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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche d'évaluation de la durabilité des systemes guidée par la pensée cycle de vie : application à l'agroindustrie oléicole / Approach for evaluation of systems sustainability guided by life cycle thinking : application to olive oil agro-industry

Busset, Guillaume 11 July 2014 (has links)
À l'heure où toute décision stratégique doit être conforme aux principes de la durabilité, l'évaluation des conséquences environnementales, économiques et sociales d'un choix d'ingénierie s'avère nécessaire. Parmi les outils d'évaluation des systèmes et de leurs conséquences, l'analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) dérivée de la pensée cycle de vie s'est imposée comme la méthode la plus adaptée à un tel niveau de décision. Historiquement focalisée sur les impacts environnementaux, l'ACV a naturellement étendue son champ d'évaluation aux aspects économiques, sociaux et d'ingénierie pour devenir une analyse de la durabilité (AdCV) des systèmes. L'AdCV est ainsi en train d'émerger et nécessite des propositions d'améliorations méthodologiques et des applications concrètes pour devenir robuste et applicable. Cette étude présente l'évaluation de la durabilité d'un système dans le contexte de l'agro-industrie oléicole. À cet effet, elle propose une approche intégrée d’évaluation de la durabilité basée sur l’AdCV couplée à la modélisation des processus et des procédés et, l'analyse multicritère pour l'aide à la décision. Une première partie traite des concepts de durabilité, d'ingénierie et d'agro-industrie oléicole à travers une analyse de la littérature scientifique. Dans la deuxième partie, l'approche d'évaluation de la durabilité proposée est décrite, formalisée et implémentée dans la solution logicielle « EcOlive » à l'aide d'outils empruntés à la modélisation des systèmes. Enfin, la troisième partie présente les résultats de l’application de l’approche à l’agro-industrie oléicole en s’appuyant sur un ensemble de données terrain récoltées dans le cadre du projet européen OiLCA. / Nowadays, any strategic decision must be in accordance with the sustainability principles. Therefore, companies need to evaluate the consequences of their activities and products onto environment, economy and society. Life cycle assessment (LCA) from Life cycle thinking (LCT) is one of the major environmental impact evaluation methods for product, process or service and the trends is to integrate economic and social aspects to become a life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA). However, LCSA is still in its infancy and needs methodological proposals to be applicable. This study presents sustainability assessment in the olive oil agro-industrial context. In doing so, a systemic approach based on the coupling between LCSA, enterprise modeling, chemical process modeling and multicriteria analysis is proposed. The approach is then validated by the development of the software solution “ Ecolive ” for sustainability assessment of olive oil production. This application relies on field data collected under the European OiLCA project.

Interoperabilité des applications d'entreprise dans le domaine technique / Interoperability of technical enterprise applications

