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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Med siktet mot toppen : En kvalitativ studie om hur elitidrottande ungdomar tänker och känner kring kost och träning

Nystrand, Linda, Westerberg, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund/problemformulering: Tankar och känslor kring träning och kost bland elitidrottande ungdomar är något som tidigare undersökts i begränsad utsträckning. Därför finns det anledning att ta reda på ungdomarnas egna uppfattningar och erfarenheter inom området. Syfte: Att undersöka hur idrottsaktiva ungdomar som tränar eller tävlar på elitnivå, eller för att nå elitnivå, tänker och känner kring träning och träningsvanor samt kring kost och kostvanor. Metod och design: För denna studie användes kvalitativ metod med deskriptiv design. Data insamlades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem elitidrottande ungdomar. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpades. Resultatsammanfattning: Träning var en central del i livet. Starka motivationsfaktorer var den inre drivkraften och träningskompisarna. Skador, sjukdom och andra motgångar påverkade idrottarna negativt. Idrottarna planerade sina måltider för att maximera prestationen. Medvetenheten kring kostens påverkan var hög, likaså kunskapen kring livsmedlen. Mat väckte både positiva och negativa känslor. Omgivningen visades ha betydande roll för idrottarna. Slutsats: Deltagarna i studien var motiverade, målinriktade samt medvetna om sina tränings- och kostvanor. Flera uppgav att det var svårt att lyssna på kroppen, framförallt vid skada eller sjukdom. Vidare forskning, i större skala, är nödvändigt för ökad kunskap inom området. / Background: What elite athlete adolescents think and feel about exercise and nutrition is vaguely examined, why there is reason to investigate the experiences and perceptions among these individuals. Purpose: To investigate the thoughts and feelings about exercise and nutrition among a group of elite athlete adolescents. Methods and design: A qualitative descriptive design was used for this study. Through semi-structured interviews with five elite athlete adolescents, data was obtained. A qualitative content analysis was used. Results: Exercise was central in the athletes’ lives. The biggest driving force was the motivation that came from themselves and their team-mates. Injuries, illness and other obstacles affected the athletes negatively. The athletes planned their meals to maximize the performance. The awareness of the importance of nutrition for performance was high, also the knowledge. Both positive and negative feelings were associated with food. The surroundings played an important role for the athletes. Conclusion: The participants of this study were motivated, determined and aware of their training habits and diet. It was hard to listen to the body, especially when injured or sick. More studies, in larger scale, are necessary to gain further knowledge in the field.

A Community-Based Approach to Exploring the Experiences and Perspectives of Elite/International and World-Class Runners Who Are Pregnant and/or Parenting

Smith, Sydney Victoria MacNair 07 December 2022 (has links)
Several researchers as well as high-profile female athletes have recently challenged the longstanding view that pregnancy/motherhood mark the termination of an elite athlete's career in sport. While these conversations have sparked change concerning the degree to which pregnant/parenting athletes are accepted within the sport industry, elite athletes continue to face discriminatory policies and practices as they navigate parenthood alongside their elite athletic pursuits. My thesis is presented in the publishable papers format. In my first paper, I used new masculinities theory, community-based participatory research, and semi structured interviews to explore the experiences of 10 elite/international and world-class male athletes (9 fathers, 1 expectant father) and the impact of children on their athletic careers. Through critical discourse analysis, I found that fatherhood both improves and impedes elite athlete-fathers' athletic performance. In my second paper, I used feminist poststructuralist theory, feminist participatory action research, and semi-structured interviews to explore the perspectives of 21 pregnant and parenting elite/international and world-class athletes (11 women, 10 men) on the developing degree of acceptance of parenthood in elite athletics. Through critical discourse analysis, I identified that, despite considerable recent advancements, there is still a need for increased acceptance of pregnant/parenting athletes. Taken together, these two papers advance understandings regarding athletes' perspectives on the current shifts surrounding parenthood and athletics. Further, the recognition of fathers' involvement in childcare underscores how male athletes represent an untapped resource for allyship for female athletes. My findings also call for significant continued change and action to better support pregnant/parenting athletes.

