Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conergy expenditure"" "subject:"coenergy expenditure""
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Respostas hemodinâmicas e autonômicas pós-exercício: influência da massa muscular, da intensidade relativa e do gasto energético total do exercício / Post-exercise hemodynamic and autonomic responses: influence of exercise muscle mass, intensity and total energy expenditureEllen Aparecida de Araujo 30 March 2007 (has links)
Uma sessão de exercício aeróbio provoca queda da pressão arterial (PA) e aumento da freqüência cardíaca (FC) pós-exercício. Diversos fatores, como a massa muscular, a intensidade e o gasto energético total do exercício podem influenciar esta resposta. Este estudo verificou as respostas pós-exercício da PA, da FC e de seus mecanismos, avaliando a influência dos fatores citados. Vinte e quatro jovens submeteram-se a quatro sessões: controle(C); exercício com um membro inferior (mmii) em 50% do VO2pico(E1); exercício com dois mmii em 50% do VO2pico (E2); e exercício com dois mmii com a mesma potência de E1(E2/1). As PA sistólica (PAS), média (PAM) e diastólica (PAD), o débito cardíaco (DC), a resistência vascular periférica (RVP), o volume sistólico (VS), a FC e a modulação autonômica cardíaca foram medidos. Após o exercício, a PAS e o DC diminuíram e a RVP aumentou em E2. A PAD e PAM não se alteraram. A FC aumentou e o VS e o componente de alta freqüência da variabilidade da FC diminuíram em E1 e E2 (maior em E2). Concluindo: o exercício aeróbio promove hipotensão pós-exercício, devido à queda do DC pela redução do VS. O gasto energético total do exercício é o principal determinante desta resposta. A FC permanece elevada pós-exercício devido ao retardo da reativação vagal. A intensidade e o gasto energético do exercício são os principais determinantes desta resposta / A single bout of aerobic exercise reduces blood pressure (BP) and increases heart rate (HR) during the recovery period. Many factors, such as exercise intensity, muscle mass and total energy expenditure might influence this response. This study verified post-exercise responses of BP, HR and their mechanisms, evaluating the influence of previous factors. Twenty-four subjects underwent four sessions: control (C); exercise with one leg at 50% of VO2peak (E1); exercise with two legs at 50% of VO2peak (E2); and exercise with two legs and the same workload employed in E1 (E2/1). Systolic, mean, and diastolic BPs (SBP, MBP, DBP), systemic vascular resistance (SVR), cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), HR, and cardiac autonomic modulations were measured before and after interventions. After exercise, SBP and CO decreased, while SVR increased in E2. DBP and MBP did not change. HR increased, while SV and the high frequency band of HR variability decreased in E1 and E2 (more in E2). In conclusion: aerobic exercise produced post-exercise hypotension by a decrease in CO, via a decrease in SV. This response is determined by the exercise total energy expenditure. HR is elevated after exercise due to a delay in the restoration of vagal activity to the heart. Exercise intensity and total energy expenditure influence this response. Key-words: aerobic exercise, muscle mass, total energy expenditure, relative intensity, blood pressure, heart rate, autonomic modulation
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Interaktivt idrottande? : En studie av energiutgiften vid användandet av dansmatta kontra ett traditionellt danspass / Interactive sports? : A study of the energy expenditure in the use of a dance mat versus a traditional dance classBackman, Thomas, Söderholm, Richard January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet var att undersöka energiutgifterna vid användandet av en dansmatta respektive ett traditionellt danspass. Våra frågeställningar var: Hur skiljer sig energiutgiften för ett traditionellt danspass mot ett pass med dansmatta? Samt: hur förhåller sig energiutgiften i de olika aktiviteterna till de dagliga rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet? Metod: Försöksgruppen som genomförde studien bestod av fyra män och fyra kvinnor i åldrarna 23-26 år. Försökspersonerna har sedan tidigare blandad vana av fysisk aktivitet. Metoden utarbetades utifrån sambandet mellan hjärtfrekvens (HF) och arbetsbelastning (w). Försökspersonerna fick genomgå tre olika typer av tester. I det första testet fick de på ergonometercykel cykla på olika belastningar och utifrån deras HF vid olika arbetsbelastningar bestämdes ett linjärt samband. Det andra testet bestod av ett danspass på dansmatta till given musik. Under detta pass registrerades deras genomsnittliga HF. I det tredje testet fick försökspersonerna dansa utifrån en förutbestämd koreografi under samma musik som vid dansmattan. Även här registrerades genomsnittlig HF. Värdena från de två sista testerna användes i det linjära sambandet och gav sedan värden för genomsnittlig arbetsbelastning under aktiviteterna. Från arbetsbelastningen kunde sedan syreupptag (l/min), och energiutgift (kcal) räknas ut. Resultat: Resultaten för studien visade att danspasset (7,4kcal/min) hade en 40 % högre energiutgift än ett pass med dansmatta(4,6kcal/min). Danspasset nådde således upp till, och översteg de dagliga rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet medan passet med dansmatta inte gjorde det. Slutsats: Dansmatta kan rent energimässigt