Figay, Nicolas 27 November 2009 (has links)
Dans le contexte économique actuel, les entreprises font face à de nouveaux problèmes en termes d’interopérabilité, du fait de besoins croissants de collaboration eBusiness dans les écosystèmes numériques auxquels elles appartiennent. Elles ont également besoins de pouvoir rentabiliser et faire évoluer les applications internes existantes. De plus, l’établissement rapide d’une collaboration numérique avec un membre de leur écosystème, limitée dans le temps, ne devrait pas nécessiter de modification de leurs infrastructures de communications et de leurs applications pour pouvoir échanger information et connaissance. D’un côté, les solutions actuelles sont de moins en moins adaptées pour faire face ni aux besoins croissants d’interopérabilité dans des environnements de plus en plus complexes. D’un autre côté, il n’est pas envisageable de remplacer les standards et les cadres d’interopérabilité actuellement utilisés en proposant des innovations de rupture. Les travaux de recherches réalisés dans le cadre de la thèse « Interopérabilité des applications techniques d’entreprise » concernent le développement d’une approche innovante pour construire un cadre d’interopérabilité des applications d’entreprise basé sur l’utilisation simultanée et cohérente des standards d’interopérabilité d’un écosystème et des technologies associées. L’objectif est l’interopérabilité « pragmatique ». L’approche innovante propose s’appuie sur les apports conjugués de l’ingénierie par les modèles, de la modélisation d’entreprise, des ontologies et des architectures orientées services. Elle promeut l’utilisation des commodités du WEB, basées sur des standards ouverts et gouvernés. Ce faisant, la préservation sémantique entre les standards de l’écosystème considéré, les artefacts d’ingénierie des applications et les infrastructures de communication est cruciale. Aussi l’approche innovante proposée inclut-elle le concept “d’hyper modèle étendu”, qui a été développée dans le cadre de cette thèse, et dont l’usage est illustré dans le cadre particulier des applications de gestion du cycle de vie des produits industriels, au sein de l’entreprise étendue. / Within the current economic context, enterprises are facing new interoperability issues due to increasing needs of eBusiness Collaboration within the emerging digital ecosystems they belong to. They also need to be able to keep in pace with their heterogeneous internal legacy systems. In addition, they should not have to modify their infrastructure or applications for fast and short collaboration implying information and knowledge interchange with new partners of their ecosystem. In one hand, current solutions are less and less adapted to face increasing needs and complexity in term of interoperability. In the other hand, legacy interoperability standards and frameworks can’t be replaced as it can be imagined to propose new disruptive approach and technologies. The research work undertaken for the thesis “Interoperability of Technical Enterprise Interoperability” consists in proposing an innovative approach allowing a given and mature ecosystem to build an enterprise application interoperability framework based on simultaneous and coherent usage of eBusiness standards used by a given ecosystem, combining usage of the different relevant frameworks supporting these standards. The goal is achievement of "pragmatic" interoperability. Proposed innovative approach takes advantage of simultaneous usage of Model Driven Engineering, Enterprise Modeling, Ontology and Service Oriented Architecture. It promotes systematic usage of commodities on the WEB based on open and governed standards. Doing so, semantic preservation between ecosystem’s standards, application engineering artifacts and communication infrastructures is crucial. To support semantic preservation within the context of the innovative proposed approach, the concept of “extended hypermodel” is developed and demonstrated within the context of Product Lifecycle Management within networked organizations.

Investigação do processo de desenvolvimento de software a partir da modelagem organizacional, enfatizando regras do negócio / Investigation of the process in software development based on enterprise modeling, emphasizing business rules

Pádua, Silvia Inês Dallavalle de 27 March 2001 (has links)
A preocupação da engenharia de software esteve por muito tempo relacionada a aspectos da funcionalidade do sistema, ou seja, com \"o que\" e \"como\" fazer e não com o \"por que\" fazer. Tais aspectos, envolvidos nos processos existentes, buscam a definição das propriedades desejadas, em lugar de observarem a informação de uma forma mais ampla, começando com as necessidades do próprio negócio, ou dos objetivos dos sistemas nele embutidos. As técnicas de análise estruturadas, diagrama de fluxo de dados e modelagem entidade e relacionamento modelam importantes conceitos para o desenvolvimento de sistemas, mas não buscam por soluções alternativas inovadoras aos problemas da organização. É comum encontrar situações onde o sistema não satisfaz às reais necessidades do negócio, embora esteja tecnicamente correto. O entendimento dos aspectos sociais, organizacionais, técnicos, jurídicos e econômicos é essencial para a realização de um bom trabalho de engenharia de requisitos. Nesse sentido, a modelagem organizacional facilita a compreensão do ambiente empresarial e é reconhecida como uma atividade valiosa pela engenharia de requisitos. O modelo organizacional representa o \"mundo\" onde se aplicam as regras do negócio. O entendimento das regras do negócio é muito importante para a organização ser flexível em um ambiente de crescente competitividade. Com a necessidade de se ter a modelagem dos aspectos relativos à organização para que o sistema atenda as suas reais necessidades, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o processo de desenvolvimento de software buscando conhecer técnicas ou métodos que atendem aos requisitos organizacionais, enfatizando o uso de regras do negócio com a finalidade de obter a especificação de requisitos. / The software engineering\'s focus were for a long time related to system\'s functionality aspects, or with \"what\" and \"how\" to do, and not with \"why\" to do. Those aspects in the existents process are looking for the definition of the desired proprieties instead observe the information in a more large aspect, beginning with the business needs itself or the systems goals inserted in it. The structure analysis techniques, flux data diagram, and relationship and entity modeling form important concepts for systems development but do not search for innovating alternatives solutions for organization\'s problems. It is very common to find situations were the system does not satisfy the real business needs, thought it is technically correct. The comprehension of social, organizational, technical, juridical and economics aspects are essential for a good realization of requirements in engineering work. In that way the enterprise modeling makes the business environment comprehension easier and is recognized as a value activity by the requirements engineering. The enterprise model represents the \"world\" where the business rules are applied. The comprehension of the business rules is very important so the organization can be flexible in a growing competitive environment. With the necessity to have a modeling of the relative aspects to the organization so the system can accomplish the real needs, this present research has the objective to investigate a software development process trying to find techniques or methods that answer the enterprise\'s requirement, emphasizing the use of business rules to obtain the specifics requirements.