Porovnání ročního tréninkového cyklu u vybraných českých elitních sprinterek / Comparison of the annual training cycle in the selected Czech elite women in sprinting

Vostatková, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
Thema works: Comparison of the annual training cycle in the selected Czech elite women in sprinting Student: Pavlína Vostatková Supervisor: Dr. Aleš Kaplan, Ph.D. Aims: The aim of this study was to analyze the annual training cycle (RTC) in selected Czech elite women sprinters, in which the maximal performance in 100 m run was reached, and to compare the uniform training system and recommendations for sprinters of comparable level of performance with the reality of the training program of selected sprinters. The analysis focused on methodological procedure, application of selected special training indicators (STU), their volume and intensification in various stages of sports training. Methodology: The content analysis of training diary was used as a method of the thesis, in particular the annual training cycle, in which the sprinters achieved personal maxima in 100 m run. Thus RTC 1996/1997 and 1992/1993 in sprinter P. V. and H. B. were analyzed, respectively. In the training diaries selected general training indicators (OTU) and STU for sprinters in athletics were obtained and reviewed. Model values for the age category of 21-23 sprinters (Moravec, Hlína a kol., 1984) were used in the comparison of selected OTU and STU of the selected sprinters. The model values for the 19-year-old sprinter H. B....

Essstörungen bei Jugendlichen im Hochleistungssport : eine Analyse sportbezogener Einflussfaktoren / Eating disorders of adolescents in elite sports : an analysis of sports-related correlates

Krentz, Eva Maria January 2012 (has links)
Essstörungen, wie Anorexia Nervosa oder Bulimia Nervorsa, gehen mit einer hohen psychischen Belastung einher und können gesundheitliche Schäden zur Folge haben. Bei Athleten mit einer Essstörung kann es darüber hinaus zu Einbußen in der Sportleistung kommen. Gerade für den Hochleistungssport ist es daher wichtig zu wissen, welches Risiko für Essstörungen besteht und wodurch das Risiko bedingt wird. Bisherige Studien zeigen deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den Sportarten. Eliteathleten aus ästhetischen Sportarten, wie rhythmische Sportgymnastik oder Eiskunstlauf, scheinen ein besonders hohes Essstörungsrisiko aufzuweisen. Deutlich geringere Prävalenzraten finden sich in Ballsportarten, wie Handball oder Basketball. Um zu verstehen, welche Aspekte der Sportart das Essstörungsrisiko beeinflussen, beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der Rolle sportbezogener Variablen. In die Studien einbezogen wurden insgesamt 171 Athleten zwischen 11 und 18 Jahren (im Mittel 14.1 ± 1.8 Jahre) aus ästhetischen Sportarten und Ballsportarten, die einen Fragebogenpaket mit Instrumenten zu gestörtem Essverhalten, allgemeiner Körperunzufriedenheit, sozialem Druck im Sport, sportbezogener Körperunzufriedenheit, Schlankheitsstreben zur Leistungssteigerung und negativen Gefühle bei Trainingsausfall ausfüllten. Nach einem Jahr wieder befragt wurden 65 Athleten aus ästhetischen Sportarten. Nach Kontrolle