Spelling suggestions: "subject:"En äthiopien"" "subject:"En etiopien""
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Farm forestry decision-making strategies of the Guraghe Households, Southern-Central Highlands of EthiopiaNegussie, Achalu D. 02 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, farm forestry decision criteria were elicited by adopting a behavioral decision-making study approach from households in ten Peasant Associations of the study district. Major decision objectives, available alternatives, constraints, and the likelihood of the chance events were elicited through a questionnaire survey, participatory observation, detailed discussion, and review of archival information. It was found that farmers generally, plant various tree and shrub species for meeting various household needs and for generating cash incomes. The goal of cash generation is for sustenance of livelihoods through fulfillment of various basic obligations and overcoming unforeseen contingencies. The three most economically important tree/shrub species were eucalypts, coffee, and t?chat. Eucalypt wood covers nearly all the construction needs and constitutes a substantial part of the fuelwood consumptions. Coffee and t?chat are vital sources of cash income and makeup an important part of daily diets. Growing of eucalypts for cash income is mainly constrained by lack of access road, low farm gate prices, high competition with food crops for soil nutrients and moisture, and shortage of land and labor. The household uses and cash values of coffee are generally, undermined by high incidence of berry disease and lack of manure. Financial benefits of t?chat are weakened by high local tax rates. The logistic regression analysis confirms that agro-ecological zone, sex of household head, number of eucalypt trees owned, and age of household head represent important explanatory variables that explain farmers readiness to expand eucalypt woodlots. The model so constructed correctly predicted 84.1 % of the households that established additional eucalypt woodlots mainly for cash generation. The total number of eucalypt trees owned by households is significantly related to the attitude of the household head towards eucalypts, wealth status, and landholding size of the household. Financial viability of eucalypt woodlots was assessed through both methods of conventional economic calculations and Chayanovian calculations. Both methods confirmed the highly lucrative markets of eucalypt poles as compared to agricultural crop production. This is mainly because of lack of access to more profitable production techniques and low productivity of agricultural crops per unit area. Otherwise, farm gate prices of eucalypt poles are far from being attractive and outperforming that of agricultural crops.
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Remote Sensing & GIS for Land Cover/ Land Use Change Detection and Analysis in the Semi-Natural Ecosystems and Agriculture Landscapes of the Central Ethiopian Rift ValleySherefa Muzein, Bedru 27 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Technical complexities and the high cost of satellite images have hindered the adoption of remote sensing technology and tools for nature conservation works in Ethiopia as in many developing countries. The terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in Abijjata Shala Lakes National Park (ASLNP) and the Important Bird Areas (IBAs) around the park are considered to be one of the most important home ranges for birds. However, little is known about the effect of land use/land cover (LULC) dynamics, due to lack of technical know how and logistical problems. However, it has been shown in this study that sophisticated image management works are not always relevant. Instead a simple method of utilizing the thermal band has been demonstrated. A new approach of long-term dynamics analysis method has also been suggested. A successful classification of images was achieved after such simple enhancement tests. It has been discovered that, there were more active LULC change processes in the area in the first study period (1973 to 1986) than during the second study period (1986-2000). In the first period nearly half of the landscape underwent land cover change processes with more than 26% of the entire landscape experiencing forest or land degradation. In the second period the extent of the change process was limited to only 1/3 of the total area with a smaller amount of degradation processes than before. During the entire study period, agriculture was responsible for the loss of more than 4/5 of the total terrestrial productive ecosystem. More than 37.6% of the total park area has been experiencing this loss for the past 3 decades. Only 1/5 of this area has a chance to revive, the remaining has undergone a permanent degradation. Lake Abijjata lost half of its size during the past 30 years. In the Zeway-Awassa basin 750 km², 2428km² and 3575km² of terrestrial lands and water bodies are within a distance of 10km, 20km and 30km from IBAs respectively. There are ecologically important areas where two or more IBAs overlap. In areas where more than two to five IBAs overlap, up to 85km² of areas have been recently degraded. High livestock density is one of the reasons for degradation. Using a monthly MODIS data from 2000-2005 and a series of interpolation techniques, the productivity of the area as well as the standing biomass were estimated. Moreover, a new method of spatially accurate livestock density assessment was developed in this study. Only 0.3% of the park area is found to be suitable for productive livestock development but nearly all inhabitants think the area is suitable. Feed availability in ASLNP is scarce even during rainy seasons. Especially the open woodlands are subject to overgrazing. Such shortage forces the inhabitants to cut trees for charcoal making to buy animal feed and non-food consumables. While more than 95% of the inhabitants in the park expanded their agriculture lands, only 13.3% of the farmers managed to produce cereals for market. The application of low cost remote sensing and GIS methods provided ample information that enables to conclude that low productivity and household food insecurity are the main driving forces behind land cover changes that are negatively affecting the natural and semi-natural ecosystems in the central and southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The restoration of natural ecosystems or conservation of biodiversity can be achieved only if those driving forces are tackled sustainably.
