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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Architecture of Power

Wadensten, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
The 34 silos at Jarlaberg today contain crude oil but after the lease of land expires at 2036 are refurbished and remade to hold 2 500 000 m3 of water from Stockholm archipelago. Sharing the industrial plot of the reworked silos are 13 buildings with 2000 households between them. At the shores of the rocky hills is a new landmark with two swirling metal structures reflecting daylight and the shining light from the structure bellow. The building contains two hydro turbines, with the glass roofs and metal vortexes above, a landmark to be seen from both the built plateaus above and the opposite side shores as a celebration of the renewable energy progress of 2030-2050.  The project started as a look at industrial architecture and its relation to city spaces. Specifically the implementation of a stored capacity hydropower solution if placed close to major city centers which demanding more, renewable energy. At first the ambition was to integrate a series of turbines to the new Slussen water outlet from Mälaren to Saltsjön but after further readings the theme of letting the industries society’s development  is dependent upon be a part in planning the cities expansion. To join a industrial function to a housing plan would make a large impact on the urban space in-between the two. To both make a bond but also show the story of the production of energy the project provides. The sides of the silos have been fitted with a series of stepped gradients for seating and to access the top of the water reservoirs. The bottom of the gradients connect to the urban spaces such as parks and squares. Providing both a sun step for seating and meeting spaces close to areas of activity.

Alternativa energisystem : Ett sammarbete mellan KTH och Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB / Alternative Sources of Energy

Björkquist, Willand, Liberg, Lukas January 2018 (has links)
Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB är ett företag som utför takarbeten såsom takskyddsanordningar och takunderhållsarbete. Idag värmer de en av sina lokaler med fjärrvärme och är intresserade av att införskaffa ett system för produktion av egen energi för drivning av uppvärmningssystemet. Vilket system som lämpar sig bäst för detta ändamål, med hänsyn till ekonomi och miljö kommer behandlas i denna rapport. Även system som kan komma att bli lämpliga för denna typ av problem i framtiden behandlas. De olika systemen av intresse i denna rapport är: solceller, multi-junctionsolceller, bränsleceller och aeroturbiner. Även system för energilagring har behandlats då flera av energisystemen ibland ger överskott och ibland underskott. Beräkningar för dimensionering av de olika energisystemen har utförts vilket tydligt har visat vilket system som lämpar sig bäst. Vi anser att solceller är det bästa valet idag trots den begränsade mängden solstrålning i Sverige. Olika dimensioneringar för den aktuella arbetsplatsen har där efter utförts för att ge olika intressanta alternativ för Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB. I dagsläget är någon av de olika dimensioneringarna vår rekommendation för att lösa problemet. I framtiden där emot rekommenderar vi att hålla utkik efter aeroturbinerna. Det som måste ske för att aeroturbinerna ska bli intressanta i framtiden är markant prissänkning. / Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB is a company that specializes in roof operations such as rooftop protection apparatures and roof maintenance work. Today they use district heating to warm up one of their properties and are now interested in solar cells to replace their current heating system. Which system that is the most suitable for this task, with consideration for economy and environment, will be covered in this report. Also systems that can be considered as suitable for this type of problem in the future will be covered. The systems that are considered as interesting in this report are: solar cells, multi-junction solar cells, fuel cells and aeroturbines. Also systems for energy storage have been of interest since some of the energy systems sometimes generate excess and sometimes deficit. Calculations for dimensioning of the different energy systems have been covered, which clearly shows which system that is the most suitable. We believe that solar cells are the best option today, despite the limited amount of sun radiation in Sweden. Different dimensioning for the current working area has been covered in order to give interesting alternatives for Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB. In the present situation we recommend one of the three dimensions we have established in order to solve the energy costs problem. In the future on the other hand we recommend keeping an eye out for the aeroturbines. What is missing from the aerourbines today in order for them to be more interesting is a more affordable price.