von Alter, Geschlecht, BMI und allgemeiner Körperunzufriedenheit trugen sportbezogene Variablen signifikant zur weiteren Varianzaufklärung gestörten Essverhaltens bei. Die Längsschnittanalysen bestätigten einen Risikofaktorstatus für Schlankheitsstreben zur Leistungssteigerung. Zusammenhänge zwischen sportbezogenen Aspekten und gestörtem Essverhalten zeigten sich sowohl in Hochrisikosportarten für gestörtes Essverhalten (ästhetischen Sportarten), als auch in Niedrigrisikosportarten für gestörtes Essverhalten (Ballsportarten). Mit Ausnahme von negativen Gefühlen nach Trainingsausfall traten die sportbezogenen Variabeln häufiger in den ästhetischen Sportarten auf als in den Ballsportarten. Die eigenen Befunde verdeutlichen somit, dass der Einbezug potentieller sportbezogener Risikofaktoren − zusätzlich zu den allgemeinen Risikofaktoren − zum besseren Verständnis der Essstörungssymptomatik von Athleten beiträgt. Vor allem die Bedeutung von Gewicht für die Leistung beeinflusst das Essstörungsrisiko bei Athleten und ist stärker ausgeprägt in Hochrisikosportarten für Essstörungssymptomatik. / Eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are serious, difficult-to-treat psychiatric disorders. For elite athletes, in addition to impairment in health and everyday life, an eating disorder can lead to a decline in sports performance. Knowledge of the risk for eating disorders in sports is therefore important. Prevalence rates for disordered eating vary depending on the type of sport. A particularly high risk was found in elite athletes from aesthetic sports such as figure skating or dance. Prevalence rates are lower in ballgame sports, such as handball or basketball. The purpose of this study was to focus on sport-specific variables in different sport types and to examine their relation to disordered eating. One hundred and seventy-one aesthetic and ballgame sports athletes participated in this study (mean age 14.1 ± 1.8 years). At a follow-up survey one year later, 65 athletes from aesthetic sports participated again. The questionnaire package included disordered eating, general body dissatisfaction, social pressure to be lean from sports environment, sports-related body dissatisfaction, desire to be leaner to improve sports performance and emotional distress resulting from missed exercise sessions. In predicting eating disorder symptoms in athletes from aesthetic sports, we observed that after controlling for sex, age, BMI, and body dissatisfaction, sports-related variables were able to account for an additional variance in disordered eating. The longitudinal analyses indicated that a desire to be leaner to improve sports performance is predictive of disordered eating in aesthetic sports. Sports-related variables were associated with disordered eating also in ballgame sports, but some risk factors, such as the desire to be leaner to improve sports performance, were less prevalent. In conclusion of these results, sports-related parameters are relevant for understanding eating disorder symptomatology in sports. Athletes seem to be more at risk if they perceive the possibility to enhance sports performance through weight-regulation, which is more prevalent in aesthetic sports.

