnetic film CPWIDC devices. The measurement setup is composed of network analyzer, probe station, and microwave G-S-G probes. External electric field was applied to planar capacitors to measure tunability. Original de-embedding technique has been developed to calculate capacitance, loss tan δ, and tunability of varactors from the measured S-parameters. NKN film interdigital capacitors on Nd:YAlO3 showed superior performance compared to ATN in the microwave range from 1 to 40 GHz. Within this range, the voltage tunability (40V, 200 kV/cm) was about 29%, loss tangent ~ 0.13, K-factor = tunability/tan δ from 152% @ 10GHz to 46% @ 40GHz. The ATN/sapphire CPWIDCs showed the lowest dispersion ~ 4.3% in whole frequency range from 1 to 40 GHz, voltage tunability 4.7% @ 20GHz and 200 kV/cm, lowest loss tangent ~ 0.068 @ 20GHz, K-factor = tunability/tan δ ranged from 124% @ 10GHz to 35% @ 40GHz. BST film CPWIDCs on sapphire showed frequency about 17%, the highest voltage tunability ~ 22.2%, loss tangent ~ 0.137 @ 20GHz, and K-factor = 281% @ 10GHz to 95% @ 40GHz. / QC 20100906
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Dimensioning Tools of MEA Actuator Systems, Including Modeling, Analysis and Technology ComparisonTorabzadeh-Tari, Mohsen January 2008 (has links)
Aircraft design is an example of complex engineering where dimensioning tools can be valuable for the designers and decision makers in the early stage of the development process. These tools can be in form of a database over key numbers for different components or technologies. One of the critical parts of an aircraft is the actuator system. Conventional hydraulic actuators are demanding regarding maintenance which implies high operation costs. Therefore in recent years the focus has been set on electro-hydrostatic and electro-mechanical actuators. The aim of this work is to build a platform which can make it easier for designers and decision makers to analyze, compare and optimize different technologies regarding the actuator system. For this reason a simplified quasi-static actuator model, including reactive power consumption has been developed. This model makes it possible to reduce the complexity of the actuator models to such extent that the resulting computional tool can be used for studies of the system performance during entire flight missions and/or for optimization. Power density, cost and weight of the actuator systems are some of the important key numbers for comparing purpose and as a platform for the dimensioning of the aircraft. The ambition is then to build up a database of different actuator solutions with the key technical parameters mentioned above, that can be used in modeling and dimensioning of an aircraft. In order to avoid time consuming finite element calculations when analyzing an electrical machine a reluctance network model can be used. The basic idea of the proposed network model is to divide the rotor and the stator into a grid of small reluctance elements and provide those that correspond to the permanent magnet and the air gap between the magnets with time varying reluctances. The suggested computationally approach constitute a fast way to evaluate permanent magnet electrical machines with the respect to their performance. A preferred electrical machine provided with balance teeth and concentrated windings showed good electromechanical and thermal behavior. A balance tooth is a tooth without winding between each adjacent phases that has a cooling effect on the nearest windings, resulting in less copper losses. The balance teeth increases the voltage-time area, leading to higher induced voltage and higher torque production. Another advantage of the chosen design is its redundancy and fault tolerance capabilities. The machine comprises two independent half machines that also offers a high level of redundancy with two separate power channels. / QC 20100914
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Plasma assisted technology for Si-based photonic integrated circuitsDainese, Matteo January 2005 (has links)
The last two decades have witnessed a large increase in capacity in telecommunication systems, thanks to the development of high bandwidth, fiber optic based networks. Nevertheless the continuing growth of Internet data traffic, fuelled by the development of numerous services like on-line commerce, video on demand, large audio/video files downloads, demands for a significant increase in the ability of the network nodes to manage incoming and outcoming data streams effectively and fast. The different functionalities that are needed include add/drop channel multiplexing, routing, signal reshaping and retiming, electrical/optical and optical/electrical conversion. This has stimulated a large effort towards the investigation of technologies for opto-electronic integration at a wafer level, in order to cope with all the required operations, while limiting overall costs. Among the different approaches proposed, one of the most promising is the “Silicon optical bench”, which relies on the well established VLSI technology for the microelectronics part and on planar lightwave circuits (PLCs) made either with silica-on-silicon waveguide technology (low index contrast) of amorphous silicon technology (high index contrast) on the integrated optics side. This thesis presents the development of new techniques and methodologies utilized in photonic device fabrication, which can be used to facilitate integration of temperature sensitive elements. The process is based on low temperature, plasma assisted, thick film deposition. First, a low temperature (300°C) deposition process based on Plasma assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition (PACVD) for the fabrication of silica based Planar Lightwave Circuits (PLC) is developed. The low thermal budget lends itself to monolithic integration with devices fabricated with different technologies. Absorption bands at around the wavelengths 1.48µm and 1.51µm caused by N-H and Si-H bonds within the material, respectively, had previously been thought to be intrinsic to the PACVD deposition method, when using N2O as oxidant gas of SiH4 and the other dopant precursors. The traditional method to eliminate these absorption bands was high temperature (>1000°C) annealing that seriously hinders device integration. An important achievement in this thesis is the improved suppression of these two absorption bands while keeping the whole fabrication temperature below 300°C and also having a high deposition rate. A complete fabrication process for silica planar lightwave circuits was also developed, by optimising the photolithography and etching step. Finally the effect of dopants like Ge and B on the optical properties of the deposited silica glass was investigated, with particular emphasis to the photosensitive properties of the material upon illumination in the near UV. UV trimming is shown to be a versatile method to selectively control polarization birefringence of devices. Transmission dips of above 50dB were achieved in photo-induced gratings in low temperature deposited B-Ge codoped waveguide cores, without the need for hydrogen loading or other sensitisation techniques. The application of a high refractive index like amorphous silicon is addressed for the realization of efficient Bragg reflectors, either as vertical cavity laser mirrors or as dispersive element for planar waveguides used in highly selective co-directional coupler filters. Applications of amorphous silicon as core material for photonic crystal devices are also shown. The investigations carried out in this thesis show that PACVD technology can provide low-loss and UV sensitive material suitable for realizing a variety of low cost integrated devices for future all optical networks. / QC 20101004
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