Evaluation tool for large scale onshore wind power projects

Jalkenäs, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Sweden has a goal of having 100% renewable electricity production by 2040. To reach this goal, wind power is one of the most important energy sources that needs to be heavily expanded. However, finding a good project site and realizing a project is a process that takes several years and can be difficult to achieve. Between 2015 and 2018, no less than 76% of Swedish wind power projects applying for permits were rejected. As an industry player with the aim of becoming fossil free, Pöyry has the interest to pursue Sweden reaching its goal. Pöyry has long experience of wind energy development and has now requested a method that can evaluate and compare Swedish wind power projects in all stages with the aim of identifying the best available project to proceed with. The objective of this thesis is thus to investigate factors that are critical for developing profitable projects, identify the largest expenses and create a tool that evaluates projects based on several parameters. A literature review is performed to obtain knowledge about wind power project development and data is collected from various projects in Sweden from 2016 and onwards to get an updated view with information and valuable numbers from realized projects. An analysis is then carried out with the aim of finding the most important factors that can affect the development of wind power projects, positively or negatively. This is followed by an identification of the most significant expenses in a project, whereupon a simplified but realistic way of calculating these are created. Lastly an evaluation tool is developed using Excel, with the purpose of evaluating projects, finding risks and estimating costs as well as electric energy production. Finally, candidate projects can be compared, helping developers finding the most beneficial and environmentally friendly projects. / Sverige har som mål att ha 100% förnyelsebar elproduktion till 2040. För att nå detta mål är vindkraft en av de viktigaste källorna till energiproduktion och måste därmed expandera de kommande åren. Att hitta ett bra projektområde och fullfölja ett projekt är en process som tar flera år och kan i många fall vara svårt att uppnå. Av alla svenska projekt som ansökte om tillstånd mellan 2015 och 2018, fick 76% avslag. Med inriktningen att bidra till ett fossilfritt Sverige är Pöyry en aktör inom industrin som vill hjälpa Sverige att nå detta mål. Företaget har lång erfarenhet av vindkraftsutveckling och har nu efterfrågat en metod som kan utvärdera och jämföra svenska vindkraftsprojekt i alla dess olika stadier med syfte att identifiera de bästa projekten att jobba vidare med. Syftet med detta examensarbete är därmed att undersöka faktorer som är kritiska för projektutvecklingen, identifiera de största kostnaderna samt skapa ett verktyg som utvärderar projekt utifrån flertalet faktorer. För ett erhålla kunskap om utveckling av vindkraftsprojekt utförs en litteraturstudie, varpå projektdata från 2016 och framåt samlas in för att få en uppdaterad bild med värdefull information och siffror från realiserade projekt. Därefter utförs en analys med syfte att hitta de faktorer som har störst påverkan, negativ som positiv, på utveckling och uppbyggnad av vindkraftsprojekt. Därpå identifieras de största utgifterna i ett projekt och en förenklad men realistisk beräkningsmodell skapas för att uppskatta dessa. Slutligen utvecklas ett verktyg i Excel som utvärderar projekt, hittar risker samt uppskattar kostnader och energiproduktion, vars syfte är att hjälpa projektörer att jämföra projekt och därmed hitta det mest kostnadseffektiva och hållbara alternativet.