Políticas públicas do esporte de alto rendimento no Brasil : fatores políticos-esportivos que influenciam e contribuem para o sucesso

Mees, Gabriela Klein January 2015 (has links)
As condições ambientais adequadas para o desenvolvimento do esporte de alto rendimento englobam os aspectos referentes ao treinamento esportivo, às condições psico-socioeconômicas, assim como ao sistema organizacional nacional do esporte na sociedade. Estudos apontam diversos fatores que influenciam a questão do sucesso esportivo. A sistematização da estrutura organizacional de diferentes países reflete-se em bons resultados esportivos internacionais. Os países que alcançam sucesso internacional no esporte de alto nível possuem planos de ações nacionais que são elaborados de maneira central, e aplicados em todo o território nacional. Para um país atingir o sucesso no esporte internacional, é necessário que existam determinadas organizações que exerçam a função de gerenciamento do sistema esportivo nacional, principalmente na elaboração de programas de desenvolvimento de atletas, leis e diretrizes que promovam o esporte de alto rendimento. O esporte brasileiro passa por um período extremamente importante, pois está se preparando para receber os Jogos Olímpicos e Paraolímpicos no Rio de Janeiro em 2016. Parece hoje que o desenho organizacional de sistemas de esporte de alto-rendimento não pode mais explicar as diferenças no seu sucesso. Como a maioria dos sistemas fornece um espectro de apoio (suporte) similar, pode-se argumentar que hoje um dos fatores mais decisivos, e que afeta o desempenho de um sistema de esporte de alto-rendimento, é a forma como os serviços são organizados e administrados. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as políticas de esporte de alto rendimento do Brasil através de suas ações para a detecção e desenvolvimento de atletas de rendimento. Para isto, definiram-se quatro grandes eixos considerados por especialistas como fundamentais para o sucesso de uma política de EAR: a detecção e a formação de talentos esportivos, a ciência do esporte, a infraestrutura para treinamento, o apoio financeiro e a póscarreira dos atletas. O presente estudo, que focou nas ações de apoio e na política em geral ligadas ao Esporte de Alto Rendimento constatou a preocupação do Ministério do Esporte em fomentar políticas para o desenvolvimento do esporte de alto rendimento brasileiro. O trabalho também evidenciou que, para o Brasil se tornar uma potência olímpica, os investimentos públicos devem ser direcionados para a criação de um efetivo sistema que fomente a detecção, o encaminhamento, a formação, o desenvolvimento e o aperfeiçoamento de atletas das diversas modalidades olímpicas. E nesse sistema deverão constar ações que visem o aumento no número de praticantes das diferentes modalidades esportivas, além de um sistema efetivo de identificação e desenvolvimento do talento esportivo e adequadas instalações esportivas a fim de que os atletas possam ter onde treinar adequadamente. / Appropriate environmental conditions for the development of high performance sport include aspects related to sports training, psycho-socio-economic conditions, as well as the national sport of the organizational system in the society. Studies suggest several factors that influence the sporting success. The systematization of the organizational structure of different countries reflects on good international sporting results. Countries that achieve international success in high-level sports have national plans of actions that are designed centrally and applied across the entire national territory. For a country to achieve international success in sport, it is necessary that there are certain organizations that perform the function of managing the national sports system, especially in the preparation of the development of athletes, laws and guidelines that promote high performance sport programs. The Brazilian sport goes through an extremely important time because it is preparing to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. It seems today that the organizational design of the sport of high-performance systems cannot explain the difference in your success. Like most systems provides a spectrum of support similar, it can be argued that one of the most decisive factors, which affect the performance of a system for high-performance sport, is now the way services are organized and administered. The study aimed to describe the policies of high performance sport in Brazil through their actions for the detection and development of athletes performance. For this, we defined four major areas considered by experts as key to the success of a elite sport policy: athletic talent detection and training, sports science, the infrastructure for training, financial support and post-career of athletes. This study, which focused on the actions of support and in politics in general related to High Performance Sport noted the concern of the Ministry of Sports in policies to foster the development of the Brazilian elite sport. The work also showed that, for Brazil to become an Olympic power, public investment should be directed towards the creation of an effective system that fosters detection, referral, training, development and improvement of athletes from various Olympic disciplines. And in this system must include actions aimed at increasing the number of practitioners of different sports, as well as an effective system for identifying and developing sporting talent and appropriate sports facilities so that athletes can have where to train properly.

Políticas públicas do esporte de alto rendimento no Brasil : fatores políticos-esportivos que influenciam e contribuem para o sucesso

