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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh vírové turbiny pro MVE Hovězí / The swirl turbine design for small water power Hovězí.

Oliva, Štěpán January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work was to develop a proposal regarding hydro-energy potential of small flows of water through the city „Hovězí near Vsetín“. The available water energy was used for running a Swirl Turbine featuring a siphon arrangement. This new concept makes use of a modified Kaplan Turbine, operating at small water heads. It operates also at higher revolutions and has higher discharge.

Polská energetika s důrazem na potenciál břidličného plynu a návrh sušící stanice na břidličný plyn / Energy potential of Poland with focus on slaty gas

Balák, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis informs its reader about actual energetical situation of Poland and its probable future. The thesis focus on shale gas resesources in the world and Poland and methods of its mining and procesing. Main problematics of determining, designing and technology of TEG dehydration unit were described in this thesis.

Vplyv implementácie stratégie EUROPE 2020 na ekonomiky zemkrajín EÚ

Oravcová, Ingrid January 2019 (has links)
Master thesis analyses the impact of the Europe 2020 strategy´s objectives on the economic performance of the member states of EU. The strategy focuses on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and its objectives are in the areas of employment, research and development, climate change and energy, education and poverty and social exclusion. Master thesis analyses the impact by fixed-effects panel regression. The regression includes variables representing the objectives of the strategy and control variables representing the determinants of economic growth. Economic performance is represented by GDP per capita. The result of the regression analysis is the statistically significant and positive impact of the implemented objectives in the areas of employment, climate change and energy, education and poverty, and social exclusion. The field of research and development appears to be statistically insignificant.

Reprezentace jaderné energetiky v médiích v období před a po havárii ve Fukušimě / Representation of nuclear power in media in the period before and after the accident in Fukušima

Podzemná, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
"Representation of nuclear energy in media in the period before and after the accident in Fukushima" This master's thesis examines media representation of nuclear energy within one year before and one year after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. The sample of news was selected from the print edition of the two main Czech dailies - MF Dnes and Právo. The method used in the thesis is content analysis. In the first part, some of the main theories of media studies (agenda setting, stereotypes, framing, and moral panic) and mechanisms which single news are constructed by (news values, access to news, primary defining, and gatekeeping) are introduced. In the second part, shift in both the focus of the media on the issue of nuclear energy and utilizing of the selected mechanisms of construction of the news is examined. In conclusion, the thesis identifies how the representation of the nuclear energy is constructed in the above said dailies over the period given before and after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Postavení jaderné energetiky v Evropě (zvláštní zaměření na Francii) / Position of nuclear energy in Europe (focus on France)

Rožníčková, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to characterize the nuclear energy in the european area with the focus on nuclear energy in France. The sector of nuclear energy is now experiencing a new period, so-called "nuclear renaissance". Many european countries decided to rebuild the present nuclear power sites or to construct new ones. Nuclear energy is the most advantageous solutions for many european countries because it decreases external energy dependence and it helps to diminish the carbon dioxide emissions. In the connection with the Czech Presidency in the European Union, it was made proposal for the "Nuclear Security Community" which has to unify the security level of member states of the EU and to intensify the mutual cooperation in the domain of nuclear energy. France represents world nuclear leader thanks to efficiently operating oragnizations, excellent results in nuclear research, realization of nuclear fuel recycling and strong government support. Nucler energy in France can serve as an example for four recommendations to other european countries: government support, efficiently working research institutions, global cooperation between all subjects participating on the formation of nuclear energy and active involvement in the international cooperation in nuclear energy. In spite of constantly high initial investment in construction of nuclear power sites, the nuclear energy seems to experience a positive future.

Přechod na nízkouhlíkovou energetiku v EU: Britský koncept / Transition to Low-carbon Energy in the EU: British Concept

Kotík, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This Master Thesis deals with the issue of transition to low-carbon energy in the European Union, with an example of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The topic is divided into three parts. Firstly, the energy sector in the EU is described in the context of environmental targets, institutional framework, international Paris agreement and electricity price factors. Secondly, the British concept of transition to low-carbon energy is described, following a similar line from the first chapter. Last but not least, the third section uses the data and information provided in the first two sections to create a complex picture. Compatibility of the British concept with the EU policies is discussed, furthermore the meaning of Paris agreement for the British model is described, then the consequences of the British concept on the electricity prices are shown, finally the challenges for the British energy sector are considered. The main contribution of this thesis is statistical comparison of energy in the EU and UK and finding the connection between international events (Paris agreement), regional priorities (EU), national political representation and national interest groups in terms of creating energy policy in the UK.