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Farm forestry decision-making strategies of the Guraghe Households, Southern-Central Highlands of EthiopiaNegussie, Achalu D. 27 November 2003 (has links)
In this study, farm forestry decision criteria were elicited by adopting a behavioral decision-making study approach from households in ten Peasant Associations of the study district. Major decision objectives, available alternatives, constraints, and the likelihood of the chance events were elicited through a questionnaire survey, participatory observation, detailed discussion, and review of archival information. It was found that farmers generally, plant various tree and shrub species for meeting various household needs and for generating cash incomes. The goal of cash generation is for sustenance of livelihoods through fulfillment of various basic obligations and overcoming unforeseen contingencies. The three most economically important tree/shrub species were eucalypts, coffee, and t?chat. Eucalypt wood covers nearly all the construction needs and constitutes a substantial part of the fuelwood consumptions. Coffee and t?chat are vital sources of cash income and makeup an important part of daily diets. Growing of eucalypts for cash income is mainly constrained by lack of access road, low farm gate prices, high competition with food crops for soil nutrients and moisture, and shortage of land and labor. The household uses and cash values of coffee are generally, undermined by high incidence of berry disease and lack of manure. Financial benefits of t?chat are weakened by high local tax rates. The logistic regression analysis confirms that agro-ecological zone, sex of household head, number of eucalypt trees owned, and age of household head represent important explanatory variables that explain farmers readiness to expand eucalypt woodlots. The model so constructed correctly predicted 84.1 % of the households that established additional eucalypt woodlots mainly for cash generation. The total number of eucalypt trees owned by households is significantly related to the attitude of the household head towards eucalypts, wealth status, and landholding size of the household. Financial viability of eucalypt woodlots was assessed through both methods of conventional economic calculations and Chayanovian calculations. Both methods confirmed the highly lucrative markets of eucalypt poles as compared to agricultural crop production. This is mainly because of lack of access to more profitable production techniques and low productivity of agricultural crops per unit area. Otherwise, farm gate prices of eucalypt poles are far from being attractive and outperforming that of agricultural crops.
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Copula and focus constructions in selected Ethiopian languagesCrass, Joachim, Demeke, Girma A., Meyer, Ronny, Wetter, Andreas 22 March 2019 (has links)
The major aim of this work is to give an overview of present tense copula constructions in selected Semitic and Cushitic languages spoken in Ethiopia. In particular, we deal with languages spoken in the central parts of the country, namely Gurage languages of different genetic affiliations, Wellegga Oromo and K’abeena. In addition we discuss data from Ge’ez, Tigre, Tigrinya, Argobba, Amharic and Harari.
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Afar Earth School: prototype Schularchitektur für nachhaltige Bildung und Frieden in EthiopiaRunge, Jasper 05 October 2023 (has links)
Diese Broschüre ist die Zusammentragung der Rechercheergebnisse und Gestaltungsansätzen zu Jasper Runges Bachelorarbeit 'AFAR EARTH SCHOOL'.