Rotor Dynamic Modeling of Hydropower Rotors by 3D-Finite Element Analysis

Pääjärvi, Simon January 2022 (has links)
By using the rotor dynamic capabilities of Simcenter Nastran Rotordynamics, an eigenvalue analysis of 3D-finite element models of the Jeffcott rotor and the overhung rotor were conducted and compared to the results with beam-based, lumped parameter models. The first two critical speeds of the Jeffcott rotor were estimated with variations of 3.9 and 6.4%. The first three critical speeds of the overhung rotor were estimated with 8.5, 6.7 and 6.5% variations, respectively. The Jeffcott rotor was also analysed with different element configurations: Solid elements, axisymmetric Fourier elements, beam/solids and all beam elements. The Fourier elements were the most appropriate option for axisymmetric rotors regarding computational time and accuracy. Tilting pad journal bearings were simulated and validated against data from Vattenfall's facilities in Älvkarleby, where a vertical rotor is connected to two four-pad tilting pad journal bearings. The bearing formulation was defined in a Fortran based subroutine, which acquires the rotor's speed and position to supply a bearing load vector in Simcenter Nastran's transient solver. The experimental rig was also modelled to include the rotor/stator interaction. The force and displacement orbits at the bearings were replicated adequately concerning experimental data, where a maximum deviation of 20.8% and 9.8% were observed for the forces in x and y-directions.  A 3D-finite element model and a beam based finite element model were compared for an actual hydropower unit, which aimed to investigate the mode extraction procedure and how high mass, elastic rotor components influence the system's dynamics. Consistent rotor modes were identified at frequencies within 15% deviation, where the maximum deviation occurred in the upper range frequency pairs. Convergence between the models was observed for the static, lower range frequencies when considering a rigid generator rotor in the 3D finite element model. The outcome is consistent with the model assumptions and underlines that the beam based model cannot capture specific contributions from elastic rotor components. 3D-finite element analysis is a viable option when considering non-axisymmetric and complex rotors. High mass, non-rigid components must be analysed  in this manner as their dynamic contributions may not be captured with other approaches. Intricate and non-rigid supporting structures are also suitable for 3D modelling to properly reflect the stator-rotor interaction. It is a delicate matter to pinpoint when these conditions occur, and modelling decisions must be therefore be substantiated by simulations and experimental validation.

Landowner Response to a Rural Appalachian Natural Gas Pipeline Project

Gerus, Stephen Paul 30 January 2023 (has links)
Recent research identifies a number of factors associated with public support for or opposition to environmentally-contentious energy infrastructure projects. Much of that research documents the attitudes of populations surrounding projects where energy is produced, such as powerhouses, mines, or drilling operations. I use survey and interview data to argue that those factors do not adequately reflect the concerns of landowners distributed along the 303-mile path of a rural Appalachian natural gas project, which I identify as a site of energy transmission rather than production. I use social representation theory to elicit factors unrecognized in prior research. It provides a framework for the process by which resident rural landowners become aware of, interpret, evaluate, and then respond to the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Landowners express their sense of injustice when the pipeline developer, public policymakers, and permitting authorities are unaware of or indifferent to factors that are especially relevant to them as the pipeline is imposed on their rural environment. The study is based on a sequential mixed-methods approach. I conducted a secondary analysis of the Quality of Life in Rural Virginia and West Virginia Survey dataset (Bell et al. 2019), which consists of mail surveys completed by 783 residents living in 10 counties along the route of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. In 2021 and 2022 I conducted