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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En studie kring medarbetares upplevelser och engagemang av intern kommunikation : En kvalitativ studie genomförd på en medelstor organisation

Staffas, Martin, Wahlström, Adrian January 2023 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats fokuserar på hur intern kommunikation kan användas av en arbetsgivare på en medelstor organisation samt hur medarbetarna upplever den. Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ metod och empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare, linjechefer och chefer i ledningsfunktionen. Resultatet visar att den interna kommunikationen kan delas upp i två delar; digitala kommunikationskanaler och fysiska kommunikationskanaler. De digitala kommunikationskanalerna bidrar till att effektivt dela information samt öppnar upp möjligheten för distansarbete. Nackdelarna är minskad dialog och feedback på grund av en envägskommunikation och en minskad social interaktion. De fysiska kommunikationskanalerna bidrar till ökade sociala interaktioner som bygger och stärker relationer. Genom att ses fysiskt och kommunicera i en tvåvägskommunikation ger det möjlighet till dialog och feedback vilket kan leda till engagerade medarbetare. Nackdelarna med de fysiska mötena är att muntlig information kan glömmas bort och att de riskerar att bli tidskrävande. Det blir därför viktigt som arbetsgivare att hitta en balans mellan de olika kanalerna för att tillfredsställa och engagera sin personal på bästa sätt. Avslutningsvis visar studien en övergripande bild över upplevelserna av den interna kommunikationen. / This Bachelor´s thesis focuses on how internal communication can be used by an employer in a medium-sized organization and how the employees experience it. The study has been based on a qualitative method and the empirical evidence has been collected through semi-structured interviews with employees, line managers and managers in the management group. The result shows that the internal communication can be divided into two parts; digital communication channels and physical communications channels. The digital communication channels contributesto efficient sharing of information and gives the possibility of remote work. The disadvantages are reduced dialogue and feedback due to one-way communication and reduced social interaction. The physical communication channels contributes to increased social interactions that build and strengthen relationsships. To meetphysically and communication in a two-way communication provide the opportunity for dialogue and feedback which can lead to engaged employees. The disadvantages of physical meetings are that verbal information can be forgotten and that they risk becoming timeconsuming. It therefore becomes important as an employer to find a balance between the various channels in order to satisfy and engage the staff in the best way. Furthermore, the study shows an overall picture of the experiences of internal communication.

Major Employers in Small Towns: Modeling the Spatio-temporal Impacts on Land Use and Land Cover Changes at a Regional Scale

Ghosh, Sudeshna 25 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Governing Social Security: economic crisis and reform in Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore

Wisnu, Dinna 22 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Vad anser högskolestudenter som ska ut på arbetsmarknaden attraktivt hos en framtida arbetsgivare? : En kvalitativ studie om motivation, självbestämmande och genusaspekter

Andersson, Emma, Heinrich, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad högskolestudenter tycker är attraktivt på en framtida arbetsplats, samt om det skiljer sig mellan manliga och kvinnliga studenter när det gäller deras preferenser för en potentiell arbetsplats. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod varav den insamlade datan analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys, där materialet strukturerades upp i sju teman. De teman vi har tagit fram grundar sig på vad våra respondenter har uppgett som de främsta faktorerna som avgör val av arbetsgivare. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av teoretiska perspektiv på motivation, självbestämmande och genusaspekter.  Resultatet visar att både män och kvinnor värderar de inre faktorerna högst vid valet av framtida arbetsgivare, såsom arbetsuppgifter, utvecklingsmöjligheter och arbetsmotivation. I sammanställningen av resultatet går det att utläsa att det inte förekommer några större skillnader mellan kvinnor och män i vad de värderar högst i valet av framtida arbetsgivare. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för vad som är en bidragande faktor för högskolestudenter vid deras val av framtida arbetsgivare. Resultatet av denna studie kan vara användbar för företag samt organisationer i deras rekryteringsstrategier för att attrahera och behålla nyexaminerade talanger. Avslutningsvis visar resultatet av vår studie att både manliga och kvinnliga högskolestudenter i stor utsträckning värderar samma attribut och kvaliteter vid val av arbetsgivare, framför allt inre faktorer som arbetsuppgifter och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Detta resultat ger bland annat företag en viktig insikt om vad studenter som ska ut på arbetsmarknaden efterfrågar, vilket gör det möjligt för dem att utveckla effektiva strategier för att attrahera ny kompetent arbetskraft. / The purpose of this study is to examine what university students find most attractive when choosing a future employer and whether there are differences in how men and women prioritize when selecting a future employer. The study was conducted using a qualitative method, and the collected data was analyzed through thematic analysis, organizing the material into seven themes. These themes are based on what our respondents identified as the key factors influencing their choice of employer. The material was analyzed using theoretical perspectives on motivation, self-determination, and gender aspects. The results show that both men and women highly value intrinsic factors when choosing a future employer, such as job tasks, opportunities for development, and work motivation. The analysis indicates that there are no significant differences between men and women in what they value most in a future employer. This study contributes to a better understanding of the factors that influence university students when choosing their future employers. The findings of this study can be useful for companies and organizations in their recruitment strategies to attract and retain newly graduated talent. In conclusion, the results of our study show that both male and female university students largely value the same attributes and qualities in choosing an employer, particularly intrinsic factors such as job tasks and opportunities for development. This result provides companies with important insights into what students entering the job market are looking for, enabling them to develop effective strategies to attract new, competent workforce.

