Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conergy release rate"" "subject:"coenergy release rate""
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Characterization and Prediction of Fracture within Solder Joints and Circuit BoardsNadimpalli, Siva 31 August 2011 (has links)
Double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens with distinct intermetallic microstructures and different geometries were fractured under different mode ratios of loading, ψ, to obtain critical strain energy release rate, Jc. The strain energy release rate at crack initiation, Jci, increased with phase angle, ψ, but remained unaffected by the joint geometry. However, the steady-state energy release rate, Jcs, increased with the solder layer thickness. Also, both the Jci and Jcs decreased with the thickness of the intermetallic compound layer.
Next, mode I and mixed-mode fracture tests were performed on discrete (l=2 mm and l=5 mm) solder joints arranged in a linear array between two copper bars to evaluate the J = Jci (ψ) failure criteria using finite element analysis. Failure loads of both the discrete joints and the joints in commercial electronic assemblies were predicted reasonably well using the Jci from the continuous DCBs. In addition, the mode-I fracture of the discrete joints was simulated with a cohesive zone model which predicted reasonably well not only the fracture loads but also the overall load-displacement behavior of the specimen. Additionally, the Jci calculated from FEA were verified estimated from measured crack opening displacements in both the continuous and discrete joints.
Finally, the pad-crater fracture mode of solder joints was characterized in terms of the Jci measured at various mode ratios, ψ. Specimens were prepared from lead-free chip scale package-PCB assemblies and fractured at low and high loading rates in various bending configurations to generate a range of mode ratios. The specimens tested at low loading rates all failed by pad cratering, while the ones tested at higher loading rates fractured in the brittle intermetallic layer of the solder. The Jci of pad cratering increased with the phase angle, ψ, but was independent of surface finish and reflow profile. The generality of the J =Jci(ψ) failure criterion to predict pad cratering fracture was then demonstrated by predicting the fracture loads of single lap-shear specimens made from the same assemblies.
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Characterization and Prediction of Fracture within Solder Joints and Circuit BoardsNadimpalli, Siva 31 August 2011 (has links)
Double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens with distinct intermetallic microstructures and different geometries were fractured under different mode ratios of loading, ψ, to obtain critical strain energy release rate, Jc. The strain energy release rate at crack initiation, Jci, increased with phase angle, ψ, but remained unaffected by the joint geometry. However, the steady-state energy release rate, Jcs, increased with the solder layer thickness. Also, both the Jci and Jcs decreased with the thickness of the intermetallic compound layer.
Next, mode I and mixed-mode fracture tests were performed on discrete (l=2 mm and l=5 mm) solder joints arranged in a linear array between two copper bars to evaluate the J = Jci (ψ) failure criteria using finite element analysis. Failure loads of both the discrete joints and the joints in commercial electronic assemblies were predicted reasonably well using the Jci from the continuous DCBs. In addition, the mode-I fracture of the discrete joints was simulated with a cohesive zone model which predicted reasonably well not only the fracture loads but also the overall load-displacement behavior of the specimen. Additionally, the Jci calculated from FEA were verified estimated from measured crack opening displacements in both the continuous and discrete joints.
Finally, the pad-crater fracture mode of solder joints was characterized in terms of the Jci measured at various mode ratios, ψ. Specimens were prepared from lead-free chip scale package-PCB assemblies and fractured at low and high loading rates in various bending configurations to generate a range of mode ratios. The specimens tested at low loading rates all failed by pad cratering, while the ones tested at higher loading rates fractured in the brittle intermetallic layer of the solder. The Jci of pad cratering increased with the phase angle, ψ, but was independent of surface finish and reflow profile. The generality of the J =Jci(ψ) failure criterion to predict pad cratering fracture was then demonstrated by predicting the fracture loads of single lap-shear specimens made from the same assemblies.