Gestion des connaissances et modélisation d'entreprise : contribution à un cadre méthodologique unifié

Moradi, Mahmoud 21 July 2009 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est d’abord d’analyser les rapports croisés existant entre modélisation d’entreprise et gestion des connaissances (modélisation comme explicitation des connaissances et connaissances comme une vue en modélisation) et ensuite de déboucher sur un ensemble méthodologique unifiant les deux approches. L’apport de nos travaux est décomposé comme suit : 1.Une étude comparative conceptuelle et théorique de ces méthodes. 2.Une chaîne de valeur ajoutée de la création des connaissances nommée VCKC. 3.Un cadre générique pour la mise en place de gestion des connaissances en entreprise nommé I2CE. 4.Un cadre d’ingénierie d’entreprise basé sur la connaissance nommé KBEE. / The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the relation between enterprise modeling and knowledge management (modeling as a way of knowledge externalization and knowledge as a view in modeling) and next to propose a global framework which will be able to unify two approaches. The contribution of this research is divided into four major axes: 1. To propose a conceptual and theoretic comparison study of two approaches. 2. To propose a value chain of knowledge creation in a value added way to unify the basic terminology in the context of knowledge in the organizations. This proposition named Value Chain of Knowledge Creation (VCKC). 3. To propose a reference model as the theoretic foundation of implementing knowledge management approach in the organizations named Intent-Content-Context-Evolution (I2CE). 4. To propose a knowledge engineering framework in the enterprises named Knowledge Based Enterprise Engineering (KBEE).

Uma técnica para a modelagem de estruturas de decisão / A technique for the decision structure modelling

Cazella, Sergio Ery January 1997 (has links)
Considerando as complexidades envolvidas no processo de tomada de decisão nas organizações de hoje, é fácil ver que este processo representa um ponto importante para a obtenção de vantagens na competição pelo mercado. Portanto, observa-se que a função de gerenciamento é fundamental para a empresa, seja qual for o seu setor de atividade, tamanho, complexidade e tecnologia dos produtos ou serviços por ela oferecidos. Por este motivo, é importante que seja dada uma atenção particular ao aperfeiçoamento desta função e, para que isto seja possível, é necessário que, primeiro, seja feita uma análise detalhada do Sistema de Gerenciamento existente na empresa através da utilização de uma ferramenta que permita criar um modelo que represente as informações necessárias. De acordo com esta necessidade, este trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma técnica que auxilia na criação do modelo da Estrutura de Decisão associada ao Sistema de Gerenciamento da empresa. A técnica descrita está baseada no método de refinamentos sucessivos, e visa permitir que, a partir do modelo macro da estrutura de decisão, sejam criados modelos específicos, com um nível de formalização adequado para a implementação de sistemas de informação automatizados, que possam apoiar o processo da tomada de decisão. A preocupação principal foi propor uma técnica que forneça a facilidade de uma ferramenta gráfica, a qual permita um rápido aprendizado e proporcione ao analista um canal de comunicação com o usuário, assim como também permita a criação de um modelo com um alto grau de detalhamento. Para que isto seja possível a proposta alia o uso das Redes de Petri e do modelo TF-ORM. Ao final é apresentado um estudo de caso focando a estrutura de decisão em um ambiente de manufatura, o qual é utilizado para mostrar a aplicação prática da técnica. / Considering the complexities involved in the process of decision-taking in organizations nowadays, it is easy to realize that this process represents an important point in the acquisition of advantages concerning the competition for the market. Therefore, it is observed that the function of the management is fundamental to the enterprise, whatever its section of activity, size, complexity, technology of its products or services are. That is why it is important to give particular attention to the improvement of that function, and for that to be possible, first it is necessary to do a detailed analysis of the Management System that exists in the enterprise through the utilization of a tool which permits to create a model to represent the needed information. According to this necessity, this paper proposes a technique which helps in the creation of a model of the Decision Structure associated with the Enterprise Management System. This technique has been based on the method of successive refinement and aims at allowing to be created, from the macro model of the decision structure, specific models and with a formalization level adequate to the implement of automatic information's systems that can support the process of decision-taking. The goal was to propose a technique that provides the facility of a graphic tool and permits a fast learning, providing the analyst with a way to communicate with the user, as well as it should permit the creation of a model with a high level of details. For this to be possible, the proposal associates the use of Petri Nets and TF-ORM model together. At the end a case study focusing on the decision structure in a manufacturing environment, with is used to show the practical application of the technique is presented.