Das 'Ethiopian Ministry of Education' rief Architekt*Innen dazu auf, für die vom Bürgerkrieg zerstörten Schulgebäude neue Bildungseinrichtungen zu entwickeln. Die Bachelorarbeit behandelt die aride Afar Region, in der extremes Klima auf Materialknappheit und schlechte Infrastruktur trifft. Die Herausforderung war
es ausschließlich Lokal zu produzieren und zu bauen. Es werden keine Investitionen von außerhalb benötigt und die Eigenständigkeit der lokalen Gemeinschaften steht im Mittelpunkt. Im Kontext der 'Great Green Wall' trägt die Schule aus Lehm dazu bei die Abholzung und die vom Klimawandel bedingte Desertifikation der Subsaharastaaten aufzuhalten.:Vorwort 1
Aufgabenstellung 2
Ethiopia 4
Allgemein 5
Krieg 6
Schule 8
Afar 10
Gestaltungskriterien 14
Architektur, Krieg und Frieden 15
Gegebenheiten vor Ort 16
Ressourcen 17
Klima 18
Material 19
Die Entstehung einer Siedlung und seiner Schule 20
Referenzen 24
Entwurf 30
Verortung 31
Standortanalyse 34
Entwicklungsflächen 38
Raumprogramm 39
Strategien 40
Methoden 41
Konstruktion 43
Pläne 45
Modellfotos 53
Abbildungsverzeichnis 60
Quellenverzeichnis 61
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Ethiopia and the beginnings of the UNESCO World Heritage programme 1960- 1980Huber, Marie 19 March 2019 (has links)
In der Arbeit wird die historische Genese des UNESCO Welterbe-Programms zwischen 1960 und 1980 untersucht, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Rolle der sogenannten Entwicklungsländer in diesem Prozess. Die UNESCO engagierte sich in vielen dieser Länder im Bereich des Kultur- und Naturschutzes, zu einem Zeitpunkt an dem der Aufbau eines nationalen Erbes für diese Länder von besonderer Bedeutung war.
Die Schlüsselkonzepte des Welterbediskurses: Nationales Erbe, Denkmalpflege und Humanität, sind europäischen Ursprungs und westlicher Natur. In Bezug auf die Entwicklungsländer gestaltete sich die Etablierung eines nationalen Erbes und die Konstruktion eines historischen Narratives in den meisten Fällen als Zusammenarbeit zwischen internationalen Experten und nationalen politischen Eliten. Außerdem galt vielen der involvierten Akteure Kulturtourismus in Entwicklungsländern, angeregt durch Altertümer und wilde Natur, als entscheidende Einnahmequelle für Devisen. Identifikation, Institutionalisierung und Ausübung von Denkmalpflege zu finanzieren war vielfach Bestandteil von Entwicklungshilfeprogrammen und Äthiopien ist ein besonders anschauliches Beispiel für diese Praxis.
Die Welterbekonvention wurde in Äthiopien ab 1977 mit großem Erfolg umgesetzt, gleichzeitig jedoch herrschte ein Mangel an entsprechend ausgebildeten Fachkräften – Archäologen, Denkmalpfleger oder Kunsthistoriker– im Land um die Vorhaben tatsächlich umzusetzen. Das wirtschaftliche Potential von Kulturtourismus wurde als vielversprechend gelobt und Gelder für Denkmalpflege und Artenschutz wurden teilweise nur unter der Prämisse der touristischen Erschließung bereitgestellt. Äthiopiens Rolle in der Entstehungsphase des Welterbe-Programms ermöglicht es, die komplexen Prozesse der Wissensproduktion und Politisierung zu verstehen, die den Welterbe-Diskurs so maßgeblich prägen. / This dissertation looks into the historic genesis of the UNESCO World Heritage Programme, and gives a special relevance to the role of so-called developing countries in this. UNESCO was highly active in the field of conservation in these countries at a time that the establishment and promotion of a national heritage was perceived desirable by them.
