Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conergy expenditure"" "subject:"coenergy expenditure""
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L'impact de GPR120 microglial sur l'équilibre énergétique et le comportement anxiodépressifOmidi Arjenaki, Neda 07 1900 (has links)
GPR120 est un récepteur couplé à une protéine G pour les acides gras à longue chaîne (AGCL), connu pour ses effets anti-inflammatoires et pour la médiation des effets de sensibilisation à l'insuline des acides gras oméga-3. Les études révèlent une forte expression de GPR120 dans les microglies, suggérant son rôle potentiel dans les réponses immunitaires du cerveau. Cependant, l'impact spécifique de GPR120 microgliale sur les changements de comportement reste incertain. Les études suggèrent qu'un système Cre-Lox inducible élimine GPR120 dans les microglies, entraînant une augmentation des comportements semblables à l'anxiété et favorisant une augmentation de la prise alimentaire, du gain de poids et une réduction de la dépense énergétique chez les souris. Cette recherche vise à étudier l'impact de GPR120 microgliale sur l'équilibre énergétique et le comportement semblable à l'anxiété dans des conditions basales. À cet effet, nous avons créé un modèle de souris knockout pour GPR120 (génétiquement modifié ; GPR120lox/CXCR1Cre-ER). Ensuite, une cohorte de ces souris a été soumise à des analyses comportementales et métaboliques. Les évaluations métaboliques comprenaient la surveillance de l'apport alimentaire et de la dépense énergétique dans des chambres métaboliques. Des tests comportementaux tels que le labyrinthe en croix surélevé (EPM), la boîte claire-sombre (LDB) et le test des trois chambres (3CT) pour l'interaction sociale ont été réalisés. Nous avons observé que les souris femelles GPR120 KO présentaient une interaction significativement accrue dans le 3CT, suggérant une sociabilité améliorée. De plus, les souris avec GPR120 KO microgliale ont montré une augmentation du poids corporel et une réduction de l'apport alimentaire dans les cages métaboliques par rapport aux témoins. Les niveaux de corticostérone étaient augmentés chez les mâles et une tendance à l’augmentation a aussi observée chez les femelles. En conclusion, nos résultats soulignent l'influence potentielle de GPR120 sur les processus comportementaux et métaboliques. Une investigation plus poussée est essentielle pour comprendre pleinement le rôle de GPR120 dans la neuroinflammation et l'activité microgliale. Cette exploration de GPR120 offre des perspectives prometteuses pour le développement de nouvelles options thérapeutiques pour divers troubles. / GPR120 is a G protein-coupled receptor for long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), known for its anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies reveal high expression of GPR120 in microglia, suggesting its potential role in brain immune responses. However, the specific impact of microglial GPR120 on behavioral changes remains unclear.The studies suggest that an inducible Cre-Lox system will knock out GPR120 in microglia, leading to increased anxiety-like behavior and promoting increased feeding, body weight gain, and reduced energy expenditure in mice. This research aims to investigate the impact of microglial GPR120 on energy balance and anxiety-like behavior under basal conditions For this purpose we created a knockout GPR120 mouse mode (genetically modified; GPR120lox/CXCR1Cre-ER). Subsequently, a cohort of these mice underwent behavioral and metabolic analyses. Metabolic assessments included monitoring food intake, and energy expenditure in metabolic chambers. Behavioral tests such as the elevated plus maze (EPM), light-dark box (LDB), and three-chamber test (3CT) for social interaction were conducted. We observed that Female GPR120 KO mice exhibited significantly increased interaction in the 3CT, suggesting enhanced sociability. Moreover, mice with microglial GPR120 KO showed increased body weight and reduced food intake in metabolic cages compared to controls. Corticosterone levels exhibited increased in males and a trend in females. In conclusion, our findings underscore the potential influence of GPR120 on both behavioral and metabolic processes. Further investigation is essential to fully understand the role of GPR120 in neuroinflammation and microglial activity. This exploration of GPR120 holds promise for developing novel treatment options for various disorders.