Mees, Gabriela Klein January 2015 (has links)
As condições ambientais adequadas para o desenvolvimento do esporte de alto rendimento englobam os aspectos referentes ao treinamento esportivo, às condições psico-socioeconômicas, assim como ao sistema organizacional nacional do esporte na sociedade. Estudos apontam diversos fatores que influenciam a questão do sucesso esportivo. A sistematização da estrutura organizacional de diferentes países reflete-se em bons resultados esportivos internacionais. Os países que alcançam sucesso internacional no esporte de alto nível possuem planos de ações nacionais que são elaborados de maneira central, e aplicados em todo o território nacional. Para um país atingir o sucesso no esporte internacional, é necessário que existam determinadas organizações que exerçam a função de gerenciamento do sistema esportivo nacional, principalmente na elaboração de programas de desenvolvimento de atletas, leis e diretrizes que promovam o esporte de alto rendimento. O esporte brasileiro passa por um período extremamente importante, pois está se preparando para receber os Jogos Olímpicos e Paraolímpicos no Rio de Janeiro em 2016. Parece hoje que o desenho organizacional de sistemas de esporte de alto-rendimento não pode mais explicar as diferenças no seu sucesso. Como a maioria dos sistemas fornece um espectro de apoio (suporte) similar, pode-se argumentar que hoje um dos fatores mais decisivos, e que afeta o desempenho de um sistema de esporte de alto-rendimento, é a forma como os serviços são organizados e administrados. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as políticas de esporte de alto rendimento do Brasil através de suas ações para a detecção e desenvolvimento de atletas de rendimento. Para isto, definiram-se quatro grandes eixos considerados por especialistas como fundamentais para o sucesso de uma política de EAR: a detecção e a formação de talentos esportivos, a ciência do esporte, a infraestrutura para treinamento, o apoio financeiro e a póscarreira dos atletas. O presente estudo, que focou nas ações de apoio e na política em geral ligadas ao Esporte de Alto Rendimento constatou a preocupação do Ministério do Esporte em fomentar políticas para o desenvolvimento do esporte de alto rendimento brasileiro. O trabalho também evidenciou que, para o Brasil se tornar uma potência olímpica, os investimentos públicos devem ser direcionados para a criação de um efetivo sistema que fomente a detecção, o encaminhamento, a formação, o desenvolvimento e o aperfeiçoamento de atletas das diversas modalidades olímpicas. E nesse sistema deverão constar ações que visem o aumento no número de praticantes das diferentes modalidades esportivas, além de um sistema efetivo de identificação e desenvolvimento do talento esportivo e adequadas instalações esportivas a fim de que os atletas possam ter onde treinar adequadamente. / Appropriate environmental conditions for the development of high performance sport include aspects related to sports training, psycho-socio-economic conditions, as well as the national sport of the organizational system in the society. Studies suggest several factors that influence the sporting success. The systematization of the organizational structure of different countries reflects on good international sporting results. Countries that achieve international success in high-level sports have national plans of actions that are designed centrally and applied across the entire national territory. For a country to achieve international success in sport, it is necessary that there are certain organizations that perform the function of managing the national sports system, especially in the preparation of the development of athletes, laws and guidelines that promote high performance sport programs. The Brazilian sport goes through an extremely important time because it is preparing to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. It seems today that the organizational design of the sport of high-performance systems cannot explain the difference in your success. Like most systems provides a spectrum of support similar, it can be argued that one of the most decisive factors, which affect the performance of a system for high-performance sport, is now the way services are organized and administered. The study aimed to describe the policies of high performance sport in Brazil through their actions for the detection and development of athletes performance. For this, we defined four major areas considered by experts as key to the success of a elite sport policy: athletic talent detection and training, sports science, the infrastructure for training, financial support and post-career of athletes. This study, which focused on the actions of support and in politics in general related to High Performance Sport noted the concern of the Ministry of Sports in policies to foster the development of the Brazilian elite sport. The work also showed that, for Brazil to become an Olympic power, public investment should be directed towards the creation of an effective system that fosters detection, referral, training, development and improvement of athletes from various Olympic disciplines. And in this system must include actions aimed at increasing the number of practitioners of different sports, as well as an effective system for identifying and developing sporting talent and appropriate sports facilities so that athletes can have where to train properly.

Políticas públicas do esporte de alto rendimento no Brasil : fatores políticos-esportivos que influenciam e contribuem para o sucesso