follow-up semi-structured interviews with 25 landowners in the blast zone, which is 1,115 feet on either side of this pipeline, who had completed the survey. The first aim was to test three factors that prior research suggested are associated with attitudes toward such projects. The first factor, economic self-interest, was statistically nonsignificant for these landowners. The interview data suggest that unlike sites of energy production, where jobs stimulate support, landowners saw few jobs available for local people. Any financial value from the sale of easements did not affect their support. The second factor, political ideology, was important in other studies, because conservative ideology is associated with pro-business attitudes. In contrast, even though 60% of the landowners in this study identified themselves as conservative, there was only a weak association between political ideology and support for the pipeline, due in part to the perception of inappropriate application of eminent domain law by the pipeline developer and the courts. Distance from the pipeline, the third factor, was moderately associated with attitude toward the project, with less support for pipeline construction among landowners in the blast zone. The second aim was to use social representation theory to reveal factors in addition to distance that influenced landowners' attitudes toward the project. Interviews revealed that landowners in the blast zone were as concerned with threats to cherished water supplies, for both domestic and agricultural uses, as they were with the danger of a pipeline explosion. The interviews also revealed participants' concern for the disruption of their attachment to and dependence on their properties. These factors were underrepresented in the planning and permitting for this project. The intuitive, common-sense structure for eliciting landowners' attitudes provided by social representation theory was effective at this microscale of inquiry, and may be useful for comparative studies that further distinguish between sites of energy production and sites of energy transmission. / Doctor of Philosophy / Recent research identifies a number of factors associated with public support for or opposition to environmentally-contentious energy infrastructure projects. Much of that research documents the attitudes of populations surrounding projects where energy is produced, such as powerhouses, mines, or drilling operations. I use survey and interview data to argue that those factors do not adequately reflect the concerns of landowners distributed along the 303-mile path of a rural Appalachian natural gas project, which I identify as a site of energy transmission rather than production. I use social representation theory to elicit factors unrecognized in prior research. It provides a framework for the process by which resident rural landowners become aware of, interpret, evaluate, and then respond to the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Landowners express their sense of injustice when the pipeline developer, public policymakers, and permitting authorities are unaware of or indifferent to factors that are especially relevant to them as the pipeline is imposed on their rural environment. The study is based on a sequential mixed-methods approach. I conducted a secondary analysis of the Quality of Life in Rural Virginia and West Virginia Survey dataset (Bell et al. 2019), which consists of mail surveys completed by 783 residents living in 10 counties along the route of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. In 2021 and 2022 I conducted follow-up semi-structured interviews with 25 landowners in the blast zone, which is 1,115 feet on either side of this pipeline, who had completed the survey. Survey data suggest that factors, including economic self-gain, political ideology, and proximity to the pipeline, differ from predictions reported in prior research. Interview data suggest that in this case study those differences are associated with landowner attitudes toward danger and disruption to their sense of place. These differences may be specifically applicable to rural populations exposed to sites of energy transmission rather than sites of energy production. A recognition of these differences has important implications for project developers, public policy planners, and permitting agencies.