Die Haftungsbelastung des Arbeitnehmers bei Schädigung Dritter / eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung mit dem Regelungsentwurf für ein europäisches Modellgesetz

Schelp, Ira 26 November 2004 (has links)
Die vorgelegte Arbeit behandelt die Haftungsbelastung des Arbeitnehmers, wenn dieser im Rahmen seiner Arbeitstätigkeit einen Dritten schädigt. Es handelt sich um eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung, die sich die Erstellung eines europäischen Regelungsentwurfes zum Ziel gemacht hat. Rechtsvergleichend konnte festgestellt werden, dass im europäischen Rechtsraum teils gravierende Unterschiede bei der Haftungsinanspruchnahme des Arbeitnehmers zu verzeichnen sind. Diese Unterschiede beruhen auf divergierenden Wertungen der Frage ob eine Haftungsaufteilung zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer geboten ist. Von den untersuchten Argumenten für und wider einer Haftungsentlastung des Arbeitnehmers haben sich die Fürsorgepflicht des Arbeitgebers und das Betriebsrisiko als tragende Argumente für eine Haftungsverlagerung erwiesen. Es wird daher die Haftung des Arbeitnehmers nur für vorsätzliches Verhalten vorgeschlagen. Im übrigen wird das Haftungsrisiko dem Arbeitgeber zugewiesen. Für den europäischen Rechtsraum wird eine Versicherungspflicht empfohlen. Die Pflichtversicherung tritt hierbei für den entstehenden Schaden ein. Nur im Falle der Vorsatzhandlung durch den Arbeitnehmer kann diesem gegenüber Regress genommen werden. Die Versicherung wird nach diesem Modell durch den Arbeitgeber abgeschlossen. Eine Mindestversicherungssumme soll festgelegt werden. Im Einzelfall wird bei hinreichend nachgewiesener Liquidität eine Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht ermöglicht. Die Beitragsgestaltung richtet sich nach der Gefahrgeneigtheit der im Betrieb durchgeführten Arbeiten sowie nach der Häufigkeit von Haftungsfällen, so dass das individuelle Schadensrisiko des Unternehmens berücksichtigt wird. Eine zuverlässige Kontrolle des Versicherungsabschlusses soll von staatlicher Seite aus gewährleistet werden. Eine Vereinheitlichung dieser Haftungsfrage im europäischen Rechtsraum sollte nur im Rahmen eines europäischen Zivilrechtsbuches erfolgen. Es wurden die bestehenden Harmonisierungsmöglichkeiten untersucht. Eine Privatrechtsvereinheitlichung kann nach Autorenauffassung am besten über den Weg eines Modellgesetzes umgesetzt werden. / The present dissertation deals with the liability an employee bears in case he injures a third person in course of employment. It’s a comparative study which aims to draft an outline for a unified European rule. There were apparent differences between the compared European laws regarding the topic of vicarious liability. The variations in how liability is shared between employee and employer are created by dissimilar morals and values. Of the studied arguments for or against the principle of vicarious liability have two persuaded in favour of a shared liability between the parties of employment. The first is the employers obligation to care for the welfare of his employees and the second the inherent risk of the business itself which puts an obligation on the employer to share the liability for damage done to third parties in course of employment. In detail this study suggests to keep the employee liable for intended acts only. Apart the liability is to be carried by the employer. The concept proposes further a compulsory insurance which is to be paid for by the employer. The insurance however is obliged to step in for all the damage done in course of the employment by the employee. Only in case of intention there is the right of the insurance to take regress at the employee. Part of the concept is a minimum sum to be insured. State enterprises and comparable solvent companies shall have the opportunity to apply for an exception of the requirement to insure. Insurance rate should connect to the individual risk of the business, considering the risk-level in course of the operation of the particular business and the quantity of actual damages done. A reliable control by officials is necessary to ensure that the employer cared for the insurance. A unification of the matter should only take place in a European context of a unified civil law. A study of the existing possibilities to harmonise private law in Europe led to the conclusion that the subject of vicarious liability within a new European civil code should be drawn in the shape of a model law.

