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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANDREA REGINA NUNES DE CARVALHO 24 April 2019 (has links)
[pt] Muitas organizações de produção por projeto (i.e., também conhecidas pela sigla inglesa ETO, engineering-to-order) são sistemas de produção multi-projeto em que o planejamento da capacidade, na fase de negociação de novos pedidos, é de suma importância. A literatura acadêmica, nesta área, apresenta uma lacuna entre teoria e prática em função da falta de estudos sobre a aplicação de ferramentas de apoio à tomada de decisão para resolver problemas de planejamento de capacidade em ambientes reais de produção ETO. Dentro deste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma solução para o planejamento tático da capacidade produtiva, apoiando essa fase de negociação, numa organização multi-projeto fabricante de equipamentos especiais sob encomenda. Este estudo envolve o desenvolvimento de modelos de programação linear inteira mista e sua aplicação para resolver problemas de planejamento da produção na organização estudada. Quanto às contribuições teóricas desta tese, é apresentado um modelo determinístico em que são consideradas questões de modelagem não totalmente exploradas em outros estudos ou que tem de ser adaptadas às especificidades do contexto estudado, como a representação da capacidade extra, de processos com múltiplos estágios e a relação de precedência entre as atividades. Além disso, um modelo de otimização robusta, baseado na abordagem proposta por Bertsimas e Sim (2004), estende esse modelo determinístico, considerando incertezas relativas aos tempos de processamento das atividades. Os modelos foram alimentados com dados do mundo real e executados para fins de validação de sua utilidade para resolver o problema de planejamento em questão. Cenários alternativos também foram gerados para apoiar a tomada de decisão dos gestores dessa empresa na fase de negociação de novos pedidos. Com relação às implicações práticas, para a equipe de planejamento da empresa, a solução proposta aprimora o processo de tomada de decisão no que tange o planejamento tático da capacidade produtiva. A solução, além de resolver algumas deficiências do método de planejamento atual da empresa, fornece informações mais detalhadas sobre o problema, permite a intervenção do gestor na construção dos planos de capacidade e incorpora dados relativos à variabilidade nos tempos de processamento permitindo assim uma postura pró-ativa mediante as incertezas. Resultados empíricos mostram que, com um aumento relativamente pequeno no custo (0.02 porcento), um componente deveria ser preferencialmente produzido na própria empresa (ao invés de ser subcontratado). Além disso, com um aumento de 0.8 porcento no custo (o que inclui a contratação de 21 porcento a mais de mão-de-obra direta), a probabilidade de violação dos planos de produção é reduzida de 90 porcento para 15 porcento, representando um plano mais estável e protegido contra incertezas. Do ponto de vista acadêmico, esta pesquisa acrescenta evidências empíricas para enriquecer a literatura existente, uma vez que não só apresenta um caso real, mas também destaca questões que devem ser consideradas e gerenciadas em um contexto do mundo real para que se possa desenvolver e implementar técnicas adequadas para lidar com o problema de planejamento estudado. / [en] Many engineering-to-order (ETO) organizations are multi-project capacity-driven production systems in which capacity planning is of major importance in the order acceptance phase. The academic literature, in this area, presents a research-practice gap with a lack of studies on the application of decision support tools to address capacity planning problems in real-world ETO settings. Within this context, the goal of this thesis is to develop a tactical capacity planning solution to support the order acceptance phase of a real-world multi-project organization that produces customised equipments on the basis of ETO policy. This research study lays in the development of mixed integer linear programming models and their practical application to solve production planning problems in the studied organization. As for the theoretical contributions of this thesis, first a deterministic model is presented in which modelling issues that are either not entirely explored in other studies or that have to be adapted to the specificities of the studied setting are taken into account. Moreover, a robust optimization model extends the former model by considering uncertainties of the planning problem. The models were fed with real-world data and solved in order to check whether they actually reflect the planning problem. Furthermore, alternative scenarios were also generated to assist the management board in the order acceptance phase. As for practical implications, for the company s manufacturing planning team, the proposed solution enhanced the decision-making process regarding tactical capacity planning, addressing different shortcomings of the company s current planning method. Empirical results suggest that with a slight increase in cost (0.02 percent) a part component should be processed in-house instead of being outsourced and that with a 0.8 percent increas in cost (which includes hiring 21 percent more personnel) the probability of violating the production plans decreases from 90 percent to 15 percent, representing a much more stable (protected against uncertainty) situation. From an academic perspective, this research adds empirical evidence to enrich the existing literature, as it not only presents a real case application, but also highlights issues that must be considered and managed in a real-world context in order to develop and implement appropriate techniques to cope with the aforementioned planning problem.