Komparace koncepcí elektromobility v České republice, Francii a USA / Comparison of electromobility conceptions in the Czech republic, France and USA

Kovalová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
A quarter of CO2 emissions in the European Union currently comes from transport, which causes a significant deterioration of air quality. Therefore, it contributes to the deterioration of the health of people living in these areas. The number of cars on the roads continues to increase globally, and with them the increase in CO2 emissions. Alternative fuel in various forms began appearing on the market. Electric cars, with their emission-free operation, are trying to find their place here. Their wider use, especially in densely populated cities, could help people to a cleaner environment. Currently, there are some technical and economic problems with a wider introduction of electric vehicles. Technology and an associated high cost of storage of the necessary power are the main challenges. Nonetheless, experts believe that electric cars have future. Each country approaches the development of electromobility in a different manner.

Skirtingų tipų vėjo jėgainių triukšmo ir jo spektro tyrimai / Noise and its spectra analysis for different types of wind turbines

Budreika, Tadas 28 June 2008 (has links)
Senkantys tradicinio kuro ištekliai, visuotinis klimato šiltėjimas, aplinkos užterštumas radionuklidais, atmosferos užteršimas SOX, NOx bei kitomis kenksmingomis medžiagomis. Tai tik dalis neigiamų tradicinės energetikos pasekmių. Noras turėti pakankamai energijos išteklių tuo nekenkiant aplinkai skatina valdžios institucijas, mokslo bendruomenę ir visuomenę imtis veiksmų, kad būtų sukurtos technologijos, kurios nepriešintų šių dviejų, vienodai svarbių poreikių. Vėjo energetika – vienas iš būdų, kurio pagalba galima tenkinti energetinius poreikius nedarant aplinkai reikšmingo neigiamo poveikio. Tačiau vėjo energetika – nauja energetikos rūšis, susilaukianti daug kritikos. Todėl labai svarbu nustatyti v��jo energetikos keliamus neigiamus poveikius aplinkai bei žmogui. Šio tyrimo tikslas išsiaiškinti kaip slopinamas triukšmo lygis tolstant nuo vėjo jėgainės. Tai pat svarbu buvo nustatyti kokio dažnio garso bangas skleidžia skirtingos vėjo jėgainės. Siekiant šio tikslo reikėjo atlikti lauko matavimus vėjo jėgainių aplinkoje. Rezultatai parodė kad higienos normose nustatyto maksimalaus leistino triukšmo ekvivalentinio lygio (55 dBA) nakties valandoms (22-6 h) nebuvo nustatyta netgi tyrimus atliekant dienos metu, kai vėjo greitis siekė 8m/s. Nustatyta, kad esant 7m/s vėjo greičiui vėjo jėgainė Vestas V100 skleidė 315Hz – 630Hz dažnio garso bangas. Esant 8m/s vėjo greičiui vėjo jėgainė Enercon E40 skleidė 250Hz - 2000Hz dažnio garso bangas. Esant 3 m/s vėjo greičiui vėjo jėgainė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Decreasing resources of traditional fuels, global climate warming, radioactive environmental pollution, air polluted with SOX, NOX and other toxic substances. It’s just a little piece of negative effect of traditional energy production. Aim to have enough energy without harming the environment encourage government institutions, scientists and public take action to design technology that could supply humankind with energy without polluting the environment as today’s energy production does. Wind energy – one of the ways we can satisfy energy needs without significant side effect for environment and human. Wind energy is still a new kind of energy production witch receive much critics from skeptics. That’s why it is so important to estimate the side effects for environment and human. Aim of this study is to estimate attenuation of sound. Also it was important to compare the frequency range witch different wind turbine emits. Field study was carried out to measure the sound pressure levels in the near distances from the wind turbines. Results show that threshold for noise limit for a night period wasn’t breached even then the measurements were taken in daytime, with 8 m/s wind speed. It was estimated that in 7 m/s wind speed wind turbine Vestas V100 emitted 315Hz – 630Hz frequency sound. In the wind speed of 8 m/s wind turbine Enercon E40 emitted 250Hz - 2000Hz frequency sound. In the wind speed of 3 m/s wind turbine Enercon E70 was responsible for higher values of 12,5Hz - 63... [to full text]

Europos Sąjungos investicijos į alternatyviosios energetikos vystymą Lietuvos Respublikoje / European Union investments for alternative energy development in Lithuanian Respublic