Mees, Gabriela Klein January 2015 (has links)
As condições ambientais adequadas para o desenvolvimento do esporte de alto rendimento englobam os aspectos referentes ao treinamento esportivo, às condições psico-socioeconômicas, assim como ao sistema organizacional nacional do esporte na sociedade. Estudos apontam diversos fatores que influenciam a questão do sucesso esportivo. A sistematização da estrutura organizacional de diferentes países reflete-se em bons resultados esportivos internacionais. Os países que alcançam sucesso internacional no esporte de alto nível possuem planos de ações nacionais que são elaborados de maneira central, e aplicados em todo o território nacional. Para um país atingir o sucesso no esporte internacional, é necessário que existam determinadas organizações que exerçam a função de gerenciamento do sistema esportivo nacional, principalmente na elaboração de programas de desenvolvimento de atletas, leis e diretrizes que promovam o esporte de alto rendimento. O esporte brasileiro passa por um período extremamente importante, pois está se preparando para receber os Jogos Olímpicos e Paraolímpicos no Rio de Janeiro em 2016. Parece hoje que o desenho organizacional de sistemas de esporte de alto-rendimento não pode mais explicar as diferenças no seu sucesso. Como a maioria dos sistemas fornece um espectro de apoio (suporte) similar, pode-se argumentar que hoje um dos fatores mais decisivos, e que afeta o desempenho de um sistema de esporte de alto-rendimento, é a forma como os serviços são organizados e administrados. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as políticas de esporte de alto rendimento do Brasil através de suas ações para a detecção e desenvolvimento de atletas de rendimento. Para isto, definiram-se quatro grandes eixos considerados por especialistas como fundamentais para o sucesso de uma política de EAR: a detecção e a formação de talentos esportivos, a ciência do esporte, a infraestrutura para treinamento, o apoio financeiro e a póscarreira dos atletas. O presente estudo, que focou nas ações de apoio e na política em geral ligadas ao Esporte de Alto Rendimento constatou a preocupação do Ministério do Esporte em fomentar políticas para o desenvolvimento do esporte de alto rendimento brasileiro. O trabalho também evidenciou que, para o Brasil se tornar uma potência olímpica, os investimentos públicos devem ser direcionados para a criação de um efetivo sistema que fomente a detecção, o encaminhamento, a formação, o desenvolvimento e o aperfeiçoamento de atletas das diversas modalidades olímpicas. E nesse sistema deverão constar ações que visem o aumento no número de praticantes das diferentes modalidades esportivas, além de um sistema efetivo de identificação e desenvolvimento do talento esportivo e adequadas instalações esportivas a fim de que os atletas possam ter onde treinar adequadamente. / Appropriate environmental conditions for the development of high performance sport include aspects related to sports training, psycho-socio-economic conditions, as well as the national sport of the organizational system in the society. Studies suggest several factors that influence the sporting success. The systematization of the organizational structure of different countries reflects on good international sporting results. Countries that achieve international success in high-level sports have national plans of actions that are designed centrally and applied across the entire national territory. For a country to achieve international success in sport, it is necessary that there are certain organizations that perform the function of managing the national sports system, especially in the preparation of the development of athletes, laws and guidelines that promote high performance sport programs. The Brazilian sport goes through an extremely important time because it is preparing to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. It seems today that the organizational design of the sport of high-performance systems cannot explain the difference in your success. Like most systems provides a spectrum of support similar, it can be argued that one of the most decisive factors, which affect the performance of a system for high-performance sport, is now the way services are organized and administered. The study aimed to describe the policies of high performance sport in Brazil through their actions for the detection and development of athletes performance. For this, we defined four major areas considered by experts as key to the success of a elite sport policy: athletic talent detection and training, sports science, the infrastructure for training, financial support and post-career of athletes. This study, which focused on the actions of support and in politics in general related to High Performance Sport noted the concern of the Ministry of Sports in policies to foster the development of the Brazilian elite sport. The work also showed that, for Brazil to become an Olympic power, public investment should be directed towards the creation of an effective system that fosters detection, referral, training, development and improvement of athletes from various Olympic disciplines. And in this system must include actions aimed at increasing the number of practitioners of different sports, as well as an effective system for identifying and developing sporting talent and appropriate sports facilities so that athletes can have where to train properly.

Riskfaktorer för skador hos elitorienterare / Risc Factors for Injuries in Elite Orienteers