The Role of Production Topology in Information Based Structuring of Organizations : The design of craft-based and industrialized construction firms

Gerth, Robert January 2013 (has links)
Industrialization of construction is a business strategy to significantly improve competitiveness. However, the organization structure of the construction firms needs to support the new production system. The knowledge on why and how this business development can be accomplished is scarce, both within academia and in business practice. This research seeks to fill this knowledge gap. The purpose of organization structure and the production system have is to coordinate the firm’s processes and control the work performing resources. Information is one of the most fundamental dimensions for steering and controlling the work. The different information types are determined by the firm’s product customization strategy and the production system flexibility. Further, diverse information types are managed in different extent by the organizational steering mechanisms. Consequently, firms with dissimilar customization strategy or production flexibility should organizationally be designed differently in order to be efficient. The developed model identifies four generic production topologies: “engineer-to-order” (ETO), “manufacture-to-order” (MTO), “assembly-to-order” (ATO), and “make-standard-products” (MSP). The differences between the topologies can be related to the location of the “customer-order-decoupling-point” (CODP) in the product realization process; and to what extent the upstream and downstream processes continuously use stored information or process information to accomplish the work of each product order. The model predicts which organization structure mechanisms that should be used for which processes for each production topology. It is the specific configuration of the mechanisms that gives each production topology their organizational capability. The model has been validated by case studies in four organizations, each representing one of the four generic production topologies. Three cases considered housing and one studied truck manufacturing. It has been shown that the conventional housing firms have an ETO-production topology, while industrialized housing firms belonging to one of the others, i.e. MTO, ATO or MSP. The reason is that ETO-firms rely on crafts-based production to manage the work, while the other topologies base their steering mechanisms on industrial principles. These two types of production are fundamentally different, which also explain the need for different organization structures. The research complements previous knowledge and significantly increases the ability to predict, analyze and explain an organization’s design and behavior. The model can be used in practice to guide business development work and performance improvement programs. / <p>Research funder: SBUF (The development fund of the Swedish construction industry). QC 20131113</p>

Avaliação de um ambiente computacional integrado para desenvolvimento de produtos no segmento de bens de capital com engenharia sob encomenda / Evaluation of an integrated computerized environment for engineered-to-order product development in capital goods segment

Moacir Marques Pereira 18 November 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia o grau em que a integração de sistemas de informação tem atendido ao desenvolvimento de bens de capital com engenharia sob encomenda, com base em objetivos de desempenho para o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. Descreve uma investigação, realizada por meio de pesquisa-ação, sobre o ambiente de desenvolvimento de produtos em uma indústria de bens de capital, conduzida sob a perspectiva organizacional e da tecnologia da informação. Objetiva aumentar a difusão deste tipo de informação para os profissionais deste ramo de atividade e comunidade científica, bem como servir como base para pesquisas e ações de melhoria para a empresa estudada. Focaliza a relevância da caracterização de um modelo de referência para o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos que otimize as atividades de tomada de decisão, controle de fluxo de trabalho, armazenamento de informações e documentos e retro-alimentação de informações em ambientes com engenharia sob encomenda. Apresenta os desafios enfrentados pela empresa estudada quanto à estabilização dos seus processos após uma ampla reformulação da aplicação de sistemas de informação, abordando elementos de sua dinâmica organizacional e diagnosticando o comportamento destes elementos diante das integrações executadas. Aborda ainda os aspectos humanos envolvidos neste segmento, considerando-os como fatores críticos para a aplicação e desenvolvimento de soluções / This work evaluates the support level offered by integrated information systems to engineered-to-order development of capital goods, based on the product development process performance objectives. It describes an investigation, performed by means of an action-research, about the product development environment in a capital goods industry, carried out under the organizational and information technology perspectives. It aims to increase the diffusion of this kind of information among the professionals in this production segment and scientific community, as well to serve as a research and improvement actions base to the studied company. The work focuses on the relevance of a reference model characterization to the product development process in order to optimize the decision making activities, workflow control, document and information storage and feedback in engineering-to-order environments. It presents the challenges faced by the studied company to reach the processes stabilization after a broad changeover of its information systems applications, analyzing its dynamics organizational elements and making a diagnosis of these elements behaviour, considering the achieved integration. It still analyzes the human aspects involved in this industry segment, considering these aspects as critical factors for solutions development and application