fungera som substitut till ett danspass, men att valet av teknik är av avgörande betydelse för vilken energiutgift aktiviteterna har, trots det kan det fungera som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel. / Abstract Aim: The objective of the study was to investigate the energy expenditure with the use of dance mat respectively a traditional dance class. The questions at issue were: What differences, in energy expenditure, an ordinary dance class and a session with dance mat? And: how do the two activities, dance mat and dance class, stand to the recommendations for daily physical activity? Method: The test group that completed the study consisted of four men and four women in the ages 23-26 years old. The test subjects all have previous experience in mixed physical activity. The method was formed through the relation between heart rate (HR) and effect (w). The test group went through three different types of tests. In the first test a bicycle ergonometer were used and both HR and effect was recorded and formed into a linear equation. The second test was a session with dance mat to a given sample of music. During the test their average HR was recorded. In the third test the test group danced a premade choreography to the same sample of music and their average HR was recorded. The HR variables were set in the linear equation to establish their average effect during the two activities. Oxygen uptake (l/min) and energy expenditure (kcal) was calculated from these figures. Results: The results of this study shows that dance class (7.4kcal/min) have 40 % higher energy expenditure than the session with dance mat (4.6kcal/min). The dance class reaches and exceeds the recommended lower limit of physical activity, while the session with dance mat does not. Conclusions: It is possible to use dance mat as a replacement for a dance session, but the energy expenditure is depending on which technique you use in the different activities, despite that it could be used as a pedagogical instrument.
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Stratégies d'acquisition des ressources en proies et coût du transport chez l'éléphant de mer austral / Resource acquisition strategies and cost of transport in southern elephant sealJouma'a, Joffrey 29 November 2016 (has links)
L’océan austral est un écosystème fragile dont la dynamique est influencée par des variations climatiques qui vont structurer la distribution spatio-temporelle des ressources. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier les stratégies d’acquisition des ressources en proies mises en place par l’éléphant de mer austral face aux contraintes énergétiques (coûts du transport et coûts d’accès à la ressource) et temporelles (temps passé au fond d’une plongée et limite de plongée aérobie) auxquelles il est soumis. L’utilisation d’un ensemble d’enregistreurs de données déployés sur ces animaux a permis de reconstruire en trois dimensions leur plongée, mais également de calculer leur effort de nage, le nombre de proies rencontrées ainsi que leur dépense énergétique. Notre étude montre qu’à l’échelle d’une plongée, les éléphants de mer adaptent leur trajectoire, mais également le temps qu’ils passent au fond, en fonction du nombre de proies rencontrées. Pour des densités locales de proie importantes, ils passent plus de temps au fond, et concentrent leur recherche en zone restreinte, caractérisée par une diminution de la vitesse et une augmentation de la sinuosité horizontale. Au-delà de 550 m, le coût d’accès aux ressources devient supérieur aux coûts d’acquisition ; ils doivent alors faire face à un compromis entre l’accessibilité et la disponibilité en proies. À mesure qu’ils s’alimentent, ces phoques augmentent leur flottabilité, diminuant de surcroît leur dépense énergétique. Cette étude démontre également une structuration spatio-temporelle de cette dépense énergétique qui semble être liée au succès d’alimentation et donc à la distribution des ressources en proies. / The Southern Ocean is a fragile ecosystem whose dynamics are influenced by climate change that will structure the spatio-temporal distribution of resources. The objective of this PhD was to investigate the foraging strategies used by the southern elephant seal, under energetic (cost of transport and costs of access to the resource) and temporal (time at the bottom of a dive and aerobic dive limit) constraints. Using a set of animal-borne data loggers allowed us to reconstruct their three-dimensional path underwater, but also to calculate their swimming effort, the number of prey encountered and their energy expenditure. At the dive level, our study shows that elephant seals adapt their path, but also the time spent at the bottom, depending on the number of prey encountered. For high local prey density, they spent more time at the bottom, and concentrated their foraging effort in areas restricted search, characterized by a decrease in speed and an increase in horizontal sinuosity. Beyond 550 m, the cost of access to resources becomes greater than the cost of acquisition ; they must therefore deal with a trade-off between prey accessibility and availability. While feeding, these seals increase their buoyancy, reducing furthermore their energy expenditure. This study also shows a spatio-temporal structure of the energy expenditure that appears to be related to feeding success and therefore to prey resources distribution.