Uma técnica para a modelagem de estruturas de decisão / A technique for the decision structure modelling

Cazella, Sergio Ery January 1997 (has links)
Considerando as complexidades envolvidas no processo de tomada de decisão nas organizações de hoje, é fácil ver que este processo representa um ponto importante para a obtenção de vantagens na competição pelo mercado. Portanto, observa-se que a função de gerenciamento é fundamental para a empresa, seja qual for o seu setor de atividade, tamanho, complexidade e tecnologia dos produtos ou serviços por ela oferecidos. Por este motivo, é importante que seja dada uma atenção particular ao aperfeiçoamento desta função e, para que isto seja possível, é necessário que, primeiro, seja feita uma análise detalhada do Sistema de Gerenciamento existente na empresa através da utilização de uma ferramenta que permita criar um modelo que represente as informações necessárias. De acordo com esta necessidade, este trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma técnica que auxilia na criação do modelo da Estrutura de Decisão associada ao Sistema de Gerenciamento da empresa. A técnica descrita está baseada no método de refinamentos sucessivos, e visa permitir que, a partir do modelo macro da estrutura de decisão, sejam criados modelos específicos, com um nível de formalização adequado para a implementação de sistemas de informação automatizados, que possam apoiar o processo da tomada de decisão. A preocupação principal foi propor uma técnica que forneça a facilidade de uma ferramenta gráfica, a qual permita um rápido aprendizado e proporcione ao analista um canal de comunicação com o usuário, assim como também permita a criação de um modelo com um alto grau de detalhamento. Para que isto seja possível a proposta alia o uso das Redes de Petri e do modelo TF-ORM. Ao final é apresentado um estudo de caso focando a estrutura de decisão em um ambiente de manufatura, o qual é utilizado para mostrar a aplicação prática da técnica. / Considering the complexities involved in the process of decision-taking in organizations nowadays, it is easy to realize that this process represents an important point in the acquisition of advantages concerning the competition for the market. Therefore, it is observed that the function of the management is fundamental to the enterprise, whatever its section of activity, size, complexity, technology of its products or services are. That is why it is important to give particular attention to the improvement of that function, and for that to be possible, first it is necessary to do a detailed analysis of the Management System that exists in the enterprise through the utilization of a tool which permits to create a model to represent the needed information. According to this necessity, this paper proposes a technique which helps in the creation of a model of the Decision Structure associated with the Enterprise Management System. This technique has been based on the method of successive refinement and aims at allowing to be created, from the macro model of the decision structure, specific models and with a formalization level adequate to the implement of automatic information's systems that can support the process of decision-taking. The goal was to propose a technique that provides the facility of a graphic tool and permits a fast learning, providing the analyst with a way to communicate with the user, as well as it should permit the creation of a model with a high level of details. For this to be possible, the proposal associates the use of Petri Nets and TF-ORM model together. At the end a case study focusing on the decision structure in a manufacturing environment, with is used to show the practical application of the technique is presented.