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Verbesserung des Ernährungszustands bei Patienten mit Leberzirrhose nach Implantation eines transjugulären intrahepatischen portosystemischen Stent-Shunts (TIPS)Gebhardt, Deborah Patricia 24 November 2000 (has links)
Bei 22 Patienten mit Leberzirrhose wurde prospektiv der Ernährungszustand mit seinen Komponenten Energieverbrauch, Nahrungsaufnahme und Körperzusammensetzung sowohl vor Anlage eines TIPS, als auch 1, 6 und 12 Monate nach TIPS-Implantation untersucht und in Beziehung zu Daten gesunder Probanden gesetzt. Im Vergleich zu gesunden Kontrollpersonen waren bei Patienten vor TIPS-Anlage Körpergewicht und body-mass-index nicht vermindert, während Muskel- und Körperzellmasse (BCM) reduziert waren. Im Grundumsatz (REE) bestand kein Unterschied zu Kontrollen, wenn der gesamte Grundumsatz betrachtet wird. Dagegen war der spezifische, auf die Körperzellmasse bezogene Grundumsatz (REE/BCM) bei Patienten signifikant erhöht. Patienten wiesen also gegenüber Kontrollen einen hypermetabolen Status auf. Die Substratoxidation der Patienten war durch eine bevorzugte Verwendung von Lipiden gekennzeichnet. Nach TIPS-Anlage nahmen Körpergewicht und BMI der Patienten zu aufgrund einer Verbesserung in der Körperzusammensetzung mit signifikantem Anstieg von Muskelmasse, Körperzellmasse und dem Quotienten von Körperzellmasse und Körpermasse. Darüberhinaus war eine signifikante Abnahme der Aszitesmenge zu verzeichnen. Die Fettmasse blieb trotz Zunahme der Körpermasse unverändert. Entsprechend der Zunahme der Körpermasse stieg der Grundumsatz nach TIPS-Anlage signifikant an, die Betrachtung des spezifischen Energieumsatzes zeigte jedoch eine abnehmende Tendenz im Sinne einer Normalisierung des bei Zirrhosepatienten gegenüber Kontrollen erhöhten Energieumsatzes. Dieser Abnahme des spezifischen Energieverbrauchs stand eine zunehmende Nährstoffaufnahme gegenüber, so daß diese Verbesserung der Energiebilanz als eine der Ursachen für die Verbesserung des Ernährungzustandes zu sehen ist. Unbeeinflußt von der TIPS-Anlage blieb die Bevorzugung von Fett als oxidativem Substrat. Bezüglich der Organfunktionen war nach TIPS-Anlage eine partielle Verminderung der hepatischen Syntheseleistung (Quick, nicht aber Albumin) und eine signifikante Verbesserung der Nierenfunktion und psychometrisch gemessenen hirnorganischen Leistungsfähigkeit zu beobachten. Die Anlage und Funktionserhaltung eines TIPS war bei Patienten mit Leberzirrhose mit einer bedeutsamen Verbesserung des Ernährungszustandes und insbesondere des prognostisch relevanten Kompartiments Körperzellmasse und Muskelmasse verbunden. Bei unveränderten Ernährungsempfehlungen waren die Patienten in höherem Maße in der Lage, diese Empfehlungen zu realisieren und insbesondere eine höhere Eiweißmenge ohne Verschlechterung der Enzephalopathie zuzuführen. Welchen Einfluß die einzelnen Faktoren wie verminderte Aszitesmenge, Verbesserung der intestinalen Absorption oder Vermeidung erneuter kataboler Situationen (gastrointestinale Blutungen, Parazentese und Endotoxinämie durch Reduktion der portalen Hypertension) an diesem Ergebnis haben, muß durch weitere Untersuchungen geklärt werden. / 22 patients with liver cirrhosis were examined prospectively regarding their nutritional state and its components energy expenditure, energy intake and body composition before and 1, 6 and 12 months after implantation of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent - shunt (TIPS). These data were compared to those corresponding of a group of healthy control subjects. Compared to these healthy individuals body weigth and body mass index (BMI) of the patients were not reduced while muscle mass and body cell mass (BCM) were impaired before TIPS-implantation. There was no difference in resting energy expenditure (REE) between both groups. The ratio REE/BCM is called specific resting energy expenditure. This ratio was found to be increased in the patient group which means that patients were hypermetabolic when compared to controls. Lipids turned out to be the prefered fuel in patients. After TIPS-insertion body weight and BMI increased in patients because muscle mass, BCM and BCM/body weight all increased significantly in the patient group. Meanwhile the amount of ascites was reduced significantly. Fat mass remained stable after TIPS. Because of this increase of body weight energy expenditure had to increase, too. On the contrary, the specific REE showed a decrease which means normalization of the pathological high results of this parameter. A decrease in specific REE and an increase in energiy intake lead to an improvement of energy balance. This is probably one min cause of the improvement in the nutritional state of the patients after TIPS. After TIPS lipids remained to be the main source of substrate for oxidation. Partly, the synthetical function of the liver was impaired after TIPS (thromboplastin time, but not Albumin) while renal function and mental performance measured by psychometric tests improved significantly. The implantation of TIPS and surveillance of its function in patients with liver cirrhosis was accompanied by an improvement of their nutritional state. Even more important, there was an improvement of body cell mass and of muscle mass which both are of significantly prognostic value in this kind of patients. Dietary recommendations were not changed after TIPS but patients were able to realize them in a better way and they tolerated an increased intake of protein without an increase in the rate of hepatic encephalopathy. Furthe studies will have to be performed in order to find out the influences of different factors as reduced amount of ascites, improvement of intestinal absorption or avoiding of catabolic periods (gastrointestinal bleeding, paracentesis and endotoxinaemia by reduction of portal hypertension).