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Conception d’un système d’évaluation à distance de la dépense énergétique liée à une activité physique : Application à la supervision de la dépense énergétique de patients en post - AVC / Design of a remote control system for the energy expenditure related to physical activity : Application for supervision of energy expenditure of post - stroke patientsToumieux, Pascal 17 December 2015 (has links)
Ce mémoire décrit la conception d’un dispositif, communicant sans fil, estimant la dépense énergétique liée à une activité physique (DEAP) de patients présentant de faibles niveaux d’activité physique (post-AVC) dans un milieu sensible comme les hôpitaux en associant fiabilité et sécurité. La nécessité d’une nouvelle conception s’appuie sur les résultats d’études préalables et de tests des dispositifs commercialisés dans ce domaine basés sur des accéléromètres. Pour limiter l’impact des radiofréquences, nous utilisons une technologie optique sans fil avec un émetteur porté par le patient en mouvement (plateforme existante associée à un accéléromètre et un système d’émission par diode infrarouge) et des récepteurs fixés au plafond reliés via Ethernet à un ordinateur distant permettant l’analyse des données. La probabilité de coupure d’un lien mobile en optique sans fil par transmission diffuse a été établie théoriquement en considérant un débit faible et une haute qualité de service classique dans le domaine médical. La mesure du nombre de pertes de trame durant la communication a permis de valider les performances théoriques de la technologie optique sans fil et d’établir la fiabilité de ce type de transmission infrarouge en fonction du nombre de récepteurs. Le calcul de la DEAP a été effectué à partir d’un pré-étalonnage sur deux personnes en comparant les résultats obtenus avec ceux donnés par calorimétrie et ceux donnés par un dispositif commercial. Nous avons optimisé l’étalonnage en réalisant un protocole d’essais avec un échantillon de personnes plus vaste puis avec un échantillon de onze personnes post-AVC pour valider le prototype. / This thesis describes the design of a wireless device, communicating and estimating the energy expenditure (EE) related to physical activity of patients with low levels of physical activity (post stroke) in a sensitive environment such as hospitals by combining reliability and safety. The necessity of a new device is based on the results of preliminary studies and tests of commercially available devices (for the same use) based on accelerometers. To limit the impact of radio frequencies, we use optical technology with a wireless transmitter worn by a mobile patient (existing platform combined with an accelerometer and a system of transmission with infrared diode) and receiver fixed on the ceiling and connected via Ethernet to a remote computer for data analysis. The outage probability of a mobile wireless diffuse optical transmission was theoretically established by considering a low speed and a high quality of service in the conventional medical area. Measuring the number of frame losses during communication validates the theoretical performance of the optical wireless technology and proves the reliability of this type of mobile infrared transmission according to the number of receivers. The calculation of the EE has been performed on a pre-calibration from two people by comparing the results with those given by calorimetry and those given by a commercial device. We optimized the calibration by performing a test protocol with a larger sample of people and with a sample of eleven stroke people to validate the prototype.