Rudokaitė, Rasa 20 June 2013 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame magistro darbe apžvelgiami Europos Sąjungos paramos veikimo principai, alternatyviosios energetikos pagrindinės sąvokos, panaudojimo perspektyvos Lietuvoje. Atlikta patvirtintų Europos Sąjungos paramos priemonių, skirtų atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių panaudojimo plėtrai Lietuvos Respublikoje analizė, taip pat pristatytos žaliųjų tarifų problemos, trukdančios darnų alternatyviosios energetikos vystymą. Darbe išanalizuoti šiluminės ir elektros energijos suvartojimai ir kainos, kurie patvirtino atsinaujinančios energijos išteklių panaudojimo plėtros būtinumą. Siekiant atskleisti Europos Sąjungos lėšų įsisavinamo svarbą, buvo atliktas atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių panaudojimo investicinio projekto efektyvumo ir rizikos vertinimas. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 73 p. be priedų, 13 paveikslų, 24 lentelės ir 26 literatūros šaltiniai. / This master thesis provides an overview of operation principles of the European Union support, alternative energy main definitions and usage perspectives in Lithuania. Done analysis of approved by EU support instruments for renewable energy development in the Republic of Lithuania, also presented green tariffs problems that hinder the development of sustainable alternative energy. In thesis are analyzed the thermal and electrical energy consumption and costs, which confirmed renewable energy resources development need. In order to reveal the importance of EU funds absorption has been carried out efficiency and risk assessment for renewables investment project. The paper ends with conclusions and recommendations. Thesis consist 73 pg. text without appendixes, 13 pictures, 24 tables and 26 bibliographical entries.

Darnios energetikos perspektyvos Baltijos šalyse / The perspectives of sustainable energy in the baltic states

Burokaitė, Deimantė 23 June 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Šiuo metu klimato kaitos problemos užima vis didesnę reikšmę ES bei pasaulinėje aplinkosaugos ir energetikos politikoje. Vis akivaizdžiau pasireiškianti klimato kaitos problema, kelia didelį susirūpinimą visame pasaulyje, o jos sprendimui būtinos visuotinės pastangos. Žengiant link tobulesnių technologijų, gamybos plėtros, ekonomikos vystymosi yra susiduriama su vis sudėtingesnėmis problemomis, kurios daro didelį neigiamą poveikį aplinkai ir kelia grėsmę žmonių sveikatai. Energijos gamyba ir jos naudojimas turi ypač didelę įtaką aplinkos kokybei: vietinių energijos išteklių naudojimas ir išeikvojimas, atliekos, miškų iškirtimas, vandens ir oro tarša, rūgštūs krituliai, dirvožemio suardymas, klimato atšilimas – visa tai energijos naudojimo ir jos plėtros padarinių pavyzdžiai. Energetika yra labai svarbi šiuolaikinei ekonomikai, nes energijos tiekimo sutrikimai galėtų visiškai sutrikdyti žmonijos gyvenimą. Tačiau nuo jos priklauso ne tik gamyba, infrastruktūros funkcionavimas, bet ir aplinkos kokybė, nuo kurios priklauso ir mūsų sveikata. Problemos ištyrimo lygis. Nors teršalų išmetimas į aplinką Baltijos šalyse yra sumažėjęs, tačiau taršos problema yra vis dar aktuali ir su ja yra kovojama. Daugelyje pasaulio šalių atsinaujinančiųjų energijos išteklių naudojimas energijos gamyboje duoda puikius rezultatus, kovojant su šia problema. Baltijos šalyse taip pat pastebimi teigiami pokyčiai, tačiau šiose šalyse šių išteklių skatinimo priemonės nėra pakankamai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today global warming is a worldwide problem that requires global solutions and the main cause of this problem is inefficient usage and making of energy. Sustainable energy means solving all social, economical and environmental problems in ways that support human development over the long term. Current energy system deals with many aspects of unsustainability and energy efficiency and intensity, increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy balance, researches and development of new technologies, energy pricing, reducing Carbon Dioxide emissions, cleaner fuels, subsidization and internalization of externalities and market opening are the main targets of sustainable energy development. Even though all three Baltic States have implemented similar policies and measures helping to reduce GHG emissions but the results are different. And this is mainly because of differences between those three countries: in size, primary energy mix, and in final energy consumption. The object of this work is support mechanisms for climate change mitigation. The main aim is to evaluate the preferences of the potential energy consumers by choosing instruments for the promotion of green energy and by choosing the way energy power is being produced. Research lasted 30 days, from the 3 of April till the 2nd of May. 330 people were questioned in supermarkets: “Mega”, “Savas” and “Akropolis”. There are slightly more respondents who would rather use atomic energy than energy produced by using... [to full text]

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