Utvecklad value stream mapping för en varierande produktion mot kundorder : En fallstudie vid Karl Hedin Emballage AB

Borgvall, Albin, Rodestrand, Robin January 2017 (has links)
Introdukton: Dagens hårda krav på specialanpassade produkter har bidragit till fler och fler företag som tillämpar en kundorderanpassad strategi. Eftersom dessa företag konkurrerar genom att hålla så låga ledtider som möjligt och erbjuder unika produkter med tilltalande priser har det blivit allt mer attraktivt att använda sig av lean-baserade verktyg för att reducera slöseri, skapa en effektivare produktion och således bli mer konkurrenskraftig. Problemet är att lean-verktyg inte är utvecklade för denna typ av organisation. Syfte: Syftet är att utforma en modell för en utvecklad value stream mapping som visar hur företag med en kundorderstyrd strategi som kännetecknas av hög produktvariation i låga volymer kan använda value stream mapping för att effektivisera produktionen.                                                    Metod: Studien är utförd genom en fallstudie vid ett tillverkande företag som producerar specialanpassade produkter efter kundönskemål. För att kartläggningen genom value stream mapping skulle vara genomförbar samlades relevant litteratur in. Därefter genomfördes intervjuer och observationer som underlag för det empiriska materialet. Avslutningsvis har teorin tillsammans med det empiriska materialet utgjort innehållet för analyser och slutsatser inom denna studie.                                                                                                                      Resultat: Fallföretaget kännetecknas av en komplex produktion av unika produkter med korsande material- och informationsflöden vilket försvårar value stream mapping. Fallföretagets tillverkningsprocesser inom produktionen är manuell kapning, manuell plywoodkapning, kedjekapning, inredning och montering. Processer med liknande operationer var utspridda i fabriken och monteringsprocessen identifierades som flaskhals.                                                                                                                                  Slutsats: En modell för hur företag med en kundorderstyrd strategi med hög produktvariation och låga volymer kan använda value stream mapping har sammanställts. Vidare har ytterligare aspekter fastställts som är betydande vid genomförandet av value stream mapping inom denna produktionsform. / Introduction: Today’s high demand on customer specific products has led to an upstream of organizations that are adapting an make-to-order production strategy. Seeing that these organizations compete by obtaining low lead-times and the ability to present unique and affordable products, a need has been created to use lean-based methods in attempt to reduce waste, create an efficient production, thus to gain competitive advantage. The issue is that lean-methods are not developed for these types of organizations.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compile a model that describes how an organization that is characterized by make-to-order strategy and with a high variety in products manufactured in low volumes can implement value stream mapping to create an efficient production and thus gain competitive advantage. Methodology: The study is carried out through a case-study on a company that manufacture based on the specification of customer-orders. To perform a value stream mapping, relevant literature was collected and studied. Consequently, interviews and observations were conducted and constitute the empirical data. Subsequently the literature review along with the empirical data constitutes the conclusions and findings.    Results: The case company is characterized by a complex manufacturing of unique products with crossing information- and material flows which complicates value stream mapping. The processes consist of manual cutting, semi-manual cutting, plywood cutting, component manufacturing, and assembling. Processes with similar operations were spread throughout the manufacturing plant and the assembly points were identified as bottle-necks.   Conclusion: A model that describes how an organization that is characterized by make-to-order strategy and with a high variety in products manufactured in low volumes can implement value stream mapping has been compiled. Furthermore, additional aspects have been identified that are significant in the implementation of value stream mapping within this form of production.