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Rôle du récepteur cannabinoïde de type 1 sur des populations neuronales spécifiques dans la régulation de l'équilibre énergétique / Cell type-specific role of the type 1 Cannabinoid receptor in the regulation of energy balanceBellocchio, Luigi 26 October 2010 (has links)
Le système endocannabinoïde (SEC) a récemment émergé comme un important modulateurde la prise alimentaire et de la balance énergétique. Les récepteurs cannabinoïdes de type 1(récepteurs CB1) et ses ligands endogènes, le 2-arachidonoyl-glycérol (2-AG) et l’anandamide(AEA), sont largement présents au sein du cerveau ainsi qu’au niveau des organespériphériques impliqués dans la régulation du métabolisme énergétique, tels que le foie, letissu adipeux, les muscles squelettiques, le pancréas et le tractus gastro-intestinal. Lastimulation pharmacologique des récepteurs CB1 conduit généralement à une augmentation dela prise et du stockage énergétique, tandis que les antagonistes CB1 exercent les effets opposéschez l’animal ainsi que chez l’homme. De surcroît, des corrélations ont été établies entre unesur régulation pathologique du SEC et les troubles métaboliques.Pourtant, plusieurs preuves indiquent que la relation entre le SEC et le métabolismeénergétique pourrait être plus complexe, probablement à cause de la multiplicité des sites oùle SEC peut agir à travers l’organisme. L’objectif général de ce travail de thèse fut dedisséquer les différents mécanismes par lesquels le SEC régule la prise alimentaire etl’équilibre énergétique. Le premier Chapitre de cette thèse détaille les mécanismes neuronauxmodulant l’équilibre énergétique chez les mammifères. Dans le Chapitre II, nous analysonsles différents types neuronaux cérébraux responsables de l’impact de la signalisation desrécepteurs CB1 sur la prise alimentaire stimulée. Dans le Chapitre III, nous proposons que leblocage pharmacologique des récepteurs CB1 exerce un effet anorexigène en agissant sur lesneurones périphériques sympathiques. Enfin, au cours du Chapitre IV nous disséquons le rôlepossible des récepteurs CB1 sur la balance énergétique.Les antagonistes CB1 ont été montrés comme n’exerçant que des effets anorexigènestransitoires, ceux-ci disparaissant après quelques semaines de traitement chez l’animal etquelques mois chez des patients obèses. De plus, les agonistes CB1 résultent en des effets biphasiques typiques. En effet, des doses faibles à modérées augmentent la prise alimentairechez l’animal tandis que de fortes doses diminuent les comportements d’ingestion. Lesrécepteurs CB1 sont exprimés sur différentes populations neuronales, dont les neuronesGABAergiques et glutamatergiques corticaux. Puisque l’activation des récepteurs CB1 induitgénéralement une réduction de la libération des neurotransmetteurs, il est probable que leseffets manifestement contradictoires des manipulations pharmacologiques soient dus à cetteexpression différentielle des récepteurs CB1. En combinant les approches pharmacologiqueset génétiques, nous avons montré que les récepteurs CB1 localisés au niveau du striatumventral sont associés à une action hypophagique via une inhibition de la transmissionGABAergique. Au contraire, les récepteurs CB1 cérébraux modulant les transmissionsexcitatrices sous-tendent l’effet orexigène bien connu des cannabinoïdes (Chapitre II).L’injection aiguë de l’antagoniste CB1, le SR141716 (Rimonabant) a un puissant effetanorexigène dans des conditions de prise alimentaire stimulée, telles que l’hyperphagieinduite par le jeûne. Néanmoins, la nature de cet effet (centrale versus périphérique) ainsi queles circuits neuronaux impliqués sont encore objets d’investigations. Dans le Chapitre III,nous mettons en évidence que l’hypophagie induite par le Rimonabant est indépendante d’unemodulation des transmissions GABAergique, glutamatergique corticale ou sérotoninergiquepar les récepteurs CB1 dans le cerveau, aussi bien que d’actions intrinsèques des récepteursCB1 au niveau de différents noyaux hypothalamiques. En fait, le Rimonabant inhibe la prisealimentaire stimulée en potentialisant directement l’activité du système périphériquesympathique.En ce qui concerne les fonctions métaboliques du SEC, il n’est actuellement pas encoreclairement établi si ce sont les récepteurs CB1 exprimés sur les neurones ou ceux localisés surles organes métaboliques périphériques qui jouent un rôle majeur dans le contrôle du stockageet de la consommation énergétique dans des conditions physiologiques ou pathologiques.Dans ce scenario, au Chapitre IV, nous montrons que les récepteurs CB1 neuronaux jouent unrôle clé dans le développement de l’obésité induite par la diète. Les souris mutantesconditionnelles caractérisées par une délétion des récepteurs CB1 au niveau des neurones duprosencéphale et des neurones périphériques sympathiques (connus pour contrôler la prisealimentaire et le poids corporel) mais pas au niveau des organes périphériques, exhibent unphénotype de type mince ainsi qu’une résistance à l’obésité induite par la diète. Ce phénotyperésulte d’une augmentation de l’oxydation des lipides et de la thermogenèse associée à unediminution