Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elnät"" "subject:"delnät""
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Verktyg för värdering av miljöpåverkan vid investeringar i det svenska elstamnätet / Tool for evaluation of environmental impact related to investments in the Swedish electrical national gridLövebrant, Karin January 2012 (has links)
During the period 2009-2013, investments in the Swedish national grid increase by a factor of ten compared to previous years. In order to fulfil their mission to manage the national grid in a safe, efficient and environmentally sound way, Svenska Kraftnät (Swedish National Grid) needs to take all these perspectives into account while planning new investments. To compare and relate perspectives of technology, economy and environment the same yard stick must be used. That yard stick is commonly money. A problem arises however as environmental issues are difficult to price. The purpose of this master’s degree project was to develop a tool for evaluation of environmental impact related to investments in the Swedish national grid. It was initiated by and conducted at the unit for Grid development at Svenska Kraftnät. A life cycle perspective was used and the following stages were identified: material production, construction, operation and decommissioning. The environmental impact from these stages was sorted into ten impact categories using the LCIA method ReCiPe 2008 and then two economical evaluations were performed: one at midpoint level and one at endpoint level. Also included in the evaluation were the change in power losses or in the power production mix and the visual impact coming from overhead transmission lines. The tool was implemented in Excel and offers the possibility to evaluate the environmental impact from five different power line technologies (per km), substation line bays (per bay), transformers (per piece) and reactors (per piece). The main results show that AC land cable has a significantly higher environmental impact and cost than the other power line technologies. Material production and construction are the life cycle stages that contribute the most to the environmental cost. The impact categories that affect the environmental cost the most are climate change (for midpoint evaluation) and resource depletion (for endpoint evaluation). When the investment affects the power production mix, e.g. by changing the transmission capacity to another country, the subsequent environmental impact can be very influential on the total environmental cost of the investment.
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Motiv och förutsättningar för Arbete med spänning på det svenska stamnätetRydén, Elisabeth, Erixon, Therese January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, the conditions of using the maintenance method live work at the Swedish TSO, Svenska Kraftnät has been analyzed. The study is limited to only include live work on 220 and 400 kV. The live work method is a type of maintenance that can be done, on lines or stations, even though they are still energized. The purpose of this thesis has been to map the present live work situation at these levels in Sweden. The study is based mostly on interviews with people who have specific field competence with in live work but also with personnel at Svenska Kraftnät. Besides the study of Swedish usage of the method, a study of other countries was made. Live work isn’t new in Sweden, the method was first used here in the 1950’s. The method partially came back in the 1970’s, but it wasn’t until 1997 that the method was fully permitted in Sweden. Before 1997 government permission was mandatory to have to be allowed to use live work. This rule was changed in 1997 and now the method is equally valued to the other methods. This study also shows that there are incentives for using more live work in Sweden, especially now when the country has been split into four different electricity markets. But there are several obstacles for a development in live work usage. If Svenska Kraftnät wants to increase their live work usage there are many actions that have to be made. In the end of this study these actions are presented.