就雇主職業災害責任論雇主責任保險相關問題 / The study of employers' liability insurance for employees' accupational injuries and death

李育錚, Li, Yu-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文全文共分六章,茲將各章之內容簡述如下: 第一章 緒論 本章主要論述本文研究之動機、研究方法以及略述各章之要點。章內就本文主要討論之點先予以顯明。 第二章 雇主責任之分析 本章主要乃就我國現行法制下雇主對其受僱人因職業災害所生之法律上責任為分析。而雇主責任基礎,除了民事上損害賠償責任外,尚有因職業災害補償制度所生之雇主補償責任。就民事上損害賠償責任而言,目前除了民法上侵權行為及債務不履行所生損害賠償責任外,尚有基於海商法所生雇主補償責任。而職業災害補償制度,我國現採雇主直接職業災害補償責任與社會保險雙軌併行制度,就雇主直接職業災害補償責任觀之,目前規定於我國勞動基準法、工廠法等勞工法規,基於保護勞工之立場,均採無過失責任,只強調客觀上是否有職業災害之發生,而不須討論雇主是否可歸責; 而勞工保險之職業災害給付,則將雇主責任社會保險化,以保險給付取代部分雇主職業災害補償責任。而因同一職業災害發生,使民事上雇主損害賠償責任與職業災害補償制度下所生雇主責任可能產生競合關係,應如何為處理,是否涉及受僱人雙重利得,均為本章所討論之重點。 第三章 雇主職業災害責任之風險管理 本章乃就雇主於面臨眾多職業災害責任所帶來風險之情況下因應之道。首先,先對因雇主責任所可能發生之風險種類為一概述。為了將此風險帶來損失程度降到最低,因此風險管理在現代企業中極為重要。因應雇主責任而所為風險管理,應就兩方向為之,一為降低職業災害發生率,此乃屬事前之預防工作,應由作好工作場所安全管理來著手; 另一則是保險之應用,此乃於事故發生後將損失程度降到最低之補救工作,目前我國之勞工保險、傷害保險、及雇主責任保險皆有移轉雇主責任風險之功能,並以此引導出雇主責任保險之重要性。 第四章 雇主責任保險之分析 本章乃就因應雇主所面臨之各種雇主責任,而分析理想中雇主責任保險應具有之內涵。先就雇主責任保險之基本架構,如保險契約當事人及關係人定義、保險事故及保險利益之內容為概述。於討論雇主責任保險之承保範圍時,因為職業災害中涉及職業病,但因職業病之特殊性,與意外事故之性質相差甚遠,故是否納為承保範圍中,有待討論。而事故發生後之理賠,則雇主民事損害賠償責任與職業災害補償責任之目的不同,前者主要在損害補償,後者則為保障勞工之生活,故責任額度之計算而有不同,且保險人是否承擔防禦費用,亦因雇主責任類型不同而生不同結果。且若雇主有重複投保雇主責任保險,是否涉及複保險之問題,且各保險人間因如何分攤,亦為本章討論之重點。 第五章 雇主責任保險與其他保險之競合 本章就雇主責任保險與勞工保險、團體傷害保險、及其他責任保險之間競合關係為論述。當職業災害發生時,勞工保險與雇主責任保險之保險人均生保險給付義務,欲解決此一問題,應先就受僱人之勞保給付受領權與其對雇主之請求權所生請求權競合關係為分析,若兩者間可雙重受領,則勞工保險給付與雇主責任保險間不生抵充問題,反之則否。而團體傷害保險,於保險法理上與責任保險不同,但因為我國內政部相關解釋函,肯定團體傷害保險給付得抵充雇主勞動基準法職業災害補償責任,因此,團體傷害保險與雇主責任保險間亦涉及競合關係,而應如何處理,仍有待討論。甚於雇主責任保險與其他責任保險間,則構成最典型之保險競合關係,各保險人基於損害填補原則,如何計算理賠分攤額,涉及眾多學說,亦為本章論述重點之一。 第六章 我國雇主責任保險之現制分析 本章乃就我國現行雇主意外責任保險市場概況為概述,並就其承保範圍過於狹窄,無法切合雇主真正需求所生種種缺失為分析,並參酌各家學說及外國相關保單,提出改進建議之道。 第七章 結論與建議 最後,就雇主所承擔之各種職業災害責任為一結合,並提出修法上之建議。且對於我國現行之雇主意外責任保險,針對目前之缺失,提出建議改進之道。