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Effects of Defects on Composite Structures Load Carrying Capacity: Delaminations at a Bi-Material Interface / Effects of Defects on Composite Structures Load Carrying Capacity: Delaminations at a Bi-Material InterfaceMatěják, Vladimír January 2016 (has links)
Kompozitní materiály se projevují komplexním způsobem porušování, které může být dále ovlivněno přítomností různých poruch plynoucích z výrobních processů nebo se vyskytujících v průběhu života součásti. Důkladné porozmění procesů porušování a jejich okolností je nezbytné pro navrhování kompozitních konstrukcí, jenž budou bezpečnější, trvanlivější a ekonomičtější. V první části disertační práce jsou popsány způsoby porušování kompozitů a uvedeny současné matematické metody pro analýzu a výpočet únosnosti. Dále jsou zde vyjmenovány hlavní druhy vad a stručně diskutován jejich vliv na vlastnosti kompozitních materiálů. Zvláštní důraz je kladen na delaminace, společně se základními principy lomové mechaniky a jejich uplatnění při výpočtech a zkoušení kompozitů. Druhá část je zaměřena na delaminace na rozhranní dvou různých materialů. Lomová houževnatost byla experimantálně měřena ve třech typech zatížení za účelem stanovení poruchového kritéria založeného na podílu módu I a módu II. Během tohoto experimentu byla vyvinuta nová metoda měření délky trhliny pomocí digitáního zpracování obrazu a rovněž byla navržena nová definice počátku šíření trhliny. Analytické vztahy pro výpočet míry uvolnění deformační energie z naměřených dat byly rozšířeny o vliv rozdílných elastické parametrů materiálů na rozhranní. Podrobnější prozkoumání analytických vztahů a výpočet metodou konečných prvků odhalil, že podíl módu I a módu II je závislý na vzdálenosti od čela trhliny a poruchové kritérium založené na podílu smíšenosti tak nemůže být použito.
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An Automated Dynamic Fracture Procedure and a Continuum Damage Mechanics Based Model for Finite Element Simulations of Delamination Failure in Laminated CompositesAminjikarai Vedagiri, Srinivasa Babu 21 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Computational Modeling of Failure in Thermal Barrier Coatings under Cyclic Thermal LoadsBhatnagar, Himanshu 04 February 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Crack path selection and shear toughening effects due to mixed mode loading and varied surface properties in beam-like adhesively bonded jointsGuan, Youliang 17 January 2014 (has links)
Structural adhesives are widely used with great success, and yet occasional failures can occur, often resulting from improper bonding procedures or joint design, overload or other detrimental service situations, or in response to a variety of environmental challenges. In these situations, cracks can start within the adhesive layer or debonds can initiate near an interface. The paths taken by propagating cracks can affect the resistance to failure and the subsequent service lives of the bonded structures. The behavior of propagating cracks in adhesive joints remains of interest, including when some critical environments, complicated loading modes, or uncertainties in material/interfacial properties are involved. From a mechanics perspective, areas of current interest include understanding the growth of damage and cracks, loading rate dependency of crack propagation, and the effect of mixed mode fracture loading scenarios on crack path selection. This dissertation involves analytical, numerical, and experimental evaluations of crack propagation in several adhesive joint configurations. The main objective is an investigation of crack path selection in adhesively bonded joints, focusing on in-plane fracture behavior (mode I, mode II, and their combination) of bonded joints with uniform bonding, and those with locally weakened interfaces.
When removing cured components from molds, interfacial debonds can sometimes initiate and propagate along both mold surfaces, resulting in the molded product partially bridging between the two molds and potentially being damaged or torn. Debonds from both adherends can sometimes occur in weak adhesive bonds as well, potentially altering the apparent fracture behavior. To avoid or control these multiple interfacial debonding, more understanding of these processes is required. An analytical model of 2D parallel bridging was developed and the interactions of interfacial debonds were investigated using Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. The numerical solutions to the analytical results described the propagation processes with multiple debonds, and demonstrated some common phenomena in several different joints corresponding to double cantilever beam configurations. The analytical approach and results obtained could prove useful in extensions to understanding and controlling debonding in such situations and optimization of loading scenarios.