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Modulators of foraging behavior by nectar-feeding bats (Glossophaginae) / Behavioral plasticity, resource defense, social group composition and daily energy expenditureWintergerst, Sabine 09 January 2018 (has links)
Zahlreiche Forschungsarbeiten haben gezeigt, dass nicht nur Menschen, sondern auch Tiere konstante individuelle Unterschiede im Verhalten aufweisen. Zu verstehen warum sich diese Verhaltensunterschiede im Laufe der Evolution entwickelt haben, ist ein Ziel dieses Forschungsbereiches. In dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht wie verschiedene Modulatoren das Nahrungssuchverhalten von Blütenfledermäusen (Glossophaginae) beeinflussen um individuelle Verhaltensunterschiede zu quantifizieren und theoretische Vorhersagen zu testen. Alle Experimente wurden in naturnaher Umgebung mit programmierbaren, künstlichen Blüten durchgeführt. Es wird angenommen, dass die Plastizität von Verhalten ein generelles Merkmal ist in dem sich Tiere unterscheiden, da manche Individuen allgemein stärker auf Reize aus der Umwelt reagieren könnten als andere. Um diese Vorhersage zu testen, wurde die Nahrungsverfügbarkeit experimentell manipuliert und zwei Arten von Verhaltensplastizität in denselben Individuen gemessen. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen diese Annahme jedoch nicht, da die beiden Arten von Verhaltensplastizität nicht korrelieren. Neben Umwelteinflüssen können auch innere Merkmale wie die Stoffwechselrate das individuelle Nahrungssuchverhalten beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Individuen in ihrem täglichen Energieverbrauch unterscheiden und dass diese Unterschiede mit dem Explorationsverhalten während der Nahrungssuche korrelieren. Zusätzlich kann das individuelle Nahrungssuchverhalten auch von sozialen Faktoren beeinflusst werden. Bei limitierter Nahrungsverfügbarkeit verteidigen einzelne Männchen Blüten gegen andere Männchen, jedoch nicht gegenüber Weibchen. Individuelle Unterschiede in der Aggression und Aktivität werden dagegen nicht von der sozialen Gruppenzusammensetzung beeinflusst. In dieser Arbeit wurden nicht nur individuelle Unterschiede im Nahrungssuchverhalten von Blütenfledermäusen bestimmt, sondern auch Vorhersagen aus dem Bereich der Persönlichkeitsforschung bei Tieren überprüft. / Animal personality research has shown that animals express individual differences in their behavior that are consistent over time and/or across situations. Furthermore, animal personality research aims to understand how these individual differences in behavior evolve and how they are maintained within populations. This thesis focuses on how different modulators influence the foraging behavior of nectar-feeding bats (Glossophaginae) in order to investigate consistent individual differences in their behavior and to test predictions proposed in the field of animal personality. All experiments were conducted in a semi-natural environment by using a setup of computer-controlled artificial flowers. One prediction of animal personality research is that behavioral plasticity is a single trait in which individuals differ because some individuals might be generally more responsive to changes in the environment than others. In order to test this prediction, resource availability was manipulated and two types of behavioral plasticity were quantified within the same individual. However, the two types of plasticity did not correlate and therefore this hypothesis was not supported. Individual foraging behavior can not only be modulated by changes in the environment but also by individual differences in internal traits like metabolic rates. Experiments confirmed that individual differences in daily energy expenditure correlated with consistent individual differences in exploration. Additionally, foraging behavior can also be modulated by social factors. When resources are limited some males started to defend flowers against other males but not against females. Furthermore, it could be shown that individual differences in aggression and activity are internally driven and not influenced by changes in the social group composition. This thesis not only assessed individual differences in the foraging behavior of nectar-feeding bats but also investigated predictions proposed in the field of animal personality research.