An analysis of legal implications for participating in an unprotected strike

Mawasha, Mashale B. 20 August 2014 (has links)
The effective management of a strike is generally a challenging phenomenon which impacts on employers, employees and the general public. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the legal implications of employees’ participation in an unprotected strike. The study also explored requirements for a strike to be protected in compliance with the prescribed legislation. From the literary review, cases and legislation, it became clear that compliance plays a key role when a consideration is taken by employees to take part in a strike during dispute resolution. In analysing the legal consequences for participating in an unprotected strike, a finding was made that employers in the end have an upper hand in that when all due processes and procedures are followed, they are empowered to dismiss employees. Legislation and international standards form the cornerstone upon which dispute resolution mechanisms and the rights of employers and employees are derived from. / Mercantile Law / LL.M. (Labour law)

Towards an improvement of LIS graduates ICT skills and employability needs in Kuwait

Buarki, Hanadi J. January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore the ICT skills of LIS students in Kuwaiti HE that are potentially defined by the job market. These skills are deemed essential for the employment of LIS graduates in different job market sectors. As a result, the ICT skills of current LIS students, the needs of employers, and the LIS curriculum in Kuwait were all investigated. In addition the factors that had an impact on students ICT skills were also investigated. To fulfil the research aim and objectives, mixed research methods were employed. The research subjects were employers, LIS students, and teaching staff. Their views were sought through qualitative and quantitative methods that included: 54 semistructured interviews; 225 self-administered questionnaires; these were supplemented by three focus groups; and content analysis of relevant web sites, reports, and LIS syllabus to provide further documentation and analysis. The main findings of the research were: (1) overall the students had knowledge and basic ICT skills, but they lacked advanced searching and internet navigation skills. 85% of the students did not have enough ICT skills; their ICT skills level was selfrated as intermediate or beginner ; (2) the research investigated negative factors such as: unsuitable teaching and learning environment, negative attitudes, social influences, and lack of resources; (3) the students most preferred teaching and training method was group training ; (4) the employers identified further ICT skills and non-ICT skills that LIS graduates should possess for employability; (5) gaps were found in the curriculum and in teaching and training the ICT courses such as: course content was inconsistent; did not reflect the needs of the job market and were outdated; an imbalance between theory and practical training, courses had different outline and little use of the English language hindered the students ICT skills improvement and ICT use. In addition, work placement needed careful consideration. Recommendations based on the research findings and conclusions were made to the DLIS in Kuwait and stakeholders. Future ideas were identified for further research.