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Avfallshantering : På Härjeåns Nät AB, med fokus på energi- och materialåtervinningHärjebäck, Anders January 2012 (has links)
This thesis was conducted at Mälardalen University in Västerås and Härjeåns Nät AB, mainly in Sveg. Härjeåns Nät AB is a network company that delivers electricity in Härjedalen municipality, Ånge Municipality, Ragunda and Bräcke municipality. The maintenance and dismantling of electricity and broadband networks generates a lot of waste. The purpose of this work is to present proposals on the management of the waste. The goal is that all of Härjeåns offices should have equal management for the waste and an overview of how to manage the various wastes. This will be a step toward ISO certifications ISO 9001:2008 for quality and ISO 14001:2004 for environment. Companies are obliged to know the laws and regulations that apply to operate the business and the waste generated as a result. The alignment of the work lays on the management suggestions, which has led to a short description of today’s situation, with deeper information of all laws and regulations that affects Härjeåns waste. Today’s state at the office in Sveg is that much different waste is placed in the same container that give rise to high costs for the company. Impregnated poles lack good management and hazardous waste needs concrete guidelines to follow. Metals are sorted well but may need an overhaul. Signs exist but are old and faulty. Waste occurs with many different characteristics and handling varies depending on the type of waste, geographic location and how well it is sorted. Sorting the materials correctly reduces disposal costs and may instead generate a replacement, for example sorting iron and other metals and sell them. The laws that affects waste management is the Environmental Code, Waste Regulation, Environmental Protection Agency's Code of Statutes 2004:10 and local directives. Härjeåns are required to have the right knowledge of hazardous waste and how it affects health and the environment, rules for handling and classification, documentation, and prevention. All hazardous waste requires entrepreneurs that have a special permit to transport it from the County Council. Other waste should be transported in an environmentally sound manner using approved and conscious entrepreneurs. Management suggestions of the waste is presented, requirements for entrepreneurs and waste stations is proposed, which partitions that are necessary, which laws that must be followed and what solutions there are. / Detta examensarbete har utförts vid Mälardalens Högskola i Västerås och Härjeåns Nät AB, främst i Sveg. Härjeåns Nät AB är ett elnätsföretag som står för eldistributionen i bl.a. Härjedalens kommun, Ånge kommun, Ragunda kommun och Bräcke kommun. Vid underhåll och rasering av el- och bredbandsnät uppkommer en hel del avfall. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att lägga fram förslag på hantering av avfallet. Målet är att alla Härjeåns arbetsplatser ska ha likvärdig hantering av avfallet och en översikt om hur man ska hantera de olika avfallen. Arbetet ska bedrivas som ett steg mot ISO-certifieringarna SS-EN ISO 9001:2008 för kvalitet och SS-EN ISO 14001:2004 för miljö. Företag är skyldiga att känna till vilka lagar och regler som gäller för att bedriva verksamheten och avfallet som genereras som följd av denna. Tyngden i arbetet ligger på hanteringsförslag, vilket har lett till att nulägesbeskrivningen hållits kort med desto mer tid för informationssökning av alla lagar och förordningar som berör Härjeåns avfallshantering. Dagsläget på linjekontoret i Sveg innebär att mycket avfall läggs i en osorterad container som ger upphov till höga kostnader för företaget. Impregnerade stolpar saknar god hantering och farligt avfall behöver konkreta riktlinjer att följa. Metaller sorteras bra men kan behöva en översyn. Skyltning finns men är gammal och bristfällig. Avfall förekommer med många olika egenskaper och hanteringen varierar beroende på vilken typ av avfall det handlar om, geografiskt läge samt hur välsorterat det är. Att sortera material rätt minskar kostnader för omhändertagande och kan istället generera en ersättning, till exempel att sortera järn och metaller och sälja dessa. De styrmedel som främst berör avfallshantering är Miljöbalken, Avfallsförordningen, Naturvårdsverkets författningssamling 2004:10 och kommunala direktiv. Innehållet i dessa författningar granskas för material som uppkommer inom elnätsbranschen. Vid uppkomst av farligt avfall är företaget skyldigt att ha rätt kunskaper om avfallet och hur det påverkar hälsa och miljö, regler för hantering och klassning, dokumentering samt förebygga uppkomsten. Allt farligt avfall kräver en entreprenör som har särskilt tillstånd att transportera och/eller förvara det från Länsstyrelsen. Övrigt avfall bör transporteras och omhändertas på ett miljöriktigt sätt med godkända och medvetna entreprenörer. Förslag på hantering av avfallet läggs fram, krav på entreprenörer och mottagningsstationer föreslås, vilka partitioner som är nödvändiga, vilka lagar som måste följas och vilka helhetslösningar som finns.