De l’ingénierie des besoins à l’ingénierie des exigences : vers une démarche méthodologique d’ingénierie de systèmes complexes, de vérification et de validation appliquée à l’informatisation des PME / From needs engineering to requirements engineering : Toward amethodological approach for engineering complex systems, verification and validation applied to the computerization of SMEs

Amokrane, Nawel 27 April 2016 (has links)
Une entreprise, et particulièrement une PME ou une PMI, doit être apte à évoluer sur des secteurs d’activités souvent très concurrentiels qui évoluent rapidement, par exemple, en fonction d’une clientèle volatile et soucieuse de trouver des produits et des services moins chers et plus adaptés à ses besoins. La PME se trouve alors confrontée à des problèmes de réactivité et de flexibilité face à cette clientèle. Par effet direct, elle recherche à réduire les délais et les coûts de réalisation tout en privilégiant aussi la qualité et le degré d’innovation des biens et des services qu’elle propose. Le système d’information de cette PME est un enjeu essentiel pour mettre en œuvre cette stratégie et maximiser donc la réactivité et la flexibilité mais aussi la rentabilité et la qualité recherchées. Ce sont des qualités incontournables, garantes d’une autonomie et d’une reconnaissance dont la PME a grand besoin. Le système d’information est en effet la courroie de transmission entre le système de décision et le système productif qui génère la valeur ajoutée de la PME. Il fait le lien entre les différents acteurs de l’organisation mais aussi avec les partenaires externes de l’entreprise. Une partie de ce système d’information est de fait informatisée. Celui-ci supporte, mémorise et traite les informations nécessaires aux différents processus de décision, métier et support qui tapissent l’organisation pour servir la stratégie de l’entreprise. Les fonctionnalités, les interfaces et les données qui forment ce système informatisé sont donc cruciales à comprendre, à développer en accord avec les besoins de la PME, à améliorer au fur et à mesure de l’évolution de ces besoins. La PME est donc tentée de se lancer, seule ou accompagnée, dans des projets dits d’informatisation i.e. des projets visant le développement ou l’amélioration de son système informatisé. Nous nous intéressons ici à des projets visant à développer des applicatifs de gestion et de pilotage de la PME. La PME – prenant alors le rôle de la maîtrise d’ouvrage (MOA) – tout comme la société de services qui l’accompagne – prenant alors en charge le rôle de maîtrise d’œuvre (MOE) – doivent partager une vision commune des besoins d’informatisation. Elles sont alors appelées à mener en commun des activités d’ingénierie des besoins et des exigences (IBE). L’IBE guide et accompagne la PME pour arriver à décrire et formaliser ses besoins. Elle permet ensuite à la société de service de spécifier de manière plus formelle ces besoins sous forme d’exigences qui définissent alors les travaux de développement souhaités. L’IBE est souvent réalisée avec une assistance à maitrise d’ouvrage. Cette étape cruciale reste cependant difficile pour une PME. Elle est de plus souvent réalisée par la MOE elle-même pour faire face au manque de moyens, de temps et de compétences de la PME. Or, l’implication des collaborateurs de la PME est primordiale pour la réussite de tout projet d’informatisation, surtout si celui-ci impacte durablement le fonctionnement de la PME.Ces travaux, développés dans le cadre d’une collaboration Industrie/recherche avec la SSII RESULIS, ont consisté à développer une méthode d’IBE qui offre aux PME des concepts, des langages et des moyens de modélisation et de vérification simples mais suffisants tout en tant aisément manipulables de manière intuitive et donnant lieu à une formalisation pertinente pour la MOE. Cette méthode est basée sur le croisement et la complémentarité de principes issus de la Modélisation d’Entreprise et de l’Ingénierie Système pour l’élicitation de besoins. Des moyens de vérification et de validation semi-formels sont appliqués pour garantir certaines qualités attendues des exigences résultantes. La méthode s’intègre également au cycle de développement basé sur les modèles pour permettre a posteriori d’accélérer la production de prototypes et de rendre interopérables les langages et outils de la MOA et de la MOE. / Most enterprises, and especially SMEs, must develop their business in very competitive and rapidly changing fields. Where they have to adapt to volatile customers who want to find cheaper products and services and that are more corresponding to their needs. The SME is then confronted with problems of responsiveness and flexibility in responding to these customers. As an effect, it seeks to reduce the costs and time to market and to provide high quality and innovative goods and services. The SME’s information system is an asset on which it can rely to implement this strategy and so to maximize its responsiveness and flexibility but also to reach the sought profitability and quality. These are key qualities that guarantee autonomy and recognition, qualities that are highly needed by any SME. The Information system is indeed the drive belt of information not only inside the enterprise, between decision and operational systems proving added value of the enterprise, but also within its environment that includes its external partners. Part of this information system is computerized. It stores and processes the information needed by the different decision-making, business and support processes that serve the enterprise’s strategy. It is crucial to understand the features, interfaces and data that make up this computerized system and develop them according to the needs of SME. The SME is therefore tempted to embark, alone or accompanied, in so-called computerization projects i.e. projects for the development or improvement of its computerized system. We are interested in projects aimed at developing management applications of SMEs. The SME – then assuming the role of project owner – along with the development team – supporting the role of project management – have to share a common vision of the computerization needs. They are then called upon to carry out jointly requirements engineering (RE) activities. RE guides the SMEs to be able to describe and formalize its needs. It then allows the development team to specify more formally these needs as requirements which then define the required development work. RE is often carried out with the assistance of project owner support. This crucial step remains difficult for SMEs. It is most often performed by the development team itself to address the lack of resources, time and skills of SMEs. However, the involvement of the SME’s members is vital to the success of any computerization project, especially if it permanently affects the functioning of the enterprise.This work, developed through a collaborative with the company RESULIS, consisted in developing a requirements engineering method which offers SMEs concepts, simple languages, modeling and verification means that are easily and intuitively manipulated and provide sufficient and relevant formalization of the SME’s requirements. This method is based on principles derived from both enterprise modeling and systems engineering fields for requirements elicitation. Semi-formal verification and validation means are applied to guarantee some expected qualities of the resulting requirements. The method is also integrated in the model driven development cycle to enable a posteriori the production of prototypes and make interoperable the languages and tools used by both the SME and the development team.