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Energy expenditure and physical activity patterns in children : applicability of simultaneous methodsAmorim, Paulo Roberto dos Santos January 2007 (has links)
Consistently, reports in the literature have identified that a sedentary lifestyle contributes to the progression of a range of chronic degenerative diseases. The measurement of energy expenditure and physical activity pattern in children is a challenge for all professionals interested in paediatric health and from a broader perspective, the public health fraternity charged with considering longer term health consequences of physical inactivity. The primary objective of this thesis was to identify a suitable indirect and objective measurement technique for the assessment of energy expenditure and physical activity pattern in children. The ideal characteristics of such a technique are that it should be reproducible and have been validated against a criterion reference method. To achieve this goal, a series of methodological studies were undertaken (Chapters II and III). This work was essential to increase accuracy during the individualised laboratory calibration process and further minimise prediction errors when analysing data from 7 days of monitoring under free-living conditions in the second part of the study (Chapters IV and V). In the first study to verify the combined effect of body position, apparatus and distraction on children's resting metabolic rate (RMR), experiments were carried out on 14 children aged 8-12 (mean age = 10.1 years ± 1.4). Each participant underwent 2 test sessions, one week apart under three different situations: a) using mouthpiece and nose-clip (MN) or facemask (FM); b) sitting (SEAT) or lying (LY) and c) TV viewing (TV) or no TV viewing. In the first session, following 20 min rest and watching TV, the following protocol was used: LY: 20 min - stabilisation; 10 min using MN and 10 min using FM. Body position was then changed to seated: 20 min stabilisation; 10 min using FM; 10 min using MN. In the second session, FM and MN order was changed and participants did not watch TV. Data were analysed according to the eight combinations among the three studied parameters. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated statistically significant differences for &VO2 (p=0.01) and RMR (p=0.02), with TVMNSEAT showing higher values than TVFMLY. Bland-Altman analysis showed a bias for &VO2, &VCO2, RQ and RMR between TVFMLY and TVMNSEAT of -17.8±14.5 ml.min-1, -8.8±14.5 ml. min-1, 0.03±0.05 and -115.2±101.9 kcal.d-1, respectively. There were no differences in RMR measurements due to body position and apparatus when each variable was isolated. Analyses of distraction in three of four combinations indicated no difference between TV and no TV. In summary, different parameter combinations can result in increased bias and variability and thereby reported differences among children's RMR measurement. The second study dealt with treadmill adaptation and determination of self-selected (SS) walking speed. Assessment of individual and group differences in metabolic energy expenditure using oxygen uptake requires that individuals are comfortable with, and can accommodate to, the equipment being utilised. In this study, a detailed proposal for an adaptation protocol based on the SS was developed. Experiments were carried out on 27 children aged 8-12 (mean age = 10.3±1.2 yr). Results from three treadmill tests following the adaptation protocol showed similar results for step length with no significant differences among tests and lower and no statistically significant variability within- and between-days. Additionally, no statistically significant differences between SS determined over-ground and on a treadmill were verified. These results suggest that SS speed determined over-ground is reproducible on a treadmill and the 10 min familiarisation protocol based on this speed provided sufficient exposure to achieve accommodation to the treadmill. The purpose of the third study was to verify within- and between-day repeatability and variability in children's oxygen uptake ( &VO2), gross economy (GE) [ &VO2 divided by speed] and heart rate (HR) during treadmill walking based on SS. 14 children (mean age = 10.2±1.4 yr) undertook 3 testing sessions over 2 days in which four walking speeds, including SS, were tested. Within- and between-day repeatability was assessed using the Bland and Altman method and coefficients of variability (CV) were determined for each child across exercise bouts and averaged to obtain a mean group CV value for &VO2, GE and HR per speed. Repeated measures ANOVA showed no statistically significant differences in within- or between-day CV for &VO2, GE or HR at any speed. Repeatability within and between-day for &VO2, GE and HR for all speeds was verified. These results suggest that submaximal &V O2 during treadmill walking is stable and reproducible at a range of speeds based on children's SS. In the fourth study, the objective was to establish the effect of walking speed on substrate oxidation during a treadmill protocol based on SS. Experiments were carried out on 12 girls aged 8-12 (mean age = 9.9±1.4 yr). Each participant underwent 2 test sessions, one week apart. Workloads on the treadmill included 2 speeds slower than SS (1.6 [V1] and 0.8 km.h-1 [V2] slower than SS), SS (V3), and a speed 0.8 km.h-1 faster than SS (V4). Indirect calorimetry from respired gas measurements enabled total fat (FO) and carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation rates to be calculated according to the non-protein respiratory quotient (Peronnet and Massicote, 1991) and percentage of CHO and FO calculations using equations from McGilvery and Goldstein (1983). Repeated measures ANOVA followed by a Tukey Post Hoc test (p< 0.05) was used to verify differences in CHO and FO rates among speeds. Paired T-test was used to verify differences in CHO and FO rates between tests per velocity. The reliability between-day was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results