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Framtidens elnät : Hur elbilar och solceller påverkar på det lokala elnätet / Future Electricity Networks : How Electrical Car and Solar Panels Impact on the Distribution Electricity NetworksLaphai, Zaw San, Polat, Sedat January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the project is to determine the impact of solar cells and electrical vehicles on the future electricity grid and distribution network. Future electricity grids will be affected differently than it does today. Therefore, it is important to determine the impacts so that the current electricity distribution system can be developed and redesign to achieve the future demand. In Sweden, government has changed rules and laws in order to make it easier for private sector to invest in renewable energy sources. Our project focused on the impact of the solar cells and electric vehicles on the low voltage electricity distribution. Solar cells have become more popular than ever and that leads to many countries in utilizing their energy needs from solar and the same is going to happen here in Sweden. It is needed to find out how the impacts on the low voltage grids will be if many private individual install solar panels in their own homes and what will happen when they start to supply electricity, which is excess from the production of their solar cells, back to the grid? What should be done in order to maintain the electricity’s quality in term of voltage? Meanwhile, electric vehicle popularity rises every year, which means that electricity demand will rise proportionally with the number of electric cars in the country. Should something be done with the power supply to meet the power needs of electric cars? Is it possible to use the electrical car battery as a backup power? How electric vehicle charging’s behavior will impact on the low voltage? In this project, data and pictures has taken from different sources and consolidated for analysis purpose. This thesis contained information about solar radiation, solar cells, electric vehicles, and batteries, rules for installation of solar cells regulations, electricity grids, and electrical power quality, results of researching and eventual solutions for expected problems. / <p>Presentation har gjort med båda svenska och norska språket . </p>
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Utveckling och tillämpning av modeller förkvantifiering av de ekonomiska konsekvensernaav ökad förbrukningsflexibilitet inom eldistribution / Development and application of models for quantifying the economical consequences of increased demand response in electrical power distributionGrahn, Elin January 2015 (has links)
One step towards a more sustainable energy system is to create a more flexible electrical grid, where increased demand response among electricity consumers can play an important role. A distribution grid owner can encourage their customers to use electricity more evenly distributed during the day by introducing different types of grid fees such as time-differentiated power tariffs. In this master thesis, the theoretical economic impact of a flattened load profile for a distribution grid owner is investigated. Different factors that impact the distribution grid owner’s economy are identified and two are chosen to be quantified; losses in the grid and the fee to the feeding grid. The possibility to save money by avoiding future investments is discussed but not quantified. Models are developed for modifying an existing load profile, calculating the losses associated with a certain grid and load profile, and calculating the value of a lowered subscribed power to the feeding grid. The models are applied on the distribution grid owner Sala-Heby Energi Elnät AB. The results show that with a load profile that is flattened out 100% every day, which is the theoretical best possible scenario, the losses can be reduced with 2.6% which corresponds to a value of 81 000 SEK. By lowering the subscribed power to the feeding grid as much as the highest peak of the year is reduced in the modified load curve, the cost to the feeding grid would be reduced 1.2 million SEK, or 10% of the fee to the feeding grid. In the 20% curve modification case, which would be more realistic to achieve in reality, the losses decreased by 0.9% which corresponds to a value of 29 000 SEK. Furthermore, the fee to feeding grid would be reduced with 0.34 million SEK which corresponds to 2.8% of the total fee. In summary, the theoretical economic saving potential is around 10 times higher for the fee to feeding grid than for grid losses. / Marknadsbaserade styrmedel i bostadssektorn
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Ny stamstation i Yttermalung för anslutning av vindkraft : Nätstudie av olika utföranden i normal- och reservdrift / New Substation in Yttermalung to Connect Wind Farms : A Power System Analysis in Normal- and Emergency Operating ModesWästljung, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Since 2004, wind power has had the largest installation of new capacity compared to other energy sources in Sweden. Accommodating new wind power may require strengthening or rebuilding of the existing grid in areas where the grid is already loaded to maximum capacity. This master thesis examine the possibility of a new 400/130 kV substation in Yttermalung, Sweden, with a connection to the two neighboring regional grids in Dalarna and Värmland owned by Fortum. This substation would provide a new connection point to the Swedish transmission system as well as an interconnection of the two, currently separated, regional grids. Different expansion scenarios where a substation with and without series compensation or a phase shifting transformer (PST) to control active power flow were studied. A total of 650MW new wind power farms connected in six different locations were also included in the scenarios. Load flow, contingency studies and fault currents were calculated for the scenarios in the software tool Power System Simulator for Engineering. The study shows that the new substation would improve redundancy of the regional grids, decrease loading of many branches and only affect voltage marginally, however increased fault currents can be expected in stations located close to the new substation. It is possible to connect the modelled wind power farms, provided that power output is regulated at sensitive parts of the grid during critical operating conditions. Värmland’s regional grid experiences unwanted power flow through the system but only during uncritical loading conditions. The unwanted power flow can be prevented, most efficiently by connecting a PST to Värmland’s regional grid. This can also be installed later on after the substation has been commissioned, when the amount of wind power connections require it.