Investigação do processo de desenvolvimento de software a partir da modelagem organizacional, enfatizando regras do negócio / Investigation of the process in software development based on enterprise modeling, emphasizing business rules

Silvia Inês Dallavalle de Pádua 27 March 2001 (has links)
A preocupação da engenharia de software esteve por muito tempo relacionada a aspectos da funcionalidade do sistema, ou seja, com \"o que\" e \"como\" fazer e não com o \"por que\" fazer. Tais aspectos, envolvidos nos processos existentes, buscam a definição das propriedades desejadas, em lugar de observarem a informação de uma forma mais ampla, começando com as necessidades do próprio negócio, ou dos objetivos dos sistemas nele embutidos. As técnicas de análise estruturadas, diagrama de fluxo de dados e modelagem entidade e relacionamento modelam importantes conceitos para o desenvolvimento de sistemas, mas não buscam por soluções alternativas inovadoras aos problemas da organização. É comum encontrar situações onde o sistema não satisfaz às reais necessidades do negócio, embora esteja tecnicamente correto. O entendimento dos aspectos sociais, organizacionais, técnicos, jurídicos e econômicos é essencial para a realização de um bom trabalho de engenharia de requisitos. Nesse sentido, a modelagem organizacional facilita a compreensão do ambiente empresarial e é reconhecida como uma atividade valiosa pela engenharia de requisitos. O modelo organizacional representa o \"mundo\" onde se aplicam as regras do negócio. O entendimento das regras do negócio é muito importante para a organização ser flexível em um ambiente de crescente competitividade. Com a necessidade de se ter a modelagem dos aspectos relativos à organização para que o sistema atenda as suas reais necessidades, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o processo de desenvolvimento de software buscando conhecer técnicas ou métodos que atendem aos requisitos organizacionais, enfatizando o uso de regras do negócio com a finalidade de obter a especificação de requisitos. / The software engineering\'s focus were for a long time related to system\'s functionality aspects, or with \"what\" and \"how\" to do, and not with \"why\" to do. Those aspects in the existents process are looking for the definition of the desired proprieties instead observe the information in a more large aspect, beginning with the business needs itself or the systems goals inserted in it. The structure analysis techniques, flux data diagram, and relationship and entity modeling form important concepts for systems development but do not search for innovating alternatives solutions for organization\'s problems. It is very common to find situations were the system does not satisfy the real business needs, thought it is technically correct. The comprehension of social, organizational, technical, juridical and economics aspects are essential for a good realization of requirements in engineering work. In that way the enterprise modeling makes the business environment comprehension easier and is recognized as a value activity by the requirements engineering. The enterprise model represents the \"world\" where the business rules are applied. The comprehension of the business rules is very important so the organization can be flexible in a growing competitive environment. With the necessity to have a modeling of the relative aspects to the organization so the system can accomplish the real needs, this present research has the objective to investigate a software development process trying to find techniques or methods that answer the enterprise\'s requirement, emphasizing the use of business rules to obtain the specifics requirements.