Numerical capabilities for predicting crack propagation, confirmed by experimental results, were initially evaluated for crack behavior in monolithic materials, which is also of interest in engineering design. Several test cases were devised for modified forms of monolithic compact tension specimens (CT) were developed. An asymmetric variant of the CT configuration, in which the initial crack was shifted to two thirds of the total height, was tested experimentally and numerically simulated in ABAQUS®, with good agreement. Similar studies of elongated CT specimens with different specimen lengths also revealed good agreement, using the same material properties and cohesive zone model (CZM) parameters. The critical specimen length when the crack propagation pattern abruptly switches was experimentally measured and accurately predicted, building confidence in the subsequent studies where the numerical method was applied to bonded joints.
In adhesively bonded joints, crack propagation and joint failure can potentially result from or involve interactions of a growing crack with a partially weakened interface, so numerical simulations were initiated to investigate such scenarios using ABAQUS®. Two different cohesive zone models (CZMs) are applied in these simulations: cohesive elements for strong and weak interfaces, and the extended finite element method (XFEM) for cracks propagating within the adhesive layer. When the main crack approaches a locally weakened interface, interfacial damage can occur, allowing for additional interfacial compliance and inducing shear stresses within the adhesive layer that direct the growing crack toward the weak interface. The maximum traction of the interfacial CZM appears to be the controlling parameter. Fracture energy of the weakened interface is shown to be of secondary importance, though can affect the results when particularly small (e.g. 1% that of the bulk adhesive). The length of the weakened interface also has some influence on the crack path. Under globally mixed mode loadings, the competition between the loading and the weakened interface affects the shear stress distribution and thus changes the crack path. Mixed mode loading in the opposite direction of the weakened interface is able to drive the crack away from the weakened interface, suggesting potential means to avoid failure within these regions or to design joints that fail in a particular manner.
In addition to the analytical and numerical studies of crack path selection in adhesively bonded joints, experimental investigations are also performed. A dual actuator load frame (DALF) is used to test beam-like bonded joints in various mode mixity angles. Constant mode mixity angle tracking, as well as other versatile loading functions, are developed in LabVIEW® for use with a new controller system. The DALF is calibrated to minimize errors when calculating the compliance of beam-like bonded joints. After the corrections, the resulting fracture energies ( ) values are considered to be more accurate in representing the energy released in the crack propagation processes. Double cantilever beam (DCB) bonded joints consisting of 6061-T6 aluminum adherends bonded with commercial epoxy adhesives (J-B Weld, or LORD 320/322) are tested on the DALF. Profiles of the values for different constant mode mixity angles, as well as for continuously increasing mode mixity angle, are plotted to illustrate the behavior of the crack in these bonded joints.
Finally, crack path selection in DCB specimens with one of the bonding surfaces weakened was studied experimentally, and rate-dependency of the crack path selection was found. Several contamination schemes are attempted, involving of graphite flakes, silicone tapes, or silane treatments on the aluminum oxide interfaces. In all these cases, tests involving more rapid crack propagation resulted in interfacial failures at the weakened areas, while slower tests showed cohesive failure throughout. One possible explanation of this phenomenon is presented using the rate-dependency of the yield stress (commonly considered to be corresponding to the maximum traction) of the epoxy adhesives. These experimental observations may have some potential applications tailoring adhesive joint configurations and interface variability to achieve or avoid particular failure modes. / Ph. D.