Towards enhanced sales and operations planning : Using machine learning for decision support in an engineer-to-order context

Ohlson, Nils-Erik January 2023 (has links)
All companies deal with tactical planning questions and decisions, for example balance demand and supply, to be able to create an acceptable delivery ability without too much inventory or resources/capacities. For that, some companies use Sales and Operations Planning (S&amp;OP) as their tactical planning process. The ongoing customization wave applies to more and more products and there is a general displacement from standard products, manufactured to stock, towards more customized ones where the product is either assembled-, manufactured-, or engineered-to-order (ETO). This displacement brings an increased complexity into tactical planning questions and decisions, which might be new to a company and must be handled efficiently. The use of S&amp;OP in an ETO context is, however, rarely documented. The possibility for companies to store large amounts of data and the availability of technologies such as Machine Learning (ML) to make predictions, opens up for an improved decision support for S&amp;OP. ML models are normally trained with large datasets, and this is a challenge in an ETO context since there are normally small datasets to work with. Moreover, the use of ML in S&amp;OP and ETO contexts are rarely documented. The purpose of this thesis is, thus, to explore where and how ML can be a useful tool for tactical planning, such as in S&amp;OP in an ETO context. This thesis takes the first steps toward using ML as a decision support for S&amp;OP in an ETO context. Three studies have been performed to map the current state of ML in S&amp;OP in ETO contexts, to understand the challenges and tasks connected to S&amp;OP in an ETO context, and to explore some of the considerations required when implementing ML in S&amp;OP in an ETO context. The main findings indicate that implementing ML in an ETO context with the purpose of improving S&amp;OP requires an understanding of challenges and related tasks before starting any ML implementation projects. Further, considerations are required before starting to understand available data and to build data models. Tasks for ML must also be understood and agreed. Mechanisms behind occurring challenges need to be understood as well. What is driving trust for a technology and the business process is also important to understand and prepare for, ahead of an ML implementation. The results of the studies are (i) a model presenting the different parts of S&amp;OP in an ETO context, (ii) specific challenges and related tasks, (iii) a model of critical aspects of trust connected to the process, the technology, and the combination of the two, and finally, (iv) a model for assisting in understanding the mechanisms behind capacity and load in engineering. / Alla företag hanterar taktiska planeringsfrågor och beslut för att till exempel balansera tillgång och efterfrågan för att kunna skapa en tillräckligt bra leveransförmåga utan för mycket lager eller resurser/kapacitet. Vissa företag använder sälj och verksamhetsplanering (SVP) som sin taktiska planeringsprocess. Den pågående vågen mot ökad kundanpassning gäller för allt fler produkter vilket ger en förskjutning från standardprodukter, tillverkade mot lager, till mer kundanpassade produkter där produkten antingen är monterad, tillverkad eller konstruerad mot order (engineer-to-order, ETO). Denna förskjutning medför en ny ökad komplexitet i frågor och beslut kopplade till taktisk planering för företag och måste hanteras på ett effektivt sätt. Litteraturen är fåtalig avseende användningen av SVP i en ETO-kontext. Möjligheter för företag att lagra stora mängder data och tillgänglighet av teknologier som maskininlärning (ML) ger möjligheter att använda ML-prediktioner som beslutsstöd i affärsprocesser som SVP. ML-modeller tränas normalt med stora datamängder, och det är en utmaning i en ETO-kontext eftersom det normalt är förknippat med små datamängder. Litteratur avseende användningen av ML i SVP och i ETO-kontext är också den fåtalig. Syftet med denna forskning är att utforska var och hur ML kan vara ett användbart verktyg för taktisk planering såsom SVP i en ETO-kontext. Här tas de första stegen mot användningen av ML som beslutsstöd för SVP i ett ETO-sammanhang. Tre studier har genomförts för att kartlägga litteratur kring ML för SVP i ETO-kontext, för att förstå utmaningarna och uppgifterna kopplade till SVP i en ETO-kontext och för att utforska några av de överväganden som krävs vid implementering av ML i SVP i en ETO-kontext. De viktigaste resultaten indikerar att implementering av ML i ett ETO-sammanhang med syftet att förbättra SVP kräver en förståelse för utmaningar och relaterade uppgifter innan man startar ML-implementeringsprojekt. Vidare krävs överväganden innan tillgängliga data analyseras och datamodeller byggs. De som ska utföra implementeringen behöver förstå och komma överens om vad uppgiften är. Förståelse för mekanismer bakom utmaningar som uppkommer krävs också. Vad som driver förtroende (trust) för en teknik och affärsprocess är också viktigt att förstå och vara förberedd på inför en ML-implementering. Resultaten av studierna är (i) en modell för att presentera de olika delarna av SVP i en ETO-kontext, (ii) specificerade utmaningar och relaterade uppgifter, (iii) en modell med kritiska aspekter av trust kopplat till processen, teknologin, och kombinationen av de två och slutligen (iv) en modell för att förstå mekanismerna bakom kapacitet och beläggning inom orderkonstruktion.

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