Xu, Vita January 2021 (has links)
Due to the increasing climate change concerns, biofuels have attracted more attention in the energy field as potential alternative energy sources. Particularly, microalgal biofuel has stood out because of its higher fuel yield potential and lower water and land demand than terrestrial biomass. Because of its outstanding photosynthetic efficiency, the microalgal technology is also investigated by researchers around the world as a potential biological solution for carbon capturing in the industrial sector. To explore the prospects of microalgal technology in a local context, this research lays it focus on investigating the potentiality of microalgal biofuel in the cement industry on Gotland, which is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases on the island. For this purpose, the thesis implements a series of estimations based on the emission data of Cementa AB, Slite, a picture of the potential production of algal biomass and biofuel was created, followed by comparisons to the energy situation on Gotland. While practical data of the selected microalgae species are presented, the results indicate a high potential of microalgae in the production of algal biofuel and the possibility for algal biofuel to power the industrial sector of Gotland, or even the island entirely. Although the estimations are made based on an assumption where all controlling parameters are assumed to be perfectly manipulated, the results still indicate the significance of microalgal technologies in the near-future bioeconomy and global energy system.

Análise experimental da qualidade da energia de uma microrrede fotovoltaica com back-up

Becker, Luís Rodrigo 27 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-07-10T14:32:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Luís Rodrigo Becker_.pdf: 4479543 bytes, checksum: 3a9259e64d112cb88c2414eb122552e9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T14:32:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luís Rodrigo Becker_.pdf: 4479543 bytes, checksum: 3a9259e64d112cb88c2414eb122552e9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-27 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / PROSUP - Programa de Suporte à Pós-Gradução de Instituições de Ensino Particulares / Este trabalho apresenta uma análise experimental de uma microrrede fotovoltaica formada por dois subsistemas, um isolado com estocagem e outro conectado à rede. Foi verificado o seu comportamento, sua capacidade no fornecimento de energia para uma carga isolada e rede da concessionária, monitorado a qualidade da energia elétrica entregue à diferentes cargas e rede da concessionária e também quantificado os índices de performance do sistema conectado. O subsistema conectado à rede (SFCR) é formado por um painel de 1080 Wp de silício multicristalino e um inversor c.c./c.a. de 1200 W. O subsistema isolado de back-up (SFI-b) é formado por um painel de 600 Wp de silício monocristalino, controlador de carga, banco de estocagem com baterias chumbo-ácido 24 V / 210 Ah e um inversor off-grid c.c./c.a. de 1000 W. O comportamento e a capacidade do sistema são monitorados durante o atendimento de uma carga, representada por um refrigerador. A qualidade da energia é analisada através de medições de energia ativa, reativa e aparente, fator de potência e geração de correntes harmônicas pelos inversores. O SFI-b é monitorado atendendo diferentes tipos e regimes de cargas. Já o SFCR é monitorado em dias de céu claro, parcialmente encobertos e encobertos. Os índices de performance são calculados em dias de céu claro e parcialmente encoberto ao longo dos seis primeiros meses de 2016. Os resultados demonstram que o SFI-b é capaz de atender a carga de forma confiável, comutando-a automaticamente para a concessionária quando o banco de baterias atinge uma profundidade de descarga pré-definida, enquanto o SFCR injeta a energia produzida na rede da concessionária. Os indicadores de qualidade da energia do inversor do SFI-b mostraram-se adequados, permanecendo dentro dos limites citados na legislação e análogos aos apresentados pela rede da distribuidora local. Já o inversor do SFCR apresentou indicadores de qualidade de energia satisfatórios, também na maior parte do tempo dentro dos limites citados na legislação, exceto nos dias encobertos e períodos de baixa irradiância, constatando-se significativa geração de energia reativa e distorções harmônicas de corrente. Considerando a média entre dias de céu claro e parcialmente encoberto, a eficiência média global do SFCR é de 9,9% e a energia média diária entregue à rede é de 4,7 kWh. Foi verificado que a qualidade da energia produzida pelo SFI-b praticamente independe da irradiância, já o SFCR depende diretamente da irradiância e do nível de carregamento do inversor, na geração de uma energia de qualidade. / This work presents an experimental analysis of a photovoltaic micro-grid formed by two subsystems, one off-grid with storage and another grid-connected. It is intended to verify its operation, its capacity to supply power to an isolated charge and electric utility grid, to monitor the quality of the electric power delivered to different charges and the electric grid power, and also to quantify the performance indexes of the connected system. The grid-connected subsystem (SFCR) consists of a panel of 1080 Wp of multicrystalline silicon and a DC/AC. inverter of 1200 W. The off-grid subsystem of back-up (SFI-b) consists of a 600 Wp monocrystalline silicon panel, charge controller, lead-acid battery storage bench 24 V / 210 Ah, and a DC/AC inverter of 1000 W. The operation and capacity of the system are monitored during the supply of a charge, represented by a refrigerator. The quality of the energy is analyzed through measurements of active, reactive and apparent energy, power factor and generation of harmonic currents by the inverters. SFI-b is monitored for different types and charges regimes, and SFCR is monitored on clear sky, partially and totally cloudy days. Performance indexes are calculated on clear sky and partly cloudy days over the first six months of 2016. The results demonstrate that the SFI-b is capable of servicing the charge reliably, switching it automatically to the utility grid when the batteries bank reaches a predetermined discharge depth, while the SFCR injects the power produced in power line grid. The energy quality indicators of the SFI-b inverter were adequate, staying inside the limits mentioned in the legislation, and analogous to those presented by the power line grid of the local distributor. The SFCR inverter presented satisfactory energy quality indicators, also in most of the time inside the limits mentioned in the legislation, except for the cloudy days and periods of low irradiance, showing significant reactive energy generation and current harmonic distortions. Considering the average between clear and partially cloudy days, the global average efficiency of SFCR is 9,9%, and the average daily energy injected on the grid is 4,7 kWh. It was verified that the quality of the energy produced by the SFI-b practically independent of the irradiance, but the SFCR depends directly on the irradiance and the load level of the inverter, in the quality energy generation.