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Dynamic Mixed-Mode Fracture of Bonded Composite Joints for Automotive CrashworthinessPohlit, David Joseph 20 July 2007 (has links)
An experimental evaluation of the mixed-mode fracture behavior of bonded composite joints is presented. Commonly used experimental techniques for characterizing the mode I, mixed-mode I/II, mode II, and mode III fracture behavior have been employed for the purpose of developing a fracture envelope to be utilized in the automotive design process. These techniques make use of such test geometries as the double cantilever beam (DCB), asymmetric double cantilever beam (ADCB), single-leg bend (SLB), end-loaded split (ELS), and split cantilever beam (SCB) specimens. Symmetric versions of the DCB, SLB, and ELS specimens produced mode mixities of 0°, 41°, and 90° respectively, while the testing of ADCB specimens allowed for mode mixities of 18°, 31°.
Pronounced stick-slip behavior was observed for all specimen test geometries under both quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions. Due to the nature of the adhesive studied, a limited number of data points were obtained under mode I loading conditions. A significant increase in the number of measurable crack initiation events was observed for mixed-mode I/II loading conditions, where stick slip behavior was less pronounced. Additionally, a comparison of the measured fracture energies obtained under mixed-mode I/II loading conditions reveals that the addition of a small mode II component results in a decrease in the mode I fracture energy by roughly 50%, as the crack was driven to the interface between the adhesive layer and composite adherends. Furthermore, the propensity of debonds to propagate into the woven composite laminate adherends under mode II loading conditions limited the number of crack initiation points that could be obtained to one or two usable data points per specimen. A limited number of experimental tests using the SCB specimen for mode III fracture characterization, combined with a numerical analysis via finite element analysis, revealed a significant mode II contribution toward the specimen edges. Similarly, FE analyses on full bond width and half bond width SCB specimens was conducted, and results indicate that by inducing a bond width reduction of 50%, the mode II contribution is greatly decreased across the entire width of the specified crack front.
To provide a means for comparison to results obtained using the standard DCB specimen, an alternative driven wedge test specimen geometry was analyzed, as this geometry provided a significant increase in the number of measurable data points under mode I loading conditions. A three-dimensional finite element analysis was conducted to establish ratios of simple beam theory results to those obtained via FEA, GSBT/GFEA, were of particular interest, as these ratios were used to establish correction factors corresponding to specific crack lengths to be used in correcting results obtained from an experimental study utilizing a driven wedge technique. Corrected results show good agreement with results obtained from traditional mode I double cantilever beam tests.
Finally, bulk adhesive experiments were conducted on compact tension specimens to establish a correlation between adhesively bonded composite joint and bulk adhesive fracture behavior under mode I loading conditions. Measured fracture energy values were shown to gradually drop across a range of applied loading rates, similar to the rate-dependent behavior observed with both the DCB and driven wedge specimens. Application of the time-temperature superposition principle was explored to determine whether or not such techniques were suitable for predicting the fracture behavior of the adhesive studied herein. Good correlation was established between the fracture energy values measured and the value of tan d obtained from dynamic mechanical analysis tests conducted at corresponding reduced test rates. / Master of Science