de l’absorption énergétique due à une potentialisation de l’activité sympathique.Dans le Chapitre V, nous discutons de la signalisation neuronale des récepteurs CB1 commeune clé déterminante de l’action du SEC sur l’équilibre énergétique. Nous proposons que lesrécepteurs CB1 exercent un contrôle bimodal sur le comportement alimentaire et régulent lesdépenses énergétiques ainsi que l’activité du système nerveux sympathique. Les différencesentre le rôle des agonistes endogènes versus exogènes des récepteurs CB1, mais aussi entre lesagonistes versus antagonistes suggèrent que ces récepteurs pourraient bénéficier de propriétéspharmacologiques particulières à la signalisation du type cellulaire impliqué. / The endocannabinoid system (ECS) has recently emerged as an important modulator of foodintake and energy balance. Cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptor and endogenous ligands, 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol (2-AG) and anandamide (AEA), are largely present in the brain and inperipheral organs involved in the regulation of energy metabolism, such as liver, adiposetissue, skeletal muscle, pancreas and GI tract. Pharmacological CB1 stimulation generallyleads to an increase in energy intake and storage, whereas CB1 antagonists exert the oppositeeffects in both animals and humans. Furthermore, there is evidence of correlations betweenpathological ECS up-regulation and metabolic diseases.However, several pieces of evidence indicate that the relationship between the ECS andenergy intake and metabolism might be more complex than previously believed, likely due tothe different sites where the ECS could act in the body. The general aim of this Thesis workwas to dissect the different mechanisms through which the ECS regulates food intake andenergy balance. The first Chapter of this Thesis is an overview of the neuronal mechanismsregulating energy balance in mammals. In Chapter II, we analysed the brain neuronal typesresponsible of the impact of CB1 signalling on stimulated food intake. Chapter III, reveals thatthe pharmacological blockade of CB1 exerts anorectic effect acting at peripheral sympatheticneurons. Then (chapter IV) we dissected the possible impact of neuronal CB1 onto energybalance.CB1 antagonists were shown to exert only transient anorectic effects, which disappear afterfew weeks of treatment in animals and few months in obese patients. Furthermore, CB1agonists show typical biphasic effects, with low-to-moderate doses increasing food intake inanimals, and high doses decreasing ingestive behaviour. CB1 is expressed in many differentneuronal populations, including GABAergic and cortical glutamatergic neurons. As thegeneral effect of CB1 activation is a reduction of neurotransmitter release, it is possible thatthese apparently discrepant effects of pharmacological manipulations are due to thedifferential expression of the receptor. By using combined pharmacological and geneticapproaches we found that ventral striatal CB1 receptors are endowed with a hypophagicimpact through inhibition of GABAergic transmission. Conversely, brain CB1 receptorsmodulating excitatory transmission mediate the well-known orexigenic effects ofcannabinoids (Chapter II).The acute injection of CB1 antagonist SR141716 (Rimonabant) has an important anorecticeffect in condition of stimulated food intake, such as fasting-induced hyperphagia. However,the nature of this effect (central versus peripheral) as well as the neuronal circuits involved isstill matter of investigation. In Chapter III we show that rimonabant-induced hypophagia isindependent from CB1 modulation of GABAergic, cortical glutamatergic and serotoninergictransmission in the brain, as well as intrinsic actions of CB1 in different hypothalamic nuclei.In fact, rimonabant inhibits stimulated food intake by directly enhancing peripheralsympathetic actions.In relationship to metabolic functions of the ECS, it is not yet clear whether CB1 receptorsexpressed on neurons or on peripheral metabolic organs play a major role in the control ofenergy storage and consumption in both physiological and pathological conditions. In thisscenario, in Chapter IV, we show that neuronal CB1 receptors play a key role in thedevelopment of diet-induced obesity. Conditional mutant mice lacking CB1 expression inforebrain neurons and sympathetic peripheral neurons, known to control food intake and bodyweight, but not in peripheral organs, displayed a lean phenotype and resistance to diet-inducedobesity. This phenotype results from an increase in lipids oxidation and thermogenesis and adecrease in energy absorption due to an increase of the sympathetic tone.As discussed in the Chapter V, neuronal CB1 signalling is a key determinant of the ECSaction on energy balance, by exerting a bimodal control of feeding behaviour and byregulating energy expenditure and sympathetic nervous system activity. The differencesbetween the role of endogenous versus exogenous CB1 agonists, as well as between agonistsversus antagonists suggest that this receptor may have different pharmacological propertiesaccording to the cell type-specific signalling involved.