Le portage salarial / Umbrella company

Kantorowicz, Benjamin 30 November 2011 (has links)
Salariat et indépendance : la contradiction est profonde. En France, le droit du travail a été largement bâti sur l'opposition entre travail salarié et travail indépendant. Or, depuis plus de 20 ans, s'est développé en France un nouveau mode d'organisation du travail dénommé « portage salarial ». Il constitue une pratique contractuelle triangulaire établie entre des professionnels autonomes, une société de portage salarial et des clients. Ce mode d’organisation permet à ces professionnels de pouvoir exercer leur activité de façon indépendante, sans contrainte administrative ni de gestion, tout en bénéficiant des garanties sociales attachées au statut de salarié. Suspecté d'illégalité mais satisfaisant à un indéniable besoin social, le portage salarial devait être encadré. La loi du 25 juin 2008 portant modernisation du marché du travail donne à cette pratique un fondement légal et confie aux partenaires sociaux le soin de l’organiser. Malgré l’existence d’un accord collectif de branche, signé le 24 juin 2010, le portage salarial ne fait l’objet d’aucun encadrement législatif. Face au mutisme du législateur et à l’indécision du juge, l’insécurité règne. Il importe alors d’établir précisément les fondements et le mécanisme du portage salarial. Bien que périlleuse, cette quête d’un régime juridique mérite d’être entreprise afin de répondre au mieux aux attentes et aux interrogations des travailleurs et des entreprises qui seraient amenés à utiliser cette formule. Salariat et indépendance : la contradiction n’est que superficielle. / The contradiction between wage-labor and independence is particularly deep. In France, labor law was mainly built upon the opposition which exists between the wage labor and independent labor regimes. However, the past 20 years gave rise to the development of a newsocioeconomic relationship between workers and their employers : the "umbrella company" regime. Such model consists in a three-party-contract involving independent professionals, an umbrella company, as well as a client company. This type of organization constitutes a means for professionals to operate a non-subordinate work environment deprived of administrative or management-related constraints, while benefiting from all the social advantages pertaining to the wage-labor status. Initially suspected of being illegal, yet providing an undeniable social necessity, the umbrella company system requires a specific framework. The statute dated June 25th, 2008 on the modernization of labor market provides a legal framework to this system and assigns trade unions the mission to organize the circumstances surrounding such framework. Despite the existence of an Agreement dated June 24th, 2010, the umbrella company system lacks a clear legislative framework. The legislative branch's silence combined to the judicial branch's indecision triggers off a situation of significant insecurity on a legal point of view. The implementation of clear legal grounds and mechanisms applicable to the umbrella company regime is thus of the utmost necessity. Although such process is synonymous with a perilous quest, it seems particularly relevant to undertake it in order to come up with the expectations and questions of both the workers and the companies. The contradiction between wage-labor and independence is particulary superficial.

Den gränsöverskridande intermediären : Partssamverkan och kompetensförsörjning gällande samordning av utbildning i och mellan praktikgemenskaper / The boundary crossing intermediary : Cooperation and competence provision regarding coordination of education in and between communities of practice

Ludvigsen, Lars January 2017 (has links)
Studien bidrar med fördjupad kunskap om en partsintermediärs, ett bransch- och arbetsgivarförbund, möjligheter till parts- och arbetsgivarsamverkan kring kompetensförsörjningsåtgärder för medlemsföretag och regional utveckling på en lokal arbetsmarknad. Fokus ligger på intermediärens villkor som samordnare av utbildning för maskinförares etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Studiens teoretiska referensram tar sin grund i tidigare forskning om intermediärer och de teoretiska utgångspunkterna från ett boundary-crossing perspektiv och omsluts av lärandemekanismer och dialektiska lärandeprocesser. Det empiriska materialet baseras på 12 intervjuer och två fokusgrupper. Slutsatserna som dras är att partsintermediären verkar i en dualistisk samverkansstruktur i tre nivåer i och mellan två praktikgemenskaper: organisatorisk, interpersonell och intrapersonell. Det som möjliggör samverkan gällande kompetensförsörjning för samordning av utbildning är de formella kunskapsråd mellan parterna på nationell och regional nivå samt juridiska stödstrukturer genom yrkesutbildningsavtal. Begränsningen för överskridande samordning är omfattande matchningsproblem mellan utbildning och medlemsföretag, genom frånvaron av ekonomiska och pedagogiska stödfunktioner för den lokala arbetsmarknaden. / The study provides in-depth knowledge of an intermediary, an industry and employers' federation, opportunities for party and employer cooperation on competence-providing measures for member companies and regional development in a local labor market. The focus is on the intermediary's conditions as coordinator of education for machine operators' establishment in the labor market. The theoretical reference framework of the study is based on previous research on intermediates and the theoretical starting points from a boundary-crossing perspective, and is encompassed by learning mechanisms and dialectical learning processes. The empirical material is based on 12 interviews and two focus groups. The conclusions drawn are that the intermediary acts in a dual-level collaboration structure in three levels in and between two communities of practice: organizational, interpersonal and intrapersonal. What allows co-operation on the provision of skills for coordination of education is the formal knowledge council between the parties at national and regional level and legal support structures through vocational training agreements. The overriding coordination constraints are extensive matching problems between education and member companies, due to the absence of financial and educational support for the local labor market.

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