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Experimentell-numerische Analyse mechanischer Eigenschaften von Aluminium/Magnesium-WerkstoffverbundenLehmann, Thomas 04 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Es werden hydrostatisch stranggepresste Aluminium/Magnesium-Verbunde untersucht. Mittels verschiedener Rissdetektionsmethoden wird die Beschaffenheit des Interface analysiert. Es erfolgt die Bestimmung von Fließkurven der verpressten Einzelwerkstoffe bei Raumtemperatur. Des Weiteren erfolgen Eigenspannungsanalysen mit dem Bohrlochverfahren und einer speziellen numerischen Auswertungsmethode, welche den Entstehungsprozess der Eigenspannungen berücksichtigt. Zur Analyse der Festigkeitseigenschaften und des Deformationsverhaltens des Interface werden Biegeversuche in einem erweiterten Temperaturbereich durchgeführt. Die Deformationsanalyse erfolgt mittels Digital Image Correlation. Des Weiteren finden in den Festigkeitsuntersuchungen Push-Out-Versuche Anwendung. In bruchmechanischen Analysen wird die Interfacerissspitze von speziell entwickelten Proben unter Mode I-Bedingungen, bezogen auf den homogenen Fall, beansprucht. Die bruchmechanischen Größen – kritischer betragsmäßiger Spannungsintensitätsfaktor und kritische Energiefreisetzungsrate – werden auf Basis der Experimente, der numerischen Simulation der Rissspitzenbeanspruchung sowie der für die linear-elastische Bruchmechanik des Interfacerisses geltenden Nahfeldgleichungen berechnet. / Hydrostatic coextruded aluminum/magnesium compounds are analyzed. By means of different methods of crack detection, the quality of the interface is investigated. Plastic behavior of the basic materials at room temperature is determined. Furthermore, residual stress analyses are performed using the hole drilling method and a special numerical evaluation procedure, which considers the formation process of the residual stresses. The strength and deformation behavior of the interface are determined by means of bending tests in an extended temperature range. Digital Image Correlation is used to analyze the deformation. Furthermore, push out tests are performed to determine the interface strength. In the course of fracture mechanical analyses, the crack tip of specially developed specimens is stressed under Mode I conditions (relating to homogeneous material). The fracture mechanical values – critical absolute value of the stress intensity factor and critical energy release rate – are determined by the use of experiments, numerical analyses of the crack tip fields as well as the equations of the linear elastic near field equations of interface fracture mechanics.
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Experimentell-numerische Analyse mechanischer Eigenschaften von Aluminium/Magnesium-WerkstoffverbundenLehmann, Thomas 29 June 2012 (has links)
Es werden hydrostatisch stranggepresste Aluminium/Magnesium-Verbunde untersucht. Mittels verschiedener Rissdetektionsmethoden wird die Beschaffenheit des Interface analysiert. Es erfolgt die Bestimmung von Fließkurven der verpressten Einzelwerkstoffe bei Raumtemperatur. Des Weiteren erfolgen Eigenspannungsanalysen mit dem Bohrlochverfahren und einer speziellen numerischen Auswertungsmethode, welche den Entstehungsprozess der Eigenspannungen berücksichtigt. Zur Analyse der Festigkeitseigenschaften und des Deformationsverhaltens des Interface werden Biegeversuche in einem erweiterten Temperaturbereich durchgeführt. Die Deformationsanalyse erfolgt mittels Digital Image Correlation. Des Weiteren finden in den Festigkeitsuntersuchungen Push-Out-Versuche Anwendung. In bruchmechanischen Analysen wird die Interfacerissspitze von speziell entwickelten Proben unter Mode I-Bedingungen, bezogen auf den homogenen Fall, beansprucht. Die bruchmechanischen Größen – kritischer betragsmäßiger Spannungsintensitätsfaktor und kritische Energiefreisetzungsrate – werden auf Basis der Experimente, der numerischen Simulation der Rissspitzenbeanspruchung sowie der für die linear-elastische Bruchmechanik des Interfacerisses geltenden Nahfeldgleichungen berechnet. / Hydrostatic coextruded aluminum/magnesium compounds are analyzed. By means of different methods of crack detection, the quality of the interface is investigated. Plastic behavior of the basic materials at room temperature is determined. Furthermore, residual stress analyses are performed using the hole drilling method and a special numerical evaluation procedure, which considers the formation process of the residual stresses. The strength and deformation behavior of the interface are determined by means of bending tests in an extended temperature range. Digital Image Correlation is used to analyze the deformation. Furthermore, push out tests are performed to determine the interface strength. In the course of fracture mechanical analyses, the crack tip of specially developed specimens is stressed under Mode I conditions (relating to homogeneous material). The fracture mechanical values – critical absolute value of the stress intensity factor and critical energy release rate – are determined by the use of experiments, numerical analyses of the crack tip fields as well as the equations of the linear elastic near field equations of interface fracture mechanics.
