Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bsynthesis"" "subject:"dianthesis""
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Evaluating Entheseal Changes from a Commingled and Fragmentary Population: Republic GrovesUnknown Date (has links)
The most direct way available to modern day researchers to reconstruct individual
and population level behavior is to analyze markers of activity from skeletal remains
(Ruff et al., 2004). An analysis of the population at the Republic Groves site (8HR4) was
conducted, using the entheseal change score system, the Coimbra method, developed by
Henderson et al. (2015). This study examined the implication of analyzing a commingled
and fragmentary population with this methodology. Reconstructing specific behavior
cannot be done with this type of approach; however, entheseal changes can be compared
to specific patterns of behavior for consistency. An atlatl was found with the human
remains and thus provided a suggestion of behavior for comparison. Entheses were
chosen in line with a throwing motion of the atlatl and focused exclusively on the
humerus, radius, and ulna. The application of the Coimbra methodology to the Republic
Groves population was successful, at least in part. Overall, there was low variability of
results, mostly 0, some 1, and with very few high 2 scores. The entheseal changes from Republic Groves were consistent with the throwing of an atlatl; however, this does not
mean that this is the only behavior that could have generated that kind of change. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Role of GDF5 in enthesopathy development in the Hyp mouse model of X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH)Sorsby, Melissa 19 March 2024 (has links)
X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH) is the most common form of inherited rickets that leads to deformities in the lower limbs, poor tooth and skeletal mineralization, and disproportionate short stature in children. In adults, it is often complicated by enthesopathy, an abnormal mineralization of the tendon-bone attachment. Enthesopathy causes pain and stiffness in affected joints, particularly in the knee, hip, and ankle joints. Enthesopathy is reported as one of the most debilitating symptoms in XLH patients. Previous studies showed that entheses from mice with XLH (Hyp) are characterized by enhanced Bone morphogenic protein (BMP) and Indian hedgehog (IHH) signaling. This study aims to investigate the role of GDF5 in the development of enthesopathy in the Hyp mice. The study has two specific aims: (1) to determine if deleting GDF5 in enthesis (scleraxis-expressing (Scx+)) cells affects BMP/IHH signaling in entheses and (2) to determine if deleting GDF5 in Scx+ cells of Hyp mice attenuates XLH enthesopathy. The study hopes to gain a better understanding of role of GDF5 in enthesis maturation and XLH enthesopathy development. This study finds that deleting GDF5 in wild-type mice does not change normal enthesis maturation. However, deleting GDF5 in Hyp mice attenuates enthesopathy as indicated by decreased BMP/IHH signaling in Hyp entheses. / 2026-03-19T00:00:00Z
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The Therapeutic Potential of Indian Hedgehog (Ihh) for Tendon-to-Bone RepairGilday, Steven 02 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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No description available.
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A Histomorphometric Analysis of Muscular Insertion Regions: Understanding Enthesis EtiologySchlecht, Stephen Harold 18 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Reconstructing physical activity from human skeletal remains:potentials and restrictions in the use of musculoskeletal stress markersNiinimäki, S. (Sirpa) 03 October 2012 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to improve the reliability of physical activity reconstructions by gaining better understanding of the effects of physical activity on bone structural adaptations: musculoskeletal stress markers (MSM) at muscle attachment sites and bone biomechanical properties. Bone responds to changes in mechanical loading resulting from activity and body weight. Activity reconstructions are important as they are the only means with which activity patterns of historic humans can be studied. However, MSMs have recently increased the debate about their reliability as activity indicators due to many bias factors which affect their appearance: age, size, sex and pathological changes.
I studied the effects of physical activity on entheses from three perspectives. First, individuals performing heavy labour should have higher MSM scores compared to the light labour group due to elevated degree of mechanical loading at enthesis. This was studied on a population with known occupation and was among the first study designs of its kind. Second, a covariance between bone biomechanical properties and MSM was studied to infer etiology of MSM. The affects of activity and body weight on bone biomechanical properties are well known due to studies in sports medicine, whereas the causal mechanisms behind MSMs are not as clear. In theory, both should respond to stress with similar mechanisms. This is a novel approach to investigate the etiology behind MSMs. Third, if there is a possibility of site-specific adaptation of cortical bone, MSMs, which are local adaptations, can also result from site-specific stress.
I found that while individuals performing heavy labour had higher scores, age-related changes in MSM override activity effects after biological maturity around 40 to 50 years. Also, MSMs and bone biomechanical properties are likely to remodel under same causal mechanisms as where there is an increase in one there is likely to be an increase in the other. Furthermore, bone has a possibility of site-specific response, as cortical thickness was increased at muscle pull sites compared to sites of no muscle pull. I propose that while MSM can be used to study the intensity of physical activity in individuals before they reach biological maturity, it is important to design studies where biasing factors, such as age, are considered. / Tiivistelmä
Väitöskirjani tarkoitus on tutkia lihasten kiinnittymiskohtien mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia fyysisen aktiviteetin rekonstruktioissa ja näin parantaa rekonstruktioiden luotettavuutta. Aktiviteettihistoriaa voidaan tutkia lihasten kiinnittymiskohdista luun pinnalla tai luun poikkileikkauksen ominaisuuksista, koska luu reagoi muutoksiin mekaanisen rasituksen määrässä. Mekaaniseen rasitukseen vaikuttaa aktiviteetin lisäksi ruumiin koko. Aktiviteetin rekonstruktiot mahdollistavat ammatin ja harrastusten selvittämisen pelkän luustomorfologian perusteella. Ruumiin koon ja aktiviteetin lisäksi myös ikä, sukupuoli, patologiset muutokset sekä ruokavalio vaikuttavat lihasten kiinnittymiskohtiin. Tästä syystä tämän menetelmän rajoitusten selvittäminen on oleellista luotettavien rekonstruktioiden aikaansaamiseksi.