National heritage, conservation and humanitarianism – key concepts promoted in the World Heritage discourse – are European in their origin and Western in their nature. In the context of so-called developing countries, the establishment of a nation’s heritage was often a hybrid effort of international experts and national political elites, serving evolving national narratives. On a more concrete level, many actors involved saw cultural tourism, stimulated by monuments and wildlife, as a crucial source of foreign currency for these countries. Funding the identification and institutionalisation of heritage, and the conservation and management of heritage sites, was a practise occurring within and alongside other forms of technical assistance and developmental aid. Ethiopia provides a particular vivid example of these events.
Ethiopia implemented the World Heritage Convention in 1977, with great effort and success. At the same time, the country was confronted with a skills-shortage crisis, due to there being at that time few native Ethiopian archaeologists, conservators, or art historians. The economic potential of heritage tourism in Ethiopia was appreciated early on and funds for conservation were sometimes raised entirely based upon the argument that the conservation of monuments would foster tourism, and development. Understanding the links between Ethiopia and the World Heritage programme during it’s initial phase provides insights into the complex processes of knowledge production, and politics, that constitutes the World Heritage discourse.
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Remote Sensing & GIS for Land Cover/ Land Use Change Detection and Analysis in the Semi-Natural Ecosystems and Agriculture Landscapes of the Central Ethiopian Rift ValleySherefa Muzein, Bedru 07 February 2007 (has links)
Technical complexities and the high cost of satellite images have hindered the adoption of remote sensing technology and tools for nature conservation works in Ethiopia as in many developing countries. The terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in Abijjata Shala Lakes National Park (ASLNP) and the Important Bird Areas (IBAs) around the park are considered to be one of the most important home ranges for birds. However, little is known about the effect of land use/land cover (LULC) dynamics, due to lack of technical know how and logistical problems. However, it has been shown in this study that sophisticated image management works are not always relevant. Instead a simple method of utilizing the thermal band has been demonstrated. A new approach of long-term dynamics analysis method has also been suggested. A successful classification of images was achieved after such simple enhancement tests. It has been discovered that, there were more active LULC change processes in the area in the first study period (1973 to 1986) than during the second study period (1986-2000). In the first period nearly half of the landscape underwent land cover change processes with more than 26% of the entire landscape experiencing forest or land degradation. In the second period the extent of the change process was limited to only 1/3 of the total area with a smaller amount of degradation processes than before. During the entire study period, agriculture was responsible for the loss of more than 4/5 of the total terrestrial productive ecosystem. More than 37.6% of the total park area has been experiencing this loss for the past 3 decades. Only 1/5 of this area has a chance to revive, the remaining has undergone a permanent degradation. Lake Abijjata lost half of its size during the past 30 years. In the Zeway-Awassa basin 750 km², 2428km² and 3575km² of terrestrial lands and water bodies are within a distance of 10km, 20km and 30km from IBAs respectively. There are ecologically important areas where two or more IBAs overlap. In areas where more than two to five IBAs overlap, up to 85km² of areas have been recently degraded. High livestock density is one of the reasons for degradation. Using a monthly MODIS data from 2000-2005 and a series of interpolation techniques, the productivity of the area as well as the standing biomass were estimated. Moreover, a new method of spatially accurate livestock density assessment was developed in this study. Only 0.3% of the park area is found to be suitable for productive livestock development but nearly all inhabitants think the area is suitable. Feed availability in ASLNP is scarce even during rainy seasons. Especially the open woodlands are subject to overgrazing. Such shortage forces the inhabitants to cut trees for charcoal making to buy animal feed and non-food consumables. While more than 95% of the inhabitants in the park expanded their agriculture lands, only 13.3% of the farmers managed to produce cereals for market. The application of low cost remote sensing and GIS methods provided ample information that enables to conclude that low productivity and household food insecurity are the main driving forces behind land cover changes that are negatively affecting the natural and semi-natural ecosystems in the central and southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The restoration of natural ecosystems or conservation of biodiversity can be achieved only if those driving forces are tackled sustainably.