showed significant differences for CHO among all speeds, as well as significant differences for FO between V1 and V2 against V3 and V4 in both tests. Analyses between trials per velocity showed no significant substrate use differences as well as acceptable reliability. At the self-selected speed (V3) there was an accentuation in FO reduction as well as an increase in CHO oxidation. The purpose of the fifth study was to determine whether there were differences in substrate oxidation between girls (G) and women (W) during a treadmill protocol based on SS. Experiments were carried out on 12 G aged 8-12 (mean age = 9.9±1.4 yr) and 12 W aged 25-38 (mean age = 32.3±3.8 yr). The treadmill protocol included 6 min workloads followed by 5 min rest periods. Workloads included 2 speeds slower than SS (1.6 (V1) and 0.8 km.h-1 (V2) slower than SS), SS (V3), and a speed 0.8 km.h-1 faster than SS (V4). Total fat and carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation rates were calculated from indirect calorimetry according to the non-protein respiratory quotient. Repeated measures ANOVA followed by a Tukey Post Hoc test was used to verify intra-test differences in CHO and fat oxidation rates among speeds. Intergroup differences were analysed using paired T-test. Fat utilisation in W achieved a plateau at a relative velocity 0.8 km.h-1 slower than SS, but for G, fat utilisation increased until SS, and then stabilised upon reaching the higher velocity. CHO oxidation curves rose abruptly above V2 for W, while for G the acute increase occurred after SS (V3). Collectively, these results indicate that as walking intensity increases G are able to meet the energy demands of the work by increasing fat oxidation together with the increased CHO oxidation up to SS. In contrast for W, increasing CHO oxidation is associated with an early decrease in fat utilisation at a velocity slower than the self-selected speed. The sixth study dealt with validation of indirect techniques for the measurement of energy expenditure in free-living conditions against the DLW technique. Experiments were carried out on 19 children aged 8-12 (mean age = 10.3±1.0 yr). To indirectly predict energy expenditure 12 different procedures were used. Only one procedure, combining activity and heart rate (AHbranched), was based on a group equation, the others were based on individualised regression. Three of the individually-based techniques were able to accurately predict energy expenditure in free-living conditions. These tecniques were HRPAnetRMR using HRnet [HR exercise minus sleep HR (SHR)] against PAnet (measured PA exercise minus measured RMR) and upper and lower body equations corrected by RMR; HRPAnet4act using the same procedure but corrected by the mean resting &VO2 for 4 resting activities [(4act) = supine watching TV, sitting watching TV, sitting playing computer games and standing], and HRPALBnet4act using only lower body activities and corrected by 4act. HRPAnetRMR was only slightly more accurate than HRPAnet4act and HRPALBnet4act, but this technique is only adjusted by RMR whereas the other two are heavily dependent on more complex laboratory calibration. Bland and Altman (1986) analyses showed no significant differences between AHbranched predicted and measured TEE using the DLW technique. A SEE of 79 kcal.d-1 and a mean difference of 72 kcal.d-1, with a 95% CI ranging from -238 to 93.9 kcal.d-1 was found. In addition, no significant differences between predicted HRPAnetRMR and measured TEE using DLW were found, showing an SEE of 99 kcal.d-1 and a mean difference of -67 kcal.d-1, and a 95% CI ranging from -276.6 to 141.9 kcal.d-1. AHbranched and HRPAnetRMR were both valid and similarly suitable for the prediction of energy expenditure in children under free-living conditions. Significant associations between DLWAEE and the after-school time window indicated that this time window as an important discretionary period representative of children physical activity. However, the duration of the after-school time windows should be more carefully considered. Accelerometer data showed a better association between the largest after-school time window (3.5 hr) and measured TEE. The final study, completed with 19 children aged 8-12 (10.3±1.0 yr) highlighted, under laboratory conditions across a range of walking and running speeds, the inadequacy of the use of the standard MET in children. This traditional approach overestimates energy expenditure with an increased difference linearly related to speed increments. Minute-by-minute analyses of 7 days of free-living monitoring showed an average overestimation of 64 minutes per day for moderate-to-vigorousphysical- activity (MVPA) using the standard MET compared with the individually measured MET. For all intensities, these differences were statistically significant (p< 0.001). The second part of this study showed a variability of 20% in the average time spent at MVPA when comparing HR I 140 bpm and HR > 50%P &VO2 (P &VO2 = the highest &VO2 observed during an exercise test to exhaustion). Results of the current study compared to observations in the literature showed that HR I 140 bpm consistently estimates lower MVPA time than HR > 50%P &VO2. When these two PA indices were compared with individual and standard MET measured minute-byminute, statistically significant differences were verified among all of them at MPA, but no differences were verified at VPA, except between individual and standard METs. However, whether each one of the PA indices used are under- or overestimating time at MVPA is still debatable due to the lack of a gold standard. Finally, each index used in this study classified different numbers of participants as achieving the PA target of 60 min.d-1. The wide variability between indices when attempting to classify children who are achieving the recommended target is cause for great concern because habitually these indices are utilised as screening tools in paediatric and public health settings and used to guide behavioural interventions.