Jos aktiviteetti heijastuu lihasten kiinnittymiskohtiin, raskasta ja kevyttä työtä tekevillä ihmisillä tulee olla erilainen luustomorfologia. Lisäksi, lihasten kiinnittymiskohtien morfologian sekä luun poikkileikkausten ominaisuuksien tulee muunnella yhdessä koska molemmat heijastavat aktiviteettia. Luun poikkileikkausten ominaisuuksien aktiviteettisidonnaisuus tunnetaan paremmin liikuntalääketieteellisten tutkimusten ansiosta. Kolmanneksi, jos luu voi vastata rasitukseen paikallisesti kasvattamalla luun paksuutta lihaksen vetosuuntaan nähden, myös luun pinnassa paikallisesti tapahtuvat muutokset ovat mahdollisia. Nämä ovat uusia lähestymistapoja aktiviteettia heijastavien syntymekanismien selvittämisessä.
Tutkimustulosteni perusteella raskasta ja kevyttä työtä tekevillä ihmisillä on erilainen luustomorfologia lihaksen kiinnittymiskohdassa. Nämä muutokset ovat alttiita myös ikäsidonnaisille muutoksille, joten noin 40–50 ikävuoden jälkeen fyysisen aktiviteetin intensiteettiä ei voida enää luotettavasti rekonstruoida. Aktiviteetin aiheuttamien muutosten syntymekanismi lihaksen kiinnittymiskohdissa on todennäköisesti sama kuin luun poikkileikkausten ominaisuuksilla, koska molemmat muuntelevat yhdessä. Lisäksi huomasin, että luu voi reagoida rasitukseen myös paikallisesti, koska luun seinämät olivat paksumpia lihaksen vetosuunnassa verrattuna kohtaan, johon ei liittynyt suoraa lihaksen vetosuuntaa. Ehdotan, että lihasten kiinnittymiskohtia voidaan käyttää aktiviteetin rekonstruktioissa, kunhan tutkimuksessa otetaan huomioon muut vaikuttavat tekijät, kuten ikä.
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Mechanically-Conditioned Biphasic Composite Scaffolds to Augment Healing of Tendon-Bone InterfaceSubramanian, Gayathri Gowri January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Enthésopathies et activités des hommes préhistoriques : recherche méthodologique et application aux fossiles européens du Paléolithique supérieur et du Mésolithique / Enthesopathies and prehistoric human activities : methodological approach and application to european upper palaeolithic and mesolithic human fossilsVillotte, Sébastien 03 October 2008 (has links)
Les enthésopathies sur le squelette sont considérées comme des "marqueurs d'activité" en anthropologie biologique. L'étude de tels "marqueurs" pour des fossiles européens du Paléolithique supérieur et du Mésolithique offre l'opportunité d'enrichir notre connaissance des comportements et des modes de vie de ces populations et d'en illustrer certains aspects inconnus, notamment la division sexuelle du travail. Les lacunes méthodologiques (absence de référence médicale et de validation) que présente cette approche m'ont conduit à proposer une nouvelle méthode d'étude. Cette méthode, composée de 4 systèmes de cotation, a été testée sur un échantillon de référence (âge au décès, sexe et activité connus). L'analyse a permis de caractériser une relation entre les modifications osseuses et l'activité physique pour l'un des systèmes. Ce dernier a ensuite été appliqué à un ensemble de fossiles européens du Paléolithique supérieur et du Mésolithique (n = 95) dont les caractéristiques biologiques (âge et sexe) ont été réévaluées au moyen de méthodes fiables. Les résultats attestent de l'intérêt de la démarche. D'une part, ils permettent d'avancer l'hypothèse d'une division sexuelle du travail à ces périodes, avec une pratique du lancer dévolue aux hommes. Ils révèlent d'autre part des différences comportementales entre les populations gravettiennes et celles des périodes plus récentes, impliquant notamment une réduction des distances parcourues et une intensification de l'exploitation du milieu à la fin du Paléolithique supérieur et au Mésolithique. / In bioarchaeology, enthesopathies i.e. "musculoskeletal stress markers" are assumed to reflect the activity of the attaching musculature. The study of enthesopathies in European Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic human fossils offers the opportunity to improve our knowledge of the behaviours and lifestyles of these populations and to reveal some unknown aspects like sexual division of labour. The methodological gaps in this approach (e.g. absence of medical reference and validation) led me to propose a new method of studying enthesopathies based on current medical data. This method consists of four scoring systems and has been tested on a reference sample of known age at death, sex and activity. The analysis has established a link between osseous modifications and physical activity for one of the systems. The latter has been applied to a sample of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic fossils (n = 95) after a new assessment of their sex and age at death by using reliable methods. The results give evidence of the relevance of this approach. First, they allow to propose the hypothesis of a sexual division of labour during this period, with throwing activities devolved to men. Second, the results reveal behavioural differences between Gravettian populations and more recent ones, implying a reduction in mobility and an intensification of subsistence activities at the end of the Upper Palaeolithic and during the Mesolithic.
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New Diagnostics for Bipedality: The hominin ilium displays landmarks of a modified growth trajectoryZirkle, Dexter 23 March 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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