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Narrowing the wood supply gap through on-farm wood production in EthiopiaTeshome, Busha, Bekele, Tsegaye, Kainyande, Aruna, Hintz, Kendisha Soekardjo 24 August 2022 (has links)
This policy brief aims to propose options to narrow the wood supply and demand gap through a critical scenario analysis at the national level, complemented with wood value chain analysis that reflects the on-the-ground realities. Limited access to credit services, complicated bureaucratic processes, insecure land tenure, and the dominant influence of government forestry enterprises in the wood value chain are among the key constraints to augmenting the national wood supply. The government needs to remove some of the complicated bureaucratic land acquisition processes to ensure tenure security for private investors, small- and medium-sized wood producers. Wood import substitution with locally produced wood products can reduce government spending, while promoting local industrialization, innovation, and job creation. Cross-sectoral collaboration among government departments and the need to extend the participation of small- and medium-scale wood producers beyond wood production to wood processing and marketing activities is crucial to upscale the wood supply. This policy brief is intended for forest and natural-resource policymakers, wood industrial sector, non-governmental organizations, and academia dealing with the forestry and wood sector in Ethiopia.:Key Messages: Page 1
Introduction: Page 2
Project methods: Page 2
National wood product supply scenarios: Page 3
Wood value chain: Page 4
Policy implications and recommendations: Page 5
Contact: Page 6
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General Equilibrium Effects of Public Adaptation in Agriculture in LDCs: Evidence from EthiopiaYalew, Amsalu, Hirte, Georg, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Tscharaktschiew, Stefan 14 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Ethiopia is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. This is because its important economic sector, agriculture, is virtually rain-fed. The role of the sector in the current economic structure and the potency of the anticipated biophysical impacts of climate change necessitates proactive adaptation in agriculture. This, however, breeds questions of adaptation costs and adaptation finance. This study attempts to derive plausible range of planned adaptation costs in agriculture along with their economy-wide and regional effects in Ethiopia. It also assess the economy-wide and regional effects of the likely options available to a government of a least-developed country to finance adaptation in agriculture. The results show that planned public adaptation in agriculture puts pressure on government surplus, impedes on manufacturing and private services, and GDP of urbanized regions. As such, it may strain the current macroeconomic endeavors of the country which puts government driven structural transformation and reducing fiscal deficit relative to GDP at the center. Government of Ethiopia may reconcile this by laying out incentives to urban agriculture and private investment in agriculture. Besides, foreign support in the form of biotechnology transfer and debt-relief may help to control the side effects of grants on foreign exchange market and trade balance.
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Economic Effects of Climate Change in Developing Countries: Economy-wide and Regional Analysis for EthiopiaYalew, Amsalu W., Hirte, Georg, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Tscharaktschiew, Stefan 14 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Quantifying the economic effects of climate change is a crucial step for planning adaptation in developing countries. This study assesses the economy-wide and regional effects of climate change induced productivity and labor supply shocks in agriculture in Ethiopia. The study shows, in worst case scenario, the effects on national GDP may add up to -8% with uneven regional effects ranging from -10% in agrarian regions (e.g. Amhara) to +2.5% in urbanized regions (e.g. Addis Ababa). Cost-free exogenous structural change scenarios in labor markets and transaction costs may offset about 20-30% of the ripple effects of climate change. Therefore, the ongoing structural transformation in the country may underpin the resilience of the economy to climate change. Nevertheless, given the role of agriculture in the current economic structure of the country and the potency of biophysical impacts of climate change, adaptation in the sector is indispensable. Otherwise, climate change may hamper economic progress of the country, and make rural livelihood unpredictable.
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