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Hur lönsamt är solel? : Förändras lönsamheten av solel i kombination med smarta elnät?Lindström, Klas January 2018 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har syftet varit att undersöka huruvida smarta elnät kommer att motivera en investering i solcellsanläggningar, rapporten riktar sig främst till bostadsrättsföreningar. För att genomföra detta har en litteraturstudie genomförts. Detta resulterade i vilka typer av lagar och regler som gäller idag och hur de används. Litteraturstudien resulterade även i vilka olika scenarion som var troliga att kunna inträffa i framtiden och utifrån dessa kunde ett resultat arbetas fram. De scenarion som valdes att titta närmare på var om vad som skulle hända om fler började köra elbil, om föreningarna agerar elhandlare och säljer solel till medlemmarna och två olika typer av lagring, nätlagring och batterilagring. När scenarierna var fastställda började arbetet med att jämföra dessa för att se vilken som skulle ge bäst ekonomiska avkastning. Resultatet som erhölls var att batterilagring gav högst avkastning men också längst återbetalningstid. Det visade sig även att nuvärdet för en anläggning med batterilagring var lägst bland de undersökta fallen däremot hade lagring i nätet högst nuvärde. Det som gav kortast återbetalningstid var lagring i elnät. Det går att konstatera att bäst resultat skulle erhållas med hjälp av lagring i elbilar då man slipper den dyra investeringskostnaden i batterier men samtidigt kan behålla högst självförbrukandegrad och därmed högst avkastning. / In this thesis, the aim has been to investigate whether smart grids will motivate an investment in solar cell installations. The report is primarily aimed at housing associations. To complete this, a literature study has been conducted. This resulted in what types of laws and regulations apply today and how they are used. The literature study also resulted in the different scenarios that were likely to occur in the future, and from this a result could be produced. The Scenarios that was chosen to look into was “what would happen if more people started driving electric cars, if the associations acted as electricity dealers and sold solar power to the members and two different types of storage, grid storage and battery storage”. Once the scenarios were established, the work started comparing these to see which one would give the best economic return. The result that could be obtained was that battery storage yielded the highest return but also the longest repayment period, which gave the lowest repayment time was storage in power grids. It was also found that the present value of a battery storage facility was lowest among the cases investigated, but on the other hand, storage in the power grid had the highest present value. It can be concluded that the best results could be obtained from storage in electric cars, avoiding the expensive in-vestment cost in batteries but at the same time maintaining the highest self-consuming degree therefore keeping the highest yield.
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En framtida elektrifiering av Stockholms läns taxiflotta / Electrification of the taxi fleet in the Stockholm areaBorggren, Lisa, Norberg, Carolina January 2018 (has links)
The technical development within the transportation sector is expanding rapidly,where electric vehicles stand as an important part of achieving the European Union’s climate goal, targeting a fossil free vehicle fleet. Participants having a key role within this transformation are taxi operators, who replace their vehicles every third to sixth year. This indicates that taxi operators not only have the opportunity to turn their fleet into an electrical one but also have the opportunity to do so rapidly. The three largest taxi operators in Stockholm, Sweden all strive towards a fossil free taxi fleet 2025. The implementation of an electric taxi fleet therefore poses as a likely solution for reaching the declared goal. From this aspect it is interesting to further investigate how an electrification of the taxi fleet may affect the electrical grid, based on charging behavior and driving patterns in Stockholm county. The results of the study illustrate that the charging patterns of the taxi vehicles in apartment, villa and airport areas will increase the load on the electrical grid foremost during the winter months. Moreover, in industrial and commercial areasthe load will increase throughout the year. In addition, electric taxi vehicles will foremost charge within the city center and at Arlanda airport. The results show that the largest power use takes place in the middle of the day, which contributes to power peaks caused by coinciding load on the electrical grid. Furthermore, the energy consumption persquare meter decreases as the distance from the city center increases.