Uma técnica para a modelagem de estruturas de decisão / A technique for the decision structure modelling

Cazella, Sergio Ery January 1997 (has links)
Considerando as complexidades envolvidas no processo de tomada de decisão nas organizações de hoje, é fácil ver que este processo representa um ponto importante para a obtenção de vantagens na competição pelo mercado. Portanto, observa-se que a função de gerenciamento é fundamental para a empresa, seja qual for o seu setor de atividade, tamanho, complexidade e tecnologia dos produtos ou serviços por ela oferecidos. Por este motivo, é importante que seja dada uma atenção particular ao aperfeiçoamento desta função e, para que isto seja possível, é necessário que, primeiro, seja feita uma análise detalhada do Sistema de Gerenciamento existente na empresa através da utilização de uma ferramenta que permita criar um modelo que represente as informações necessárias. De acordo com esta necessidade, este trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma técnica que auxilia na criação do modelo da Estrutura de Decisão associada ao Sistema de Gerenciamento da empresa. A técnica descrita está baseada no método de refinamentos sucessivos, e visa permitir que, a partir do modelo macro da estrutura de decisão, sejam criados modelos específicos, com um nível de formalização adequado para a implementação de sistemas de informação automatizados, que possam apoiar o processo da tomada de decisão. A preocupação principal foi propor uma técnica que forneça a facilidade de uma ferramenta gráfica, a qual permita um rápido aprendizado e proporcione ao analista um canal de comunicação com o usuário, assim como também permita a criação de um modelo com um alto grau de detalhamento. Para que isto seja possível a proposta alia o uso das Redes de Petri e do modelo TF-ORM. Ao final é apresentado um estudo de caso focando a estrutura de decisão em um ambiente de manufatura, o qual é utilizado para mostrar a aplicação prática da técnica. / Considering the complexities involved in the process of decision-taking in organizations nowadays, it is easy to realize that this process represents an important point in the acquisition of advantages concerning the competition for the market. Therefore, it is observed that the function of the management is fundamental to the enterprise, whatever its section of activity, size, complexity, technology of its products or services are. That is why it is important to give particular attention to the improvement of that function, and for that to be possible, first it is necessary to do a detailed analysis of the Management System that exists in the enterprise through the utilization of a tool which permits to create a model to represent the needed information. According to this necessity, this paper proposes a technique which helps in the creation of a model of the Decision Structure associated with the Enterprise Management System. This technique has been based on the method of successive refinement and aims at allowing to be created, from the macro model of the decision structure, specific models and with a formalization level adequate to the implement of automatic information's systems that can support the process of decision-taking. The goal was to propose a technique that provides the facility of a graphic tool and permits a fast learning, providing the analyst with a way to communicate with the user, as well as it should permit the creation of a model with a high level of details. For this to be possible, the proposal associates the use of Petri Nets and TF-ORM model together. At the end a case study focusing on the decision structure in a manufacturing environment, with is used to show the practical application of the technique is presented.