Björck, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Tidigare studier på elitorienterare har framför allt fokuserat på skadeförekomst och skadeområde. Studier på riskfaktorer och psykologiska faktorer i samband med skadeförekomst är bristfälligt studerat. Därför var syftet med denna studie att undersöka om det finns samband mellan demografiska, psykologiska eller fysiska faktorer och allvarlighetsgraden av skador hos elitorienterare. Denna studie använde redan insamlade data från en tidigare genomförd RCT-studie. I studien deltog 62 personer varav 32 män och 30 kvinnor. Datan som analyserades var bestod av demografiskdata, frågeformulär om upplevd stress och fysiska tester. Frågeformulären som användes var Hassles and Uplifts Scale och Perceived Stress Scale. De fysiska testerna var tåhävningstest och hopptest i kvadrat. För att bedöma allvarlighetsgraden av skador fick deltagarna fylla i Oslo Sport Trauma Research Center Overuse Injury Questionnaire under varannan vecka i 14 veckor. I analysen användes linjära regressionsanalyser, men residualerna bedömdes inte var normalfördelade och därför genomfördes även icke-parametriska tester som sedan jämfördes med de linjära regressionsanalyserna. I den multipla linjära regressionsanalysen noterades ett samband mellan allvarlighetsgraden av skador och för två variabler, men som inte kunde bekräftades av de icke-parametriska testerna vid jämförelsen. Denna studie kunde därför inte konstatera någon riskfaktor för skador hos elitorienterare. Detta överensstämmer inte med tidigare studier på liknande idrotter, som har konstaterat att en tidigare skada och stress är riskfaktorer för skador. Studier med större antal deltagare och längre uppföljningsperiod behövs för att kunna identifiera riskfaktorer för skador hos elitorienterare innan några slutsatser kan dras. / Previous studies on elite orienteers have been focusing on injury occurrence and location of injuries. Studies on risk factors and psychological relationship to injuries are limited. The purpose of this study where to evaluate if there are correlation between demographic, psychological or physical factors and severity score of injuries in elite orienteers. The study used already collected data from an RCT-study. The study involved 62 participants, of whom 32 were men and 30 women. Base measurements were collected from demographic data, stress questionaries and physical tests. The questionnaires that were used were Hassles and Uplifts Scale and Perceived Stress Scale. The physical tests consisted of heel- rise test and square jump test. To evaluate injuries the Oslo Sport Trauma Research Center Overuse Injury Questionnaire were performed every second week for 14 weeks. The analysis was performed with linear regression, but the residuals were not normally distributed and therefore non-parametric statistics were also performed and was compared with the linear regressions. In the multiple linear regression, a relationship was identified between the severity score of injuries and two variables, but which could not be confirmed by the non-parametric statistics. Therefore, no risk factor for injuries in elite orienteers could be established. This result is not corresponding with previous studies on similar sports, who have established that previous injury and stress are risk factors. Before conclusions can be drawn more studies with larger numbers of participants and longer follow-up period are needed before risk factors for injuries in elite orienteers can be identified.

Rehabilitering efter främre korsbandsrekonstruktion : En grupp elitidrottares tankar och upplevelser om motivation till rehabilitering / Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction : Thoughts and experiences on motivation to rehabilitation in a group of elite athletes.