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Inflammation, stress oxydant, profil métabolique : influence des apports alimentaires et de la dépense énergétiqueLavoie, Marie-Ève 02 1900 (has links)
Le risque cardiométabolique (RCM) représente l’ensemble de tous les facteurs de risque pour les maladies cardiovasculaires et le diabète de type 2, incluant les facteurs de risque traditionnels et ceux émergents. Les évidences indiquent que la résistance à l’insuline, l’inflammation et le stress oxydant jouent un rôle clé dans le RCM, bien que l’acteur initiateur des altérations métaboliques caractéristiques du RCM reste encore à définir. Les femmes post-ménopausées constituent un sous-groupe important de la population puisque le risque de complications cardiométaboliques augmente après la ménopause. Les facteurs de RCM peuvent être modulés par l’alimentation, l’activité physique et la perte de poids. Alors que l’étude de nutriments / aliments spécifiques a permis de mieux comprendre l’implication de l’alimentation dans le RCM, celle de la qualité de l’alimentation est prometteuse. L’activité physique a des effets bénéfiques sur le RCM bien démontrés chez des personnes actives. Cependant, la relation entre la dépense énergétique et le RCM chez des individus sédentaires a été moins investiguée. De même, peu ou pas de données existent quant à une interaction synergique possible entre l’alimentation et l’activité physique sur le RCM. L’objectif de la présente thèse est d’investiguer les relations entre l’alimentation, l’activité physique, le stress oxydant et le RCM chez des femmes post-ménopausées en surpoids ou obèses, sédentaires et sans autres complications métaboliques. Les résultats montrent que d’une part, chez ces femmes sédentaires, une dépense énergétique active (DÉAP) élevée est associée à un meilleur profil inflammatoire, indépendamment de l’adiposité. D’autre part, il existe une relation synergique entre la qualité alimentaire et la DÉAP associée à un meilleur RCM. Une qualité alimentaire élevée combinée à une DÉAP élevée est associée à un meilleur profil lipidique et lipoprotéique et à une inflammation sub-clinique moindre, indépendamment de l’adiposité. Par ailleurs, dans une étude pilote, seuls des effets indépendants des changements de la qualité alimentaire et de la DÉAP sur les changements dans les facteurs de RCM ont été observés suite à cette diète hypocalorique de 6 mois, indépendamment du changement de l’adiposité encouru. En effet, au-delà de la réduction de l’adiposité et de l’amélioration du profil lipoprotéique induites par l’intervention, l’amélioration de la qualité alimentaire et de la DÉAP est associée, indépendamment l’une de l’autre, à une meilleure pression artérielle et un meilleur profil lipidique. Par ailleurs, une modification du système glutathion, un des systèmes antioxydants les plus communs de l’organisme, est associée à un RCM élevé. Une activité élevée de la glutathion peroxydase est associée à une résistance à l’insuline et à une épaisseur plus importante de l’intima-media de la carotide. Ces relations pourraient être médiées par un stress réducteur. En conclusion, l’adoption d’une saine alimentation et la pratique d’activités physiques doivent être encouragées dans les interventions visant à contrer l’obésité et ses complications, même en absence d’un changement d’adiposité. D’autre part, l’activité de la glutathion peroxydase pourrait être un paramètre impliqué dans le développement de désordres cardiométaboliques sub-cliniques et asymptomatiques chez des femmes obèses. D’autres investigations sont requises pour confirmer ces observations et élucider les mécanismes d’action impliqués. / The cardiometabolic risk represents all risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, including the traditional and the emerging risk factors. Accumulating evidences indicate that insulin resistance, inflammation and oxidative stress are key players in the cardiometabolic risk, although the main cause initiating the metabolic alterations associated with the cardiometabolic risk has to be identified. Postmenopausal women are an important sub-group of the general population because the risk of developing cardiometabolic complications increases after menopause. The cardiometabolic risk factors can be modulated by dietary intake, physical activity and weight loss. Despite the fact that the study of specific nutrients or foods provided a better understanding of the implication of nutrition in the cardiometabolic risk, the relationship between diet quality and cardiometabolic risk has been less studied. Beneficial effects of physical activity on the cardiometabolic risk have been demonstrated in physically active individuals. However, the relationship between energy expenditure and the cardiometabolic risk in sedentary individuals has been less investigated. Similarly, it is unknown whether dietary intake interacts with physical activity in order to have greater beneficial effects on the cardiometabolic risk. The objective of this thesis is to determine the relationships between diet quality, physical activity and oxidative stress on the cardiometabolic risk in sedentary postmenopausal overweight and obese women without cardiometabolic complications. The results showed that, in these sedentary women, physical activity energy expenditure is associated with reduced inflammation, independently of adiposity. Moreover, there is a synergistic relationship between quality and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) which is associated with a reduced cardiometabolic risk compared to their separate effects. Indeed, high diet quality combined to high PAEE levels is associated with a better lipid and lipoprotein profile and a lower inflammatory status, independently of adiposity. However, in a pilot