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Modification of the 20 Metre Shuttle Run Test (20 MST) for ice-sportsKuisis, S.M. (Suzan Mary) 29 October 2004 (has links)
The 20 Metre Multistage Shuttle Run Test (20 MST) was modified for application to ice-sports, more specifically for ice-hockey and figure-skating. Seventy two participants in ice-sports served as the total subject group. Subjects included in the study were National and Provincial standard male ice-hockey subjects (n=67) and female figure skaters (n=5) participating in the Gauteng area of South Africa (altitude of 1497 metres above sea level and barometric pressure of 655 mmHg). The mean age for the total group was 17.44±1.33 years. The research methodology entailed a repeated measures design to determine: a) velocity of motion on-ice vs. over-ground; b) energy expenditure on-ice vs. over-ground; and c) mechanical efficiency on-ice vs. over-ground. The mean velocity of motion measured over three distances (0 to 20, 0 to 30 and 0 to 40 m) indicated a significantly (p≤0.05) faster velocity on-ice (5.99±0.72 m/s) versus over-ground (5.75±0.63 m/s). The corresponding mean time-lapsed on-ice/over-ground ratio was 0.97±0.11. Differences in mean energy expenditure whilst performing the original 20 MST over-ground as opposed to on-ice were measured at low (at 4 minutes of exercise and 10 km/h), intermediate (after 8 minutes of exercise and 12 km/h), and high intensity (after 12 min of exercise and 14 km/h). The mean of the three indicated a significantly (p≤0.05) higher energy expenditure over-ground (14.04±4.86 kcal/min) as apposed to on-ice (10.51±2.95 kcal/min). The mean energy expenditure ratio for the three different intensities on-ice vs. over-ground was 0.74±0.21. Similarly, the mechanical efficiency index over-ground (4.92±0.59) was found to be significantly (p≤0.001) poorer than on-ice (6.83±1.49). The mean mechanical efficiency ratio over-ground/over-ice was 0.74±0.13. Subsequently, based on the above results, the 20 MST was modified by: a) adapting (increasing) the velocity of motion required for each level of the test (distance of 20 m per shuttle); and b) establishing the reliability and validity of the modified 20 MST for use on-ice. The adapted 20 Metre Multistage Shuttle Skating Test (the modified (skating) 20 MST) started at a velocity of 2.8 m/s (10.1 km/h) and permitted 7.1 seconds to complete each shuttle for the first level of the test, which then decreased progressively at each level. This was based on an over-all variable-derived on-ice to over ground ratio of 0.84. Test-retest, on-ice reliability measures (n=15) for predicted VO2max (49.5±8.37 vs. 49.29±7.95 ml/kg/min) showed a highly significant (p£0.001) consistency (r=0.87). Similarly test-retest concurrent validity measures (n=10) for predicted VO2max over-ground with the original 20 MST (48.09±6.25 ml/kg/min) as designed by Léger and Lambert (1982) versus on-ice values with the adapted on-ice 20 MST (49.98±7.23 ml/kg/min), showed a very significant (p£0.01) correlation of 0.73 between the two tests. In conclusion the original 20 MST, as designed by Léger and Lambert (1982) for over-ground, proved inappropriate for use on-ice. Modification of the starting velocity as well as a progressive increase in velocity for all subsequent stages renders the modified 20 MST for ice-sports a reliable and valid test for cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max), with surface-specific utility. The 20 Metre Multistage Shuttle Run Test (20 MST) was modified for application to ice-sports, more specifically for ice-hockey and figure-skating. Seventy two participants in ice-sports served as the total subject group. Subjects included in the study were National and Provincial standard male ice-hockey subjects (n=67) and female figure skaters (n=5) participating in