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Karttjänst för att utvärdera och lokalisera sårbara elledningar på elnätet : Investering och planering på elnätet med hjälp av GISRosenkvist, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
Elavbrott är ett vanligt problem för många energibolag i Sverige. Gävle Energi vill undersöka om ett geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) kan användas för att få en lösning på detta problem och för att underlätta framtida planeringar och investeringar på elnätet. I denna undersökning används en forskningsmetod som bygger på multikriterieanalys (MKA) för att kunna visuellt lokalisera vilka elledningar i elnätet som skulle behöva bytas ut eller rustas upp. Elnätet som ska undersökas sträcker sig över hela Gävleborgs län. I resultatet så visas kriterierna som grundlager med dess funktioner och därefter ingår kriterierna i en MKA.
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Beredning av landsbygdsnät i Hassle, Mariestad / Preparation of a rural network in Hassle, MariestadBörjesson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Examensarbetet handlar om hur ett beredningsarbete i landsbygdsnät går till, genom fältarbete, markägarkontakt, avtal och tillståndssökande. Den beskrivna beredningen ligger till grund för genomförandet av ett projekt för Ellevio AB. Ombyggnationen genomförs främst för att spännings- och vädersäkra, men även för att få en föryngring av nätet. Examensarbetet är utfört hos PSN Kraftkonsult Eldistribution AB i Vedum och utfört med hjälp deras arbetssätt och metoder. Beredningen på ledningsnätet utförs i området Hassle, norr om Mariestad. Projektet är indelat i två stycken etappdelar. Del ett är Hassle ställverk – Källtorp och del två Fåleberg – Nolhassle. Dessa ingår i ett större ombyggnadsprojekt som Ellevio AB har planerat att göra i sitt distributionsnät i området. På grund av att det ska utföras ett större ombyggnadsprojekt av E20 i det berörda området, fick projektörens tänkta kabelförläggning planeras om och den blev då 1,1 km längre. Det totala resultatet av beredningen omfattar 2st nya 10/0,4 kV nätstationer, ett nytt kabelskåp, 5850 m ny HSP-kabel och ca 500 m ny LSP-kabel. All kabel kommer att förläggas i mark och kommer i största mån att plöjas ner. Nätstationer och kabelskåp är utplacerade strategiskt för att skapa en så bra nätstruktur som möjligt och vara lättillgängliga för framtida underhåll. / The thesis deals with how preparation work is accomplished in rural networks, by field work, landowner contact, contracts and permit applications. The described preparation work is the basis for the implementation of the project from Ellevio AB. The reconstruction is performed in order to secure the voltage and get a more weatherproofed network, but also to get rejuvenation of the network. The preparation work is done for PSN Kraftkonsult Eldistribution AB in Vedum and performed using their working methods. The preparation work is performed in the area of Hassle north of the town Mariestad. The project is divided into two interim stages. Stage one is called Hassle sub-station – Källtorp and the second one is Fåleberg – Nolhassle. These two stages are parts of one large reconstruction of the distribution network in the area by Ellevio AB in the near time. Due to the fact that a major rebuilding project of the E20 in the affected area the projector’s intended rout for the cable had to be changed. And it became 1100 m further. The result of the preparation work includes two new 10/04 kV substations, one new cable cabinet, 5850 meters of high-voltage cable and 500 meters low-voltage cable. All the cables will be placed in the ground and for the most they will be plowed down. Substations and cable cabinets will be placed strategically to create the strongest network as possible and for good availability for future maintenance.
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