study, only independent effects of changes in diet quality and PAEE on the changes in cardiometabolic risk factors was observed following a 6-month hypocaloric diet. Indeed, beyond the reduction of adiposity and improvement of the lipoprotein profile induced by this diet, improved diet quality and increased PAEE are associated with beneficial changes in blood pressure and lipid profile. On the other hand, modification in the glutathione system, which is one of the most common antioxidant systems in the body, is associated with a higher cardiometabolic risk. Greater glutathione peroxidase activity is associated with insulin resistance and greater intima-media thickness of blood vessels. These relationships may be mediated through a reductive stress. In conclusion, a healthy diet and physical activity should be emphasized in interventions aimed to reduce obesity and its related complications, even in absence of change in adiposity. Moreover, glutathione peroxidase activity may be a parameter contributing to the development of sub-clinical but clinically relevant asymptomatic cardiometabolic abnormalities in obese women. Further investigations are needed to confirm these results and to elucidate the underlying mechanisms.
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Hodnocení energetického metabolismu u pacientů s chronickou obstrukční plicní nemocí / Assessment of energy metabolism in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasePoláková, Terezie January 2015 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Student: Terezie Poláková Supervisor of master thesis: PharmDr. Miroslav Kovařík, Ph.D. Title of master thesis: Assessment of energy metabolism in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for lung disease with systemic consequences. Besides the respiratory symptoms there are also described changes in body metabolism, which could lead to the development of serious metabolic syndrome called cachexia. The main aim of this study was to compare the resting energy expenditure (REE) and nutrition substrate utilization in 12 patients with advanced form of COPD from the Czech Multicentre Research Database of COPD (5 females and 7 males, mean age 68 ± 6 years) and in 9 patients of control group without respiratory impairment (5 females and 4 males, 62 ± 4 years). Assessment of body metabolism was determined by method of indirect calorimetry. Measured REE was then compared with prediction based on Harris-Benedict equation. The utilization of main nutrition substrates was determined from the respiratory quotient and urea nitrogen loss in urine. We found that measured REE in COPD patients was about 20 % higher than in control group....
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Funkční profil výkonnostních hráčů billiardu / Functional Profile of Performance Billiard PlayersManda, Filip January 2014 (has links)
Title: Functional Profile of Performance Billiard Players Objectives: The main aim of thesis was to find out maximal functional characteristics and body composition of performance billiard players by using laboratory testing. Next step was to define load intensity during simulated match. Methods: There were used biomedical measurements as a body measuring, bioelectrical impedance, laboratory spiroergometric measuring by maximal stress testing. Field spiroergometric measuring was provide during simulated match in pool hall. To find the role of physical fitness in performance billiard were used half structured interview with open questions and online survey. Results: The findings show that tested billiard players achieve levels of physical fitness from average to very good values. But some of them are classified as overweight and obese. Long-time playing billiard does not have any important influence on asymetric composition of muscle mass of upper limbs. During playing billiard an oxygen consumption didn't get over 30% of VO2max and values of heart rate were between 39 to 59% HRmax. During playing billiard an energy expenditure grows from 222 to 330% of BM. Billiard energetic demands of tested players are moving between 14,6 kJ to 29,3 kJ. Another result of thesis is a statement about the role of...
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Vhodnost volby chůze či běhu v závislosti na rychlosti při zrychleném přesunu se zátěží / Appropriateness of choice to walk or run, depending on the speed of a quick relocation with load carriageKopřiva, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Title: Appropriateness of choice to walk or run, depending on the speed of a quick relocation with load carriage Objectives: Comparison of physiological response of organism during the walk and run at speed 6 - 7,4 km.h-1 with carried load 15 kg with follow-up determination of critical speed in connection with economy of these activities where there were discovered sizes of correlation with proportional representation of fat free mass and working length of lower limb. Methods: The method applied in this research was the quantitative research based on intra-individual and inter-individual comparative analysis. Results: Based on the measured data it has been found out that there is a critical speed at 7,43 km.h-1 (±0,53), with respect to economy of walk compared to run with 15 kg load. The average heart rate during the critical speed was 129 BPM (±9,67). The average energy expenditure per minute during the critical speed was 11,9 kcal (±2,04). In addition there were discovered sizes of correlation between critical speed and the working length of lower limb where rP = 0,9203 was statiscitally significant. (α = 0,05) and between critical speed and proportional representation of fat free mass, where rP = 0,1529 was not found to be statistically significant (α = 0,05). Keywords: quick relocation, load...