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Nano-particles In Multi-scale Composites And Ballistic ApplicationsGibson, Jason 01 January 2013 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes, graphene and nano sized core shell rubber particles have all been extensively researched for their capability to improve mechanical properties of thermoset resins. However, there has been a lack of research on their evaluation for energy absorption in high velocity impact scenarios, and the fundamental mechanics of their failure mechanisms during highly dynamic stress transfer through the matrix. This fundamental research is essential for laying the foundation for improvement in ballistic performance in composite armor. In hard armor applications, energy absorption is largely accomplished through delamination between plies of the composite laminate. This energy absorption is accomplished through two mechanisms. The first being the elongation of the fiber reinforcement contained in the resin matrix, and the second is the propagation of the crack in between the discreet fabric plies. This research aims to fundamentally study the energy absorption characteristics of various nano-particles as reinforcements in thermoset resin for high velocity impact applications. Multiple morphologies will be evaluated through use of platelet, tubular and spherical shaped nano-particles. Evaluations of the effect on stress transfer through the matrix due to the combination of nano sized and micro scale particles of milled fiber is conducted. Three different nano-particles are utilized, specifically, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, graphene, and core shell rubber particles. The difference in surface area, aspect ratio and molecular structure between the tube, platelet and spherical nano-particles causes energy absorption through different failure mechanisms. This changes the impact performance of composite panels enhanced with the nanoparticle fillers. Composite panels made through the use of dispersing the various nano-particles iv in a non-contact planetary mixer, are evaluated through various dynamic and static testing, including unnotched cantilever beam impact, mixed mode fracture toughness, split-Hopkinson bar, and ballistic V50 testing. The unnotched cantilever beam testing showed that the addition of milled fiber degraded the impact resistance of the samples. Addition of graphene nano platelets unilaterally degraded impact resistance through the unnotched cantilever beam testing. 1.5% loading of MWCNT showed the greatest increase in impact resistance, with a 43% increase over baseline. Determining the critical load for mixed mode interlaminar shear testing can be difficult for composite panels that bend without breaking. An iterative technique of optimizing the coefficient of determination, R2 , in linear regression is developed for objectively determining the point of non-linearity for critical load. This allows for a mathematical method of determination; thereby eliminating any subjective decision of choosing where the data becomes non-linear. The core shell rubber nano particles showed the greatest strain energy release rate with an exponential improvement over the baseline results. Synergistic effects between nano and micro sized particles in the resin matrix during transfer of the stress wave were created and evaluated. Loadings of 1% milled carbon fiber enhanced the V50 ballistic performance of both carbon nanotube and core shell rubber particles in the resin matrix. However, the addition of milled carbon fiber degrades the impact resistance of all nano-particle enhanced resin matrices. Therefore, benefits gained from the addition of microsized particles in combination with nano-sized particles, are only seen in high energy impact scenarios with micro second durations. v Loadings of 1% core shell rubber particles and 1% milled carbon fiber have an improvement of 8% in V50 ballistic performance over the baseline epoxy sample for 44 mag single wad cutter gas check projectiles. Loadings of 1% multi-walled carbon nanotubes with 1% milled carbon fiber have an improvement of 7.3% in V50 ballistic performance over the baseline epoxy sample. The failure mechanism of the various nano-particle enhanced resin matrices during the ballistic event is discussed through the use of scanning electron microscope images and Raman spectroscopy of the panels after failure. The Raman spectroscopy data shows a Raman shift for the fibers that had an enhancement in the V50 performance through the use of nano-particles. The Raman band for Kevlar® centered at 1,649 cm-1 stemming from the stretching of the C==O bond of the fiber shows to be more sensitive to the residual axial strain, while the Raman band centered at 1,611 cm-1 stemming from the C-C phenyl ring is minimally affected for the CSR enhanced panels due to the failure mechanism of the CSR particles during crack propagation.
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