Design and Evaluation of a Wiki-based Collaborative Process Modeling Environment

Erol, Selim January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The area of business process management in general and and especially business process design has only recently discovered potential applications of social software to facilitate and support collaboration [Scheer and Klueckmann, 2009]. This development is also fueled by the practical insight that organizations have experienced top-down approaches in the design and implementation of business processes to be not effective. In fact, many process management initiatives failed due to a lack of acceptance of chosen methods and tools. As a consequence in many organizations so called [Klückmann and Scheer, 2009] "Guerilla approaches" have been followed where individual organizational units introduced their own business process management philosophy and as well techniques and tools that fit their specific needs. However, Klückmann and Scheer [2009] stress the fact that although distributed business process management initiatives should generally not be hindered, it is important to channel and integrate these initiatives towards a more consistent and efficient process management in the large. Business process modeling in this context serves several purposes in the process management cycle. One purpose is the analysis of business processes to uncover potential performance weaknesses and provide a basis for improvements. Another purpose is the unambiguous documentation of business processes as a resource for knowledge transfer, organizational learning and governance. An increasingly important purpose is the use of process models to support the design and engineering of respective enterprise information systems [Davies et al., 2006]. Hence, the complex and abstract nature of process models and the closedness of process modeling environments has prevented them to be broadly accepted and used by non-experts [Nolte et al., 2011] viz the process community in a wider sense. Consequently, process documentation and models in organizations frequently is outdated, incomplete and inconsistent. This model-reality divide in turn leads to even more reluctance towards the adoption of process modeling environments and use of process models. Bridging this model-reality divide by fostering open and fluent col- laboration through adequate features inspired by social software has gained growing attention by academia and industry [Mathiesen et al., 2012]. Although both industry and academia have addressed the need for collaboration support in process modeling only limited insight exists regarding the specific requirements for software-support in collaborative process modeling. This work refers to existing research (e.g. [Mendling et al., 2012; Riemer et al., 2011]) on requirements for software-support in collaborative process modeling and wiki-based process modeling (e.g. [Ghidini et al., 2010; Dengler and Vrandecic, 2011]). and pursues the following goals: (1) gain an understanding of the nature and requirements of collaborative process modeling in practice, (2) investigate how these requirements can be addressed through the design of a wiki-based collaborative process modeling environment, and (3) gain insight how a wiki-based collaborative process modeling environment supports process design activities in practice. To address these goals a design science approach has been followed. Through a systematic literature review and qualitative expert interviews a preliminary understanding of the problem domain and specification of requirements has been achieved. Through the extension and adaption of a well-proven collaboration platform (a wiki engine) for process modeling support several of the previously identified design issues have been addressed. In particular, issues regarding the flexible integration of a visual process modeling interface component into a collaboration environment and issues regarding concurrent scenarios in process modeling have been discussed in detail and realized partly on a technical level. Two major software components have been developed for the support of collaborative process modeling. First, a light-weight and easily integratable user-interface component for process model creation has been developed and integrated into the collaboration environment (a wiki engine). Second, the identification and handling of concurrent situations when multiple modelers access and modify a process model page has been implemented on an element level which allows for the interactive resolution and semi-automatic merging of conflicting revisions of a process model. Case-studies in an industrial and an academic setting provided valuable insights in the practice of collaborative process modeling and gave feedback on the applicability of a wiki-based approach. The first case-study of a process re-design in the recruiting department of an office supply manufacturing company in Hungary describes the insights gained during a long-term collaboration within a small group. Findings were especially valuable for further enhancements of the software and an understanding of practical requirements in iterative model creation and validation. The second case-study in the context of two bachelor and master courses in information system design has lead to insights regarding the requirements in highly dynamic collaboration scenarios in small groups and large groups but as well regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of wiki-based process modeling in collaborative learning processes. (author's abstract)

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