Sefton, Andreas, Ryrberg, Emton January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Främre korsbandsskador är vanliga i idrotten och korsbandsrekonstruktion bedöms främst vara aktuellt för unga personer med höga krav på knäfunktion, till exempel elitidrottare. Rehabiliteringen är en lång och krävande process där både fysiologiska och psykologiska aspekter är viktiga. Motivation är associerat med återgång till idrott och elitidrottare återgår till idrott på samma nivå i högre utsträckning jämfört med icke-elitidrottare. Däremot är det oklart vad som motiverar elitidrottaren till rehabilitering. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka sex elitidrottares upplevelser och erfarenheter kring motivation till rehabilitering i syfte att återgå till elitidrott efter en främre korsbandsrekonstruktion.Metod:Kvalitativ deskriptiv design. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och bearbetades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Totalt intervjuades sex elitidrottande män och kvinnor inom idrotterna ishockey, innebandy och basket. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i sex kategorier: ”Rehabiliteringen är ett maraton och inte en sprint”, ”Viktigt med stöd från laget och omgivningen”, ”Olika psykologiska aspekter hos elitidrottare påverkar”, ”Att vara, eller inte vara elitidrottare”, ”Motivation är sällan svart eller vitt”, ”Fysioterapeutens viktiga roll under rehabiliteringen” samt femton underkategorier. Konklusion: Stöd från laget, anhöriga och vänner var viktigt, likaså samarbetet med fysioterapeuten som också ledde till en känsla av trygghet. Informanterna beskrev att motivation kom både inifrån och utifrån. Resultatet kan hjälpa såväl fysioterapeuter som idrottare att identifiera och applicera strategier för att öka motivationen under rehabiliteringen. / Background: Anterior cruciate ligament injuries are common in sports and reconstructions are largely considered relevant for young people with high demands on knee function e.g., elite athletes. Rehabilitation is a long and demanding process in which physical and psychological aspects are important. Motivation is associated with return to sport and elite athletes return to sport at the same level in greater extent than non-elite-athletes. However, it is unclear what motivates the elite athletes to rehabilitate.  Purpose: The aim was to investigate six elite athletes’ views and experiences about motivation to rehabilitation with the purpose to return to elite sports after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.  Method: Qualitative descriptive design. Semi-structured interviews that were analyzed trough a qualitative content analysis. Six elite athletes from the sports ice-hockey, floorball and basketball were interviewed.Result:The analysis resulted in six categories: ”Rehabilitation is a marathon and not a sprint”, ”The importance of support from the team and the surrounding”, “Different psychological aspects in elite athletes influence”, To be, or not to be an elite athlete”, ”Motivation is rarely black or white”, ”The physiotherapist´s important role during the rehabilitation” and fifteen sub-categories. Conclusion: Support from the team, relatives and friends was considered important as well as collaboration with the physiotherapist which also led to a feeling of security. The informants described that motivation was both internal and external. The result may assist both physiotherapist and athletes to identify and apply strategies to increase motivation during rehabilitation.

Urheilijabrändi rakentuu internetissä : Teemu Selänteen ja Tero Pitkämäen kotisivut tekstilajina ja brändin rakentajana

Lajunen, Laura January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka hurdan textgenre en hemsida är, vilken funktion hemsidor har vid konstruktionen av ett personligt varumärke och hur idrottare brandar sig själva på sina hemsidor. I uppsatsen studeras två elitidrottare, Teemu Selänne och Tero Pitkämäki, samt deras hemsidor. I studien används en textanalytisk metod.   Resultaten visar att deras hemsidor skiljer sig från andra hemsidor genom att de består av många olika texttyper och är mer visuella. Vidare kunde man observera att hemsidorna är relevanta för idrottarens varumärke. Hemsidorna ger en positiv bild av idrottaren, till fördel för denne. Samarbete mellan sponsorer och idrottaren syns och blir en del av idrottarens varumärke. I Selännes fall kan man säga att han återbrandar sig efter sin elitidrottarkarriär. En återkommande symbol är ’8’. Det framgår också att Selänne både är en beundrad person och en vanlig människa, vilket tillsammans med hans positiva personlighet blir hans varumärke. Varumärket för Pitkämäki som idrottare består av den österbottniska bakgrunden, ett långvarigt och stabilt sponsorsamarbete samt personligheten, som är anspråkslös men hårt arbetande. / The purpose of the study was to establish what kind of text genre a home page is, which functions home pages have as constructors of personal brands, and how athletes brand themselves on their home pages. In the essay two elite athletes, Teemu Selänne and Tero Pitkämäki and their home pages, were studied. A text analysis method was used in the study. The results showed that homepage as a genre seems to differ from other text genres since it consists of many different text types parts and forms a varied visual entity. The homepages presented a significant relationship with the athletes’ brands. Homepages are thus for the benefit of the athlete. A collaboration between an athlete and a sponsor may offer much and it can become an integrated part of the athlete’s brand. In his homepages Selänne is re-branding himself, after he has finished his elite athlete career. The repetition of the number and symbol ‘8’, a combination of signs of admiration and the man on the street, as well Selänne’s positive personality together make up his athlete’s brand. Tero Pitkämäki’s brand consists of his Ostrobothnian background, a strong sponsor collaboration and a personality which is modest but hardworking.

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