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Parametry složení těla v závislosti na stupni metabolismu u pacientů s CHOPN / Body composition parameters in dependence on the metabolism degree in patients with COPDDoleželová, Magdaléna January 2016 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Student: Magdaléna Doleželová Supervisor of master thesis: PharmDr. Miroslav Kovařík, Ph.D. Title of master thesis: Body composition parameters in dependence on the metabolism degrese in patiens with COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a very serious illness characterized by incompletely reversible airflow obstruction and lung emphysema. Contributes to its overall severity are extrapulmonary manifestations, especially cachexia and loss of lean tissue mass. Chronic inflammation of the respiratory airways and increased respiratory effort cause the hypermetabolic state to some patients with COPD. This thesis investigates the impact of increased metabolism on body composition in patients with COPD. Our study included 50 COPD patients (38 men, 12 women) who were examined by bioelectrical impedance. In this study, we compared the parameters of body composition of men with resting energy expenditure REE > 130% (hereinafter Men over 130%) (n = 9) and the group of men with REE < 130 % (hereinafter Men below 130 %) (n = 29). In the group of Men over 130 % we found a lower average value of body weight by 18 % compared to Men below 130 %. Total body and intracellular water were 12 %...
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Respostas hemodinâmicas e autonômicas pós-exercício: influência da massa muscular, da intensidade relativa e do gasto energético total do exercício / Post-exercise hemodynamic and autonomic responses: influence of exercise muscle mass, intensity and total energy expenditureAraujo, Ellen Aparecida de 30 March 2007 (has links)
Uma sessão de exercício aeróbio provoca queda da pressão arterial (PA) e aumento da freqüência cardíaca (FC) pós-exercício. Diversos fatores, como a massa muscular, a intensidade e o gasto energético total do exercício podem influenciar esta resposta. Este estudo verificou as respostas pós-exercício da PA, da FC e de seus mecanismos, avaliando a influência dos fatores citados. Vinte e quatro jovens submeteram-se a quatro sessões: controle(C); exercício com um membro inferior (mmii) em 50% do VO2pico(E1); exercício com dois mmii em 50% do VO2pico (E2); e exercício com dois mmii com a mesma potência de E1(E2/1). As PA sistólica (PAS), média (PAM) e diastólica (PAD), o débito cardíaco (DC), a resistência vascular periférica (RVP), o volume sistólico (VS), a FC e a modulação autonômica cardíaca foram medidos. Após o exercício, a PAS e o DC diminuíram e a RVP aumentou em E2. A PAD e PAM não se alteraram. A FC aumentou e o VS e o componente de alta freqüência da variabilidade da FC diminuíram em E1 e E2 (maior em E2). Concluindo: o exercício aeróbio promove hipotensão pós-exercício, devido à queda do DC pela redução do VS. O gasto energético total do exercício é o principal determinante desta resposta. A FC permanece elevada pós-exercício devido ao retardo da reativação vagal. A intensidade e o gasto energético do exercício são os principais determinantes desta resposta / A single bout of aerobic exercise reduces blood pressure (BP) and increases heart rate (HR) during the recovery period. Many factors, such as exercise intensity, muscle mass and total energy expenditure might influence this response. This study verified post-exercise responses of BP, HR and their mechanisms, evaluating the influence of previous factors. Twenty-four subjects underwent four sessions: control (C); exercise with one leg at 50% of VO2peak (E1); exercise with two legs at 50% of VO2peak (E2); and exercise with two legs and the same workload employed in E1 (E2/1). Systolic, mean, and diastolic BPs (SBP, MBP, DBP), systemic vascular resistance (SVR), cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), HR, and cardiac autonomic modulations were measured before and after interventions. After exercise, SBP and CO decreased, while SVR increased in E2. DBP and MBP did not change. HR increased, while SV and the high frequency band of HR variability decreased in E1 and E2 (more in E2). In conclusion: aerobic exercise produced post-exercise hypotension by a decrease in CO, via a decrease in SV. This response is determined by the exercise total energy expenditure. HR is elevated after exercise due to a delay in the restoration of vagal activity to the heart. Exercise intensity and total energy expenditure influence this response. Key-words: aerobic exercise, muscle mass, total energy expenditure, relative intensity, blood pressure, heart rate, autonomic modulation
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