Using airborne laser scans to model roughness length and forecast energy production of wind farms.

Valee, Joris January 2019 (has links)
Successful wind power projects start with a realistic representation of the surface, more specifically the surface roughness of the site. This thesis investigates the use of airborne laser scans to model the surface roughness around a new wind farm. Estimations are made to find out how forest management and tree growth affects roughness length and displacement height. Data from scans two years apart for a specific site is provided by the Swedish governmental land registration authority. Next, tree height and plant area index methods are applied and analyzed using MATLAB. The results shows a difference of roughness length between 10.34% and 36.21% during an eight year period. WindPRO/WAsP is used to import roughness lengths for four specific cases. Height contour lines and meteorological data is taken from a long term corrected MESO data set. The results indicate a reduction in uncertainty in annual energy production between 0.79% and 2.89% across four different cases. This effect becomes significantly larger (12.76%) when comparing with classical land cover maps. Further on, effects of turbulence intensity are simulated.Finally, the results of a survey, sent to three large forest land owners in Sweden, show there is an interest in adapting forest management plans in favor of wind energy production if benefits can be shared.

Planering, förutsättningar ocheffekter av implementering avsolceller i stadsutvecklingsprojekt.

Juhlin, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
Today, buildings utilize 40 % of the total energy consumption. New energyrestrictions and directives have entered the construction industry. Photovoltaic is asustainable, clean and quiet solution that integrates well in the urban environment buthave not yet reached a breakthrough on the Swedish market. The conditions for solarenergy production are often set in the early planning stages where they rarely arebeing prioritized.This master of engineering project focuses on identifying problems regardingimplementation of photovoltaic in city development projects and giving suggestions topossible improvements in the planning- and construction process. It also givesrecommendations on how the conditions for energy production can be optimized inthe early zoning stage.By conducting simulations with PVsystV5.21, on three ongoing city developmentprojects in Umeå, Malmö and Stockholm and by carry out and analyzing interviewswith city planners, constructors and architects, some conclusions have been made.Several improvements, both politically, with changes in the subsidization systemand/or instatement of a new law with feed-in tariffs, and within the solar- andconstruction industry itself, with better communication between different parts of theprocess as well as better use of experience, can be made. By including photovoltaic inthe local plan it is possible to give a region large areas with orientation toward south,increasing the solar energy potential with up to 50 % which also increase themotivation for implementing photovoltaic in the project. These are essential for asignificant increase of photovoltaic in city development.

Site Specific Design Optimization Of A Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Based On Minimum Cost Of Energy

Sagol, Ece 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis introduces a design optimization methodology that is based on minimizing the Cost of Energy (COE) of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) that is to be operated at a specific wind site. In the design methodology for the calculation of the Cost of Energy, the Annual Energy Production (AEP) model to calculate the total energy generated by a unit wind turbine throughout a year and the total cost of that turbine are used. The AEP is calculated using the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory for wind turbine power and the Weibull distribution for the wind speed characteristics of selected wind sites. For the blade profile sections, either the S809 airfoil profile for all spanwise locations is used or NREL S-series airfoil families, which have different airfoil profiles for different spanwise sections, are used,. Lift and drag coefficients of these airfoils are obtained by performing computational fluid dynamics analyses. In sample design optimization studies, three different wind sites that have different wind speed characteristics are selected. Three scenarios are generated to present the effect of the airfoil shape as well as the turbine power. For each scenario, design optimizations of the reference wind turbines for the selected wind sites are performed the Cost of Energy and Annual Energy Production values are compared.

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