the Gauteng area of South Africa (altitude of 1497 metres above sea level and barometric pressure of 655 mmHg). The mean age for the total group was 17.44±1.33 years. The research methodology entailed a repeated measures design to determine: a) velocity of motion on-ice vs. over-ground; b) energy expenditure on-ice vs. over-ground; and c) mechanical efficiency on-ice vs. over-ground. The mean velocity of motion measured over three distances (0 to 20, 0 to 30 and 0 to 40 m) indicated a significantly (p≤0.05) faster velocity on-ice (5.99±0.72 m/s) versus over-ground (5.75±0.63 m/s). The corresponding mean time-lapsed on-ice/over-ground ratio was 0.97±0.11. Differences in mean energy expenditure whilst performing the original 20 MST over-ground as opposed to on-ice were measured at low (at 4 minutes of exercise and 10 km/h), intermediate (after 8 minutes of exercise and 12 km/h), and high intensity (after 12 min of exercise and 14 km/h). The mean of the three indicated a significantly (p≤0.05) higher energy expenditure over-ground (14.04±4.86 kcal/min) as apposed to on-ice (10.51±2.95 kcal/min). The mean energy expenditure ratio for the three different intensities on-ice vs. over-ground was 0.74±0.21. Similarly, the mechanical efficiency index over-ground (4.92±0.59) was found to be significantly (p≤0.001) poorer than on-ice (6.83±1.49). The mean mechanical efficiency ratio over-ground/over-ice was 0.74±0.13. Subsequently, based on the above results, the 20 MST was modified by: a) adapting (increasing) the velocity of motion required for each level of the test (distance of 20 m per shuttle); and b) establishing the reliability and validity of the modified 20 MST for use on-ice. The adapted 20 Metre Multistage Shuttle Skating Test (the modified (skating) 20 MST) started at a velocity of 2.8 m/s (10.1 km/h) and permitted 7.1 seconds to complete each shuttle for the first level of the test, which then decreased progressively at each level. This was based on an over-all variable-derived on-ice to over ground ratio of 0.84. Test-retest, on-ice reliability measures (n=15) for predicted VO2max (49.5±8.37 vs. 49.29±7.95 ml/kg/min) showed a highly significant (p£0.001) consistency (r=0.87). Similarly test-retest concurrent validity measures (n=10) for predicted VO2max over-ground with the original 20 MST (48.09±6.25 ml/kg/min) as designed by Léger and Lambert (1982) versus on-ice values with the adapted on-ice 20 MST (49.98±7.23 ml/kg/min), showed a very significant (p£0.01) correlation of 0.73 between the two tests. In conclusion the original 20 MST, as designed by Léger and Lambert (1982) for over-ground, proved inappropriate for use on-ice. Modification of the starting velocity as well as a progressive increase in velocity for all subsequent stages renders the modified 20 MST for ice-sports a reliable and valid test for cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max), with surface-specific utility. / Dissertation (MA (Human Movement Science))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted
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Capacité de deux accéléromètres (SenseWear Armband et l’Actical) à estimer la dépense énergétique totale chez les adultes sainsSangaré, Cheick Papa Oumar 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact d'une suralimentation prolongée et d'une supplémentation en polyphénols sur le profil d'activité physique et de sédentaritéGiroux, Valérie 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of Steroidogenic Factor 1 Cells in Modulating Skeletal Muscle ThermogenesisShemery, Ashley M. 09 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Potential Mechanisms Underlying Adaptive Thermogenesis in Lean and Obesity-Prone RatsMukherjee, Sromona 21 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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